Earning His Tip

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#35 of Draccy RPs

Today's release is between myself playing a pink dragoness 'Sarah' and good ol' Gephy 's gryphon Kruze.

Since her mother decided to skimp on the tip, this one has our randy movergryph taking advantage of young Sarah's urges to breed her full of a big clutch of dracogryphs instead. Remember folks, tip your crew generously otherwise your daughters might end up pregnant >.>

In all seriousness, Gephy's an amazing playmate and I'm happy to show off our time together. This one's a bit devious but [mostly] consensual so should be fairly safe for most audiences ~.^

Do us a solid:VOTE if you read itCOMMENT if you liked itPAW if you loved it!

D: is me

G: is the Gephster


Sarah sighed impatiently, the older woman directing the movergryph where to actually put their belongings. To say she was a bit of a bitch was no lie; her eloquent royal blue feathers having been professionally preened, sharp black talons carefully manicured and curvaceous feral body shaped by strict diet and personal trainer were all signs of her idea of entitlement. At least her baby blue overscales and golden tangerine underside hugged carefully by an expensive dress and form-fitting lingerie made her a hell of a looker for the big burly male shoving their belongings about.

"Mooom, just let him do it." Huffed her young teenage daughter.

Jena wasn't exactly coming to his defense, she just had her mother's lack of patience and wanted the whole ordeal to be over with. And it was NEVER going to be done if she had the mover shove boxes around until they were in just the right place. For her part, the all-pink dragoness had inherited much of her mother's looks, her feminine form just starting to come into its own with that rosy backside melting in a blushing cream colored belly. If she wasn't so young she'd be quite a looker too.

Not that she wasn't trying, her own attractive blue dress and black leggings hugged her form in ways that drew the eye to all the right places, even if they shouldn't be looking... Jena flicked her platinum collar with an impatient sigh when her mother acknowledged her request, then continued to micromanage the gryphdrake all the same. The only respite he got is when the older woman got a call, those big haunches plopping down.

"Yes, this is she... Yeah, they were supposed to be here at two? ... Now?" She signed with more exasperation than was at all necessary. "Fine, yeah, I'll be there in fifteen to twenty." The older woman exhaled again.

"Hey pumpkin-" The golden bellied dragoness turned toward her daughter who was leaning against the staircase. "-I gotta run, need to finish signing the deal. You be good here by yourself? Shouldn't be more than an hour or two."

"Yeah yeah. Just bring back something for lunch." She countered dismissively, turning and heading up stairs.

"Guess you can finish this off on your own. Bed goes in the master, back center and stack the boxes neatly against the wall with the window." She added, talking to the movergryph... whatever his name was. With that she headed out, providing the last view of those fine haunches he was likely to get.


'This job is turning out to be way more than it's worth,' is the long suffering groan being mentally rolled around the large, stocky drake's skull as he hides his irritation with this overbearing woman by shoving around the den furniture again for the umpteenth time since he muscled it down their painfully long driveway and into the new abode. His boss had made it abundantly clear that his was an important contract they'd gotten and if he made a good enough impression they may start moving around some of the more loaded possible clients in the city.

He snorts quietly under his breath as he shifts the massive coffee table another inch to the female's ever changing expectations. She may be quite the looker, with a pair of haunches that makes his belly stir whenever he gets a look at it, but the wealthy be damned if they're going to be slave drivers like this thrice damned dame.

At the sound of a cellular ringing and the headache inflicting crack of her overbearing voice directing away from him, Kruze finishes sticking the other sofa to where she'd demanded it be and settles onto his haunches respectfully as he waits for further instructions. It's not long, however, that the direction of verbal energy in the room brings his gaze to the less biting visage of her rather bored looking broodling, and he doesn't mind it in the slightest. More slight than her mother, but a lovely color and rather demure in posture, all things that he'd love to...-oh, she's talking to him again, and he refocuses quickly enough to nod sharply at her, beak bobbing down and back up as he affirms her statement; he does however, sneer at her male-socket behind as she saunters out of the house. Bitch.

He turns to the bed set packaging nearby and only barely catches the tiniest peek of that pink tail disappearing up the stairs, and almost unbidden does a devious, immoral, and victoriously satisfying in its vengeful lust does an idea bloom like a plague in his mind. Carrying the last of the furniture to the upstairs landing, he starts peeking into rooms as he searches for his quarry.


The youngling would be found sprawled on her back upon her bed, the expensive comfy cushion naked with the sheets still packed away in a box somewhere. With her head hanging over the far end, tapping away upside down at her phone, the view of her lazy haunches in the air left little to the imagination for any passerby. She wasn't being intentionally untoward of course; those cute hind paws just wobbling lazily as she chatted away with whoever was on the other end of the conversation. But that didn't prevent the sight of her thin, crisp, white panties from being visible from the hallway with her door still open.

