16 - Gathering at the Cabin

Story by Toby Kat on SoFurry

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#16 of The Hitchhiker pt 2

The end of the year and we say goodbye to the Druff, then head for Winter Park. New friends are made, and Toby finally lets more people in on his secret.

And as promised, we get up to some good, dirty fun, though since we were both pretty tired (and had to keep quiet), it's a short scene. There will be more throughout the weekend, though, so don't worry about that!

There's really not much to tell from the next week. While Toby's life was disrupted by finals preparation, My week was mostly routine, except that finals week mean there were days without History Class. Druff offered the exam early, then had us come to class on the scheduled day to receive our grades, and eat some Scandinavian desserts he baked. The Druff was delighted that I asked to take the final exam, and I came back with an A, the third-highest in the class. He assured me, Toby, and Tiffany that he graded it as hard as he did for anyone else in the class, and repeated his urging that I really ought to enroll at the university. "Because you sat in the entire year, I can even submit my records of your work and your first grade would be from my class. This offer is only available until the beginning of school next autumn, though. After that, the audit record expires."

I promised I would think about it, but reminded him that I had no means to pay for an education at the time, and twenty-five thousand dollars was a bit out of my price range.

"Do not forget, since you are living here this year, you can ask for this in-state tuition price at the start of school next year," the Druff countered. "That removes fifteen thousands from your tuition price."

"That's no small change," said Toby, looking a little envious.

"Yeah, but I still have to come up with ten thousand, then. Well, I'll think about it. I'm not saying 'No,' Professor."


"I'm not saying no, Druff, just that I'm not sure I can."

"Some of my friends are tuition free after applying for the Pell Grant," added Tiffany. "It might be tricky for you, since you'll need to prove your parents aren't supporting you, which will require emancipation paperwork, but you can do it."

"I doubt they'll even talk to me, the way they handled me when I last saw them," I grumbled. "And besides, Toby will graduate next year, and then what?"

"Ah, yes, what to do without your handsome tiger? That is a troublesome issue." Suddenly, he got a very devious twinkle in his eye. "I'm sure I can do something to Toby's grades that will make him have to stick around for another year or two!"

Toby and Tiffany both laid their ears back, their eyes wide, and their jaws were haning from their muzzles. "No, I tease. Only a joke, my friends. As much as I want to keep you in the school, Craig, I could never do that. You two think it over together, alright? And you three," he gestured to include Tiffany in the conversation again, "have a merry Yule in the meantime."

"You're cruel, Druff," Tiffany scolded.

"My dear, never to a student." Druff smiled. "It is to my friends that I am truly cruel." He winked at Toby and me, then excused himself to talk to some other students, his tail sliding across my hip as he stepped away. Tiffany and Toby were staring after him, so they never noticed. At least one reason Druff wanted me there so much was pretty obvious.

* * *

Wednesday afternoon I got off from work and packed up. There really wasn't much, since most of my belongings were still unaccessible to me back in my parents' house in Saint George. I had come with the wardrobe that I had packed for Chicago back last summer, which was mostly summer gear. And I added to that some winter gear that I had purchased in the fall. Toby reminded me I would want heavier winter gear for the mountains, so we ran to Cabela's to bulk up on that, but it still mostly fit inside my frame pack.

Toby's parents were eager to see me again, and said they would have Teagan's room ready, and were planning what to do with me when he came home for Yule.

On Thursday morning we said our goodbyes to Michelle and Jack, who promised to keep an eye on the place for us (not that there was anything to watch, but if there was a power out, they would come by and set the faucets to drip), and then it was out on the open road. This time, our CD mix included something besides Classic Rock, though. Toby smiled when I surprised him with Yena Matthews' "Busted Stuff" album. "Happy early Yule," I said, leaning over to kiss his cheek."

"What, this is for me?" He asked.

"Yep! You enjoyed it so much at the concert. And I made sure to get this." I fast forwarded to Kit Kat Jam.

He laughed, and said, "Well, this is perfect. Because it's not the album I got you," he smiled and pushed his CD wallet over to me. Hidden in the back was another Yena Matthews album, "Whiskey River and the Groo Grux King." "Make sure that one goes in, too. And play the last track." As soon as Kit Kat Jam was over, I swapped CDs, not wanting to wait. Sure enough, the final track was my favorite song, "You and Me." I sang it to Toby as we drove on into the snowstorm, which made it look like we were driving on to the end of the world.

"You and me together, can do anything," I crooned.

