A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part III

Story by Kybal_Lutra on SoFurry

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#3 of A Most Interesting Christmas Gift

A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part III

By Crimsonskies455 and Kybal Lutra

A team of college wrestlers and their coach are invited to participate in an exclusive and secretive tournament in the middle of the Canadian wilderness by a mysterious benefactor.

Whoooooooooo boy. This one was a long time coming. Over two years since my lovely, wonderful, super talented friend Crimsonskies455 and I started writing it. It's a three-parter with about 34k words, so get comfortable! Hope you all enjoy the sexy fruits of our labor!

A Most Interesting Christmas Gift - Part III

Crimsonskies455 & Kybal Lutra

"You think... you think your dad might have caught onto us?" Kelly said with concern as he stood next to Alex. Their first round of the tournament was coming up very soon and, aside from how it started, the day almost had a weirdly normal vibe going now.

The whole team had basically raided the entire breakfast bar when they'd gone downstairs to the lobby. Luckily, there was hardly anyone there as they all participated in what Kyle liked to call "carbohydrate annihilation". No one could save the oatmeal, the cereal, or the waffles from their scourge and they came down upon it like a swarm of locusts. Once they'd taken care of the breakfast bar and their new, insanely energetic and powerful bodies had been fueled, they made their way back to their training center to get ready together.

Again, it felt weirdly normal for them, like the wildly homosexual and possibly magical or at least weirdly scientific transformations that had happened to them were just pushed to the background by the entire team. At least, that's how Alex felt. He had a mission to focus on now, and despite his new and improved body and instincts, he wanted to try and concentrate on making today count for him, for the team, and for his dad. Speaking of....

"Fuck, how would he have?" Alex said with a low hiss, not eager to entertain the idea that his dad had somehow seen or heard about the events of last night and this morning. They'd gone back to train after their dinner last night, at least he thought. Last night was almost entirely a blur to him. He wondered if it had been the same for his dad.

Even though he knew the coach was probably getting things situated with all the officials, he still didn't want to get caught talking about what had happened. As far as he knew, it was just the team that was going through these insane changes. His dad didn't need any more distractions, especially with how badly he'd reacted yesterday afternoon.

"Remember that my ass gets fried too if he finds out. Shit, I don't even know what I'm gonna tell him!" Alex rubbed his forehead, subconsciously feeling for his missing horns with searching fingers before he realized and stopped, "Look, just try and focus. We'll figure this all out once the tournament is over and we've won, okay?"

Alex sighed and stripped off his shorts and tank top, his body already sweating heavily even with the thin clothing. His singlet was tight across his chest---well, it was tight everywhere now, but he didn't mind. In fact, he ran his hands up and down his new body, feeling the muscles bunch and tense under the material as he moaned lightly, trailing his fingers over his bulging crotch lightly, just teasing himself.

There was a flash of concern across Kelly's face as he watched the captain feel himself up, but Alex glanced at him and stopped, putting his hands down at his sides and speaking, "I do appreciate you listening though. I mean, I don't know what came over us but...."

Walking up to the two and taking a seat, Bruce glanced at his brother and gave a fond smile before starting to strip out of his singlet, Kelly watching with growing interest.

Alex spoke up quickly, "Remember, I can't have you fucking each other here."

"Yeah, yeah, we know. Nothing wrong with a little brotherly love before a match though." Kelly said with a wistful smile as he laid a hand on Bruce's ass. "Mmmm, you look so good, bro. I mean, fuck, it's like your ass is calling to me. C'mere...."

Leaning down, Bruce kissed Kelly lightly on the lips and then wrapped his hands around his brother's broad back, moving him back against the lockers and sucking on his tongue lewdly, their moans echoing down the row of lockers causing the rest of the team to glance over at them both and drawing a bunch of wolf whistles and catcalls. Alex gave an exasperated sigh as he carried his gym shorts and tank top back to his locker.

Although no one in the hotel looked at the wrestlers weirdly for wearing very light clothing for how cold it was outside, Alex and the team each were feeling so very hot. Their bodies were an active metabolic warzone. All of them seemed to sweat profusely now unless they were naked, which meant that most of them now seemed to prefer that to being clothed. It also meant that their musky, manly scents floated around their bodies at all times, drawing interesting looks from anyone who walked past them and looks of lust from the other teammates.

"Hey, you okay, man?"

Alex turned to Jack and looked at his best friend longingly. The changes to his body had only improved upon the beauty and strength that had been there before. Now there was a rawness to it, a rugged, animalistic beauty in his musculature, his stance and how he held himself. Jack seemed perfectly comfortable with these new changes. Alex was getting there but seeing Jack so far removed from the weirdness around them all was somewhat disconcerting.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just nerves on top of all--" he gestured to himself and then to the twins still making out, "--this. I mean, it's hot as hell, don't get me wrong. It's just so fucking weird and everyone seems to be not freaking out about it. Including you."

Jack smiled genuinely and leaned into Alex's body, wrapping his big arms around the equally big torso of his best friend.

"Sometimes it's easier to just go with what's happening, man. Just.... try and relax a little bit." he said soothingly, scratching his fingernails up and down Alex's shoulder blades. "I mean, I'm sure it didn't help that I didn't get to fuck you properly yet."

He thrust forward slightly, softly, grinding his half hard dick into Alex's growing one and drawing a low rumble from both of them.

"C'mon man, stop thinking with your cock." Alex whispered into the other man's ear before he kissed him quickly and shoved him away with a knowing grin. "Look, I'm 100% okay with being a slutty... whatever we are. Just not until we're done here, okay?"

He looked around the locker room at the rest of his team. All of them were in their singlets now and they looked absolutely wild. Each of them was practically popping out of the materials that were warped and stretched thin over their massive bodies. And yet, they were a team and he knew that they could get through this together if they tried.

"This one tournament, guys. We can win this thing, I know we can. This whole weekend so far has been a fucked up, perverted dream but... we can still do this. After it's over, we can figure out what the hell is going on and how to live with it. But Coach is coming in soon so let's be ready for him, alright?" Alex spoke steadily and felt the eyes of his team on him, yet for the first time in a while, it felt different. He felt their respect, their love, and their togetherness.

At that same moment, the door to their private locker room opened and in walked Coach Horn.

Though he definitely had some explaining to do himself.

Coach Horn had changed. He'd grown taller, wider, thicker, more muscular, hairier, and just... bigger. The man was somehow stretched into several sizes to small clothes, his shirt tearing along the seams and his pants barely holding themselves together. The muscles under his shirt and pants were as thick as tree trunks, and his height had increased several inches at least as he towered over his boys. His beard had even gotten longer, though he seemed to have managed to tame it down for now using some combination of product in it. His eyes were wide as he looked over at the rest of his team before they landed on his son at the opposite end of the room.

Whatever had happened to them had clearly happened to him too.

No one spoke for a moment as the team and their coach took each other in. Something that neither of them could explain had occurred, and yet there they all were, trying to make it seem normal.

"Uh... h-hey, Dad." Alex said hesitantly, his dick throbbing warmly between his legs.

Coach Horn stared at Alex and seemed to be lost in his own thoughts for a few more moments before he shook his head and took a step forward.

"Hey, guys. Uhh. Seems like we all had a wild night, huh?" His voice was smooth and deep, deeper than even Alex's had become, yet it suited him perfectly now. Alex felt a thrill in his stomach at hearing it and he took another step towards his dad. Horn cleared his throat and cast his gaze around the room.

"Look uh... I don't know how to say this but well," he paused and reached back to scratch his neck, "It looks like you've all been through some changes. For the better, I hope. Without going into details, uh, this is definitely a different kind of tournament than I'm used to. But you all look..."

