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#2 of The Babysitter

Wow, it's been close to three months since I've posted something, huh. Sorry for the delay, and thank you to everyone who left wonderful comments asking when I'd be back. It turns out that when you have deadlines and then nothing for a while and your writing impulse tends to rear its head when you're trying to avoid work, it's hard to write a new story!

Haha, but at any rate, I hope you enjoy this new installment of Matt, Kelsey, and Milly's escapades. I really liked writing Impetous, but that whole story was envisioned as setup for this one, originally. I hope you all like this as much as you seemed to appreciate the first installment. I've got more ideas for these crazy kits, so expect to see more of their misadventures in the future!

Let me know how you like it and what you think might happen next! Take care and stay safe until then.

Kelsey sighed as the warm water flowed down from her head and spilled over her shoulders, pushing down her soft, grey fur as it went. Kelsey snuck a quick peek over her shoulder and saw that her plan was working. She'd left the door to the bathroom ajar and standing in the hallway, she could see her cousin, Matt. Not wanting to let on that this was intentional, Kelsey quickly looked back down and set about rubbing soap along her hips and back around her butt, in a way that really didn't clean anything, but she figured it made for a good show. Then she began to bend down hoping that her practice had paid off, since she'd been planning this moment for the better part of a week. Once she reached the end of her dip, Kelsey glanced behind her, ready to catch Matt gawking at the sight of her supple body laid bare and calling for him. Just to add to the effect, Kelsey had extended a hand between her legs, reaching up to spread herself, tail lifted high and out of the way so that he'd get the best view possible.

But when she looked back, all she saw was Matt turning away, followed closely by Milly.

In a flash, Kelsey knew her plan had been foiled by her pet's meal time. All the prep and setup she'd gone through had been done in by the hunger of a feral animal. Returning to a more comfortable position, Kelsey sighed and began thinking about what she would do next.

Kelsey had been harboring a crush for Matt for as long as she could remember. Sure it had taken different forms and felt different ways over the years, but since she had memories to look back on, Kelsey had been infatuated with her cousin. He was always taller, and cooler, and funnier than anyone else in Kelsey's life and she had cherished the fact that Matt never seemed to outgrow her. Sure their relationship had changed over the years, there had been the time a few years ago when Kelsey's mom had told her that she couldn't bathe with Matt any more, and then when Milly came into her life there was a new distraction for her to dote on. But through it all she'd continued to love Matt like no one else in her life. It was only in the last few months, however, that she'd begun to understand the new and exciting forms that love could take.

Kelsey usually spent her lunch periods with her best friend, Amy, sitting in the library. Kelsey and her cocker spaniel companion would find a corner and chit chat about whatever was going on in their lives, complaining about homework or gossiping about classmates. The two had been fast friends since preschool. At the time Kelsey was a shy kid, having not yet found the reserves of self-confidence that buoyed her now. Amy by contrast was bubbly, always on the move with her droopy ears making any little motion seem extravagant, a fact that seemed strangely at odds with her droopy, tired looking eyes.

Amy had found Kelsey in a back corner of the classroom, in much the same way they were now spending lunch. Kelsey had been worried that Amy would bring more people with her, but the two had taken to playing little made up games and describing imaginary worlds. Since then they'd been close and shared all the little moments of life with one another. In time Kelsey came to see Amy and her older brother, Will, almost as cousins, since she really thought of Matt as a sibling. Their lives were quite entwined and hardly a day passed that they didn't see one another. So it didn't exactly shock Kelsey when on an otherwise unremarkable Monday afternoon a few weeks ago, Amy had leaned in close and whispered, "I need to tell you something but it's super secret."

"What is it?" Kelsey asked as she hunched down with her friend.

"You have to promise, this is for real secret." Amy said. She'd told Kelsey this a million times and Kelsey had learned that the really important part wasn't when Amy said it was a secret but the content of the secret. Just the week before Amy had solemnly confided in her friend that she did not like flavored chips any more. The thing being said didn't really matter to Amy, it was about the flair and sense of importance.

Knowing this, Kelsey nodded emphatically, eyes locked with Amy as though this were a deadly serious affair.

"Alright," Amy began, still in a hushed tone, "my parents were out, right. And so it was just me and Will, but he was being a butt and didn't want to hang out. So I was out in the living room playing and he's in our room with the door closed."

Kelsey was sure she'd heard variations of this same story a dozen times, but continued to play along, bobbing her head and making affirming sounds from time to time.

"So I'm sitting there and playing on my phone and there's this thumping sound. Like it's kinda quiet, but I'm hearing it for a minute and it'll go away, then get louder again." Amy was finally building to something and Kelsey leaned further in. "And I'm like confused, cause it's kinda like when the washing machine is out of balance, right? But it's quieter and it's upstairs, so I kinda follow the sound and it's coming from our room."

