Deviant Delights #10 - Weighted Decisions

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#10 of Deviant Delights

A borderline alcoholic visits the bar, hoping to change his entire outlook on life. Meanwhile, Liam takes a trip to the realm of Lust.

Seth sighed, examining his naked body in the mirror. He wasn't sure what it was, but lately he found himself feeling disappointed. At first he thought it had just been his being horny and all the fantasies that had run through his mind, but now that his libido had returned to something resembling is usual self he still felt like something was missing. Bouncing a purple ball of energy between his palms, he shook his head in frustration as his mind tried to think of why he felt this way, his purple eyes looking over every detail.

"Something wrong, Seth?" he heard Liam ask, causing him to jump and lose his focus. Looking up in the mirror, he could see his boss standing behind and to the side of him. He somehow felt embarrassed to be seen this way, even though he would have welcomed the attention before.

"I just... don't look right," Seth said, sighing again. "I don't know. What do you think, looking at me?"

"I see an attractive wolf who's not satisfied with what he originally desired," Liam said, placing his hands on his hips as he stared into his eyes through the mirror. "Maybe... mind if I try something? I'll reverse it if you don't like it."

"I guess I don't mind," Seth shrugged, and as Liam ran his hands up and down he could feel his body shifting. His waist thinned just a bit more as his hips and thighs widened. It reminded him of when he'd been a merwolf, but more toward masculine than feminine. He moaned as he felt muscles in his chest and arms expand to be just a bit more curvy and supple. He grew very aware of what Liam thought of all this as his ass popped out just a bit more, pressing against the lust daemon's groin as he continued his ministrations.

"How's that?" Liam asked him, stepping away to allow him to examine himself once more. As Seth looked over his boss' work, he found himself growing hard and smiling.

"It's still missing something, a bit of flair maybe... but this is better. Much better. How'd you know I'd like this?"

"I'm getting better at sensing the desires hidden in mortal hearts. I had a feeling you were missing something your body had when you were still Dylann's, yet you wanted something a bit more in line with how you were. So I just mixed the two ideas together and paid attention to what you were feeling while I reshaped you."

"Don't you have to use the drinks for that, though?" Seth asked, before realizing it was a stupid question. "Nevermind. You are Lust, and this bar is just outside your realm. It's definitely within your power."

"Well, it does take more energy to do this way, but I am able to control the results far better," Liam said, examining his nails. Seth had to admit Liam's human form looked far sexier these days, having taken some tips from several of the staff on what worked and what didn't for them. He'd finally found just the right blend of professional and handsome that appealed to him personally, reminding Seth of Davin in a few ways as he stared at him with those intense eyes.

"...Do you think nipple rings would look good on me?" Seth asked, a bit bashful suddenly.

"I think they'd look absolutely sexy on you, but do it for you. Not me or anyone else. Still, you could try it out if you want. Hell, you could even add some additional 'flair' while you're at it."

"Because I have magic? I can't do what you do though," Seth said, shaking his head.

"You can't change your shape, no. But you can add some details. A nipple ring here... a marking there... you'll figure it out, if you just focus. I'm sure you still remember a thing or two from when you were Ortun, yes?"

"I can try," Seth said, shivering with delight at that name. Yet, he put it from his mind and let his eyes glow with power, growing hard as he materialized a pair of silver nipple rings with some help from the bar and Liam. Markings, hm? He had an idea or two there...

"Capricorn?" Liam asked, looking at the new astrology symbol on his left shoulder as Seth moved his hand over it. "Curious choice."

"And Tauros and Leo, too," Seth said, the symbols appearing as they were mentioned. Leo appeared on the small of his back above where his tail connected, while Tauros formed around his groin like some strange purple cock ring. What would have been the horns kept going, climbing up his midsection before it curved around to his back. The way they crisscrossed reminded Liam of some sort of harness, especially as the markings countered to points under his pectorals and over his shoulders along the collar bone.

"Not that it doesn't look good on you, especially now, but why those symbols? You into astrology?"

"Without Davin I wouldn't even be a wolf. And without Dylann... well, I know what he did wasn't exactly right, but I experienced so many wonderful things all the same. Including magic," Seth said, smiling as he examined his alterations. He left his legs as they were, not wanting to distract from how much thicker and curvier he was now. "Besides, would you believe my sign is actually Capricorn?"

"Really? When's your birthday then?" Liam asked. "I know it's in our records, but Davin handled your application."

"It's coming up on the sixteenth, actually. Still not sure what I want to do for my first birthday as a wolf, though. Or as anything other than a preacher's boy, I guess... god, sometimes I forget what I used to be like before coming here."

"Well, you look good. Though if you want to keep those nipple rings I can solidify them for you."

"Hell yes. They look really g-ahhh!" Seth gasped, the thrum of magic vibrating through the metal rings as they became permanent additions. Biting his lip at his increased sensitivity, he soon felt like he'd had these for months, if not years now. "Damn that's a rush."

"I thought you might like that," Liam chuckled. He'd clearly done it on purpose, but Seth wasn't about to complain. "They do seem to be in fashion, between you, Davin and Lucian."

