
Story by Tagenar on SoFurry

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by Tagenar

Copyright 2010


The alarm clock buzzed at 6:45. A furry black arm slid from under the sheets and groped around for the clock. After a few empty gropes it found the clock and hit the snooze. The arm retreated under the sheets and the body underneath lay silent again.

Five minutes later, the alarm buzzed again. For a moment, there was no movement. Then, in one sweeping action the covers tented and whipped off the bed. They gently drifted down to the floor and crumpled.

A fox lay naked on the bed, still half asleep, except for his morning wood, which had woken up a full hour before he did and stood straight up. As a courtesy, it waited until his alarm went off before waking him up. It lowered itself and rested on Vars' chest.

Vars lay listening to the incessant buzzing. In his idle moments between sleep and awake he wished he could just take a sick day, or vacation, or use a telecommuting day. If only he had a career that would allow him to telecommute, be sick, or have days off. Vars closed his eyes.

His morning wood grew. His alarm buzzed. Vars drifted off a little. His member kept growing up his chest. It grew up to his muzzle and teased his whiskers. Vars twitched, pretending to ignore it, but it would not be ignored. It thickened, grew another eight inches, and forced his jaw open. Vars opened his eyes as his penis slid inside his muzzle and filled him up.

Vars gagged. He swung his legs off the bed and sat upright. His penis lodged itself firmly in his throat, thrusting back and forth. Vars moaned and gagged. He grabbed it and tried to pull it out. His penis tripled in thickness in less than a second and he couldn't wrap his fingers around it to get a grip. His hands merely braced themselves on the rock hard shaft. It forced its way deeper. It thrust his jaw violently. Vars moaned, holding onto it for support.

A few dozen strokes later it pulled out. It shrank to normal girth in Vars' fingers and stared at him. It oozed pre. The fox's teeth were slimy with it.

"I'm up...I'm up," Vars said.

He cracked his jaw and stood up, holding his penis at arm's length like a dangerous python that threatened to coil around his neck and choke him.

Vars walked out of his room and rounded the corner to the bathroom. Three steps down the hall his penis leaked pre in a torrent, soaking his chest fur in it. It lengthened three feet in the blink of an eye, grew out of the fox's fingers and wrapped around him. It plunged under his tail and forced its way in. Vars dropped to the floor on his knees and gasped.

His penis swelled another four inches in girth inside him and thrust him. Hard. It grew again. It grew larger and larger every thrust, spreading Vars more and more. Vars had nothing to grip, so he held his head as his climax rose.

It pushed deeper. Grew thicker and thicker. Pumped more and more lube into him. It leaked on the hardwood floor and made a puddle beneath him. Vars panted and howled, but not in pain. Finally it seemed his penis had found a sweet spot and stayed at this depth and girth. It thrust him hard and fast. So hard it pushed Vars forward every time.

A few dozen thrusts and Vars was up to the wall. He braced himself against it. His member slammed him harder now, forcing his back to arch, pushing his rear ever closer to his head. Vars straightened out, but soon his member was pounding him so hard and fast he didn't have a chance to adjust himself. He held the wall as his back curled and twisted.

Finally Vars felt the rush of climax. He howled through clenched teeth as he pumped himself full of heat. It leaked in an enormous flood from under his tail. Vars slipped on it and fell to the floor as he pumped again and again.

It slowed. His member shrank. It began pulling out. Vars moaned and panted as it slipped out, growing thinner and thinner the whole time. It slipped out and retracted back to the front. It stared at Vars again. Vars looked at it in a dreamy haze. It was always temperamental in the morning. It became slightly easier to manage after getting off first thing. It didn't fit in his sheath, so his penis retracted and hung at his knees, resting for the moment.

Slick, soaked and unable to find solid footing, Vars pulled himself up the wall. He stood uneasily and hobbled to the shower. He grabbed a towel, wiped his paws really quick. Then he quickly wiped off the mess in the hall. He reflected that he was glad this time it let him get out of bed (it was a pain to clean a soaked mattress). The mess wasn't fully wiped up, but the towel was saturated so he had to stop. He tossed the towel over the bar on the wall to dry, then stepped in the shower.

Cleaning himself up in the morning was a chore he'd learned to plan for years ago. His commute was only fifteen minutes, and it only took him half an hour to get ready to be to work by 9, but he had long ago learned to allocate extra time for climax and cleanup.

Vars cleaned himself up well. He dried and groomed his fur into the image of a professional. He cleaned his teeth, shined his claws, straightened his whiskers. By the time he left the bathroom it was 8 o'clock.

He sat down and ate a quick breakfast. While he ate, his phone rang. He picked it up.

"Hello, Stike."

"Good morning, sir. Hope you slept well."

"Yes, I did, very well, thank you." Vars didn't even flinch at the platitude; it was more of a ritual than a genuine care for how his sleep went, but that's how the world of business worked. "I hope you are well, too."

