Immoral Fruit #5

Story by TulipSquirrel on SoFurry

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#5 of Immoral Fruit

Ah-ha! Here we go! See, I said the wait for the next part would be shorter! At least, it feels shorter for me. Anyway, here's part 5, and like I said before, this one easily has a feeling of finality to it. In a way; I still feel like there's more I can write. That being said, I think this is the last chapter for Immoral Fruit story wise. I think I will write a sixth part that will be lacking on story and just focus mainly on smut. After all, with what's just happened, how could I not write a final part that's just kinky sex? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

An Eternal Portrait



The kiss felt like it would go on forever. The soft, dainty hands of the bat clung ever so gently to the strong, broad chest of her father, her eyes closed shut as the moment passed through her. His lips were so lovely, feeling different from usual whenever he kissed her on the cheek or on the forehead. No, he kept his lips pressed to her lips, letting her feel them.

And how wonderful they were.

But the kiss did not stay chaste, not for long anyway. Soon after, her father - being ever the skilled lover - maneuvered and opened her mouth with his own. It took everything in her power not to open her eyes then, no matter how surprised she was by the action. No, she kept them closed, allowing her father to do as she pleased with her.

Just like Amelia taught her.

Still, the moment his tongue slithered into her mouth was so shocking, it was impossible for her not to whimper. But the calming touch and grip of her father kept her in place. Even though she wanted to jump out of her skin at this very moment, the demure bat remained bound to her father,, feeling his tongue stroke along her tongue. The taste was euphoric... the feeling... intoxicating. She just couldn't help herself.


She moaned into his mouth. It was her first adult kiss with her own father. His tongue was so strong, so broad, and it brushed and rubbed against her tongue so slowly. He lacked the strength she expected of him, probably because he was going easy on her. But that was good; this kiss allowed her to notice how different he was in relation to her sister. How strong his tongue was - even when restrained - how rough it was, and how unique the taste was. Once again, it was all so very intoxicating. The longer the kiss went on...


The more her moans came out, as well as another whimper. She was so weak to his ministrations; any more of them, and she'd pass out in his arms. But ya'know what? It would be so, totally, worth it. To feel this, to feel more of this. That's all the bat wanted.

So why did her father stop?


His lips left hers, causing a disgruntled, pleading groan to escape her. When her green eyes opened, they found the deep brown eyes of her father gazing back at them. And then for a few moments, they just sat there.

Matthew gazed down towards Cassandra in utter disbelief that this was happening. Again. As for the bespectacled bat, she merely looked back at her father with that same pleading face of hers. Fingers clinging tighter to his clothes, she just needed to know--

"Why...? Why did you stop?"

Matthew didn't answer. Instead he placed his hands on her shoulders, gently kneading them and garnering a soft sigh from his daughter's lips. But she didn't say a word, instead causing her ears to twitch, and then fold back in a sign of dismiss.

He was displeased with her, wasn't he? That's why he stopped. She wasn't Amelia; she could never be Amelia. Her father only loved her twin like a lover, but only loved her as his daughter. It was that simple.

"Ngh... I-I'm sorry," Cassandra then said, tears threatening to break from her eyes, "I-I get it now... I-I I'm so so sorry, Daddy! I-- MMMMMMFM!?"

Much to Cassandra's surprise, her father was suddenly kissing her again. Eyes wide from the action, she didn't know what to do, aside from clinging closer to the wolf that is. His tongue was suddenly so much stronger now, desire flowing through his kiss as he easily pinned her nubile tongue. She didn't mind, didn't care, especially as his kisses caused her to grow more and more lightheaded. Cassandra couldn't control herself, so she just let him do as he pleased, kissing her more and more and more. But before she could pass the moment of actually passing out, he stopped.

Matthew pulled back, with Cassandra falling weak in his arms. But he kept her close, hugging her and causing the bat to give a shivering groan.

"Nnngh... D-Daddyyyy," she moaned out, "Haaaaa... why'dya stop this time?"

And once again, he didn't answer, not at first, anyway. Instead, he began to chuckle, finding her reaction to his kiss to be rather cute. His laughter filled the air, with Cassandra slowly rising back. And when her green eyes returned to her father's face, she saw a lovely, warm smile gazing back at her.

"You're amazing, Cassandra. Absolutely amazing..." Matthew said.

"Hauh? D-Daddy...?"

Much to the demure bat's surprise, Matthew suddenly picked her up into his arms, cradling her bridal style. Confused, Cassandra tried asking what he was doing, but instead watched as her father took her out of his private study. They walked through the second floor hall of their home briefly, passing her room and her sister's room, and eventually arriving to their father's room. When they did, Cassandra gave an audible gasp, one that was cut short when her father laid her into the soft sheets of her mattress.

The bespectacled bat's eyes looked up towards Matthew, that calming and warm face from before having turned into something more... unsure._Like, he was questioning to himself if this was right. He couldn't change the past; what he's done with Amelia has already been done. But Cassandra - for all intents and purposes - was still _pure. She was good, untouched by something so wrong as incest. He didn't want to force such a thing upon her, so he had to know...

"Cassandra... do you really want this?" Matthew asked, concern both blatant in his voice and on his face

"Daddy..." she whispered back in reply.

"You know how much I love you, right?" he continued, "Ever since you were born... because I'm your father. But this? This is...different..." he shook his head, "I'm your father... so... I'll give you one last chance. Somehow, we can go back to being just a normal father and daughter, despite all of this. If you want to, we can go to our separate rooms and leave things as that... I don't want to take advantage of you, nor do I want you to make your decision based on pleasure, or jealousy, or whatever have you. Cassandra..."


Reaching her hand up, the shy bat gently cupped the face of her father. He was so... amazing in her eyes, honestly. So smart, but also so masculine. So reliable too; whatever she needed, he'd get for her without a moment's hesitation. And she knew - without a shadow of a doubt - that his love for her was equal to only to his love for Amelia, for they were both his daughters. He loved them both more than anything, even if said love may be inappropriate for a father to have in certain aspects.

There was no defending it on his part; what he was doing with Amelia was wrong. And yet, both he and the redhead had already passed the point of caring for such a thing. Cassandra wanted that, and after taking all of these steps, she wasn't going to turn back now.

