Rexville 18: Operation: Hump Day

Story by IslanderWave360 on SoFurry

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#23 of Rexville

Finally! Chapter 18 done! In this chapter there is going to be some mild NSFW moments but is still technically clean under Sol's POV. Enjoy.

EDITED: some improvements here and there and fixing etc.

Chapter 18: Operation: Hump Day

Hunter put on his workout clothes in the locker room and placed his backpack inside the locker. His outfit was different; the short-sleeved t-shirt and the trousers were of green camouflage, compressing his body form and looking like a soldier. He still wore the same black running shorts as they did not smell much and were easier to clean by spraying them.

He had a small towel around his shoulders and a filled water bottle. Sol was at soccer practice as normal, remembering what he told him that today he would work out for a half-hour to save the energy this afternoon.

Last Monday, Keanu saw him wearing them while drawing live people at the soccer field for his art class assignment. He complimented that he looked like a superhero, so he drew him wearing that, making a pose, and flexing his muscles. Hunter smiled at the thought.

The gymnasium facility at the 800 building had all the needs for health and fitness for the students' clubs. Hunter wished he could own a set at home but that would take a lot of space, but this was enough, he would often see Xerxes the dragon hanging in here regularly as he had a lot to lift and train as a blocker for the next football match.

Hunter warmed himself up, stretching his arms and legs before he could begin using the machinery. He started with the sit-ups to work on his toned stomach. He shifted for push-ups to work on his chest and triceps. He grasped a bar installed on the wall to do pull-ups to work on his upper body. He made for the dumbbells to pump his biceps and shoulders. He next stepped on the treadmill to work on his cardio but in half than he usually did. Then moved to the bench press to lift some weights which Xerxes came to help him on this one, safety first.

He lowered his maximum number of reps he could perform, from 50 or 55 to 30 or 35 for the sake of Sol's request. Though he could manage thirty at ease, with the usual weight set up, which urged Hunter to keep going for more, he knew he must half it for today.

"Come on, five to go!" Xerxes said, motivating him.

Hunter was sweating and breathing heavy, he grunted as he lifted the barbell. "Thirty-one!" Hunter and Xerxes slowly lowered it as Hunter breathed through the nose and exhaled from the mouth.

"Come on, four more left!"

Hunter raised the barbell and continued his last reps at ease, but it was still a heavy barbell. "Thirty-two... thirty-three... thirty-four..." He took some more air and lifted one more push. "Thirty-five!"

Xerxes helped to place the barbell's base in place from falling off as Hunter was recovering his

breath. "Whew! That felt good!"

"Wow, you did good!" said Xerxes.

"Thanks," Hunter wiped his face with the towel and drank his bottle of water. "I have to go now, Xerxes. I'm meeting Sol this afternoon."

"You're finishing it short for today?"

Hunter nodded at the dragon. "Yeah, see you, Xers. Thanks for helping me."

"Yeah, no problem. See you, Hunt!" Xerxes waved cheerfully.

Hunter came back to the locker room, but this time, he would not be taking the showers there. Hunter opened his locker and got out his backpack to pick his deodorant spray. He lifted the shirt off and wiped the sweat on his face, his arms, his chest, and stomach. He struggled to wipe off his back, so he got a bigger towel in his backpack to floss his back. He picked his pinewood-scented deodorant spray and applied it on his body as he could than just the armpits alone. When Sol told him to take the shower at his dorm so the subject would get to see him half-naked with just the towel, Hunter was a little self-conscious about walking out of the gym through the campus and smelling like a musky onion in public like that.

The deodorant would do for now and hoped that there would be fewer people out on the campus as he headed for Sol's dormitory, Starfish Five.

It was not so bad as he walked to his destination, but probably some few people walked by and caught a whiff of the weird pinewood scent of his deodorant spray that was mixed with his musk.

Hunter walked inside the building, climbing upstairs to the third floor, and looking for the fifth door on the right, 3-11. He knocked on the door.

