Cloud and Drey 2

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#2 of Cloud and Drey

I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting the sequel. So without further waiting. Here it is. Don't read if you are under 18.

Cloud and Drey 2

By Drockan

Drey awoke first with his arms wrapped tightly around his brother. His eyelids struggled to open and he could barely feel anything. The lower half of his body ached tremendously from the great soreness throughout all his muscles. During the mating the exertion of force he put in every thrust completely wore him out. His balls were just as sore. They were still busy trying to replace the massive load pumped into his brother. Drey had lost count of how many loads he put in Cloud.

Drey started to pick himself up when he realized he had passed out with his cock still inside his brother. Somehow he was still fully erect. Cloud's cute little body had been transformed. Some of Drey's seed had leaked out of Cloud's tail-hole. It blended with the white scales that it covered on Cloud's underside. Cloud's belly bulged, and his tail-hole was bright red as it stretched around Drey's cock. Even with a cock in his body, Cloud still had the cutest and most innocent smile. His eyes looked the same fluttering in a dreamy sleep.

When Drey started to pull out a wave of pleasure washed over him. Oh God not again he thought. Was Cloud really this good? His body shook in bliss when he pulled a little more out and Cloud awoke with a shrill moan. Drey couldn't believe it. The inside of his brother felt exhilarating. Drey fought through the pain and soreness and started to thrusted back into his brother once more. Cloud groaned deeply. The thrusting of Drey was pulling him from his dreamy slumber and driving him to the height of a dreamy orgasm. It didn't take long for Drey to fully thrust his length inside his brother. He looked into Cloud's eyes before locking him into a deep, passionate kiss. Cloud flung his arms around his brother as he felt a new load of cum land in his belly.

Drey knew if he didn't pull out now he might not be able to stop. With a loud moan from Cloud, Drey began his withdrawal. Drey's cock was still fully erect. Although Cloud's insides stuck to his cock like glue, he managed to finally withdraw completely. Having no more strength, he collapsed right on his back. In this moment of relaxation a thought dawned on him. What had he just done? He sat up to look at Cloud. He was still in a dreamy state. His cock was still as hard as Drey's, and an enormous gaping hole had replaced the tiny slit between his legs. Drey could probably fit his fist in there if he tried. Not to mention Cloud reeked of his cum. In fact, his whole body smelled strongly of his pheromones.

Cloud opened his eyes and saw his brother staring back at him tracing his claws on the side of Cloud's face. "Cloud are you okay?" Drey softly asked.

"It hurts Drey, everything hurts," Whimpered Cloud. He was crying. His hands were gripping the large bulge in his stomach. "I'm sorry Cloud. I guess I got carried away. Come on, we have to get out of here and wash up." Drey said as he picked up his little brother. Drey gathered both their clothes. Then he carried him to the entrance of their cave. It was a wondrous site during dusk. The cave was high up on the mountain that overlooked an ancient forest of oaks. Gently he lay down his brother on the smooth stone floor.

"Oww!" cried Cloud. "My stomach, it hurts!" Every time Cloud would move he felt the massive amount of cum shift in his belly.

"I'm gonna get some water Cloud. I'll be right back," his brother told him. He propped up his brother against the stone and hurried away. He then took off into the air toward the river next to the cave. Time was not on his side. He had to hurry before his parents got home. They would be home soon, and their father would kill Drey if he found out what happened. As quickly as he could be, he was at the river. The realization of what he had just done dawned on his mind. He had mounted his brother. Even though it was acceptable in most villages, the idea of two males mating revolted the elders in his and his father. He was a very strict man. With something he liked to call morals and values. Drey never wanted to be near his father when he was fuming. With Drey, his dad was a disciplinary. With Cloud, he was the complete opposite. He never hit Cloud and always pampered him. He could never bring himself to yell at Cloud, but he was always screaming at Drey. In his eyes, Drey would have defiled his little innocent prince.

Cloud cried softly on his bed. His insides felt incredibly sore and stretched. He could feel the cool air blow into his gaping tail-hole. Drey was right about the stomachache. It hurt every time he shifted his body. His peered down and he saw his tail-hole opened up between his legs. Around it was a whitish substance that had dried on his scales. That must be cum he thought.