"Daddy," Cassandra said, causing his attentions to laser-focus on her, "I've known about what you and Amelia were doing for a while now. But I kept it a secret from the both of you. At first, I didn't understand why you two would do such a thing. I thought it was wrong and horrible, and kept debating with myself how to approach it. Should I just yell at you? Should I spring on the two of you when you're doing it? I didn't know. But the longer I took arguing with myself, the more I watched and watched and watched. But after a while... I just wanted to know why you two were doing this, and why you didn't tell me. It angered me and it hurt me. To think that you two wouldn't tell me something like this. You're my family; there's no one I trust more. So I thought you didn't trust me or... at worse..." she began tearing up, "I thought you didn't think highly of me. I thought you saw me as inferior and lesser to Amelia. I thought you loved Amelia_more_. It made me so... jealous."

"No, Cassandra, don't say that," Matthew said, "I love you both equally. I could never choose one over the other."

"I know, Daddy, I know," Cassandra replied, softly chuckling in his direction, "I understand now that the reason why you started sleeping with Amelia over me is because she's so much more courageous_than I am. Well... I won't be shy and demure anymore... or... at least surrounding our family. Daddy. I _am_jealous. I _am_envious. I _want_this. I want this so much! And I won't take 'no' for an answer! So please, Daddy, don't be afraid. I'm _not_afraid. Not anymore. Please, Daddy... _take me..."

Matthew looked down at Cassandra long and hard, replaying her words in his head over and over again. Then he reached his hand up, where he gently gripped her hand by the wrist and clutched it close. Cassandra watched as her father's brown eyes closed, though he tipped her hand over so that the palm of it could face him. Then he pursed his lips, and gently kissed at her open palm.

"Cassandra..." he whispered between kisses, causing her to tense up.

"Yes, Daddy?" she asked, still unsure of his choice on the matter.

Her answer came in the grip of her father, as he reached out to pick her up. Her smaller form was pulled up close to his chest, his arm reaching and wrapping around her waist. Cassandra sat in her father's lap, her long black hair falling over her face and forcing her to part it. Meanwhile, his other hand reached lower, cupping over her buttocks where he squeezed his fingers hard into her flesh.


The first sensual touch she got from her father. Oh, it was euphoric.

"Cassandra... nnnnmm... Cassanndraaaa!" Matthew cried, his mouth opening up and hot air breathing out over one of her breasts.

Her nipples twitched and hardened beneath the wolf's breathing, and she could see his head drifting in closer. Placing her hand upon the back of her father's head, the demure bat coaxed him in closer while his mouth opened wide.


"Nnghhh! Aaaahhh!"

Matthew began sucking on Cassandra's nipple, finding it erotic that he could compare and contrast the bodies of his daughters. Amelia's breasts were so perky, while Cassandra's breasts were so much bigger and plumper. The taste however, was the exact same. He suckled on the nipple of his daughter, pulling hard against her flesh as if he could draw milk from her. In doing so, he kept drawing moans from Cassandra, who even curled her toes in such extreme pleasure.

Matthew's arousal was building, his groping of her body also increasing in power. His rough paws groped and kneaded her body, squeezing, rubbing, tugging, pulling, all while he continued sucking on her tit. Cassandra couldn't control her voice, moaning out endlessly as her father touched her in such a new and unique manner. When Amelia was touching her, she did so gently and in a more exploratory way. When Matthew touched her, he did so as if he already knew her every weak spot. He was in full control, and Cassandra was beginning to realize this.

But she didn't want to come off as a selfish lover; she wanted to touch and explore her father too. And really, how couldn't she think of such things when she sat on his lap? His cock was pressing and straining against his pants, and she could feel that massive lump pressing against her thighs. A gasp full of spit escaped her mouth at the feeling, her curiosities and desires drawing her more and more towards her father's thick cock.

"Daddy! Nnnghh! Daaaddyyy!" Cassandra cried, "W-wait!"

"Wh-what's wrong?" Matthew asked as he pulled back, his tone overt with concern, "Did I hurt you?"

"N-no... that's not it," she explained as she shook her head cutely, "Daddy I..." she looked down between them, staring at the massive lump in his pants, "Can I see... it?"

"See... 'it'?" the wolf muttered back in confusion, before realizing what she was talking about, "Oh... right... th-that..."

After a bit of maneuvering, Matthew had his legs opened as he sat on the edge of his bed, with Cassandra kneeling before him. She watched his pants open, and held her breath as those trousers slid down his legs. Inch by inch, along with his underwear, meaning his cock could spring out right before her eyes.


Cassandra gasped at the sight, her hands covering her face though her wide green eyes gazed through the cracks of her fingers. She had seen Amelia suck this cock, bounce on this cock, be fucked by this cock... but now that she was face to face with it, Cassandra didn't know what to do! It was so big, so thick, so long, and it was throbbing like it was alive! And to make matters worse, there was this scent wafting into the air.

Wait? No, not worse... better.

Finally, Cassandra gained the courage to reach out for her father's cock, her hand gently touching upon it. She knew it was warm, but didn't know it would be so damn _hot!_It was like she was touching a stove top with how hot her father's cock was right now!

But now that she touched it, the usually shy bat felt... braver. It was daunting to be sure, but just feeling it filled her with courage, and spurned her to explore more. Taking in a deep breath, Cassandra began stroking her hand back and forth, exploring her father's cock and learning more about it. The bumps, the grooves, the veins, it's weight, it's length, its width, how it twitched, and of course, that precum that oozed from the tip.

"Hoooohhn... Casssaaanndraaaa," Matthew moaned.

Hearing that caused her ears to twitch, her green eyes looking up towards her father. She caused him to moan; she caused him to moan. That filled Cassandra's chest with pride, a smile spreading out over her lips. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she wanted to do more.

"It's... moving so much, Daddy," she said as she looked up at him, a soft smile on her lips, "A-and it's so hot too... d-doesn't it hurt?"

"N-no... not really," he answered, "Haaa... not with you here."

"Haaah... haaahhhnn... I'm so happy I got you to feel such a way," Cassandra remarked, smiling up to him in such a shy yet beaming manner, "I was afraid I'd be bad at this... but..." she looked down to the tip of his cock, "Oh... it's so warm... I want it... now."

"Would you... like to taste it?"

She nodded.


As he watched his daughter's face starting to drift towards his cock, Matthew's heart started to quake. He wondered deep down inside: am I a bad father? Is what I'm doing terrible? Not only had he done this with Amelia, but now Cassandra too?

But before he could think too long on such thoughts, his daughter's lips finally met his cock. The first touch was so hot, Cassandra feared that it would burn her lips. But she kept pushing, extending out her tongue to give his cock a slow lick.

A burst of flavor filled Cassandra, one different from the taste she got from Amelia. So salty, so bitter, a flavor she normally wouldn't like but... for some reason, it was just enthralling here. Her gentle hands gripping the base of her father's cock, Cassandra held it in place so that she could keep licking his length like it was a popsicle.