Sol answered it, letting him come inside. The wolf-man placed his backpack on the couch and sat. He looked at Sol's dorm, same as usual but a little cleaner. True to his words, no cameras were hidden in place.

"Had you been preparing, Sol?" Hunter said.

"Yeah, a little, but there isn't too much to do," Sol said. "Okay, now that you are here, uh, sit where you are and tell me if you can see me in the bathroom by the mirror on the door."

Hunter did as he told, Sol adjusted the angle of the bathroom door. "Can you see me?"

"Uh, yeah, I can see you too."

"Great, when you go to the bathroom after he sees you in a towel, you pretend you're not looking, and he'll see your ass while you're dressing."

"Right, that way it'll increase interest in me."

"Yeah, that'll fire up his lust."

"So, where are you and Natasha are going to be?"

"Oh, right, there's an empty dorm that no one uses, it's a couple of doors away from here, but not too far."

"What about the janitor's closet?"

"It's too small last time I've checked," Sol explained. "So, remember what we talked about yesterday, that you have to start a conversation with him before you two start doing it?"

"Yeah, I'll do and find a way to lead him into talking about sex or something along the way. That sounds pretty bold if you ask me."

"You'll soon figure it out. Try to be welcoming and offer him a soda from the fridge and enjoy his company if the prank doesn't go as planned."

"What happens if he rejects me after offering him a quickie?"

"Then, the prank is off, and I'll come over to see him," Sol stated. "That'll be proof that my secret admirer has the hots for me."

"So, when he will come?"

"About an hour, I texted him. He's looking forward to meeting me here, but he'll be meeting you instead," Sol stood up. "I wish you good luck, Hunter, I'll be in the other room. We'll talk through the phone."

Sol patted him on the shoulder and left him alone in the room, he closed the door and made for the other unused dorm room a couple of doors ahead. The door was unlocked which Sol could not imagine the existing escapades that happened in this empty dorm by the students. The curtains covered the glass sliding doors of the balcony, blocking the sunlight. There were only a table and a wrinkled leathered couch. The bathroom's water system was shut, the shower, the sink, and the toilet were dry and useless.

He picked his phone and called Hunter.

"How's it going, Hunt?"

"Just fine, tell me when to take the shower, I smell like a musky onion here," Hunter said.

"Yeah, I've noticed. I will tell you when you can have the shower, it'll give you a ten-minute head start. It's too early for now, okay? Once Robin knocks on the door, you come to him with a towel on. Got it?"

"Got it. So, how's that room you're staying?"

"It's fine, it hasn't been used for a long time, I can't imagine the shit that happened here, sex, drugs, and weird-ass Ouija rituals. Okay, listen, remember to leave the phone on and place it on the nightstand with the speaker on and mute it."

"Sure, and where's Natasha?"

"She'll be coming, don't worry. Just sit there, relax and we can talk anything to pass the time."

"Sure, Sol, so... have you done a prank where you were the bait?"

"Oh, yeah, sort of, you weren't there, Hunter. Sergio had me as the bait, I pretended that I spotted a group of piranhas at the beach and screamed at the people near me to run, and we were so much in trouble with the lifeguard and..."

The two continued to chat for about a half-hour to keep spirits up when Sol received a text message from Robin. "Hold on, Hunter, I got a text." The leopard could talk on the phone and text at the same time, he switched on the speaker and read the message.

Robin texted, Hey Sol! I'm coming over!

Sol texted back, Sure! But something happened in the soccer club. I must deal with stuff there. I'll let you know when I come over. My friend Hunter is at my dorm. He will let you come in and keep u company while I'm not there. OK?

Sure! See you, Sal! *Sol* Sorry! I have a cousin named Sal; Robin texted.

"Hunter, Robin has texted now, he's coming over. You can take your shower now."

"Thank you, Sol."

"And leave your phone on the nightstand. Once he comes, he should be knocking on the door and that's your cue to leave, wear a towel, and answer the door. From here on, we won't be speaking, but I'll be listening to your tracks, okay? Good luck."

