The Dragon's Boytoy Knight - Ch06

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#9 of Comm - For Engy

Cera brings the newly dubbed Zephyr Magewind back to his master and gets some surprising revelations. His worldview has been changing, and it is changed further as he comes to some realization

**The Dragon's Boytoy Knight

Chapter 6

By: VeronicaFoxx

For: Engy**

The mating frenzy had begun to fade after the second full day of little more than sex, eating, sleeping, and more sex, and Cera was finally able to find out the man's name. While it had been Zevinth in his previous life, he thought that a new moniker seemed more suiting to his transformed shape. So it was that Zephyr Magewind renamed himself.

"It was quite noble of you to carry on with the curse affecting you and refuse to pass it on," the seafoam dragon mused as they lay in the warm sand with the surf lapping at their legs, the sun lowering itself into the sea in the direction of home. "I know many men who would not have had the strength of character or determination to do so when such a simple escape were possible. If anyone were to deserve a wish be granted, I would say that you have earned it."

Zephyr lay on his back with his wing-arms spread wide, basking in the lazy early evening rays, with Cera snuggled against his side to trace lazy trails over his now-impressively muscled chest and underbelly. "I know many men who didn't have my strength and determination," the sunset-hued dragon agreed. "At least four of them. My sire, grandsire, great-grandsire, and twice-great-grandsire. I'm not certain what is so great about them, cursing their own offspring with such a burden, but it was the same for seven generations until myself. I was the only one who thought to try and break the cycle, who refused to marry as soon as I was able and pass the affliction along to another. Knowing what was to be my fate, I apprenticed myself at the age of twelve, against my father's wishes, and sought to find some way to reverse or evade it. Neither my master nor any tome I could find in my research indicated anything that I was willing to undertake: attempting to remove it from a son still in the womb, attempting to sire a daughter instead of a son, foisting the curse onto another bloodline, and such. The closest I came was attempting to halt my aging, but the curse was too strong for that. I was able to slow it, but I began wasting away, dying slowly and painfully rather than swiftly and gruesomely."

They had only just completed another round; Cera was still leaking seed from beneath his tail, but Zephyr began to harden again as he stroked across the other male's stomach. "Well, I can understand your desire to become something other than a human to escape it, but why did you choose a dragon to be your new form? Certainly you could have been many things. Gryphons are noble beasts and known for their intelligence. Some can even speak the human tongue, after a limited fashion. Minotaur are well-known for their strength and endurance, though being half human might have caused the curse to linger. They are also known for their... size and virility." Cera's hand drifted lower to grasp and lightly caress the winged dragon's length. "Though I dare say you've come off well in that regard. Why not some other creature besides one of the most feared and despised of monsters?"

"Monsters?" The draconic mage scoffed and gave him a look of disbelief. "Monsters? Monsters indeed! Once I decided on transformation as the best option, I researched every creature that I could find. Those who were at least partially human, I was able to quickly discard. The curse would either follow me, in the case of such as a minotaur, or I would lose a large part of myself, in the case of such as a harpy. While becoming a harpy would allow me to escape the curse, I had no taste for constantly seeking out males to breed me and spending all other time tending to eggs and chicks. Others, such as gryphons, well... those that haven't been nearly exterminated have been enslaved by humanity and elvenkind. Gryphons may have never built great cities and monuments, but they had a complex culture and their own language before they were put to the yoke as mounts and burden beasts and hunting creatures. I might have managed as an orc, but I doubted that I could control the rage inherent to their race, have never been one for physical altercation, and, again, did not wish to become female.

"Mm... If you keep like that, I'll be unable to resist another go, Cera..." His protestations were silenced when the Dragon's Knight shifted to straddle his tail, the pointed, prehensile tip of the seafoam dragon's member tickling at the hole beneath while both hands were used to stroke his own maleness. "Very well, but let me continue. I decided on dragons because they have never attacked unprovoked, they are creatures of great magic, and they are known to be honorable and honest above all else. The histories may be writ by man, for the most part, but if you dig with enough determination, you can always find the cause behind any harm done by dragonkind against other races and find the harm first done them. Ah! Why does that feel so good? Ahem... Where was I?