As listened, Kelsey became increasingly away of a kind of breathy excitement that was taking hold of her friend. The revelation that the sound was coming from her room wasn't really a surprise, but something in the rising pitch of Amy's voice told Kelsey that she may have misjudged the nature of this story.

Amy squirmed in her chair a bit and looked like she was taking a deep breath. "So now I'm, like, what's Matt doing, so I open the door and, oh my gosh, you just aren't gonna believe it."

"What was it?" Kelsey whispered, truly entranced and feeling the need to keep the flow going.

Kelsey could tell that her friend was stalling now, not the way she normally would in an attempt to build up the non-existent tension, but more like Amy was trying to get the words right in her head before she said them. It was singularly unlike anything Kelsey had ever seen from her friend.

"He was watching porn..." Amy let out in a choked whisper.

Kelsey sat stunned. She'd heard of porn, knew what it was in principle. It was something that grown ups watched that showed people having sex and it was forbidden, illegal even. It was the kind of thing that her classmates had started to mention, something to giggle about over lunch or tease each other about watching. Porn, as far as Kelsey was concerned, was something that people talked about to seem cool, but not the kind of thing that anyone she knew seemed to have a very clear understanding of. So the notion that Will, someone she'd spent nearly her whole life with, would be watching it put the grey fox at a loss.

Kelsey knew about the differences between boys and girls. She'd seen Matt and Will naked and she'd been in health class before, so she knew the basics. But Kelsey also knew that kids weren't supposed to care about those things, that it was dangerous, at least she'd thought that was the case. Now, maybe, she wasn't so sure.

Amy continued. "It was up on the TV. It was a horse guy and a fox lady and he had his cock in her mouth!" Kelsey had never heard her friend talk like that. "And he was pushing her head down so that it went into her throat and there was a big bump moving up and down in her neck. It was so weird and I looked over at Will's bed and he hadn't noticed me. He was holding his cock in his paw and was rubbing it really hard, even though mom told him not to do that anymore, but it was different from like when he would play with it during bath time. It was all out and red and he was rubbing at it so hard that the bed was shaking and that's what was making all the noise."

The words were spilling out at this point, painting a clear image in Kelsey's mind despite the twists and turns Amy was taking. Kelsey actually remembered the time Amy was talking about in the bath. The three had been dusty from playing in the yard and so Amy's mom had insisted that the three of them hop in the bath together right away. It wasn't really that unusual, and they continued playing around in the warm sudsy water. The difference that day was that Will's penis had looked funny when he'd stood up. Amy had noticed that there was a little pink cone sticking up out of the red-brown tube of skin that differentiated Will's crotch from Amy and Kelsey's. The girls were delighted by Will's antics as he showed them how he could make that pinkish tip get larger and smaller by pulling on the skin around it, but when the spaniels' mom came back she wasn't quite as pleased. The older canine woman had lightly swatted her son on the rear and told him never to play with himself like that in front of anyone else. She'd then turned her sturn gaze on Amy and Kelsey, instructing the two not to tell anyone about that particular game. It was this same moment that Kelsey had flashed back to when Amy first said that Will was watching porn. The forbidden nature of playing with your body in front of others had become very clear that day, even if she'd never really been given a reason why.

"And then Will kinda went stiff, like he pushed his legs out as far as they would go and kinda arched his back. Then he made this small noise, like he was hurt or something and his penis started shooting out this goopy stuff, but he wasn't peeing, it was like grey and came out a bit at a time and was splashing down on his stomach." Amy wasn't looking at her friend anymore, her eyes focussed on the middle distance, as though she could see the moment even now. "Will was panting and he'd kinda stopped moving, but was still holding himself while his cock stopped twitching and spraying stuff out. It was crazy, like weird and exciting and scary cause I knew he wasn't really supposed to do this, but then I was like wanting to figure out what was happening and stuff. Anyways he kinda noticed me standing in the door and started freaking out. Like, he got all jumpy and was trying to cover himself up and turn off the tv and he was telling me not to tell anyone and all this stuff."

Kelsey kept listening as her dear friend explained how after a bit she'd threatened to tell her mother what Will was doing unless he told Amy what was happening. From the way she told it, Will didn't take much convincing before he agreed to let Amy in on his secret playtime, explaining that he was "jacking off," that it felt good, and various other bits of info. Each of these revelations Amy now passed on to Kelsey. Porn was videos, or pictures, or even stuff like stories, that made you "horny" and made touching yourself feel better. There was a lot of it online, but you had to be careful that your parents didn't find out because it really was not allowed for people under a certain age. Touching yourself to feel really good was called masturbating, or jacking off, and when boys did it they would make semen, or cum, and when girls did it they sometimes peed a bit. Boys have a penis, but it sounded better to call it a cock, and girls have a vagina, but it's also called a pussy.

Amy walked Kelsey through all of these little lessons in that back corner of the library, sharing with her friend a secret that she hadn't held for long, but which had been gnawing at her tirelessly since she'd learned it all herself. After a while of listening, however, the one question Kelsey had still hadn't been answered and she could not keep quiet about it.