A lewd but delicious popsicle.

Matthew looked down upon her, moaning softly as his daughter's soft tongue began to engulf his length. She looked so blissful, as if she had not a care in the world while she explored her father's penis. Licking up the sides of it, coming to the tip, letting cute moans leave her lips with her every taste; Cassandra was in her own little world.

But even so, the shy bat wanted more. So she aimed her father's cock right with her mouth, breathing so hard upon it. The wolf groaned from the feeling, his hands clinging to his bed sheets, though he made no attempts to stop her. No, he merely watched as Cassandra's mouth drifted closer and closer to his throbbing dick. And without the hesitation one would suspect of a virgin like Cassandra...


She captured his cock with her mouth.

Matthew moaned and leaned his head back as the tiny, tight mouth of his daughter began suckling on his cock. She was nubile in the sense that she wasn't skilled in fellatio, but more than made up for it with her eagerness to learn and explore. So she kept suckling on her Daddy's dick, nursing it like it was a bottle. Lips pumping, tongue swirling, and that suction force as she took in all the salt and sweat of his musky cock.

And the precum.

How could she describe such a bitter fluid? It was different from Amelia's juices, that's for sure. And yet, Cassandra felt as if it were somehow better. Tasting her father's precum sent shivers of delight down her spine, and caused one of her hands to leave his cock. But only so she could slide her hand right between her legs of course.


Cassandra sent a moan through her father's dick, one that reverberated through his very being. Looking down at her, Matthew began wondering if he was a terrible father again. Having Cassandra suck his dick, whilst also massaging her own pussy; how could he not feel responsible for transforming his daughter into a lewd, incestuous girl like this?

And yet, it was clear to the both of them that this was her choice. He didn't force Cassandra to do this; Cassandra wanted to do this. When her green eyes opened to look up at his face from where she was, Matthew did not see that shy, demure bat. No, he saw a courageous woman, one who wouldn't let fear stop her from doing what she wanted to do. And what she wanted most of all in this world was her father.

The longer her blowjob went on, the more courageous and confident Cassandra became. She sucked harder on her father's dick, pumping her lips as her cheeks even puffed up a bit. The sudden intense feeling of her blowjob took Matthew off guard, his cock quaking sporadically in her mouth. He wasn't holding back; he wanted to give Cassandra that which she was hungrily trying to get. But she was unaware of the signs of a male's impending climax, so when it hit,



It took her off guard.

Thick wad after thick wad of cum shot into Cassandra's mouth, making her swoon from the amazing and overbearing taste. The salty and bitter taste from before was nothing compared to now, for Matthew's cum was like that times 100! But like a trooper, Cassandra kept her mouth attached to her father's dick, taking in every pint of cum he gifted her with. Once it was over, she slowly pulled back, the thick, gooey strands of his seed hanging from her pouty lips and to the head of his cock.

Some of Matthew's cum dribbled down her lips and along her chin, falling to land on her lofty tits. He looked down upon his daughter, immobile, watching as she kept his seed pooled within her mouth. A few moments passed before she finally swallowed his cum, grunting and shivering as the gooey seed filled her.

So hot. So warm. So... good.

"Did... I do good, Daddy?" Cassandra asked, to which Matthew nodded.

"Yes," he answered, just as breathless as she was, "You did amazing, sweetheart... haaaa..."

Staring down towards her, Matthew watched as Cassandra's face began beaming so bright. Her cute lips were smiling wide, happy she could bring her father pleasure with her mouth and virgin skills. She was afraid she wouldn't have been good enough, but the longer this went on, the more confident she became.

Confidence. Yes, that's what she needed; confidence.

As for Matthew, he started wondering once again whether or not he was a bad father and a horrible man. But even still, that did not stop him from getting aroused in the first place, nor did his cock stop stirring.

With this, their fates were sealed; they could no longer go back to the way things once were.

Gently placing his hand on Cassandra's cheek, he caused his daughter to rise up from where she was kneeling. It took her off guard, but she followed her father's commands, standing up so that she could stare at him face to face.



He guided her closer and closer until...



They began kissing again, with Matthew embracing and holding his daughter close. Cassandra did likewise, clinging to her father and holding him just as hard as he held her. His lips held close to her lips, his tongue delving inside to dance along with her tongue. He could taste some residing bits of his cum in her mouth, but he didn't care. She was amazing, and she tasted amazing; that's all that mattered right now.

Matthew's hand cupped along the curvature of Cassandra's ass, before he squeezed in to get a feeling of her plump body. A fair bit different from her sister's twin butt, he'd have to say. He liked touching it, he liked groping it, and each time he did, the shy bat gave a yip of delight. But Cassandra did not stop him; she was exploring his body herself.

Oooooohohohohohoho... his chest. The very same chest she's snuggled against since she was a young bat was here before her yet again, but obviously, things were different. She squeezed and stroked her father's broad chest, marveling at how flat and toned it was. She often saw her father as the pinnacle of what a male should be: tall, kind, smart, and ever so strong. And as she sat on his lap, kissing him, touching him, she knew that her beliefs were confirmed.

Her father was truly perfect.

"Mmm... mmmfff... fuaahahhaaahhaaa... haaahhnn... Daddy... you took my breath away..."

"Hmm... heh... sorry..."

"No... I liked it. I want more..."

Looking up towards her green eyes, he watched as her hand sensually traveled down the middle of her body towards her crotch. When he looked down, it was like he was suddenly stricken by the powerful, thick scent that emanated from it.

Cassandra's cunt. It had this lovely, sweaty, sensual, sugary odor to it. Smelling it caused Matthew to lick his lips in a hungry manner; he just wanted to dive in. Tell me this though; is it terrible, or terribly dirty that he realized both Cassandra and Amelia had the same erotic scent?

Didn't matter; both of their odors drove him wild!

"When I think about you... I get so wet down here, Daddy," Cassandra claimed as she massaged and stroked her pussy, letting him watch unabashedly, "It's so hot...!" her eyes began quivering as they looked at her father, "Could you... touch it for me? Please?"

Looking at her when she asked for such a thing, he saw her eyes quivering even more. It was clear that - for whatever reason - Cassandra really wanted to cry. A rush and swelling of emotions, ones that even made it difficult to think straight. But this courageousness she now had, this confidence, it stopped her from wilting and looking away. Cassandra wouldn't turn away; she wanted to experience all of this.

"Of course," Matthew then said as he moved over, causing Cassandra to lay upon his bed, "I'll touch it for you..." he swallowed his spit, "Tell me... tell me if it hurts, okay?"

