Grik The Great - Chapter 1

Story by VorePseudonym on SoFurry

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Grik is a kobold with fantasies about becoming a dragon. Afterall, what is a kobold if not just a tiny dragon?

Grik The Great

Chapter one Contains: Vore, Stuffing, Weight Gain, Kobolds, Scalies, Digestion, Fat, Tubby, Sex, M/F, Group Sex, Orgy, Unwilling Prey, Unknowing Pred, Food, Sloshing, Same Size Vore

Future Chapters May contain: Transformation, Mass Vore, Excessive Weight Gain, Immobility, Breeding, Etc

Grik had never really been much like the other kobolds. They were all about their service to the Great Dragon Under the Mountain. Grik never really understood why. Why serve something great, when you could BE something great. It wasn't like he refused to do his tasks, only that he prioritised his goals and desires, which for the most part involved a whole lot of sleeping, eating, and fucking. For a kobold, he was very good at all of those things, which was something evidenced by his stature. At 70 pounds (32Kgs) he was nearly double the weight of a normal kobold, a round, soft gut sat on his front, and not even his 4-foot height (A giant amongst kobolds) was enough to account for all that extra padding. His thighs were wide and his rump very round and soft looking, each step he took made his body wobble under his burnt red scales. Sure he was a bit stronger than other kobolds, but not by much, and so the majority of that weight was just thick layers of fat.

Of course, being one of the largest kobolds in the mountain did come with plenty of perks. As it turns out being taller, and thicker made him all the more draconic in the eyes of his fellow kobolds and so he was treated with a good deal more respect and leniency than others. This was something he took full advantage of any time he could. He would always get the best and biggest cuts of meat in the dining den and often would wrangle seconds and thirds off of the kobolds doing the serving. Additionally, he had his pick of females, and males, to bed and his picks were, well, all of them.

On one particularly warm and boisterous evening, he had managed to sway and swoon a pair of lovely female kobolds and a raunchy cute male to accompany him back to his den from the tavern den. On their way down the dimly lit tunnels of the caverns, they dipped into the kitchens and made off with several large sacks of food from the stores. A chubby older male kobold had chased them for a very short distance, but even Grik with his tubby form managed to escape him without too much trouble.

The four settled into his warm concave and soft floored den where he had entertained more than his fair share of cute things before. There was little illusion as to why they were there. And within a few moments, he was flopped on his back, his cock semi-hard and inside the muzzle of one of the smaller, cute kobold girls. The black and gold scaled kobold girl was quite attractive, she had a lithe build, a little more skinny than Grik usually liked but it suited her. She had wide hips which swayed quite enticingly as she lapped the underside of his length. The other two kobolds went about getting out the foodstuffs they had stolen with him, eyeing him up much of the time. The male was a little short for a kobold, standing about 2 foot tall (61 cm), he had greenish scaled skin and was a little soft around the edges, sporting a wide pair of hips and a soft-looking rump, making him look more feminine than the black-gold one Grik was railing. The female who was helping him sort out the food was softer figured than the other two, probably about 45 pounds and sporting her own small belly and soft rump and thighs, she was a deep burnt red, not that dissimilar from Grik himself.

Once Grik was fully hard they moved about, he grunted a little and had to struggle just a bit, his belly was still quite full from dinner and so getting up was more of a challenge than he had expected it to be.

Even so within a few moments, he had his stomach rested on the front of the sweet lithe black-gold kobold girl who wrapped her legs about his waist. He let out a content grunting noise as his fair-sized shaft pressed against her wet slit and his length slid into her, making him moan out with relief, he had been quite worked up through the day and this was much needed.

Soon his hips were slapping against her and his jaws were open. The other two quickly got the picture. They scrambled to pick up the food they had unpacked a few moments before and began to feed the wannabe drake. The first bite of a haunch of meat was an explosion of pleasure in his maw as it always was, and so was the second. The sensation of being fed whilst rutting always made him feel oh so regal, oh so big and oh so worshipped.

The haunch of meat, a string of 20 sausages, a couple of skins of sweet mead, each item of food added ever more weight to his gut, and girth to his waistline. That female kobold under him was now mostly obscured by his belly which pinned her there. Although judging by the whimpers of pleasure and desire under him, she didn't exactly mind.

His hoard of food was done, finished and consumed and so the other two kobolds, very riled up from the show they had been getting thus far, scrabbled around until the chubby female was on all fours, hands on the front of Grik's belly whilst the male slammed into her from behind with abandon. The room filled with the sounds of kobolds rutting, scaled flesh slapping together along with grunts and moans.

Now Grik had been quite lost in his pleasure, lost in his lust, lost in the consumption and excess of it all. He had not seen the end of the food, he had not noticed the two before him, hazy eyed, drunk and nearing his peak his focuses lay with his belly and with that tunnel squeezing about his shaft. His maw hung part open, panting and moaning, awaiting the next item of food from his delightful feeders.

