
Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Just something I had to get outta my system and further the kangaroo agenda. I don't often do stuff in first person but I think I dig it.

Being in a truck all day makes you good at noticing things out of ordinary on the road. Like the white rat trudging down the side of the road about a quarter mile ahead of me. I took him for a woman at first, he looked pretty petite, or it could have been his huge backpack making him look small. What the hell, it's been hot as fuck all afternoon and I'm feeling generous. Or stupid.

I gave my horn a short tug and it let out a clipped honk, getting his attention. He turned and stuck out his thumb. Cute. I slowed to a stop and he jogged to catch up to my cab.

"Where ya headed, mate." I shouted down at him, pushing my ballcap up and keeping my aviators on.

"San Diego." He announced after climbing up to the passenger side window.

"Yer in luck, get in." I tugged my cap back down and waited. I could hear the breath catch in his throat. I flicked my ears back, turning myself towards him. He was scared. Maybe not scared, intimidated. He should have been, the world is a scary place and more so when a six foot, six inch red kangaroo is offering you a ride in his big rig. The rat looked like he could handle himself though, despite his skinny build.

I leaned back in my seat, snorted and motioned with a wide paw.

"Burnin' daylight kid. Got three hours before I gotta stop for tha night." I rumbled.

He opened the door and climbed his way in, planting his huge backpack in his lap. I reached across and yanked the bag up, setting it behind the passenger seat. I flicked on the radio after, dad rock.

"Relax. Think of it like an eighteen wheel Uber." I said. That got a chuckle out of him. I started up again, the gravel skittering under the tires as I got back on the road. He was silent for a time, looking out the window then at me, then out a different window then at me for even longer. Most guys didn't come off this jumpy. Or it could have been something else.

I took a pull off my water bottle then offered him some. He took it and had a few heavy gulps himself before handing it back.

"Kill it, gotta piss anyway." I said, adjusting my belt and rolling my shoulders. I could feel his eyes on me now. Maybe he liked tattoos, my shoulders and neck were tattooed in aboriginal patterns. Or maybe it was my clothes

Grey looked good against my red fur but, in this heat I had already sweated through my tank top. I don't think the rat minded it.

"See something ya like?" I asked, eyes still on the road like a responsible trucker.

"How do you stay in shape if you're driving all the time?" He spat out, the question clearly burning him. It was my turn to laugh. I motion to the back of my cab. I had a little gym set up, free weights, resistance bands, I even put in a pull up bar on the ceiling.

"Diet n' exercise, like everyone else." I said, pulling my sweaty grey tank top up and patting my hard belly. Once again, he stared for a little too long. I gave him a pass, across the left side of my ribs was tattooed with the name 'Mercer'' and he might have liked ink. He looked back at my cab again. I glanced in my rearview to see what caught his eye.

The back of my sleeper cab was a spacious mess. The bed wasn't made, my workout clothes tossed aside and the trash can starting to overflow but I normally wasn't entertaining guests. The rat craned his neck to look at the floor now, I did the same in the mirror. My small collection of brightly colored Chuck Taylor's to one side. On the other, few discarded condom wrappers, a nearly empty bottle of lube and a hunter green jockstrap left in a pile. Fuck, I ment to clean that up, oh well. The jock belonged to a bear taking some kinda road trip with his son. I didn't pay much attention after he sat on my dick.

"What's yer name, kid?" My question seemed to wake him up.

"Booker." He said. I smirked.

"Nice to meet ya, Booker. I'm Coen."

"Where are you from?" He asked.

I snorted and looked at him. "Tha accent don't give it away? Born and raised in Queensland, 'Straya"

"Ah, well..." Booker shifted in his seat. "Queensland. Mercer's an Australian name?"

"Could be, dad was a tourist though." I said, he seems to shrug to himself. What an awkward little nerd. "Farm boy on globetrotting vacation, decided ta sow some seeds."

"Coen Mercer feels like a pornstar name." The white rat seemed to tense up from his own words, like he was sure if he should say them. I think he was trying to flirt.