He glanced over at Alex again and swallowed hard, opening his mouth slightly as if he was in a daze. Alex's eyes flicked down slightly and saw a significant swelling in his dad's already impossibly tight pants and his heart stopped for a moment. There was no way....

His singlet suddenly tightened impossibly around his crotch as his member filled out under the fabric.

"You all look amazing. Really, you look like the team I'd wanna take anywhere in the world to compete. I know I was rough on you guys all season, and yesterday especially. But I don't..." he glanced at Alex again and then at each of the men standing around the room, "I don't mean to be hard on you all. You've reached your potential. And then you went further and I just couldn't be prouder. So go out there and win like you were meant to."

All of this was just so much information to take in for Alex and it seemed the rest of the players were at a loss, not knowing what to do or say. Well, except for one player in particular. Nate, who had been sitting quietly nearby on a bench stood up and started clapping.

"Ya Coach! Let's kick the other guy's asses!"

All of a sudden, Kelly stood up and said, "We got your back, Coach!"

And as cheesy as it was, one by one each player had stood up and started to whoop and cheer until the locker room was a frenzy of machismo and pride. Standing there in sweat-soaked singlets and reveling in each other's musk, the team was ready to storm out of the locker room and take what was rightfully their own.

"Alright boys! Let's fuck these assholes up!"

The yells in the concrete walled locker room led to a flurry of activity. The wrestlers quickly stuffed their individual duffel bags with clothes, water, and even some snacks. Alex was impressed by how much Jack had managed to smuggle in from the breakfast bar but he didn't have time to weigh the morals of going against the laws set in place by the tournament.

As the team began to find their headspace, they made their way out of the locker room and towards the vomitorium that led out into the main gymnasium housing the tournament. Alex's head was still stuck on the previous night though, feeling those same urges coursing through him now, as he and the rest of the team pumped themselves up. All the sex, jokes, and, well, mostly more sex. But there was also a sense of comradery there, beneath it all.

The team now felt more together and cohesive. Alex couldn't quite put a finger on it but at the moment that they left the locker room and Jack gave him his trademark smirk, Alex felt that everything was going perfectly fine. They would just have to adjust to their new looks and their changes and then maybe, just maybe, they could pull off a win here. Nothing else mattered right now but that. They would win and then they'd... deal with everything else.

Quickly, the team made their way out into the truly massive gymnasium towards their designated warm-up area. Like their training room, there was a wide array of equipment set up for them to use, and each of them headed for their preferred section to get ready.

But just a few minutes after they arrived, several other teams started making their way out into the wide expanse of the gym, and soon more than 20 other groups were setting up all around the edge of the room. In particular, Alex was looking just opposite of their area, directly across from them on the other side of the gym.

That team seemed to be just as ripped as the Stags were, just as ready, and just as confident in their abilities. Alex realized that he could smell it too, that confidence. It was all around him now, like every other team around them was exuding that scent, that primal, masculine musk. The referee and the wrestling rings and the stadium faded away as Alex and his team slowly realized that whatever had happened to them might've happened to the other teams here too.

"Holy shit," Drew said out loud as he stared at what appeared to be a tank of a man on one of the electric warm-up bicycles. He was in simple sweats and a dark black tee, but the glorious brown beard and massive arms told him all that he needed to know.

"Goddamn. Looks like we weren't the only ones eating our Wheaties," Jack commented as he scanned over the opposite team. "I don't recognize these guys and I know we've wrestled over half the teams in this tournament before."

"Yeah. I have a weird feeling about this," Nate said. He glanced over at Kelly and Bruce who were both silent but nervously glancing at each other.

Coach Horn had a strange look in his eyes too as he eyed the other teams around the gym. He cracked his neck left and right and turned around, bringing up his tablet to look over notes. The team was oddly silent, watching the others train. Alex looked at the other team opposite them and caught a glimpse at their emblem; the Tennessee TimberWolves.

"Yo, there is no fucking way that the TimberWolves got this big over break," Jack explained quickly. "I don't even recognize any of them at all! They must have had a complete roster wipe."

"Nah," Bruce replied simply as he unzipped his duffel bag and pulled out a bottle of water. "I remember how much their coach was complaining about how little money they had in the wrestling department. There's no way they could just get rid of a bunch of students with scholarships and then take on a bunch of others without eating that bill. Plus, they're probably thinking the same thing about us! We all grew a shitton last night. Fucking Kyle didn't have a full beard at all and now he does!"

"Well, I guess that would explain the absolute Adonises on the other side," Terrance popped in, his sultry voice continuing. "But damn, it looks like some of these guys might've gotten a bit more than we did. Like, are we even in the same division anymore? Who the hell is running this tournament?"

As the team squabbled, Coach Horn stood off to the side with a calculating look upon his face. When his low voice rumbled finally spoke up, the rest of the team fell silent in attention. "Alright. Seems we will have quite a fair fight. Alex."

The young captain perked up, looking up at his dad, "Yes, coach?"

"Since the lights and middleweights are mostly going first, I want you to get them limbered up now. We got about 30 minutes of remission before we actually have to go out into the ring and I want to make sure we have a fighting chance with these guys. As soon as they're ready, you take yourself and the heavies and you get ready too. This is a whole different type of game we're playing now."

Noting the confident tone in his dad's voice, Alex felt a surge in responsibility. He wouldn't let his dad down. Now was not the time to start creating rumors about the other teams. They needed to focus on what they could change now, what they had at their disposal. While the rest of the team was bickering, his father was already looking at ways to exploit the other teams.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Kelly and Zach!" Horn turned to face the benches, "You two are up first. Give'em hell."

Over the next 30 minutes, Alex and his team helped to get the light and middleweights warm and raring to go, with himself and the rest of the heavyweights encouraging and pumping up their teammates as much as they could. Even with them being surrounded by a gym full of guys the likes of which they'd never faced before, there was an almost feverish confidence that was filling them all as they worked.

After their warmup time was over, everyone in the room was made to stand for the Canadian national anthem and a short introduction by the tournament's manager, an older Canadian man in his 60s. As he spoke, it gave Alex more time to cast his gaze around and try and see if he could recognize anyone on the other teams.

But what was strange was that he mostly couldn't. It was like they were totally different people. Even the coaches on the other team, many of whom Alex and Horn had encountered before, appeared to be completely changed. Even when his dad went out to shake hands with the other coaches of the other teams before they started, he realized that whatever had happened wasn't just limited to the wrestlers. It had affected everyone who was here.

"This thing just got a whole lot more interesting," Alex said softly to Jack as he watched his dad walking back towards them from the center of the gym.

Soon after, the matches started and referees were guiding players from their team sections onto the mats to square off against their opponents. Kelly and Zach were the first two to go from the Stags, and Alex and the rest of them cheered them on with hoots and hollers as they walked over to two of the closer mats nearby, their opponents walking up against them.

Even as his teammates faced off against the other wrestlers, Alex found himself going more into his headspace, like the entire rest of the room didn't exist. He focused on his breathing, in and out of his wide chest as he closed his eyes and tried to get his mind to calm itself.

"... Alex?"


He snapped his head up and looked to his right, at his dad who was staring at him with an expectant sort of expression.

"You're up."

Alex took a moment before he realized that he needed to stand up and move, shaking the sudden nervousness from his mind as he bounced on his feet, trying to get his blood pumping.

"Kick his ass, Alex," Coach Horn said to him as he walked past and took his place on the mat closest to the center of the gym. His opponent was another huge man, equalling him in height at 6'5'' and probably similarly weighted. The guy was... handsome, he realized. Buff and muscular and hairy. Just like he was. With a grin, Alex settled into his stance as the referee went through the rules.

