The Chance to Explore: Part 10 Making Choices

Story by WanderLust on SoFurry

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Thanks to everyone for their reviews of the previous chapter. I'll reply to them as soon as I've posted. I've been working my butt off to get this update finish and I think I've gotten most of the grammar and spelling errors but I know I missed a few. Anyway I hope you like it.

Making Choices

"There now. I told you running would be a good idea." Breyson said as he skidded to a halt. "I thoroughly enjoyed myself."

"I am sooo happy for you." Jaden said crossing his arms and scowling. "Now will you put me down?!"

The human had tried to keep up with his lover. Unfortunately the horse had been unable to restrain himself from running full-speed toward their destination. Several times Jaden had been forced to use his wrist comm to tell Brey to stop or else they'd run the risk of becoming separated. The third time he did it, however, Brey not only stopped but trotted back, pick Jaden up and hoisted him onto his shoulder. Then he took off running again, this time with an irate human punching his back and demanding to put down. And now that they were at the foot of the mountain, Breyson was more than happy to kneel down and let Jaden slide to the ground.

It took Jaden several seconds to find his footing. Having spent over an hour looking back the way they had come, left him feeling a little disoriented. Turning around Jaden got his first up close look at the emerald-green mountain. God, it was huge. From their position at the base, he couldn't see the top nor could he hear anything other than the numerous waterfalls that covered it's surface.

"Either there's some kind of lake up there..." Jaden said craning his head up. "Or it's continuously raining...Do you think the water is safe? Brey...?"

He turned back to look at the stallion but Breyson had disappeared. Then from a small out-cropping of rocks, came a loud whinny and Jaden looked up just in time to Brey cannonball into one of the deep pools created by several merged waterfalls. He emerged after a few seconds and began treading water.

"Come on in." He yelled up to Jaden. "It feels fine."

"Are you crazy?" Jaden yelled back. "What if there's bacteria floating in there that our nanites aren't programmed to recognize yet?"

"I just got a notification from one of the survey drones. "Breyson started swimming in circles. "The water is as safe here as it is on our homeworlds. Now get in here."

Jaden pulled off his wrist comm and loincloth. Taking a few steps back, he ran and jumped off the edge. "I can't believe I'm doing THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" And dove right into the water. He came up sputtering, coughing and shivering. "The...*cough, cough*....water is...n-n-n-ot fine!" Jaden shook his hair out of his eyes and tried to swim for the edge but a pair of arms encircled him and Brey's warm body pressed up against his back.

"Would you have come down here if I had told you that the water was freezing?" Brey put his feet on the pools rocky floor and began to walk them to a shallower area. "I have an idea. How about we christen this planet...before anyone else get's the chance to."

"What do you mean by 'christen'?" Jaden asked but a second later he had his answer. The stallion's long, hard cock had risen up and was now sticking out between the human's legs. Looks like Breyson was in need of a little loving. Reaching down Jaden began to slowly massage the stiff male-hood and he leaned back so Brey could kiss him. By the time they reached the pool's edge Brey was at full-mast and his tongue was exploring every corner of his lover's mouth.

Jaden slid from his lover's arms and dropped to his knees. He ran his lips along the stiff cock, from tip to base then he let go; choosing instead to focus the orange sized balls dangling in front of him. He licked the leather sac and opened his mouth as wide as possible. It had taken a lot of practice but he was now able to take one large nugget without scrapping it with his teeth. He let it rest on his tongue, gently rolling it around before gently sucking and pulling it away from its owners body.

Once it was nice and slick and Brey began thrusting his hips, Jaden released the orb and gave its twin the same treatment. Then he ran his tongue back up the stallion's cock and took the head into his mouth; letting it fill him with pre-cum until it started flowing down his chin. That was when Jaden noticed that a small vial of lube in Brey's hand. He grabbed it and popped the top off. He was just about to bring it to his lips when the stallion stopped him.

"No." Breyson's deep voice sounded lustful. "I want to use that somewhere else." And he took the vial and began spreading it's contents over his lengthy dick.

"Wow, you want to do it out here?" Jaden asked turning to lay on his back.

Brey lowered himself to his knees, pushed Jaden's legs apart and pressed his cock between his cheeks, probing for the entrance. "Things have changed now that our relationship is no longer secret. When I take you to Peyllana, most of our love-making will be done outside...sometimes in full view of my herd. Do not let your fears give you pause. It is as natural as fish swimming in the sea."