"Maybe when I retire. Gotta be a market for older men, yeah? Lotta girls and guys with daddy issues, lookin' to get buggered by a nasty old boomer."

Booker laughed then stayed silent for a long while, until he finally spoke up again. "Guys too, huh?"

Thatta boy.

"Yep. I like variety." I said plainly. "You like guys?"

"Sometimes, yeah" I could hear the lie but I let him keep it.

"Good. 'Cause I wanna fuck you." No reason to beat around the bush.

"What?" He looked at me and I only shrugged.

"You heard me." The sun dipped low enough for me to take my sunglasses off. He wanted to look at me but this time only with furtive glances.

Once again he stayed silent for a long while. Right until we pulled into my stop for the night. The truck stop was empty save for another rig but it's windows were dark. It didn't matter, no one I recognized anyway.

He started to get fidgety in when I unbuckled my seatbelt and walked into the back of my cab. To be fair it was a bit of a mess so, I busied myself with picking up discarded clothes and making the bed. I guess once he worked up the nerve he followed suit but not without nearly tripping on on his own tail. The kid was lucky he was cute enough to get away with this kinda on brand, nervous virgin style shit. I flicked on the light before I turned to face him, he only came up to my chest.

"Top or bottom?" I asked, pulling his shirt up and over his head. He didn't offer any resistance. The white rat wasn't completely white, across his chest and neck where greyish-blue speckles.

"I like to top." Booker said. I scoffed but the look on his face seemed genuine. I started on his pants next, fumbling with the small button before finally yanking his fly open. The little guy's underwear was already tented and soaked through with precum. I assumed it was because he was excited, but that was only half true I learned.

I nudged his pants and briefs down and was greeted with a modest pink shaft with a fat knot still trapped in his sheath.

"Dad was a dog. Australian shepherd actually." His ears could have been neon pink from how hard he was blushing. I grinned at him, picking him up easily and placing him on my bed. Wordlessly, I just unfastened my own fly and hauled out my own equipment.

"Holy fuck." He muttered. Love to hear it. I didn't have a sheath like him but I had shock value. Freeballing helped.

I kicked my shoes off and nudged my jeans down before standing between his knees, depositing my junk on the bed before him. Booker wasn't shy about his exploration, his smaller paws cupping my cock first. I wouldn't describe my cock as anything but fat and the rat seemed to admire that, the slim fingers squeezing until it began to throb and stiffen in his grip. He rolled my foreskin back slowly, revealing the shiny brown tip as my dick curved up right to his chest. My balls were next, his curious paws sliding around both of the mango sized organs and letting out a ragged sigh.

"Fuck man, how are you this big?" He said, almost frustrated that he even had to ask.

"Dad was a hog." I rumbled as I tugged my sweaty tank top off, managing to keep my hat on. He pushed me back and dropped to his knees. It hadn't been that long but all he did was lap along the broad head of my dick and I couldn't stop myself from shuddering. He did it again, then tucked his snout against my balls and inhaled slowly. I liked this kid.

I let my head roll back and shoulders drop as the agile pink tongue worked across my aching dick, lapping up the day's sweat. I always heard that rat's noses were real sensitive, maybe he liked sunbaked roo. He didn't even get his muzzle around me and I was already planning how to cum down his throat, probably on his face too. And that's when biology worked against me.

I still had to piss. Fuck. I grunted and took a reluctant step backwards, Booker looked like I just slapped him, his ears lowered and paws reaching for my thighs.

"Don't worry." I started. "Gotta go outside for a second." He looked hurt but nodded. I quickly slipped on my shoes and planted my ballcap on Booker's head. "Hold that fer me."

That got a smile out of him before I climbed out of the cab. I trotted behind my back tire and relaxed as much as I could. I looked up at the night sky, then to the other truck, then the road, trying to focus on anything else while my dick surged and bladder ached. After a short time, I heard my door open and saw Booker's head peek out.