She exhaled a sigh. They'd moved away from all her friends; new school, new area, new home. At least she still had her boyfriend, the cute derp trying to lift her spirits even then. They were a hundred miles apart now but that didn't stop her from thinking about him. More so now than ever too considering how frisky she was feeling.

They hadn't planned to do anything until they were older but, when it became clear they might not have another opportunity to, you know, mess around, they finally broke down and did something naughty. Her mother would have a conniption if she found out but now, moved to another town, there was no way she'd know. Mmpfh... the young teen could still imagine the feeling of his tongue against that particular part of her pinkness and shivered. She held her phone in one paw, reading his text while the other slid down her belly, massaging her lower form carefully.

It had just been oral, a taste of him for a taste of her. They were going to 'do it' but she'd never had a chance to get together long enough to try. Technically that still made her a virgin right? Her tail reached up and coiled around a hind ankle, the knotted need between her legs a troublesome itch she had half a mind to try and take care of. Her tail had been a suitable substitute before...

The young girl tensed as a sound from the movergryph reminded her she wasn't alone. Her paw retreated, holding the phone in both paws to click away her response leaving her panties only slightly askew. She'd only been in her bedroom for five minutes and air was already tainted with the scent of her heat. Subtle as it was being her first, it was still more than a little detectable in the enclosing four walls; like a slight cloud of youthful fertility that hung around her. Jena's family might not have noticed the gradual change but there was little doubt external nares would catch on to her body's situation.

If they hadn't already.


Kruze only has to travel a few doors down the expansive hallway until his lungs detect the heavy aroma of a fresh hen only weaning days into her womanhood, the bulldrake huffing the scent deep into his lungs and letting it tingle through his veins and limbs to concentrate on the knot of usually-suppressed lust in his belly. Yes, she will do quite nicely.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he adopts a chilly expression as he carelessly opens the door to peek inside of the room, giving a start as he pretends to not have known that the pretty little miss would be in here. "Oh! Apologies, I'm settling the last of your boxes about. Did you want them anywhere in here in particular?"

He doesn't really wait for an answer as he hefts a few assorted ones and waltzes right in, scooting them around half aimlessly as he adopts a subtle strut that shows off as much of his large, stocky quadrupedal form as he can get. He's gonna woo this fresh little hen into giving up her ghost for him, if it's the last thing he does!


The sudden intrusion made her jump slightly, the young girl's tail twitching slightly in annoyance. She didn't immediately move, tapping away at her phone for a moment.

...and don't worry about me so much, we'll be fine. Love you lots. Mover's here, gotta go for a bit. Loves. Bye!

With message sent, she locked her phone and rolled over onto her flank, sliding it onto the bare nightstand beside the bed. The big feral shoved a pair of square containers into her room asking where to put them. She sighed and just flicked a wing dismissively against the far wall. Didn't really matter where he put them, all the contents was going to have to come out and go everywhere anyway.

"Yeah, just, shove them against the wall or whatever. I'm not picky like mom." Her pink tail tip flicked idly, watching the big burly drake head butt the moving boxes around. Once near their destination, he'd hop up on his hinds, grasp them with his fores and more fine tune the end result.

Damn he was a big bird... She knew he was of course; it was the reason he was doing such a physical task but, with a moment to really look at him, she realized he was almost twice her size. She wasn't afraid per se, but there was a certain amount of respect, if not interest, in a male of his grandeur.


The gryphon makes a show of settling the few moving containers that hold the young lass' things into juuust the right positions as he feels the warm line of her gaze raking over his form, his mouth curling into a grin as he shifts his body about so that his underbelly shows ever so slightly before falling back down to all fours and turning to face her.

"Anything else at all I can do for you, miss?" He rumbles out, pacing closer to her unbidden as he smells that tingling scent once again with the musky aroma of cardboard out of his face. Yep, definitely either entering or leaving one of her first few heats, if not her very first.

He settles down on his haunches after a moment of silence and clicks his beak understandably at her phone set aside and her almost dismissive attitude. "Ah, if it's not too forward, I understand what it's probably like to move to a new place. New friends, new city, new life...begging your pardon, of course, but I think if you give it a shot, you'll like it here just as much." He pauses to dip his head in mock sudden deference.

"Also I...couldn't help but tell that you seem to have something bothering you more physically. Would you...like some help with it? I have a lot of experience assisting clients of all kinds..." He smiles warmly at her and flicks a wing out good naturedly.


She listens, lounging there casually. The dressed-up teen looking oddly out of place on the bare bed. She chortles at his 'parental advice', not that she gets much of it from her own parents but it is kinda nice to hear someone else understands the crap she has to deal with. She quirks an eye ridge at his offer to help her, too naïve to catch the underlying innuendo. She shrugs.