"Wait, so, uh, if guys, uh, jack off, with their penis, then how do girls do it?" She said, looking down in embarrassment at the thought of discussing this, but too excited to hold herself back. As she'd listened to Amy ramble on, Kelsey had become steadily more aware of her body, particularly the squishy wetness that had made itself more apparent between her legs. All the thoughts and energy that weren't directed towards Amy were inexorably drawn down to this newly apparent ball of needing energy that spread throughout the young fox's crotch.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't even tell you!" Amy exclaimed, almost sounding like her usual self, full of unrestrained excitement. "I made Will show me how to do it!"

Amy had a smug look on her face as she said it that only seemed to grow when Kelsey choked out, "Show you how to do what?" Though of course she knew what her friend was talking about.

And so the conversation continued on as Amy began to open Kelsey's eyes to the possibilities and pleasures her body contained. Descriptions of the goopy strings of cum that appeared in the porn her brother played and how Amy enjoyed watching the real thing as she lay in the bed beside him, quickly becoming more confident in her own ministrations. Amy almost looked disappointed when she told Kelsey about Will's nervous resistance when she'd suggested they touch each other, and confided that it seemed that Will was more interested in the men on screen than then women, let alone Amy.

From the outside, Amy and Kelsey seemed much the same, they kept to their corner and chatted quietly, occasionally letting out a giggle or a gasp. However, the topics of their conversations would have shocked a casual eavesdropper. Amy continued to share all the gushy details of her new favorite pastime while providing a mixture of observations and encouragement to her curious, but still nervous friend. Kelsey had begun to try out the things Amy told her about, delving into her folds with a mix of trepidation and pleasure. It felt weird to suddenly be paying so much attention to this part of her body that she hadn't really considered outside of the bathroom. Not that the bathroom was removed from these experiences. One of the things Kelsey had begun to really latch onto was posing in the shower, imagining someone walking in on her in a compromising moment, and it was usually a very specific someone. Once she'd told Amy any updates, the Spaniel would begin her own, much more thorough, account of the previous evening's - and sometimes that morning's - activities. Amy and Will had really taken to the shared masturbation sessions, and while Amy was fairly curious about Will, she was content to let him be and continue sharing the wonderful space with him. For all her zealous curiosity, Amy did not want to make Will uncomfortable, she loved him too much to push him.

The parts of these conversations that Kelsey really latched onto were the descriptions of what porn Amy and Will were watching. Amy had become very opinionated in a rather short time about what was good and what was trash. While Kelsey wasn't totally sure she always shared her friend's opinions, she did like to hear what Amy had to say about the videos she watched. Something that Amy quickly impressed on Kelsey was her observations about cum. The little dog had latched onto the fluid, still a mystery component for Kelsey who had yet to see it, as something important. What had really stuck out to Kelsey was Amy's insistence that the place where a boy came meant something. As Amy laid it out, if a guy came in their partner's mouth, it meant that he liked them. If he came in their pussy, that meant he was in love. If he came on their chest or back it was a sign that they were having fun. And if he came in their butt it usually meant that he didn't feel anything for them. This last point was the least certain of the three, as far as Amy was concerned, as she and Will had more recently started watching videos of men having sex with eachother, so Amy was still trying to figure out how that fit into her framework, but on the other points she was adamant. With no other information at her disposal, Kelsey took her friend's word as fact and began incorporating them into her fantasies.

These fantasies were mostly of Matt walking in on her in various places and being so overcome by his attraction to Kelsey that he took her then and there - wherever that might be. While Kelsey had indulged in a bit of self-directed fun, she couldn't help but feel that there was something missing from her play - a partner. It really didn't help that Milly kept interrupting her.

The family dog, though in truth Kelsey's dog, had become quite a bit less welcome around bedtime thanks to her insistent snuffling and darting tongue. That first night after her conversation with Amy, Kelsey had been nervous, but determined to try some things out for herself. The grey kit had tried to keep her normal evening schedule, study first, dinner, watch some TV, shower, and then bed. Having arrived at that private hour of the day, Kelsey made sure that Milly was in the room with whatever chew toy occupied the golden lab's attention that day, not wanting to have any door scratching distractions. Closing the door, Kelsey had carefully locked it behind her, trying her best not to give off that distinct click.

With a solid barrier between Kelsey and embarrassment, the girl quickly stripped in front of the mirror that hung next to her dresser. It was a tall, narrow mirror that would normally be for checking that an outfit had come together right or whether she had anything stuck in her teeth. Now though, Kelsey took in her naked figure. Nothing she hadn't seen before, but now Kelsey had a new fascination to add to her gaze. She had appreciated her budding breasts since her mother had mentioned the slight, if important to Kelsey, change a few months ago. She also couldn't help but appreciate again the uniform mix of fur that produced such a gentle pepper grey from tip to tail. No thinning or blotches that she could find, just silky covering to a growing body.

