From Slave to Lover

Story by Matheauthered on SoFurry

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From Slave To Lover

"Ahhh....that feels absolutely delightful" I said as the girl massaged the base of my massive wings. I stretched them out even further so she would have easier access to the smaller crevices inbetween. My name is Damean. I would tell you my full name but it is far too long and complicated, so I'll keep it short. I am a young dragon, being only 3,000 or so years old. I am a large gold dragon, measuring nearly 170 feet long from my snout to my tail tip. Im sensitive about my weight, and you dont really need to know that anyways. My eyes are a pale blue color, almost white.

The girl massaging me is named ashley. I picked her up a few years ago, rather against her will, but she had nowhere to go, so she has actually come to like being my lover. At least she has somewhere to stay and is ensured food, right? She too, is young, being only 19 winters old. She stands at somewhere around 6 feet tall, is skinny, blonde, and very beautiful. She has long legs, something i even find attractive. Her breasts are not overly large, but very perky on her chest, another admirable feature of hers. The story i am about to tell you is of a few years back. We had a little......encounter then. She was already my slave, so i guess it was okay. It is a sexual experiance, between her and I, so if you do not wish to hear of such things, i would suggest you stop reading right now. This is my tale.......

The morning started off as any other. It was rather bright in my little cave already, the sun rising over the mountains. So i stood up and stretched myself, yawning loudly, hearing my wings creak as i stretched them. My little slave girl Ashley was asleep still, and i would let her remain so until i got back from my hunt. I stood outside and blinked a few times as the bright rays of the sun violated my eyes, making them water slightly. With a few thrusts of my mighty wings, i was airborne, flying over the green plains of the valley, sniffing the winds for any sign of game animals. It didnt take long for my keen senses to pick out a herd of gazelles, and i silent snuck up behind them. Tucking my wings to my side, i dropped out of the sky as quick as a talon, my hind legs stretched out, talons at the ready. Before the herd even knew i was upon them, i had already snapped two of the gazelles necks, taking them down. The herd started to scatter, and i was satisfied with my two. I ripped greedily into the first, my teeth ripping through the tough flesh as though it were little more than tissue. I groaned with happiness as the cooling blood and meat filled my mouth. I tore it apart, devouring it quickly. The second gazelle i ate, i ate a little slower, actually tasting all of it as i ate. I ripped a hind leg off of the carcass and left the rest for the scavangers of the valley before returning to the air to go home, holding breakfast for my slave in my foreclaws. I landed outside the cave and was actually surprised to see Ashley awake and waiting for me just inside the cave.

"Good morning master" Ashley said, bowing her head to me. "I trust your hunting went well?"

" Yes, it did actually....." I said, raising an eye in question at her. "What has got you in such a fine mood this morning, slave? Did you roll off your rock and hit your head?"

"No, of course not, master" She said sweetly. "I can be in a good mood, cant I?" I supposed she could, of course. But i didn't think one that was a slave could usually be happy, so i just nodded and threw the flank of meat at her, roasting it on the ground with my breath before walking past her into my home. She looked after me for a moment and then started eating, while i went to go groom myself a little bit. When she finished, she came back inside and sat down across from me, staring at me.

"What?" I asked with a little displeasure in my voice. "What do you want? Quit staring at me like that, your bugging me." "dont you have any chores for me to do today master?" "No! Just.......i dont know, go clean or something.....i know its already clean because your quite good at it, but just go somewhere and quit bugging me!" She stared at me for a second and then got up with as much dignity as she could muster and bounded away, headed for where i did not really care.

Truth be told, i had had her for a year or two already by now anyways, and i was already growing tired of her. She could have run away that day and i wouldn't have cared or gone after her. She came back a few hours later and started cleaning as i had told her to do. What she found to clean, i dont know or care. The place was spotless already! So i just layed there on my lazy golden rear end and watched her flit about the cave, cleaning things that she had already cleaned until i started to grow tired. My eyes started to close and i saw her looking at me with an odd look. I thought nothing of it at the time of course, so i fell asleep.