Matthew's movements were slow, not wishing to scare his daughter in anyway. But when his hand touched her oozing mound, Cassandra naturally twitched. A high-pitched and shuddering moan left the bat's lips, but then her green eyes returned to her father. He had stopped, worried he'd done something wrong. But her nodding head showed that she was okay, and that she wanted him to continue.

So continue he did.

Matthew began to gently stroke and rub his daughter's pussy, causing more quivering moans to escape her. Her womanhood was so tiny, and when he stroked it, it throbbed with hunger and desire. He smeared and tracked more of her juices upon his hand and the bed below, and even caused a dirty squelching noise to start echoing out. Tiny little yips slipped out of Cassandra's mouth in time with her father's touching, and her hips began to buck forward out of instinct. She couldn't control herself; this was far different from when she masturbated!

Her father's hand was just so much bigger, so much stronger. And he hadn't even penetrated her yet!

"Oooofff... ooooohh..."

Matthew's finger started stroking her pussy in earnest now, gently parting her folds and dipping inside. Cassandra's mouth opened wide as she let out a raspy gasp, spit oozing from her mouth. Feeling that thick, girthy digit start to slide in was certainly different from the more slender fingers both she and her sister had, that's for sure! Matthew's finger started pushing in even deeper, causing Cassandra to buck forward with her hips while her hands grabbed at the bed sheets beside her head. Seeing her have such a violent reaction caused Matthew to stop, his hand even pulling away.

"C-Cassandra," he said, his eyes filled with concern, "A-are you okay?"

"N-no... I-I mean yes, I... u-uh..." swallowing he spit, she bought her babbling to an end, "Why did you stop?"

"I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"No... just... p-please, Daddy. Don't stop..."

He opened his mouth to say something, but ultimately swallowed his spit and nodded. Cassandra wanted this; he could see it in her eyes. So, why not give it to her?

Gently, Matthew began rubbing and stroking her pussy yet again, his powerful hand running along every inch of it. Such a gruff, large hand too; it drew a continuous flow of moans from Cassandra's mouth as rode on her father's movements. His every touch was driving her insane!

But once again, that finger began to poke and prod at her entrance. Biting her bottom lip, the demure bat let out a barely restrained gasp as her father's finger started to slide inside of her once again. But this time, he didn't stop; this time, he kept going. His finger slid deeper inside of her warm, hot tunnel, feeling those velvety walls stroke and rub along his digit. It tightened around his finger something fierce, as if both trying to force him out yet keep him in. Suddenly twisting his digit inside of her, the bat let out yet another high-pitch gasp, but her father did not stop.

Left and right, Matthew twisted and turned his finger, working out her cunt more and more. And then - despite everything - he began pushing inside of her yet again. His hand moved in deeper and deeper and deeper until...


He touched... it.


"Guh!? Aaahhhhnnn! Haaaahhh! Aahh!? Nnnnghhhh!?"

And then - without hesitation - Matthew flicked Cassandra's clit.


Like a light switch, it set her off.

Body arching off of his bed, the demure bat's eyes clamped shut. Her mouth was wide and open, letting out a series of lewd, infinite moans from her mouth, all while her pussy spasmed and quaked. Without end she squirted all over her father's hand and bed, sending her juices in a perfect arc and filling the air with her overbearing odor. It all went by so fast, yet also felt like an eternity. And when it was over, when Cassandra's eyes opened up, they were spinning about as if she couldn't control herself.

"Haaahhh! Haaaahh! Haaaah! Haaah! Ooooohh... fuck... Dadddyyyyyy," she groaned on his bed, trying to regain control herself after having such an intense orgasm.

"You... you're still a..." he muttered before shaking his head, "Uh... what am I saying?"

"It's okay... it's okay," Cassandra said, green eyes aglow as she looked up at her father, "Yes... I am. But... I'm not scared, not anymore. I want this..." she then looked down towards that throbbing red cock of his as it aimed up with her cunt, "I'm not afraid, Daddy... I'm not..."

She said it with such conviction... but this time, it was Matthew's turn to not be so sure. He shook a bit in place, wondering if this was right. After all of this, how could he still be so unsure? Hell, he was still fucking Amelia for crying out loud, and she never saw him act so indecisive with her!

Huh... like father, like daughter.

Cassandra didn't know what to do... well, at first, anyway. After a few moments of thinking, she remembered back to what Amelia did last night. More specifically, she remembered what her twin had said.

"I... I'm so hot_for you, Daddy," Cassandra said, causing Matthew's eyes to return to her face, "Nnnghh! Haaahhnn...! Please, Daddy... d-don't tease me..." her eyes began to quiver, her hands extending out as if to beckon him closer, "I want this, Daddy. I want _you. I want you to _take_me..."

She started tearing up now as she admitted such a thing. With how things had progressed now, she wanted him to know that she didn't want things to go back to how they once were. No, she wanted this, and nothing was going to change her mind.

And Matthew? Well...

"It's... going to hurt..." he stated, causing Cassandra's heart to pick up in speed.

"Haaaahhh! Haaaaahh!" her breathing sped up as well, realization washing over her that, yes, they were about to do this, "I know...! Haaaaah! I-I know... please..." she shook her head, "Just... just do it... please..."

His brown eyes looked down towards her crotch, his cock throbbing hard with needy desire. Gripping his length by the knot, Matthew slowly took aim with Cassandra's tight pussy. When she looked down at his cock in all of its glory, the demure bat realized just how big her father was. And in comparison, she realized just how small she was. Her pussy was so tiny, so much smaller. Once that thing entered her, would it break her?

And there was that feeling again; that idea that being broken by her father made her feel so fucking good. Oh, she began drooling, hungering this, desiring this, needing this!

And her father was going to give it to her.


Matthew's cock pressed up against her pussy, the tip of it starting to spear and spread her folds. Once again she gripped the bed sheets besides her head tightly. Her grip was so tight, she was afraid she'd tear the sheets to shreds.

But her father kept going, pressing and pushing his cock into her pussy. Just as she feared, there was a pain there. His cock was by far thicker than his finger, and her pussy was ever so small and tight. How did Amelia do this with such great ease? Had his cock worked her pussy open that much? Cassandra was panting from the onset of the penetration alone!

And her father kept going!

Her tunnel widened around his cock, his penetration sliding in deeper and deeper and deeper. When his penis was comfortably set a bit inside of her cunt, his hands moved to grab her legs and thighs. Pushing them open, Matthew held Cassandra's legs up, and then continued driving forth with his hips.