"Thanks. There goes nothing," Hunter said. Sol heard a thud; Hunter's phone was in place on the nightstand. He heard Hunter sighing, "Well, here we go," and his voice was gone. He raised the volume to listen to anything coming out from the phone's speakers.

This was it, no turning back. Sol could not do anything but listen. Except that he can text Natasha while on speaker.

He texted Natasha, Where r u?

Sol sat on the old worn-out couch, waiting for her reply, and listening carefully on the phone. He caught the sound of running water, Hunter was showering. He left the bathroom door open.

Sol was getting worried, what was taking her so long to respond to a text?

At any moment, Robin would come to his dorm room.

And it happened, Robin texted, I'm Here! Starfish Five, right? What room number?

Sol instructed him, Num. 3-11. Third floor.

Thx! he replied.

Sol texted his phone to Natasha, Where r u? Robin is coming to my dorm! Hurry!

She finally replied, Sorry! Friends dragged me for a slushie!

Sol replied seriously, Get in the dorm hideout ASAP! Prank will start soon!

She texted back quickly; I know! I'm coming!

As Sol listened carefully through the noises coming from his phone, Hunter was still showering, and he faintly heard the door knocking. He arrived.

"Natasha, please get here soon," Sol exasperatedly whispered. If the prank would turn out as he expected without Natasha, things would get very complicated between Hunter and Robin.

The door knocked again; the shower stopped. Hunter shouted, "I'm coming, Sol!"

Sol assumed Hunter had grabbed a towel around the waist and answered the door.

He faintly heard footsteps from Hunter's feet, making his way. "I'm coming, Sol! You forgot the key, didn't you--Oh! Sorry, I thought you were my roommate," said Hunter.

"Uh... it's alright, uh... am I interrupting anything?" said Robin's voice in a distance. He must have been uncomfortable when he saw Hunter half-naked.

"No, not at all, I was finishing my shower when you knocked."

"Ah, sorry about that, I was going to meet your roommate here today."

"Huh, so you're his secret admirer, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Robin, nice to meet you."

"I'm Hunter, it's a pleasure."

"Can I... come over? Sol told me he will soon come over, he texted me that he is dealing with some serious stuff at his club."

"I see. Sure, why not, come in and have a seat, I'm going to get dressed. Man, I chose the wrong time to take a shower."

Robin laughed and assured him, "It's okay, man. I can relate."

There was a moment of silence, Hunter must be in the bathroom, dressing. Sol hoped he left the door opened, so Robin could see him via mirror naked as he dressed.

Sol faintly heard the footsteps again, Hunter finished dressing.

"Hey, want some soda?" he heard Hunter offering to Robin.

_"Uh, sure, any kind,"_Robin said.

Sol, in his imagination, Hunter went for the small fridge for drinks. "Here you go."

_"Thanks,"_Sol heard two cans hissing.

_"So, how is college going?"_Hunter started a conversation as requested by Sol.

"It's going well, it's my first year here."

"What's your major?"

"I'm taking cinematography and theatre class, too. Movies and plays are my callings, you know?"

"You want to be an actor?"

"Anything is possible here in California. There is always something to show to the world!"

"Cool. You know, Sol's father plays in Rexville Med?"

"Really? The one who plays Ezekiel Shade? Daniel Stone?" Robin sounded enthusiastic.

"Yeah, that's him."

"Wow, can't wait to talk with Sol soon!"

He heard Hunter laughing. It seemed like Sol had a fan of his father, Robin would probably ask him for an autograph without meeting him in person or a one-of-a-kind headshot pic of his father. He tended to be in low-profile while in the university as his father had gotten a bit of a rise in popularity as a celebrity in Rexville. At first, it was fun being the son of a celebrity, people complimented him he looked like a young version of his father, some asked him for an autograph which was easy to make, but he grew out of it, and later saw the disadvantages.

During his second year in the University, he faced a few annoying entitled influencers who tried to seek 15 minutes of fame by asking him to bring his father over or asked him to take a picture with him, boasting that they met Daniel Stone's son and other ridiculous favors that Sol could not comply with. And since then, he stopped doing it, distancing those who wanted to be friends with him just to be popular. He despised that. He eventually preferred to be with people who liked him for being who he was. And thank goodness he had friends like that.

