A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part II

Story by Kybal_Lutra on SoFurry

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#2 of A Most Interesting Christmas Gift

A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part II

By Crimsonskies455 and Kybal Lutra

A team of college wrestlers and their coach are invited to participate in an exclusive and secretive tournament in the middle of the Canadian wilderness by a mysterious benefactor.

Whoooooooooo boy. This one was a long time coming. Over two years since my lovely, wonderful, super talented friend Crimsonskies455 and I started writing it. It's a three-parter with about 34k words, so get comfortable! Hope you all enjoy the sexy fruits of our labor!

A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part II

Crimsonskies455 & Kybal Lutra

The hotel room was oddly peaceful. Jack and Alex's beds were forced together, the covers thrown off and onto the floor. The room was not exactly in the best of shape though; food filled the trashcans and clothing was scattered about. The sheets that had been on the bed were thrown off entirely, leaving just two massive, tangled bodies that reeked of sweat and cum.

Alex was the first to stir awake, giving a long groan as he opened his eyes. Fuck, I feel like I just woke up from a rager, Alex thought to himself. He was completely naked besides a jockstrap which wasn't even around his waist but across his forehead, the straps dangling off.

The first thing he noticed was he was unbearably hot. Like, to the point that he felt like he'd just gotten out of a sauna and was trying to cool down. His mind didn't have that horny fog around it though; there was nothing clogging his thoughts and he was much more conscious of himself and the world around him.

Alex smacked his lips and felt they were as dry as a bone. He immediately got up out of bed and stomped on over to the bathroom. His body felt heavy, but that energy from before was still there. He could have sworn yesterday that he was growing in size and strength but it wasn't until he looked in the mirror that he knew what exactly was different.

"Holy fuck!"

Alex's body was a completely foreign landscape. He figured out why he was a walking sauna; his body had produced fur. Light brown fur had sprouted all over his body, from his neck down, his hands, feet, back, pelvis, and even his ass were covered in a thick layer. The only thing left that still looked human was his head, from which had sprouted a thick beard, and his crotch, where his still human looking cock was surrounded by a dusting of lighter colored fur. He looked oddly uneven and it only added to the strangeness of his reflection.

He leaned into the mirror and ran his hands over his stomach. The fur was so soft and seemed to accentuate the thick muscles underneath. In fact... he looked himself over much closely and found that his changed body was the epitome of strength and endurance. He looked like he'd eaten at another one of the heavy weights on the wrestling team and somehow absorbed their muscle into himself. His arms were massive and his thighs looked like they could crush a watermelon. Something fluttered just above his ass and he reached back with a hand to scratch it, freezing when he bumped into something that hadn't been there before. Turning around, Alex stared into the mirror and saw... a small appendage sticking out of his backside.

"What the fuck...."

It was a tail. A diamond-shaped one; a small, fluffy, brown tail that looked to be more for a deer than anything. Alex also had control of it...well at least a little bit since when he turned around in surprise, the tail flagged up immediately, revealing the soft white-furred underside much to his own shock.

"Jaaaaaackkkk...." Alex started, his voice low and menacing. "Jack, what did we do last night? Why do I look like I came out of an early-90s animated Disney movie?!"

Jack stirred on top of the bed as he came around to consciousness. He gave the same groan, the same smacking of lips, and then the same startled reaction, only doubly so when he saw his teammate.

"Holy fuck!"

"Yeah, that's what I said!"

Jack looked over at Alex and slowly reached over to feel his best friend's biceps before feeling his own. He looked down at himself, stunned at the changes that had happened in their sleep. He kept running his hands up and down his furry torso slowly, watching the fur stick up and then smooth over again and again.

"What... what the fuck is going on, man!?" he asked, eyes wide and a bit of a tremble in his voice.

This wasn't remotely close to normal. This wasn't even weird. It was scary. It was alien and strange and so far beyond what either of them had ever known. He looked over to Alex and took in the changes on the other man.

He was massive. As solidly built as a freight train, only one that was furry all over and had a tail. Actually...

"Do... do I have a tail too?"

He turned around and Alex gulped and nodded. Jack felt around for it and grasped it in his hand, the appendage flicking here and there as a wave of new sensations washed over him.

"Fuck me. Fuck. Me." He shuddered as he let go of the tail and took several deep breaths in and out as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

Alex stood in the doorway of the bathroom, looked over at his best friend and truly did not know what to do. First, yesterday had come along with a whirlwind of revelations that neither of them, nor anyone else on the team, was clearly as straight as they'd believed themselves to be. And now... now they were freaks. Though, he had to admit, oddly sexy freaks.

What had caused these transformations? Was it a curse? Some sort of weird gene manipulation? The Canadian air?

He ground his teeth together and let out a frustrated sigh. Jack looked over at him for a moment and then spoke.