I awoke some time later to quite a surprise. I slid one eye open, to see if ashley was doing anything wrong and didnt see her immediately. I thought nothing of it, of course, until i turned my head just enough to see her standing by my belly. I was going to say something until i saw just what it was she was doing. She was standing there with her behind towards me, her pants pulled slightly down, enough so i got the pleasant view of her bare behind. She was staring at my cock and pleasuring herself between her legs with her hand. I could smell the heavy scent of her pleasure in the air, and it stirred something within me, which caused my cock to have a little reaction of her own. I saw her jump and i closed my eye automatically, pretending to be asleep. I "awoke" some twenty minutes later when she had finished, and i pretended to know nothing. This went on for a week or so, and then stopped happening.

I was a little disappointed at first, because i rather liked my afternoon view of her ample behind. It looked so smooth and begged for attention, but i dared not touch or make an attempt for fear of alerting her. Another week passed without incident, with no such occurances. Then she started again. But this time, she went a little further. I slid my eye open as the scent of her arrousal filled the cavern, and i almost jumped to my feet at what i saw. She was sitting there, completely naked this time, with her back to a boulder. This was the first time i had ever seen her naked, and her breasts were just perfect! So completely rounded and her nipples were as hard as stones, poking proudly into the air, begging to be nibbled upon. She had her legs wide open and was sliding her hand up and down her moist sex as i watched quietly, fighting back my arrousal. She was completely without hair in her nether region, which stirred something fierce in my loins. I held it at bay though, and continued to watch as she slid first one finger, then two, then three into her glistening sex, pushing them in and out and at a quick pace, leaning her head back and moaning. This went on for three days. Those were some of the best days i had had with her as a slave, and i was suddenly glad that i had not killed her or let her loose.

For another week after that, nothing happened again, and i began to lose patience that she would not give her shows anymore. But i waited patiently, and as they say, good things come to those who wait. And something good did come. Because she suddenly got very brave.......I was pretending to be taking my afternoon nap when the smell of her arousal filled the cave again. I held back a smile and opened that same eye as always.....and was disappointed that she was fully clothed. I remember wondering why i could smell her arrousal if she was clothed, and then i found out why, very quickly. Suddenly i felt her very warm and sweaty hands (nervous, no doubt) wrap around the shaft of my cock. I almost screamed. But i somehow managed to keep control and hold it in. She began to talk to herself in almost a whisper. I heard things like,

"I really hope he doesn't wake up or he'll eat me for sure" and "No, he wont wake up, hes a heavy sleeper, ive nothing to fear" If only she knew! She pumped my cock between her her hands softly at first, quickly supporting me to full arousal and gasping at the sight of my 19 inch long 4 inch wide cock in her hands. I bit back a smile and a moan of pleasure as she continued to pump my shaft. She stopped when i was halfway to my climax and it kind of frusterated me that she would not finish, but i remembered that she was trying to be sneaky about this and dismissed it. She was smart enough to know that if she made me cum, she was going to have one hell of a mess to clean up. This continued for a week and a half. I grew really irritated and edgy by the end of tht time, getting up with sore balls full of my seed that needed to be released, having to go somewhere and finish the job myself with my paw and sometimes my own mouth. (its good to be a dragon with a long neck sometimes, heh.)

I almost couldn't stand it when she started to pump my shaft in my 'sleep' again. It was too much to bear. But one day, something new happened. Stopped stroking my cock for a few minutes, and i started to count the necessary time before i got up to continue the act of not knowing what was going on. Then i heard her fabric move against her body and i felt the head of my cock moving between something warm and wet. I opened my eye and watched to see her sliding my cock between her breasts! This girl was too much! And i came so close to cumming right then.......but it was held back. She stopped after a few minutes and i began to count again. Again something warm and wet began to slide against my cock, and again i opened my eye.

This time she was sliding her tongue over my cock! She lightly traced the head of my cock with her tongue before running it completely down the shaft to lick at my balls and heading back up to flick her tounge over the tip. Enough was enough. I was going to give this girl what she wanted. I opened my eyes and sat up, laying my head in a propped up foreclaw.

