The Demise of a Knight, Part 1 of 2

Story by Xanthos on SoFurry

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This is the edited version of a RP log between a good friend and I, who chooses to remain anonymous, for the time being. Keeping the story in this form saves me a lot of time, and I find it still interesting to read. I have part 2 ready to go, but I want to see how you guys like this one. Comments and criticisms are always appreciated. So please enjoy:

Ah, the wait. It was always his least favorite part. The tiger named Calloc paced back and fourth across the cold stone floor, his claws making small clacking noises as he walked. His black cloak flowed behind him, and flourished with every frequent turn he made. Even as talented and powerful a sorcerer as he was, Calloc couldn't make time go faster, or increase his patience, even by... whatever patience is measured by. He was sure he could figure that one out later, but now his mind was busy going over and over his meticulously laid plan for his evening guest. Everything was set. Not a detail or possibility overlooked or left out. Everything would work perfectly. Not that it made Calloc's mind any more at ease. Being a Dark Sorcerer with enemies as great as his required paranoia that bordered on insanity.Even when you're only looking for a bit of fun. But then his peripheral senses told Calloc that someone had entered his mountaintop lair; a young knight, so cock-sure of himself, ready to make his mark on the world. Well, Calloc thought. Soon he'll be cock-full of something else, and I'm sure there'll be a mark or two somewhere.

The lion arrived at the entryway, and dismounted his steed. He readied his heart, unsure of what awaited him. He knew he had to face the sorcerer, who had tormented him so long. All his comrades that joined him at the start had either fallen or abandoned him now, and he stood alone to face the sorcerer. There was no turning back.

He readied his shield, lit a torch, and drew his sword, entering the cavern with only his arms and the potent sleeping powder in a sack on his belt. He figured it would be a last resort weapon. He entered the dark entryway, descending into the mountain's cavern. "I'm sure you know I'm here Calloc," he spat with bitterness, "come and face me!"Calloc started with a classic, taunting laugh. The tiger was quite good at it, and it was a necessity, even if it had no physiological effect. He always liked theatrics.

"Tell me something, little knight." Said the sorcerer, magically echoing his voice through the hallways, giving the lion something to follow. "Have you ever heard of the Balboic Skipper? No, I suppose not, knowing how your range of knowledge ends at how to swing a sword." Insults, always so much fun. "The Skipper has a unique ability to replicate limbs at will, making it a most deceiving foe to face."

"Enough with your deception and trickery!" The lion roared into the halls, following the voice through the corridors and stairways, getting ever closer to his destination. He navigated the passageways, finding the path rather bare of guards. There was something wrong, he felt in his spine as he made his way to the sorcerer's nest.

"It was also a most illusive subject to get a hold of. It possesses unheard of intelligence for a creature of its nature, making it ever so much more valuable." Calloc continued on his little speech, having rehearsed it all ahead of time. Even so, he fought to keep the excitement out of his voice. Soon, he told himself, fingering the black material hidden behind a tapestry. Soon. "I think your friend Carnin could attest to its abilities," Calloc said, knowing it would strike a chord inside of the knight "that is, if she could still think for herself"

The lion grit his teeth, creeping quietly through the corridors. He was close, and he wanted at least some degree of surprise. When he heard 'Carnin' echo through the lair, his rage fueled his pace. He spat and spoke quietly, "I will kill you." Karri knew that heavy armor would be folly against magic, so he kept himself from too much burden, the most protective of his clothing being a steel chain mail shirt. Soft leather and padding protected the rest of his person. He dropped the torch, knowing it'd give him away. He could see enough without it until he would reach Calloc.

Closer and closer... The knight was almost here. Calloc could feel him, just around the bend. Hardly able to contain himself, he called out to the lion "I know you'd probably give up ANYTHING to see her again. I might even tell you where I put her... and all your other little friends... along with all their souls!" Knowing that would get the knight's attention, Calloc cackled in delight, sprawling out on the chair at the head of his "throne room" table.

The lion pressed his back against the wall, knowing his foe was just around the corner. He fought his rage, teeth bare with spit staining his lips in raw hate. He spoke under his breath, "I will end your vile life."With a breath for focus, he turned the corner and walked into the room. There was no cover; there was too much distance for any surprise. He paced his walk, pulling himself from a full dash to behead the pitiful mage he would slay. He stopped at the end of the table, staring at the tiger through his bangs. "I will kill you, Calloc."