Now, though, the important part was yet to be explored. To begin with, Kelsey appreciated the touch of fold visible in the shorter fur around her crotch. Squeezing her legs together, Kelsey could both feel a small but present pressure that indicated more to come. Then, with a kind of grasping awkwardness, Kelsey spread her legs a bit and reached down. She'd never really tried to look at herself this way, more accustomed to washing and rinsing in the shower, but spreading herself wasn't really the goal then. It took a moment to find a good position, but Kelsey got a grip on the padded skin that concealed her new fascination and pulled apart, thrusting her hips forwards. She could feel her tail lifting up as though to help the girl balance. So positioned, Kelsey could now appreciate some of what was going on down there. There at the front was her clit - the thing that Amy couldn't stop talking about and that was most of what she'd ever fiddled with whenever Kelsey had occasionally been a bit frisky in the shower. It wasn't much to look at, but then Kelsey hadn't ever really looked that closely before. Below was an indentation that she knew was where she peed from, and then behind that, not very visible from this position, was her vagina. Kelsey could feel the muscles in her groin lightly jumping and flexing at the combination of touch and strain that this awkward pose required.

Satisfied by the bit of a look she'd gotten, Kelsey moved on to step two. She brought one hand up to her muzzle and began to slather her index finger in saliva. Amy had been very clear that dry fur would put quite a hamper on things to come. Having sufficiently covered the furred digit in a slick coat, at least Kelsey hoped it would be sufficient, she reached back down and gingerly touched the edge of her opening. While the sensation wasn't exactly unknown, the heightened nature of the moment caused Kelsey's outer ring to respond with gusto. The kit felt her finger dance a bit as a small, but emphatic spasm caused her inner walls to pull in and then relax. Excited by the giddy strangeness of being in control and yet totally unsure of what was to come, Kelsey began to press in.

The feeling, both in her crotch and along her finger, was exquisite. Not, perhaps, the mind bending feeling that Amy had described, but something new and fun and hinting at things to come. Kelsey watched with rapture as her questing digit disappeared into her own depths. Squeezes and shivers ran along the length of her vagina, massaging the girls paw as it pressed on. It wasn't tight, but snug and Kelsey found herself wiggling around as much for the feeling as to advance her inward progress.

The feelings in her pussy were fun, but the crick in Kelsey's tail and the strain in her legs from holding the unnatural pose in front of the mirror were a bit too much to ignore. Kelsey straightened up, withdrawing from her slick tunnel and giving a slight shiver at the surprising jolt that came with the quick removal. Suddenly standing there in her room, Kelsey felt a strange emptiness between her legs, a feeling that a fond thing had gone where it hadn't even been a consideration just moments before. Eager to recapture the feeling, Kelsey quickly made her way over to her bed, pushing Milly down to the foot where the lab normally slept.

Now settled, Kelsey dove back in. She had a taste of the stretchy fullness that her fingers could give, now the girl was ready to see just how much fun this clit of hers could be. Again slathering her fingers in saliva - now with a touch of her own flavours - Kelsey once more probed her depths, but where she'd left her other hand idle before, the kit began stroking across her lightly throbbing nub. It felt fantastic, each motion amplified into spine tingling heights. If the contracting of her walls was intense before, the added stimulation had her insides dancing. The angle and motions were strange, not the kind of thing she'd spent time developing the muscle memory for, but as the swelling sensation of ecstasy grew and began to radiate through her small form, Kelsey found she could ignore the slight aches and cramps that had distracted her before.

It was, however, the intensification of motion that drew the attention of Kelsey's dear, if careless, companion. Suddenly, Kelsey felt a wet, cold addition to her ministrations as Milly began to snuffle around in the tweens dripping crotch. The dog had been roused by what must have seemed to her an intense petting session that did not involve the labrador. Added on top, there were some truly interesting new smells coming from her owner that intrigued the feral. The result was a harmless, curious approach, followed by a muffled shriek at the unpleasant addition of cold wet dog nose to warm wet vagina. What followed was a strict, if loving, berating by Kelsey to her happily panting pet.

Kelsey couldn't quite find the energy to return to her activities once she'd settled down a bit. Milly's intrusion and the pang of fear the girl had felt when she'd cried out made Kelsey a little too nervous to continue that night. Or really, as it turned out, any night to follow.

For whatever reason, Kelsey could not get Milly to stop trying to intervene whenever the young fox tried to play with herself. The hound was insistent on involving herself in whatever fun game Kelsey was trying to play and while the girl didn't have any clear understandings about the taboos of sex and ferals, she still came down on the side of keeping this new kind of play to herself. If Kelsey were to be more honest about her feelings, the girl would realize that if she were going to involve someone else, she wanted it to be Matt. So rather than risk Milly's intrusions or her melodramatic whining at being locked out of Kelsey's room, the girl found most of her solitude when she took her showers. It was here, in the steamy privacy that Kelsey began to seriously imagine what it might be like to involve Matt in her games. Kelsey began to try to reenact the poses and manners that Amy spent her time talking about. Spreading her legs, playing with herself, spreading her lips open, all in a pantomime of what the girl might do to woo her dear cousin.