Despite the weather, the roads remained in good condition and traffic was low on a Thursday, so the miles flew by. By time the sun was peeking under the clouds and setting behind the Rockies, we were on the downhill side of Berthoud Pass and within an hour of our destination.

"You know, we haven't really talked about what we're doing this weekend," Toby mentioned. "Do you ski?" He pointed out the window at the illuminated slopes that passed in and out of view as we wove down the canyon.

"Board, mostly, but I'm not the best at it," I admitted. "There's some really good slopes up in Brian Head, about an hour outside of Cedar on winter roads, but we only went every couple years or so. Went to Eagle Point once, too. I usually stick to the blue slopes."

"That'll do. There's plenty of other things to do up here, too. Tomorrow, we'll go to the sledding hill in Frasier, actually. That tends to draw more kids, but since it's Friday, they'll still be in school and it won't be too crowded. Saturday we'll hit the slopes, where it doesn't matter as much if it gets busy. Besides, most of the kits and pups will be on the bunny hill."

"Sounds sensible," I agreed. "Ever tried cross country?"

"Yeah, but we can do that closer to home, so we don't usually do it up here," Toby explained. "There are some awesome spots to Ex-Cee in Zion if you're interested."

"If you're there, I'm interested," I said, nuzzling Toby's shoulder. He grinned and went back to watching the road, as the conditions weren't quite as nice on this side of the Divide. We passed through the resort town and out into the darkness again. Pretty soon, he pointed out the sledding hill in Frasier. A little while after that, there was a small cluster of buildings coming up. "Welcome to Tabernash," he said. Don't bli-- oh, you missed it." And soon after that, we turned off into a YFCA camp, where Toby's friends had reserved a cabin. They had called the day before with directions so we didn't need to check in at the front office, and in a few moments we pulled up behind their Jeep. I could see from the lack of snow accumulation, they had just recently arrived, too. Someone inside must have heard the engine, because four furs came out to greet us and take our luggage. One of them ran up and gave me a big hug and I gasped before I realized it was Stu!

"Hey, good to see you! I didn't realize you would be here," I said.

"It was a last minute thing. I was going to drive down but the weather in the Inland Northwest was so bad, I decided to fly over it. And that meant I got back to Saint George in time to join the ski trip. Come on in! We just got here ourselves."

I had met two of the others this summer, but before we went inside, Toby stopped to remind me of their names since I had only met them a couple times. There was a brown hare named John (many of his friends called him Jack), and his girlfriend Carol, a black poodle. Carol introduced me to her sister, Rose, who was a tawny brown. She knew Toby, but was two years behind Carol, John, and Toby in school. We had not met her over the summer because she was working retail, and was usually at the store in the evenings, while we were off. This was her first time joining the ski trip. Jack and Stu commandeered our luggage while Carol and Rose each grabbed some of the groceries we had picked up in Denver. Toby put the CD wallets in the duffel full of games, which left me to scoop up my new cold weather gear.

"There's a lasagne in the oven, and help yourself to the beer in the fridge," said John. We've got two more coming to fill up the cabin, and they should be along any time. I just got a text from Mitch when they got a signal at Berthoud Pass a little bit ago. Since they're a couple, they get the fold-out bed on the couch. You two get the twin room at the end of the hall." With that, he entered said room and set Toby's bag down under the window. Stu followed us in with my frame pack. With the luggage, two twin beds, and the four of us, the room was crowded, so John went right back out, saying, "Take your time getting settled. We'll pull the lasagne out when the others arrive."

Toby, exhausted from driving in the snow, kicked his boots off and flopped on the far bed. Stu sat on the other, and I pushed the door mostly closed. "So, are we friends or boyfriends," I asked softly, peeling off my coat and sitting next to Stu with my arm over his shoulders.

Toby looked at me. "You know, I honestly hadn't thought about it. We made these plans when you were staying in Lincoln, and I was busy calling everyone and getting ready for finals when the plans changed. I just took it for granted, since you'd met them before."

"Yeah, but grabbing a pizza isn't the same as three nights together in a cabin," I said. "They put us in a room with twin beds, so they clearly aren't expecting us to make any night time racket, either."

"We usually don't make a lot of noise," Toby observed. "That's not our style," he winked at Stu.

"I remember," the Marten smiled back.

"What do you think? Should I finally tell them my secret," Toby asked him.

"Mitch is the only one I think you have to worry about," said Stu. "I'd tell them now, before he arrives, and see what they think about telling him. Especially since Rose's tail was wagging pretty hard when she met Craig. Better she find out now than setting up her expectations."