"Sure." She says plainly, crossing her forepaws. He's here to do help them right? That's what mom was paying him for, might as well take advantage of it if he's offering. "Sucks that we had to move at the end of the semester, just when me and my boyfriend were starting to get somewhere." The pink scaled female sighed, waving a forepaw at the phone as it buzzed right on time with a message from him.

"Anyway, what did you have in mind? Would be nice to take my mind off this shit storm." He could tell by the way she spoke the curse word she was not used to saying it. Her youthful innocence showing a bit.


He tsks and shakes his head in understanding at her words, standing up and padding closer to the side of the bed to place a taloned paw up on the bare mattress casually. "Ahh, young love. It's nice to see it when you get to," Even if it's about to be thrown right out the window, he adds mentally, his grin broadening as he hears her prod him further into his suggestion.

"Well, sometimes I have some unlisted services that I can provide, and with the way you're sitting and, ah..." he sort of bobs his head slightly as he inhales a few times. "...smelling, it's something that's been a bother in your belly for a little while, yeah?" He waves his paw in the air conversationally as the words roll smoothly from his beak, the other leg coming up to rest on the mattress as well, slowly invading her space while she's preoccupied with the conversation.

"Your mother's gonna start noticing soon, and there's gonna be a lot of things she'll probably want you to do. No friends over, in after a certain time, no parties...I remember it well with my own sister. However...I can help suppress it for a while and give you some time to figure out how to hide it from her. She'll never have to know." He pauses as if to think about it for a moment to himself, before frowning and shaking his head a little dismissively. "Although, perhaps you might be worried about what your boyfriend would think, which is understandable. I can assure you though, I think he'd understand..."


She listens casually, only slightly distracted by the growing itch in her belly. It's been worse today than it was yesterday, unbeknownst the scent of a nearby gryphon bull only encouraging that ache. She perks at his mention of the issue she's dealing with, wondering how he knew... Oh, her scent? Self consciously she wanted to sniff at herself to figure out what he was talking about but refrained lest she make herself look silly.

Jena scrunched her nose at the mention of mom putting extra restrictions on her and crossed her forearms again in discontent. It wasn't until that last hop got his haunches up onto the bed with her that she really caught on to him invading her space, though, oddly, she didn't mind as much as she otherwise might. He seemed nice so she scooted over to make some space for him. After all, he'd offered to help and she'd accepted. Granted, she didn't really know what she'd accepted other than a potentially 'unlisted service'.

When he mentioned her long distance boyfriend, she glanced at her phone and back at him, now more curious what he meant.

"What about Charlie? I guess I just don't understand what you mean...?" She inquired with an adorable little head tilt with those cute ear fins spread out to capture whatever details he had to offer.


He sighs a little and shakes his head slightly, smirk still plastered across his beak; she really was a naive little freshling, just blossoming into a fertile young woman but under the strict, sheltering muzzle of her mother. Well, it looks like he's going to have to change that today.

"Well...this 'service' is going to involve something I'm safely going to probably assume that you haven't done before and it...well, not to put too fine a point on it, is gonna require me to get a little intimate with you to help suppress that itch deep in your core." He drapes a large wing over her back and blankets her in his warmth...and scent, washing the subtle pheromone rich air toward her head as he continues.

"Surely you can feel it now, the burning growing hotter, demanding you to let a proper male into you to quench your thirst? Normally you'd have...ah, Charlie was his name? Have him handle it for you, but he's far away and I have a lot of knowledge on matters like these." He shrugs a bit and half withdraws his wing, as it he's half-expecting her to vehemently deny and refuse his suggestion. "Though, again, it's going to require you to lift your gorgeous tail for me, little one. I understand if that's too much to ask...but then it's only going to get worse and either your mother will lock you in here or you're going to flag for some horrible man in an alley. It's a bad way for it to go." He makes a show of being disturbed by the thought.


That was nice, being so close and cradled against him, that brain filling musk of a virile drake cocooned around her like a mental blanket. It was nice enough, she perked a little when he withdrew, licking her lip with a slight curl of the tongue. A soft shiver coursed through her as she thought about it. What Charlie and she would do? Oh. Oooouhh...

"You mean... having sex...?" She looked down her flank at her sprawling haunches and the tail she was 'going to have to lift' to accept his help. She huffed softly. "We were... gunna do that before I left..." She admitted "But didn't get the chance before mom dragged us out here." She grumped. Inadvertently, it appeared his comment about her mother locking her in her room was working to his advantage, furthering that touch of resentment.

She considered it for a moment more; he could see the thought rolling around in her head before it finally seemed to settle into place.

"Alright, yah, I think Charlie would be okay with it since he can't help me out right now. I guess you know what you're doing so... sure..." Her heart rate unknowingly quickened. "So what do you need me to do?"


He just barely manages to suppress the predatory grin of triumph from cutting across his cheek at her acquiescence to his plan, instead adopting a warm, comforting smile at her when she asks for direction. Glancing around, he settles in closer and nudges his haunches up against hers with a slightly playful air. "Well, first things first is that we're going to have to probably 'warm' each other up...we have a few hours until your mother returns so we can do this right."