"I was wondering about that. Did something happen to him while I was a tree? Eh, nevermind. It looks good on him, so if he's comfortable with his changes then more power to him. It's no different than what we just did, huh?"

"Want any more alterations, or are you feeling better about your form now?" Liam asked.

"I'm good," Seth said, clearly turned on by his own reflection. "Very good. Thanks, boss. What do I owe you?"

"Nothing," Liam said, though he did give Seth's ass a quick feel. "Though if you ever want to, you could come up to my office for some... advice."

"Yeah. I might do that," Seth said, enjoying the attention. Usually Liam never touched the dancers, but Seth was one of the few who not only didn't mind but encouraged it. He was aware of just how much more he'd filled out in the back with the lingering feeling of Liam's hand left behind, no doubt in part due to the lust daemon's power. They seemed to enjoy doing that especially.

"Glad to have you back, Seth," Liam said, clearing his throat as he became more professional, though those eyes still lingered as he turned to leave. "Will you be going on tomorrow night, or do you need another week?"

"I'm ready," Seth replied, looking over his shoulder at his backside. "Count me in, boss. I've missed the spotlight."

"I'll be sure to let the others know," Liam said, before leaving the dressing room.

"Damn I look hot," Seth said, happy with how he looked. He wasn't just some generic wolf anthro anymore. He was Seth Taggart, lover of the stage, magic, and daemons. Nobody could mistake him for anyone else now. Though if he wanted to stay like this, he was going to have to add a few exercises to his routine at the gym... especially squats. Maybe Liam could help give him some 'advice' on that later. It was worth a shot.


It was worth a shot, wasn't it? Even if it was all just rumors, or an elaborate hoax, he wouldn't know until he tried. He had the instructions pulled up on his phone; while he wasn't so sure about it being in an alley, he was almost certain he'd followed the description exactly. This had to be the place. Fiddling with his phone for the umpteenth time since he'd been standing there, Chase finally pocketed the device before taking a step forward. As if set on a path he could not turn back from, he powered through his anxiety as he kept walking forward. He ignored everyone around him, not wanting to lose his nerve if someone just happened to look at him oddly. He knew he wasn't exactly the type to go to these kinds of bars, what with his pasty complexion and combination of small belly and thin limbs. While he wasn't entirely unattractive at his age, his glasses and lack of facial hair always made people think he was younger than he should be.

"Hold up," a rumbling voice said as he neared the door. Coming out of a nearby booth - that must have been new since there was no mention of it on any of the websites he'd used for information - the bouncer stood between him and the door as he held up a clawed hand. "I need to see s-"

"Some ID, yes," Chase nervously said, already having his wallet out. "I get this all the time. Here."

"First time?" said the lion, though now that he got a good look at him Chase could tell he was a hybrid of some kind. The name tag read Zale, though there was a curiously crossed out Rick underneath it. He wondered why he kept such a name tag if that wasn't his name anymore, but maybe it was some kind of keepsake.

"Y-yeah. Well, to this bar, yeah," Chase said, watching as Zale compared him to his ID. Smiling, he handed it back to him before stepping to one side.

"Have fun," Zale said, gesturing to the bar. "Technically I should charge you the cover price for the event, but you're only a minute late. Here comes the line, actually..."

Looking behind him, Chase realized he was going to be surrounded by a lot of people, and quickly. He hadn't even realized that's why they'd been congregating. And what event? It was Friday, wasn't it? Looking down at his phone again as he entered the hallway, he realized it was actually Saturday. He'd lost a day again. Why did he keep doing this?

Ever since a few years ago, he'd entered a deep depression of some kind. It had happened before, and would likely happen again, but never had it been for this long. Every doctor he'd ever gone to see about it hadn't really helped him, some even rubbing him wrong as some kind of quack. As a result he'd taken to drinking for a while, but upon realizing he was starting to become an alcoholic he'd quit while he still could. At twenty-six his metabolism had begun to slow down, though he wasn't really ever that fit to begin with. He knew if he didn't make some sort of change, he was probably going to hate who he was by the time he was thirty.

Upon entering the bar, he was blasted by a sudden wave of music and energy that he hadn't felt for a long time. The last time he'd entered any kind of bar had been a year or two ago, but he hadn't been able to go anymore because he would always crave some kind of alcohol and be tempted to fall off the wagon for good.

He could feel it even now, though even less than he used to. But he wasn't here for alcohol, or a hookup, or anything like that. Heading toward the bar, he was surprised to see such a friendly smile from... someone so handsome. He looked behind himself for a moment, but upon realizing nobody was there he turned back. The man moved his lips, as if to say 'no, you', before beckoning for him to pull up a seat.

"First time?" the soothing voice said, causing Chase to blush from both embarrassment and arousal. "I bet you hear that a lot. Sorry."

"I do. But you didn't do anything wrong," Chase said, smiling a little. "I'm just not used to this. It's been a while since... I had any of this. Though nowhere compares to this place, does it?"

"I wouldn't know about that. I'm not in the habit of visiting any other bars besides my own," the man said, before extending a hand. "Davin Connors. A pleasure to meet you."