The female with her hands on the front of his gut was bounced back and forth by the overzealous male behind her, quivering and panting, seeing Grik's maw inches before her she lent herself forward to try and lock him into something of a kiss. Her muzzle met his for barely a second. For when their muzzles touched his drooling jaws opened so very wide and he leaned forward to grab at that fresh delicious haunch of meat before him. She didn't get the chance to let out even a squeak of protest. Head, shoulders and upper arms were all crammed into Grik's gluttonous, dripping and hot maw. He immediately began to gulp and swallow.

She kicked, writhed and wiggled, but Grik was far too hungry and far too lost in the pleasure of what was happening. The only thing that passed through his mind was 'Wow, this is a big chunk of meat' which was swiftly followed by his mind blanking as he began to unload into the pussy of the kobold under him.

The other male noticed what was happening but only at the point that his playmate was already waist-deep inside of Grik's maw. He yanked his paws off of her waist for fear of ending up going down with her, his cock flopping out of her dripping sex as he stumbled back, watching on in wide-eyed awe and horror as Grik threw his head back, gulping and swallowing one of his kind.

The wannabe drake's claws held onto the sides of his belly as he felt his meal starting to enter it. He opened his eyes just in time to see that what hung out of his maw was not, in fact, a hunk of beef or pork, but instead was the ornate orange clawed feet and the tail tip of the burnt-red kobold girl he had brought back with him. He gagged slightly for all of a second before his body took over and her feet and that tail were dragged deeper until they slunk out of view, his stomach now completely obscuring the female under him who was writhing with no idea what had gone on.

A huge belch roared from between his jaws, splattering saliva over the floor and his stomach in front of him. He groaned as he felt her starting to kick, writhe and squirm in his gut, struggling against his walls. "G-Grik... T-Too full. He eat-gulp by accident!" He said quickly, trying to justify himself to the male in front of him "No tell! No Tell!" The male on the other side of the den was still too stunned to move. When sense finally came back he nodded a few times. "No Tell!" The other male replied.

Once that was established Grik realised that he was rapidly suffocating and crushing the poor girl under him. With the help of the other male, Grik was practically rolled off of her. She came up gasping and panting and giggling. It took several moments for her to realise what had happened and then a further few moments to calm her down as she hissed growled in surprise and confusion.

Grik could do little but lay there on his back, utterly pinned by the weight of his squirming gut as the two other Kobolds skittered to the other side of his den and in hushed but sharp sounding words began a discussion that Grik could not hear. For one they were being quiet and two; his stomach was making a lot of noise, far more noise than he had ever heard it make before, glorping, churning groans. And third; the way that other form squirmed and moved within his gut felt utterly incredible, he could feel every kick, arching of her back and hand drag down the inside of his stomach walls, causing bulges and ripples in the outside of his gut. His cock was rock hard again already, pulsing and twitching against the underside of his reddish underbelly, causing a small dent in the fat there.

He was so distracted in fact that he didn't even notice when the two kobolds had made up their minds with what to do with him. His answer came soon after though when he felt a pair of hands press firmly against the side of his belly, kneading and rubbing deeply against it. The explosion of pleasure was immediate. It almost felt better than the movement within and his legs shook. His tongue lulled out of his maw as he looked up to see the female stood over him, working his gut "We stay-stays. I Knuk, he Klik!" Her tail swayed behind her "We obey-serve!" She said, almost smiling proudly. And it was at that moment that it became obvious where the male had gone as his maw wrapped around Grik's cock. The fat kobold laid back and shuddered with lust and released a rather raucous and huge belch.

He had never heard of a kobold with other kobold servants, but he wasn't going to question it.

Klik and Knuk showed their dedication to him as the night wore on, helping him remain comfortable despite the cramps and aches of being so dangerously overfull. The squirms slowly died down within him whilst the other two pandered to him and encouraged him as his belly continued its immense chorus.

At some point he must've fallen asleep as when he opened his eyes again he woke to the sensation of Klik curled up to his left and Knuk asleep with her head and upper back laid against his belly. The bulges of his meal had softened down quite dramatically now, and his stomach was far more of a dome than the lumpy mass it had been the night before, and it had shrunk, although not nearly enough for him to move again just yet, he was vaguely aware of the fact that his thighs rubbed a little more firmly together and that his arms resting on his stomach in front of him looked decidedly softer already. Maybe he had found a new way of becoming more draconic. Afterall bigness is next to drakeness in the eyes of kobolds.

VorePseudonym hopes you have enjoyed this program.

Grik will be back soon in Chapter 2.

For more content like it, check out my page, or Twitter, if you want your own story written, please do get in touch.


Grik the Great - Chapter 2

Grik The Great - Chapter 2 * * * Chapter two Contains: Vore, Stuffing, Weight Gain, Kobolds, Scalies, Digestion, Fat, Tubby, Dragons, Unwilling Prey, Prey Bigger than Pred, Weight Gain, Immobility, Transformation Future Chapters May contain:...

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