And so, when Kelsey's mother informed her that she and her father would be attending a series of work events this month and that Matt had agreed to spend the weekends, Kelsey could hardly contain her excitement. She hardly noticed the rolled eyes that passed between her mother and father - the two knew Kelsey loved Matt, but they severely underestimated the nature of their daughter's infatuation. No, Kelsey was too busy thinking about all the planning she needed to do in order to make this first weekend as memorable as possible.

Now, sitting in the shower, sopping and dejected, Kelsey tried to recapture that rush of energy that had buoyed her throughout the preceding week. The girl had done so much to lead up to this moment, her outfit had been the most revealing one possible. She'd spent as much time close to Matt as possible. They'd joked and been having a good time. Kelsey had even sat in her cousin's lap, feigning innocence, but trying with a quiet, horny, desperation to arouse something in her russet furred crush. Kelsey was, of course, entirely new to seduction, but she was pretty sure she'd elicited a response from Matt, if his coughing and spluttering was anything to go by. And with all those little wins under her belt, Kelsey had headed for the shower, hoping to clinch the deal with a bit of a show. Matt couldn't have known that she'd been standing at the door with the shower running behind her, waiting for the sounds of his footsteps coming up the stairs, but when the faint creak of cured wood allerted the conniving fox, she'd darted into the shower.

Only, of course, her lovely if frustratingly needy dog had chosen that exact moment to begin begging for dinner. With that simple happenstance, Kelsey felt all her hopes crumble. She knew that it shouldn't get her down, but something about Milly always interrupting Kelsey whenever it came to this new fascination in her life was starting to wear on the girl. What had seemed like great ideas a moment ago, now felt unreasonable and dumb. Matt wasn't going to just jump her and fix all these half formed frustrations Kelsey felt.

The weight of disappointment was heavy, but then Kelsey thought again about Matt's sheepish smile, the warmth of his hug when he walked in the door, his good natured ribbing while they were playing video games and Kelsey felt her resolve return. If this wasn't going to be the place where she captured his attention, then she'd just have to keep working at him. Afterall, the weekend wasn't nearly over and there would be several more to come. Now all she needed was a next step, and as the kit glanced out of the shower, a thought struck her.

Turning off the water, Kelsey hopped out of the shower, and began to towel off, drying and fluffing her fur in as cute a way as she could manage. Then, rather than getting dressed, Kelsey wrapped the damp towel around herself, grabbed her phone, and made her way downstairs. Surely, the girl thought to herself, this will get his attention.

It had been a few minutes since Kelsey had seen her cousin, but he wasn't out in the living room when she descended the stairs. Figuring he must still be with Milly, Kelsey quietly walked over towards the coat room that mostly served as Milly's room, when the dog wasn't sharing Kelsey's space.

As the grey fox approached the annex she heard something she couldn't quite place. Milly was a rather vocal eater, but whatever huffing Kelsey was picking up didn't sound like the usual slobbery, smacking that normally accompanied meal time. Sure there was a kind of wet slapping underneath, but the closer Kelsey got, the more it sounded like someone was running in place or something.

Confused, Kelsey peaked around the doorway before entering. What she saw was almost beyond comprehension. Her beloved cousin was on his knees behind the golden lab, his hands gripping the feral's hips, and his pants lay beside him. With just a quick glance Kelsey both knew and couldn't comprehend what was happening. Her crush, her cousin, was pumping his hips back and forth, pulling the family pet up against him and as he moved away, Kelsey could see his penis. The scene almost moved in slow motion as Kelsey took in the details. She was looking at her cousin's penis, pistoning in and out of her dog, stiff and sparkling with fluid. The smacking of fox against dog rang in Kelsey's ears, now so clearly different from the sounds of eating. As she watched, Kelsey could make out glittering drops of something flying out from between the pair, starting to collect on the floor beneath them.

Kelsey could not move, she could not make a sound. The impact of this moment was both wondrous and heartbreaking. She felt envy in a kind of distant way, both understanding some of what was happening, but failing to put all the pieces of this puzzle together.

Without a coherent thought in her mind, Kelsey shifted her eyes down to her phone, bringing the screen to life with the touch of a button and quickly maneuvering to the camera app. She scrolled over and set the device to record, before dropping to her knees and propping the phone on the floor, just sticking out enough to capture the tableau before her in its tiny fish-eye lens. Even as she went through the motions, Kelsey couldn't really figure why she had done this. It was like what she was witnessing was too surreal to believe and if she could just watch it back later she might be able to make sense of what was happening.