The lube being smeared onto Jaden's hole by Brey's member caused it loosen and open very quickly. Soon, the round head entered him and Jaden had to bite his lip to keep from screaming. But Brey was gentle. Thrusting in slowing; only adding an inch when he felt that the passage was prepared to take it. Soon the stallion's wet balls came to rest against the human's rear and Breyson ceased pumping altogether.

"Just relax and get use to the size." The stallion said while kissing away the tears forming in Jaden's eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have brought more of the lubricant."

" I'm okay." Jaden replied running the back of his hand along his lover's long nose. "I just can't get over how it feels when you're fucking me....It's like you're a part of me."

Brey leaned forward and pressed his lips against Jaden's. "Silly human, I am a part of you. We will always share a connection now; even....even if we ever part ways."

"Yeah, like that's going to happen." Jaden said giving the cock in his ass a squeeze. "I'm going to travel with you forever. And there are so many places I want to show you on Earth."

The human then wrapped his arms around Brey's neck and he legs around his waist. Using his lover's body as leverage, he began swinging his body up and down on the huge cock. Brey had to put his hands on the ground to support himself; having someone hanging off his body while at the same time ridding his dick was a very new and very stimulating experience. With some practice, he'd probably let Jaden continue for as long as he wanted but the young male wasn't ridding nearly long or hard enough to push Brey into a mating frenzy.

He pulled Jaden off and slowly withdrew. Breyson the rolled him onto all fours and placed the head of his member against Jaden's hole. He ran his tongue over his wet, smooth back and put his hands right next to Jaden's; so that his body completely shadowed his smaller lover. "Going to breed you good and proper now." The stallion said and in one swift movement, he hilted himself.

Jaden nearly feel forward when the engorged cock pushed past his still tight ring. He let out a shout of surprise and desire when he realized that Brey was going to completely bury himself. Digging his hands into the damp earth and throwing his head back so hard that it thumped against the horse's chest, Jaden didn't have to wait long for Brey's balls to be pressed between his cheeks. "Oh...oh I love it. Take me hard."

"Good...n proper." Was all the the stallion said before grabbing Jaden's hips and beginning long, powerful thrusts. He pulled out so that just the head of his cock remained inside and then he filled the warm passage once more; Brey paused for a full heart beat before pulling back and repeating the process. He purposely took things slow; he wanted Jaden to beg.

The stallion maintained the steady pace, enough to bring his love to the edge of orgasm but not enough to push him over. The human's body jerked against his own, obviously trying to get that last little bit of stimulation. Poor little Jaden; not just yet.

Breyson rose to sit on his knees and withdrew his now completely hard penis; which caused Jaden to growl in frustration. "What are you doing?! Trying to drive me crazy?!"

"No need to get upset." Brey replied calmly. "I just want to get you into a better position." He pointed to a moss-covered tree that had fallen over and now laid on its side. "Go stand next to that tree, bend over and place your hands on in."

The human frowned at him but complied; his hard cock bouncing up and down as he walked. "Like this?" He asked, standing directly in front of the log and leaning forward so his hands were resting upon it.

"Spread you legs more..." Brey directed. "...And push your rear out. I wish to see everything."

Everything was what he got. When Jaden was in the right position, Brey got a perfect view of his smooth round balls dangling between his legs; as well as his stretched, red hole. Brey wished that he had remembered to pack his personal image-recorder; the sight of his beautiful lover, so open and vulnerable definitely needed to be captured and shared.

"Come on!" Jaden whined. "Get over here!"

Breyson, though getting a little weary of Jaden's behavior, marched over but instead of mounting the human, he instead pushed his mouth in-between Jaden's buttocks and started licking and nibbling. The lubed hole was now loose enough to allow his thick tongue to dive into Jaden's passage.

As the stallion lapped at the hot, fleshy insides Jaden's lusty scream echoed through the jungle. Brey really was trying to drive him crazy. If Jaden didn't get to cum soon, he honestly believed that his nuts would explode.

"S-stop licking me and start fucking, dammit!" He demanded through gritted teeth.

Brey responded by giving him several hard slaps on one of Jaden's round ass-cheeks.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Ask nicely." Brey warned before giving the other cheek the same treatment.

"Pleeeeeease..." Jaden said as he received several more smacks.