He shifts about on the bed and readjusts himself until he's lying opposite of her, head coming to rest near her haunches as he settles on his back and looks down his belly at her inquisitive face peering at him. Gods, she's so cute. At this angle she'd easily be able to see the bulge of his sheath and orbs through his snug fitting work suit, nothing really left to the imagination as the zipper itself bulges and strains against him as he rolls into a comfortable position and gestures to her.

"Right...hop on up and lay your belly flat on mine - you're going to want to straddle my head so I can work easily on getting you prepared. For what you can do...well, pull down that zipper and get me nice and hard with your pretty little muzzle...it's gonna need to be that way if I'm going to fit inside of you."


The little pink dragoness shifts a little as he works himself over, wiggling on a bed barely big enough for the full fledged male to sprawl out on. She watches him wiggle and move with dedicated interest, that thick plumage might be toughed from all the physical work he does for a living but the feathers make for a damningly thick scented burly male for her vision to feast on- even if she isn't exactly conscious of how her eyes devour that lovely form.

And, of course, her view is naturally drawn toward his crotch as any randy teen's would. It's a strange feeling, doing all this, but she's already committed herself to it, and that itch between her legs is getting worse so it's do this or be uncomfortable for who knows how long. Up onto the sprawling male she goes then, her smaller form sliding in belly to belly with the burly drake. She tries to be careful not to squish him but even her full weight hardly seems to phase the gryph beneath her. A quick glance back confirms everything seems to be in order, his paws on her rump making her jump slightly, though her tail instinctively arches some too.

Little paws migrate down to his crotch, feeling the lump and, more than that, feeling the lump move. She huffs and blushes a little, though you'd be hard pressed to see the rosiness on her pink cheeks.

"We did do a bit of this before..." She admits, the sharp sound of his zipper parting ways strong in both their ears. "Mpfh, but you are a lot bigger than Charlie." She adds after she finishes fishing out those weighty looking balls and tip-peeking sheath. The young hen can feel her heart thumping in her chest, nares flaring at the scent of him that penetrates her senses like a drug.

Lust drunk as she is, those soft, well manicured paws cradle and pet that heavy sheath all the same, watching that juicy ebony cock emerge from its comfortable housing out right out into the open air.


The burly bird, for his part, manages a modicum of self control for once in his eventful life of preying on vulnerable females, only settling his forepaws on her haunches as she idly murmurs down at the weighty melons of his masculinity; his crest puffs proudly, though she can't see it, at her mumbled admission about how he dwarfs her boyfriend's size, the words dripping down his growing lust addled senses as he focuses between the pretty hen's legs to see what he's dealing with.

She'd settled into place on his belly in just the right spot for their respective sizes, those soft little panties that he'd gotten a glimpse of hugging her young feral haunches snugly in a way that makes his stiffening manhood thicken in her paws and pulse toward her face. Oh, he's going to enjoy her very much.

Leaning in, he slithers his tongue out and paints a wet, probing lick along her feral quim through the undergarment to gauge her reaction, and when he sees her tail arch further and feels that kneading at his junk stutter slightly, he shifts it aside with his tongue and goes right at her snug, teenage cunt with his broad, long tongue. Wide, hungry licks paint over her neglected sex, and he makes sure to press deep against that entrance to slather his saliva nice and thick over her nethers.

Oh, the taste of her is exquisite, and he lets himself go a bit as he digs in further, hands on her haunches gripping tighter as he burrows his tongue as deep into her as he can get it and begins to roil it around, hunting for her sensitive spots and releasing a growling purr into her as he does so.

For his own body, that thick, fat, dark prick rather quickly spills out into the open, glistening with the oily moisture of his sheath and sitting there in her paws in all its three foot glory, his sheath stretched wide around the still hidden knot as he throbs with the heated enjoyment he's getting from having at her tasty cunt. His nuts churn hard in her gaze, and he gleans enjoyment from the knowledge that she's never seen a male as impressive as he knows he is!


Her cute little squeak as his tongue grazes across the fabric is amusing. Her boyfriend was as new to female anatomy as she was to male so their exploration had been very experimental. For the movergryph, a lady's henparts were just another well explored facet of life he'd indulged in many times. So getting the girl to squirm or clench or gasp at his touch was not difficult at all. Holding her cheeks spread and worming his tongue under that protective garment to fish its way into her pussy made her exhale and shudder. Holy crap that was amazing!

And he seemed only to be getting started, with his tongue like some expert lock pick to those hard-clenched youthful muscles. She was a lovely little piece of meat too, warm, damningly wet, sweet tasting and richly in heat. The fact that her scent was getting stronger as he went on suggested she wasn't leaving her season but rather entering it meaning there was lots he could still get out of her fresh little cunt.