"Quite, thank you for asking."

Vars didn't twitch a whisker. He took another bite of toast.

"Have you had a chance to review my report, sir?"

"I just did," Vars said between chews. "I'm not happy about it."

"Neither am I, sir, but it is a supply chain delay."

"I understand. Have you spoken with..."

Vars' penis rose between his knees. It thickened from ropelike to python-sized in just a few breaths, now as thick as Vars' thigh. It lifted and searched under the table.

"...the client says the delay is out of his control."

"That's all he said?"

"Yes, sir."

"He's bullshitting us. Gotta be."

"I'm still waiting on the field reports, and for execs to get back to me."

"Stay on top of this, Stike. Odds are when no one gives details it's bad news and they're still scrambling for a way to put the best face on it."

"Be that as it may, sir, it's all I have right now."

"Very well. I hope it's nothing."

"Good, I'll..."

Having found nothing to do under the table, it rose above the table and searched around. It thickened and thinned, as if breathing, and searched Vars' breakfast.

"Then there's the issue of..."

Vars' member snaked up between his muzzle and the phone. Vars shooed it away. It rose again and teased Vars' whiskers.

"I heard about that," Vars said. "I already spoke to her about that matter." He pushed his penis back down to the table and held up a finger, as if it could see the wait a moment gesture.

"As have I," said the feline on the other end of the phone. "There's nothing left to do, but the stockholders are still complaining about the issue and demand we take action. They're requesting you speak at the next meeting about it."

His penis snaked back up to his muzzle and pushed against his lips. Vars held his hand against his mouth, blocking it.

"They always want me to speak personally."

The penis pushed harder, parting his fingers. It made it through and now pried his jaw open. Vars grabbed the shaft and gently pushed it down to the table. As he did he stroked the head in a gentle rhythm. Instantly it shrank to a thickness Vars could grip. A bubble of natural lubricant seeped from the tip. Vars took the hint and spread it around the glans.

"I don't expect you to actually do it, sir, but that's what they're saying."

"I'll avoid it if I can. It's not something we can help. We just have to wait it out. It'll resolve itself eventually. But the key, as usual, is..." Vars' penis thickened up another inch, lengthened another three inches. " do something that'll make them think we're taking action."

"That's always the most important part, sir."

"We'll discuss measures we can take to appease them at the office."

"Indeed. I look forward to it."

Vars stoked harder and harder. He felt it happening, and purposefully aimed it away from himself. Vars finished on the kitchen table.

"No, you don't, but your platitude is comforting."

A chuckle from the feline on the other end of the phone. "Thank you, sir. Will you be in at the usual time?"

"Yes." Bursts of seed rushed out of him, covering the table. The puddle grew and grew. Vars let go of it and lifted his plate just before it became swallowed in the flood.

"Very well, I'll see you in a few minutes."


He closed the phone. His penis did not soften, but it did shorten a little. When the rush was over he grabbed a few more towels and wiped the table clean. He finished eating, set his dishes in the dishwasher. On the way out he grabbed the towel off the table and tossed it in the enormous pile of stiff, crusty, musky towels by the washer.

His penis had not shrank to resting position. It rubbed itself against his chest fur, giving Vars a little feeling that did not even cause a stumble in his step. It wanted to be inside Vars again, but it at least knew not to get him too dirty right before work.

He walked to the bedroom, opened the dresser and produced a necktie. He tied it around his neck, made it look pretty and professional, and slipped on the utility belt. He grabbed his keys and both phones from by the front door and slipped them into the pouches in the belt. He buttoned them and walked out the door.


The drive to work was full of dense traffic, as usual, but living and working deep inside the city had desensitized him to it. The phone rang on the way. He picked up. It was Mr. Hoosier, a representative of a client, wishing to discuss the supply chain delay he'd heard rumors about. Vars' member lay coiled up in his lap. Not soft, not resting, just waiting. Mr. Hoosier was in Vars' office awaiting his arrival right now. Vars sighed, hung up and drove on.

His parking spot was in the sub-basement. Vars shut the engine off, got out of the car and walked up the walkway to his private entrance. The ID scanner read his retina and granted him entry to his private elevator. He pressed the top button, which he'd pressed so many times he had worn off the lettering. The elevator took him straight up to the top floor.

The doors opened. The top floor greeted him. Immediately in front of him was his desk and computer station. The rest of the floor was occupied by a mini-golf course, a spa, a fully-staffed kitchen and bar, a full-sized theater, weightroom. There were no walls on the top floor; everything except the bathrooms were fully open for view. The windows that wrapped around the enclosure provided brilliant light and the illusion of being in a wide-open space two hundred stories up.

Four guest chairs were on the other side of his desk. The two in the front were occupied by wolves, one white, the other grey. The two in the back were taken by a female rat and a male husky.

"Welcome, Mr. Lemuel Vars," said the grey wolf standing in front of the right hand seat. Mr. Hoosier. "It's a pleasure to meet you at last."