"Please, what?" Brey asked, continuing his spanking. Though he chose not to mention that he could smell Jaden's arousal increasing.

"Please, give me a proper breeding." Jaden begged unconsciously pushing is ass further out to give Breyson a better target. "Make me your mare."

The stallion didn't need to hear anything else. He stood and draped his body over Jaden's. Using his hands he, somewhat roughly, spread his lover's red bottom and rammed himself inside. This time it was Breyson's voice that traveled through the jungle; exciting tree-climbing animals and sending birds into flight.

No longer were his thrusts slow and steady; at least half his dick was always inside the human. Brey would make his Jaden cum first and then he would release his seed.

It didn't take long. After a few minutes of down right animal fucking, Jaden (his face pressed against the fallen tree for support) gave an exhausted series of gasps and shot his milky-white fluids onto the soft grass at his feet. The scent of his lover's cum filled Brey's nostrils and next things the horse knew, he was riding a wave of please while gently biting into Jaden's shoulder and a small stream of his own cum was dripping off his balls.

Using what strength he had, Brey carried Jaden back to the pool and settled down on a large patch of grass. He slowly turned Jaden so that they were facing each other and since he was still buried deep in the human's ass, this had the added affect of making them both hard again. Brey took Jaden's cock in his hand and started squeezing it and rubbing the sensitive head with his thumb. "Ride me." He said.

Jaden closed his and slowly began rising and lowering himself on the stallion.

"I take it you enjoyed yourself?" Brey added, folding his arm behind his head as Jaden did all the 'work'.

Jaden opened one eye. "Hell yeah. But what was with the spanking?" And he reached back to rub his beet red ass.

"You were getting a little too demanding." said Brey. "I normally don't mind it when the person I'm with wants certain things, but you were becoming almost childish. You may not be an official member of my herd but nonetheless, I expect my own wishes to be respected. Our relationship is more than just about what you want and I think I have been very accommodating."

"You're right." Jaden said getting a little breathless. Between the twitching cock he was humping and the hand on his own member, it was hard to focus on the conversation. "I shouldn't selfish."

"Thank you." Brey mouthed. He took a moment to look at the sky and noted the waning of the sun. "We'll have to finish up soon. I'll have to carry you again so we can get back before dark. Would you like to bathe before we leave or wait and use the stream that is closer to the camp?"

"I...don't care either way." Talking was becoming very difficult now. "But if I wait, I'll probably have your cum leaking out of my ass for the entire trip."

Brey pulled Jaden close so that their faces were only inches apart. "I rather like the idea of my seed running down your legs. Between that and the lovely red color of your rear-end, what further proof do I need that I did in fact give you a proper breeding?"


The next two days were pretty much repeats of the first. Brey and Jaden would explore an area, have sex; move on to a different area and have sex; take some readings and then have more sex.

The only things that ever interrupted their routine was the few times Breyson had to contact the Majestic Explorer. Now that it was confirmed that the vegetation and water were palatable, Captain Trovani was sending all the operational shuttles down to replenish the ship badly depleted supplies.

But finally, their last evening on the plant was quickly approaching and all that was left to do was to break down the camp.

"You are sure that you don't want to use the name you picked?" Breyson asked as he broke down one of the sonic emitters.

"Yes." Jaden replied.

"Since it was you that brought us to this planet, it is tradition that you be allowed a say in its naming. Yes, the name you chose is rather small but after the past few days, I think I rather like-"

"We are not calling the planet 'Bob'." Jaden said exasperated. "It was just a joke. Let someone else pick a name; I'll bet there's a list of some good ones out there."

"Perhaps." Was the stallions only reply. He stretched and felt several muscles pop. "Regardless, I think I will miss this place; it has been so long since I've been on a truly untouched world. And you will miss it too, I think. The other humans will be jealous that you no longer have those...what do you call them? Tan-marks?"

"Tan-lines." Jaden corrected as he glanced down at his now bronzed colored body. Despite the cover of the jungle trees, he had definitely gotten a lot of sun. Even his borrowed loincloth failed to provided his crotch with any protection; thought this was probably due to the fact that he had spent nearly half of his time not wearing it. At least he hadn't burned, that would have been uncomfortable.

Brey stepped up behind him and ran his hands down Jaden's back and then rubbed the two darkened buttocks. Reaching around he cupped the human's cock and balls. "We have about we enjoy this planet as much as we can before we have to leave?"