"Ah... Chase," the man said, gingerly taking the hand. When it was clear the stranger wasn't going to do the typical 'crush their fingers' power move, he took it more earnestly and shook before crossing his arms. "I was... hoping you could help me."

"Well, I can help you with a drink. What can I-"

"...No alcohol, if possible," Chase said. "We don't mix well together, you see."

"Ah. Well lucky for you I happen to deal in non-alcoholic as well. Almost as good the real thing, even. Here's a menu of all our virgin drinks, if you'd prefer."

Chase took the menu that Davin produced from behind the bar, though he was soon overwhelmed by the choices. Sure, it was organized by category and such, but he wasn't even sure what he wanted until he saw a list titled 'Transformatives'.

"...Change your outlook on life. Try these classic drinks mixed with our own unique twist."

"Oh, those are my favorite," Davin said, smirking. "Really helps you put things into perspective, with the right drink. I even make custom ones if none of those suit you. Each one can be made virgin, in case you were worried."

"So it's true, then? These turn you into anthros?"

"Yes, though you'll see there are plenty that don't discriminate between anthro or human. And most have a human variant as well, in case you want everything but the anthro aspect. Would you like a demonstration?"

"Ah, um... n-no. Not until I figure out what I want..."

"Oh, I meant on me," Davin chuckled, before taking a shot. When had he made that? As the man changed from human to a mix between a lion and bull, he couldn't help but be impressed.

"If you're worried about being able to change back, none of these drinks are permanent. Unless you ask them to be, but then there's an additional cost for that which varies from person to person. See anything you'd like to try? If you don't enjoy one, you can always try another."

"...I'm not sure what I want. I just wish I was... more than this. I wish I'd made better choices in life, you know? I feel like I've wasted my life and now there's nothing ahead of me."

"You're still so young, though I know that isn't what you want to hear," Davin said, his expression softening. "What sort of choices had you wished for, then? What do you regret most?"

"I guess I wish I'd stuck with the gym. I kind of got a taste of it in high school, with a weight lifting class. But I had so many bullies that I just... sort of stopped going anywhere I thought they might be."

"Which was everywhere in that school I imagine," Davin said, nodding. "Why not get back to it after, though?"

"Habit? I don't know. I get pretty depressed sometimes. I don't think it's chronic, at least I hope not."

"You just have a lot to be depressed about, especially lately."

"You really get it, don't you?" Chase said, fighting back tears. He refused to cry here, especially with someone he'd just met. And yet, he seemed wiser than he looked. The way he spoke, how he listened to him... it felt as if he were talking to an old friend. Maybe that's why he was already being so open and honest with him.

"I've been through quite a few changes in my life, some of them harder than others. I may not completely understand your situation, but I have seen many others like it. See the dancers up there?"

Looking over toward where Davin pointed, he was surprised to see a stage set up with... dancers. Oh... that's why it had been so loud, between the music and the cheers he'd been hearing. Yet for some reason he could hear Davin just fine. Maybe it was the acoustics of the place, or maybe it wasn't as loud as he had thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he got a clear look of the black wolf anthro on the pole, the purple markings intriguing him almost as much as those eyes.

"Who is he?" Chase asked, his breath taken away by the graceful movements and cocky attitude. As much as the display turned him on, it was equally matched by the jealousy he was beginning to feel. He always felt like this when he saw men much more attractive than himself who were able to express their sexuality so easily.

"He used to be human, before he came here. Was in a similar situation to yours, though his problem stemmed from a different source. His name is Seth Taggart."

"Wait, what?" Chase said, pulling out his phone to compare the dancer to the video he'd watched. They looked different, and yet... he could see the similarities now. The same attitude, similar faces...

"He's changed a bit since that video. Maybe we should have him update his channel," chuckled Davin, gently placing a hand on his wrist as he lowered it. Normally he wouldn't have liked someone doing that, but in this case Chase couldn't help but feel okay with it. "We don't allow phones out during our shows. Too many amateur photographers trying to make money or get views using our dancers. You understand."

"I wasn't... though, I understand I guess. Sorry. He just looks so different."

"I was just as surprised about the new markings, so you'd have to ask him about all of that. But I only point him out so that you know I understand where you're coming from. Do you regret anything else, besides the lack of fitness and occasional bouts of depression stemming from it?"

"It's not just because of that, but... I mean, look at me. I can't go anywhere without glasses or else everything's blurry, and no matter what I do my hair never cooperates with me. I'm pasty as fuck, no matter how much I try to tan during the summer, and... I just overthink everything. I think I'd be happier if I could just shut my brain off for a while. That's probably why I started drinking and..."

"I see. Well, don't worry, we'll be maintaining your sobriety. I think I'm starting to get a clear idea of who you wish you could be."

"What's it matter, though? Even if I get the body I've always wanted, I'll just ruin it again."

"...Come with me," Davin said, walking out from behind the bar. "There's a minibar in the back I usually reserve for more private parties. I think you could benefit from the quiet right now, though."

"...Okay," Chase said, against his better judgment. Anyone else, he would have said no to, but he just felt like he could trust this man somehow. Well, anthro now. He forgot he was talking to someone who was walking on hooves but still purred.