"Likewise," said the fox, returning the business façade.

Vars walked to the desk. His penis was five feet long, one foot around and turning this way and that, as if examining its surroundings for potential threats. Only the female rat in one of the rear seats batted an eye. She must be new to her company. Vars allowed her some leeway.

"I trust you're well?" said the wolf.

Vars rolled back the chair and sat down. When Vars was seated, the rest of the group sat as well.

"This is Mr. Yal, my assistant," Mr. Hoosier said, indicating the white wolf. "Ms. Krant," the rat, "and Jim," obviously the husky.

"Pleasure," said Vars.

"I've waited at great length to speak with you," the grey wolf continued. "Tell me, have you heard about the situation overseas?"

"I have heard," said Vars. "We are still collecting details about the circumstances and the events."

"Is that so?" said the wolf.

"Yes, we only just heard about this development last night, which is approximately when it took place. All I know now is there's a problem with an overseas production plant that's delaying our supply of material."

"Then your information is out of date." The wolf held out his paw. The white wolf in the other seat handed him a stack of documents held together with a paperclip. The grey wolf in turn tossed it on Vars' desk.

The fox watched the white wolf as he settled back in his chair. The wolf met Vars' eyes politely. Vars smiled at him, glanced at his sheath. He imagined what that fur felt like. He glanced at the hot tub and was tempted to move this meeting over there...where he'd make sure that wolf took the seat next to his. But that would only drag this meeting on longer. Best to end it quickly.

The fox took the document and read it over. As was a custom of the business world, the grey wolf did not allow silence to dominate the room.

"As you can see, it's more than just a delay. It's a worker strike. There are reports of sabotage amidst complaints of working conditions, low pay and high quotas."

"All the usual complaints," said Vars.

"What do you intend to do about it?"

Vars thought for a moment. He was unprepared for this news; where was Stike?

"Surely, Mr. Hoosier, you're aware that it isn't my company, factory or responsibility to correct? Your company should take these concerns to Mr. Padin."

"It is your supplier. Delays with your suppliers mean delays your production, which mean delays for my customers. You are contracted to produce half a million units for my company by the end of the quarter, and this strike will delay that deadline."

"I understand your concern, but kindly calm..."

Vars' penis grew and snaked under the desk, toward the chairs. The husky in back looked at it. He gave off an eager scent. Grey wolf Hoosier had brought the husky just for Vars. It was a business custom for the visiting executives to bring a well-experienced employee to meetings to appease the host company's CEO.

The female rat glared at it, but tried to compose herself and act like she was into the conversation. Vars admired her restraint; she'd go far in her company.

"...and I'm sure my assistant is investigating this in more detail right now."

"That would explain his absence," said the grey wolf. "I hope he does not return only with what I have learned."

"If he does, it will confirm your concern is not an overreaction."

"I do not overreact..."

Vars's member thinned to a seven inch girth. The husky's member peeked out of his sheath in anticipation. Vars glanced at it. The husky was nice, but the white wolf was striking. Vars' penis snaked towards Hoosier's assistant. Vars couldn't remember his name but damn he was hot.

Vars' member slithered up between the wolf's thighs. The wolf lost composure and panted a few times. The white wolf swallowed and glanced at his boss. Mr. Hoosier did not acknowledge, which left his assistant on his own.

" a strike that has no immediate resolution. Especially when it could mean loss of income for my company."

The white wolf had obviously been trained for this, but was not expecting to have to use his training. The husky sitting behind him looked disappointed. Vars smiled at him. He'd be next, definitely, if they had time. The rat pretended not to notice.

Finally the white wolf slouched in his seat, exposing his rear. Immediately it shot forward, squirted lube and pushed in hard. The wolf did his best to take it silently, as was standard business etiquette, but he couldn't help but moan upon penetration. Vars smiled a little. The wolf would probably be coached for his lack of composure.

"The strike is less than 24 hours old, Mr. Hoosier," said the fox. "Give them a little time to sort it out."

"Time is not something I have, Mr. Vars. I want to know what you're going to do if this is not resolved quickly."

It swelled to eight inches around and pushed in deeper, thrusted six times in less than two seconds. The white wolf's claws were digging into the armrests as he held on. His legs were spread out obscenely to try to make room, but it obviously wasn't helping. His head was lolled back, his muzzle was gritted and he panted through it, trying to keep from screaming.

Vars' voice barely wavered as the pleasure rose and rose. "I will handle it pragmatically. If the supplier dose not resolve the situation within the week, I--"

The white wolf couldn't hold it in anymore. He panted and moaned as Vars' member thrust him fast and deep. He lowered his head. His eyes were clenched as tight as his tailhole, and his claws were ruining the chair. Vars planned to bill Mr. Hoosier's company for the chair later, if for nothing else than a passive-aggressive retaliation for this passive-aggressive meeting.