Jaden leaned back and was just about to pulled Brey into a kiss when the stallion's comm beeped. Sighing audibly the Lieutenant Commander slapped his wrist.

"Breyson here."

"Commander." Win'telsis Trovani's voice replied crisp and clear; completely devoid of its usual relaxed tone. "We're moving up your launch window. I need you to be in orbit for pick up in thirty minutes."

Brey and Jaden immediately separated and started packing the remaining equipment into the pod. "Is there a problem?" The stallion asked still speaking to his captain and mate.

"Several problems but nothing that I want to talk about over an open're not going to like it." If possible Win's voice became even more solemn. "Just hurry back."

Twenty minutes later Jaden and Breyson were back in their uniforms and rocketing towards orbit. Despite the situation Brey kept his promise and allowed Jaden to pilot the small craft; which he did flawlessly. Once they'd left the planet's atmosphere they saw that the Majestic Explorer had indeed navigated within range. Parked over the large continent they'd been exploring; it's docking-bay was open and another pod was being tractored inside.

As Jaden maneuvered the pod towards the ship, he noticed that not only were half of the sublight engines now working but it also looked liked the crew had managed to install a very patch-worked antenna on top of the communications tower. Perhaps long range comms were back up and running.

After entering the bay, Jaden brought the craft to rest on a large cradle-like pedestal. From there it would be recharged and then transferred back to it's proper launch-tube.

They had both assumed that Win would be there to meet them but it was First Officer Sapphira who was waiting for them to exit to pod. Although her stance was straight-backed and professional, her silver and purple tail twitched slightly. Something had her on edge.

"Commander Breyson, the captain needs you on the bridge immediately." She was indeed all business. "Ensign Quinn. I've been ordered to escort you to your quarters and insure that you stay there."

"Commander, may I ask-" Brey started.

"No you may not." Sapphira interrupted. "Captain Trovani's orders were specific, he will fill you in on what has happened. Now go."

The stallion squeezed Jaden's shoulder and then marched off; fully intent on getting some answers.


The walk to his quarters was a quiet one. The few crew-members Jaden passed in the corridors wore a variety of expressions. Some were shocked, others looked sympathetic...but most were curious. As if they were silently asking him, 'Why?'.

A few minutes later he arrived, not at the captain's quarters but at his and Brey's old one. Jaden saw that the bed had been replaced but everything else still either broken or littered on the floor.

"Your wrist-comm. and the computer terminal have been disabled." The Awrooook'Ta said from behind him. "And there will be a guard outside the door. Don't try to leave or contact anyone."

"Commander!" Jaden said a little stronger than he had intended, but the powerful female paused in the doorway and turned to look at him. "What is going on? What did I do?"

She continued to stare at him but her expression softened. "The captain wanted to inform Lieutenant Commander Breyson before you found out why all the humans have been confined to their quarters...but perhaps you can guess?"

Jaden almost immediately sat on the bed, he wasn't sure his knees would have held him. "They tried it, didn't they?"

"Not all of them; at least we don't think so." Sapphira answered. "And I don't believe that you had anything to do with it; neither does the captain. But when we restored interstellar communications and informed our superiors...they made the decision."

The wasn't much that needed to be said after that. Sapphira returned to the bridge and Jaden did the only thing he could. He waited.

3 hours later

The next thing Jaden knew he was being shaken awake by a very large hand.

"Wha-Brey!" He said when he realized who it was. "Is it true? Did Jefferies and Ma try to-." He stopped when Breyson raised a hand.

"Yes, yes it is." He said gravely. "They attempted to bypass the security locks about an hour after communications had been restored. Security caught them before they could finish the download, long before they could transmit anything. They and eight other humans are now in the brig. All the other humans are in the same situation as you."

"But why?" Jaden implored. "You know I didn't have anything to do with this and I refuse to believe that all the others were in on it too."

The stallion stood and walked over to the viewport and gazed out at the planet. "Things are even worse that you know. The observers we left on Earth have made their final report; it wasn't promising. That plus this incident has convinced the An'Mas rule counsel to rescind it's offer of membership to Earth."

Breyson turned back to face Jaden. The look on his face told the human that he still hadn't gotten to the REAL bad news.

