Filling The Heavens With Stars

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#18 of Breeding

3228 Words

A lonely acolyte makes a wish to the heavens on this lover's holiday, and the goddess hears his plea.

I had been meaning to do something with Amalthea since Lillymoo made the drawing, and this seemed like a fitting time. Even if you're alone this Valentines, don't fret. Perseverance and hope will eventually pay off. You just have to have faith.

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Story contains:

Lactation, breast feeding, sexy times, love, divine intervention, see-through-bodies, rams, doggystyle, impregnation, and lust. Viewer discretion is advised.

Ammon was alone. He had been for a long time, so this was nothing new, but it always managed to become an issue in mid-February when he'd remember the festivals of love the people would undergo. He looked from the temple of the stars, pristine thanks to his tireless care and devotion, down towards the ruined city below. The burned structures were buried under hard, black rock that flowed oh so beautifully and shimmered in the light, right to where the new land had been formed on the sea. The few who had not perished in the eruption had left the island for safer shores with less bad memories. But Ammon was dedicated to the temple, to the goddess above, and he wasn't going to abandon it for anything.

That had been years ago now, and while he kept himself busy with training, farming, and his studies of the stars, he was feeling lonely once again. The ram was polishing his horns, capped in gold and carved with constellations, lamenting that the new growth had pushed the constellations further from his mind, when he saw the sunlight glimmering over the waters and up the obsidian flow that had covered his home. He looked at the bright star slowly sinking on the horizon and sighed. "All I wish, my goddess, is a companion to share your love with. These halls have gone silent, this land adrift... but I will always believe in you."

He stood, watching the sunset for a few more moments, catching the flash of green just as it disappeared beneath the waves, then went inside to begin lighting the sconces, as though anyone would wander the halls this day but him. It was a ritual of the temple, one that matched the pattern of the goddess's constellation, and if the years had not stopped him doing so before, he wasn't going to let loneliness stop him now. With the sound of his hoofed feet echoing the halls, he made his lonesome way from sconce to sconce.

It was dark by the time the last light was lit, smoke curling slowly up through the ventilation of the temple. He looked up at the squares, pouting to himself. That was the one place he had difficulty cleaning, and he knew he'd have to soon, but if he got jammed in there due to his horns... He shuddered at the thought, reminded of the children of the village that would snap their horns when they got worried... or worse, if the weight was distributed wrong. Alone it was a worrisome prospect, but it would have to be done one of these days.

But he allowed it not to be today, walking towards the central chamber. His one solace in his isolation had been the telescope, beautifully created and set in the roof of the central chamber. The whole of the glass dome turned with it, allowing it to spy the entirety of the goddess's sky, and he'd left notes and exultations to her beautiful creations through tome after tome piled near the telescope's eyepiece. Luckily, many had been prepared before the eruption, and he'd be unlikely to run out before his final breath left him to join the stars above.

However, as he entered the chamber, there was a glow to the room he was unfamiliar with. Moonlight seemed to stream in through the dome despite being just days since the new moon, and the whole room seemed filled with an otherworldly light. He heard a sound, soft and low, like a hum or a purr, followed by a gentle clink, like metal tapping against glass. Perhaps a bird had gotten into the temple and was resting on the dome... He would have to scare it off, unfortunately. He couldn't have any damage to the telescope.

However, as he rounded the pillar and saw into the room, he was awestruck, freezing in his tracks. Celestial light wreathed what could only be described as a divine figure, her smooth, crystal skin glistening and shimmering, casting radiant stars across the ground beneath her. Long horns curled from the sides of her head, grooved and filled with starlight, while in the center of her forehead, a star-like gem gleamed. Her whole body moved fluidly, naturally, as her crystalline fingers grabbed the telescope, making the soft clinking sound he'd heard as she moved it to a new position. She leaned forward, looking into the eyepiece, and he could see across her back, glimmering on their own, the constellation of the goddess running between her shoulders and ending just above her transparent tail.

This deific image hummed to herself, the song beautiful to Ammon's ears, like the ringing of a thousand chimes in perfect concert with themselves. He fell to his knees, tears coming to his eyes unbidden as her ear flicked, as though finally noticing she wasn't alone. She turned her transparent form, the breasts and teats on her front free of any covering and, unlike the rest, having a hint of white. Swirls of it seemed to appear from just above within her body, then drip into the vessels milk filling her crystal structure. She smiled softly, her eyes falling on him, rainbow prisms that glowed with their own inner light, bathing him in their radiance.

He bowed his head in reverence, falling to the floor before this figure, tears rolling down his muzzle and dripping to the stone floor. "Amalthea, goddess, I am not worthy of your presence. Your radiance is more beautiful than I had ever imagined..."

The laugh of the crystalline figure was as the sound of angels, and a moment later he felt her smooth, warm hand on his cheek, slowly raising him from his place of supplication. "Ammon, none have been more devoted than you. Through all these years, you have kept my worship alive, been loyal, been faithful, and looked to the stars I gave you. Your worth is immeasurable, as is your patience and devotion, and on this day of lovers, there was but one reward worthy for my most loyal devotee." Her eyes met his, her eyelids lowered and seductive, filled with love despite the otherworldly nature of her eyes, and then she pressed forward, her lips meeting his as their muzzles touched, the spark of the divine transferring to a mortal as intimately as it could.