"Ah, yes, a history lesson. Dragons keep histories of their own, you know, as do other races, but dragons have the longest histories of all. Even longer than the elves. Dragons were, so far as I can tell, the first creatures on this world to develop thinking minds and language, the first to record their thoughts and actions, and I was able to locate and translate some of those records. Wait, Cera, stop for a moment. Let me finish this first. You seem to have some misconceptions about your race, for whatever reason, and you must know this. Considering that you seem to act as a knight, I would suspect that you were raised amongst humans and elves and brought up on their benighted bigotry."

Cera ceased the slow feed of his malness into the tight tailhole of Zephyr, pulling back so that he sat atop the thick tail and stroked at the burnt orange inner thighs. "Tell me, then."

"The burning of Vastelow City only fifteen years past? The subsequent slaying of the dragon Kalen? Do you know the reason? No, no, of course you don't. Humans tell it that the dragon attacked unprovoked, but that is a lie to ease their conscience for killing such a noble being. And his mate and unhatched clutch! He and his mate had been guarding the miners against the minotaur clans that roamed the mountains where they worked, but when the minotaurs were slain, the king felt no further need of said protection, nor did he wish to continue paying tribute to Kalen for it. Then he had thought to take back the gold that he had given over the years. He sent assassins, though he called the knights, to slay Kalen in secret, but the dragon was on errand when they arrived. Instead, they slew his mate and destroyed his eggs. He recorded it in fury and sorrowful despair, a suicide note before he went to take his revenge and sell his life dearly with the hope of seeing his love and unborn in the afterlife. I can see that you know the tale of what came after, the city destroyed, the king killed, and Kalen slain in the end. But you see that the tale was not even half the story, not even half true. The other tales I uncovered were the same."

"I... see..." Cera slowly drawled as he considered what he had once known to be true and was now cast into doubt. Zephyr's words had the ring of truth and not a hint of deception. "Perhaps we can discuss this more another time? I... Hm. I think I need time to ponder on that, and I am feeling a need to return what you've given me for the last two days."

"Fair enough, sir dragon, fair enough." Zephyr lifted his legs and wriggled against the sand. "I suppose I've earned myself a rough ride as much as I stretched and filled you, and I do apologize again for that."

"As I said before, Zephyr, it is a symptom of the transformation. Or so far as I've seen. Every creature changed by my master thus far has suffered it. Now, I think you might find a better use for those flapping lips by wrapping them around your member. You are certain to be flexible enough, and I can assure you that it is an experience worth having."

The sunset dragon made a musing rumble and curled up, grasping at his knees with the wrist claws of his wings and arching his lengthened neck in a testing manner. He found it quite easy to begin lapping at his own shaft and took the tip between his lips. Even as Cera began feeding himself into the other male once more, Zephyr had gulped down his own cock so that his nose was buried against his hefty balls, and the sea-scaled male could see him swallowing around it. Cera merely chuckled, recalling his own introduction to the fine art of oral self-stimulation and began stroking himself inwards in hard, swift thrusts with slow retractions.

As much as he enjoyed his time with the kobolds and Adamos, for he was not allowed to touch Evelyn, he found it a uniquely pleasing experience to be with someone who was his own approximate size and shape. The little brothers and sisters provided great pleasure in their incredible tightness, due to their diminutive size, and Adamos could grip and clench him well enough, but it was most often Cera taking it up the tail between the two of them. While most of the time thus far with Zephyr had been spent likewise due to the rut-lust caused by the transformation, he found the avian's grip around him to be just right. It was tight, but the tightness of inexperience rather than size. The pleasured clenching was neither painfully tight nor only just enough to stimulate but perfectly pressured to give him delight. The feel of the sunset dragon beneath him was agreeable as well. Once the mage had sucked himself to his first orgasm, his tunnel spasming around Cera's maleness in a way that forced him to pause before it drove him to his own, Zephyr draped himself across the sand once more, and the seafoam knight was able to lie atop him properly. They were of just the right size that Cera could nibble at the other male's throat in a teasing and provocative manner as he began to move his hips faster, his pace becoming more even on both instroke and out. He could tuck the other male's thickly msucled legs against his shoulders and drive him against the earth in the way that he might once have done a tavern slattern, and it felt proper.