"I certainly hope so, Mr. Vars," said the grey wolf. He stood up. "If this continues past a reasonable timeframe, my company will be forced to end our association."

Vars stood up. So did the husky and the rat. The white wolf remained seated, stuffed full and now unable to stop himself from crying out with each thrust. The husky glanced at the activity in the seat in front of him. He looked at Vars and shook his head slightly, then tilted his head at the white wolf stretched to his limit.

Commenting on the performance of his superior in front of the CEO of another company was a breach of formality for sure, but under the circumstances it was understandable, and he was right. Vars was sure the husky would have been able to handle it more professionally than the wolf, but that was the point Vars was trying to make. If Mr. Hoosier's company couldn't train all of his employees properly, he had no right to make further demands on Vars' company.

Just at that moment the far elevator opened and out ran a black feline. Vars sighed at the sight of Stike. He flinched as his climax built.

"Ah, my assistant is here. Hopefully with good news."

Stike walked briskly to the desk and handed the document to Vars. The fox was relieved that it was not the same document the wolf handed to him. The silence in the room as he read the paper was punctuated by loud howls, moans and sharp intakes of air. Sloppy, wet sounds were the backing track to the white wolf's chorus.

"Good, latest news from that country, Mr. Hoosier. This is a letter from that factory's executive. Apparently the strikers are in negotiation even as we speak. Rumors of sabotage and violence are only that. It's a peaceful strike, and is expected to be resolved..."

As he spoke his penis hammered the wolf harder and harder. Vars felt climax build. His legs tingled. His testicles squeezed. He finished in the wolf. The wolf howled and gasped. He finished, too. Very unprofessional, but entertaining nonetheless. White fluid, both Vars' and the wolf's, leaked all over the chair and down to the marble floor.

The grey wolf was not pleased with how this meeting had gone. Vars had successfully embarrassed him, both in the matter at hand and by his associates, and it clearly threw his composure off. Vars liked that.

"I am not placated by the tail-kissing report from the field manager to his boss. Of course he's going to downplay the severity--"

"Mr. Hoosier, the situation is out of my control, but it is being resolved right now. When it's resolved completely and supply is back on track, I will get back to your boss about it. Good day to you, and your company."

His penis pulled out of the wolf. Only when it was all the way out did it finally deflate to normal girth. It retracted and hung at rest between Vars' shins. The white wolf stood up with the rest of the group, but he could not stand with dignity. He was leaking, he was sore, he was panting and stared with empty eyes. But he tried. Vars had to admire that.

Coldly, the grey wolf walked from his seat, turned around and made for the second elevator. The rest of the procession followed. The white wolf walked on his own, behind the grey wolf, then rat, then husky. They stood in the elevator in formation. The doors closed. Vars knew as soon as those elevator doors shut, that husky would jump to the side of the white wolf and hold him up.

"You took your time, Stike," said Vars, sitting back down.

"News was coming straight from the source, sir, sorry. I had to have it translated before I brought it up."

"Your timing is excellent as always. Keep an eye on this situation. Inform me when a new development happens."

"Yes, sir."

"That will be all for now."

The feline nodded, turned around, and walked to the elevator. Vars stole a glance at his tail. His member thickened and rose, but it was too late. Stike was in the elevator and the doors were closing. He smiled. Vars didn't keep that cat around just for his timing, that was for sure.


Employees glanced at Vars from the corner of their eyes as he walked between the cubicles. Most of them were accountants, others were basic data entry, others were phone operators in order fulfillment and customer relations. Never failed; everyone knew Vars was around from just a whiff of the air. Instantly they tried to make themselves less visible by hiding in their work.

Vars accepted this as a fact of his position. Everyone was nervous in the presence of the CEO. He wasn't exactly sure why they were nervous, but he smelled it everywhere he went. He wished he could do something to alleviate this universal fear of the big boss, but from experience he knew this gulf would always exist.

Vars was a firm believer that a visible CEO was good for the company, but this time he had been called to meet the department head. Two crises in one day and it wasn't even lunch yet. Just another day in the office.

Stike walked beside him, cell phone in one paw, data planner in the other. Vars guessed he was following up on the situation overseas. The fox didn't expect much to change for a couple of days, but it never hurt to keep a close eye on these things.

Vars saw the department head standing just outside a cubicle. When Vars' scent hit her, she turned and stood up straight.

"Mr. Vars, good to see you."

Vars knew the last thing she was glad for was to see the company's CEO standing in her department, but that was how business was done. Everything was platitude and passive-aggressive because that's how civilized creatures eat each other alive. As Vars pondered this, he was standing at interview distance with the raccoon.

"I wish better circumstances brought me here," Vars said. "I read your report."

"I regret I had to file that report, sir."

"What's been done so far?"

"Well, I assigned Johnny to the problem just a few hours ago." She walked into the cubicle. Vars followed her and stood at the door. Stike stood off to the side, still talking on the phone.