That finished, Kelsey turned her eyes back to her cousin, taking in his naked, if somewhat obscured, figure. Her eyes lingered on his crotch, something she'd seen before, but that had been many years ago, and in a much different light. The fur on Matt's crotch was pressed down and darkened by the juices that continued to ooze from between dog and boy. Lower down, the brown-red furred testicles swung in an enticing way, seeming to contain a great weight. From what Kelsey could see of Matt's penis, or cock as Amy had impressed upon her friend, it was much wider than her finger, and it made quite the impression on Milly's rear, pulling the flesh of her dog's pussy out and in with each motion. Kelsey could only imagine how much was left unseen within her traitorous pet.

Tearing her eyes away from that arousing, painful place, Kelsey again looked to Matt, appreciating his figure and face. She'd always thought him a handsome fox, but now, in such a moment, Kelsey again was struck by the soft, sturdiness of his torso and the intense expression he wore, eyes locked on her labradors quivering rump. Kelsey found herself imagining that look directed at her and shivered. She also noted that her folds were beginning to drip as her own arousal grew. This always happened when she would play with herself or fantasize about Matt, but the intensity was more substantial and distracting than the young girl was used to. Gingerly, she dropped a hand to her crotch and began gently rubbing at herself as she watched the scene unfold, feeling the familiar build up of excitement and pleasure come on faster than usual as she secretly watched her cousin plow her whimpering pet.

Once again, Kelsey's moment of release was delayed by her dog. This time, at least it wasn't an inquiring nose, but a shuddering howl of sorts that coincided with Matt throwing his hips into the slobbering animal and arching his back. Kelsey could make out a kind of breathy whimper from her cousin as his muscles tensed and he went stiff, pressed as far into the dog as possible.

Kelsey found herself tense, ready to move, not wanting to be caught spying on her cousin so indisposed, naked and dripping her own arousal onto the floor. After a moment, she watched her cousin relax, Matt's shoulders slumping before he pulled back and out of the well used and panting canine. Kelsey felt another thrill as she watched his penis, which now seemed to be a bit less rigid, slough out of Milly, along with an impressive gush of cloudy fluid. This was about all Kelsey saw, however, as something told her it was time to move. Quickly backing up, Kelsey made her way back down the hall and was about to head for the stairs when she realized that she'd left her phone back with Matt and Milly.

Now panicked, Kelsey turned, as if to return and retrieve her device, but heard the unmistakable sound of pants being zipped. Without thinking, Kelsey dove around the corner and into the kitchen, and found herself hunkered down in the corner by the refrigerator. Even as she cowered, pulling her knees up to her chest, trying to simultaneously ignore the cool air against her sopping slit and to calm her breathing, Kelsey knew she was going to be found. How embarrassing it would be. Matt would know immediately that she was watching him, he'd see her naked and shivering there on the floor like a little kid. It would be the worst possible thing and Kelsey would never be able to see him again. She just knew that Matt would be too disgusted to look at her and she would feel too ashamed to be seen by him anyways.

But then the gentle creaking of the stairs reached her ears and all the dread in Kelsey started to dissipate a bit. She sat still, listening as Matt's heavy footsteps moved from the stairs over to the bathroom. When the sound of flowing water kicked on, Kelsey took in a deep, shaking breath, having not realized until then that she'd been holding it.

After a few moments listening to the hiss of the shower overhead, Kelsey got to her feet, still feeling jittery from the adrenaline that was still coursing through her lithe body. She didn't even notice that the towel had fallen off when she stood up, mind still racing over the last few minutes.

First things first, Kelsey knew she needed to collect her phone. The young girl was counting her blessings that Matt seemed not to have noticed the device. Rounding the protruding wall and entering the hallway, Kelsey could see her phone where she'd left it, still quietly recording from where she'd propped it against the door frame.

As she got nearer the room, the fox's grey ears perked up, again picking up the smacking of lips. Distracted, Kelsey turned the corner to find Milly awkwardly sitting, curled in around herself, licking over her crotch with long strokes of her soft pink tongue. Up until this moment, Kelsey had never paid close attention to her dog's lower bits. The fat teardrop of skin and thin fur had been a bit odd at first, kind of like Amy's bits and very little like Kelsey's own, but that was about where the curiosity had stopped. That is, until now.

Having seen the obscene bulging of Matt's cock pressing in and out of what now seemed a rather small hole, Kelsey knew that more mysteries lay within her dear, if frustrating, companion. One treasure, however, was immediately clear to the grey kit as she stared at her dog's lingering slurps, Matt's cum was oozing out in fascinatingly copious amounts.

Here before Kelsey was that half-understood, but much considered liquid which contained secrets about sex and love. Aside from the occasional glimpse of light-gray dollops briefly visible between Milly's persistent licking, Kelsey witnessed the not insignificant amount that had collected on the ground beneath her pooches' rump, some of it catching on and dampening Milly's hip where it touched the fake-stone paneling. This unassuming slurry was all Kelsey could now think of, her exhausted mind latching onto the object of greatest significance according to her worldly cocker spaniel friend.