"In a few hours we'll jump to Peyllana. It's actually not that far; less than a days travel. When we arrive the human crew-members will be put on another ship, their nano-tech removed and then taken back home."

Jaden didn't want to hear anymore and he very nearly begged Breyson to stop, but he closed his eyes and held his tongue.

"Earth is to be completely cut off. No contact until Humans have developed their own interstellar travel. It is hoped that by then you will have learned to live with yourselves and other beings."

Jaden say quietly for several minutes trying to process it all. His first instinct was to run into Brey's arms; crying and begging not be sent back to Earth. To make any promise necessary for Humanity to be given another chance. But what good would that do? Breyson couldn't change anything; this was beyond even him.

"I want to speak to them." Jaden said at last. "This counsel or whoever made the final decision."

"Jay" Brey started.

"No." Jaden interrupted. "I'm not about to let a bunch of people, that I've never met, send me home without a fight. Can it be done?"

The stallion's ears twitched as he considered. "If Win and I vouch for you...maybe not the full counsel but perhaps enough to make a difference."

"Good." Jaden said looking determined. "I argued my way onto this ship, now I'll argue my right to stay. Just need to figure out how I'm going to do it."

Brey embraced his lover. He wished he could share Jaden's confidence but the little piece of his vision that he still remembered at away at the back of his mind. And Breyson knew better than to hope that the future could be changed.


The next day passed quickly. The ship limped through underspace on its way towards Peyllana and Jaden spent most of the trip planning what he was going to say to the An'Mas ruling least that's what he said he was doing if anyone asked.

Captain Trovani had lobbied on his and the ten other innocent human crew-members and while they were still relieved of duty, they could at least leave their quarters. Now Jaden spent his time in the damaged, powerless observation dome. The first place he had come to when he arrived on the Majestic. Would it also be the last?"

Try as he might, Jaden couldn't come up with what he would consider to be a good argument for giving Earth another chance to prove itself. The problem was that, in his heart, Jaden wasn't sure that Humanity deserved one. He had only managed to gleam a few bits and pieces of news about current conditions back home but if half the humans on this ship resorting to thievery was any indication....

There was a blinding flash of light that filled every window and suddenly the ship was floating through normal space. Jaden stood up so he could look around in every direction, and then he saw it.

Peyllana. It was a beautiful world and seemed to be roughly the same size as Earth. From his vantage-point, Jaden saw a deep blue ocean surrounding the planet's single yet massive landmass. All along the coasts, green forests dominated the landscape. To the north the green trees gave way to purple, snow-capped mountains. And then there was the south. It looked, well, flat. But even from space it shimmered gold and little pocket of civilization could be seen.

"I see you've found my home." Came a voice from behind.

Jaden jumped, having not heard Brey approach. "How do you do that?! No one so big should be allowed to move so quietly."

Breyson didn't answer but he pulled Jaden to him and held him. "It is done. When the ship docks you'll be met with 3 senior members of the counsel. I...I can't promise anything beyond that."

"Will you be there?" Jaden asked pressing his head against his stallion's chest; hearing Brey's strong heartbeat through his uniform had such a calming affect.

"I cannot." he replied, he deep voice breaking in a way that Jaden had never heard before. "Win'telsis wanted us to stay long enough to speak on your behalf but the counsel believes that we anything we say would be biased in your favor; they only want to hear your words. I have been ordered planetside for an inquiry about the ships current condition and the events that led to its near destruction. It will probably last until well into the night."

Jaden looked up into his lover's dark eyes. "But if I can't change the counsels decision, that means this could be the last time we...."

Breyson just nodded. As the harsh reality of their situation began to sink in, neither of them could find anymore words to say. They truly had precious little time and if they tried finding the right words they'd have even less.

They stayed together, not even noticing as the Majestic approached a massive space station; nor did they notice when the ship actually docked. The as one, the two lovers kissed; Jaden opened his mouth and let Brey's tongue find his.

The human didn't protest when he felt the back of his uniform open. He didn't care that they were in a public place, that anyone could walk in at any moment. Jaden was well beyond that now. The entire station could be staring at the transparent observation dome and he wouldn't give it a second thought.

When his uniform was pooled around his ankles, Jaden stepped out of it and kicked it aside. He stood naked in front of his lover; he cock already hard and pointing away from his body.

