Sin University

Story by Frostpaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Sin University

I was lifting my last box out of the trunk of my old Lincoln town car I got for a graduation present. Shifting the box under my arm as I slam the trunk shut, I turn and head into the dorm my long striped tail twitching back and forth behind me. I smiled abit to myself as I walk past a mother lecturing her clearly freshman son being sent off to college as she warned him of the ways of temptation and how a good Christian boy avoids sex and drugs.

The sound of her grating voice silenced as the double glass doors of the dorm close behind me, I head to the elevators and quickly got on staring at my reflection in the shiny metal doors of the elevator as I head up to my 3rd floor dorm room. I am pretty good looking if I do say so myself. I am a red panda with short cut hair, wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a college t-shirt I got last year. Standing about 5 foot 6 with a slim figure and soft fur, I am told to I am adorable. I head into my room and place the last box on my bed and started to unpack.

As I finish unpacking I jumped back landing on my bed and reached over to turn on the radio as I hear someone unlocking the door. I laid there hoping It was not going to be some nob that was going to give me crap about my music or getting in at late hours, or of course wanting the room for a few hours to myself every now and then. The door opened to a wolf, the same one that was being lectured by his mother outside. Throwing down 2 duffel bags on the bed and putting a laptop box down on the desk.

Clearing my throat, "Hey, names Jamie. Welcome to the room of wonders all 12 by 12 feet of it. Your new home away from home." Smiling abit at him.

Looking abit uncomfortable clearly unsure of himself, likely the result of an overbearing mother. "Um... I'm Aziz, nice to meet you."

I nodded abit and laid back down turning on the radio and letting him unpack. Stealing a glance every so often usually when he was putting something away low and bending over. He has a cute butt for sure, I bet he exercises every day. Closing my eyes and undressing him in my mind for the moment licking my lips. I am going to have fun trying to teach this dog a few new tricks. I hear the door shut as he heads out the door, sighing abit reaching a paw into my jeans which were feeling abit tighter than before. It is going to be a fun year.


The first few weeks went by quick, turned out he is journalism major. I personally am majoring in culinary arts. I can cook rings around most of the people in my class. Though I do so very much suck at math. Turns out I am running a D in college algebra and I need to get it to a B by semesters end or I am going to lose my scholarship. I can't afford a 20 dollar an hour tooter either.

I stand in the math building staring at bulletin board looking over adds for math help, again and again, they are out of my range monetarily, I managed to find 3 that look like they may work. Pulling out my cell phone and calling the first 2 only to find they are both already full. No wonder as they cost half as much as everyone else. Calling the last I find that it belongs to my own math teacher. I guess everyone can use some extra cash. I set up a session apparently he has a slot open on Tuesdays at 6pm.

Yawning and hanging up the phone as I head back to my room to grab a shower and a soda, as it is Tuesday I have 2 hours to kill before I have to show back up in the math building. As I reach the door I open it and step in finding Aziz naked as the day he was born laid out on his bed hand wrapped around his apparently beautiful ock. Normally I don't get out of class for another hour but today we got off early. Apparently Aziz had the same idea. His eyes spring open grabbing for his sheets to cover himself as a just shut the door behind me never turning away from him as he blushes a beat red.

Trying not to laugh or just jump him right there "Hey everyone does it, how else you gonna get release, unless you go find you a girlfriend." Glancing down as I put my back pack down on my bed I see my box of porn all gay of course Is pulled out abit, looking back at him a smile creeping across my face "or a boyfriend."

Aziz's ears folding back saying meekly though trying to be anger at the idea "I am not gay."

Laughing abit to myself "Sure you're not, I am sure you have been with lots of women."

His eyes darting up and to the left a sure sign he is about to lie. Who says psych class is useless.

"I have had lots of girlfriends... besides being gay is a sin."

"I see, it is quite the sin, going to hell and all" stepping closer grabbing hold of the sheets and tossing them back his cock still rock hard as I wrap a paw around it his eyes going wide in shock even as his cock pulses with pleasure in my had "But the road is there is heaven"

Gasping abit at the warm paw around his cock Aziz bit his lip abit his eyes closing having never felt the flesh of another in any carnal way. That being all it took to usher me onward, this was all too easy but I was not going to be complaining not one bit. I swiftly undid my belt and peeled off my shirt tossing them both aside with speed acquired through much practice quickly crawling onto his bed as he pushed himself back into a corner.

"I...I'm not gay...plea..." was all he got out before I had half his cock deep in my I am told very talented muzzle. All that came out his mouth after that was a low slow moan of a new convert to the church of tail raisers. Looking up at him my eyes catching his as he looked down at me as I started to bob my head up and down his magnificent length of flesh. The taste was intoxicating, the smell overwhelming. How anyone could not love it is beyond me. He is already leaking pre fairly heavily due to his previous activities, not that I mind, loving the taste in my muzzle as I pull his cock from my muzzle reluctantly a string of pre stretching from his cock head to my tongue snapping as I pull back. I am going to have to be very skillful if I want to make this last or he is likely to blow quick as Aziz bucks his hips abit in frustration when he feels my mouth leave his member.

Running my tongue over his balls taking them into my muzzle and sucking them abit while my paws slowly stroke his sheath leaving his cock untouched for a few moments before licking up the length of his sheath and cock before collecting a dollop of pre from the tip of his cock before taking the head of his cock into my muzzle slowly bobbing up and down gathering an inch each time I push down, my tongue bathing and wrapping around the pulsing member. I smile inwardly as I hear his breathing quickening and I see out of the corner of my eye his paws grasping handfuls of his sheets. I manage to take likely 7 inches when I reached his engorged knot. I start to pull back off his cock again, secure that there is enough saliva for me to take it even with the knot, before I manage to though I hear a growl and a feel a paw grip the back of my head and push me back down onto his cock. Gaging abit as the cock is shoved knot and all into my muzzle and throat, and held in place as Aziz starts to for lack of a better term fuck my face for all he was worth. I gag a few times as he does so but quickly get the pace he is setting and enjoy it myself. What can I say I like it ruff some times, and this guys a natural. Sadly all too soon he shoves hard into my muzzle slamming my nose into his groin as he cums and how. I feel the first 2 shots go right down my throat, before I manage to push him back enough to enjoy it. He fills my muzzle with every thick ropy shot, one after another after another. I am not sure if it's just because it's his first time or if he is pent up, or if he always cums so much but I look forward to finding out. After swallowing several mouthfuls of the salty fluid, I pull back and lap up the rest of the cum off his cock before sitting back licking my lips. Looking at him as he basks in the afterglow, as I know he too is going to want to try this again.

"Now that is what I call the nectar of the gods" smiling at him. As he starts to laugh abit to himself before drifting into a restful sleep. I wish I could join him but apparently I have seriously lost track of time, I have to change and get back to the math hall, no time for a shower sadly, I am just going to have to use some body spray and get going.

jamie belongs to himself

Aziz belongs to himself