"This is completely unimportant but you know what our fur reminds me of? We kinda look like reindeer..." Jack said softly. He stood up, his powerful leg muscles bulging underneath his fur as they took his new, heavier weight. He walked around Alex and looked at him up and down. "Yeah. Definitely reindeer. They're a lot bigger than normal deer and by the looks of both of us... I'd say we're pretty damn massive. Going on seven feet right now."

"Well, don't reindeer have....ahh, fuck-argh!"

Alex reached a hand out to grab the bathroom counter, gripping it until the plastic material groaned in protest. Immediately, his nose began to crack and morph and he moaned at the strange sensation of the shape pushing outward. He felt his teeth begin to change in his lengthening mouth, feeling them flatten and grow, the canines changing shape to become more molar-like and his mouth widening outward inch after inch. His lips pulled along with it, darkening and thickening along with a wave of fur and whiskers that sprouted across the protruding length. His tongue thickened as well, growing longer and wider as it filled his new maw. His ears had started shifting too as they changed from normal human ears into longer, tube like ones covered in a soft, downy fur, the tips a little lighter than the rest of his fur. They twitched and swiveled as he continued to change.

At the same time, his dick was flush with tingling and he felt himself growing thicker, longer, and... something else. Though he was slightly cross-eyes as his muzzle continued to grow in front of him, he looked down as a furry sheath wrapped itself around the base of his length, which was also shifting. The mushroom shaped head that he'd always known slowly started to widen and flatten slightly as his length grew longer. A thick section of skin bunched up about a third of the way from his base, creating a medial ring. As the changes slowed, the normally pink color shifted to a deep red, and the skin was slick and shiny.

Once his cock had finished, the changes seemed to continue downward and he grunted deeply, animalistically as his ankles and feet started to ache. He wiggled his toes and found that he couldn't anymore. Glancing down further, he saw that his toenails had turned a dull black and were slowly fusing together along with his toes into what seemed like a hoof. The mass thickened and he felt himself arch up onto what would've been his toes, adding several more inches to his overall height. The hooves parted down the middle, giving him two distinct halves with fetlocks forming where his skin and fur met them.

As soon as those finished changing, his ankles gave a deep pulse and he shifted again, his legs pulling tightly and further back as he was given an unguligrade stance. He struggled for a moment with the massive changes to his center of gravity, but then realized that he was oddly... fine. Like this was normal for him now.

A few moments later, the change was complete. Alex snorted wildly with relief and reached upward to feel where his nose once was. With open eyes, he could clearly see a big, furry, protruding muzzle in the middle of his vision. He turned slowly to look into the mirror and his heart jumped at the sight. He looked like an animal now, on two legs.

He now had a wild, furry, intelligent animal head resting on his wide shoulders, and it looked like it had a surprising amount of expression. A dark, wet, black nose was positioned at the end of his muzzle and he snorted again, seeing a light mist appear. His eyes had turned a striking blue and they stared back at him and he experimentally opened his muzzle and stuck his tongue out. Pulling a face at himself to make sure it was still... him inside.

A small chuckle from Jack made him glance further back in the mirror. The chuckle slowly changed into a full-on laugh as Jack couldn't quite get a grasp on the insanity of the situation.

"Oh man," he said, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye, "I knew it. We're fucking reindeer men. Completely fucking insane reindeer men with muzzles... ugh-ngh!"

Alex watched in a mixture of horror and intrigue as Jack's face changed exactly as his had just moments ago. It seemed like their transformations lined up like some weird metabolic clock. Just like his own, Jack's face pulled into a wide muzzle complete with changed ears, his girthy cock changing into a much more animalistic shape, and his legs and feet following suit as well. When Jack's was done changing, he looked very similar in structure albeit a bit larger and rounder. The perfect length and width for his tank-like body.

"God that felt so weird..." Jack grimaced, opening and closing his mouth and trying to get used to his new, larger tongue. "Did-oh god, that smell is so much stronger. All of them are."

Both of them sniffed through their new noses deeply, followed by shallow sniffs as they let their new senses translate a wave of new information.

Alex sniffed again, "Uh yeah, I can smell... us. Together. Like, all the sex. Musk. Sweat. Cum. Smells, uh, pretty great actually."

He laughed nervously as he continued, "Mm, I can definitely smell the shampoo I used yesterday. All the soap and stuff in the bathroom. Kinda smells super artificial and gross now."

Jack nodded and took a breath in, turning his nose towards the bed and leaning down to sniff more and more, following the scent line until he grabbed the jockstrap that he'd taken off sometime last night. He held it up to his muzzle and breathed in the scent. It was clearly his but... different. More human and less woodsy. He leaned down and sniffed his armpit, nodded in approval.

"We definitely smell better now too. Kinda natural and woodsy. Almost like pine or something."