All Cloud could do was rest against the wall and grimace. The lower half of his body seemed to be paralyzed. Every time he tried to move, the pain would be too great. He wanted to tighten his tail-hole, but even that proved too much for him too handle. Drey had marked his entire body in pheromones. This made it difficult for Cloud to concentrate on anything.

The smell simply overwhelmed the young dragon. Despite the pain, he almost wanted to be filled again. A great emptiness now pervaded his body and all the pheromones he inhaled drove his lust higher. Cloud managed to bring one claw down to his still rock hard cock. "Ahhhhh!" he yelled when he touched it. It was extremely sensitive. He gripped his hand around it and that was all it took for Cloud to climax. It was a painful climax. His lower body tensed up, as well as his tail-hole. Every contraction caused him great pain mixed with pleasure. No more he thought as he fought back the urges coming from the pheromones Drey had marked his body with. The sensations were too much for the young dragon as he fell asleep once more.

Drey came home a little later. He could smell the scent of sex before he even entered the cave. That was a bad sign. His parents would know he had mated, in their own cave. With great haste he ran to his brother. The smell of pheromones and cum strongly exuded from Cloud's body. Drey sat down next to him and poured some water in Cloud's mouth. Cloud awoke and felt revived from the cool drink of water. With a damp cloth, Drey began the arduous task of cleaning his brother. After many wipe downs and whimpering from his younger brother, Cloud's scales were free of any residue of Drey's cum and his scent. However, his tail-hole was still a big problem. It was still huge and expelled a heavy odor of cum. "Cloud," Drey whispered softly petting his brother's head. "I know it may be hard for you to move but we have to get away from here. Mom and Dad are going to be home soon. If they find you like this they'll kill me."

"Owwww, I don't think I can move Drey," whined Cloud.

"Come on! You have to!" and with that Drey yanked Cloud's arm, pulling the smaller dragon up.

"AHHH! Drey stop!" cried Cloud.

"We don't have time for your whining right now," Drey said as he helped Cloud to his feet. Cloud could barely walk. Drey held his brother up as both dragged themselves to the edge of the cliff. Cloud held on to Drey tight. Every step he could fell his brother's cum slosh around inside him. Every time the massive amount of his brother's cum move inside him his body would tighten in response. As soon as they took a step Cloud collapsed on his knees, grabbing his belly. "Come on Cloud," Drey said as he lifted the smaller dragon up off his feet.

"But Drey," sniffed Cloud. "Why can't we stay here?" sniffed Cloud.

"Mom and Dad are gonna be back idiot! Come on I'll carry you." Having said that Drey quickly cradled his brother in his arms and took to the skies.

Cloud wrapped his arms tightly around his brother's neck. Drey flew far and fast looking for a decent place to stay for awhile, away from his parents. "Drey where are we going?" asked Cloud.

"I don't know Cloud. Somewhere Mom and Dad can't find us," Drey answered scanning the horizon for someplace to stay.

"We can go to the lake I always go to. Not a lot of dragons know of it."

"Alright. That's a good idea. Where exactly is it?"

Cloud guided Drey through the air and soon they touched down in the small clearing in the forest. The lake was a moderate size and looked fairly deep. Drey laid Cloud down on the soft grass and then went to get a drink from the lake. By the time he came back his brother was already asleep. Drey laid himself next to Cloud and wrapped his arms around his brother. His exhaustion finally caught up with him as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

A couple of days had passed since that moment. Drey would leave Cloud alone for awhile to hunt for the both of them. Over that time there they both talked very little and had even less contact. Drey kept his distance from Cloud. Every time he laid his eyes on Cloud he felt that urge return. His brother was so damn good looking it drove him crazy, but he knew he couldn't touch him now. At least until he got everything straight with his parents. He wished he could freely enjoy mounting his brother, but his desires would have to wait.

A couple days had passed since they came here when Cloud asked Drey a question he had to answer. "Drey, when can we go home?"

"We'll have to stay here for a little while," Drey said to his brother.