I blushed a little at that. I didn't mind the attentions of a pretty girl, but Toby was my boyfriend and that's all there was to that. I nodded and looked at Toby. "Hmm. Yeah, I think you're right. Well, let's find out. Worst case, we're just back to Saint George earlier. Those few moments lying down were enough for Toby to get pretty stiff, though, and he groaned pretty loudly when he got up. "Man, winter driving is the worst," he complained and stretched, which made parts of me throb, and I think I saw Stu's eyes bulge a little, too, but the marten quickly turned and led us out.

Stu made his way to the fridge and pulled out three of the colder beers. Our groceries had already been sorted in, and someone must have just checked the oven, because the main room smelled heavily of tomatoes, basil, and molten cheese. The others were sitting in the lounge area around a coffee table, where lists and schedules, and a map of the ski runs, had been laid out. John was by the oven, and Rose and Carol were sitting together on one of the sofas. Toby took an armchair, so Toby and I took the loveseat.

"Guys, I hope I'm not ruining the weekend with a lot of drama," said Toby, "But I think there's something you should know about me and Craig." He draped his arm over my shoulders and I automatically leaned in, my arm going around his waist in our standard cuddle position.

Rose looked a little disappointed, but Carol laughed. "It's about time you told us," she said.

"Huh?" Toby stiffened, and Stu looked surprised, too. I sat back up with a questioning look.

"Jack and I have been wondering when you were going to come out since junior year. Remember when we went to Paul's swim meet? We saw the way you were looking at the guys on both teams!"

Jack was quick to reassure us. "Don't worry, though. We never talked to anyone else about it. We know how nasty that can get in Saint George. Tim was proof enough of that."

I felt Toby relax a little, but he was still clearly uncomfortable.

"No one else that we know of thinks you're gay. Most of them were shipping you with either Janice or Stephanie."

"I carefully cultivated that idea," admitted Toby. "Stu helped with it. It was a little tricky, since both of them changed boyfriends so often, to put out the idea right after they had found someone else."

Rose looked disgusted. "Ulgh. I never could figure out why you would go for either of those tramps. I, for one, am relieved. You deserved better than them."

"Well," I said, kissing my tiger on the cheek. "Now you know."

"Well, we figured Craig was your boy when we met him this summer. I'm glad we were right," said John. "He's good for you."

Carol looked at Stu. "Before Foxy here, we kept hoping you would turn out to be gay, and that your girlfriend was just a beard. You would have been a good boyfriend for Toby."

Stu smirked, and said nothing. I remembered a night not too long ago, in a not-too-secluded campsite, and it made my groin throb.

Toby looked at me with a light in his eyes. "Yeah. 'Better' is definitely what I got." He kissed me on the lips, which I gladly returned. We kept it short, for the sake of the audience, but there was a lot of love in it.

Rose still looked a little disappointed. "And such a handsome one, too." I could feel my ears turning pink.

"Well, what do you think Mitch will do?" asked Stu, directing the conversation. "Should we clue him in, or just make sure he's the one who goes out for pizza so these two can relax a little?"

Everyone looked thoughtful for a few minutes. "Let's ease him in to it," suggested Carol. "Test the waters by talking about some TV show with a gay character. See how he responds to that, and then we can slowly bring the conversation home."

"That's a good idea," said John. "What does he like to watch?"

Stu's eyes lit up. "He's a Whovian. We can ask him about Captain Jack. In fact, we can segue in to it by calling John 'Captain Jack.'"

"Purrfect," said Toby with a grin.

"Do you guys plan all of your conversations like this?" I asked.

"Only the ones that really matter, babe," said Toby again, kissing me once more.

At that point, lights flashed across the driveway and we could hear another car pulling up. Everyone booted up except Toby, who had left his boots in the bedroom, and we went out to greet Mitch and his girlfriend. Mitch, it turned out, was a Collared Lizard.

I watched as Carol introduced Rose to Mitch. "Hey, wait, I thought you all knew each other from school?"

"Nah, I didn't go to the same school as them." I could hear the hints of an accent in Mitch's voice. "My parents sent me to the Kimber Academy to learn from the penguins. That's where I first met Luna, but we didn't start dating until we hooked back up last year. But man, it's cold out here! Can we go inside to finish introductions?"

Everyone looked a little embarassed for keeping a cold-blood outside, and we hurried in, where Mitch introduced us all to Luna, whose tail was wagging with eagerness.