"You okay out there?" He asked in a loud whisper.

"Can't go if yer watchin'." I said, he laughed but I could see his whiskers twitching. The audience might have actually helped, I managed to relieve myself but made sure to take a step back from behind the tire as I shook myself off. I could tell by the shade of red in ears that he liked that. I walked back to the cab, cock bouncing with each step before I was face to face with the rat again. I took my hat back and he moved to let me back in.

"I can't believe you went outside naked." He muttered, his cock drizzling precum along my floor. Glad I took out the carpet.

"Why can't ya?" I asked as I kicked my shoes off again and reached for him. I pulled him to my chest, forcing him to crane his neck and look up at me.

He chuckled nervously and tried to look away but I just took him by the chin and made him look at me again. Even I had to admit, his eyes were pretty, a warm brown color. If my dick wasn't harder than steel I would have compared them to like, hot chocolate or something but I just wanted to be inside of him as soon as possible.

"Turn around." Was about as romantic as I could manage right now. He did as he was told and I bent him over my bed. Fuck, his ass was nice too, firm and covered with those same greyish-blue speckles. Both cheeks filled my paws before I opened them up, my thumbs making that wrinkled ring flex. He tensed up and I grumbled. Can't have that. He took a knee and pressed my maw against that tight muscle.

He fucking squeaked. Goddamnit, he squeaked and I couldn't stop myself. I ate him out as hard as I could manage. His tunnel made a good effort at trying to push my tongue out but not good enough. The warm, coppery taste of his ass wasn't my favorite, I just needed to hear more. I gripped his hips and pulled him back which only made him quiver and squeak louder now. I pried him open as best I could. His tail twisted this way and that way over my head but never lowered. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could go, trying to reach his prostate. Just had to hear it again.

"Coen! I'm gonna cum." He groaned into the sheets. What? I haven't even been at it long. I gave him a break, pulling back and standing again.

"Sorry." He said through his muffled panting. "Kind of a hair trigger."

It took a big man to admit that. I let my dick rest between his now drool matted cheeks as he caught his breath.

"So, you like rimming too?" He asked breathlessly, pushing himself up to rest on his elbows.

"Only when tha ass is pretty." I said, wiping my snout and beard with his discarded shirt.

"You know. I bet it would look even prettier stretched around your cock." He said softly, like he was unsure if he should even say it. He looked back at me, cheeks and ears flushed.

Fuck, this rat is gonna get it. I picked up that half empty bottle of lube and smeared it messily along my twitching member then drizzled it into his spit soaked hole before I lined myself up, then stepped back...I fished through his pants and yanked out his phone.

"Unlock it." He did so without question, pressing his finger against the button. I opened up his camera and started recording. His ass flexed as the ring dented and slowly opened for me. My thick head spreading that tiny entrance nice and wide. He dug his head into his arms but wrapped my free paw around his neck and pulled him back up. I wanted to hear him loud and clear. Slowly he was wedged open, his tunnel quivering and a heated moan in his throat as the crown of my dick slipped inside him. Quickly followed by the rest of my cock. He lurched forward as a loud grunt leapt from his throat, not the noise I was expecting.

I gave him time to relax and adjust. I had a lot of dick and I just forced him to take me to the balls with no warning, he deserved a little bit of a break. While his tunnel slowly flexed and fluttered around my shaft I tugged the brim of my cap down and lifted his phone up to record myself, letting out a firm grunt as I flexed my thick arms and wide chest. A little gift for him. As I showed off for the camera, I could feel the tension release around my member. Enough to let me know he was ready.

He wasn't the bear I fucked a few nights back, that guy was sturdy and could take having his guts pounded straight. Booker should get a much nicer treatment. I placed the phone aside and ran my fingers down his sides, squeezing his hips when I reached them. Just nice and easy for my new friend.

"Don't be fucking gentle." He groaned, turning his head enough for those sweet brown eyes to glare at me.

So I'm gonna pound his guts straight.