His cock then touched... it, again. Her barrier, her seal, her hymen... whatever you want to call it. The last vestige of her virginity, and it was right there. Right there for the taking.

And her words replayed in his head.

I want this, Daddy. I want you. I want you to take me...

So what did Matthew do? Well, naturally, he took_her._


He did it; he took it! He took her!_Matthew's cock had finally claimed her pussy as his own! Her hymen torn, Cassandra felt a surge of pain as blood even oozed out of her pussy. Damn, it was just as painful and discomforting as she feared it would be. His cock was so big, her pussy so small, and the tear burned so much! It was the feeling again, the feeling of her being_broken, of being shattered into a million little pieces.

It was euphoric.

Despite all the pain centering upon her cunt, Cassandra felt as if she were drifting into a world of pure bliss. Her father's big, meaty dick kept sliding inside of he, not stopping until he could go no further. His cock had finally reached the very depths of Cassandra's body, reaching her inner core. She could feel her tight and tiny pussy struggle to contain all of her father's cock, and that's not even counting his knot. If all of that slid into her... _when_all of that slid into her, could she even hold it?

Her panting kept filling the air, her chest raising and lowering ever so slowly. Black hair had fallen over her face, constricting some of her green eyes but not completely obstructing her view of her father. It took a bit for her to formulate thoughts, but when she did, the first words out of her mouth were simple,

"Haaaa... haaa... Daddy... is inside me..." she said in a somewhat airhead manner, "Haaa... haaa... haaaa... it's bigger... and hotter... than I... I expected... haaaa..."

"Does it... hurt?" Matthew asked, to which Cassandra nodded.

"Yes but... I don't care..." looking up towards her father, he watched as her tears streaked down her puffy cheeks, "Please, Daddy, keep moving."

He nodded, his brown eyes trailing down her body towards where they were connected. Yes, yes, father and daughter had become one in the most taboo and sinful of ways. But now that the moment had transpired, what did any of that matter? Who cares about their roles as father and daughter? With this, they were lovers now. And this was Cassandra's first time, meaning he'd have to show her what it means - what it _feels_like - to be loved like a woman does.

Slowly the wolf began moving, pulling his cock out of Cassandra's wet pussy and making her whimper in response. But he did not leave his daughter fully before pushing with his hips yet again, driving his cock inside of her once more. The shy bat let a high-pitch gasp loose from her lips, while her green eyes closed shut.

Her moans and groans sounded confusing. Was she in pain, or euphoria? A little bit of both, really; he had to keep working her open. So work her open Matthew did.

Placing his hands down near Cassandra's head, Matthew started driving his cock in and out of her at a slow yet steady pace. She felt every inch of it as it pushed in, pulled out, pushed in, pulled out. Her pussy was in such a strange state of pain, numbness, and pleasure as her father steadily worked it open. She didn't know what to feel; should she cry? Should she moan? Should she do some weird combination of those things?

For now, Cassandra kept her mouth closed, stifling her voice and stopping it from letting lose. Her nostrils flared though, steam puffing through it as her father continued his slow yet constant work.

"Daddy! Nnnghh! Daddy!"

When her green eyes opened up, she looked towards her father in such a needy, nearly pathetic manner. It was almost like she was a little girl again, one who desperately needed the protection that only her patriarch could give.

So he leaned in, capturing her body with his bigger, larger frame. His arms settled in around her shoulders, while her legs were forced up around his thighs, holding to him. Matthew's thrusting started to get even faster now, forcing her lips open and causing moans to leave her pouty lips. Thanks to his increased fervor, the impacts of their bodies made her flesh jiggle and quake. That certainly was different from Amelia.

But he didn't focus on that, instead focusing on ending the discomfort she was feeling. Truthfully, a part of Cassandra wanted to ask her father to stop, knowing he'd do such a thing. But that was the same reason why she kept her mouth shut. As much as one side wanted the pain to go away and to just snuggle with her father, the other side wanted to keep going. If Amelia could take it, then Cassandra could take it too! Besides, if they stopped now, she wasn't sure if she'd have the courage to start it again. To put it bluntly...

It was now or never!

"Aahhn... h-harder!"


"Harder!" she cried out louder, "Harder, Daddy! Haaaahh! Hhnnn! H-harder! Please..."

Coming to a complete halt, Matthew stared down upon Cassandra whilst replaying her words in his head. She wanted it harder? Wouldn't that, you know, hurt? But more importantly...

Jeeze, how can the same thing happen to the same guy twice?

"Okay... turn over..."


"Turn over, Cassandra. Turn over..."

Her expression turned conflicted and confused, but her heart started beating even harder in her chest. And then - without warning - her father pulled out of her pussy. A gasp left Cassandra's lips, followed by whimper as she was left empty and void of her father's penis. She didn't know she'd miss the feeling of having him deep inside of her when he left.

But now that she was freed of his cock, Cassandra slowly turned around and rested on her chest. Then she looked over her shoulder towards her father, giving him such a knowing gaze. Yes, she knew what was coming now, having seen Amelia and Matthew take this position quite a few times. So she raised her hips and ass up, shaking her big butt right in her father's face to further taunt him.

His brown eyes meanwhile took in the beautifully sinful sight of his daughter in such a shameful position. Black hair so long and falling along her back, while her plump, round ass stared him directly in the face. Placing a hand upon one of her lovely cheeks, his other hand once again grabbed his cock to take aim with her pussy.

That throbbing, pulsating pussy.

Her blood and juices were slowly lining down her thigh, falling upon the bed below. He should feel terrible for this; this was his doing! But he didn't feel as bad anymore. The longer this went on, the more relaxed he became.

Cassandra and Amelia smelling alike didn't hurt in those regards.

With his cock in hand, Matthew began pressing the end of his piping-red length against her pussy. Cassandra shivered and tensed up, her breathing even got caught in her throat, but she didn't fight him off or say a word. She merely waited for the moment of her father penetrating her yet again.


Her eyes clenched shut when he did so, feeling his dick pushing deep inside of her once more. And Matthew watched every moment of it. Inch by inch his dick slid inside of her pussy, that plump posterior pushing back to rest upon his knot. Placing his hands upon her waist, Matthew clenched and held his daughter tightly while also keeping her rutted to his dick.

Ooooh, this felt far_better than the first time. Tears were still streaming down Cassandra's face still, but the pain was being replaced with a gentle numbness. And when Matthew began thrusting, that numbness started giving way to_pleasure. When his dick hit a good spot of her cunt...


Oh that felt good.