Johnny was a middle-aged arctic fox. When Vars' scent came into his cubicle, a tiny twinge of anxiety entered the atmosphere. Vars didn't blame him for being nervous. The CEO of the company was looking over his shoulder while he tracked down an eighty million dollar accounting discrepancy.

"Johnny, this is Mr. Vars. Mr. Vars, this is Johnny Drest, the best accountant in my department."

Johnny spun around in his chair and smiled weakly at the high praise to the head of the company. He reached his paw. Vars shook it loosely.

"How long have you been working on this issue?"

"Only a couple of hours. I began looking through the expense reports first because they're not automated. Usually mistakes like this happen when someone keys a wrong number."

"And if you don't find it there?" Vars asked, stealing a quick glance at Johnny's sheath and sac. Not very impressive. Not very interesting. Vars assumed he had talent that made up for it.

"Well, there are a number of other places it could be. Plenty of places aren't computerized; they still need people to manually input the numbers. Field service, requisition..."

Vars' member had been patiently dangling at rest between his shins for the last few hours. Now that Vars was in one place--a new place--it lengthened and took in its surroundings. Johnny couldn't help but glance at the sudden movement. He kept talking, ignoring it.

"...and it's only a matter of time before I find something unusual. I plan to assign others to check the smaller areas for numbers that don't seem right. An error this big's gotta stand out..."

To Johnny's relief, Vars' penis wasn't interested in him. It wrapped around Vars and moved out into the cubicle aisle.

"Have you found anything yet?" Vars said.

Johnny was trying not to look between Vars' legs. "Nothing yet. But when I have a team put together, we'll make faster progress."

"How will you recognize the problem?"

"The last time the accounts were checked was last quarter, so that narrows down the timeframes we have to search. And--"

Vars moaned, just a little. His member thickened and throbbed. Johnny couldn't help but notice. Vars couldn't help but notice the bust of relief coming from the arctic fox's scent. Whoever was on the other end of Vars' penis, he was glad it wasn't him.

Vars listened to the accountant explain what they were going to look for, and how they would spot the error. He said he had done this many times before, and it involved going through the numbers, looking for unusual entries, then backtracking to find the paperwork to back the numbers up. It could be a long process, but he was sure they'd find it pretty quick. Checking up on paperwork might not even be necessary if the error was as obvious as he guessed it would be.

At the same time, Vars felt his penis thrusting deep into someone. He felt it pumping the recipient full of pre and shoving itself deep inside. Whoever it was had obviously done a good job preparing himself for this situation; he was loose enough to handle sudden penetration, instead of having to start off slow and gentle.

"Well, you sound pretty confident about this," Vars said when Johnny had finished speaking. "Keep Lucy informed when you find out more. Hopefully this won't have to go beyond just a minor inconvenience."

"So do I, sir. But honestly, 99% of the time it's an honest mistake."

Vars' member doubled in girth while Johnny spoke. The arctic fox's eyes widened for a moment, but he didn't make a big show of looking. Vars barely noticed; it was starting to feel really good.

"Most of the time it is," Vars agreed. "Good to meet you. Keep up the good work."

"I will."

Vars smiled, turned and walked out of the cubicle. The raccoon followed. Stike was a few paces off, breaking the #1 rule of business etiquette by talking loudly on his phone in front of someone's cubicle. Vars addressed Lucy once she was outside Johnny's cubicle.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Keep me informed when you know more."

"I certainly will, sir, and I can promise that this will never happen again. I'm drafting new guidelines and measures to filter down through the employees..."

Vars half listened. He glanced to see where his member had gotten off to. It snaked and meandered around at eye level down the hall about a dozen cubicles. It turned a corner and was in a cubicle in the distance.

It was picking up the pace, thrusting faster and faster. It hadn't gotten off in a couple hours; it was desperate for release, and apparently whoever was in that cubicle was quite suitable. It thickened even more.

"...making sure this will never happen again."

Vars smiled at her. "Lucy, I appreciate your dedication, but if this is an honest mistake, there's no need for more regulations. Now if it turns out someone deliberately did something wrong, yes, we might have to do something about--" Vars hesitated only slightly as climax built higher, higher, higher still. "About it. Wait until we know what happened before drafting anything."

"Uh...yes, sir."

"Thank you."

Vars turned to Stike, who hadn't taken the phone from his ear once in the last two hours. Stike noticed the fox looking at him, and immediately joined him at his side. Normally they'd go back the way they came, but Vars always made it a point to meet the people his penis used. He followed it to the cubicle and looked inside.

Lying on his back in the middle of his fabric workspace, chair pushed safely out of the way, was an otter. Vars' member was deep inside, pounding him hard and fast. Natural lube covered the otter's chest and face, suggesting it had gone oral before going under his tail. The otter was out of his sheath, having finished long ago. He noticed Vars at his door. Vars smiled at him. The otter half-smiled before a thrust forced a moan out of him.