The whistle that reached Alex's ears was loud and piercing. Stripped down to only his singlet and wearing protective headgear, Alex was already pouncing upon his prey. What happened the night before was in the past and the roars of the crowd as well as the yells of encouragement from his teammates and from his coach sounded distant, as if they were being yelled down a hallway that he was at the opposite end of. Alex's heartbeat thudded in his chest as he collided with the other wrestler in front of him.

Alex's limbering technique included certain stretches for his biceps and pecs as well as riding on the bikes. He found himself pushed beyond what he normally would do before a match, and he was so pumped that he didn't even realize how much energy he had just from the warm up alone. The air itself smelled of his musk and it gave him some strange form of empowerment. The yell that came out of him when he was locked in the grip of another male's hands was animalistic, there was no other word for it.

The referee nearby was crouched down, watching for any sign of give in their form and the two battled for dominance. For a split second, Alex could have sworn that he had wrestled his opponent before. The brown hair and blue eyes were so familiar, but the other man's body appeared completely foreign now. He had bulging muscles, even for a heavyweight, and the body hair that formed over the man's chest and dipped into his minty green colored singlet removed any semblance of familiarity for Alex. He was just another obstacle now.

The fight was long and hard. Emphasis on hard too because the two men were sporting a lot of wood, which the referee seemed to completely ignore like both men didn't have massive hardons sticking directly out from their singlets. During the first few minutes, the two grappled for dominance and it was a struggle that seemed to last forever to Alex. Time slowed due to the output of adrenaline and Alex felt that he and the wrestler were the only two in the entire room. The grunts of both exertion and pleasure from them both were starting to get to Alex's head. It took him back to last night with Jack and... fuck, if this wrestler wasn't hot.

He had that chiseled chest that practically screamed that he was built for this, and those shoulders would be perfect to place his feet up on when his legs were raised and...

"Fuck, I have to concentrate," Alex told himself as he gritted his teeth and finally, using his body's massive new strength, managed to flip the wrestler onto his back. Placing a knee on the wrestler's stomach, he used the leverage to straddle him before placing his arms above his head. His groin was practically in the TimberWolves's face at that point and Alex could feel his bulge pressing against his backside. If they weren't wrestling, the position would be comparable to outright fucking.

The ref counted out and that was the first pin. Coach Horn on the sidelines was ecstatic! Getting up off of his opponent, Alex then offered him a hand. Alex had a blush across his own face as his hand was taken and his opponent just glared and gave a snort of hot air.

"One point for the Stags. Zero for TimberWolves."

The rest of the matches were a blur. At least two hours of full on wrestling from one opponent to the next. Luckily, the matches were condensed and Alex faced off against each and every team. The captain was so focused that the rest of his teammates didn't even register to him at this point.

With each match as well, the level of heat in his singlet increased and he swore his bulge was going to tear its way out. Every pin and grapple seemed to cement his position as the team's alpha and it felt that way too. In fact, the singlet started to tear in places, his body clearly growing taller, wider, thicker. It seemed to be happening to everyone on the mats around him too. Little rips and seams were cropping up on every wrestler like some sort of sign.

Finally after his last opponent was pinned and Coach Horn was looking like the proudest dad alive, Alex strutted his way back to the sideline, his cock rock hard and bulging outward from his crotch. He was a hot, panting mess but he felt good... really good. His body was buzzing as his sweat seeped through the tearing material of his singlet, dampening it in large patches while his thickening body hair filled in the openings.

He was a show of brawn, brute strength, and masculinity as Coach Horn shoved a water bottle into his hand and then slapped his ass with enough force that the sound reverberated through open space. Alex could also swear that his dad held his hand on his ass for a little longer than expected, gripping his thick cheek ever so slightly before letting go.

The rest of the team was already done with their spars by the time Alex walked back. Towels were set over their necks and each of them had the same sweat drenched, thickening bodies that he had, but also the same victorious look on their face.

Kelly and Bruce were sitting extremely close to one another, hips pressed tight against each other. Bruce's arm was thrown protectively around his brother's shoulder, and the other held him close as if in a cuddling position. The two weren't bothered by the obvious display of affection in the least as Kelly rubbed his brother's thigh and whispered something in his ear, causing Bruce's cock to throb wildly in his too tight singlet.

Nate stood with a shit-eating grin on his face and Drew had his hand possessively on his ass, groping it and gripping it hard. Terrance and Kyle seemed to be in some sort of flex off and Kyle had the shoulder straps of his singlet down so his full, furry chest and stomach were out while showing that perfect v-line leading to his bulging groin. Terrance was rubbing Kyle's bare abs and the other player's hand was openly rubbing and fondling the heavyweights heft balls.

The coach had his arm around Zach and Jack as if they were his escorts from some sort of club. Horn didn't even think anything of it when Zach's hand rubbed his back affectionately.

Alex felt a thrill run across his cock at what was happening. All around them, similar sites could easily be seen. The entire room looked like it had turned into some sort of male strip club that catered exclusively to wrestlers and their coaches. Everyone was on the verge of letting loose it seemed, and every cock was ready to burst from the confines of every singlet. Men fondled each other and nuzzled cheeks as the final scores were tallied by the seemingly indifferent referees and judges at the far end.

"You should have seen yourself, Alex! I'm so goddamn proud of you. Honestly though, it wasn't just you that trounced the fuckers but all of you!"

He was looking at all of them, pride swelling as well as a clear and definite bulge in his shorts. Alex licked his lips as he drew his eyes up and down his dad. So much was wrong about how good he was feeling, but he no longer cared to hold back.

He took a long breath in, letting the numerous scents and smells that had been swirling around the gymnasium assault his senses. He could smell a pervasive musk and arousal clearly, above everything else. But as he closed his eyes, he could smell... everyone else. His teammates all had their distinct scents but what lingered and wafted in front of him were the scents of wolves, tigers, lions, bulls--the other teams. His cock and balls throbbed as he heard his singlet tear slightly, the seam down the center of his crotch coming undone and a furry bulge peeking through it.

He grinned as he openly, lewdly rubbed his sheath, knowing that the rest of him was slowly transforming again as the singlet broke down across his body. It wouldn't be long now.

"Alright everyone! We have our winners!"

The voice of an announcer filled the tense air of the gym as all the teams stiffened on their benches and waited.

"Starting with the Overall Best Team, this year's trophy goes to... the Wisconsin State Stags!"

The entire team jumped up from their bench and shouted in jubilation at the pronouncement! The award that they all knew meant the most to Coach Horn had been called for them! Suddenly, they were all piling on top of him, their combined weight easily bringing down the mountain of a man as they hugged each other. Alex couldn't help but thrust a little as his body tingled with pleasure at the sensation, and he moaned lewdly until he remembered that there were more awards to be given out.

Slowly, the lot of them untangled from one another, blushes and bulges apparent across every single one of them, including Coach Horn. He was grinning from ear to ear as he slowly rubbed his hand up and down Alex's back, lingering lower and lower with every pass.

"You boys were a sight to behold, truly! Next up is..."

What followed was a series of technical awards for specific styles and maneuvers that the judges had deemed worthy of recognition. Those awards went to various other members of other teams, though two went to Drew and Kyle for their heavyweight divisions. The whole team beamed as they grinned and hugged each other, finishing with a kiss that lasted for half a minute.

"And finally, we've come to the last award of the night. Before I announce it, our generous donor wants to thank you all for participating in this tournament and hopes that every one of you will be back with bigger teams for bigger prizes next year!"

The announcer cleared his throat and continued, "Okay! Here we go. Best Overall Wrestler! And the trophy goes to... Alex Horn of the Wisconsin Stags!"