"I actually look like this most of the time. But I find humans approach humans more often than anthros when they're already so skittish," Davin said, once he'd closed the door and motioned for him to sit down. Taking a seat in the chair, he quickly realized it was some kind of leather. What was this room for again? Private parties? He wondered if 'private' meant...

"Sorry," he said, once Davin had clinked a glass against something preparing the minibar for him. "I was lost in thought again."

"It's totally used for orgies, if that's your concern. But we do a very good job in sanitizing," Davin bluntly stated, causing Chase to blush and squirm in his seat. He felt it would be rude to rise, but now he just imagined himself in some kind of seat of shame.

"Um... why tell me that?"

"You were already thinking it, but perhaps I should ease up a bit. I like to tease, sometimes, but it's not always appropriate. Anyway, I think I have this drink just about right, but I have one more question for you. Human, or fur?"

"Fur," Chase said, despite the knot in his stomach. His heart was racing as he grew more and more nervous. "A-ah... I mean..."

"Too late, added it in. Though we can always change the species if you find yourself craving a different experience," Davin said, walking over to him with two glasses and placing them both on the table between them. Sitting across from him, he slowly slid one to him before raising his own. "Here's to a new you."

"...I hope so," Chase said, resigning himself to whatever was going to happen next as he clinked the glass. Bringing it up to his lips, he hesitated. "No alcohol, right?"

"None whatsoever. I made them both virgin, just to make sure I didn't make a mistake on that part. As if I would."

Nodding, Chase took a sip as Davin drank from his glass. The flavor wasn't what he had been expecting, but he found himself craving more as he allowed the liquid to just pour down his throat. If he hadn't been told there was no alcohol in it, he would have wondered at the slight tingling that followed it down to his stomach. Before he'd realized it, half his drink was already gone as he stopped to take a breath.

"That good, hm?" Davin said, smiling as he relaxed in his chair. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"Am I supposed to feel something by now?" Chase asked, apprehensive. Yet he wasn't as anxious as before, he noticed. "I guess I feel relaxed, actually. But not tipsy."

"You really do expect the worst, don't you? That's fair, considering the type of world we live in. It's easy to lose sight of the good when the bad is so desperate for our attention. But it is there, if you look hard enough. Sometimes it happens right before your eyes..."

Looking where Davin pointed, he was surprised to see his stomach was already flatter than it used to be. Now that he noticed, he could feel a slight burning in his muscles as he felt his clothing getting tighter. His pants had always been a loose fit, but now it felt like he was really filling them out for once. An itching sensation forced him to scratch his chin, and he was surprised when he felt hair there. In fact, he was getting hairy everywhere, seeing the hair spread from his arms to his hands.

"It is true," Chase said, watching his changes. "What am I becoming?"

"You tell me," Davin said, a mischievous smirk on his face. "What do you think you are?"

"I'm feeling good, whatever I am," Chase said, and he could feel a new kind of energy in both his body and his mind. It was as if all the years of living a sedentary and isolated life were just evaporating from his body, replaced with defined muscle and a craving for the gym. The hair was just about everywhere on his body now, but no... this was fur. It was sleek, and soft to the touch. Yet just under that fur was hard muscle, as if he'd spent all his free time at the gym working out. His mind filled with knowledge, from the perfect form to have when doing squats to how much protein he needed to maintain his mass. Mass... yes, he could feel the muscle piling on even more as he lifted one arm and flexed his bicep.

"Finish your drink," Davin encouraged, motioning to the forgotten glass in his hand. "You won't finish until it's finished."

"Makes sense," Chase said, before chugging the rest down and placing the empty glass on the table. He decided to take his shirt off before it ripped off, though even that was hard to do as his chest kept expanding and his shoulders began to swallow his neck. His tongue brushed against something as his jaw popped and cracked, and he realized quickly it was his teeth as his mouth began forming a muzzle. His ears moved up and to the sides as they grew, and a pain in his backside cause him to leap to his feet and unbutton his pants. Pulling them off before his legs became too muscular, he realized he had a tail as it kept growing out from his spine. The next thing he noticed was that he was just a bit taller now.

"Where are my glasses?" he said, his voice deeper but not baritone. "Shit I can't see..."

"They're on your face," Davin said, chuckling as he took them off for him. "See?"

"...Yes. I can," he said, amazed as he looked at everything with new eyes. "I didn't know you could do that much."

"You're turning into a literal gym rat, and you're surprised I can fix your eyesight?" Davin asked, clearly amused.

"Wait, what?" he squeaked, before snapping his mouth closed. He looked around for a mirror before he realized there was one on the wall behind him, and for the first time he saw himself in his new body. "Wow."

"I wasn't sure what color of fur you preferred, but I figured I'd just stick with your natural brown coloring. It's not like we can't change that detail later, if you wish. Along with your species, as I've already stated. Sorry, I just couldn't resist."