For her part, the little girl didn't really have to do much to get that tree trunk of a cock hard as a brick. Nothing like getting your beak wet on prime virgin pussy to get the blood flowing. But, distracting as it was to have his beak massaging its way into her underpink, she didn't want to disappoint. After all, she knew from her time with Charlie, males liked it too.

Plus she wanted to try it again. It took both paws to wrap completely around his mast, those soft cream colored paws petting his musk-reeking spear, thoroughly enjoying the way his skin bunched up a bit around the edge of her grip before slipping beneath her paws, leaving a thin film of clinging sheath slime on them. She leaned down and sniffed, really taking in the direct mind-altering smell right from the source. Then licked.

It was like licking an ice cream cone, riding her tongue across the surface, gathering up that intense flavor and drawing it into her maw to sample. Granted ice cream didn't usually have prickly barbs but she found it oddly pleasing to weave her tines between them as she gathered up the dollop of precum.


The gryphon growls as he continues to root around in her snug little vent for a few moments longer, his heart thumping in his chest as he rides high on the nerve-alighting lust that's beginning to roar in his veins; alongside it, as well, is the sinful sensation of her tongue coiling around and over his sensitive cockbarbs as she samples his flavor for herself.

Oh, he just loves it when he can get a hen to dive eagerly into bed with him (as common as it may be), but he's not going to take it for granted one bit. Aware that they're on a bit of a ticking clock, he reluctantly pulls himself from her sopping sex and drags his tongue over his beak as he judges the both of them ready.

"Okay, lovely, I think we're ready to really start now. Let's get you into position." He gently deposits her down beside him before deftly shifting about yet again - he's very good at maneuvering in small spaces, it seems - until he's gotten her right down beneath him while he settles beck into position to mount her.

"Arch your tail up over your back, there you go. Get those haunches nice and high for me, hon, it's gonna be a difficult angle; and if you want me to slow down or stop at any time, just let me know."

So I can ignore you and go deeper. He thinks savagely to himself.

With that said, he helps her pull her inexperienced body into position, and he takes great delight in sawing his massive member between her thighs and across her belly, measuring to her just how deep he's going to get into her body to scratch her itch, before pulling back to prod at her entrance and begin the long, arduous process of sliding himself into her core.


For her part, Jena is in a state of pleasured euphoria. Between having a beak nuzzled into her pussy and tongue questing across her naked folds to being able to gently wrap her lips around the whole head of his cock and gum at, she's never been this excited before. Her little tongue pokes out from her lip, cradling his cockflesh as she gives a gentle suckle. It's very different than her first time; confidence isn't her strong suit in this sort of interaction but he doesn't seem to need much from her to coat the back of her tongue in his lustful goo.

When he withdraws, she perks and does the same, a line of pre-tainted saliva stretching from her chin to his dick, breaking off in a glob of lovely lust as she looks back, feeling him start to move her. The inexperienced hen follows his lead as she goes from being the one mounting on top to the one mounted on bottom. Something about this feels right, granted it shouldn't considering the difference in size, species and age between them but having the large brazen male standing over her sends an excited shiver through her frame.

That sense of elation is only amplified as he hoists her ass up and slides his wet cock between her thighs, pressing that twitching, throbbing length against her belly directly in line with where her womb is just a scant inch beneath the surface. Her tail goes exactly where he wants it as he rubs against her underbelly like that, making a quivering breath escape her. Wide baby blue eyes watch him grease up her belly before slipping back to drag that trail of precum from her midsection to her dangerously exposed sex.

She can't help the reflexive tension that causes those vaginal muscles to clench up at the intruder but that just makes breaking into her virgin sanctuary all the more enjoyable. The poor girl bites her lip as he enters her. It doesn't hurt per se but she can REALLY feel how big he is as that fat mast wedges itself into her tight little pussy one bare inch at a time.


Kruze groans a low warble right into her ear as he feels his tapered tip finally begin to burrow past the snug, virgin ring of her unused, unbroken sex, the delightful warmth of her heat-addled belly enveloping his crown and the first few inches of him with only the barest hint of resistance; nevertheless, the sensation of burrowing into this tiny teen dragoness's pristine pussy causes him to despoil her for the first time with a lance of musky, potent pre that he sprays down her channel to grease his further pushes.

His slide inward is slow but unstoppable, one of his forelegs tucking itself up under her belly and just inwards of one of her haunches to help hold her rear end up into the air as he arches his tail and really begins to bury himself into her snug socket. A growl of lust escapes his lips, and he leans down to give a lick along the cheek of the girl he's claiming for himself.