Alex's eyes went wide as he heard his name called from the speakers, and the world seemed to slow down around him. He'd never been singled out like this before and the fact that it happened here of all places... he felt a swell of pride building up inside him like never before. He stood up with a smile as the rest of the team rushed around him and lifted him up like he was a rockstar. He couldn't help but grin and huff as they lifted him up and down, too many hands gripping and groping him to know who was who. But he looked over for a moment and saw his dad with tears in his eyes.

That alone was worth everything they'd gone through to get here.

Eventually, the team put him down on his own two feet, though they stayed close around him, Jack sliding in to his right and pulling him in for a kiss as the others cheered again. He slipped his tongue into Jack's mouth, feeling like his was longer and thicker now as he tasted the heat and spice that Jack was giving off. It was surreal for Alex. A few days ago, Alex would have never made out with another man but here he was openly kissing Jack passionately.

The other teams had started to dissipate from the gym as the officials and gym workers began the teardown quickly. Alex pulled back from Jack and licked his best friend's nose, which had started to turn black as tiny nubs began to grow from atop his skull. Casting his gaze around, the rest of the team was clearly on the verge of a full transformation, and Alex knew exactly where to go.

"Guys, let's finish this up in the locker room."

The walk into the locker room was one of swagger and victory for the whole team. All of the wrestlers were whooping and hollering and a shot of excitement ran up Alex's spine, sending a pleasing tingle throughout his entire body. He felt so big now, so full of energy and just massive to behold. It was turning him on so much he almost couldn't stand it, but knew that he was about to let loose.

He'd thrown his arm lovingly around Jack's waist, nuzzling against his neck as they walked. The other wrestler reciprocated in kind, pulling them together tightly and trailing his lips over Alex's neck as chocolate brown fur crept up slowly. It felt so...natural. So raw and masculine and just right to be this close, this open with his captain and his best friend. Whatever had happened to them all, they were family now.

Their uniforms were much closer to tearing off of their bulky bodies as muscles began to bulge and shift. The sound of fabric ripping was creating a strange ambience in the locker room as the wrestlers all gathered inside, each of them moaning lewdly as the changes took over them.

Fur began to sprout up across the team as a whole, covering their skin in thick coats as their newly grown muscles continued to develop. They were all well over six and a half feet tall now, but still they grew. Musk and sweat filled the damp air of the room as each of them started to grab their singlets and tear out of them with thick fingers, each tipped with darkening nails.

Wincing slightly, Alex bent forward as he felt a tugging just above his backside. He reached back and tore at the seam, letting a furry, bushy tail spring outward with a sense of relief. It wiggled quickly on its own and he glanced over at Kyle and Jack, both of whom were sprouting similar bulges above their asses.

Suddenly, his cock surged between his legs and he moaned loudly, an uncontrollable thrust from his thick thighs causing the head of his cock to rip through the front of his singlet. His pole was truly huge now, well over a foot long and several inches wide, and it was absolutely leaking with slick fluids. His furry sheath was bunched up around it's base and as he regained his composure, his balls throbbed needily in their furred sack, eager for release.

All around him, the singlets were being torn off and bodies were being thrown at one another as they transformed. The comradery they'd had before had shifted in full blown sexual revelry as the players started to grope one another. The two brothers, Kelly and Bruce began to make out with one another unashamedly as their muzzles grew in. Alex moved over to Jack and Kyle as he felt his own face pulling forward, his human teeth growing along with it and dulling slightly. His tongue thickened and widened to fit inside his longer maw now, and as he spoke, his voice dropped into a deep baritone.

"Mmmm... you both smell so good. Can't believe it took me until now to realize it."

Jack and Kyle both turned to him as they pressed up against each other, trailing their furry hands over their well-muscled bodies. Both of their muzzles had come in and their antlers were well on their way to showing 10-points each.

Jack smiled and winked, "You're not so bad yourself, captain."

Kyle groaned and leaned forward, laving his tongue over one of Jack's large, black nipples as he felt his legs shifting into a more unguligrade stance.

"Fuck, you two gotta stop talking and--" He groaned and clenched tightly against Jack as his feet suddenly started to reshape into hooves. His toes melded magically together and formed two distinct split hooves, with lightly furred fetlocks. The shift caused his center of gravity to change and he leaned into Alex, gripping his shoulder as he panted slightly, his thick, bestial cock bobbing up and down and dripping with precum as he grinned over at them.

"This is fucking awesome, guys."

Casting their gaze around, all of the guys had finished their transformations by now, each reindeer distinct yet similar as their scents combined and swirled around them in a heady rush. Muzzles were locked with muzzles in passionate kisses and some had even started exploring their new bodies once again, enjoying the insane pleasure that seemed to radiate from every sensation and touch.

Nate was led towards the wooden benches by Drew who stared down at him and fished his massive reindeer cock out of his singlet, which was barely hanging on to his enormous body. "You ready to celebrate our win?"

Nodding eagerly, Nate smirked as Drew wrapped a hand around one of his antlers to pull his muzzle forward and angled below his pendulous balls. The transformation had happened much faster than before and their muscles and bodies overall had grown further than what they had been in the hotel. Drew's singlet finally couldn't hold together across his body and finally tore off completely, falling to tatters on the ground and leaving a very naked, very aroused reindeer in front of Nate.

Inhaling Drew's musk, Nate shivered with pleasure and nuzzled into Drew's balls with a wistful sigh. "Thought you'd never ask, bro."

He pressed his wet nose into the warmth of Drew's crotch and huffed, breathing in the spicy musk from its source as he lapped eagerly at the softly furred balls. He reached around and grabbed two handfuls of Drew's ass and pulled at them, massaging them and running his thick fingers across his winking, puckered entrance, teasing at it softly. At the same time, he trailed his thick tongue up and over the head of Drew's veiny, deep red cock, effortlessly swallowing the first several inches and sucking hard as he swirled his tongue over the leaking, flat head.

Kyle was still sandwiched between Alex and Jack as the two made out over his left shoulder, and the site was causing him to whimper with arousal, his aching cock jumping up with each twitch and its flat head shooting precum across the benches in a wide arc. Alex was hot-dogging, thrusting his equally thick dick between his teammate's cheeks while Jack frotted with him in the front. It was as perverted a sandwich as there ever could be and all three participants were living for it.

"So Captain, you get a choice. My ass or Kyle's?" Jack's voice was sultry and deep as he felt his slick cock sliding over Kyle's as they slowly humped each other.

"Why not both?" Alex moaned out lustfully, his mind reeling with possibilities.

"That's the spirit," Kyle said as he shuddered slightly in pleasure.

Across from them on the other bench, Terrance had Zach bent over and leaning against the lockers as he placed his thick muzzle right up against the slightly smaller reindeer's hole. He gasped at the sheer lewdness of the act, something he'd never thought to do before the transformation had happened, and he dove in with a moan. The thick, long tongue licked around the sensitive flesh before punching inward and wriggling deeper and deeper into his friend's most private depths. Zach's legs trembled as he was stimulated from the rimming, and he pounded his hand against the lockers.

"Oh f-fuck, Ter... oh fuck oh fuuuck, get in there! I--ah! Fuck, get that tongue deep, bro!"

His voice was shaky but sure as he cried out with need, causing Terrance to redouble his efforts, grabbing his friend's ass and pulling it apart to thrust his tongue as deep as possible, tasting every musky morsel he had to offer.

The twins were now on one of the wide benches in the center of the big room, with Bruce laying with his back across the soft seat and Kelly laying down on top of him. Both of them were enthusiastically sucking one another off and seemed to be doing a wonderful job of it from the amount of moans around their thick cocks that they kept making. Kelly toyed with his brother's hefty balls as Bruce swallowed his significant member whole, sliding it easily down his throat without even pausing. Both of them were naturals, it seemed.