"No, no, it's fine," Chase said, not even caring that he was naked and hard in front of someone he'd met maybe ten minutes ago or so. He was just lost in how his body kept piling on muscle, going from scrawny to big to bodybuilder. He wasn't so huge he couldn't do things on his own or make it look freakish, but anyone could look at him and realize he practically lived at the gym. "How come I can remember all this?"

"The memories of going to the gym almost religiously, of working out with like-minded individuals?" Davin asked, chuckling. "Well, you said you wished you'd chosen things differently. While I can't reverse time and change the past completely, I can make it as if I had in your mind. Though you'll always know the truth, and those other memories are only there to help you know how to keep that sexy body of yours in shape."

"I also... I don't crave alcohol at all," he said, amazed as he flexed his pecs. He was a rat, a gym rat, and yet he didn't look at all how he expected rats to look like. Though he did notice he had a new piercing or two on his ears, as if to stand in for the cartoonish nick in the ear that rats usually had in shows or comics. As his physical changes finalized and his eyes turned to the same brown as his fur, clothing formed around him as if by magic. Hell, it probably was, since even his own dick had grown quite a bit if the bulge in his new shorts were any indication.

"Because it's as if you've never had a drop of it in your life," Davin said, placing a hand on his meaty shoulder as he stood by him. "Mesh shirt, hm? Nice choice."

"I didn't choose, or did I? But no, you're right about the booze. It's not my thing," he said, his voice changing to a typical jock's as he proudly flexed. His mentality was changing with each new memory, but as Davin said they were easy to distinguish from his real ones. The people in his false memories were vague and faceless almost, but he listened as one memory told him how to properly train his quads, and another enthusiastically told him about different kinds of supplements such as creatine or whey protein, etc. God, he really needed to workout soon. He loved the rush of endorphins, and while he still knew he would sometimes be depressed he also knew new ways to cope with it. As if he'd gotten the help he'd needed all those years ago, perhaps through one of those 'gym friends' in his head.

"...How do I make this permanent, again?" he said, knowing he couldn't turn back after this. It was everything he'd wanted, and more.

"First, I must be honest with you. That drink didn't change me any more than it would have changed you. It was just a shot of rum," Davin said, an apologetic tone in his voice. "The truth is I'm a daemon."

"I don't really care about that. You're a daemon, so what? That's the entire reason I came here, to meet a daemon and be changed into who I always wanted to be. Besides, it's not like you can eat my soul or something stupid like that... Right?"

"You're right. And that would never be the price you or any mortal would have to pay, so relax," Davin said, sensing his unease. "As for the price to make it permanent, I always take the humanity - the essence of your human form inside that temporary body - along with another thing that's easy for you to pay. While I normally have a suggestion... well, what do you feel like offering me?"

"I don't really know what you'd want, and I don't really have a lot of money. Though I feel like I know how to be a personal trainer now. Maybe if I were certified and got a job I could... but no, you're a daemon. You can just buff up whenever you want."

"Well, I do enjoy a good workout on occasion," Davin said, clearly flirting with the poorly disguised innuendo, "but there are other mortals who work for me and my boss who could benefit from a more personal touch in their workouts. So, you could help them for a month here while you get things sorted out, and then perhaps once you're established in a gym in the real world you could offer them a discount. That will be my price, if you are willing."

"That's it?" laughed Chase, having expected something else. "Fucking deal, bro. Anything for this body... hell, I don't even think as much anymore."

"Well, it's more accurate to say you're more focused on what's important to you, instead of entertaining the most negative thing that could possibly happen. I got the feeling you were always doing that from our conversation before. But I'm going to ask you one more time if you're sure about this. There's no going back to your human form after this."

"I'm sure," Chase said, smiling. "I think I'll even stay as a 'gym rat', ha! I somehow make this look good... also thanks to you, of course."

"As long as you're happy with it, then here," Davin said, taking a flask from the minibar and pouring something in it. "Drink this, and this form becomes your true body even outside this bar. Then we'll go see my boss about hiring you as a freelance trainer, and you can work on your certification during the same month of your employment. Sound good?"

"Hell yeah!" Chase said, before taking the open flask and downing the contents. He could feel something shift inside as he felt like he suddenly had to burp. Belching, a vapor of some kind suddenly began pouring from his mouth and nose into the flask, and when it was done it sealed itself. As Davin took the flask from him, he shook his head as if coming out of a daze. "That was kinda awesome, actually."

"It's always a bit intense, but different for everyone," Davin said. "How do you feel?"

"Like I was always this way," Chase said, noticing he was larger in musculature than even Davin, despite how much shorter he was compared to the tall anthro. "Hell it's hard to think of my human life as the real one, even knowing better. I'm going to do my best to make that kind of life a reality. Thank you so much, sir."

"Sir? Oh, right. I guess you're our employee now," Davin said, gesturing for him to follow. "Don't worry about your old clothing; they were used to make your current ones."

As Chase followed Davin out of the private room, he felt like this was just the beginning. He was still amazed he could see so much without any help from his glasses, which he assumed had turned into his piercing on his ear now. That didn't matter, though. The idea he wouldn't even need contacts was in and of itself a huge relief to him as they both reached a set of stairs and climbed towards his future.


"Hey. Mind if I sit here?"