And when his legs began to tire, he told Zephyr to tuck his wings, then was able to roll the male so that the sunset dragon sat astride him and was able to bounce and ride while he curled to swallow down the avian's re-hardened cock and help himself to yet another stomachful of creamy, salty, tasty seed. He had not considered it before, but perhaps there was something more to the sexual drive that dragons had than mere physical pleasure. While he had resigned himself to it with both his liege and Adamos, this time he had both expected and even anticipated it. And he found that he had enjoyed it far more, found himself feeling... affection for the mage. Perhaps the sexual contact was a form of bonding between dragons, a way to share of themselves in an enjoyable manner that also brought them closer to one another. It was something to think on, and perhaps he would ask his master about it once they returned. For now, though, he lost himself in the moment and let his own lust run rampant. It was surprisingly good to indulge himself, guilt free and with a partner who was just as willing to give as to receive. Adamos preferred the former, the kobolds preferred the latter, and the lemon-scaled dragon had not requested anything of him since he had begun training the little ones, so it was rather a luxury. He could not recall another time that he had enjoyed himself so freely and completely.

When they had finished, Cera fished for their dinner, and then they slept. On the morning of the third day after Zephyr's transformation, the mating urge had faded enough that they could begin to make their way home. And the Dragon's Knight found it odd that he thought of it as such, but he had to admit that he did feel at home among the kobolds in particular. They were his little friends and trainees, their progress in both combat skill and excavation something to take pride in. His liege had grown to trust him enough to allow him his freedom of thought, and he had come to respect the dragon's choices and behaviors. He was not cruel, not really. Cera had required being broken to the yoke, though he did not doubt that such harsh treatment would have been avoided had he been as willing as his new companion. He found that he looked forward to returning with the hopes of praise and recognition for a mission well completed, and swiftly at that.

It was an easy swim back to the first island, past which the dolphins still waited. He could hear their songs of play and anticipation as he made his way there, and Zephyr was able to easily loft himself heavenward on the wide wings he had been gifted. They stretched at least three times the mage's own body length when spread, if he were measured from the tip of his snout to the tip of his tail, and Cera wondered how much the avian dragon could carry. It would be interesting indeed to see the world from above rather than from beneath the waves. Perhaps they would have opportunity to try it out after returning to their master.

There were a few slight complications as they made their way back west towards the dragon's lair. Firstly, Zephyr could not fly quite as quickly as Cera and the dolphins could swim, at least not at their swiftest. He skimmed low above to waves to complain that he must fight the wind, which slowed him, so they set a more sedate pace to allow him to keep up. The second was that the avian could not fly eternally. Nearing midday, he complained that he was tiring and needed to rest and eat. Cera was thankfully able to convince a pair of his aquatic companions to let the winged dragon rest on their backs. He fed the mage with fish caught along the way, and Zephyr was able to take off again after an hour's worth of riding. Lastly was the need to sleep. Thankfully, the dolphins were just as willing to carry the mage along as they were Cera, and they stayed at the surface during the night so that they could continue to breathe when needed. The return trip was slightly slower until past the midway point, where the wind changed direction to blow towards land. The avian was then able to keep up easily with the maximum speed of the swimmers below, though he still needed to rest the same. All in all, Cera was still pleased with the haste they made in reaching the cove once more.

Even after leaving the dolphins, some internal guidance let him locate the place from whence he had set out, and they rested there before making the last leg to present the mage to his master. Cera was slightly regretful that he might not get a chance to sleep beneath the sea again for some time, but Zephyr was quite eager to get himself out of the elements and into a comfortable bed. Or perhaps a nest, considering his altered form. When the morning came, the seafoam dragon hunted their breakfast for a final time, then swam his way up the fall to walk the rest of the wall, encouraging the sunset dragon to join him. Possibly due to his prolonged exposure to the saltwater, the enlargement of the knight's fins lasted all the way back, even those on his arms and legs still present when he entered his master's lair. He was unsurprised to find his liege lord already seated on the throne-like chair of the main chamber, waiting; he had felt the dragon's magical presence watching him since they had made landfall the night before.

"Cera!" the sun-hued dragon greeted, with Ballsy standing attentively by his side. "That was a lot faster than I expected. Is this our new... friend? I guess he didn't give you too much trouble, since you got back so quickly."

"Sire, I present to you Zephyr Magewind. He offered no resistance at all. He did, in fact, desire your... boon so as to escape a curse that has plagued his family."