Luna's parents had been immigrants, and sent her to the School of the South Wind to maintain her proper upbringing, she explained. But she was strictly forbidden to date until after school, so she had never tried to go out with Mitch, though she had wanted to since they first met. Every sister who taught at a South Wind school was called a Penguin, whether or not they were even birds, because of the severe black and white robes they wore. It was an accepted term that even they sometimes used, and not considered disrespectful. While she appreciated her parents' ideals, she didn't beleive her life needed to be run so strictly, and so when she met up with Mitch again after high school, she was eager to take the next steps in the relationship.

John started acting a little more comandeering at this point as he pulled the lasagne out of the oven and ordered people to get the table ready. "Jeez, ok, Captain Jack!" Complained Stu, who hurried to comply.

"Ha! If you knew who Captain Jack was, you wouldn't be calling someone so domaneering that name," said Mitch. "Jack Harkness is anything but a strict captain."

"Hmm, no, you're right, Toby agreed. In fact, he's pretty loose about everything, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he loves all the ladies, doesn't he?"

"And the men, if I recall correctly. He seemed especially to be interested not in Rose, but in the Ninth Doctor himself," I suggested.

Luna turned out to be a Whovian, too. "I always hoped they'd get a nice, friendly love triangle going."

"Nah, nah, not with the Ninth Doctor, just Rose," said Mitch. Toby's tail drooped, and I could see some of the others looked a little disappointed, too. I busied myself with serving lasanga plates. Mitch continued, "Eccleston was far too ugly. Now, if he had set up a three way-with Rose and the Tenth Doctor, that I would have accepted. Mind you, even someone as handsome as Tennant isn't my cup of tea, but I would have cheered for Harkness if he had managed to catch him."

Everyone breathed a collective sigh. "So which doctor is cute enough that you'd date him," Rose asked.

"Huh, what?" Mitch sputtered on his beer.

Rose persisted. "Well, if you think the Ninth Doctor is ugly and the Tenth is not quite pretty enough, which one is? The eleventh? I always thought the Second was cute. Not the twelfth, I hope, he's precious, but too old!"

Mitch sputtered again. "No, no. I much prefer the companions. Well, the lady companions, anyway. But, I mean, I won't stop someone else if they want to hook up with Captain Jack or one of the Doctors. None of my business, really, who you want to hook up with. As long as you don't interfere with me hooking up with who I want to." He put a paw on Luna's knee."

"What about if it were someone you knew?" Carol pressed.

"Hey, what you do in your bedroom is really none of my business. I'll be happy for you to have someone, and then leave me out of it. Why all this pressure on this? Who's gay, here?" He looked around the room. Everyone had the good grace to look a little embarassed that he had caught on to the engineered conversation. Then he got to me, and I leaned over and kissed Toby on the lips. "Whoa, really, Tob'? I never had any idea! I always figured you had the hots for that one girl, what was her name? Stephanie. Never could figure out why. We even knew her reputation at Kimber. Good for you! Craig seems a lot better than her."

The whole room breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"Speaking of bedrooms," said John, tipping his beer. "You know the tradition; you got here last, so the sofa is yours. We don't want to know what you two do out here, capiche?"

Luna tipped her head back and laughed. "Don't worry. I plan to wear mi Amor out enough during the day, he will no have energy to do anything at night! I love to ski, buy he tell me lizards no les gusta cold weather. We need to change that."

Mitch looked a little scared, so everyone made encouraging noises and a lot of laughing.

"Come on, Mitch," Carol urged, "You've been coming up here with us every year! Why didn't you tell us you hate the cold?"

"Yeah, but I spent all of it in the lodge drinking hot chocolate, as soon as the sledding was over," he insisted.

"Well, that explains why you spent so much time in the evening in the bathroom," Toby pondered.

"Don't worry," Stu urged. "Skiing is actually pretty good exercise. You'll get your body temp up, and won't even notice the cold."

After that, we broke out the games for a while, and then Craig and I decided to head to bed early. We had changed time zones after all, and spent most of the day on the road. The others promised to keep their voices down and there was some ribbing suggesting that we should do the same. We reminded them of the twin bed factor, which led to more laughter, and we bade them good night.

Toby complained that he really was feeling stiff and sore. "You gotta learn to drive, just so I can get a turn in the passenger seat," he said. "Snow driving is tense driving."

"Well, hon, why don't you lay down and I'll rub those sore muscles."

"Hmm... where have we done that before?" Toby grinned at me as he tugged off his shirt and laid out on the bed. "Reminds me of our first night together."

"Could be, could be," I grinned back as I began to rub his shoulder blades, admiring the muscle of his back. "Where did you get so muscular," I asked. "You haven't been hitting the gym with me and Jack."