He kept sniffing himself, trailing his muzzle down further, following the lines of muscled fur down his chest and stomach until he got a whiff of himself right from the source. He bent forward and mashed his muzzle into his crotch, trailing his nose through the musky sheath and slightly sweaty sack.

"Mmmf... fuck man, I smell amazing. And Jesus... hadn't realized but like," he reached down and grabbed his balls in a massive palm, "These definitely grew too. Mmm... they feel incredible too. So damn sensitive now."

Alex felt himself stirring at Jack's ministrations, and he reached down to fondle his own balls, feeling their new heft and weight. They had to be the size of oranges now, and they hung low and full, the skin covered in fur. He watched as Jack's tongue slipped out of his muzzle and ran it easily along the length of his changed cock, which was hardening back to full length quickly as he slurped away at it.

In fact, both of them started to grow hard at their own touches and before things went further, Alex cleared his throat and stood up suddenly, trying to contain some semblance of rationale within himself. Jack jerked and pulled his muzzle off of his cock, a trail of spit running from his nose to his flattened tip. Alex smirked and walked over to Jack and sat down beside him, placing both his hands in his lap and swallowing hard before he spoke.

"Ok. I'm... I'm not sure what to do right now. This is entirely fucked up and we may have some sort of virus or something. I don't-I really don't know what to do here. But look, maybe we should start from when things started to change. So can we just talk about last night? Like really talk about it because... look man, I don't know what the hell is going on and I was just-I was so horny last night, and I've got no fucking clue why I'm not freaking out about turning into a fucking sexy reindeer man, and kissing you and..." Alex watched Jack's cheeks redden, even through his fur.

Jack shuffled uncomfortably next to him but nodded. "Yeah... I think that would actually be a good idea."

Alex stood and filled up two glasses with water from the filter and walked back to the bed, once again taking a moment to sheepishly admire their work from last night. The smell of cum was still very much present and the two glanced at each other, embarrassed as they politely sat next to one another in silence for a moment. He took his glass and carefully drained the water down his muzzle, watching Jack do the same out of the corner of his eye. They both exhaled massive breaths of air and set their cups on the ground.

Surprising Alex, Jack put his hand on his thigh and rubbed it softly. "So, we all kinda... turned gay for each other last night."

Alex snorted and nodded, "Yeah, we did. I mean, it felt really good too. Almost like it was entirely right to feel that way. I-I've never kissed a guy before or even thought about it, but when you came up behind me in the showers... I just didn't want anything else. And all the other guys were... very much in agreement."

"Yeah, we uh, we definitely were," Jack said awkwardly. "And I... still am. In agreement, I mean. That I like dudes. I mean, I used to like girls. But I just, like, I've got this feeling like we were changed on purpose to be like this. Like, I dunno man. It doesn't make sense but I dunno what the fuck else to say! I just don't... want anything else now. Does that make sense? It's just this constant need now. I need... you."

Alex looked away for a moment, the air in the room still and tense. He looked back at Jack and ran his eyes up and down the bestial form of his best friend.

"I... think I'm the same man. But something still feels off about it. Like, first that and now all this." He gestured to their bodies and muzzles as he looked over at Jack's face, the reindeer man looking back at him with concern and care. He sighed and reached down to take Jack's hand in his, sliding their fingers together.

"And that's not even considering what we did here last night. I mean, look at the state of this place! We seriously went at it. And I can only remember snippets. I think we... sucked each other off?"

Jack nodded with a grin, "We definitely did dude. And I'm pretty sure we did it many, many times because there's cum everywhere."

He chuckled as he glanced behind them at the bed. The sheets were a mess and even torn in places, and there were thick, damp patches of seed that could clearly be seen from where they were sitting.

"Soooo," Jack said quietly. "Where do we go from here?"

Alex pondered the statement. Before yesterday, he was totally cool with what people did behind closed doors. If people were gay, that was fine by him, but he'd never considered himself gay. He could appreciate a man's body but he didn't feel the urge to stick his dick anywhere near said man. But now, everything was the opposite and it made no logical sense!

"Well, I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy last night 'cause I really did," Alex stated, his cock jumping between his legs at the thought of Jack's mouth around his nuts before moving up to his shaft. "I just don't wanna crazy right at the start, you know? Though I guess... we kind of already have. I mean, we're fucking reindeer men. That's insane all by itself."

Jack seemed to be having a similar reaction. His own member jumped when Alex mentioned he'd enjoyed last night and he slowly moved his hand up closer to his best friend's cock, lightly grazing around the base with the tips of his fingers as he spoke.

"I don't either. But I mean, we've already gotten to second base. Or third. Like, I... I'm into you, man. Maybe I have been for a while and somehow I just realized how much last night. And I gotta say: you have a fantastic body and it's one that I wouldn't be opposed to exploring again. But yeah I like... really like you."