"Slaves are suppost to ask before they take things from their masters, you know" I said casually, watching the girl jump, sky high. "M...M...M..Master!" she stammered. "I...i..was only...i didnt....i thought..." I just nodded as she tried to speak and brought my muzzle mere inches from hers. "shut up and get out of those cloths, slave" I said. She stared at me increduosly before stripping completely naked and standing before me. "Good." I said. "Now, i have been awake every time you have been doing these things to me, slave. And i must say that i am rather..........pleased. You will now do everything to me that you have done in the past months. And then afterwards, we will do some new things, and you will clean up our mess, understood, slave?" She nodded weakly. "Good. Now, we will start as i watch while you pleasure yourself against that rock until I tell you to stop, got it?" She nodded and sat against the rock, spreading her legs wide and began to play with her sex, teasing it, making it glisten. "three fingers, just like when i watched" I ordred, watching. She did so, sliding them in and out, moaning in pleasure, dispite her situation. Quickly growing tired of just watching, i motioned for her to stand up. "Now come over here and pleasure me, using your hands, breasts, and tongue, just like before"

She was nervous when she started before, but now i could tell she was falling right back into it, just like i was asleep again. She took my already semi-hard cock in her hands and started to stroke it, slowly at first, then building speed. I moaned in delight, something i had wanted to do for a long time. She then switched to her tongue. Okay, so it was a little bit of order....but i didnt mind! She licked my cock all over, paying special attention to the sensitive head, circling hit and nipping softly, causing another moan to escape my throat. With my cock now dripping with saliva, she pressed my cock tightly between her breasts and began to pump it. My climax was really close now, and i was panting heavily. She felt my cock throbb between her breasts and knew it was coming. With a growl, i dug my talons into the floor as i came, splashing my hot seed all over her breasts and my stomach and the floor. I sighed, lying back, panting. "Now you must clean up before we continue." I said.

"Continue, master?" She said with a question in her eyes. "Are you questioning me, slave?" I growled. "I said clean it up, and that means now!" She quickly went to get her cloths and i shook my head. "No, you will do it naked, no go get something to clean this mess up!" She left and came back quickly with a pile of her old cloths and began to clean up my cooling seed. After all was cleaned up, i bade her to dispose of them and come back to me. She did so, returning to me, seeing me with an already hard cock as i lay on my back, stroking it.

"On your knees, slave" I hissed. She did as she was told. I rolled over and stood up, walking behind her, smelling the dampness of her pussy, and of her overall arousal, chuckling with approval. I leaned my head down and gave her a few quick licks, tasting her, with a gasp of approval from her. I smiled and licked my lips before i mounted her. I rubbed my cock against her opening, pushing softly. "No master.....please....." She panted. "you wont fit in me..." I pushed a little harder and heard her moan as the head of my cock entered her. I pushed slowly until i felt a little resistance. The girl was still a virgin! So much the better! With a thrust, i broke through, taking her virginity as she groaned in the mix of pain and pleasure. I got a little over half of my cock in her before i was satisfied, knowing i could not fit any more into her. I pulled all but the head out and bucked my hips back to her, pushing back into her, loving the feel of her tight embrace around my cock. I began at a slow pace and worked my way up, her groans of pain quickly become pants and moans of pleasure. I grasped her hips and pushed into her, going a little deeper and a little faster. "This is what you wanted, isnt it slave?!" I roared.

"YES MASTER!!!" She screamed as she came, tightening around my cock, flood it, making it that much easier for me to slide into her. I withdrew all the way out of her and rolled over onto my back. She needed no prompting now. She climbed onto my belly with a moan of frustration at having my cock taken away, and she wasnt going to let it get away that easy. Taking it in her hands and aligning herself, she slipped my cock back into her, riding me slowly, letting her pussy adjust to the size of my cock again. She began to ride me viciously, and before i knew what was going on, my head began to spin as i realized she was taking my whole cock, bottoming out, her ass slamming against my balls as she rode me! I layed my head back and began to pant. I was going to cum so fast! The first throbb of my approaching orgasm shocked through me, and she came again, soaking my balls in her juice, and she reached behind her and began to play with one of them, massaging it slowly in her hand. "cum in me master! Give me your seed!" She urged. As if i needed it! For the next instant, i came hard, harder than i ever came before. With an ear splitting roar, i shot my hot seed deep inside of her, panting heavily, groaning as she came yet again, before slumping on my chest.

We awoke a few hours later, and i was still inside of her. She eased herself off of my cock and slid to the ground. I rolled over and kissed her on the lips. "You are no longer my slave." I said somewhat sadly. "You have pleased me greatly, but now you are free to go." She shook her head at me and kissed me back. "I dont want to go master.....I want to be your lover forever." I stared at her dumbfoundedly. "well, if you are my lover, you cannot keep calling me master......"

And that is how I came to have beautiful Ashley as my lover. I hope you enjoyed my tale, and mabey, who knows? I may have another tale for you real soon.......