"OK, I'll let you in on my secret," Toby said. "I wasn't taking jogging for my PE credit. It didn't fit my schedule, but weight training did, and besides, with you and Jack at the gym all the time, I felt like I was falling behind. So I decided to keep my fitness this year and signed up for it instead. I really just wanted to maintain my shape from the summer; I didn't really expect to get bigger, but I guess I did."

"My sneaky tiger," I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Keeping secrets from me. What should I do about that?"

"I dunno. What do you think you need to do?"

"I think you need a spanking for starters," I said, swatting his butt with a firm pop.

"One! Thank you sir, may I have another sir?" he uttered. I never expected that answer and it was all I could do not to laugh. I swatted him again. "Two! Thank you sir!" I continued to swat until ten. That's when Stu knocked on the door.

"What are you two doing in here?" he asked, not waiting for an answer to enter.

"Toby was keeping secrets about being in a weight class," I said.

"Oh, is that why he is so much more ripply," Stu asked. Well, the others heard the grunting and said I should remind you you were going to be quiet.

I barked a laugh, my tail swinging. "Well, tell them we're sorry, but not to worry, we weren't having sex. You can see we're both still dressed."

"Mostly," said Stu, staring at Toby's back.

"Yeah, mostly," said Toby, still face down in the pillow.

"Well, the spanking is over. Once I'm done massaging Toby, we really will go to sleep," I said. "It's pretty tiring being a navigator in a snowstorm, too."

"OK, good night, guys." Stu backed out of the room and shut the door tight.

"I think he's changing his mind on 'never again,'" I said softly as I got back to massaging Toby. "He never took his eyes off your back."

"We'll see," said Toby. "But not tonight." Toby was mostly asleep by time I finished massaging his back, and I had to prod him to get him to roll over. I did a cursory massage of his torso, when I realized just how much more muscle he had put on. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed. Maybe it was the fact that I had been seeing it happen slowly over time. Maybe I was shocked into it when he picked me up that time. But he really had gotten quite a bit more muscular over the last semester. By time I had finished his pecs and abs, I was feeling rock hard and tenting the fabric of my own pants. I leaned down and kissed his chest, slowly tracing my way down his belly, and when I got to the waistline, I used both paws to tug his pants off. Toby was also rock hard and his cock sprang out from his pants. Reminding him with a soft "shhh" to stay quiet, I began to bathe it with my tongue. Toby moaned softly, and spread his knees out some. Once I had finished bathing his shaft, I shifted and began to lap at his balls, holding his cock up with my muzzle. He spread his knees wider and I tipped my muzzle to get underneath his balls. I continued licking southwards until I found myself lapping at his tailhole. Peeking up, I noticed that he had buried his head under the pillow in order to muffle his moans. This encouraged me and I lapped more, pressing with my tongue until I felt the tight ring of muscle relax so I could dive my tongue inside. I pressed in and lapped around the hole as Toby squirmed on the narrow bed, gripping its sides in his broad paws.

I decided enough was enough, so I pulled back and got on my knees, tapping up with a finger to tell him what I wanted. He apparently wanted it to because there was no hesitation. Within moments, I had him resting on my knees with his angles draped over my shoulders and I pressed my shaft into his hole. I felt more than heard him rumble at that, but he remained largely passive. I could tell how exhausted he was, but I was going to take my time. I slowly slid in and out, feeling every inch as he absorbed and released me until I was pressing on the wall beyond his prostate. Leaning down again, I began to suck on his shaft in time with my languid thrusts. Toby's torso was working in counter balance to mine, making it easier for me to continue. He shifted his legs down to the bed and supported himself, giving me better space to get at his crotch, and more control over the approach to his tail. I didn't change the pattern, just kept going until eventually he was chuffing and groaning, and I could feel his balls tightening under my chin. Finally, he pushed the pillow hard down and let out a very muffled growl as his seed flooded into my mouth. I pushed harder now as I felt his prostate squeezing on my shaft, and made it through the wall as I pressed into his colon as my knot slid past his anus. The compression on my knot meant that I two was cumming now, biting on my wrist hard to keep from barking out. I convulsed hard through my knotted orgasm as spurt after spurt evacuated me and flooded his intestines.

Finally spent, I twisted under his leg so I could spoon him and cuddled up close on the narrow bed. Spooning was the only other option on such a space, which was perfect since we were tied together anyway. I could feel the slow push of the orgasm continuing from the pressure on my knot and knew I was still filling him, but that was fine by me. Somehow I managed to get my clothes off and pulled the blanket over us and curled up, and soon we were both fast asleep.