Jack leaned over and almost on instinct, pressed his muzzle into Alex's, sniffing his friend's scent and licking the tip of his wide nose.

Alex didn't feel the need to pull away. Before, he probably would have and would have also said some choice words to whatever guy was trying to kiss him. But now, he felt an even deeper connection with his teammate. He looked at Jack's big eyes and noticed the color of them had changed. Now they were a deep, emerald green. It was beautiful. His best friend was beautiful now. Or had he always been and he was only seeing it because of these remarkable changes?

"It's just weird. I love how you feel and how we look, but where did it come from and why... us?" Alex asked as he pressed into Jack's muzzle and lapped his tongue across it in turn. He jumped slightly and hissed pleasurably when Jack's hand wrapped around his now erect member. The heat from before was starting to return in earnest. It was as if his brain was telling him that he needed to connect to Jack and forget about their problems and just be together.

"Yeah..." Jack said dreamily as if he was lost in a hypnotic state.

He leaned inward, his breath coming hot and heavy as he slowly stroked up and down Alex's thigh. Jack inhaled deeply, leaning downward to sniff at Alex's treasure trail. "I'm still listening, bud... but I'm just gonna... mmm, take a minute to enjoy you a bit more."

Alex felt the hand on his thigh move inward, gripping his cock and begin to stroke it slowly and needfully. The wrestler moaned, his muscles flexing as a tongue licked along his fur and immediately it began to darken into a deeper, more caramel color. It was as if Jack's tongue was pushing the transformation forward, the wet saliva sending tingles up his spine. Jack's hands groped along Alex's body, one hand pumping Alex's cock while the other brushed across the huge pecs and abs that his best friend now sported, plump with muscle and fuzzy with thick fur.

Alex's line of questioning started to slow down to the point that he could barely get a couple of syllables out until finally he gave a low groan of pleasure. In fact, he couldn't help but arch his broad back when Jack's hand found his right nipple and pinched at it sending a wave of pleasure and outward from his chest..

"You... fuck you're making it hard for... ooooh god, Jack... me to explain..." Alex stated hurriedly between panting breaths. He watched as Jack moved slowly off the bed and knelt down before him, spreading his thick thighs apart with his meaty hands and leaning in close with his muzzle. His black nose, cool and wet with nostrils flaring as he took in the scent of pure male musk from his friend, collided with Alex's crotch, huffing and sniffing around like a dog.

"I'm sorry," Jack said with a hint of sincerity, but it was covered up by the sultriness in his voice and the fact that his hands were now gripping Alex's plump ass. "It's just...you smell so good, bro."

Jack took a huff of the now large and full balls flopping over his muzzle, causing Alex to groan and lean his head back with pleasure as a long, thick tongue made it's way over his newly grown and incredibly sensitive sack. His tail flicked and twitched underneath him and his eyes widened when Jack's probing tongue carefully made its way up Alex's thick shaft before moving back down and leaving a wet trail over the taut skin..

"Fuck, you taste even better," Jack stated between long licks over Alex's throbbing cockhead, which was now leaking copious amounts of precum, "I may have gone down on you like... an uncountable number times already, but I just can't stop myself. Plus our dicks look so exotic now..."

Alex ran a furred hand over his muzzle, eyes rolling back slightly as Jack took him into his mouth, his best friend's thick tongue swirled endlessly around his animalistic shaft. "I-it's okay! Y-you can keep going..." Alex said as his massive body twitched with pleasure, his right hand moving towards Jack's head. The brown fur that now covered it was so soft on his fingertips, and he slowly massaged the deer's head, digging into the fur slightly with the tips of his now dark black and hard keratin filled fingernails.

Jack didn't answer back, only giving a small grunt as he took one of Alex's balls into his muzzle. He rolled it inside with his tongue, making Alex gasp and moan while he covered it in his saliva. The tingling sensation suddenly returned and Alex could feel his balls growing larger again, only this time it was right inside of Jack's mouth.

"Mmmmm... .mmmff-pft!" Jack pulled his muzzle away quickly as he let Alex's balls out of his mouth. He looked down in awe at Alex's balls as they continued to grow past the size of oranges and just seemed to thicken and pulse with each passing second. "Damn, you definitely weren't all the way done down there."

With a nervous chuckle, Alex put a hand underneath Jack's muzzle to feel it was damp with saliva. That same tingling sensation shot up through his spine at the contact and he had a thought.. "I think it's your saliva that's causing our changes to accelerate...."

"Oh is it? Well then, let's keep going shall we?"

Moving back down between Alex's legs, Jack licked up along Alex's shaft once again, but this time completely engulfed Alex's cock in one swift and fluid motion. In an instant, Alex's member was surrounded on all sides by warmth and a tightness that threatened to milk him dry.