He squeaked again as I drove my cock between those speckled cheeks, the little guy gripping the sheets and writhing but pushing himself back against me. Good lube and roo spit made my thrusts smooth but I had no plans of making it easy on Booker. That's not what he asked for. His ass collided my groin in dull slaps as I searched for his prostate, which doesn't take me long. He seizes and jerks before I feel something hot and sticky spurt against my shin. There we go. When you're packing as much girth as I am, it's less of a challenge and more a matter of time.

I'm Impressed by this wiry little bastard, never had a rodent or anyone as small as him handle me as well as he has. He braces and leans into my thrusts, like he's trying to wrestle some control back from me even though he was the one to offer his ass up. He claimed to be a top but this rat is a power bottom and It's fucking adorable. I'll let him ride me. Later though.

I reached for his thighs and pushed them onto the bed, making him spread his ass for me and leaving his skinny tail hanging limply across his lower back. That ain't gonna fly.

"Yer supposed to be half dog, yeah? Why aren't ya waggin' like one?" I said with a particularly hard thrust against his prostate. He squeaked sharply before lifting his hips and wagging his tail excitedly.

I aimed for his gland again, then again, the rat shuddering and bracing against the sheets. His body rocked as I fucked, shaking him with each of my thrusts. He wanted it rough, his asshole gripped at my cock like a vice every time I pulled out too far for him but something in the back of my head stopped me. He was still so fucking small compared to me, I wanted to hold him.

I hunched over him and looped a thick arm around his neck, letting his chin rest in the crook of my elbow while my other hand slipped between his thighs. It was a sticky mess down there but that's what I wanted, what I didn't expect was Booker's nuts. I realized when he took his pants off I only noticed his knot and when I ate him out I was just watching his tail. The little guy had some tanks on him. Like two plums stuffed in a velvet sack. I nudged forward and pressed my own produce against his, comparing him against my fuzzy mangos. His ears went flush again.

"Is everything on you fucking huge?" He complained but I caught the edges of a smile.

"Yup." Simple as that. I started to fuck him again, cupping his balls and letting my own swing against them. I kept my same place but those squeaks were muffled by my arm. Fuck it. I straightened up and took Booker with me, holding him against my chest as I hammered into the rat with growls and growing abandon. He gripped my forearm as I forced him to moan at the ceiling, those unfettered sounds of pleasure like fucking music to these tall ears. I try to keep holding back, don't hurt him I think but I can't even hear myself over his fucking moaning and whimpering.

"I'm g-gon-" the poor rat struggled to say before he tensed up. I feel a hot gush against the hand cradling his balls as he cums, jerking and shuddering in my grip as he leaves a sticky puddle of white along the edge of my bed. I hold him tighter but continue to hammer into his flexing tunnel, just doing my part to make sure this little fucker remembers me. I need him to remember me. He wriggles in my grip but it doesn't feel like he wanted to break free, more like he was trying to get closer, gripping my arms and nudging back into me.

Slowly though, I can feel him start to relax in my arms and the puddle between his thighs starts to dribble off the bed now. I lift the paw cupped around his junk and taste him. His cum has this musky bitterness to it, not terrible but better than what I expected for a hitchhiker who probably hasn't had the most balanced diet. Well Booker got his nut, my turn.

I slowly work my cock out of him and he fucking whines. He turns around and it looks like he's about to cry. This kid is gonna fucking kill me with that shit. I grunt and pat his cheek before handing him his phone again.

"You'll wanna record this." I told him. Once again he unlocked his phone but cleverly propped it up on the shelf near his head. The angle looked like it hid his face. Good. I flipped him into his back and tugged my cap low. I slapped my thick cock against his thigh before I slid back into him. He squeaked again, a sound I don't think I would ever get tired of hearing. I let the pace build again, this time for the camera.

"Harder." The little rat ordered, looking me in the eye with a soft desperation.

"Say please, puppy." I said back, slamming my hips against his and staying balls deep. He liked that, I could tell by the way this tunnel clenched around me and how his spent cock pulsed in his sheath.