"I did indeed," the avian added, bowing his head low towards the ground with a gracious sweep of one wing. "I have come to understand that my scrying and summons gave you cause for great concern, and for that I do dearly apologize. Though I gave my vow to your knight, good dragon, I do reiterate it now. I pledge myself to serve you for so long as you have need of me, avow you my singular allegiance, and offer what knowledge I have gained in my studies to aid you. I ask only one thing further, and that is to learn from you as well. Dragons are renowned as creatures of great magic; it is known that even your blood and bones continue to carry power after your deaths. While this is a cure of sorts for the curse, I would hope to find a true cure, one that would allow me to return to human form without suffering its continued depredations. Should we be able to accomplish that, I swear on my power that I shall continue to serve you even then. My life is yours, Master."

Cera's liege seemed taken aback by that verbose introduction and declaration. He sat staring with bemusement for so long that the sea-scaled dragon began to think he might not speak or had taken offense, but he was proven wrong, and happily so, when his liege finally found his voice.

"Engy. You can call me Engy. Both of you. I can sense that you've got a good bit of magic to you, and I can most definitely make use of a mage. Do you know much of transformation spells? Changing one being into another?"

Zephyr drew himself up and puffed out his already enlarged chest with pride. "I do indeed, Master! I have spent the last ten of my thirty years as a mage studying just that. I found that it took the power of a dragon to become one, which is why I sought you out. I could find no nobler race of creature to become, nor one as naturally gifted with magic, and my desire to escape the curse was not so great as to settle for a substandard form to take on."

"Huh. Okay, well, that's well and good. I've got some things I'll want your opinion on. Tell me this, though. Why would you want to become human again after this?"

"Well... The curse is passed from the father to the firstborn son, a wasting curse that eats away at the life of the victim. I denied myself the pleasures of the flesh so as to ensure that I would either find a cure or be the last of my line to carry it. I would like, one day, to start a family and find what joys it might bring me, and, if you'll forgive me for saying so, the dragon race is... dying. I scoured the entirety of the eastern continent before crossing the sea and finding you. There were none to be found there, though some lie in the depths beneath the waves. Those are unwilling to surface, though, fearful of both man and elf. None dared commune with me for fear of being either captured or slain. I will admit that you were merely the first that I found here in the west, but my scrying was able to reach for at least a month's travel inland, and there were no others. Were I to remain as I am, I would have rather little hope of finding myself a suitable mate of my own kind, one with whom I could breed true and raise young. Not that I would be opposed to finding a mate of another breed, but I would prefer to do so as my former self as I was never able to enjoy such things in my old life."

"You... have a point..." The yellow-scaled dragon turned his attention to Cera, and the knight drew himself more erect. "He's right, y'know. Did you ever wonder why I'd transformed you, or did you think I'd just done it to make you into my servant?"

"I... will admit that I had thought the latter, my liege," the seafoam dragon admitted with a bit of shame. "I have only recently come to think that there might be more to it, thanks to Zephyr. He is apparently quite knowledgeable on the subject."

"Hm. So I'm starting to see. Dragons are dying out, Cera. My kind is going extinct, mostly because of being hunted down. I was almost killed, too." He waved one hand across the other arm, and what had appeared to be solid flesh shimmered and dissolved to reveal a metallic construct instead. It was an impressive limb, still, but one crafted rather than natural. "I lost my arm. I nearly lost my life. And I decided that I was done trying to deal with humans and elves. I tried to find somewhere that I could be left alone, but they are... everywhere. Or at least everywhere suitable to live. I don't want to spend my time at the bottom of the sea or in some volcano or a frozen waste. This mountain range was the best I could find. The cliffs along the coast discourage ships, so there aren't any ports here, and what ores and minerals are present are too far down for them to try bothering with. There's the one village nearby, but they mostly leave me alone, and I make sure to keep bandits and such away, make sure the harvest is good, that kind of thing. The only thing I ask of them is that they try and keep my existence secret.

"Unfortunately, you were the final proof that hiding is no longer a viable option. I had to move onto the next stage before I was really ready. I'm trying to bring my people back by making more of them. I had a few experiments before you came along, but you have been the best example that I've been able to make thus far. I'm not sure what went wrong with Adamos and Evelyn, but I wasn't ready to try things out again when Ballsy showed up, so I made him something different. Zephyr seems to have come out about between you and Adamos, which is a lot better than I thought it would be. I've been studying you, trying to figure out how I got it so close to right, but I haven't figured it out just yet. Obviously. I guess we got lucky with Zephyr, here, and maybe he can help me refine the formula further."