The whole locker room had turned into one big hedonistic orgy. No one cared why at this point. Their minds were fogged up too much from the transformation and from the high of winning the tournament. Each of them wanted to just enjoy one another and experience each other's bodies as their pleasures mounted.

"I knew something was going on with us...."

A deep voice echoed throughout the locker room and immediately the revelries stopped as each of the team members looked towards the entrance. Alex had to pull Kyle's muzzle away from his cock as Jack got up off his back and licked his lips eagerly. He could still taste Kyle's musk on his lips and blushed slightly.

Coach Horn had entered the locker room now, and from the look of him, he'd been going through much the same changes as the rest of his team. His body was absolutely bulging with muscles and had a thickness about him that was unmatched by anyone else in the room.

The rest of the reindeer moved towards the Coach naturally. There was an air of uncertainty mixed in with the heated spice of arousal. Coach Horn had his hand clutching his whistle as if he was moments away from blowing it but relaxed and let go of it. The thick cock in his shorts was clearly erect, leaking copiously down in the mesh lining and down his legs. Alex's muzzle was open in sheer lust and he licked his lips, looking at his father.

"You all look like you belong at the North Pole..." Coach Horn said with a shocked chuckle, flabbergasted as his team lined up in front of him. He looked at them each with wide eyes and couldn't help but stare openly at their hard, leaking reindeer cocks.

"Y-yeah, Dad. We don't know what...happened. We just woke up today and... well, we were like this. We think it was the singlets." Alex said softly, his cock bobbing as he walked forward, carefully watching his steps as he got used to walking on his hooves.

White fur began to creep up Coach Horn's neck and split two ways. One made its way around his head, slowly covering his face and skull, while the other line started to dive down into his chest and through his abs. The Coach was panting audibly now, sweat dripping down his form as his tongue hung out of his mouth further than it should have. His own clothes were starting to strain, his athletic shorts and already too tight spandex shirt straining more than ever to try and contain the beast that was growing under them.

"So, you all are fucking around behind my back?" Coach Horn said with an actual growl underneath his voice. Alex felt a shiver streak down his spine and jump straight to his cock. The tone was accusatory and dominant but damn if he didn't want it to just put him in his place.

The team was silent and there was an audible rip in Coach Horn's clothes. Alex looked up from his dad's cock with a gasp and it seemed several of the other teammates knew what was going on. They could all easily smell the musk radiating off of him. Each of them tried to pin it down and Alex's mind raced through the possibilities of what his dad was becoming.

It was smoky and smelled slightly like a freshwater stream or river. Alex thought for a moment as he ran through all the animals that ate fish. White fur wouldn't mean an otter so what could it be? When Coach Horn opened his mouth and let his tongue lap out slightly, Alex noticed that there were sharp teeth beginning to fill in and his eyes went wide.

Bear. But not just any bear...

Coach Horn started to change before them. The changes were just as quick as the rest of them. Clothes began to rip in earnest and his already big muscles started to fill out to insane degrees. Alex got a nice view of his father's thick, black cock as it flopped out of his gym shorts when they fell to the floor in a heap. The jockstrap that Horn wore was shredded to pieces much like the rest of their clothing and a growl came out from Coach Horn's lips that was probably heard out in the gym.

Each of the reindeer slowly moved forward, the smirks on their faces knowing full well what was about to occur. Their coach was about to join the fun. Horn's body grew to their height, easily around seven feet or so, and it was soon covered entirely in thick, white fur. His hands slightly padded under his fingers and sharp, black claws tipped each of his wide fingers. And then slowly, his face inched forward, reshaping itself into a beautiful polar bear muzzle. His nose was black and wet as he sniffed the air automatically, and his lips pulled back around his muzzle, black and coated in saliva as he breathed in and out deeply.

Coach Horn's cock was erect and stood proudly from his impossibly thick thighs, emerging from a soft, white furred sheath. It wasn't quite as long as some of the team's cocks, but he certainly made up for it with girth. Pure white fur covered his body entirely and his hardy musclegut stood out proudly. His pecs were well defined and he gave them a playful bounce as he flexed his biceps automatically.

"Ugh. I don't think I'll ever get used to this..." he groaned out, giving his black nipples a pinch, causing him to groan with pleasure.

Alex moved forward first, his hand coming forward to rest on his father's left pec. "Dad... it'll be okay. We'll... figure this out somehow."

"Yeah. I figured I couldn't be the only one. Everyone at the gym was feeling it when I went down last night to workout. I could... smell them. Just like I can smell you all." He huffed deeply, taking his son's hand in his and running a clawed finger up and down his buff reindeer son.

The Coach looked around at his players, at how beautiful and studly they looked. Even his son, his own flesh and blood looked so insanely hot and... it didn't bother him. He knew he wanted him. It was such a strange feeling, but it wasn't unwelcome for Horn. He moved forward towards Alex to stroke his cheek softly.

Alex simply looked into his father's eyes and felt his cock throb hard.

"Mmm... remember how I used to give you a massage after a big match? Used to rub you down and work out those muscles? I... might not have entirely had pure thoughts in my mind when we did that."

Horn chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck before continuing, "There's... a big massage table in the back. Would you wanna... maybe let your old man rub you down again? What d'ya say, big boy?"

The rest of the players looked at one another, grinning wildly and Alex knew that they all had essentially been given the green light but his dad. Several of them started to make out again and the polar bear grinned over at Alex before nodding in the table's direction.

Alex turned around and he pointed to Jack. "As long as everyone can join in on the fun."

Jack was staring up at his Coach with starry eyes, his expression one of wonder and mischief and he gave a mischievous smile. "Hey, we're always honored to work on your body, captain."

Coach Horn chuckled. The pheromones of the transformation were starting to rush through his brain and making it harder to think. His son's ass looked wonderfully perky and thick now that he had gotten a good eyeful of it. He was definitely his son, with an ass like that. Horn could barely keep his hands off of it as they made their way back towards the table and all the players slowly followed them.

The massage table was huge, clearly built for massive bodies like their own. It was lined with neoprene for easy cleaning and a tube of oil was placed in a small container nearby. Coach Horn picked it up and looked it over before giving a squirt on his hands and then testing it by rubbing it onto his fur. It gave it a natural sheen and easily slicked the soft fur.

"Whoever did this and turned us into sex crazed animals must've known we'd wanna rub each other down." He smirked as he gave another healthy pump onto his hand to rub it along his cock. It had a nice, warm tingle as he watched his son clamber up onto the table and present himself.

Bruce and Kelly were pushed right up against the lockers nearby and fiercely making out once again. Kelly had his brother's left nipple between his index finger and thumb and was lightly rolling it in his digits while his other hand explored the buff reindeer's ass. Nate, Drew, Zach, and Kyle were each jerking one another off, their hands stroking each other's cocks and kissing one another.

Jack was around Alex's right side, watching his captain as he mounted the cool neoprene of the massage table and laid down almost artfully. He turned his head to the side and Jack gave a huff of warm air as Alex's backside was on full display. Brimming with new muscle, sinew, and male beauty, Alex was a sight to behold and Coach was already lathering up his hands in massage oil and ready to dig in.

Horn gazed longingly at his son's thick, bouncing ass. Every movement the reindeer made caused the bulging muscles to twitch and throb, the pert tail waving lazily at him like an invitation. Drool dripped down the sides of the polar bear's muzzle as he was practically hypnotized by the hole winking at him.

"Chest down, ass up, Alex."

The cool neoprene sunk into Alex's fur and the reindeer shivered when he felt his father's hands begin to work in the oil into his triceps. There was an area underneath the massage table that seemed perfectly suited for him to slot his cock through, and it stuck out straight down. Jack immediately noticed the reindeer's problem, so he reached below the table, his hand finding the shaft and gripping around it as he began to steadily stroke.