"Why can't we go home?" asked Cloud. Drey sighed, "If only you were old enough to understand. Eat what I caught for you. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

Cloud watched as his brother took off toward home. He didn't know why he couldn't return home, but his brother had been adamant about staying put. He ate his fill of the meat Drey had got for him. Soon he was dozing off in an afternoon nap.

It was just after dusk when he awoke. The night was beautiful. The full moon illuminated the forest around him in a pale, glistening light. Cloud stretched and yawned. He stood up and shook himself awake. Sleeping on the ground made him feel dirty, and he walked toward the lake to take a bath. Using one of his feet, Cloud tested the water before him. It was cool and would feel good on his aching muscles. Shedding his clothes Cloud entered the lake. He could feel the remaining soreness and aches in his muscles alleviate under the water's cool touch. Slowly he walked deeper in the lake and started to playfully splash water over his body.

"Look I bet there is some food over by that lake sweetie," the big red dragon said, smiling with a wicked grin to the green female flying by his side. "Oh my God, you evil, evil man," the green dragoness chimed back recognizing the lake. "You have the most one track mind out of any dragon I know. We need food, not more kids!" The two hovered in the air arguing. The large red smiled with an innocent charm. "Well it's hard not to have a one track mind when I have you to stare at all day my dear."

Sheena blushed and smiled back, "Damn you! If only you weren't so good." She, however, quickly recoiled, "If only you weren't so good, we could be sleeping right now, and we would have food, instead of six kids to take care of."

Her mate smiled back and then slowly embraced her. "You wanna try for seven?" She blushed again and wrapped her arms around the red dragon's neck. She could only muster, "You bet," before locking into a deep kiss with her mate.

The moonlight shined from the night sky brilliantly illuminating the two dragons hovering in the air. They embraced tightly flying just over the towering oaks of the forest below. The slim, mature figure of the green dragoness was engulfed in her mate's muscled red arms. Her emerald wings shimmered under the moon. She was wearing only a small dress made from deer hide and a belt to keep it around her waist. Her long, serpentine tail slithered its way out the back. A much lighter shade of green shone on its underside. The color streaked up her tail and covered her stomach and chest, still sheltered within her dress. Her mate held her firmly as they started to descend slowly. The flapping of his bright red wings rustled the leaves on the forest floor as the two landed.

His scales were a gleaming shade of red. Even in the moonlight his scales shined with an intense radiance. Making him glow like a star in the deep forest. He was shorter than most males. His build wasn't as thick either. Still his body was packed with layers of rock hard muscles. He had more of an athletic build. However, he was bigger than most males where it counted. His huge balls and tremendous sheath were outlined clearly in the tight loincloth he wore. They were becoming painfully tight, and he was quick to shed them to the side. A relaxed gasp escaped his muzzle when he the wind against his sheath. His mate was slower at undoing her dress. She placed it next to the fallen loincloth of her mate. The red dragon's cock started to come out of its sheath. The thick piece of ebony flesh hung softly outside its red sheath of the male. Its length was slick from the wetness made from his sheath.

They both were wrapped around one another when their sensitive hearing caught a splash of water by the lake. The two both ducked under the cover of some bushes and focused their site by the lake. A sound of duel gasps escaped the bushes when they gazed upon the lake's moonlit surface. There was the most beautiful dragon either of them had ever seen, bathing in the lake's cool water. It looked like the dragon was very young, probably a couple of years from maturity.

"God she is gorgeous," the large red dragon whispered to his mate.

"But you missed one important detail my dear," the green dragoness whispered in her mate's ear. Just as she the words slipped her tongue the youth walked up from the lake. The water receded from his body and revealed the youngster's cute little maleness.

"My God, he's a...." his words were cut short with a finger over his mouth. His eyes were fixed with an awestruck stare on the cute little male dragon bathing in the moonlit lake. The water flowed off his scales, which sparkled under the pale moonlight. The large red dragon stared lustfully. He was hypnotized by a passion he never felt before. He wanted the shimmering blue beauty right there. His movements were so graceful. The way his arms gently splashed water over his lithe body made him look so fragile and innocent. "Isn't he gorgeous. I'd say he is about Annie's age, maybe a little younger," referring to their young daughter. "Look at the way he moves. Oh Drake, if you want I would like you to have him," his mate whispered in his ear.

