Grik the Great - Chapter 2

Story by VorePseudonym on SoFurry

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Grik truly begins his transformation to greatness as he discovers new ways to grow.

Grik The Great - Chapter 2

Chapter two Contains: Vore, Stuffing, Weight Gain, Kobolds, Scalies, Digestion, Fat, Tubby, Dragons, Unwilling Prey, Prey Bigger than Pred, Weight Gain, Immobility, Transformation

Future Chapters May contain: Mass Vore, Breeding, Etc.

Grik peered into the tarnished sheet of brass with an ornate border in front of him. His head tilted and dipped back and forth a little, screwing his eyes up a little at points as he looked at the reflection in that sheet and then down at himself and then back again.

The kobold that stared back at him was hardly the same one he had caught in reflections in the past. This one was much rounder and softer looking, thighs that rubbed together when he walked, a thick pair of hips, and a belly that hung heavy before him, despite how empty it felt. Even his face looked different, softly puffed up cheeks and a neck sporting its own layer of fat.

The two smaller kobolds stood either side of that mirrored tray, leant on it and looking equally intrigued. Klik and Knuck, his two new and very obedient servants were enthralled with the results of the accidental overfeeding that had been performed two nights before.

Poor Grik had been stuck digesting his squirmy meal for nearly two days, trapped under the weight of his own immensely stuffed gut whilst it digested not only several tens of pounds of food but a good 30 odd pounds of kobold girl. He had never found out her name but that had never really mattered to him. She was far better padding him out, she had added to his greatness. Klik and Knuk's worship was a secondary very pleasant surprise and side effect of eating the other kobold. He seemed elevated to them, closer to being a dragon and so in their eyes one very much worthy of their worship. The Great Dragon Under the Mountain may have been larger, more powerful and, well, a dragon, but as it turned out proximity and direct contact with something great was enough to sway loyalty within some kobolds.

At a little over 90lbs (41Kgs), Grik was now by a pretty comfortable margin the fattest kobold in the mountain. The only ones who knew just HOW Grik had managed this feat were his new servants. Grik didn't exactly want it getting out that he was eating his own kind, even if these two had reacted positively that likely wouldn't end well for him in the long run. More likely than not if the tribe leaders and elders were to learn of what he had done they would send for him, and likely feed him to the Great Dragon Under the Mountain. This went against Grik's plans and so Klik and Knuk were commanded to keep this secret. Being eaten would not lead to greatness.

How he had gotten so large may have been easy enough to be kept a secret, but the fact that he was now so fat was impossible to keep hush, not that he minded. Dens seldom had doors and Grik's was no difference, so during his epic digestion quest more than a few passers-by had dipped their snouts in or had peered down into his den to see a kobold so fat they initially mistook him for a minor drake. Gossip is gossip no matter what species you are and soon enough word got around about the disastrously fat kobold named Grik.

Grik was far from deterred by all of this news that had been brought to him by his servants. Despite his increased size, he was still mostly mobile, even if his footsteps brought with them heavier thuds than they once had. As he moved to the exit of his den a new challenge emerged, the exit was at an angle and his den lower than the hallway it exited onto. Even as he scrambled on his rear claws to get through that hole he had breezed past on the way in days before he found that wider gut and hips grabbed at the dirt walls either side. His claws dug into the ground and he puffed and grunted, pushing as hard as he could to try and squeeze through that opening.

He felt two sets of taloned hands at his plush ass, starting to shove and push with all of their might. It was no use though, the massive kobold was trapped there in that narrow entranceway. His legs dangled behind him, knees resting on the underside of his gut which had squished downward and locked him in tight. His arms could just about reach the ground and the sides of the 2-foot deep hole he was trapped in but they could do little more other than hang at his front. "Get Out! Get Grik Out-Free!" He cried out to his servants. Those shouts were muffled but they were heard.

After a few more moments he could hear the sounds of scratching and digging and feel two small forms on either side of his with a whole lot of scrabbling. Apparently, they were attempting to widen the hole around the sides of his gut to free him up.

He sighed. This could be a long morning, and even worse his stomach growled and grumbled almost louder than the scratching of his two faithful pets. He hadn't eaten in two whole days! Sure he had eaten a feast and an entire kobold, but it had still been two days since he had put food down his gullet. This was probably the longest he had ever been without eating something. "Grik will starve-waste here." He sighed and his large pointed and floppy ears folded back along his head.

It didn't take long for others to stumble upon him. There were some smirks, some stares and even some laughter. However, he also noted a good deal of other reactions, including looks of jealousy, fear or even reverence. These were the reactions he had always wanted to see in others.

This only emboldened that tubby kobold, encouraging his need to grow, despite his current predicament.