It seemed to know it should warp it up quickly, and thrust ten times in the span of one breath. Powerful ripples began at his base and traveled the whole length. It ended inside the otter, gush after gush, and the otter squealed. When the rush ended, Vars' member pulled out and thinned. It retracted all the way back to the fox and hung at rest down to his ankles, still dripping.

The otter lay there in the puddle, panting and gasping.

"What's your name, otter?"

"Grihhh..." he panted. "Grint."

"Excellent work, Grint. Keep it up."

The otter nodded. Vars backed away from the cubicle and walked out of the department the way he came.


Vars sat at his desk in the middle of the top floor. He'd heard some employees calling it the penthouse, which was an apt name for it, but it was an office first and foremost.

It was lunchtime and Vars was waiting for the kitchen staff to finish their afternoon special. He heard them working over there. Taking their time, doing their best, using real ingredients. Nothing frozen, nothing boxed. It was all a bit excessive for Vars' tastes. He would be happy with a sandwich, or a plate of pasta, but he kept these guys around for the sole purpose of impressing the brass in other companies. He kept this office penthouse staffed and equipped for this reason as well.

Vars was typing a very formal email to the board of directors regarding the situation overseas. Like hell he was gonna travel halfway around the country to address something that was likely to resolve itself within a week. An email would do.

At this time it comes to my attention that some of you have deep concerns regarding the rumored situation overseas. As I understand it to be, the incident is a worker strike, and contrary to the rumors, there is no evidence of sabotage on factory equipment.

Vars' member stirred. It lengthened and rose from the front of his desk. It looked around for something to do. Vars caught it checking out the kitchen staff in the distance.

"Don't even think about it. The health inspector'll have a fit."

His penis turned away and hovered towards him.

We are committed to providing excellence in product quality and client satisfaction to increase stockholder value and drive future growth, and as part of this ongoing commitment we are staying informed to the latest developments

It had snaked over the top of the desk and was now brushing his whiskers. Vars opened his mouth. It immediately slipped inside and thickened up to what his jaw could handle. Vars twirled his tongue over it. His typing hesitated only in a few places.

and should there be any need for alarm, we will take appropriate, pragmatic action to ensure a seamless supply chain.

It refrained from thrusting and let Vars' tongue do all the work. It oozed lubricant and covered his mouth in it. Vars licked and suckled as he typed. He always did his best writing like this.

He typed out formal statements regarding the other half dozen issues the stockholders wanted him to address. Vars carefully typed in flowery, eloquent sentences, making sure to tie in the company's mission statements into every paragraph. The whole time he suckled and licked. Towards the end it began thrusting, and Vars struggled to keep up.

The email would take up some three pages if printed in full, but if he took out the longwinded mission statements and the roundabout descriptions of the problems and the broad steps he would take if this happened, or that happened, it could be summed up in the following four sentences: "Crap is happening. Crap is always happening. I'm dealing with it. Don't panic."

As he finished the email, his member finished, too. He felt it pulsing in his mouth. He swallowed each gush. Finally it shrank, dropped to the desk with a thump and retracted back around and hung at rest.

He finished just in time. One of the chefs was bringing him his meal. Vars thanked him, and picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth off. The chef nodded, turned around and walked away.

Vars was starving, and began eating immediately.


"What do you mean they're not negotiating?!" Vars shouted into the phone.

Stike was on the other end. "I was shocked, too, sir. It seems the factory isn't negotiating with its labor force. Instead they're hiring scabs to replace them."

"That's illegal, even over there! How are they getting away with it?!"

"I'm not sure. I wish I knew."

Vars sighed. This wasn't even his company, but he knew the stockholders would hold him responsible for it anyway, and if he didn't deal with it he would look like an ineffective leader. Dealing with another company that broke the law and treated its workers this way would look bad for his company. This changed everything.

"I think it's time I talked with Mr. Padin about his company's practices," Vars said.

"Do you wish me to schedule an appointment with him, sir?"

"No, I'll call him. Thank you for keeping up with this."

"My pleasure, sir."

"Of course it is. Bye."

He tapped the receiver, then dialed the number for Mr. Padin. Five rings later, it went to his secretary.

"Padin's office."

"This is Lemuel Vars. Is he in? I need to speak with him about his company's overseas practices."

"Mr. Padin is on a call to his factory executive right now."

"Even better, put me through, please. Tell him I'd like to be in on that conversation."

"Yes, sir, I'll pass on your request. One moment, please."

And he was on hold. Vars chuckled. Even as a CEO he still got put on hold.

The elevator door in front of his desk opened. A lanky, nervous dog stood at the doors. His jaw dropped in awe. He peeked around the corner of the elevator and looked at the penthouse office. He marveled at the spa, the kitchen, the theater. What seemed to impress him most was the mini-golf course. Vars smiled. Of everything up here, everyone seemed to be most impressed with the mini-golf course. Probably because it was the most unexpected thing to see this high up.