Suddenly, Kelsey felt a degree of clarity. This before her, Matt's cum, this was a symbol of his affections and he'd given them to her dog - pumped her full of meaning, at least in the eyes of this shell shocked young girl.

This could not stand. Kelsey felt herself move, only half sure of what would come next. Bending down, Kelsey put a hand on Milly's shoulder, pressing the dog down. Milly, for her part, was more than content to rest, exhausted as she was, and the labrador was always ready for some pets. Milly, thinking this was an incoming belly rub, rolled over and spread her paws as wide as she could for optimal belly access.

Kelsey had other ideas. The incensed fox swung her leg up and over the clueless pet, straddling Milly's golden furred chest. This position gave Kelsey a clear view of her dog's crotch, allowing her to appreciate more clearly the aftermath of Matt's attentions. Milly was still rather stretched, her folds sitting enough apart that where Kelsey would have expected to see a crease, the girl could now make out a hint of gooey flesh, covered in slick cum. It could not be said to look appetizing, but in her current state Kelsey was far more concerned with righting a wrong than the aesthetics of her dog's rear. Afterall, if a guy cumming in your mouth meant he liked you, then Kelsey could make that happen, if in a roundabout way.

With this singular vision of Matt's affections going to waste, Kelsey bent down, lowering her head between Milly's legs which she held steadily apart. As the girl got near the leaking hole, her nose was assaulted by a combination of odor. Strongest was Milly's scent, warm and grassy with a bitter overtone that had been hanging around ever since the canine had gone into heat the week before. More subtle was the faint smell of urine, not enough to pull Kelsey out of her trance, but present nonetheless. Among these smells was something new and exciting for the small fox, a kind of bitter smell, almost like bleach that she knew from Amy's descriptions must be Matt's essence which she now craved so dearly.

Kelsey slowly extended her tongue, a line of pink breaking the slate grey fur of her muzzle, reaching out to meet her companion in a uniquely intimate way. Her first contact was meek, the nervousness that sat in the back of Kelsey's mind momentarily causing the girl to act with a degree of caution. The flavor was not dissimilar to the odor, somewhat acrid, a little bit salty, and, as far as Kelsey's addled senses could tell, distinctly Matt's. With the first taste not being too foul, Kelsey pressed her head further down, pushing her tongue more firmly against her dog's mound. Kelsey's muzzle was soon filled with the taste of her crush - and her dog, though the kit wasn't really thinking about this as she lapped at the restrained labrador. Like she'd seen Milly doing, Kelsey began dragging her tongue in long sloppy trails across Milly's pussy, savoring the taste that never seemed to diminish as more opaque fluid was drawn out to replace what Kelsey was able to whisk away into her needy mouth. Milly was once again covered in fluids, though now much of that was the saliva that a drooling Kelsey was dragging across the mutt's hind end.

For Milly's part, after an initial bit of confusion at the sudden restriction and renewed attention being paid to her sore, tingling vagina, the loving canine laid her head back, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth as she panted in a happy fog. Not that Kelsey could see, intent as she was on extracting every bit of Matt from her dog's sopping vagina as possible. Despite the envy that drove Kelsey, she would have been happy to know that this was a pleasant experience for Milly. It also didn't hurt that Kelsey was giving Milly a good rub, though not consciously. The girl had begun softly pushing her hips down into the thick fur that covered Milly's chest, pressing her crotch along the soft and sturdy ridge.

Kelsey found herself lost in a haze of repetition and lust that gave her a moment to think back on what she'd seen in a more removed, or at least less immediately distressing, way. Like it was directly in front of her, Kelsey envisioned Matt's cock, glistening and only half present, the rest lost inside Milly. Reflecting on this, Kelsey realized that there was likely to be so much more cum somewhere inside her dog and that there was more to do if she wanted to take Matt into herself.

Pausing for a moment, Kelsey repositioned her muzzle, opening her mouth before gently enveloping Milly's soft, distended lips. Making a seal, Kelsey began to suck gently, feeling the flesh of Milly's mound pulled up and into her mouth, just a touch. Moments later a flood of that bitter cream, now so sweet to Kelsey's half-focused mind, came rushing in. Having taken her dog so fully into her mouth, Kelsey flicked her tongue over the pointed tip of Milly's pussy, dislodging whatever beads of pearly cum remained. She repeated this process several times, each rewarded with another stream of that delicious prize Kelsey needed so deeply.

Soon, however, the flow began to lag. Where the first several had seemed to fill Kelsey's muzzle, now she only tasted a hint of Matt with each pull. Somewhere on the edge of Kelsey's thought she knew that there could only be so much, but the kit didn't want it to end. Afterall, she needed to prove her affections for Matt, though who this might be proof for was a question that a more rational Kelsey could not have answered.