"Are you sure Sheenie baby?" he asked hoping to remove any remaining guilt of what he obviously wanted to do. Sheena laughed in response. "Are you kidding me. It's not like your cheating with another female, and besides I want you to take the little one too. He is so cute. Oh baby, you have to. I want to see the look on his face when he's bouncing up and down on your cock."

Cloud hummed as he splashed water on his body. He had recovered a lot the past few days. His soreness was gone, as well as his painful erection. The bulge in his stomach had flattened out and his tail-hole had tightened surprisingly fast. A few days had passed though and only a small amount of his brother's seed still swished around in his insides. His sadly missed that constant tickling warmth in his body. He felt a strange emptiness all throughout him. Oh where was Drey when he yearned for him. He wished his brother were here to mount him right now and mate with him all night.

Exiting the water, Cloud laid his back against the soft grass by the shore of the lake. He felt completely rejuvenated. His eyes wondered to his little sheath, the pinkish-white head hiding deep inside.

Cloud remembered how much his little cock had hurt. After Drey took him his erection had stayed for days. It was so sensitive that the wind blowing on it would cause him to shudder in pleasure. It was all worth it, though. The pleasure he felt that night was indescribable. Everything he wished for that day came true. He truly felt like he was in heaven with his brother's cock inside his body. It was the best feeling he ever felt. Somehow he knew for the rest of his life he wouldn't feel that good again unless he had a cock in his tail-hole.

He lifted his head to gaze between his legs once more. His cock now hung softly out of his sheath. It was a very faint tone of pink with small white blotches that matched the color of the soft scales on the underside of his body. It was still tiny compared to any others he had seen. Drey had told him he still had a few years to go before it would start to grow like his. He moaned as he rubbed his hand over his cock. The thought of Drey flooded his mind. He moved his hand to his tail-hole and moaned louder.

He closed his eyes as he thought of being mounted again. His left hand stroked his cock, and his right hand rubbed his the outside of his tail-hole furiously. Cloud brought his right hand up to his mouth and slobbered all over it. Then he quickly put it back on his tail-hole and slipped one of his fingers inside. His left hand clenched his cock hard and his body tightened as a second finger joined his first thrusting both fast and hard into his body. He let go of his cock, and pushed his two fingers deep. His left arm fell off to the side and he climaxed hard from the thrusting of his fingers. Slowly his climax faded as he withdrew his fingers from inside his body. Leaning his head back, Cloud opened his eyes and his face blushed as he saw a massive red dragon towering over his little body. His fear turned to elation as his eyes fixated on the huge black cock on the dragon's body.

He would never forgot a cock that beautiful. It was a truly magnificent site to behold. It was thick and black. With veins overlapping one another throughout the length of the tremendous black length. It was the red he saw that day right here when he was at the lake. The large dragon smiled down at him as he rubbed his fully erect maleness. Cloud was too transfixed by the red dragon's cock to notice a green dragoness standing behind him. She smiled, as the young boy looked more luscious up close.

She walked up and put an arm on the shoulder of her mate, drawing Cloud's attention as well. "So little one, it looks to me like you want something of his," she slyly asked. Cloud could do nothing but stare and drool for a long moment before the relatively of the question caught up with him. "Huh... uh... um... I..." Cloud was having trouble finding the right words. "You seem to want more than up fingers up your tail-hole. You want to be mounted don't you little one," she said as she kneeled down and ran a hand up her mate's cock.

"Um... Uh Huh, if that's ok," Cloud was a wreck of nerves. His body shook in anticipation and discomfiture.

The eyes of the little dragon were steadfastly fixed on the finger of the dragoness, running slowly up and down the black monster between her mate's legs. The large red dragon stood there and could only drool as well. He was as much in awe as Cloud was. Never before had anyone, but his mate, been able to leave him in total admiration of pure beauty. A nudge from Sheena broke his trance and shaking his head, he walked slowly to the side of Cloud. Drake kneeled down and wrapped his hand around Cloud's. He lifted the younger male off the ground with ease to his feet, coming eye to eye with the small blue dragon. Drake smiled as he embraced Cloud tightly, wrapping his wings enveloping the youngster. Cloud felt wonderful being in the arms of the powerful male. He felt the immense cock pressing hard into his midsection. It emitted comforting warmth that drew him closer to the large red. Drake looked down at the younger dragon. Their eyes met and instantly both felt completely at peace. Drake leaned his head down and passionately kissed Cloud. He poured all the desire he had into that kiss and felt the young male go limp under his power. He broke the kiss and smiled at Cloud, slowly stroking the top of Cloud's head.