Matthew had once again set up a steady, simple pace for her, though his thrusts certainly were stronger than the last time. Must have been the leverage, or the grip, or whatever the fuck one uses to describe this! Cassandra's mind was turning to mush as her father humped into her pussy over and over and over again. She felt her cunt being worked open wider and wider, her tiny pussy somehow taking in his monster of a cock. In a strange way, Cassandra was both proud of herself, yet too fucked in the head to actually care.

Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat! Pat!

The dirty sounds of their bodies meeting echoed out in his bedroom, sweat forming on their bodies. Matthew watched as Cassandra's ass clapped and quaked with his every thrust, all while moans drifted shamelessly from her mouth. He continued to grope and knead her ass and hips, which only drove him to thrust into her pussy harder.


His cock kept hitting her sweet spots, making Cassandra moan louder. Drool was even starting to hang from her lips, forced out of her by her father's meaty dick. Biting his bottom lip, the tight pussy of his daughter held close and fiercely to Matthew's dick, but the action of pulling out and pushing it was getting easier and easier.

Oh yes, easier and easier.

Minutes passed by, with Cassandra feeling her pussy opening up more and more. Whenever her father thrusted into her, she felt his cock kiss up against her core, whilst further _breaking_her cunt. Yes, that's what he was doing; he was breaking her in, like a new pair of pants The pain was still there, but somehow, even that added to her overall pleasure. She asked her Daddy to take her, and dammit, he was doing that and then some!

His large, powerful frame easily engulfed her, basking Cassandra in shadows and cradling her in his protection. Eyes closing shut, the demure bat focused on the pleasure, letting her father do all the work. It was strange, but having his power being lorded over her made Cassandra feel so safe, so protected. Nothing bad could possibly happen; she was safe within her father's loving embrace.


A sharp and sudden gasp escaped her mouth as her father's cock struck something so good inside of her. With one hand still on her ass, Matthew's other hand reached around to cup and grope one of her breasts. That lovely tit filled his palm and then some, causing him to moan and groan from the feeling of her body. And that - in turn - only drove his thrusting to increase in speed and power.


Another, even louder gasp left Cassandra's mouth, her father truly putting all of his weight behind his thrusting. She couldn't tell if he was holding back anymore, but she knew one thing; he certainly was breaking her! That pussy was being forced out, wider and wider, made to take in his dick, over and over and over again. No escape; couldn't escape! Didn't _want_to escape! She wanted it! Harder and harder and harder and harder!


And then...


Her father had struck something she herself had only discovered a few days ago. Somehow, Matthew already knew where her g-spot was. No, no, he didn't 'somehow' know, the wolf _already_knew where it was. How?

Well, Amelia and Cassandra are _twins,_you know.

With the knowledge he had on both of his daughter's bodies, Matthew easily abused Cassandra's g-spot, sending her on a wild ride she wasn't expecting. All the pain she felt before was instantly replaced with pure, delirious euphoria, as that sensitive bundle of nerves felt her father's cock punch and thrust against it over and over again.

A rush of heat had built before them, one that just kept flowing. No end in sight, as the wolf and bat began letting out wild and primal grunts and groans. Gone were words, replaced with mere noises and sounds. And their bodies too, bouncing and meeting one another, over and over again. Altogether, it created a symphony of incestuous, sinful, taboo, lovely, lustful music.

Matthew truly was losing him to his primal urges, his body leaning over to the point that his chest rested along Cassandra's small back. Nostrils flaring, he took in not the scent of his daughter, but the scent of a female that was ready and willing for breeding. His cock kept pounding in deeper and deeper into her pussy, while her whorish moans filled the air. It was painful, it was pleasurable, it was euphoric, it was maddening! It was all of these things and then some!

Cassandra_never_ wanted it to end!

"Please, Daddy," she grunted through spit and and drool from her mouth, "Don't stop. Take me.... haaaahhhnn.. t-take..." fwip,"Me...? Aahh..."

Falling chest first into the bed, Cassandra was confused why they suddenly stopped. Then she turned over, laying on her back and having her green eyes fall on the titanic wolf that was just above her. His presence sent shivers down her spine, the brown look his eyes appearing so devilish right now. Not like her father at all, no, no, more like a man. A big, strong, powerful, man.

So this is what it feels like...

Saying not a word, Cassandra instead reached under her body to grab her thighs, pulling them up so that her father could have unobstructed access to her pussy. Matthew didn't hesitate, taking aim with her pussy for one last time with his cock. When he started pushing in, the shy bat let out a powerful grunt, his thick cock so big and wonderful. She couldn't fight back against it, well, not that she was trying to do that anyway. Still, Cassandra clenched down with her thighs as best he could, hoping with all her might that it would pleasure her father more and more.

Truthfully, Matthew was too far gone to care. The wolf instead pressed down upon his daughter, holding close to her body similarly to the first time, only now he was truly pressing her into the bed. Her legs clamped up against his hips, squeezing down as her father's continued pounding into her cunt, over and over and over again.


A kiss? A sudden kiss? Heavens, that brought her back to reality! His lips on her lips, hungrily kissing her with the ferocity one would expect of a wolf. He lacked restraint or skill; he just kissed his daughter like their lives depended on it. Their tongues whipped and lashed against one another, spit being traded furiously. Matthew even pulled back to be the one resting on the bed, something that took Cassandra off guard as she was suddenly riding him cowgirl style. But why had he done this?

Once again... leverage.

Matthew's hands gripped tightly upon his daughter's hips, squeezing them and holding her in place. Her green eyes grew wide and her mouth too, her gaze falling on the beast that was her father. And before she could even utter one word from her lips, Matthew's hips melted into a vicious blur. Teeth grinding against teeth, all that flowed out of Cassandra's mouth was grunts and groans from her father's brutal assault.

It was so damn painful! This was something one would do to a woman who was comfortable with sex, not someone who was having their first time! But it was like her father just didn't care! He just took what he wanted; to hell with her own feelings!

And that's exactly what she wanted! She wanted her father to make an absolute mess of her! To break her into tiny little pieces! Dammit, the pain was great, but in that pain she felt so much_pleasure_. Undeniable, untold, unending amounts of pleasure!

They were just grunting and groaning now like beasts in the wild, with only Cassandra capable of making coherent words. And even then, they were relatively simple like 'good', or 'yes', or 'hard', and of course, 'daddy'. Matthew on the other hand focused entirely on one thing and one thing alone.