"Go ahead," Seth said, not looking up until he felt a huge weight shifting the booth somehow. He put his drink down in amazement, eliciting a small laugh from the incredibly buff rat sitting across from him. He must have been confident in his body, wearing just a pair of shorts and that mesh shirt.

"...I'm Seth," he said, suddenly bashful. "I haven't seen you here before... um..."

"I'm Chase," the rat said, introducing himself. "I'm new here. Starting work today, in fact, would you believe it. You know, fuck my old job though. Retail sucks."

"Does it ever," sighed Seth, having heard plenty of horror stories online. "Are you a new bouncer? I thought we had plenty now that Liam's hired a few extra hands..."

"Liam hired me on to help with anyone seeking some personal time with me," Chase said, winking as he handed a card to him. Seth wondered what it was about mysterious strangers and their cards being given to him, but looking down at it he quickly realized it was pretty minimalist but fitting. A white card, with black text... and the picture of a cartoonishly buff rat lifting a barbell above his head.

"Personal trainer? Ohhhh," Seth said, laughing. "I thought you meant..."

"I did mean that, if you're interested in that too," Chase said. "But yeah. I'm here to help keep you and the other boys in shape if you're having trouble. I can customize your routines, diet plans, even do some personal sessions to help motivate you and get the body you truly want. Or to help maintain, if that's your goal. It feels so amazing to be able to say that and actually know I know that I know, you know?"

"Oh, I see," Seth laughed. "You were human. I really shouldn't be surprised. Most people who are able to find this place tend to come away changed for the better."

"Like it's hard to find?" Chase said, reclining back with his hands behind his head. Bouncing his meaty pecs a few times, Seth found himself almost entranced by him. "All I had to do was follow your video's description. Oh, and Davin thinks you should update your channel because of your 'new look', so he says. It came up earlier when you were on stage... you were amazing by the way, but I only got to see a little bit. Wish I could've stuck around for the whole show. You were enchanting."

"...Tell you what," Seth said, smiling lewdly. "You give me some private lessons with those hefty weights of yours, and in exchange I'll give you some private lessons on how to properly work a pole..."

"Oh?" Chase asked, raising an eyebrow. "I could do that. My rates are pretty reasonable, but I'm always open to negotiate. When did you want to start?"

"How about now?" Seth asked, his drink forgotten as he leaned forward. "I have time to show you around, even. Know where you're working yet?"

"Sort of. I know the room but I got lost trying to find it earlier," Chase said, clearly lying as he rose from his seat. Though not before grabbing Seth's chin beard and lightly tugging, causing him to rise with him. "Could you help me find where it is, sexy?"

Seth merely nodded as he allowed himself to be lead like a dog on a leash, loving the attention he was getting from this gym rat. Maybe if things went his way, he might have an actual leash later on. Only time would tell, but Seth knew they'd be having plenty of sessions in the future.


"Welcome back, sir."

"Good to be back," Liam said, stepping out of his true office. While it took the strange latex key to enter and exit this place, just leaving normally kept one in the realm they had been in while in the office. The realm of Lust... his realm. He was already hard and he'd only just begun breathing the air here, power thrumming through him in a way it never could on Earth. "Anything new I should know about?"

"Well, let's see," said the otter daemon, scratching his bare chest as he picked up a tablet and followed after Liam. They sidestepped a few couples making out in the hall as he read off the list. "A few new mortals have decided to join the realm, recruited with consent after the appropriate probationary period of course. They're all being processed according to their desires, though that's just a boring way to say the lucky bastards are finding out just how much pleasure they can really take."

"That's good to hear," Liam said, shifting his clothing to just a simple leather thong as he let his anthro side come out. "Let me know if they have any problems adjusting, or wish to return home after all."

"Will do. There's also the business involving Envy..."

"Is he still on me about that? Just keep ignoring him. I am NOT going to tell him that secret."

"I'll send the complimentary fruit basket with a polite rejection, as usual," the otter nodded, chuckling. "And then the last item: Pride is wondering if you've presented yourself to the Unity yet."

"I guess I should get on that," Liam sighed. "He's just going to keep bothering me if I don't. Maybe they're bothering him to bother me. At least they're not forcibly collecting me like they did with Davin."

"Yes, relations have improved in the last thirty years since or so, hm? But other than that, your schedule is fairly free short of the usual check-in with Deviant Delights that you yourself schedule."

"Thanks, Otis. Tell Pride I'll be sure to... deal with it. Also politely ask him to deal with Envy, and throw in that I'd be very grateful to his amazing leadership or whatever flatters him most at the time. You always know what to say, it seems."

"You will too, in time," Otis said, smiling back at him as he made his notes on the tablet. "Now that business is out of the way, how about some time for pleasure, sir?"

"Maybe later, though I'm very tempted to plow you here and now," Liam said, feeling in sync with the realm at that moment. It was always strange for him, coming back here as an elder. He could feel everything and everyone almost, though some things were still hidden from him for now. He wasn't omnipresent though, he had to really focus on something or else it might escape his notice. He didn't know how the others did it, but he was starting to understand what true power was and how to properly manage it. To think he'd been so overwhelmed a couple of weeks ago... now it was almost second nature for him to absorb the energy pumping directly into him, with enough to feed his subjects as well. He felt so connected and alive.