"Harder hog, please..." Booker whined loudly.

Fuck, I guess I liked that. I hunched over him with a powerful snort and hammered into his hole. I started to break a sweat for my efforts but I only grinned down at him. I pummeled his guts with my dick while my heavy balls slapped against his ass in a fast and steady rhythm, I made sure they hung just so to make a sound loud enough for the camera. They didn't hang too low for too long though.

Fucking this rat wasn't going to be a marathon, it was a fucking sprint and the finish line was close. Fuck it, quality over quantity.

"Ya want my load, puppy?" I asked, gripping his hips and slamming my throbbing dick as deeply as I could. He nodded frantically. Fuck that.

"Speak boy, I asked ya a question." I grunted down at him, drawing my dick all the way out before driving it back through that silken tunnel with a single hip shaking thrust.

"FUCK! Please! I need yo-" I would have loved to know what he was going to say but, I cut him off with a beastial if uncharacteristically kangaroo-like roar. I rolled my hips back with just enough time, two seconds later and I would have ruined the surprise. I came in thick, heavy and barely controlled ropes across the rat's front side, my cock pulsing hard a half dozen times and with each one came enough jizz to over fill a shot glass. Safe to say the little guy wasn't prepared. A dozen more rockets of joey batter splattered against his short fur, some near his forehead, others near his belly button and everywhere in-between.

But like I told Booker, dad was a hog. Half hour orgasms were a myth but, get a breeding hog going and you might get twenty minute one out of him. Before I was done, I crammed my dick back into this ass and hiked my leg up, showing the camera the family jewels and my pulsing taint while my seed flooded the rats greedily suckling tunnel. For lack of a better term, it felt like I was pissing cum inside of him, another spurt every second or three. I could have sworn that his belly was looking a little more full.

Booker was flushed but he looked fucking happy, smiling like a fool as I filled him to the brim. I was pretty happy myself, it's been a while since I had one this long and I swore my nuts felt lighter for it. One last show for the camera though, at least that's what I thought.

I flexed my kegels and stopped the flood of spunk then slow fucked Booker, letting the sensation and cum build. It was a trick the old man taught me to make for an impressive finale. As I rolled my hips back, I felt a soft, small paw cupping my balls. Booker was focused on me and weakly gripped my sack with a pleading look in his eyes. He didn't have to say it, he didn't want me to pull out. Fuck, I can't argue with a face that cute. I sank my thruming dick back into his ass and relaxed. I knew from his gentle squeaks that he liked that sudden rush of warmth spreading along his guts. I did too.

I didn't realize I dozed off until I felt him shift under me and the familiar sound of me cumming in a tinny tone. My lower back popped from the weird half standing, half lying position I was in. He grunted loudly as I moved to slide out of him, taking a step back to look at us. He grinned back at me, phone in his hand and fur matted with my cum and sweat. I was in a similar state, cumming that hard always makes me sweat like crazy. If the cab didn't already reek like a rutting boomer, I could probably smell myself on him too. Fuck, why is that the hottest part?

"Enjoy your nap?" He asked, pausing the video we took.

"How long was I out?" I asked instead, searching for my other water bottle.

"Just a few minutes." A rat pushed himself up, making a small puddle of cum under him as he did. My bed was a mess too.

"Wanna take a shower?" I offered as I tugged on some shorts and slipped on my shoes. "This stop has some nice stalls around the back."

"Yeeeah, I think I need one thanks to you." Booker motioned to his phone. "But it looks crazy hot on."

I couldn't help laugh, dropping one of my flannel shirts around his shoulders. "How about you post that video fer me, wanna jumpstart my porn career."

He chuckled weakly but gasped as I picked him up and hauled him over my shoulder. "Wait! I'm not wearing pants!"

"Shhhh, it's like ya wanna get caught!" I grabbed a towel for each of us and trotted to the showers with a laughing rat across my shoulder.

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