"Mmmmm, nothing like reindeer meat..." Jack cooed as he slowly pulled at Alex's throbbing member.

The huge reindeer shivered, his tail flicking as his own father started to work his paws lower and lower over his body until his hands were gripping his perky rump and spreading it wide. His dad poured the massage oil right onto Alex's hole and the reindeer's breath hitched with forsaken need.

Coach Horn's whistle shimmered in the artificial light as he leaned down to take a long whiff of his son's powerful musk as it emanated from the reindeer's hole. "Fuuuuck son. You smell so good. Think I'll go in for a taste."

Alex jumped when he felt his dad's cold nose right up against his warm, tight entrance and trembled. The stimulation was almost too much for Alex and the captain pushed his ass back right up against his dad's wide muzzle. The rest of the team was watching the two eagerly, and even Jack wanted a better look at the Coach as that white muzzle leaned forward to take a tentative lick across Alex's tender, twitching hole.

The reindeer jumped, his tail lifting instinctively and his hole winked which only gave his dad even more access. The polar bear started to lick in earnest, his long, mobile tongue plunging in and eating out his son's leaking hole with lewd slurping sounds. The rest of the team watched stunned, their cocks sticking straight up in the air and their eyes trained right on Coach Horn as he made lewd, unsightly noises of his actions. It was the most perverted thing that had ever happened during their team locker room sessions and each of them had a lustful glimmer in their eyes. Kyle's cock spasmed as it arced a string of precum across the coach's broad back.

Each of them started to stroke each other faster, Nate spitting on his hand and then stroking Drew's cock with a grin. Only as he was stroking his friend, he noticed that his hand was practically gliding over the other reindeer's thick rod as if it had been lubed.

"Hey, I think our spit is really slick..."

Kyle overheard, his ears folding downward as Nate's hand wrapped around his cock and started to make a squelching sound. "What? Nahhh..."

"Dude, I'm serious..." Nat said as he let his tongue hang out and pour several drops of drool over Drew's cock, which only seemed to make his stroking that much easier, and Drew's moans of pleasure that much greater.

"Here, I'll try it when I'm not focused on the massive polar bear daddy eating his actual son's ass out like it's his last meal on Earth..."

The Coach was completely lost in pleasure, his tongue trailing around the rim of his son's hole and Alex was not in any better shape. With Jack jerking off his cock, his body was practically lighting up with pleasure at every end. His nerves were on fire and he was needfully backing up his ass right into his father's face and arching his back.

"F-fuck...." Alex moaned out and he got a slap on the ass for that one.

"No swearing, son," Coach Horn said with a chuckle before diving in with renewed vigor. His tongue slipped into Alex's hole easily, invading the space and stretching it out and the reindeer openly and unabashedly yelled out. His scream of pleasure would've lasted much longer if it hadn't been for Jack who pulled down on his balls teasingly.

His father's tongue fluttered against his hyper-sensitive prostate and he nearly lost himself as he shouted, panting hard, gasping against the polar bear's talented tongue on his hole. This was right where he needed to be. In front of his team, with his father eating him out heartily, enjoying the pleasure they all brought one another. He moaned at the sheer sexual nature of it all, the uncouth wrongness and found himself elated that it was happening to him now. Groaning low in his throat, he pushed back hard against his dad's muzzle, feeling his orgasm approaching quickly.

But suddenly, he felt a fire inside his loins that trumped the need for release. A sense of pride filled him and he jerked forward, feeling his dad's long tongue slurp out of his backside and a puff of pent up air blowing over his spit-slicked hole. He looked over his shoulder right into his dad's big blue eyes.

"I wanna fuck you, dad."

Coach Horn was taken aback, pulling away slightly and crossing his arms in front of his barrel like chest. His whistle was still hanging from around his neck and the polar bear gave a snort. He never thought in his life that he would even consider having his son's cock up his ass but... there was something inside of him that wanted to please his son how he wanted. He looked over to the rest of his players to see them still watching them both with bated breath... except for Bruce and Kelly who were still in their own throes of taboo passion. Both were laying on the floor in a sixty-nine position, blowing one another enthusiastically as they plunged their fingers into each other's holes.

"How can I say no when I have an audience?" Coach Horn said with a motion over to the four men who were now smirking in earnest.

"Fuck yeah, Coach. You can take him!" Nate said with a burst of encouragement.

"Make your dad squeal, Alex," Kyle said with that mischievous smirk.

The other two boys nodded, their focus split between watching what was going on and enjoying one another's company. Coach Horn eventually brought the attention back to himself by motioning for Alex to get back up off the massage table, his hand falling over Alex's rump with a rough smack.

"Up you get, son. If you want to fuck your old man, you gotta make sure he has plenty of prep. Your dick is gonna be way too large for you to just try and shove in my virgin ass."

Alex looked shocked at his dad as he got up off of the table shaking slightly. He... was going to take his dad's virginity in his new body? Fuck that was so hot.

Jack gave a fake frown of displeasure as his captain's hefty cock slipped from his hands. "Awwww, just when I was starting to get a good rhythm going."

"Work on _my_cock then, Jack. Put that talkative mouth of yours to good use for once." Coach Horn gave a deep rumble as he got up on the massage table and let his large balls and cock flop through. Jack's eyes practically bulged out of his head and he took one of Coach Horn's balls in his mouth before letting it plop out and then started the same treatment with the other.

Meanwhile, the Coach's huge ass was on full display. His white fur helped frame the massive rump and the muscular legs and thighs kept everything upright and plump. Alex was almost stunned at his father's gracious offering and his cock showed his interest. Reaching forward, he felt the muscle and sinew in Horn's rump and squeezed. The fur was soft to the touch and the fat added a wonderful poofiness to the flesh.

"Well, you going to just touch and stare or are you going to get your tongue in there?" Coach Horn growled as he shook his ass and brought his cute little tail upright.

His hole was black, shiny, and utterly waiting to be devoured. Alex took that as his cue and immediately dived in. Alex had never rimmed anyone before the weekend but with his new body, powerful tongue, and animal instincts, it felt oddly natural. He followed his father's lead and started to lick around the hole, the musk and sweat pushing him on as well as the small growls and grunts that came from his dad and the slight twitching of the polar bear's hole against his muzzle.

Meanwhile, the men who were jerking themselves off started to move closer, Nate placed his hand on the back of Alex's furry head and lightly pushed him further into his father's hole with a smirk. At the same time, he started to make out with Drew, their tongues dueling with one another like two master swordsmen. Kyle and Terrence looked at one another, their cocks bouncing and flopping rigidly against one another until they threw themselves at each other, tasting their tongues as they slide into each other's muzzles and enjoying the sensation of their cocks dripping over the others. Each one explored one another's bodies and their sighs and groans joined Alex and his father's own.

"Seems you are enjoying yourself," Coach Horn groaned as he backed his ass harder against his son's tongue, his large globes practically enveloping the reindeer. "A little bit longer..."

Alex's tongue had slipped inside of his father's hole easily now that the spit was adding a supernatural slickness to Horn's hole. The taste was earthy and musky but not unclean. It was raw, like everything else about his dad and Alex was starting to feel the pheromones going to his head. He slid his tongue deeper, as deep as he could, pulling his father's body towards his muzzle and feeling Nate pushing his head forward. He was inundated by a heat, a musk, and a masculine tightness around his muzzle that nothing compared to.

His tongue plunged in and around the hot orifice and he flicked it over his father's nub, that tight circle of pleasure that set his dad to trembling around him. Grinning as he ate his father out, he did it again and again, each time causing the quivering to increase and the coach's growling whimper to sound out. With one last lash of his tongue, he knew his dad was ready for his cock.