Vars couldn't judge the dog's breed. His muzzle was pointed, but his ears were floppy. He looked like a mix of everything. Couldn't be any older than 23. His fur was far too groomed to be a regular employee. No tie, so he wasn't in charge of anything. Intern. Definitely.

Cautiously the intern stepped out of the elevator and discreetly took in the view. Vars now noticed the document stack in his hand. Ah, that's why he was here. Someone sent him to drop off some paperwork.

Vars waved the intern up to his desk. "Come in. What do you have?"

The dog walked up to the desk, trying not to stare. The closer he got, the better Vars took in his scent, and the better Vars saw him. He was cute. Cute tail, cute muzzle, cute chest, cute sheath pointed above a cute sac. Instantly Vars' penis was up out of resting.

The intern stood in front of Vars' desk and handed him the paperwork.

"This is-- This is from Lucy Smittern. Accounting. Report of the 80-million dollar error. Ih-it's the steps we took to solve it."

"Ah, you found the problem already?"

"Yes, we did."

"And was it an honest mistake, as we hoped?"

"It was. Johnny didn't even need the team. He found it himself."

"Excellent," Vars said, only half listening. He was thinking what it would feel like to have this canine right here. He wished he had started this phone call in the hot tub; he'd be there right now and would be able to invite the intern in with him. Get close. "Thank you for the report. Nice to hear some good news for once."

The dog smiled self-consciously. He took that as his cue to leave and began to turn around. Vars' penis rose from under the desk. The intern froze and did a double take.

"What the f--"

Before he could finish, it had shot under his tail and pressed. It squeezed a large glob of lube under his tail and pushed through it. The intern gasped and doubled over on top of Vars' desk. Vars casually slid the pen cup to the side so the intern wouldn't impale himself.

He was tight. Very tight. Obviously unprepared for this possibility; he must be new here. As his member worked its way all the way inside, someone picked up the phone.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Vars."

"Hello Mr. Padin."

"Mr. Vars, we're on a three-way call with Mr. Jeremy Vine, head of our overseas production division."

"Good, just the people I wanted to speak to," said Vars.

The intern reached out. He found nothing to grab but the edge of the desk, and he gripped it with all his might. It thrust him again, slowly and deeply. It resented having to work someone up to full speed and thickness, but it took whatever it could get. Vars thought the intern needed to loosen up anyway. Probably why Lucy sent him to deliver the papers.

"I just heard the latest development, Mr. Vine. As I understand it, this is illegal."

"I know your concern. Mr. Padin shares it, and I promise we are committed to providing a quality service with minimal complications, adhering to the highest legal and ethical standards..."

Vars made the on-and-on-and-on gesture with his hand to the intern. He wasn't diffused or satisfied by business babble; he just wanted to know what was happening. Meanwhile the intern was quickly loosening up. Vars' penis swelled a little. It drew a sharp breath followed by a loud scream from the intern.

Vars held his finger to his lips. The intern glared at him. Vars' penis thrust a few times shallow, then went deep. The intern gasped and held in another scream.

"Let's not waste time," Vars said when Jeremy Vine finished. "You have a labor union over there. International treaty forbids you from hiring anyone outside that union. How is what you're doing not illegal?"

There was a brief pause.

"Before you called," Mr. Padin said, "Mr. Vine explained to me that he was hiring a new crew through a different union. A union that was more willing to agree to the terms of employment. He believes his decision to take this action will protect quotas and ensure a steady supply chain for your company."

"With all due respect, sirs, that is a crap. What union is this?"

Vars' penis swelled again. The intern was doing his best to take it silently. He lay his head down on the desk and held on for his life. Vars lay a hand on the intern's and stroked the short fur reassuringly. It probably didn't help with the discomfort, but it at least let the intern know he understood what he was going through.

Vars didn't speak for ten whole minutes, listening to both explanations for how this action did not break the law and was completely ethical. By the time they finished explaining themselves (and each other), the intern was loose and ready for the real thing. Vars' penis swelled again and thrust hard and deep, plunging deep inside the dog. Vars leaned back on his chair and enjoyed the feeling.

"I don't care about technicalities," Vars said. "I want to see proof that this new union is established and proven, because I don't believe it is. I believe you're hiring outside the union to save your own fur."

"Mr. Vars," said the CEO on the other end. "As Mr. Vine explained to me, the workforce demanded conditions that were unreasonable. Granting them would have forced us to raise the price of our goods, which you would not have found unacceptable. This was the only course of action."

"Send me a copy of their demands. If it's anything more than what other factories in the area are getting, I'll believe you."

"Mr. Vars--"

"Send me their demands. They would have had to submit them in writing."

"Please, Mr. Vars, do not overreact--"

"If you don't send me their ultimatum, I will get in touch with the head of the union myself. I'll hire a translator and talk to him directly."