Alex hissed in pleasure, his hands gripping onto... a splinter?

Feeling for what felt like rough wood embedded in Jack's head, Alex's fingers felt across one nub on the top right of his skull. His teammate didn't even seem to notice the new growth and simply continued to bob his head, groaning around Alex's shaft which sent small vibrations up and down, adding immensely to the buzzing pleasure.

Even through the haze, Alex moved his hand over to the other nub on Jack's head. It was symmetrical to the first and had the same roughness to it. Whatever little concentration he had was completely ripped away when Jack began to deep throat him, giving a small gag as he took in Alex's cock all the way to the hilt with seemingly practiced ease. The nub continued to grow in his hands, thickening and lengthening rapidly as it quickly started to warp and branch outward. At the same time, Alex could feel a similar pulsing on the top of his skull, and a steady increase in weight seemed to be building up.

The antlers grew and grew from both of their skulls, widening and lengthening until Jack's pair had a solid ten points and Alex's had twelve. He felt his neck thicken slightly, muscles bunching up and thickening to deal with the new weight pressing down on his head. With a cry of pleasure, he gripped onto the base of Jack's antlers with his hands and pulled him down and into his crotch.

"Ohhh fuck!" Alex groaned, thrusting his hips slightly and feeling his heavy balls jostling and throbbing right up against Jack's muzzle. The musk in the room was beginning to feel like a cloudy haze and anyone who might've walked by their door could've easily guessed what was going on just by the sheer power of the scent, let alone the noises they were loudly making.

Jack was going to town on his best friend's dick as if he knew each and every area to maximize Alex's pleasure, and the muffled noises he was making only hinted to how much he was enjoying getting his friend off. But then their fun was interrupted by the shrill sound of their room phone going off.

This time, Alex's swearing was because he'd been receiving the best blowjob he'd ever had, and now he had to painstakingly tear himself away from Jack's warm, eager muzzle. With a pop, Alex pulled his aching dick out of Jack's muzzle quickly. His cock bobbed between his legs as he flung himself towards the head of the bed and over to the nightstand where the phone was still surprisingly intact. Jack protested at Alex leaving so quickly, the source of his sexual high moving away from him at an alarming rate. With a grin, he jumped on top of Alex and pulled him close, sliding his thick legs over the other reindeer man's and slowly humping his crotch into his back.

Alex gave a fake huff of annoyance at Jack's eagerness, and with his saliva covered cock pushing down against the sheets reminding him of what they had just been doing, he answered the phone with as much of normality as he could. After all, it could easily be his dad calling him to get ready.

"Yooo uh, is this Jack or Alex?"

The voice was so low and deep that Alex took a moment to analyze who could possibly be calling him right now. He had never heard a timbre so deep from anyone on his team.

"Uhh, yeah. This is Alex. I'm with Jack in our room."

In the meantime, Jack had started to thrust against Alex's ass, his leaking cock hot-dogging between his thick backside. Jack groaned lewdly into Alex's free ear, a grin across his face as his pre-cum lubricated cock easily slid in between Alex's muscular glutes. He just couldn't seem to help himself, not that Alex was complaining.

There was a quick breath of relief from the other end of the phone. With Alex's new enhanced hearing, he picked up what sounded like a low moan in the background and some shuffling. Jack heard the sound too and gave a small chuckle that mixed quickly into a grunt when his cock slid right over Alex's tight hole.

"Oh awesome, man! Ok, this is Nate!" The deep voice exclaimed with that same bubbliness he'd always had. "So, this is a bit of an odd question but do you guys like... have any changes? I mean like, has anything weird been happening to you?"

"Uhm... yeah. We have a whole bunch o-ohhh, fuck dude-c-changes! Why do you ask?" Alex almost laughed as he asked the ridiculous question, and then lewdly groaned right into the phone when Jack moved away from hot-dogging him to taking a black-tipped index finger and pushing and teasing his tight, quivering hole with it. The finger popped in with frightening ease and Alex looked over his shoulder briefly to see Jack grinning from ear to ear. When he started to push back against his finger, his tail flagging rapidly, Jack chuckled and spoke up.

"Your ass was just begging for it, dude. And the musk from there just makes me want to dip whatever I can into it, "Jack said out loud, leaning forward again to kiss Alex's shoulder before kissing him on the cheek.

"Uhh... yeah. We're kinda like... really f-furry. As in we have fur all over our bodies. And we're all like, uh, super tall and buff and, er, well, we're like deer-men now, I guess? And a-are you guys, um, really gay too? Like, uncontrollably so?" Nate said on the other line with a huff as several moans came through the speaker, "Cause I kinda got Drew eating my ass out right now and god knows what Kyle is doing to him. I haven't checked in a few-oh fuck, dude! Right there with that tongue!"