"What's your name little one?" Drake whispered to Cloud.

"C...C...Cloud," Cloud answered in a quivering tone.

"Cloud, that's a beautiful name," Drake murmured quietly, glancing at his mate. The green female walked over to the two and ran her eyes over Cloud. "You have such pretty eyes Cloud," she spoke softly to him. "I'm Sheena and this is my mate, Drake. Although I'm sure you don't want to waste time with introductions."

Cloud looked back at Drake who was still smiling at him. Drake moved his hands down to Cloud's waist, letting the smaller dragon fall back. Drake leaned his head down and started to lick the soft scales on Cloud's chest. His tongue lapped at Cloud's neck next. Drake wanted to feel and taste every scale on the young male's body. A hand ran its way down to Cloud's backside, and the little dragon mewled softly from its touch. It caressed his thighs, hips, and softly brushed against his tail-hole. Cloud felt himself being turned around and embraced again with his back against Drake. He felt Drake's cock brush up against his tail-hole and instinctively he lifted his tail and wrapped it around Drake's cock, feeling the intense warmth emit from it. Drake sat down and pulled Cloud with him.

Drake ran his tongue up the side of Cloud's face as Sheena kneeled down in front of the two. She lifted one of Cloud's legs and ran her tongue up and down his thighs.

"His scales are so soft," Drake uttered as he stroked the snow-white scales on the front of Cloud's chest.

"And they're so smooth," Sheena chipped in.

"You wanna get him ready for me, baby." Drake instructed.

"My pleasure dear," she replied.

Drake moved his arms underneath Cloud's legs and lifted them high revealing his small puckered hole. It was white like the rest of his underside. Sheena started to slowly lick Cloud's balls, rolling them with her tongue. Gradually she worked his cute little pink and white cock over. Its texture was smooth and it tasted clean and pure. Then she found her way down glossing over Cloud's thighs. She teased the young male licking around his tail-hole but never touching it. Cloud squirmed and yipped as the expertly snaking tongue glanced over everywhere but the one place he wanted it badly.

"Mmmm... Honey, I think you've teased him enough," said Drake with a lustful smile. Sheena laughed. She was having too much fun. "I want to make sure he's good and ready for you honey." She looked Cloud in the eyes and spoke softly to him, "Hey sweetie. I'm sorry for teasing you dear, but I want to make sure your ready for the ride of your life. You're about to have something-wonderful go inside your body, and that's from somebody who is use to it. Trust me you are going to enjoy Drake's cock as much as I do," she paused. "Now tell me little one. Are you ready for it?"

"Yes, please, yes," Cloud was quick to reply anxious to feel his body be filled and stretched once again. His thoughts were only focused on now on huge monster pressing against his back. He let his body go limp and UN-wrapped his tail from Drake's cock. Trails of saliva covered his body and made his scales glistened under the moonlight. A loud moan escaped his lips when he felt the cold wetness of Sheena's tongue against press against his tail-hole. It moved sinuously across Cloud's little wrinkled furrow. She felt it tighten when her tongue slithered its way inside. She instantly tasted something familiar inside his body. It was the faint taste of another male's seed. Someone had mounted him a few days earlier.

"Well Cloud, it seems someone else was in you just a little while ago," observed Sheena. Cloud looked down and muttered, "My brother, it was my first time."

"You mated with your brother!" Drake voiced with heavy surprise. "Although I can see why. If I had to live with you I would go crazy if I couldn't touch you."

"Wow you mated with your own brother! Drake you don't suppose?" she looked back at Drake. Drake thought if their kids were doing the same. He'd never heard of such a thing, but the behavior of some of his sons had been quite erratic at times. "Now that I think about. Trike has been a little too effeminate and Fortson is always hugging and holding him. I'll have to have a talk with them."