Pushing back against Nate's hand and getting up onto the massage table, the reindeer panted heavily, his long tongue hanging out the side of his new muzzle as he straddled his father and carefully slid his cock right in between the bear's thick ass.

"You want your son's cock in you?" Alex huffed into his father's ear after grinding against him for a bit.

From below, Jack took the polar bear's thick, black cock out of his mouth to say, "Yes! Fuck, dude, just put it in him and push his load out into my muzzle!"

Alex chuckled, lining up his cock and nibbled on his father's small, adorable ears. "How about it? You ready for my dick, dad? Wanna feel my thick load inside you?"

His father rolled his hips backwards against his son, moaning openly and giving a warm smile when he watched his son bob up and down on top of his rump. So much so that Alex had to grip Coach Horn's hips to prevent from getting bucked off of the table.

"Is that enough proof for ya?"

Alex grabbed his cock and pushed forward. With surprisingly little resistance, his cock was enveloped in warmth and a vice-like tightness that threatened to pull his load right out of his balls. The polar bear gave a pleasant rumble as he felt Alex sinking right into his most sensitive area. Alex punched past his prostate and kept pushing forward and Horn's cock throbbed inside of Jack's muzzle to give him a thick shot of precum.

Alex gritted his teeth as his balls finally kissed right up against his own father's rump and his eyes nearly rolled back into his skull. He knew he wouldn't last long but that wasn't the point; he had several loads churning inside of his balls. The pleasure was overwhelming to say the least. Alex's ass flexed and Terrence was the one who walked forward this time to roll Alex's balls in his palm.

"Fuck... your gonna flood him, huh?" Terrence said almost hypnotically as he watched Alex's rump flex when he grinded against Horn.

"You bet your fuckin' ass I am!" Alex said with a strained voice through a clenched muzzle as he pounded faster and faster into his dad, the walls of the coach's hole seemingly tightening more and more each time. Or maybe his cock was just getting bigger. It was impossible to say, and he didn't care. The only thing that mattered was breeding his dad.

From the corner of his eye, he spotted Kelly and Bruce as they stood up from their position on the floor and made their way over to the front of the massage table. Both of them had rivulets of cum dripping off of their muzzles and their dicks, but like the rest of the team, they clearly had much more to give.

"Coach... hope you don't mind if we take this spot."

Bruce stepped up to the Coach's panting muzzle and took hold of his own cock, slowly pushing it against the polar bear's snout and dragging the cum-soaked head around. Horn's tongue slid out and flicked over the tip. He groaned eagerly as his body shook with each thrust from his son's powerhouse hips and he lifted his head slightly and swallowed the cock in front of him. Bruce eagerly fed it down the Coach's gullet and felt an instant suction around his length that was velvety and impossible to ignore.

Behind him, Kelly quickly gave his twin's hole a few swirls of his tongue, letting his saliva work it's magic and loosen up the tight hole before he stood up and slid his dick into it. Bruce groaned loudly at the dual pleasure he was receiving and turned his head slightly back so he could lock muzzles with his brother. The two kissed as they thrust lightly out of sync with each other.

The lewd sounds echoed throughout the locker room so loudly that if anyone walked into close to the entrance and didn't know what was going on just by the smell alone, the sounds of their fucking would absolutely give it away. Alex started to thrust his hips even faster as Nate kept playing with his balls and fingering his hole, and his hips bounced right off of the Coach's ass.

Plap. Plap. Plap.

From the sounds of the twins humping like crazy to the slick jerking off happening in the background, their revelries were at full swing now. It was an uncontrollable, pleasure-filled orgy and each one of them was moaning and grunting and fucking like they've lives depended on it out in the open. Any taboo or sexual fantasy was being experimented with and tried.

Instead standing in a line, Drew, Kyle, Zach, and Nate had surrounded the moaning polar bear and were eagerly jacking themselves off to the scene. Bruce moaned as Coach Horn started to suck harder and take all of his wrestler's wonderfully thick shaft down into his throat, Bruce's balls slapping right against the bottom of his muzzle again and again.

"Fuck...I think I might blow!" Bruce said loudly as he brought his hand up to Horn's head. Kelly's shaft was hitting his prostate again and again, practically pushing the load right out of his balls. Unceremoniously and with a loud yell of release, Bruce filled his Coach's muzzle with a thick load of cum. Shot after shot of warm, creamy jizz erupted down Coach Horn's throat and he drank it all easily, as if he had done it a thousand times before. After several volleys, Bruce pulled back and aimed his dick right at Coach Horn's face, letting several blasts of his thick seed launch across the polar bear's muzzle and face, the creamy, off-white cum blending into his fur nicely as it never seemed to stop flowing.

The spasming of Bruce's hole around his cock, Kelly's eyes fluttered and he gave one long moan as he filled his brother's ass with his own offering. The load was so voluminous that each thrust that Kelly gave to his brother, cum splattered out of Bruce's hole and onto the floor. There was a warmth leaking down Bruce's balls and the reindeer realized that his twin's load was leaking down his balls.

Alex was too focused on his own pleasure that the yells and whoops from his teammates fell on practically deaf ears, at least until Bruce had pulled out and painted his dad's face white which instantly snapped him back to whose ass he was cock deep in. Instead of being disgusted, it just made everything that much hotter.

"F-fuck...dad, I'm going to cum..."

"Give it to me, Alex. Fuck... f-fill your dad's hole. Breed. Me!"

His dad roared and growled like an animal and pushed back hard against his son's girthy cock as his hole spasmed and tightened endlessly, practically begging him to cum right then and there.

Something akin to a shot of electricity coursed through Alex's body and his ears folded downward. Alex started to thrust with such ferocity that the massage table groaned from his exertion. The combined weight of two seven-foot tall, 300lbs animal men fucking on it was more than it was ever designed for, but Alex didn't care. His dick was held inside his dad's hole like a vice and his balls were finally done waiting.

"D-Dad! Fuck... Fuck!!"

He screamed out, arching his back as his hips powered away on autopilot. His cock jerked and thickened inside his dad's hole as his balls drew up and throbbed heavily, a torrent of thick, potent reindeer cum rushing down his rod and blowing gloriously into his father's waiting body.

Each blast was almost larger than the one before it and Alex came so hard his vision went white, little stars of light floating in front of him as he fucked himself out on his dad's ass. Nate had curled his thick finger at just the right time against his prostate and it had unleashed the most powerful orgasm the wrestler had ever experienced before. The pleasure as it through his body and out was immense.

"Oh fuck, Alex! I-I'm... Alex!!! Fuuck!!" Coach Horn yelled louder than any of the other wrestlers as he lost control and felt his son filling him up so quickly.

The warm, wet feeling of thick cum shooting into his hole was enough to set him off as well. His own dick twitched and he felt his balls clench as they rained down a thick blast of cum right into Jack's waiting muzzle. The young reindeer gulping down the first few waves before he too started to cum all over himself underneath the massage table. He let the coach's cock slip from his maw and simply closed his eyes as a torrential downpour of seed rained over his upper body.

Hearing their coach and captain both crying out in pleasure as they let loose, the rest of the team quickly followed suit. Kyle, Drew, Nate, and Zach all stroked their massive hoses until one by one, each of them yelled out as they came hard, blasting Coach Horn's entire body with waves of thick, creamy reindeer spunk. It seemed like an endless flow as their new bodies produced much more seed than their human bodies had, and by the time each of their orgasms had ended, the coach's body was literally covered in a thick, messy web of warm seed.

There were streams of seed all over their coach. It was as if buckets of the stuff was just dumped on the polar bear and the team was all a hot, panting mess. Alex tried to say something but was slumped over his dad, his sweaty chest and abs right on top of the bear's thick back. He was still ridiculously hard, his cock jammed deep into the man who gave him life and he could not have felt better. His head was swimming in hormones and sweet release.