Breyson led him over to a long couch and had him lay down on his back. The stallion knelt beside him and gently taking hold of either side of Jaden's face, he kissed his small lover once more. It was so much more than any kiss they had shared before. Jaden's scent filled Brey's nostrils and the horse breathed in deeply. He would never forget the way his human smelled. Not tomorrow, or in a year; not in a hundred years.

When the stallion finally released Jaden's mouth, he started licking his way down his smooth body. Brey's thick tongue washed over Jaden's chest, finding a nipple he suckled the little nub and used his flat teeth to nibble it. As he expected, Jaden gasped and grabbed his long face; both trying to push him away and yet keep him latch onto his chest.

Brey licked his way down Jaden's abdomen until a hard dick pressed against the side of his cheek; turning his head slightly, he looked at it. A small pearl of clear fluid rested on it's tip, it grew slightly and formed into the shape of a drop. The stallion opened his mouth and captured the head; tasting the salty liquid.

"Fuck!" Jaden yelled, breaking the near silence. "Please don't stop."

The larger male had no intention of stopping. He took the entire length into his maw. Bobbing his head up and down while his thick tongue coiled around the shaft. Jaden never lasted long when Breyson did this.

He bucked against Brey's mouth, grabbing fist-fulls of the stallion's mane. In a few minutes it was all over. Jaden came so hard that most of his cum hit the back of his lover's throat. He shivered as a few drops of drool dripped onto his balls and ran between his legs.

Brey sat back and lick his lips. The image of his human stretched down along the long couch, still enjoying the final effects of his orgasm, was one that he would never forget. If he locked that image into his mind, perhaps he could leave now without fearing that he would break down and cry. "I...I should report to the airlock. The counsel members will be arriving soon and I need to meet them."

"Wait!" Jaden yelled, he sat up and grabbed Breyson's leg. He could easily feel the large horse cock pulsing through Brey's uniform; it was hard and traveling down his pant leg.

"Don't leave yet." Jaden whispered and he stood and started undressing his lover.

Brey didn't move. He allowed himself to be stripped but when he spoke his voice broke again. "I...I didn't bring any lube. I didn't think...."

"It's okay." Jaden said pulling the silvery thong the horse normally wore under his clothes down with the rest of Brey's uniform. "You won't need it."

Soon the large large male was as nude as Jaden was. This time it was his turn to be guided onto the couch; his member resting against his hard stomach. Jaden then crawled on top of him and pulled the long cock against his body. Lifting and lowering himself, the human humped Brey's member; using his hands to provide extra stimulation.

Jaden watched the head expand and swell. And when a large pool of pre-cum began to emerge he placed the cock against his mouth. Almost immediately the salty fluid filled his mouth, Jaden tongued the urethra, causing his lover to shake wildly.

Breyson through his head back and let out an excited snort. He trembled at the new sensation of having his dick tongue-fucked. His instincts were telling him to push Jaden onto all fours and then mount him; to made the human a part of his herd. But he pushed those impulses aside. In the counsel's current state, they would never accept such a forced mating. Even if they did, what right did he have to take Jaden permanently away from his home?

"Uhhhh" The huge stud moaned as his balls were squeezed, causing all thoughts to fade away. He gripped Jaden's ass; loving how each globe rested perfectly in his palms. Brey pulled them apart massaged the tight entrance with his middle digit, pretending that it was his cock sliding in and out. With that image locked in his mind, his real member spasmed against Jaden's body and Brey's cum filled the human's mouth.

Jaden drank the salty liquid quickly, gulping it all down only for it to be replaced with more. He wouldn't lose a drop; he'd do Breyson proud.

Eventually, the stallion's body relaxed and he fell back onto the couch completely spent. He lay there trying to catch his breath and after a few seconds a pair of lips pressed against his. The stallion could taste his own seed but he wasn't bothered; all that matter was having Jaden with him for a few seconds longer.

Neither of them had noticed that they hand an audience.

"Lieutenant Commander, Ensign Quinn," Came Captain Trovani's voice.

The pair broke their kiss and looked toward the dome's entrance. The captain was standing along side 3 other being; all in stately dress.

Breyson scrambled to his feet, pulling Jaden with him. "Counsel-members." He said with deep respect before bowing. Jaden mimicked his actions though he couldn't prevent himself from blushing. They were stilled naked and Brey's semi-hard penis was jaunting away from his body; making his bow look comical...and a little dirty.