They both turned their attention back to Cloud. "So you were mounted by your brother. Did you like it?" asked Sheena, resuming licking at Cloud's tail-hole.

"Yeah, it felt really good," Cloud answered tentatively.

"That's amazing. I've never heard of anything like it," Sheena said. "Well your all ready to go." She lifted her head from between Cloud's legs.

Drake put a hand on Cloud's stomach and stood up. He lifted Cloud up until he was bent over. Drake licked his lips as he saw Cloud's little hole coated with several layers of his mate's saliva. He drew back his black cock and pressed the tip against Cloud's small tail-hole. Cloud shivered, as he knew what was about to happen. Finally the intense warmth, the feeling of fullness, and the feeling of power another male would exert over him, would finally return. Soon he would also feel the most wonderful feeling in the world to him. He would feel Drake's cum deep within his body.

A loud gasp escaped his mouth as Drake's cock began to open him up. A deep, low groan departed the large male's throat. The head of his cock broke through the tight barrier and slipped inside Cloud's body. It was a tight fit. Drake's muscles flexed hard and he had to shove his hardest, as well as pull Cloud back toward him, just to fit a little more inside the smaller dragon.

Sheena watched with every moment with delight. The look on the young male's face was priceless. His eyes were clenched tightly in concentration. He was completely focused on taking all of the cock that was pushing into his body. She kneeled down in front of Cloud and kissed him deeply. Her hand reached between the young dragon's legs caressing his smooth young cock, as Drake managed to push a little more inside Cloud's tight tail-hole. Sheena watched as Cloud quivered and moaned erratically, every time her mate would push more inside the young male.

"Almost there," Drake gasped sliding more of his cock inside Cloud's body. "Oh Sheena he's wonderfully. I can't believe I'm this far inside him. It's like he was made to be mounted." Drake flexed his legs hard and pulled Cloud back towards him. Drake gasped loudly as he felt the small hips of Cloud fit snuggly into his. His cock was now completely inside Cloud's terse body. The young dragon hyperventilated, and his body burned with fervid heat from the searing hot monster scorching his insides. All the feelings he had sorely yearned for erupted when the huge cock pressed against hard into his belly. Making Cloud pant heavily from the pressure building inside him.

The pale light of the moon reflected off the lake surface, casting shadowy silhouettes against the ancient trees of the forest. The shadows of the three dragons danced wildly from the slow ripple of the lake water. Two were consummating a blessed union. That Drake would leave a part of his essence, his seed, inside the young male. Drake would plant his seed inside young Cloud, and Cloud would take it into his body. Never forgetting who put it there. Leaving a part of his spirit inside the younger male forever. That would fuel and steer the growth of his desires and fantasies.

Cloud heaved a deep breath when he felt Drake's huge hand cover his chest. His body completely relaxed. Cloud let himself go entirely limp under Drake's touch. He smiled, and gave complete control over his body to larger male deep inside him. Drake lifted Cloud off the ground easily. He sat back down bringing Cloud with him. Both his arms wrapped tightly around Cloud. One caressed the silky smooth ivory scales on his chest. The other enveloped his head. Lifting it up. Exposing the supple neck of the youth. Drake began to lick up and down the Cloud's exposed neck. "God... so smooth, so soft," Drake muttered.

Sheena smiled. She hadn't seen her mate this happy since their last child hatched. She crawled gradually between both the males' legs to get a close view of their mating. Both had their eyes tightly clenched. Both focusing on the feelings from their bodies and forgetting the world around them. Her hands moved to lift and spread Cloud's legs as much as they could. She felt the familiar wetness between her legs, as a wave of Drake's pheromones flooded her nose. That still wasn't as arousing as witnessing the mating up close. The gigantic balls of her mate hung down and rested flatly on the ground. His sheath stretched wide and folded in the back. Where it pressed against the skin of Cloud, and she could see that Drake was indeed completely joined with the youngster. She ran her tongue up slowly against the fiery warmth of Drake's balls. It retracted when it reached the point where the two were joined. She wanted to observe this beautiful site before she became involved.