There was a particularly harsh laugh that brought him back from the thoughts of growth and the hunger in his belly. The laughter came from a particularly tubby female kobold with deep blueish scales with silvery stripes. "Wellwell. Grik too fat-big? Stuck-caught in hole? Silly-silly Grik. Trat always say-know Grik too greedy-fat!" She laughed again. Trat had always been something of a rival of his. A rival and a desire. She was extremely attractive with those wide hips, that pot belly and those heavy-set thighs and quite a pretty face too with lovely part curled horns. It wasn't just that figure of hers, there was also the back and forth they had always had with each other. The teasing words, lustful glances and constant competition.

Still, that teasing regularly angered and frustrated him. He made a little growling sound under his breath "Trat jealous-want! Trat wish she big-power like Grik!" He flailed his arms out in front of him, grabbing at her but she just laughed "Grik not smart-clever like me. Grik stuck in hole." She shook her head, turning as though about to leave when her ears pricked up perfectly vertical and turned behind her head. A look of fear washed over her face and it took Grik a moment to realise what was happening before her and several others who had been watching the exchange suddenly dropped to all fours and scattered in several directions and down into nearby dens.

Grik knew what was coming, a genuine fear welled up in him. He heard the rumble and repeated thudding coming from a good distance off. "QUICK-QUICK! Pull back-in!" He cried out desperately to his servants. They had nearly freed him from his hole but he would not be able to outrun what was coming. His only hope was to hide. Small taloned hands grabbed onto his stubby chubby legs and started to yank and pull at him, he could feel the rock and dirt around his gut starting to give way, starting to free him as his eyes locked onto what turned the corner of the tunnel to his right.

The narrow green snout of something that looked not dissimilar from himself but much longer, narrower. Almost like a snake with some fluffy fur sprouting from the rear parts of its cheeks and eye ridges. The creature writhed and squirmed down the passage, in a beautiful demonstration of its name. Wyrm.

Wyrms were the scavengers of the deeps, crawling through tunnels made by kobolds stealing their eggs and sometimes the kobolds themselves. Long, lithe, strong but not remarkably smart so they didn't tend to catch kobolds off guard often. Whilst they were able to roam the main corridors and tunnels (At a squeeze) Kobolds always made the entrances to their dens and rooms far too small for these wyverns to squeeze down without significant tunnelling and squeezing, usually giving them time to hide, escape or beat the creature over the nose until it gave up.

The wyrm coming down the tunnel towards Grik's den snaked its way along the path, claws digging into the walls either side of its body as it went, at 9 foot long and probably in the region of 200 pounds the noodle dragon was not the largest of his kind by any stretch. Almost small enough to squeeze through the average den entrance, but also small enough that a small party of kobolds could probably fend him off.

Grik's legs stopped kicking and wiggling as that great beast finally came upon him and his den. He remained as still as he could but it turned its head to stare directly at him. The thing sniffed the air hungrily and reared back, about to strike at him and likely tear him to shreds. Grik let out a terrified screech at the creature, covering his face with both arms for a moment before a grunt and a roar filled his ears. Grik looked between his arms in time to see the beast turn away from him and a rock thud to the dirt. "Hey-Hey! Dumb worm-noodle!" He heard, in the familiar voice of Trat. Grik flinched back a bit and the shimmering green body of that Wyrm blew past him down that hall. Whilst not smart but they did understand a little of the kobold's tongue and were very sensitive about the particular term 'noodle' when it was used to describe them.

Trat dove down into a nearby den, scooting to the back of it as the creature brought its snout right to her den's hole, claws scraping and scratching at the walls of the entrance, trying to claw its way in to reach her within. She hissed, screeched, and shouted at it, but the wyrm had locked on and was very displeased with her. Grik squirmed in his hole, he could see the thin tail of the thing flicking around in front of him whilst it tried to dig into Trat's den.

Grik was nearly free at this point, his servants had been scratching away the walls on either side of him. He wanted to help Trat but he was trapped, and what could one kobold do! He opened his mouth to shout for his servants to pull faster but all he managed was a thud and GLK as the flicking tail of the thing slapped into his maw. He panicked and bit down hard on the tail of the wyrm. It roared out in response. The narrow nature of the kobold's tunnels meant that the creature couldn't turn itself around, even with its narrow body, it tried to look over its shoulders a couple of times and then it surged backwards rather suddenly. Grik tensed and flailed his arms as 3 foot of tail was forced down his throat, the hips of the wyrm jamming into his maw before it realised what it had done to itself.

Grik couldn't deny that it tasted pretty amazing, and having that tail curling up inside of his empty belly finally gave him a bit of fullness for the first time since the incident days before. The drooling maw of the kobold opened for a second and he swallowed with all of his might, shoving his head forward at the same time, like a snake eager for its meal. His jaws stretched oh so wide to accommodate those rear hips and the wyrm's rear legs were forced forwards, lifting them from the ground.