The intern was much quieter now. He was getting pounded more and more, harder and harder and hardly made a sound. Good. This intern was trainable.

Another ten minutes of roundabout arguments, and he finally got Mr. Vine to agree to fax him the union's demands as soon as the paperwork could be located. He asked for his phone number so he could follow up if he hadn't received the fax by this time tomorrow.

"I promise, both of you, that if I decide this is illegal, I will terminate our contract and report you to the authorities."

"What about your shareholders?" said Mr. Padin. "How will you justify it to them?"

"Good night."

Vars hung up. He relaxed in his chair for a moment as climax built. It built and built and built. Finally it released. For the first time all day he could sit back and enjoy a release. The intern moaned and panted as he was pumped full. He gripped the desk harder.

Finally the rush ended. It pulled out and shrank. It retracted under the desk and hung in wait. The intern panted and gasped sprawled out on the fox's desk. Then he raised his head. Murder was in his eyes.


This caught Vars off guard. He leaned forward and sat up straight in his chair. "I beg your pardon?"

"THAT WAS-- That was RAPE! YOU RAPED ME! I'll report your ass to every agency I can find!"

"Rape? What are you talking about? You work here."

"I didn't sign up for this! I'm here to get experience, not to get raped by... By WHATEVER THAT WAS!"

Vars smiled. "You just gained experience."

That pushed the intern over the edge. He climbed off the desk and stood as straight as he could. "I don't have to take this. Tell Lucy I quit." He turned to leave.

"Just a minute."

He stopped. Turned back around.

"What is your name?"

"Atten Cent. Sir."

"Well, Atten. Did you read your employment agreement before you signed it?"

The intern blinked. "No. Who does?"

Vars smiled again. "Have a seat." He rolled closer to the computer and clicked around. Atten sat down in the chair closest to the computer. Less than a minute later Vars said, "Ah, here it is. If you would, please read the paragraph I'm highlighting."

Vars turned the screen to face the canine. The canine still had his indignant shields up. Hopefully this would lower them. He read for a mere ten seconds before his eyes grew as wide as his tailhole.

"See it?"

"How the...? What?!"

Vars knew what that paragraph said. I hereby agree to and accept that entering into an employment with Vartech Industries obligates me to accept any and all sexual advances by the company's Chief Executive Officer (hereafter CEO), and that it is my responsibility to prepare myself for the possibility of the following: 1) oral activity 2) anal activity and 3) vaginal activity (if applicable). Failure to do so may result in corrective action, possibly leading to termination. Furthermore, I am required to assist and appease the CEO in whatever capacity he requires, willingly or unwillingly.

"How is that LEGAL!? What about sexual harassment? What about me?! It's my body! If I don't want you in it that's my business!"

"But you work here, so that makes it my business." He pivoted the screen away and minimized the program.

"How does... How do people tolerate this!? That was horrible! I'm not gay, and you just raped me! I'm going to report this company!"

Vars smiled. "How long've you been working here, Atten?"

The intern panted a few times, calming down a little with each breath. "Four days."

"I thought so. How did you get into the business world without knowing? Every company is run by cock. It's people like me who get things done in the world. So you can quit if you want, but I promise you'll just end up signing that same agreement at some other company."

Atten stared. His mind was empty. Shields down. It was a solid minute before he answered.

"What was that?"

"You can't succeed in this world unless you have the drive to succeed, Atten. I have more drive than anyone, and that's why this company's grown as much as it has."

Atten blinked and stared. That clearly wasn't enough of an explanation for him, but Vars had indulged him enough.

"I'll lay it on the line for you. I won't tell Lucy that you behaved in a very unprofessional manner no matter what you choose. You're not in trouble. You're inexperienced. I get that. I've been there. But when you leave this office, I want you to take with you the knowledge that this is the driving force of business. Get used to it. Am I clear?"

Atten sat there. He took deep breaths. Atten was becoming an employee of this company right before his eyes.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Thank you for your time. Thank you for good news as well. You may go now."

Atten nodded, got up. He didn't gawk at his surroundings. He looked disillusioned, like his sense of reality was trying to find a new reference point. He walked to the elevator and pressed the button. The doors opened. They closed. He was gone. Vars smiled to himself. New kid just lost his business virginity. He never got tired of seeing it. He picked up the phone.

"Stike? Yes, can you give me the number of the head of that labor union? I don't trust our friends in charge to give me their demands."

"Of course, sir. Give me a moment to find it."

His penis stirred. Vars began thinking about that lithe, feline body. Black fur. Adorable ass. Vars smiled and looked over at the hot tub.

"When you find it, don't call. Just come up to my office. There's something I need to discuss with you anyway."

"Certainly, sir."

"Thank you." He hung up. Vars smiled and stood. He removed his tie and set it on his desk. He walked to the hot tub, slipped down and Vars relaxed for the first time all day. Perhaps all week. His penis coiled up and waited patiently beneath the water.