Eventually, he did pull out of his dad. The thick head of his cock gave an audible pop and Horn moaned as cum streamed out of his hole and onto his balls. Alex stood proudly, his antlers up and out and sweat caked his body. He felt as if he had just gotten to a new high in his relationship with his father and with the rest of his teammates. They all were smiling openly at him, each one with an arm around at least one other.

Before his father could get up, however, Alex placed a hand on his back.

"Hm?" He turned to look at his son behind him, "I was just going to get a crack at Jack's hole."

"Mmm." Alex moaned softly, bringing his muzzle down to kiss the small of his dad's back. "How about we get you cleaned up first, okay?"

Motioning to the other players to come forward, Alex began to direct each one to a desired position for optimum cleaning.

Alex moved forward to Horn's rump, bringing his muzzle right back up against the bear's ass and giving a hungry lick at the oozing, leaking hole he'd just finished filling to the brim. His first taste of his own seed was shocking to him; it tasted sweet, tangy, and salty. Unlike his human seed, this was actually something he'd look forward to lapping up every time. He moaned as he thrust and twisted his tongue into the gaping hole he'd pummeled, eating out his spent cum and swallowing it back, letting the delicious mixture slide down his eager throat as his dad grunted in pleasure in front of him.

The polar bear relaxed, his muscles deflating for a moment and he let the players start to each take a piece of Horn's body under their tongue. Kelly and Bruce moved forwards and started to lap at the sides of his muzzle, while Nate and Terrence took care of the bear's shoulders. Jack took care of Horn's balls and cock while Kyle and Drew licked up the bear's neck before finishing by taking turns making out with Horn and biting his lips.

When they were finished, Coach Horn wasn't all the way cleaned of cum but he had least had a somewhat less splotchy coat. Each one licked their lips, the evening of debauchery clearly far from over and Jack popped up from underneath Horn to give Alex a big kiss on the lips, their tongues sliding over each other and combining the coaches and Alex's cum in their mouths. The make out session was heated and Alex wrapped an arm around Jack possessively.

"Hey, how about you, Horn, and I get filthy together? I still need to get a crack at your ass..."

Alex didn't even think about the proposition.


With a few short steps, Alex moved in front of his father who'd slowly sat up on the massage table and was breathing heavily with arousal still. The polar bear leaned forward and licked lightly at his son's cock, still sticky with his cum before he raised himself up and kissed Alex, their tongues mingling in each other's muzzles and sharing their combined spent seed together. Slowly, his dad pulled back and lapped at his nose before speaking.

"It's been a long day, boys. I think for once, we can relax and let loose with each other. How about we head back to the hotel? I doubt we'll be the only ones there causing a mess."

The thought of who would be cleaning up the mess of their sex would have to wait; for now, they all wanted to spend their victory enjoying one another's new bodies for as long as possible.

Alex was hanging out in the living room, his legs crossed and his posture casual. The trophy from the wrestling tourney was displayed proudly in a glass cabinet beside the TV. His father made sure to polish it to a nice shimmer and the gold was proudly on display. He was hardly paying attention to what was on TV, his phone lighting up in the group chat that he was in with all the rest of his wrestling teammates.

Coach Horn came in clad in a tank top and shorts. It was his workout attire and he had a bottle of water in one hand and a beer in the other, which he placed down on the coffee table in front of Alex.

"It's only been a week and you guys are already planning a get together," Horn said with a chuckle as he plopped down onto the couch next to Alex and put his arm across his son's shoulder. The two had developed a bond that made them practically inseparable since the tournament ended. Jack jokingly referred to it as the start of their pack.

"Well, never said it didn't involve you too," Alex said, his eyes shimmered mischievously. "Besides, where would we be without our trusty coach? Plus you know it's mating season for reindeer, right? Like, I'm in heat every single day now."

"You have been way too interested in reindeer Biology ever since the tourney," Horn said with a chuckle.

"And _you_have been too interested in finding whoever was behind our changes. Come on, dad. We've all never felt better! I feel so fucking good and I know you do too! It just comes with... side effects."

"Alex... I know. I just want to know why."

"Well, I don't think we'll ever know, Dad. And we weren't the only team that got hit with whatever this is. I've heard rumors that there are wolves out around, too. The Timberwolves or whatever. Some guy has been texting me. Sent me a picture of his knot. He must have gotten my number from Kelly and Bruce when they decided to go to the other team's party."

"That's not a rumor then, son," Horn chuckled. "And, well, I may or may not be in a group chat with some of the other coaches."

He glanced sideways at his son who was now looking at him with great interest, "Maybe a wolf. A horse. And a lion. Did you know lions have barbs on their dicks? And horses are just... massive. It's wild. Would love to ride all three of those guys. And besides, you have Jack to help you out with those urges. He's your boyfriend after all."

Alex huffed and crossed his arms. "Yeah, I know, but... so are you. And we live together so, like, you're more convenient anyway. Plus I get to eat you out whenever possible."

"We really all got a big rimming fetish when we changed, didn't we?" His dad shook his head with a chuckle, "Seriously, I never even cared about ass before and now I can hardly wait to get my tongue in there whenever I can. Must've come with the changes for sure."

"Unless your super gay fetishes were just unlocked by the magic of the singlets." Alex laughed as he rubbed up against his dad.

There was a small silence between the two, the father finally clearing his throat before reaching forward and squeezing Alex's shoulders assuringly. "You know I love you, right? No matter if you're a very hot reindeer or a very handsome human."

Alex glanced over at his dad, his sour expression melting into a smile. His dad always knew what to say to butter him up. "Yeah, I know. I just don't want to lose our relationship if we lose our... powers."

Laughing and wrapping an arm around his son, Horn pulled him close. "You won't ever lose me. Even if I do lose my polar bear side."

Alex was touched by the comment, his cheeks flushing and he moved forward to kiss his father on the lips. They started to make out softly, unlike their first time where they practically ravaged one another. Alex scooted over and placed his legs on either side of his dad's lap. His father wrapped an arm around him and let his son's ample ass settle just over his twitching crotch.

"Hey, all this talk of barbs is getting me really, really turned on. Can we go out to the forest and... roleplay?"

"Want me to be the scary predator again and breed ya or do you want to get revenge?"

"I'll let you decide."

"Heh, deal. Go grab some snacks because this will probably last well into the night. I want my son all to myself and Jack can watch if he comes over. He knows where to find us," Horn said as white fur started to sprout along his neck; the telltale sign that he was changing. Before he could get up, Alex was already changed as if it was as casual as a quick change of clothes.

Alex had already gotten used to the changes and his clothes had reflected it. They were a few sizes larger so he wouldn't rip them every time he felt the urge to switch to his bestial self, which was most of the time now.

Pulling Alex close, Horn growled dominantly and grinded his hard dick right up against his son's bulge and the two lovers looked into each other's eyes knowingly. There was something about the forest that was so alluring to them; like their own private getaway.

Alex gathered his newest companion on their journey; a canvas backpack for putting his belongings in and started to strip. He wouldn't be needing the clothes any time soon and since the woodland property was theirs, no one would be peeking on them.

"Ready, stud?" Coach Horn said, fully transformed and just as naked.

"Let's fuck. I call topping this time!"

"I thought I got to decide!"

"Ehh. You had that look in your eyes that you wanted cock."

"You know me too well."

The two made their way off towards the forest, completely naked and savoring their new forms and the boundless pleasure they gave them. Whatever changed them was none of their concern at the moment. They were simply doing as their instincts were telling them and going to enjoy each with every delicious moment of their new lives.