It pounded up against his daughter's tight cunt, working her open more and more. The thrusting, the pounding, all of it served to break down the defenses of her cunt. Faster faster, harder harder, wider wider, and finally--


Pain and stars. That's what Cassandra felt and saw. So much pain, so many stars. It clouded her vision and overrode her senses. But then - out of nowhere - she felt... pleasure.

It was inside of her. Matthew's knot was inside of her...


Cassandra looked so stupid right now. One eye was wider than the last, her teeth were biting into her bottom lip, and her entire body shook like mad. She lost all control over herself then, and the same goes for her loins. With that same stupid face on, Cassandra grunted and started cumming all over her father's dick and waist. It was so much thicker than before, so much more powerful too, and the scent of it was heavy and randy. Cassandra even matted down her father's fur with how much she came, right before falling over into his awaiting chest.

"Nnnnnnggghhhhhh!? Haaaahhhhnnnn!"

So why did it still hurt?


Oh, yeah, that's why. Matthew's knot had finally inflated within her pussy, widening out Cassandra even more as well as binding them together. She shuttered from the feeling, her own orgasm being drawn longer out by the action while her legs wobbled. The bat tried to speak, but then Matthew's arms wrapped around her shoulders, holding and hugging Cassandra close.

She could no longer escape. Good; this was exactly where she wanted to be.

"Daddy..." Cassandra whimpered in a brief moment of clarity. Right before... "AAAHHHHNNNNN!"

She felt it. She felt every bit of his seed as it shot so deep into her tight and tiny pussy. Cassandra closed her eyes tight and clung to her father, holding onto him for dear life as he filled her pussy with his seed. So this is what it feels like? So this is what Amelia got to experience almost every night?

"Soooooo hhhooooottttt!" Cassandra groaned, "Swhhhhoooo hwaaaaaaattt!"

Huh... she could get addicted to this.

Clarity. Yes, in this moment, an air of clarity had settled over the both of them. Cassandra and Matthew both came down from their sexual high, realizing what they had just done with one another. For the shy bat, her heart was still racing. Yes! After all this time of waiting and watching, she got her chance! She slept with her father, and it was just as amazing as she thought it would be! Tears were streaming down her face, but they were tears of joy. She was so very, very, _very_happy, and it showed on her face.

Glee, joy, euphoria, and everything in between laid on his daughter's face.

Gently, Matthew stroked his hand along Cassandra's face, his thumb sliding along her cheek and towards her lips. Her face was still puffy from the tears and the rush of emotions, but she still had the wherewithal to kiss his thumb.

"Daddy..." she whispered shortly after doing it, "Thank you so very, very much."

When she thanked him for this - thanked him for something no parent and child should ever do - Matthew chuckled. And from his own eyes, some tears fell as well. He had better control over his emotions than she did; he didn't sob and moan. But those tears - as fleeting as they may be - spoke volumes.

"Cassandra..." he whispered, "I--"




In unison, their eyes locked on his closet, watching it bounce and wobble. They couldn't really move much with Matthew's knot keeping them bound, meaning they were stuck in place. Before either of them could say a word however, the door flung open, and Amelia fell out. She was even still wearing the same close Cassandra saw her leave in, though her pants had been removed and her panties had a noticeable damp spot in them.

"Ooof!? Aaaahh... uughh..." muttered the tomboyish bat as she rubbed her head, her red hair bouncing, "Aaahh... it was tighter in there than I thought it would be..."

She then looked up towards the faces of her twin and father, getting an understandably confused and wide-eyed gaze from the both of them.


"AMELIA!!!" they shouted in unison.

"I hear you, I hear you, damn!" she muttered in reply, "My ears are sensitive too you know; you don't have to scream so loud!"

"Amelia Rebecca Morris, what are you doing here!?" Matthew cried.

"Well... heh heh... isn't it obvious?" she replied with a sheepish grin, "I was watching you two fuck..."

"What!? W-watch your mouth, Amelia!" Matthew snapped, causing her to wilt.


"Wait... but... I thought you went to Stacy's house," Cassandra remarked, confused by how her sister seemingly teleported into their father's closet.

"Well... I lied, Cass," Amelia answered, "I knew you wouldn't sleep with Daddy unless I left you alone to do it. After we had sex, I knew it was only a matter of time until you made your move!"

"Wait, wait, wait, dial that back," Matthew said, his finger making a circle gesture and causing Amelia to flinch, "Did you just say that you and Cassandra had sex?"

"D-did I?" said the redhead as she gave a sheepish chuckle, "I-I don't remember that leaving my lips..."

"Did you force your sister to do this!?" Matthew shouted, this time letting his anger be known.

"What!? No, no!" Amelia said defensively, her hands even shaking in the air, "I swear, Dad, I didn't force Cassandra to do anything she didn't want to do; I promise!"

"Aaaammmeeeelliaaaaa!" he growled.

"Daddy, stop!" Cassandra then said, her hand raising, "No... don't get mad at Amy; she's right. She didn't force me to do anything..." she then took in a deep, deep breath, "I've been... watching you two have sex at night for quite some time now and... haaa..." her fingers began prodding into one another, "I... I've been really, really jealous. I admit it. I thought you hated me or something, which is why you had sex with Amelia and... you didn't tell me about it or anything..." she shook her head, "We're twins so... I wanted to know why you did such a thing with her..."

"Cassandra..." he said in a lowly manner, "I didn't mean to make you feel excluded. It's just that... aahh..." his eyes closed shut, "What we're doing... isn't necessarily normal, you know..." he shook his head, "I shouldn't even be doing this with Amelia, let alone the both of you. I... I am a failure of a father."

"DON'T SAY THAT!" the Morris Twins cried in unison.

"Daddy, you're not a failure," Cassandra then said.

"Yeah, you wouldn't even be doing this had I not started it," Amelia added, "You never forced either of us to do anything we didn't want to do."

Matthew didn't say a word then, instead looking at his daughters as they both gazed at him with such pleading eyes. This was certainly a strange and bizarre situation, wasn't it? Knotted to one of his daughters while the other one watched. Huh... if you told him he'd be doing this ten years ago, he probably would have sued you for even having the audacity to say such slander. But right now as he lived it, the wolf just couldn't help but to...


"Heh... heh heh... heh heh heh... heheheheheh... ha... hahahahahah! Hahahahahahahahahahah!"

His laughter filled the room, taking both Amelia and Cassandra by surprised. Doubly so for the shy bat, since, ya'know, she was still locked to him. But as their father laughed, that infectious noise began to affect the both of them. Together, the two sisters also started chuckling, and soon after that, laughing as loud as they could. To think that their lives would be like... this! So strange indeed.

But there was one curious question. One that now held on all three of their minds and refused to go. Now that Matthew had slept with both Cassandra and Amelia...