After several minutes of slow, methodical, hip shifting progress forward, the bullgryph feels his crown kiss up against the pucker of her unspoiled cervix - the first time she's ever had a male kiss her like that - and his knot mush up just barely against the wide spread lips of her sex if he really digs his hips forward into that sinfully provocative pose obvious of a stud claiming his hen, and he exhales a breath of relief into her frilly ears as he rubs over the undoubtedly impressive bulge along her underbelly he's making. "There, I'm all the way inside. How do you feel, lovely?" He nips gently at her soft, creamy pink throat and doesn't wait for an answer either way. "I'm going to start now, brace yourself.

And with those words, the male drags himself out of her spasming cunt halfway, and he grunts in satisfaction as he drops his haunches and drives it back in, barbs catching ever so slightly on her insides and raking her unfamiliar walls with their devious persuasion. He's kept his true intentions a secret from her, and if he's successful then he can only imagine the look on her boyfriend's face when he finally discovers what has happened...~


It's a challenge no mistake. The young girl has never had cock inside her, let alone the tree trunk of gryphon flesh deviously burrowing into her naked folds. There are times she huffs and there are times she holds her breath as the big drake slowly gorges her soft velvety cunt with several pounds of cockflesh until, at last, she feels him press against her firmly at both ends of that sweet virgin passage.

Well, not virgin any more, the big bird having done an excellent job scraping away her innocence one thick pulsing inch at a time until there's nothing left but that raw, fertile womb of hers that hasn't been violated. But, if that pulsing, dripping tip nuzzled in, french kissing her cervix has anything to say, it won't stay that way for long.

His words catch up to her as she takes a moment to just relax and breathe, feeling every twitch and jerk of his girthy broodmaker inside her. She hisses pleasurably and arches as his paw strokes her taut belly, feeling up the bulge in her belly; a sizeable bump she'd be worried about if not for knowing the source! Her eyes catch sight of it too as she looks back, seeing those heavy hanging balls beneath her tail, only the base knot of red sitting outside of her stretched, yawning, candy colored pussy.

His warning makes her perk as she looks up, just in time to clench and hiss through clenched teeth as those barbs catch and rake across her naked folds carelessly. The sensation is alarming and stings but fucking hells dose the following sensation of him stuffing that cock back into her stimulated sex feel damnedly soothing.

"Nnguahh...!" The noise melts from her lips as the big bird starts fucking her for real. A nice slow burn to start of course, getting those egg laying muscles used to the idea of having large objects passing through them while encouraging her womb to make sure there she'll have lots more practice in a few months once he's done with her...


The gryph keeps his pace going steady, haunches clapping a dull, thudding rhythm into her own as he settles right into breeding her freshly claimed cunt as his own. The sensation of an almost too tight snatch vicing down around his experienced marebreaker gives way gradually to the feeling of a snug, welcoming hole that feels sized just right to barely accept such a virile bull as himself, and he lets loose his own illiterate sounds of lust as he leans his body down further and stretches his wings out slightly to hood over them both.

Undoubtedly, with his barbs raking back and forth on her confused, sopping folds, her heat is now working in overdrive, triumphantly working all of those body systems deep in her core to make sure that she leaves this little escapade in a few months sagging heavy with his glorious progeny, making sure that he's going to be able to sire as many dracogryphs in her belly as he can as he pushes her body to its' limits with his size and sexual ferocity.

After several minutes of slow, steady fucking to a rhythm well practiced in his mind from breaking teenagers at campsites, he begins to speed his thrusting up, pressing down on her heavier as he instinctively tries to pin her to the bed beneath him so that she cannot attempt to escape until he's through with her. Balls slap heavily between her haunches and up against the soft plane of her lower belly as he breeds, and he growls possessive words into her frills as he throws caution to the wind and really gets down to hammering his cock against that inner barrier to get it to open up for him and expose the most dangerous part of her to his devious intentions!


She might be the daughter of a bitch but, for the most part, she's a good girl. Never been one to drink or smoke, and juuuust touching into the whole lewd-thing before they had to leave. Now here she was having unprotected sex with a drake twice her size in her own undressed bed. He didn't even bother having her strip down, the feisty fresh hen wobbling there on the tips of her toes fully dressed with just her panties nudged off to the side so the big burly male could wedge that fat breeder cock deep into her vulnerable young pussy.

With her ass in the air and tail bent over to the side, it gave him a straight shot at the fresh eggs of her womb too, her yawning delicate womanhood swallowing his meaty spear nearly to the hilt over and over and over again as he let the pretense that this was for her benefit fall to the wayside in favor of just fully enjoying her body. Her mother wasn't there to tip him monetarily (if she would have even bothered) but he was going to get full value out of her daughter's cunt. After all, this was pussy you couldn't buy!

One paw pressed against the dimpled cushion while the other clung to his fore wrist to try and stabilize her against the brutal fucking she was getting. The warbling gasping noises escaping her lips weren't intelligible, just rhythmically in sync as he dove into her repeatedly.