The moans coming from the other end were music to Alex's ears and rather than being disgusted by it, Alex's cock merely flexed even harder against the bed, leaking directly into the sheets. He started to think about what was going on in that room and he fantasized about joining in, his body already way ahead of him. The need to be with his teammates was so strong and overwhelming that his arousal was nearly uncontainable.

"Fuck..." Alex said unceremoniously as his ears picked up more sexually charged moans happening in the background.

"Yeah, that's uh, happened a lot," Nate said with a chuckle. "So, we're down in my room with pretty much the rest of the team. You should see the twins, man. They're um. Well, they're a bit closer than brothers usually are. But we're trying to figure out what to do and could use some help, so we wanted you two to get over here. And bring your singlets with you because Drew threatened that he would fuck my ass raw if I didn't tell you to bring your wrestling stuff. Said he had a dream about it or s-something-oh fuck, right there dude. Keep licking."

The plot thickened, among other things as Jack added another finger into his ass, right next to the first one.

"Mmm okay, dude. On our way." Alex said in half-moan and half-acknowledgement. Luckily, Nate's room was only just three doors down the hall so both Jack and Alex didn't have far to go.

"Alright. See you s-ohhh yeah, Kyle...."

Alex hung up and looked back at Jack as his best friend plunged his fingers in and out of his hole. "Mmff. I really want to continue dude but..." Jack said lustfully, punctuating the statement by pushing his fingers as deep as they would into Alex's hole, making a wet squelching sound as he humped back.

"Y-yeah, I do too, but.... we gotta go see what's up with the rest of them. I dunno about any of this. Turning into super buff, incredibly gay reindeer men and now Drew is having visions or some shit? This weekend is kinda out there when you put it up against our usual weekends." Alex replied as Jack slowly removed his fingers from his tight hole and sat up on his knees. "Come on."

"Fine, but only because there'll be more hot reindeer men to fuck." Jack said with a pout and a soft groan.

Grabbing their singlets from the closet, the two carefully made their way as stealthily as they could down the hallway, their bodies right up against the wall Tom Clancy style as they crouched down low and ran to their left. Their thick hooves padded softly against the carpeted floor as they moved, and even crouched down, their large antlers still gave them quite a bit of height. Alex felt Jack's eyes on his bare, furry ass, and he felt his tail flick up and around with each step like it was teasing his best friend all on it's own.

As they approached the third door down from theirs, neither of them knew exactly what to expect but Alex had an inkling of a feeling that stuffing the rest of the changed team inside one small hotel room was going to take things a lot further than he and Jack had gone.

Just outside of the door, Alex could hear soft thumping, deep lewd moaning, and what sounded like the squeaking of bed springs. He looked back at Jack with a nervous look on his face but the horndog was already practically drooling, his thick cock launching a line of pre right where they were standing as it jutted proudly out of his thick sheath.

Alex didn't want to be the one to drop the news to the hotel staff that their entire team had been turned into a bunch of buff, horny reindeer men, let alone have to suffer through the staff telling his dad! That would be a talk way more awkwardly then the whole puberty conversations he and his dad had had to suffer through like a rite of passage. He sighed and grabbed the door handle, the lock instantly clicking and the light turning green automatically. Curious.

"Shit, here goes," Alex mumbled to no one in particular as he swung open the door and was immediately inundated with a barrage of sexual stimuli he'd never been exposed to before.

His teammates were scattered around the room, each paired off with one, or two, or three of the others in various states of lovemaking. Zach had his dick buried so deep in Nate's backside that Alex was convinced it would pop out the other side any minute. The lightweight's fuzzy and furry balls were slapping off Nate's ass and making him howl out in pleasure as his hard, massive, reindeer cock bobbed up and down in time with Kelly's hard thrusts. The phone that he'd been using just a few minutes ago was off its holder and hanging down towards the floor. The black, matte paint was covered in hot jizz.

"Oh my god is that...?" Jack stuttered out, his nostrils flaring at the end of his muzzle as he took in the scents and the sight.

Jack's jaw nearly dropped to the floor and cock shot up when he noticed that Terrance was getting his reindeer rod licked on either side by the twins, Bruce and Kelly. The two were lathering him up, their long tongues and muzzles making short work of Terrance's fat poll. Their tongues caressed his thick cock and bathed it in their saliva as they both jerked the other's dicks, most of the moaning coming from their fiery threesome in the middle of the room.

Alex only realized then that he could somehow recognize the others... based on smell. It was like his mind had been retrained on how to understand the scents floating around the small room. To any regular individual that happened to walk inside, they would only smell the deep scent of a group of reindeer in heavy rut, but Alex could pinpoint each of his teammates with accuracy that he knew was one-hundred percent correct.