"Daddy..." said the twins in unison.

"Yes, dears."

"What now?"

They both looked at him, their voices like perfect reflections of one another. He stared at them both, sweeping his eyes from one to the other. This was a question no father should ever have to ask, but was one he now had to answer.

What now?

"Hmm... Amelia..."

"Yeah Dad?"

"Come here."

A bit confused by the command, Amelia stammered for a bit before moving forward. Approaching her father, his arm reached and wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her in close. He did the same with Cassandra, hugging both of his daughter's close, and causing them to hug him back.

The embrace was a long and strong one. And honestly, he already had the answer.

"Don't worry... I'll take care of everything."


"Mmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmmm!"

"Mmmm! Mmmmm! Fffuuuuck! This is the best!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to watch your mouth, Amelia."

"S-sorry, pops."

What's the best thing to do after one has (rather incredible) taboo sex with his daughters? Buy ice cream, of course.

The local ice cream parlor was a quaint place, not too far from the theater district in fact. It was one of those outdoorsy types too, where the cars pull up to menus and order via speakers. Lot number 19 of 20 was where the Morris family was, parked right outside it in their black luxurious SUV. Each one was enjoying their favorite type of ice cream too; Amelia with her hot fudge sundae, Cassandra with caramel and plenty of nuts, and Matthew with his banana sundae.

"You know... you two still haven't explained to me why exactly you had sex," Matthew suddenly said, putting both Amelia and Cassandra on the spotlight.

"Oh? W-we didn't? Heh heh... I thought we explained that before leaving home," the redhead muttered in a sheepish manner.

"Actually... you two haven't exactly told me why you two started sleeping together," Cassandra then said, drawing attentions over to her.

"Oh... we didn't do that either, did we?" Amelia replied, before bringing her green eyes over to her father, "Well... I suppose we should. Uh, it started like--"

"Actually... it doesn't matter," Cassandra then said, much to the combined surprise of her father and sister, "I don't care how you started it or why... but I'm happy you did..." blushing furiously, she raised her ice cream in an attempt to block her face, "I feel like our lives are better this way."

"Hm... but we should still tell you," Matthew said before glancing over at Amelia, "But if you don't want to know now... I understand. Although..." he then took a more thoughtful pose, "That does have me thinking."

"Thinking about what, Daddy?" his daughter's asked in unison, causing him to shrug his shoulders.

"Amelia mentioned going away for the weekend. I think - after all that's happened - we can use a break."

"Are you just saying that cuz some idiots at your job messed something up?" Amelia asked with a teasing glare in her eyes and a knowing grin on her lips.

"Well... maybe..." Matthew replied with a chuckle, "But I still think it would be rather nice. Perhaps head to the beaches to the west. Stay there for a couple of days..." he nodded, "Yes... sounds great."

"Heh heh heh! Staying alone with your cute twin daughters, doing all sorts of naughty things with them," Amelia then threw in, garnering a groan from her father, "I bet that sounds like heaven to a bunch of people!"

"Ameeelliaaaaaaaa..." he growled whilst shooting his daughter a scolding glare, "Our relationship may be... a bit different, but that doesn't mean life as we know it is completely new..." he sighed, "I still expect you two to do your best in school and everything. I'm still your father."

"And our lover," Cassandra threw in, her green eyes looking up at her father ever so shyly, "Hmm... I-I can't believe I said that..."

"No, no! You're right, Cass," Amelia said as she placed her hand on her sister's shoulder, "We're your daughters, and your lovers!"

That cheeky, powerful, saucy grin of hers never left too. If anything, it grew wider. Both of his daughters were looking for a confirmation of their new titles, reminding him of their rather young ages. Matthew sheepishly scratched the back of his head, jumbling their words around in his head, before smiling in a warm manner and giving a nod of his head.

"Yes," he said, "My daughters and my lovers."


"Wait! Your ice cream! Ooof!?"

Suddenly - and much to Matthew's surprise - his daughters hugged him both at once. Their combined embraces were rather strong, and somehow, they didn't spill their ice cream everywhere.

"So... Daddy... if you don't mind me asking," Amelia said as she pulled away first, causing her father to groan.

"What is it, Amelia..." he asked.


"... What?"

"You heard me; who's better? Who's better in bed!?"

"That's not fair, Amelia; we just started today!" Cassandra said as she shot her sister a glare, all the good will they just had evaporating on the spot, "Besides, he clearly likes me more; my breasts and butt are way bigger than yours!"

"But I have experience!" Amelia said in a flaunting and boisterous manner, "I know all of Daddy's weak spots as well! I bet I could make him cum faster than you could!"

"Girls please..."

"N-no you can't!" Cassandra shouted, her hands shaking up and down like a tantrum throwing toddler, "I bet I could make Daddy cum first!"

"Maybe you could put him to sleep first considering how bland you are!"

"Girls, please stop..."

Was this better or worse than having them argue over arbitrary things like which band is better, or whose turn it is to choose what to watch? Matthew wasn't sure. He just knew that - going forward - the arguments his daughters would be having in the future would now take on a more lewd connotation.

At first he frowned at such a thing... but then it made him smile._Regardless of what they were doing with one another, it felt nice knowing that his daughters hadn't changed. If anything, they had all changed for the _better; he was sure of it!

"Alright, fine, we'll just ask Dad ourselves!"

"Don't cry when he says I'm better, Amy!"

And then - in unison - they both looked at Matthew, putting him under the spotlight and snapping him from his thoughts. Both Cassandra and Amelia looked so serious too, as if the answer to this question would make or break them. And for some reason, Matthew knew he couldn't answer this question honestly. Hey, he could be a blunt man, but telling which one of your daughters is better to have sex with isn't really something any father should think about.

Or, well, most of them anyway...

"Girls... I'm not going to answer such a thing," he said, causing the Morris twins to groan.

"NO! YOU HAVE TO ANSWER!!!" they shouted in unison, causing his ears to bend.

"Please, don't yell that loud," he groaned.

"Daaaaadddyyyyyyyyy!!!" they cried.


Fortunately for Matthew, he had long since mastered the art of ignoring his daughter's, considering the fact he is their father. So grabbing the steering wheel and pulling their car out of park, he pressed his foot to the gas and pulled out of their lane. All the while, Amelia and Cassandra continued arguing over who was better at sex. Cassandra really did put her debate club practice to good use, and Amelia... was simply too hardheaded to ever give up.

So they argued and argued and argued some more, all the way home.

It was... rather nice, really. Their family felt _whole_again.