She couldn't tell if she'd hit her climax, she had to right? Those muscular contractions felt familiar but different, easily able to chalk it up to him rutting her through one orgasm and into another. She had no idea it was those wicked barbs having a field day deep inside her reproductive tract. They were going to fuck her numb but not before trying to drain her ovaries dry. Each passing scrape sent a quivering compulsion to ovulate and her body did its best to keep up with the biological request from a beast not even of her own species.

The sloppy wet sounds of sex echoed sharply down the empty halls, anyone in the house could hear the two beasts going hard at it but it was just the two of them; one with a river of pheromone rich nectar dripping down her thighs and one dribbling thick greasy seminal fluid into the other.


The gryphon barely keeps track of the time that he's spending hammering into the belly of this cute little female like the beast he is, his breath coming in short grunts and huffs as his entire body focuses on staying caught with plowing his greasy dickflesh into her sopping cunny. He tucks his other forepaw into the crook of her leg to join its' twin, pinning her front to her bed and beneath his fluffy, male-musk heavy chest crest as he steps his powerful hinds to either side of her tip-pawed own to give him more leverage to hammer his knot up against her abused folds.

His snarls begin to grow more pronounced as his drizzling tool squirts heavier and heavier gouts of pre into her belly as he continues, his now outspread wingspan balancing him in place and nearly covering her room in the musky shadow of his presence. His balls slap her belly like a punishing father, reminding her instinctive mind of the virility of the male she's chosen to let into her body, and he relishes in the feeling of it responding by convulsing around him and wringing more eggs to scatter across the surely already crowded field of her womb.

Still, as much as he's enjoying leaving a hen breathless on her first time and hammering the memory of himself deep into her mind, all things eventually have to come to an end, and his begins to make itself known like a hornets' nest in the back of his skull beginning to crawl down his spine. With gruff, hungry warbles and growls, the male is barely able to whisper one phrase into her ear - "You're my hen now...~" - before he presses one last thrust as hard as he can into her to allow his knot to mound over her entrance and slip into her cunt with a toe curling slurp, which in turn drives his thick, tapered tip rudely past the pucker of her inner barrier and in to spray a slop of seed-laced precum across the fertile chamber of her core.

Now tied and secure to his hot, writhing claim, Kruze hammers short, rapid thrusts against her haunches that send his balls swaying against her thighs as he rushes his golden strokes to this inevitably messy finish...


The motions of the burly beast on her back become less and less about helping her with her condition and much more about helping himself to fleshy glove of her vent. His shifting posture helps reinforce his position on the matter, shoving her chest to the bed before laying his weight on her back. The same powerful paws that dragged her bed and dresser up a flight of stairs and into the corner of her room now yank those beautiful child-bearing hips into the air while simultaneously sitting that fat cunt-wrecker right on her lifted ass.

She's not really in a mindset to respond to his claim, thought she damn well feels it happen as he spreads her legs wide, and then spreads her pussy wider. Her eyes shoot open with a yelp as the cusp of her bruised neither lips sliiiide over last inch or two of knotted gryphon meat. The moment the widest girth slips inside is the moment she feels that bludgeoning battering ram shlop right into place within her. If the smaller hen wasn't overwhelmed with the sensations being plowed through her pussy already, feel that whole lump in her gut just shunt forward and lock into place would leave the precious young girl weak-kneed.

Luckily, with that bare mast of breeding flesh now slotted all the way inside, he didn't really need her to keep standing. This was his moment of glory, just finishing up nailing the poor girl, taking the golden opportunity to beat his brood into her belly. Her entire body was hardly more than a warm fleshy condom for him to use, those flared barbs doing even more damage so close to the source of her heat, tickling those egg makers in the most damning way a best of his size could manage.

Her cumming cunny tried to clench and spasm with its own mind washing orgasm but it was difficult for her strained, exhausted form to put up a fight. Instead, his barbed flesh just beat the eggs out of her as he made the young girl wear his balls, those cream filled orbs dangling as close to her tenderized womb as he could possibly get them. She might have even felt his sticky matted sheath fur tickling her gender if not for the already overwhelming sensation of being knotted and bred.

At least he'd been right; once he was done with her she wouldn't have that itch any more...


Kruze, riding high on the mixed pleasure of triumphantly tying his gender into the abused cocksocket of the soon-to-be mother beneath him, and the heady stupor of being on the razors edge of his own impending climax, only lasts another moment and several bruising thrusts into Jana's convulsing cunt. This is what he lives for, why he chooses the odd jobs to supplement his ludicrous inheritance - there's nothing quite like getting off limits females to give themselves up for him, only to leave his permanent reminders of their illicit meetings sagging their bellies to the ground.

This thought in his head, the bullgryph gives her the horniest moan he possibly can as his hips slam flush with her raised ass one final time before he lets go into her milking depths. His balls tug up several inches toward his taint, squeezing tight and dragging up against her underbelly as he pisses his heavy, potent spunk against the far wall of her womb. The contractions of his belly are so fast and his flow so heavy that it's a seemingly constant, pressurized stream of baby batter splattering across her deepest reaches with its tingling, creamy warmth.