"Oh but you alright have, you silly little knight" The tiger flashed his 'I'm so smart and 10 steps ahead of you' smile. "You and your serious little attitude: gonna come in and save the day, kill the evil wizard and be a little hero." He taunted the knight with laughter, "You just kill me!" Calloc kept the knight's gaze and continued to distract him, so that he didn't see the magic gestures the sorcerer was making under the table, or the movement from behind the tapestries on his left and right. "...with a silly little sword, on a big important quest! Ah, we'll remember these as the good old days, right ol' chap?"

The lion lifted his leg and set a boot on the table, then pulled himself up to stand on the long table. He then started walking down the table, kicking away a small candle in the center, his eyes never leaving the sorcerer's."I know your tricks. I'm not an ignorant sprite." Karri snarled, and began running down the table, blade raised to strike.

Quick as a flash, multiple things happened all at once. Calloc stood, knocking his chair from under him, and yelled out a single-syllable command. Instantaneously, black streaks shot out from where the tapestries used to be, seizing Karri by the ankles and wrists. They yanked him backwards to the other end of the table, sword flying out of his hand. When he stopped moving, Kerri got a closer look at what bound him. They were long thick, obsidian-colored ropes connected to the walls, magically, obviously. But what was strange, was that they felt almost soft, not how Kerri expected rope to feel like at all. And they moved on their own too, swaying a little bit, but keeping him restrained at the same time. Giggling to himself, Calloc jumped upon the table and pranced down to his captive. "Did you REEEEEEALY think it would be that easy?"

The lion's surprise was clear, but he swallowed it with a snarl. He spit at the tiger's face, and paused a moment. "Frankly, I'm surprised that didn't kill you, you pathetic little--" The knight's words were cut off when he tried to resist, but finding an odd quality about the cords. He'd been bound by magical rope before, but this wasn't rope. He looked at the magic holding him out. "What... What is this devilry?"

Calloc was still wearing his deliciously smug grin as he circled the helpless lion. "You know what I said about that Skipper earlier?" He kicked a carpet out of the way, revealing a section of flooring replaced completely with a black mass of viscous substance, like the ones on the walls that the "ropes" had sprouted from. With a wave of his hand, more ropes started to materialize from the puddle, reaching into the air, up to a trapped Kerri. "Well I found its genes to be very compatible with those of a couple different breeds of slimes." Ropes from beneath Kerri started to worm their way under his garments, pulling off your boots, and pushing off his armor. "And do you really want to know what happened to your friends that I captured?" Calloc had to see the lion knight's face for this one. A single tentacle rose in the air in front of Kerri. After a second of staring at it, he realized that the end looked like the head of a penis

The lion's quizzical look broke into shock. "W-What? What is... You... WHAT IS THIS?!" The lion's rage, fear and confusion melded together to form a dazed hysteria. His voice shrank into a quiet whimper. "What is--...." He realized he was stuck. His struggling was futile, and the additional limbs added to his helplessness. "What are you going to do?" The lion's gaze was fixed upon the tentacle, mocking and teasing him simultaneously.

The Sorcerer walked around the Lion, trailing his claws along the young knight's leg as he went. "I'm going to put you in your place, little knight." The tiger's voice was low, serious, and menacing. "I'm going to make you wish you'd given up while you had the chance." The tentacles continued to strip clothing off of Kerri, until he was stark naked before the sorcerer. "I'm going to make you curse your existence." Calloc placed a paw upon the trapped knight's cock, lightly stroking it. "For when I'm done with you, you'll wonder why you even got any pleasure out of this."

"P-pleasure?" The knight had been stripped away with his armor, and all that was left was a scared lion. The contradiction of the pleasure of touch and the acidic hatred for the tiger clashed, leaving the lion bereft of response. Indeed, he had experienced the love of a man; it was not uncommon. However, the mix of hate, fear, and confusion stole any clarity of thoughts in the naked feline.

The Lion's inability to respond brought a smirk to Calloc's face. Just how he wanted it. With a literal snap of his fingers, the tentacles repositioned Kerri, so that he was more horizontal than vertical, face down and legs spread apart. A tentacle from the ceiling sized the knight's tail and pulled it back, fully exposing the lion's anus, much to his dismay, and to Calloc's enjoyment. He trailed a lazy paw across the lion's back as he moved behind his captive, almost as if Karri wasn't there. Placing a paw on either of Kerri's buttocks, Calloc breathed out in relief. "Oh, how long I've waited for this." He threw off his robe, exposing a lithe, naked body.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME?!" The lion's horror turned into a primal fear, a laugh of hysteria subtle under his shout. He clenched his now exposed tailhole from the open, cool air. He tried struggling, again to no avail. Panic forced a whimper to pass through his nose, a pathetic whimper.