"As you were, officers." Said Win with a paw over his face.

Brey and Jaden quickly dressed, all the while being observed by the others, before returning to stand at attention.

"Lieutenant Commander, you, the command staff and I are need on-planet immediately." Win said all business though his eyes betrayed a deep sadness. "We will not be returning to space until tomorrow evening at the latest."

This was it. If Jaden failed to convince the counselors then the odds were good that he and Brey would never see each other again. This wasn't right, it wasn't fair. They shouldn't be forced to separate. Maybe that was why neither of them could bring himself to say good-bye. Not even the universe could make them say it. But they did hold each other's gaze until Brey and Win walked out of the observation dome.

Jaden then lead the three other beings to a small briefing room. His heart was racing. It suddenly dawned on him just how ill-prepared he was. Jaden glanced sideways at the trio.

The first was a Peyllanan. Her fur was tan and she stood just a little shorter than Breyson. But she was lean and her body seemed to swim through the loose robes that she wore.

The second was a Ke'suma and by human standards he looked positively ancient. His fur had lost some of its shine and his movements were slow and delicate. His eyes, however, were alert and despite the level of An'Mas technology, he appeared to be quite comfortable using an old walking-stick to maintain his pace. Jaden couldn't be sure but he looked family. Where could he have seen him before?

The last counselor was another male. Aside from the color of his fur and that his overly large horns traveled down along his jaw-line, he could have been Baldir's twin brother. His muscles bulged beneaght the tight uniform that he wore (which was more military style than civilian). In fact, his whole appearance gave Jaden the impression that this guy would rather be on a battlefield than stuck at a negotiating table.

The three took their seats at the rooms only table, Jaden remained standing. If he had been expecting them to introduce themselves, he was disappointed. They maintained their silence and simply watched him.

"Er...Thank you for seeing me." Jaden started. He hated having to initiate a conversation. How was he supposed to convince anyone if couldn't get an initial feel for them; to get an idea of who might feel sympathy towards him or which of them might want him gone. "My name is Jaden Quinn. I'm a human and I've been serving on-board the Majestic Explorer for nearly six months now. I want you to know that I appreciate the opportunity to speak on behalf of my homeworld."

The three An'Mas glanced at each other then the female spoke. "Ensign Quinn, I am Ursmani of the White Peaks. I wish for you to understand that while we have chosen to meet with you, the decision to withdraw from Earth until your species matures has already been made. And I, for one, am not sure that anything you say could cause us to support its reversal."

"Our presence here," the bull added. "is out of respect and gratitude for your actions in saving this ship and its crew from destruction."

"That and the fact that the entire command staff threatened to resign if we didn't." The Ke'suma's voice was raspy but clear. "Do not forget that Arturas."

The old fox stood and slowly limped around the long table to stand in front of Jaden. "Hello, young one. My name is Ani Tin and I can see why the son of my son, Rais, speaks so highly of you. But I have to ask, are you aware of the current state of Earth?"

Jaden, who up to that point had been trying to process the fact that he was talking to Rais's grandfather, gave the Ke'suma a confused look. When he didn't speak, Ani Tin filled him in.

"In addition to the many wars and conflicts existing when you left, another has started. Your governments tried to call it small and that it would be over quickly, but what war with it's aftermath has ever been swift?"

Jaden remained silent. No he hadn't known about another war, why hadn't he been told about it? His family would have at least mentioned it in their communications....unless they had been told not to.

"Your species as a whole is so intolerant and avaricious." Ursmani said. "Many of the most aggressive governments have threatened to make ever more war if they are not treated equally and give access to our technology. And yet many of their own citizens suffer from inequality. Humanity is not ready. Why should we spend resources on a world that, in all probability, would be willing to use our own gifts on us?"

"Because it's the only way that my species will learn." Jaden blurted out. "You said that you were going to wait until Humans have bettered themselves. Well I am here to tell you that this won't happen if you leave. My people have been alone for so long; stuck in the same place with little to no hope of reaching some where new. And so many of us have become complacent and so set in our ways that the very idea of being forced to experience something new is a terrifying thought. But not all of us are like that." Jaden paused and started slowly walking around. He needed to expel some of his nervous energy or he might lose his train of thought.