"Not even a kiss?" Otis said, leaning in close. Smiling, Liam brought his lips to the otter's while caressing the side of his face, letting the smaller anthro lean into him as he held him tight. Pulling away after a mini-makeout session, Liam willed himself to step away before he lost all control then and there.

"Better?" Liam asked, causing Otis to just nod slowly in bliss. "Good. Normally I'd be up for anything, but I want to have another go at... you know. Ascending, or whatever."

"Oh, that," Otis said, his head swimming with desire but still able to focus on his job. "I don't have much more advice I can offer on that one, sir. It just takes time."

"I know. But it would be nice to finally get that 'crown' or 'halo' or whatever it is. Why don't we have a name for that?"

"Because it has a lot of names, depending on the elder daemon," Otis said, merely shrugging. "It is an extension of your essence, after all. A symbol, but a symbol that grants you the full authority of your title..."

"And with that authority I may shape the realm as I see fit, yes. I know, Otis," Liam chuckled. "Well it's more than that, I guess. If it were as simple as being able to reshape things, it'd be as easy as adding a new room or two at the bar. I have to inherit this realm the hard way."

"Even I don't know the full extent, but yes that's correct. Would you like me to escort you this time as well, or...?"

"I can make it on my own this time," Liam assured him. "Please see to the new mortals. I'd like a status report of how well they're acclimating before I return to Earth in the morning... assuming I don't succeed."

"Yes sir, will do," Otis said, tapping on his tablet once again as he walked away, avoiding various individuals as they either went about their own tasks or just gave in to their desires, with or without others. It wasn't always a lust for sex or flesh in this place, though it was certainly his favorite. Many desires fueled the realm, though there were more major ones that took precedence. He mentally prepared himself; the route he had to take would be taxing to resist the various temptations and traps. Temptations for the willing, traps to capture those who somehow found their way here with hostile intentions so that they might be judged accordingly later. While many temptations would be easy to resist for a mortal with little experience or just simple disinterest, Liam had always been willing to try most anything, and with his connection to the realm it was easy for him to just indulge. He wasn't a daemon of self-control after all, though even Lust needed a bit of discipline here and there. They were not mindless beasts enslaved to their desires, either.

"Here goes," sighed Liam, entering the first door as he exited this section. Immediately the scent of sweat and heavy musk made his head swim, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he suddenly felt the need to workout and gain muscle. The desire was very strong for him here, especially as several daemons or mortals called out for him to join them. Some had been here for days, sustained by the realm or the special protein shake used here to keep mortals focused and energetic here. They all knew what it did, of course. Some even looked forward to it, since all they wanted to do was workout. There was a limit to how much they could gain, but it was more about the desire than the results for most. To live, breathe, and sleep in this lifestyle... it was heaven for some. It was some time before he crossed through, finally reaching another door. Without a look back, he entered through it and left the haze of the gym behind.

Of course, this place wasn't much better. He could already feel the signals here, the desire to not think for himself and just join the hivemind. Be a drone, be a drone, be a... he shut it out when he realized he was hard and repeating the words, almost heading over to a controller to link up and become as uniform as the rest of them. This section of the realm was for those who wished to leave behind free thought and be drones or robots, though only in the fetish sense of the word. They were usually hard but kept chaste, and the one time he'd asked what it was like the drone had replied 'logical' and 'orderly'. He seemed happy, at least. Deep down he knew all their desires, and there was a sort of bond there he was almost jealous of. Almost. Some would even leave this section to assist with more menial tasks, not minding at all as they 'fulfilled their purpose'. It was harder for him to leave this place, but he knew it wasn't for him on a permanent basis. If it was he wouldn't be in charge here, reminding himself of this as he pushed through to the next section.

Ah yes. His problem sector. The one that tugged at him the most, and the one he always lost on if it wasn't for Otis guiding him. But he didn't have Otis this time, and his form became more muscular and powerful as he found himself subconsciously shifting to his desires. This was the section for those more interested in power, specifically the master/slave dynamic. Though not true slaves, they were daemons and mortals alike who loved submission to powerful 'masters' so much that there was usually one per handler here at any given time. They were usually from another section and rotated out, however, since this area reeked of dominance. He could see several mortals who had changed as they'd spent time here 'training' new and older slaves, using several tools or toys depending on what they were doing. It varied accordingly, but as his eyes set upon the leather master area he found himself heading there almost automatically. He didn't know why, but lately he'd come into an awakening of his own desires. Maybe taking over as Lust had helped him realize it, or maybe he'd always known it was there, but it became almost impossible to resist this section of his realm. There were so many toys to use, so many playthings to train and break in... but no. He had to move on. For the first time on his own, he managed to barely turn away and head toward the door, stumbling almost drunkenly as he opened it and walked through. It was only when he closed it behind him that he felt his head begin clearing, the temptations falling from his mind. He was just glad the brainwashing and hypnosis sections were elsewhere, or else he might have had even more trouble for different reasons. Looking up, he found what he was looking for. An orb, floating above a pedestal, pulsed with power and authority. He had tried several times to connect with it, but it had rejected him every time. He didn't even know for sure what it did, since Davin wouldn't tell him. He just knew it would... well, it would let him do many more things. It was his right, and he would claim it today.