The dark ebony flesh of her mate's cock contrasted magnificently with the white, sky blue body it penetrated. The once white tail-hole became a bright shade of red. It was stretched many times its normal conformation. She could see her mate's cock flex. Sending more blood flowing through the bulging veins overlapping his entire organ. Cloud's tail-hole flexed in response. His guts tightly gripped the immense girth of Drake. The little dragon's body engulfed the intruder. Somehow his body seemed to remember what was in him and tried in vain to suck even more inside him. Cloud's adorable little pink and white cock stood firmly and proudly erect.

Sheena put Cloud's legs on the top of Drake's, spreading them as far as they could go. She used one hand to caress Cloud's smooth thighs and the other to take care of her own needs. A mewl from Cloud alerted her to Drake starting to thrust in very short strokes. He lay down on his back embracing Cloud tightly as he brought him down with him. Their tails intertwined around each other. His slight thrusts continued and Cloud felt his body wracked with pleasure from every movement. Sheena got on her stomach. She rolled Cloud's balls in her hand and grasped his delicate cock. Her mate's ramming lifted Cloud off the ground. Making her hand stroke Cloud's cock with every thrust.

It didn't take long for Cloud to reach the culmination of his passion. His body wrenched and contorted. Cloud felt his body ignited with his orgasm. Drake's thrusts made his body hotter and his climax longer. Sheena's hand tightly held his cock as it convulsed in its furious climax. Drake felt the youth clench his cock and knew he was in the throws of his climax. He grasped Cloud's neck in his mouth and thrusted into him harder. Lifting him off the ground with every push. The young dragon squirmed from the intense pressure in his belly. He felt himself become limp when he felt Drake's teeth grip his neck. It reminded of what his brother had said. Once he allowed another male to mount him, he was his for that time. His climax pressed on and on. The continual movements of the cock in his body just made it go on longer. Cloud moaned loudly every time Drake's cock fully sheathed itself in his tail-hole. Whenever Cloud felt his climax slipping away a thrust from Drake would awaken it again. The cold tongue of Sheena began to lick around his stretched opening. Soothing the fierce heat and soreness around it. Her hand now started to caress the silky smooth legs of the young boy.

Drake grabbed Cloud's sides and started to slide the smaller male off and on his cock. He thrusted and pulled in rhythm and was soon sliding more than half of his cock out of the smaller male. Cloud was still recovering from his lengthy climax when Drake started thrusting harder and faster. Cloud could already feel his pleasure building again. He moaned loudly every time Drake's cock fully sheathed itself in his body and pressed hard into his belly. Sheena could feel her climax building as well. She continued to lick Drake's cock as it plunged in and out of the lithe dragon's body. The familiar tenseness in Drake's body signaled to her that he was close too. His steady pace turned into a swift, solid pounding. The small male on top of him shook with every thrust. Both males were on the edge of their climax.

Sheena roared, as her claws became soaked with her juices as she came. She watched the mad thrusting of Drake's cock throughout her orgasm. She still couldn't believe she was witnessing this. None other than her mate was mounting the most magnificent looking male she had ever seen. Drake focused on prolonging the experience as much as possible. As the bucking from Drake continued, Cloud was driven quickly to the edge of the pinnacle of his lust. Sheena watched as her mate's balls reeled up and his cock flexed. She grabbed Cloud's legs and pulled him back on Drake's cock until he was fully impaled on the black giant.

An ear-shattering shriek came from Cloud when he felt that first stream of cum land deep within him. Sheena's hands squeezed Drake's balls tightly as he came. It forced another heavy stream of Drake's seed to shoot deep inside Cloud's guts. An intoxicating radiance spread throughout Cloud's body when he felt what he had been longing for after he was with Drey. His tail-hole squeezed tightly. Cloud was in the throws of another intense orgasm. His body tightened and relaxed completely in turns. Still he dared not move a muscle with his neck locked firmly in Drake's jaws. He felt completely controlled by the large male filling him with cum. Drake continued to steadily pound into Cloud. Every thrust in the youth and every squeeze of his balls by his mate pumped another copious load of dragon seed inside the young male.