"You may have seen how we are now but if you check Human history, you'll see that nearly every social advancement has had one thing in common. It usually starts with a small group of people saying that either something isn't right or that something needs to be changed. And then they have to drag everyone else, kicking and screaming, forward. But once the majority of people learn to overcome their initial fear, things work out for the better. Change takes a lot more time and effort then perhaps it should but it does happen. As long as there are people willing to try, but if you leave now, it will take even longer...if it ever comes at all."

The three counsel-members considered his words. Arturas was the first to speak. "It is true that there were small pockets of support in the major cities....But there are so many of you living on a single world, you can't guarantee that there won't be some of your species that will always fear us, always hate us for being different."

Ani Tin approached Jaden again. "Do you honestly believe that Humanity can change?"

"Yes, I do. I believe it because when it comes down to it, Humans have always put their fears aside. Especially if it means finding out what's beyond the next mountain or over the next ocean. But it's been so long that many of us have forgotten that. They'll remember."

"And yet you also believe that right now, your species isn't ready." Stated Ani Tin.

Jaden opened his mouth to answer but shut it when he realized what his honest would be.

The old fox smiled sadly. "I know, I know."


Lieutenant Commander Breyson sat underneath his covered balcony and watched as thunderclouds drenched Estren Moore, Peyllana's capital city, with rain. The inn he and Win had been provided with was a little cramped but it came with a wonderful view; overlooking the starport and several of surrounding parks and restaurants. And Breyson was able to see all the different shuttles and land-able starships arriving or departing for space. His gaze followed one particularly odd-shaped transport as it lifted off and rose steadily into the air until the clouds swallowed it.

But the stallion didn't need a clear sky to guess where it was headed. Directly above the city, the space station maintained its geosynchronous orbit of the planet. And up there, a transport not unlike the was he just saw was taking the humans back to Earth; including the one that belonged to him.

From the very moment that he and the other bridge officers had landed, Brey had been wondering what the hells he was doing? He had answered his superior's questions about what had happened on board the ship and how they could have mistook a trinery star system for a binary. But the whole time he had felt so empty, as if his will had been stripped from him. Why didn't I stay and fight with Jaden? He thought to himself angrily. It didn't matter if he disobeyed orders. It didn't matter if the counsel had listened. He had an obligation to do something. He WOULD do something.

He pushed away form the pillar he had been leaning against and started pulling on his uniform. Breyson would be heard. He would contact every single member of the ruling counsel on Peyllana personally; all the way to the chancellor if he had to. The stallion would push, scream, threaten and beg until they all changed their minds about Earth. Until they brought Jaden back.

Pressing the sealing tab on this uniform, he reached for a cloak, marched towards the entrance and deactivated the privacy lock. And as the door slid open for him, Brey skidded to a halt.

Standing in front of him was a small, lean, thoroughly soaked human. He was shivering slightly and though Breyson could be certain, it looked as if he had been crying. His eyes were as red as his face and the water traveling down his face seemed more tear-like than rain.

"They ruh-reconsidered." Jaden stuttered. "Other than humanitarian aide and environmental assistance there is to be no contact with Earth for the next 25 years. After that...well it depends on how much Humans have progressed. But..." And Jaden looked at the floor and started shifting from side to side. "But they said that I didn't have to go back if I didn't want to....So is it alright? Can I stay with you?"

Breyson's jaw had opened slightly as Jaden has started speaking, now it threatened to fall off his face. In the span of 30 seconds his world had suddenly been turned on its head. He had been all fired up and ready to ruin his career to bring his lover back and now here Jaden was. All alone in the universe, seemingly cutoff from his homeworld for at least the next 25 years...and he was asking if it was 'okay' if he could stay.

Bending down, the stallion picked his lover up bridal-style and as he stepped inside his dwelling he whispered into Jaden's ear. "I'm never letting you go."

And the door slid shut.



I know that everyone wanted me to continue this story but I think it's best to end it here. Yes there is more that I could add. And A LOT more pairings too. But my life is getting very busy now and if I don't end it here I might not be able to ever finish it.

That being said, perhaps in the future I'll be able to write "Book 2". Sometimes I wish that I was actually writing a book; I skipped over so much in order to get to this point and it feels like the whole thing is incomplete but you what you can with the time you've got I guess. Anyways you guys/gals have given me so many ideas that if I do write again I'll definitely be using them; cause I know you all want to see Jaden and Rais. You're fox-crazy, the lot of you. :)

Gotta run. And thanks again for reading.