_"So, what about you, Hunter?"_Robin asked Hunter.

"Oh, I'm in my second year, studying at the Electronics and Programing department. I'm taking some programming engineering and other kinds of jazz, it's kind of complicated to talk about it if you don't know what I'm dedicating about, but it's pretty cool."

"I see."

Sol heard a can hitting a wall, he assumed one of them tried to dump it in the trash can.

"So... when do you think Sol will come?" Robin asked.

Sol swiftly sent a prepared text message for Robin. Hey Robin. I might be coming a little later. Stuff had gotten kinda serious in the club. Can you wait for a little more?

"I don't know," Hunter said,"I cannot predict his schedules most of the time, I'm often alone in the dorm in my free time."

"Humph, I see..." Sol heard a phone ringing, Robin got the text.

Robin replied to him, Sure, and continued talking with Hunter. "Heh, I bet you're taking that advantage to bring a girl over in bed, huh?"

"Kinda, but I don't swing that way, man."

Sol raised his eyebrows, glad that Hunter was leading in the right direction in the conversation, and it seemed like Robin was hinting him something, too.

"Oh, really?" Robin sounded genuine. "Two gay guys sharing a dorm? That's interesting."

"Yeah, it was just a coincidence, but we got along well because of that."

Sol smiled; he knew what Hunter meant between them when he met him as a closeted freshman.

"Hmm, I guess we're going to get along just fine."

That woke Sol's mind, that sounded like something he would say.

"Did... Sol text you?"

"Yeah, he said he's going to be very busy at the club. I guess you're right what you said, being all alone by yourself in the dorm and all." Robin was taking advantage of the text he sent. It actually worked. Sol's heart was beating, it was happening. There was a short pause, but Robin resumed, "If you want... I can keep you company before Sol comes back, we can have fun together."

"But what about Sol?" Hunter sounded as if he hesitated but kept calm.

"Don't worry, it'll be our secret," Robin assured him.

Sol's jaw fell off, eyes boggled, and confirming the raccoon's boundaries.

Now, Sol waited for Hunter's consent.

"Well, I guess I can take up your offer then," Hunter sounded confident.

Oh my god! Sol thought. This is it!

Sol faintly heard a whisper. "Well, let's get to it."

Sol held his breath; he achieved the impossible. He could not make out any sound, maybe they were now kissing or something--he heard a thud, yep, they were making out against the wall.

The volume of his speaker was high enough to make out anything familiar he could muster. He faintly heard the distinctive sound when two people were kissing roughly and breathing heavily when taking a quick break from kissing.

Hunter was probably enjoying it or pretending it, Sol hoped, but still enjoying it under his limits.

In all honestly, he was turned on from hearing what they were doing, it was like a live phone sex session.

He vaguely heard the rustling sound of clothes being removed.

_"You like them, don't you?"_Hunter sounded cocky.

"Fuck yeah."

If only Sol could decipher what Hunter meant by that. If he were to say that, it would be... his body? Sol shrugged; it made much sense since Robin had a thing for big guys.

"Easy... easy..." Hunter huffed.

Hunter was heard making obscene noises. Sol almost forgot to breathe, trying to keep his pants together. He next heard a belt being unbuckled, he didn't know who was unbuckling, but he could imagine the feeling Robin was in control.

Another round of loud, obscene noises from Hunter was heard, he sounded muffled.

Another rustle of clothes was heard. "Let's see how big it is," said Robin eagerly. "Let's check out this piece of meat, shall we?"

It seemed like Hunter was going to allow him to...

"W-wait! Hold on!" he heard Hunter a bit nervous but kept his composure. "Save it, let's go to bed."

He heard a few footsteps and his bed creaked loudly. This was the signal for Natasha to come in...

It hit Sol in the head, where was Natasha?