Drake thrusted continuously. Never before had he been able to make his climax last this long. Everything about Cloud made Drake wild with passion. The sweet smell emanating from his body, the luscious taste of skin, and the softest scales he had ever felt on any dragon, male or female. Drake could feel his strength fading fast with every thrust. Although he was completely spent, his cock remained rock hard deep inside Cloud. He could feel Sheena's cold tongue lapping up every drop of cum that leaked out of the youth's tail-hole. Cloud felt his insides start to stretch as he was filled beyond his limit with Drake's seed. The red dragon's cock was still fully erect, and it was still deep inside him.

He felt the teeth on his throat lift off his neck and the slick tongue run up his it. "Oh God Cloud. You're amazing," Drake marveled, readjusting his cock inside Cloud. "I want to take you home and make love to you for days and days. I want you to feel me inside you forever. I want you to be mine. I want you to be my mate," Drake rambled on stroking Cloud's chest. He was too infatuated with the youngster he was mounting to even notice his mate staring at him with a sardonic glare. "Uh honey, you forgetting someone," Sheena said in a wry tone. "I think you've already used that speech with me."

"Uh... I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean it," Drake fumbled. Sheena's demeanor didn't change under Drake's desperate pleas. "Um... I love you," Drake spouted.

"Uh huh, is that all," was Sheena's response.

"I don't really want him to be my mate honey. I mean I can't be mated to another male," Drake pleaded. "Um... I love you," was all he could mutter under the intense pressure from Sheena's scorning stare. "I think it's time you proved it," Sheena said standing up and stretching. Drake groaned loudly. He pulled his sensitive cock out of Cloud. A small strand of cum followed his cock out of Cloud's over stretched tail-hole. Cloud was in a dreamy state, not being able to move or speak. Both of the adult dragons set him against a tree to rest. His tail-hole was the color of sanguine and stretched so much they could see Cloud's insides coated and filled with Drake's sticky semen. Sheena kneeled down and kissed Cloud deeply before stopping to speak with him. "Your so beautiful young one. I almost wish we could take you home, but unfortunately we do have a life to live and young ones of our own to raise. Do you know where the Shaw-kin caverns are located?" Cloud shook his head in response. "Well we live in large cave across the stream by there. You can come by anytime you wish to see Drake or myself. You could also meet our five sons and our little girl, Annie. She looks a lot like you. I know you two could become fast friends. Please stop by. I'll be thinking about you. Although, probably not as much as Drake will be."

Drake kneeled down next to his mate. His cock was still hard and covered with his own cum. "You want to clean it for me?" Drake asked. Cloud put one hand on it and started to lap at the cum covered cock. This was the first time he had ever tasted cum. He liked it! It didn't take long for Cloud to make a mess of himself. The sticky seed now was all over the muzzle of youngster. Drake leaned in and locked muzzles with Cloud tasting his own seed. It was a deep kiss that made Cloud feel like that he was being lifted off the ground without ever moving. "She is right Cloud. I'll be thinking about you a lot, probably more than I should be. Please come by and visit. I would love to continue what we started here today. I'll miss you. Please, please, please visit. You can stay as long as you wish. By Cloud, I'll be waiting for you."

Drake and Sheena stood up and sighed. They looked in each other's eyes and kissed. As much as they wanted to stay they had to leave and forage for their family. Waving by to the drowsy youngster, the two gathered their clothes and took off in the moonlit sky. Cloud was left as he was, waiting for his brother. This time though, he was waiting with a belly full of cum. He was too exhausted to even move a muscle. Cloud felt absolutely wonderful as he drifted off to sleep. Sure his brother was bigger and mounted him throughout the night, but this was the one male he had dreamed about. He had done it. That thick ebony cock he saw that day had actually had been in him! Cloud rubbed his belly. He could feel the warmth inside him with his hand. He was filled to the brim with the red dragon's seed and he felt the intense heat sear his insides. He felt so good being filled like this. He wanted to know what every male's seed felt like. He yawned loudly. His fatigue had finally caught up with him. Completely spent himself, Cloud drifted off into a heavy sleep, still waiting for his brother to come to him.

The End.

I've really become fond of Cloud. He is definitely my favorite charachter. So expect more stories about him.