Ammon was stunned, his heart freezing in his chest and the warmth and passion he felt from the goddess before him, but as her tongue slid against his lips, he opened his mouth, receptive to her kiss. She lifted him from his place of supplication, guiding him as her tongue danced within his mouth, smooth glass and so unlike the normal organ, and yet alive and warm and very much real. He stood with her guidance, never breaking the kiss as his hands trembled at his side, unsure of what to do. She caressed his cheek, running her hand down his arm, then guiding his hand to her breast, the crystal there malleable, like the soft flesh of any other creature.

His hands massaged her breasts, teasing at her bountiful nipples and able to feel a heartbeat, like a pulse of a quasar, within her chest. Liquid beaded at her nipple, the milk that was there dripping into his fingers, and for a moment he stopped, freezing on the kiss and pulling away his hand. She broke the kiss as well, looking at him with half-lidded eyes as she brought up his hand, her tongue swirling around it before she sucked his fingers into her mouth. He could see them through her body, but also feel the suction, the need, the lust and want... And he watched the milk slide deeper into her form, before she stood up, pressing herself against him.

Ammon was not a small ram, but when she pulled him close, he found his face pressed between her breasts, feeling the softness and the warmth almost surrounding him, her teats doing much the same against his manhood, which at this point was straining against the fabric of his pants. He had maybe entertained this idea once, when younger, as a possibility, then cast it aside as blasphemy against his goddess. Never would he have thought Amalthea would be encouraging it. The mother of constellations and bringer of life, however, would have it no other way, and she pressed his face against her breast as her hand went down to his pants, slowly working them over his tail and dropping them to the floor.

As his cock slid along the smooth warmth of her crystal teats, his mouth latched to her nipple, suckling gently. At first it was awkward, many years having passed since he'd nursed as a kid, but slowly instinct took over as the rich, creamy warmth of her milk slid over his tongue. It was ambrosia, delicious beyond compare and filled with a warmth and vigor than radiated through his entire body. Fatigue he'd not known he'd held onto, years of walking, of working, of kinks in his back and aches in his joints all melted away with every drop rolling down his throat, filling him with the energy of the cosmos. As he drank, he opened his eyes, able to see the milk slowly draining from the breast while the other remained filling, the white-tinged glass slowly revealing the constellation down her back.

He looked up, seeing her radiant eyes looking on him lovingly, almost like a mother, but much more lustful and intimate. He could feel her love as she pressed against him, radiating down on him... but he could also hear her lust, her moans and melodic purrs that rang in his ears like an angel's chorus, more beautiful and maddeningly sexy than he could imagine. His cock throbbed between her teats, pre drooling onto her soft and moving glass, while she moaned, grinding herself against him. As he finished his drink, she simply moved him to the other breast, as though trying to even herself out and give him energy for what was to come. She shuddered as he drank, the liquid life flowing from her into him, and slowly her hand went to his, moving it town under her teats to the goddess's maidenhood.

As soon as his fingers touched that warmth, he knew she yearned for him. The powers of creation were calling to him directly, and as he slid his fingers across the slick and smooth crystal that was her body, he felt the warmth of suns, the radiance of light on a farmer's field, pouring over his digits. Ever so gently he brought his teeth to nibble on her nipple, getting a sharp moan of joy, while his fingers slid over her clit, the pearl making her whole body shudder as it was touched. Clearly, she was as lonesome as he, hiding in her heavenly home without a consort...

He vowed he would remedy that, teasing her clit with his thumb while his finger delved into her, finding her yielding, tight, wet, and waiting. He looked into her eyes, then pulled free from her breast, finding it emptied as well, all the energy of a star radiating from his stomach as he guided her to the cushions he'd rest on to gaze upon her beautiful creation. During the motion she seemed to shrink, from towering over him like a mother to fitting just under his chin, a lower perfectly sized for him. He could feel the starlight on his back, but it was nothing compared to the radiant beauty before him as she lay upon the pillows, biting her lip, her eyes on him. He could see the constellation through her, the pillows she was resting on only slightly distorted by the unending glow of her crystal form, while milk continued to flow into her breasts and fill her teats. He rushed forward, kissing her deeply and feeling her legs wrap around his, spreading both sets apart while her fingers went through his hair, teasing at his fur and skin.

His hand roamed up her thigh, lifting up her teat as he looked down her body, seeing for the first time her beautiful life-giver, its lips open like the petals of a lotus, liquid lust clinging to its edges like rainbow oils. He lined up his cock, grinding it against the pearl of pleasure, while he looked into her eyes for any hesitation, finding none at all. With one slow, deliberate movement he lined up at her entrance, then saaaaaank slowly into her, inch by inch entering the divine pussy presented to him, every squeeze and flutter of her muscles like fireworks in his brain. He only stopped when his hips met hers, feeling the milk from her teats oozing out from the pressure of his weight on them, soaking into his fur. A waste, but nothing could be done.