Alex's head turned to the other bed to see Kyle with his legs upward and his arms wrapped around them to keep them tight against his much thicker chest. The absolutely huge heavyweight's head was leaned back into a pillow in obvious ecstasy as Drew ate him out, the others' long, thick tongue working around and diving into the black-skinned hole at a feverish pace. It was a sausage fest if Alex ever saw one and the rational part of his mind screaming at him to figure out what was going on, but seemed to be quickly losing out to the primal instinct screaming equally loud: join in the rut.

The one thing that did stand out to Alex though was the black duffel bag in the center of the room, the contents dumped out haphazardly which showed their new and sleek singlets peeking out of them.

"Hey! Assholes!" Jack yelled from behind him. He seemed mad from being interrupted with getting to homebase with Alex, but his sudden outburst of anger still felt very surprising. Jack had never really been the type of person to take on many leadership roles, per say. Alex snorted and stomped his hoof before shouting out loudly in the small room.

"Guys, shut up and stop fucking each other!"

There was an immediate reaction. Unanimous silence fell over the room as everyone pulled away from each other, the hazily lewd atmosphere somewhat tarnished by the yelling. It was so strange to Alex as he looked around at his teammates. When had everyone become so obedient? He shook his head, feeling the weight of his antlers as he stepped forward and shut the door.

"Everyone get a fucking grip right now because we've got some serious shit we need to work through." Alex's voice practically boomed out in the room even at what he thought was a normal speaking voice. He hesitated for a moment, uncertain of what else was going on on top of their communal transformation and gayification. And when did he get so large and in charge? He was kinda turned on by his own authoritativeness. For the first time, his mind seemed to clear a bit more and he took in the real site before him.

Everyone had indeed turned into big, bulky reindeer men with bodies that looked absolutely primed for wrestling. All of them had muscles that bulged and bunched across their heavily furred and thickly built body types. For a team captain, it was like looking at the world's weirdest lineup of the most impressive wrestlers he'd ever seen.

The heavyweights looked even more ready to tear shit up while the lightweights looked bulkier than normal, but still lean and quick. Even the middleweights looked like perfect Adonises; ready to roll at a moment's notice.

And all of them seemed to be at least okay with what had happened. Each of them was sweaty, horny, and looked to be at the peak of their physical performance. The various shades of fur were all damp with sweat and cum, and Alex felt his member twitch between his legs at the thought of eventually joining them. Even their scents had taken on more animal characteristics.

Alex breathed in slowly and found the mixture intoxicating. The sex didn't smell exactly like what he thought it would but it was somehow even better. Earthy and manly and wild. He found himself getting even more curious at the various fluids spread around the room and was about to take a step forward when he glanced down at the pile of singlets in front of him. His mind again pulled away from the wild instincts it seemed primed and eager to listen to.

"Oh shit, guys, we have to deal with this now." Alex said, his voice still booming around the tiny space as he gestured to the pile of singlets, "The tournament! What the fuck are we gonna do!?"

Nate's little tail gave a flick and he turned and walked up towards Alex, slinging his arm around his captain's waist. "Did you forget what I said over the phone, big boy?"

Giving a red blush, Alex ignored the question, avoiding the grinning, naked reindeer that leered at him perversely as he knelt down and grabbed the duffel bag. "Okay, Drew? You mentioned to Nate that you had a dream or vision or something. We gotta get ready for practice or Coach is going to kill us. Plus, I'm like... so fucking hungry! I think our changes sped up our metabolism or something because wow, I really need something to eat."

Drew stepped forward, his big cock pointed up at attention, clearly slick with spit and precum. He had that same stupid smile even on his muzzle and Alex immediately recognized those eyes of his. It was definitely Drew, even if the leaking from his dick was a new addition amidst all the animal attributes.

"Yeah, so my dream was fucking wild. Only it didn't feel like a dream, exactly. It felt like a message? Anyway, having our gear on and we were human again, but... ummm..."

The gears in Drew's head were whirling and everyone on the team was paying attention and leaning forward, though the twins were slowly jerking each other off under Terrance's still leaking cock.

"Come on, Drew," Alex impatiently sighed. His hunger was starting to override the instinct to jump in with the twins, his member between his legs twitching as his stomach gave a loud grumble.

"Okay, so, we need to put the singlets on to change back into humans. Only we should be able to change whenever we want to at some point in the future, I think? I dunno man, the message was kinda all over the place, but that's the general gist I got."

Drew reached down and pulled up his own singlet from the pile and held it up in front of him for a moment. He gave Alex a hopeful look and shrugged his shoulders before stepping away and lifting a leg to slide into the hole of the fabric.