"I see..." The seafoam knight pondered those admissions. And surprisingly, even to himself, he had more than that to offer. "If I might make a suggestion then, my liege? Thus far, aside from Evelyn, we have no females, and I doubt any of us would like either to mate with her or to fight Adamos for such dubious privilege. If your goal is the restoration of the species, then females will be needed for breeding, even should you continue with your campaign of transformation."

Engy, and it felt very good to give a name to the dragon rather than a title, nodded his agreement with the sentiment. "That's true, and it's next on the list. Ballsy?"

The lizardman stepped forward, giving the seafoam and sunset dragons a nod. "Master... fix me. Make me smarter again. Let me remember things. I worked for guild hunting... monsters... things like us. Kobolds. Others. Guild is called The Furies, only women allowed. Some might come, might join us. Dragons big, strong. Some would like that."

The lemon-scaled dragon nodded. "But I want to try tweaking the spells a bit more first. I'd also like you to work with Zephyr here, see what he can do and make sure he can defend himself. I know you've been practicing a little with magic, and he can probably help teach you better than I can while he learns a bit about dragon magic. It's not quite the same as the magics that most other races use, since it's part of us, but I'm sure he'll catch on quick. I'll see if I can get one of the villagers to check out the guild, plant a few seeds, see if we can find any of them willing to join. Having more people on hand who already know how to fight will be useful. Just because Zephyr was the first to actively seek me out doesn't mean he'll be the last. He almost certainly won't be considering how much power I've been sinking into the ground over the last year or so."

That last was a bit of a revelation, and Cera had to inquire. "Is that how you've come to watch over me when in proximity to the mountain? I only noticed that once I began experimenting with the power I found myself possessing, and even then only about six months ago rather than immediately."

Engy nodded once more. "Yes. I've been... uh... I think the closest translation is... consecrating the ground? I've been making it... part of me, kinda. It's a thing that dragons can do. We can... infuse our power into our lair and the land around it so that we gain a little control over what happens within our territory, and it gives us a bit of perception as well. For those who are more directly connected with us, like you are to me, we can do a lot more. That... might be something we should also practice, but you'd have to be willing. I can do more than just watch you. I can see through you, feed you power, and even cast my magic through you, but if you don't give me full control for the spells, then things can go wrong. We can figure that part out later, though. First things first, you need to be able to do more with your magic, and Zephyr needs to learn how to use his, so you two work on that. We'll give it... say two weeks. It should take at least that long to have someone get to The Furies and back."

"As you command, my liege. If I might ask, though... would it not be better to learn dragon magic from one who is already versed in it? I mean no offense or disrespect, but certainly you would be a better teacher for both Zephyr and myself than experimentation and improvisation, no matter how versed the mage may be in human magic."

The sun-scaled dragon looked down at his mechanical arm and flexed it, curling the fingers into a fist and slowly extending them once more. "I would, if I could. I invested a lot of my strength into my transformation experiments, more of it into the items I gave you, and all of it for the last year into increasing my connection to my territory. Even aside from that, a large chunk of my magic was stolen when they took my arm. I need to build up my reservoir again, but that'll be easier now that I've put so much into my lair. In a few months, I should have enough strength to deal with most of the problems that could, and almost certainly will, come our way. Maybe half a year, and I might be close to where I was before everything went south. By then... hopefully there will be enough of us here to deal with anything that they send at us..."

He heaved a sigh, and the Dragon's Knight saw a look that he recognized from his former life, a lord making the hard decisions necessary to protect what was his while regretting the necessities involved. "They're going to come for us. Who, I don't know yet, but someone will. Someone is going to get upset that I've claimed territory so close to their kingdom or whatever, or someone who wants to make a name for themself will want to kill me, or someone who wants more power will try to take more from me, or... something... These days, with humanoids spread so far across every land, there aren't many places left where I could be left alone, and the only way to really escape it would be to move to another dimension. Unfortunately, only the oldest and most powerful dragons ever figured out how to do that, and they've all gotten the hell out of here since they could. So, we're gonna have to be ready when they do, or we're probably all going to die."