Sol, in a panic, quickly texted her a message again, WHERE R U!?

She sent a voice message; her voice was panting. "I'm sorry! My friends dragged me into a long line for a slushie! I had to leave them! I'M ALMOST THERE!"

Good thing Hunter's phone was muted. Sol voice-mailed to her. "They are now on the bed! You better be there; I don't know how long Hunter will hold Robin."

Sol listened, due to the phone placed on the nightstand, their lusting voices were louder than ever. Sol stopped enjoying it and started to worry. From the sound of it, the two were making out on the bed, this was as far as Hunter could go, Sol hoped he could hold him for a little longer. His job was to keep Hunter calmed and confident that this prank would go smoothly no matter what, but why did Natasha had to be dragged into a long line for a fucking slushie!?

"Noo..." he heard Hunter groan. "FUCK!"

Sol stopped his panicking thoughts. He was petrified, staring at the phone... Did he just...?

"What? Already?" Robin sounded disbelieved.

"Fuck, I'm so--aah..." Hunter moaned. "Oh, fuck..." he huffed.

Sol's hands drew down through his cheeks in distress. This was not in the plan. What the hell happen?

The obscene sounds ended; Hunter was recovering from his afterglow.

_"It's okay, it happens,"_Robin sounded sincere and understanding.

Sol thought about what to do next, come and fix it and take Natasha's role? Or...

He took his phone and exited out of the empty dorm. He sub-consciously leaned his head out of the door and see through the corridor.

And there she was, the black cat frantically running toward him.

Sol immediately glared at her and pointed to the door, shouting in a whisper, "GO! GO! GO! GO!"

Natasha screeched to a halt and turned around 180 to Sol's dorm. She stopped right in front of the door and adjusted herself, readying for her part. She took a deep breath and opened the unlocked door.

She walked briskly into the room and called her acting boyfriend. "Hunter are you here...?" she froze in place, letting out a loud horrid gasp at the sight she was seeing. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING FUCKING THAT RACCOON!?"

Robin gasped in horror; he was still sitting on top of Hunter. "NATASHA!?" Hunter gasped also, but not as much as Robin who was the target.

Natasha's face turned into a nasty glare, resting her fists onto her hips. "So, this is the one you were having phone sex every single night, isn't that right, you fucking lupine?!"

Hunter let out a nervous gulp, going with the flow as possible. Robin stood out of the bed, covering his privates with a blanket. Hunter quickly hid his manhood under his boxers and stood up from the bed.

Natasha demonically turned at Robin, pointing a finger at her chest. "How dare you lay a finger on my Hunter!?"

"This is your boyfriend!?" Robin shouted shockingly, pointing at Hunter. "You told me you don't swing that way."

Hunter realized what he said earlier, smiling awkwardly with ears lowered. "Oops."

"YOU BASTARD!" Natasha screamed frustratedly. She faced Robin with a warning voice. "You gonna pay for this, you fucking bandit! I'm gonna shred you into pieces, so no one will identify your body!"

She madly dashed to the terrified raccoon, he screamed in a high-pitch voice, "NO! DON'T HURT ME!"

Hunter intervened to stop the fight. "NATASHA! STOP IT!"

"LET GO OF ME, STUPID WOLF!" she boomed, throwing Hunter onto the bed, and bounced onto the floor. She faced back to Robin. "NOBODY TOUCHES MY WOLF! NOBODY DARES TO BECAUSE THEY'RE GONNA PAY!" she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him vigorously.



Hunter stood up and tried to calm her down, separating the cat from attacking the raccoon. "Natasha, please, calm down!"

"DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU FUCKER!" she accidentally slapped Hunter hard in the face than she had expected, he fell back on the bed, bouncing, and meeting back onto the floor. It stung like hell.

Natasha faced back to Robin, pointing a demonic finger at him. "YOU... you have five seconds to get the fuck out of this room or I'll give you hell!!!"

Robin panicky picked up his clothes, he didn't bother to put them back on and ran to the door with the blanket on, but only to meet the leopard he had forgotten he was going to meet.