He looked down her body again, able to see his cock inside her, throbbing within her, pre lining against her inside and leaving little trails of white deep within her body. At this she nibbled on his ear, her breath washing over his flesh. "Fill me up, my lovely Ammon. Let us make new constellations and give this island life once more." Her fingers dug into his back, her vaginal walls milking along his cock, making him shudder as she clung close. "The heavens are empty, my love. Fill them with your liquid starlight."

If he had needed any motivation before, he had it in spades now, both a lusty and divine fervor overtaking him as he slowly pulled his hips back, just the tip resting at her opening, then slammed them forward, feeling her whole body rock and her call of pleasure echo though the temple chamber. Here, in her divine halls that he'd kept safe for so long, he was claiming her divine hall, ready to help the star mother make more stars... How could he refuse? His back hunched as he pinned down her arms to the pillow, leaning back to look into her eyes as he thrust forward, rutting against her body and watching her breasts and teats bounce with the motion. Milk leaked from her teats, needy and swollen, ready for a kid to drain them dry, while the milk filling her breasts sloshed and swirled.

He continued to thrust into her, his body demanding it, wanting nothing more than that divine embrace her whole being was giving him, her legs wrapping around his back, pulling him closer with every thrust. He groaned, his cock bottoming out deep within her as he shuddered, feeling it throbbing against her inner sanctum, the realm of stars... He bleated lustfully, then grabbed onto one of her horns with his teeth, feeling the hard crystal against his teeth as he held on like a handle, hearing her shudder and scream out his name with pleasure.

One final wet slap brought them crashing together, her harmonious moans matching his in perfect union as they came together. Through her body he could see his cock bouncing and spurting, streams of cum gushing into her, filling up her womb, causing it to begin to glow with divine energy within. She moaned, panting, holding herself against him as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her. But, before the afterglow could even begin, he pulled back, getting a confused look from her until he turned her on her side, holding her hoof up over his shoulder as he plunged back into her.

The warmth of her divine light was within him, filling his muscles with energy as he pushed through any fatigue from his first orgasm, ensuring that he would give the divine her stars. Her hand gripped at the pillows, her body squeezing against his as he rut into her from the side, watching his cum-slick cock claim her once more, making his mark on the divine. Holding her leg as a brace, he pushed deep into her, watching her milky teats bounce with every thrust, their liquid cargo draining into the pillows she rested on. He wasn't about to stop, and he felt her body shudder, the very sky seeming to quake as she was pushed into a second orgasm, hot on the heels of the first, her eyes glowing and the constellation on her back twinkling with delight.

Taking that as a sign, he pulled free of her once more, admiring for a moment the way her lower lips drooled his cum, his mortal seed sliding along her divine form... Then rolled her onto her front, and she graciously got to her knees, knowing where he was going. She looked at him with lust-drunk eyes, the rainbow prisms tinged pink with need, and her tail raised high. For a moment he contemplated the hole just beneath it, a pucker so divine and tantalizing it seemed to be sucking him in like a black hole, but he shook his head, focusing on the real prize.

He arched over her back, gripping her horns as handles as he thrust forward, filling her from behind. She moaned in pure lust, her call echoing and singing through the dome as her eyes lifted to the sky, her constellation up there gleaming bright like the one on her back. He rut into her like a goat possessed, his whole weight going into each thrust, rippling through her like gravity itself as she shuddered and moaned, her full breasts swinging and dripping their load beneath her.

From the glow coming from her womb, his seed had already made its mark, but he was still amazed at the sight of his cock pushing into her, spreading the cum-coated walls and bringing her to greater throes of pleasure. He could see her face, her glass tongue clinking against her cheek, her pleasure unmatched as his balls slapped against her teats, soft sensitive flesh colliding with the divine in the most perfect of unions. He couldn't hold back, gritting his teeth as he sped up. "My goddess! All for you~! I love you!" He cried out as he came, ropes of his seed filling her once more, overflowing and spilling down her walls and dripping around his balls.

They collapsed together on the pillows, soggy as they were from her milk and their combined lust, cuddling tight and riding out the starry afterglow together. Eventually his cock slid free, and with that they faced each other, her head nestling under his chin, their bodies fitting together like a puzzle finally finding its missing piece. For the first time in years, Ammon didn't look up at the stars that night, too focused on the heaven he held in his arms.

Ammon was not alone the following year. Though he still guarded the temple, and though the city was still in ruins, happiness rang through once silent halls. His twins, Valentine and Aries, both sparkled in the sunlight, the crystal of their fur shimmering under their mother's setting sun. But neither shined as bright as Amalthea, feeding them happily, having taken up earthly residence, at least for now. The heavens weren't empty, the stars less lonesome, and as he held her tight, and she nuzzled in his neck, they both were thankful of the patience and dedication that had allowed this wondrous union to form.

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