That wriggling draconic creature began to screech desperately, clawing at the walls either side of it as it tried to charge forward now, but the loose soil on the inside of the walls dragged through its claws as Grik gulped, slurped and swallowed over and over, jaws opening and shutting as he dragged his prey deeper and deeper into his stomach. By the time he was over the things rear hips there was no chance for the wyrm to escape. His hips gave a pretty good leverage point for those strong internal muscles to just suck the wyrm deeper. His lackeys behind him had dislodged him, but as his gut began to swell and expand with his latest meal he felt himself being pushed back by the swell, dragging his front half out of the hallway and down into his den. Luckily for him, the newly widened hole was wide enough for that wyrm to glide down.

To say it was an easy task would be to truly undersell the achievement that this tubby kobold was earning. His stomach ballooned with every inch of draconic wyrm he sucked down and by the time the forelegs of that thing were in front of his jaws he was mostly belly, trapped there atop his gut which filled the vast majority of his den. His servants had scrambled to either side of the entrance, but were still stuck in there with their stuffed master who's back was nearly touching the roof.

The wyvern was panicked and desperate but also utterly exhausted from struggling against that kobold's intense hunger. His forelegs grabbed at the walls on either side of the entrance, small desperate roars escaping his maw as he tried to pull himself out. Several kobolds who had been hiding in nearby dens emerged, including Trat who walked up before the creature that had been so ready to do to her exactly what Grik was now doing to it. "Dumb noodle-worm!" She cried out, using her foot to kick the thing on the end of the nose. The creature grunted and cried out, claws slipping as the walls crumbled a little. When he gave that final gulp the weight of the creature worked against it, already so much of its body inside of Grik. The creature's head slipped down rapidly and then its wiggling forelegs hung out of his maw, gliding down slowly as he slurped, finishing that creature off like a giant noodle, twitching claws vanishing from view down the back of his gullet before his jaws shut tight.

The hall filled with the cheers and shouts of kobolds. They were often able to fend off wyrms but there had been few to no tales or even legends of kobolds managing to vanquish one, until now. Grik could hardly even hear the chorus of shouts and cheers, far too concerned with how over-full he was. He hiccuped and a moment later released an immense belch, splattering the ground with his saliva, all whilst his servants crawled out from the sides of that exit hole, leaving their master filling most of his den with his gut.

"Grik-Great! Grik-Great!" The two of them began to chant in the hall, and soon the cry was taken up by the others. Grik shuddered and moaned out, he could feel his shaft was rock hard, pressing against the underside of his gut as that noodle-dragon writhed, squirmed and slithered within him, rolling over itself and practically tying itself into knots trying to get out of his hot, churning stomach. Grik's hips rolled and ground himself against the underside of his belly, hardly even able to stay conscious with how full he was.

There seemed to be a great deal of commotion outside of his den, but that all seemed so far away as he gave in to the churning and rumbling of his gut and the sensation of it rubbing against his shaft. Eventually, he painted the underside of his gut with a thick, warm coating of his spunk and then passed out, shivering atop his writhing gut.

As he slept his stomach churned, gurgled, glorped and worked on its meal. He was vaguely aware as he dipped in and out of wakefulness of several sets of taloned hands working at his belly, and the sensation of that over-fullness reducing, the ache becoming less and the torpor of the great meal reducing.

He blinked lazily as he came around, not sure how long had passed since his impromptu but much appreciated meal, eyes hazily staring out over his muzzle. Things seemed different. He yawned loudly, stretching his arms, his legs, and his? He blinked, turning his head to look down at his back. As he peered at his own back he noted a tiny pair of wings, hardly a foot of wingspan on either side, and they moved when he tried to move them! Then it dawned on him that he had never been able to twist his head around this far before, was his neck longer?

He blinked and grunted, realising that his grunt sounded deeper, heavier, more resonant. He touched his talons to the ground, front and rear. He could stand, just about anyway. His stomach still touched the ground, sloshing and glorping deeply around his mostly digested meal. His arms were much longer, his rear legs longer but less so.

He peered at his body and then at several of the sleeping kobolds around him and then at the ones that were awake, staring up at him with awe and reverence, bordering on worship. Trat was among them, standing a good several inches taller than most of them and he dwarfed her and them.

When he stood up on all fours his head nearly touched the ceiling of the room. He must've been nearly 8 foot long and his tail had lengthened too, with nubbly spines poking from the top surface of it. Was he.... a dragon? Or at least... something closer? Maybe Grik could be great. Maybe Grik could become what he had always known he was deep down. A dragon.

VorePseudonym hopes you have enjoyed this program.

Grik will be back soon in Chapter 3.

For more content like it, check out my page, or Twitter, if you want your own story written, please do get in touch.

Grik The Great - Chapter 1

Grik The Great * * * Chapter one Contains: Vore, Stuffing, Weight Gain, Kobolds, Scalies, Digestion, Fat, Tubby, Sex, M/F, Group Sex, Orgy, Unwilling Prey, Unknowing Pred, Food, Sloshing, Same Size Vore Future Chapters May contain: Transformation,...

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