Somewhere Out There Act 20 - To The Moon And Back

Story by Bartan on SoFurry

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#23 of Somewhere Out There

Thank BunsenDragon for this one, as well as the future entries.

Angels With Scaly Wings © M. B. Saunders (of Radical Phi)

Somewhere Out There © Our Lady Peace

To The Moon And Back © Savage Garden

Somewhere Out There Act 20 - To The Moon And Back

By Bartan Tirix

The yellow wyvern nearly cried at the first sighting of beige, volting over the table and knocking it over with her crescent tail as she dove into the runner's arms. Holding the officer tightly as he almost whimpered at the sudden affection. "H-hey, hey. It's alright Adine..." Sebastian stated, giving her a few pets of comfort, and a wave towards a few soldiers cautiously looking into the room. Finally seeing them unarmed, but there was still the two males in the back: the pink wyrm and green wyvern.

"Thank goodness, someone else that's still alive-"

"Still alive?" Sebby questioned her, prying the female off until he could look into those wet red eyes. "Who...?" A bit of a shy look as the yellow one slowly looked behind her at the other two males. Finally getting the runner to double take at them and recognize who they were. "The hell...?"

"We're supposed to be dead, right?" Klay grumbled, but not without a bit of weakness in his voice. Feeling both their hearts sink when the beige one nodded slowly. Getting the two to shiver again, scales clicking loudly as the soldiers came in. The male wyvern overlooking the wyrm for a moment, then gesturing to lower his weapon. Taking a breath to do so, and leave it off to the side.

"How long have you been here?"

"I'm not sure..." Adine answered the officer. "I woke up cold and wet, near some water."

"There has been flooding in the ship since it's crashed. Odds are we landed in the northern area, judging by the temperature change." A soldier said, getting a few of his comrades to look over the other two males. "Aren't those the two who couldn't be sedated?" A few nods in confirmation from the fellow suits.

"W-what are they saying?" A double take from the yellow one, as she looked between them and Malic. Then remembered about the collar around her neck, touching it for a moment to feel it still there. "Does that...?"

"Can we get them some ULCs too?" The runner asked, getting a nod from two of the soldiers, and they pulled out some spares from their utility belts. "Here, put these on." Sebastian tossed them to the other two males, letting them look over the white device with an oval light in the front. "Universal Language Collars, or something like that. They allow you to understand any language you hear, but..."


"They can also share thoughts, including seeing your surface ones." A noise in question as Klay hesitated to put it on, getting the beige one to rub the back of his neck and slightly blush a bit. "I kinda learned that the hard way." A few soldier's chuckled.

"Just don't expect any of our kind to be that meaty, Sebs." One of them teased, getting the raptor to cover his eyes for a moment. The sudden giggles from Adine not helping.

"Oh my. You...?"

"Moving on." The officer grumbled. "We're in a ship of sorts, one that sails in the air or off planet. However, something damaged it, causing the entire thing to crash and us along with it." A gesture to the soldiers attempting to compose themselves from the runner's previous thoughts. "They had their orders to abduct us for whatever reason before, but right now we're all in danger from whatever brought this thing down. Let alone..."

"Sinking in to the ocean, if that's the case." One of them spoke up. "It's just an estimation, but it's best to assume the worst case scenario. If we sink..."

"We won't be able to swim out." Klay finished him. "Currents would likely take us away from land-"

"That is, if you can even move in such waters." A double take from the others to another soldier. "Swimming in that cold is like getting stabbed in a thousand places. If we sink, that's the end of us."

"All of us." The beige one finished.

"So..." The female's red eyes overlooked them. "What's the plan then?" Sebastian gestured for something, getting a tablet of sorts and pulling up a map of the ship. "This is...?"