"HELP!" Robin screamed. "THAT PUSSY HAS GONE CRAZY!"

Sol grabbed him from running away, but he was writhing out of control. "Hey! Calm down!"


"Calm down, Robin, it's only a prank," Sol quickly explained. "It's a prank!"

Robin stopped confusedly. "A prank?"

"Yeah, and don't run out naked on the campus or you'll gonna regret it."

The raccoon looked back at Natasha who was smiling and recovering her breath after screaming like an overjealous villain. Hunter slowly stood up, he was still dizzy, and the unexpected slap still stung him like fire. He rubbed gently with his hand.

"It's a prank, Robin," Natasha said. "Are you okay?"

"What...?" Robin was trembling and held Sol around the neck with his arms. "A fucking prank?"

Hunter silently walked to the bathroom to clean himself up, holding his fallen clothes in one hand.

"What's the meaning of this?" he demanded at the two.

"Well, a little birdie told me that you enjoy going forward with guys," Sol grinned.

"Yeah, and?" Robin said as he put on his clothes.

"You sent me that letter, didn't you? I wasn't sure if you were being genuine to me when I learned about your boundaries with guys, so I made this prank to test your behavior. You thought you could get away with it by keeping a little secret from me and Hunter? All I can say is that you failed."

"I failed?" he put his pants on, "How so?"

"If you didn't make a move on Hunter or rejected Hunter's offer, then Natasha won't come out through the door."

"WAIT!? How did you listen to our conversations?"

"Oh, Hunter's phone was on, on speaker," Sol explained and pointed to Hunter's phone on the nightstand. He had already hung up the phone. "That's how I listened."

Robin got more unsettled as he thought deeper. "Please don't tell me there are cameras in here, aren't there?"

"Oh no, no cameras, it was an exclusive prank just for you~. You think I'd do such a thing to post it online?"

"Kinda..." Robin opinionated, but he went with it.

Hunter came out of the bathroom, fully clothed. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sol."

"Hey, where are you going? Are you alright?"

Hunter looked a little uncomfortable and wanted to go back home. "Yes," he sounded bitter, "I'll talk to you tomorrow." He looked at Robin with an apologetic look. "It was nice meeting you, Robin, I sincerely apologize."

"Sorry if I hit you hard, Hunter," Natasha said.

"It's okay, Natasha, I'm fine, it got me into my senses for once," Hunter said. He exited out of Sol's room, leaving the three alone.

Natasha broke the short silence. "What's wrong with him?"

"He nutted too soon," Robin deadpanned.

"Wait..." she looked down and found some unpleasant stains on her leggings and shirt, she screamed in terror. "EW! EW! EW! EW! EW!" she ran to the bathroom to clean herself up.

Sol and Natasha kept on soothing the damage that they did on Robin. While Robin had gotten calmed, he was upset, but he let it pass for now. He was gladder they did not film him having intercourse with Hunter on the bed. As far as Sol was aware, Robin had probably lost interest in him after being used as an experiment for his enjoyment. Sol knew he could do nothing about it, he blew it, and even if he apologized at best he could, he made someone a new enemy or someone who was going to hate him. He hoped it was the latter.

As for Hunter, Sol had to wait until tomorrow.

Rexville 19: Preparation

Chapter 19: Preparation Hunter left the dormitory building, sulking about his ordeal from Sol's prank. The next thing he realized while walking through the campus was the smell of Robin's odor mixed into his musk. He picked his deodorant can and...

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Rexville 17: Good Monday

Chapter 17: Good Monday Keanu had a good time last weekend with Hunter, he really loved the company, and he felt so blessed to be with a guy like him. And Hunter had the Sunday night peaceful before things got awkward between them when he met him at...

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Rexville 16.1: Hunter's Dream Shower

Chapter 16.1: Hunter's Dream Shower Hunter smiled subconsciously and dreamt... The following day, Hunter took a shower, it was Sunday morning, so there was no rush. From Monday to Friday, despite there were three bathrooms in the house, Hunter had to...

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