To Alex, the new singlets had always looked a little bit low cut at the chest and thigh area, but the difference with how big they all were now was almost comical. None of them were of a traditional type of design and even if they shifted back into their human forms, they were certainly going to show off way more of their bodies than ever before. The back had what appeared to be a supporting strap that ran up to the neck area, but even that looked too thin and open enough to provide anyone looking a tiny bit more of the wearer's upper backside.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, silence deafening the room before Terrance shrugged and said, "This day's been weird enough as is. I mean, we might as well give it a shot!"

Alex felt like he was the only one who had even an ounce of concern. They just got turned into a bunch of reindeer and had all been screwing (or in the process of getting to screwing) each other's brains out and now they were going off... a dream one of them had? Twelve hours ago, he would never have assumed that Kelly or Bruce had ever even considered themselves remotely into each other, let alone being willing to suck another man's cock while they jerked each other off. Even now, Terrance had to practically pull the two off of each other and yell at them to find their singlets.

Still holding his, Alex had an unconvinced look plastered on his muzzle as everyone started to put them on. It would have been comedic if they weren't so short on time! Trying to see them all stuff their obnoxiously huge reindeer junk into their singlets, as well as make sure their arms and legs could fit was a sight to behold for anyone watching. Miraculously, most got their legs in without tearing the fabric and the moans that echoed throughout the room as the singlets rubbed against sheaths and furry ball sacks almost made Alex cum right then.

"Anyone else think this feels way too good?" Kelly said as his brother nibbled on his ear from behind and grinded against his ass. He pulled up the arm straps, the material of the wrestling gear rubbing up against them.

"Yeah, .feels different... but like, not in a bad way," Jack admitted as he adjusted his bulge. He watched Alex begin to put his on with a certain amount of caution.

The team captain understood exactly what the others meant when he pulled the slick material up to his crotch. Suddenly, there was a rush of pleasure that caused his breath to hitch in his throat.

That same electric jolt that rushed through him before when he was transforming arched up his spine and almost instantly, there was an almost explosive change. His body didn't lose muscle or structure, but the reindeer parts of him: the fur, antlers, and hooves almost sunk into his body as if they were never there to begin with. His legs shifted back into a normal human structure and his muzzle pulled back inward, leaving him back to his old self, though much, much larger in every way.

In less than a minute, the entire team appeared to be human save for the dense musculature still clinging to each of their grown bodies, and along with a thick coating of body hair and some hefty growth to their junk. All of them had clearly gained a couple of inches in length and girth and Alex felt a bit bashful as his own clearly thicker, longer member twitched heavily against his thigh.

It felt so very strange to be human again and each team member looked almost disappointed by their shift back. They all looked over each other's bodies for a few moments, realizing that even as humans, they were still massive.

Finally, it was Terrance who talked again.

"Dude, we're so fucking jacked!"

The rest of the guys gave a few whoops and hollers of relief, realizing that they could still participate in the tournament and that they were back to normal, or at least whatever normal was relative to what had just happened. Alex and Jack looked at each other with uncertain smiles on their faces.

It was so strange. So wildly impossible. Everything that had happened had been like it was right out of some perverts fantasy novel, but it was all so real.

"Alright... keep your singlets on because we can't risk transforming again. I'm not sure where the fuck Drew's dream came from but, like, wow this whole situation is super fucked up." Alex said as he shook his head and shrugged. His voice was still much deeper than it had been prior to his transformation, though it seemed to suit him now. Everyone was watching him intently, even Jack who's thick body was pressing up against him now.

"We have to get to the locker room and get ready for this tournament. So long as we can get through this without anyone transforming, I think we can... figure this out later, even as much as that sucks." Alex grinned at them all and then leaned into Jack's body, nuzzling his friend's thickly bearded cheek before kissing him firmly on the lips. He pulled back and turned to his team. "Keep your overly sexual shit in check. We have a tournament to crush."

Everyone started to walk towards the exit of the hotel room, but Alex quickly held up his hands.

"Wait! We have to clean up!"

Everyone looked confused and before they could express any formal complaints, Alex pointed a finger towards the bed that Zach and Nate had practically drenched in their assorted... fluids.

"Look at that bed you fucking idiots! I can smell your jizz from here. And it smells like..."

Alex stopped for a moment, drool about to escape from his lips and he quickly doubled down before he said something he would regret. "It smells like a fucking brothel in here! I mean, that's not, like, totally bad. I kinda think it smells amazing, actually. Pretty sure we all kinda, uh, enjoy it? But normal people probably fucking don't! So c'mon, we have to clean before we eat!"


"Before we eat, you fucking animals!"

The team groaned together and quickly started rushing around the room, piling up their extremely used, damp sheets and pillows, their hastily removed clothes, and piled them all neatly on the floor.

"Alright." Alex spoke with a nod towards his team mates, "Good job. Now let's head down, grab some food, and get ready for this thing. C'mon."

He turned around and opened the door, feeling like he was unstoppable with his team-his brothers-walking behind him. They could take on anything now.