He clutches her to him like a dying male as he arches his back up further, tucking her haunches up between his as he drains himself dry into her womb, her belly slowly rounding out with his hot gift as he tries his damndest to get this unfaithful little slut as pregnant as he possibly can. His body jerk and grinds up against her dickslot as he persists, shot after shot staining her insides with billions upon billions of his little swimmers - all of which immediately begin to dig into the field of relinquished ova littering her now swollen, completely filled eggchamber.

After several minutes, the burly bull's orgasm finally abates, and he hornily humps up against the cum-swollen, well bred little teenager to finish off his climax as his stream finally peters out. He keeps enough mind to not collapse atop her, and after a moment of catching his breath, he glances over at her phone and decides to use the time that she's' woozy from being freshly seeded to sneak his number into her contact list with a few deft swipes of his talons. After that, he merely lies atop her and pets over her now rotund, hanging belly and murmurs praise at her while he waits for his knot to deflate just enough to yank free. "Hrrrnh...feels better now, doesn't it?"


The poor girl is literally drooling at both ends leaving a dark spot on the mattress from saliva at one end and tainted pussy juice leaking from her overstuffed cunt. She hasn't even begun to recover when a new sensation finds its way up her spine as the big male shove and yanks, pushing her flush against his crotch to send the first splash of thick, rich semen straight into her womb. Her eyes shoot open in surprise, half blinded by the fluff of feathers lying on her head as she's lifted off the bed entirely. Her little paws stretch out as he holds her there and just starts whitewashing her eggchamber.

The feeling of that fire hose of genetic soup dimpling the soft, sensitive flesh of her lady parts is indescribable. For a brief moment, you could even see the little bump it made in her belly on the outside. He doesn't stop either, gyrating, grinding, and using her sweet little vent as little more than a comfortable place to drain his balls into. The fact that his little swimmers have plenty of fresh, unfertilized eggs to burrow into is just icing on the gut-swelling cake. The heavy heat of it and the smell, umpfh.

And the sound! Gawds, she can hear the gooey slurpy glorp as his sperm churns around inside her. The tidal wave rushing against her fertile shores is like a tsunami of pent up lust as those heavy hanging balls shrink visibly. Not that she can see them for what they lose in weight she gains in considerable excess. It's not long before the cock-shaped lump in her belly softens until she looks damningly pregnant already.

Which isn't far from the truth either, those vicious little wigglers wasting no time coring into the excessive number of eggs he's gotten her untested ovaries to give up. One by one they fall victim to the feathered bull's designs, eager little tails slipping beneath the smooth pristine surface of her freshly fertilized chicks. But that was a problem for future Jena; right now she just got to revel in the intense afterglow of being thoroughly impregnated by the devious movergryph.


He takes the cooing noises she makes in response to him as confirmation that the incessant itch that had been bothering her for who knows how long is gone - along with her virginity and any hope of not being a teenage mother of dozens . The movergryph hefts himself up and back to admire his swollen, twitching handiwork but...something is missing.

Glancing over at her phone for a moment to check the time, he does some mental math quickly and grins to himself. He has more than enough time left for one last thing; something to leave for her mother to find as a parting gift to her bitchy superiority complex.

Pulling himself back with a gruff exhale of effort, the bullgryph slops his knot free of her abused cunt but stays inside of her. Adjusting himself more comfortably, the malicious male begins to pump his hips again, building up to his full pace very quickly as he churns the load he left into her cunt with his powerful, hammering thrusts. This orgasm comes within a few moments, however, his oversensitive cock unable to last very long. This is where he sets his devious little idea into motion.

The moment he feels his taint begin to convulse in its contractions, the drakegryph pulls himself free of her belly and quickly slides up between the pert pink globes of her scaly ass. He groans out a sound of satisfaction as his tip sprays thick, stinking ropes of cum all over her pearlescent, scaly back. Rope after rope lays itself over her ass, spine, wings, and even a rope or two lay themselves far up and over her head and muzzle as he empties a no less copious nut all over her body to truly mark her as his.

Pulling off of her and giving that lovely haunch cushion of her ass a slap of approval, the burly bird quickly tucks himself back into his work suit with deft hands borne of much practice, and he hurries to finish up moving the cunt of a mother's bed and belongings into her room - but not before he pulls his phone from a pocket and snaps several dozen pictures of the drooling, cum painted dragoness from different angles. This is one that he's going to want to remember.

Still, he's cutting it close as it is so, with one last wink and slow, hungry lick of her cum drooling snatch, Kruze waltzes out of the front door and, confident that he won't be caught (as no information he actually gives is his real identity) quickly gets into the unmarked white moving vehicle and motors off out of the neighborhood.