Calloc leaned over Karri's struggling body, and whispered to him, with a deep purr, dripping with malevolence. "I'm making you question what your morals really are, how real your 'knightly vows' were, how much you hate me..." Calloc made an unexpected thrust, penetrating Karri's tight tailhole "and how DEEP you can take me!"The feline shrieked in surprise, the touch and penetration too much. Pain clenched his tailring, hatred flared his fur, and despair drooling from his gaping maw. The fight was over, and his body quivered, ready to give up.

The Sorcerer slowly swayed forward and back, each time, pushing a little bit deeper than the last, each time, gaining a little more control over the lion. He could tell the lion was in moderate pain. He didn't care, but the whimpers and moans gave Calloc a grin. He was finally repaying little knight for all the problems he caused. There was just one more thing the sorcerer needed to do. A tentacle hung in the air before Karri's mouth. "Open wide"

The lion stared at the phallic tentacle before him, dazed. He gave in, loosening his jaw and opening up. The words 'Yes sir' ran through his mind, but were left unspoken. He was broken. The pain of his sworn enemy inside of him, penetrating and pumping into him began turning into a kind of pleasure, his own lionhood thickening with arousal.

Although Calloc wasn't connected to the tentacle, he could almost feel a new shiver of pleasure run through his system as the Lion accepted it wordlessly. He increased his rate of thrusting, knowing that his helpless victim was even more helpless than before. But for being such a good kitty, Calloc decided to give him a little surprise. Another tentacle reached up from the floor, but instead of binding him like the others, this one enveloped the young knight's lionhood, and started to suck on him.

The lion lost even his name as he became nothing more than a body, all feeling drained from him so that all that remained was his obedient pleasure. His mind was gone, and the words 'I love you' echoed in his mind. His eyes were glazed with incoherence and his body was limp with submission. His will shattered. The tentacle began sucking on his member, pleasing him in a way he'd never felt before. The lion had no mind for spite or anger; only the growing ecstasy flooded his consciousness.

As the knight's mind and heart emptied of emotion, his ass became full of a tiger's pent-up sexual tension. Calloc growled as he finalized the slaughter of his victim's will. His growl set off the tentacles that bound the lion, each spurting out a milky-white substance onto his captive, soaking into his fur. The phallic appendage in his mouth shot ropes of fluid down his throat, which the lion gulped down without thinking. After the Tiger and his tentacles-at-command had finished, they all pull out of the lion, and set his body down. The ropes withdrew into their pools. Calloc, now robed, stood over the naked lion on the floor. "So? What now?"The lion's eyes were glazed, his own erection twitching with desire, without thinking he grabbed at himself and began pawing vigorously, already so close to his own climax. He only answered little moans of pleasure as he struggled to bring himself release.

Calloc rolled his eyes. With a snap of his fingers, he triggered the spasm necessary to cum. His robes flowed around him as he turned away from the scene of a writhing lion making a mess on the floor. And he had just taken the time to clean up the last stains there. At least lion seed is easier to clean than blood. Sitting down in his oversized chair once again, the dark sorcerer propped his feet up on the disheveled table, as a lion on the other end panted. Calloc decided to wait and see what would happen.

The lion's orgasm brought him back into the world. A minute had passed as he regained his orientation, as the realization of what had happened fully took hold. He had lost. He could never kill Calloc now, whether because Calloc's sorcery was too great, or the lion's pride was decimated. The lion had lost his constitution. He was little more than a feral with speech. When he gathered his strength and senses, he slowly rose, and began walking away, as if he could shuffle out of the lair, escape. After five steps, he collapsed onto his knees. He hugged himself, and curled his tail around his waist, back to his sworn enemy. His master now? I can still leave, he thought. But his body could make no effort to move. He sat there on the stone floor, hoping for death's embrace.

A strange twang of sympathy sounded within Calloc. He rose from his seat and approached the lion. He knew what it was like to feel worthless and shamed. It was what drove him to such extremes that made others fear his name. Beaten down and abused, Calloc was again reminded how hatred had given rise to power. Except that this lion didn't look like he was going to rise again with enough power to strike down all those who scorned him. No, he looked more like a broken and forgotten toy than a defeated soldier. Calloc placed a paw on the former knight's shoulder, and reached a paw down to him. "Come" Calloc commanded, but not forcefully. "You have no other place. Nowhere to go. No mission, no quest. "

The animal's eyes were lost, searching some far-off world for an escape. The sorcerer was right. There was no place. All he loved, all he fought for, all he could ever call home was either gone, or so shaken from the sorcerer's coercion that there was nothing left of his life. Even his name seemed a word in an ancient tongue to him now. He rose, knees bent, keeping him shorter than his master. Yes, master, his own voice echoed in his head, words never forming on his lips.