Once, not all that long ago, Cera might well have welcomed that promise of death, or that of his master at the very least. Now, he found a welling protectiveness and sense of offense at such a threat, that anyone would dare raise a hand against his kobolds in specific but also towards him to whom he was bound. Granted, he would once have been the one raising that hand, but he had learned some things in the time since then. Engy was no different than any other lord he had ever seen. Well, no, that was not true. He was different in that he was more of a true lord than almost any human he had come across. The dragon was not interested in his own advancement, not interested in fame or notoriety, not interested in power for the sake of power or wealth for the sake of wealth. What he had done, everything that he had done since Cera had been first taken captive, had been in the service of both restoring his race and protecting those who sheltered under his grace.

Even the human village, less than a day's journey from the cavern lair, was protected. It did not suffer the depredations of bandits and beasts as many in such a frontier environment would. It was a thriving community, well built and growing, where the next nearest was exactly what could be expected of a frontier village. Cera had been there, a place walled and heavily guarded, suspicious of outsiders and especially wary of those who were non-human in appearance. Even the nearest city was only barely tolerant of "monstrous" races, allowing them residence only if they had a particularly useful skill or trade to work, and even greeting visitors of non-human origin with a caveat that any trouble occurring must be witnessed by a human citizen willing to vouch for the innocence of the visitor lest blame be placed upon the non-human individual. At the time, when he had been sent to retrieve Adamos seemingly half a lifetime ago, he had taken that as a given. It was the way of the world, the way that it had always worked, the way that made sense to him because of his own experiences within it as a human. The way the world worked made far less sense when seen from the other side of the gulf.

It made even less sense to someone who had pledged their life to the codex of knighthood. A knight was a protector. True, a knight served his lord, but a knight could also serve no lord. A knight could roam freely and simply engage in the duties inherent in knighthood. And yet... In his life as a human, there had been only one other who came close to embodying the values of knighthood as much as he himself had, though the being who was now Adamos had honestly been less strict in his interpretation of the code than Cera himself. The seafoam dragon had never striven for recognition other than the praise of a job well done, never asked for or accepted material wealth for his good deeds aside from a small homestead granted him by his lord for time and service rendered, never wanted for more than to faithfully serve, to protect those who were in need, and to vanquish those who sought to defile the peace of the land. A peace that had been enforced with iron and steel, with collars and walls, with death, enslavement, forced servitude, and conformity to the rule and laws of those who cared nothing for the subjects under them save for what those who served could provide and offer.

The Dragon's Knight stood and drew his sword, offering a salute to his lord, his liege, his master, then clanged the pomel against his shield to make it ring with a bell-like tone. The enchanted metal vibrated against his forearm, shaking his bones with the sound of the deep sea rushing against the rocks buried beneath, the song of the great ones who plumbed those depths, and the laments of the dragons who chose to dwell there rather than face extinction on the surface. He stood proud and defiant against the future that Engy described, ready and, what's more, actually willing and eager to fight against it.

"We shall be ready, my lord," he proclaimed. "Rest assured, I shall do my utmost to ensure that it is so. No harm shall come to yourself or those you hold dear while I yet can prevent it, and I shall stand against it until my dying breath."

The golden dragon blinked at him, seeming to weigh his words, then gave a slow nod. "I believe you. Cera... I'm going to give you one last order. And that is to never follow any order I give you again, not unless you want to do so. You never have to do anything I tell you to again, and I release you from your vows, if you want that."

The magic washed over him, and if there had been anything that could possibly strengthen the Knight's determination, then the dragon had given it to him. "Nay, Master. No, Engy. I shall serve faithfully for all my days, until such time as you find no further need of my service. I am your knight, the Dragon's Knight, Cera Seafoam. This I proclaim, and this I decree: I shall do all within my power to ensure the safety of that which you shelter beneath your wings, I shall offer what council I may to ensure the same, and I will not forsake you so long as you remain on the path that you have taken. You are, my liege, the most honorable man that I have ever served, and my life is yours."

The larger male's voice was a bit strangled as he responded, but he gestured them out. "Thank you. Go on, then, get to training or whatever. I need to rest and concentrate on rebuilding my power. I'll let you know when I need you again."

"Of course, my liege."

And Cera wrapped an arm around Zephyr's long, slender neck to lead him towards the upper levels where the kobolds dwelt. They would no doubt find him both fascinating and enthralling, and hopefully would not insist on interrupting their training sessions too much. And a second thing occurred to him: Big Brother would do with learning from the mage as well. The kobolds could have a proper shaman again at last.

The End