With the need to ensure she had taken back every drop of Matt's love from her dog driving her on, Kelsey again repositioned, placing her tongue in along the groove of Milly's pussy. Steeling herself, Kelsey opened her mouth as she pressed her head down, driving her tongue deep inside her panting, golden friend. The sensation of her tongue disappearing into the depths gave Kelsey a certain thrill. The passage along which she slid was pulsing and pulling as though welcoming the girl. Again the taste of Matt played along Kelsey's sensitive tongue, but it was clear that all that was left were whispers of his recent intrusion. Pushing deeper, Kelsey opened her jaw as wide as she could, taking in Milly's crotch like she was trying to swallow her pet whole. The further Kelsey pushed the more it felt as though her tongue were doubling back in the unseen curves that Milly's passage took. It was difficult to overcome the constricting pressure of the tunnel and soon the effort of navigating her pet became too much for the young girl. The strain Kelsey felt, the almost cramping contortions she was performing, along with the dwindling taste of Matt brought the young girl slowly back to her senses. Her treasure was gone, taken back from the traitorous - well maybe not traitorous, but Kelsey wasn't going to let that twinge of a grudge go quite yet - dog. Kelsey had proved to herself that she loved Matt, that she was going to make him like her back, and this was just going to be the beginning.

Sitting back upright, Kelsey noticed that her swift retreat had had an effect on her well used hound. As Kelsey's tongue had retreated with an abrupt squelch, Milly gave a quivering groan and shook slightly under the grey fox. Before Kelsey could turn to see what had happened, however, she was once again distracted, this time by the feeling of a cold nose being pressed up under her tail. For all Kelsey had just gone through, she had not quite put together what that inquisitive nose digging around in her own folds might bring and besides, that jolt didn't feel very good!

Jumping up, Kelsey snatched her fluffy grey tail between her legs, clutching the soft appendage to her stomach as if to protect herself. Milly didn't really seem to care. The dog was too busy feeling a combination of heretofore unknown pleasure and utter exhaustion. For now, all Milly seemed to care about was finishing her dinner, which she was now wolfing down on shaky legs.

Kelsey turned and, remembering why she'd come here originally, bent down and picked up her phone. The little thing had been recording the whole time, Kelsey noted in wonder as she tapped the red square and closed the camera app. She decided that she would return to that video later. For now, she realized that she'd left her towel in the kitchen, a realization that sent her sprinting down the hall when the kit realized she could no longer hear the shower.

Rounding the corner, Kelsey snatched up the discarded cloth and quickly wrapped it back around herself. Then she turned back to the stairs and made for her room, stepping quickly. Whatever energy had driven Kelsey was nearly gone by this point, and she just wanted to get into her room and take some time to decompress.

As Kelsey reached the top of the stairs her ears flicked towards the bathroom door as it creaked open, revealing Matt. His fur was fluffed up in a cute, bedraggled way that made Kelsey's chest tighten just a bit. Her cousin seemed as surprised as Kelsey felt to see the 12 year old still in her towel coming up the stairs.

"Oh, I thought you were in your room." Matt mumbled, his eyes dancing along Kelsey's body in a way that she could almost feel.

"I, uh, I was checking if Milly got dinner." Kelsey responded trying to keep her tone even.

At her words, Kelsey saw Matt's eyes widen and he spluttered, "Oh, no, I, uh, I fed her, um, earlier..."

Something about the alarm in his voice made Kelsey feel more at ease. She'd spent all day trying to push past whatever barriers existed between her and her cousin only to find him having sex with her dog. But now, here at the top of the stair, half clothed, Kelsey suddenly felt like she might have a better sense of things than her cousin. Not that this made her fantasies any more tangible, but it was a nice feeling in the moment.

"Yeah, she was sleeping when I saw her," Kelsey lied and then she feigned a yawn. "Ahhh, wow. I'm tired too. So I'll see you tomorrow. Lovies!"

At the sound of their habitual goodbye, Matt seemed to reset. "Oh, yeah me too. Lovies. Night."

Kelsey turned, stepping towards her bedroom when something happened. It might have been an accident, or it might have been a vestige of her nervous energy, but Kelsey dropped her phone onto the carpeted floor. The young girl looked back at her cousin for a split second where he stood, attention refocusing on the source of the clatter. Then with a practiced ease, Kelsey dipped down at the waist, lifting her tail high as she picked up her phone. Straightening back up as smoothly she could manage, Kelsey reached out and opened the door to her bedroom. As she stepped through, Kelsey tossed a glance over her shoulder and, despite the electric storm that seemed to have gone off in her chest, Kelsey was heartened to see her cousin staring back at her, mouth hanging open just a bit. Then Kelsey closed the door, savoring her string of odd victories, knowing that any minute now Milly would be whining at her door to be let in.