Walking up the steps, he discarded his thong with a thought and stood before it completely naked. As Lust, filled with lust and desire... but also out of respect. There was nothing artificial between him and it, but it was far more intimate for him than it might be in another realm with another elder's orb. He was only able to reach this place as Lust anyway, having never seen it before on this very same route... it was as if reality bent to keep anyone who didn't belong out of here. Actually, he was almost certain that was what it did as he placed his hands to either side. Feeling even more power begin to course through him, he could feel every single temptation tug at him, telling him to do this or that. It was worse than before, but his desire was very strong this time. He would do this. He was so close.

Placing his forehead to the orb for the first time in all of his multiple attempts, he took a moment to catch his breath. He had been panting, his heart beating faster and faster as his cock throbbed. Yet he let every other desire wash over him as he finally spoke.

"I am Lust. I desire this above all other things; to rule my realm as I see fit. To empower those who obey me and weaken those who would defy me. To do any and all things it is within my power to do, and my power will always increase. Join with me in harmony, my other half."

The words were different for every elder according to their realm, and some were merely symbolic in nature... yet as he finally spoke the last word he could feel something enter him. Opening his eyes, he realized the orb was gone before he cried out in pleasure as power coursed through and from him. He had thought he had power before, but... nothing could have prepared him for this. Davin gave this away? Davin stepped down from this willingly? How the hell could any daemon step away from this, or was it just his desire that was greater? After what seemed like ages, he finally came back to himself as he calmed down. He felt too big for his body now. Much too big.

"Hear me," he spoke, his voice just a formality as he mentally spoke to all of his subjects. "I am Lust, and I am your lord in this place. If any are unwilling to follow me and have their desires fulfilled, you may leave now. But so long as you reside in my realm, you swear loyalty to me and obey me. In return, I promise to grant you unending bliss according to your needs and wants, and I will protect you from those would seek to do us harm."

He could feel their oaths as they poured in, and it seemed only very few had second thoughts. He mentally directed some of his daemons to assess those individuals, but for the most part he simply bathed in his new power. This was what had been withheld from him, as it had been withheld from Davin before him. With a thought, he could feel his essence expand above his head as an intricate halo formed. If one were to see it, they would think it was made entirely of crystallized fire, the orange color matching his preferences. In his mind, he also thought of it as the fires of passion and lust in solid form, though wherever the light touched it seemed to flicker and waver. It was intangible, a symbol... and yet he could feel it was as much a part of him as his arm or leg was.

He saw a new door appear as he approached the only blank spot on the wall. He knew only he could see or use it from either side. It only existed as yet another confirmation of his power, both to him and his subjects. Walking through, he was greeted with applause and cheers from his subjects here. He had entered his throne room, the door behind him having served as his official coronation.

"What a massive throne," he remarked; this was his first time here, having refused to see it until he could do this one thing. He focused, finally able to use the full power of the realm to make himself grow, and as he grew he could feel fangs growing longer, his horns growing thicker and more ram-like if that were possible. His tail curled around him as he sat down, still growing into his throne as his colors shifted from his grey coat and orange stripes to something more fitting in his mind. The orange became that much brighter, glowing with his power as red runes and spells engraved themselves into the stripes. His grey from the waist down changed to a darker black, reminding one of leather or rubber almost, but from the waist up it changed from its dull appearance to a lustrous emerald, shining as brightly as the gemstone itself and yet as soft and smooth as silk to the touch. His eyes were even brighter; while they'd been an emerald green before, just looking into them gave the impression that two gigantic gems had replaced his irises as they glowed. He must have looked a strange sight already, but to add the finishing touches to his form he allowed his cock to grow longer and thicker than it would normally have been, finding himself stroking it as it coated itself in the faux-leather of his lower half. Taking inspiration from a previous memory, he allowed orange stripes to decorate his shaft with the same runic patterns and red symbols as his upper body.

"Are there any who challenge my authority?" he asked, and as he focused he found there were none who dared. "Then as the rightful ruler of this realm, I claim this throne as my new heart of power."

A shockwave of power erupted from him and the throne as his control of the realm fully solidified, feeling the heart shift from the office to the throne and sync fully with his very essence. It would now be easy for him to draw power from and be connected to this place no matter where he was in the vast multiverse of realms, but unless he gave his true name away he would be almost impossible to overthrow by force. He also knew instinctively that those in his presence would lust after him no matter what unless he properly shielded his nature from them. He knew exactly how to do that, having received proper instruction from Davin, though he knew what to look for when seeking the knowledge within his own power. The realm knew, and the realm remembered... and it would help educate him so long as he sought the answer. Smiling, he reclined as he felt worship and praise from his subjects, empowering him through their devotion to him and their own desires as they redoubled their efforts in their own activities. He closed his eyes, basking in their pleasure as well as his as he constantly edged himself.