"We are here. If we can get to the bridge safely, we can get a good idea of the ship's condition, location, and make plans from there. I've made a deal with them that we would all work together to get off of this vessel safely, and they'll let us go after some kind of screening." A worried look from her. "I'll explain the details later, but with these..." A tap on their collars. "They can't lie. Not without us feeling it, but it's the same for the reverse." A sharp look from those faded purple eyes at Malic and Klay. "Can I trust you all to keep peace until we're safe?" They shared a few looks, and nodded. "Alright. Let's see how many we can get to the bridge."

"You...?" The eastern dragon's ears perked a bit while his head tilted, still trying to make sense out of the last five minutes. "He brought down...?"

"Noodle, you are in way over your head right now." Bryce snorted playfully, as he made his way over to the empty space. Only to have it whimper a bit. "What do you mean you almost brought the ship down?"

"I'm pretty sure that sums it up right there, if anything on a more positive note." The invisible one grumbled. "Now are you going to end me or not?"

"Are you in pain?"

"When am I not?" The empty space grumbled, getting a poke from those large dull claws. "What are you doing?"

"Can you feel that?"

"I can't feel anything past my neck, _ doctor _." Harrak snorted. "Would you like to shine a light in my eyes to see if my brain is responding, aside from the fact that I'm literally talking to you?" A growl as the black wyrm suddenly came into vision once again within the low light. "Now, take those large paws of yours and do the only thing they're good for. Preferably on my neck." A crossed look from the drake as they shared glances with those yellow eyes.

"Wait, you can't seriously..." Ipsum almost whimpered, getting a growl from the younger one.

"I'm immortal, you blue noo-"

"I'm purple, and stop calling me a noodle! I'm not a noodle dragon!" He hissed. "Nevermind Bryce, kill him."

"There, two against one. You're outnumbered, drake. Surrender." A slow blink from the earth dragon as he looked back and forth between the two smaller ones.

"I'm pretty sure I can take you both on regardless." A growl from the black wyrm as a metal spike warped from the wall and came close to touching the chief's snout. "Easy, kid. It was a joke-wait. You can still do that?"

"Apparently. But I could do a lot more if I were at 100%, instead of, y'know... 5?" He snorted.

"But if you can still do this..." Those dull claws tapped the metal spike. "Then..." A groan from the wyrm.

"Of course I can. It's not verbal or somatic based, its focus." A blank stare from the drake and Harrak sighed a bit. "Noodle-"

"Ipsum." The eastern looking one snorted, walking around the mess that was the late afflicted soldier.

"Whatever! Help me out here a little bit."

"I'm still a little... At awe about this myself." A few taps against the metal spike as he studied it. "I wish I had my spectacles, but I suppose it's too dark regardless to really-" A growl of frustration from the smaller one.

"Verbal: Speaking! Somatic: Body or Paw Motions!"

"Oh, that's what you meant." The purple one thought out loud.

"Atonements are concentration based. Meaning, I don't need to even look at what I'm aiming at to do something like this." Another spike with a blunt end tapped the large one inbetween the hind legs, getting Bryce to growl and move away from it.

"Watch it, kid."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" The wyrm snorted.

"No, I'm going to carry you." A growl from the black one, but he still didn't move. "Ippy, do you have a rope or something in that supply pack?"

"I can likely make a fragile one out of the medical tape, that's about it. Though, you might be able to use the strap-"

"Wait, medical?" Harrak got the two's attention. "What else do you have in there?"

"These aren't from our world, persay, so I-"

"Do you have syringes?"

"I think so, but only a few. Why?" A soft growl in thought from the black one, as the two looked at each other. "What are you thinking?"

"Well... We're in a desperate situation that can get out of hand very easily." A noise in question from the chief. "This is going to sound a little strange, but I need you to do two things for me."

"What's that, exactly?" The drake questioned somewhat sternly.

"We need to find Vara. I left her in a room not far from here for safe keeping." The other two dragons shared a look. "She can likely hide from the soldiers, but not from..." An attempted gesture towards the strange ooze, not moving.

"And the second?" The smallest one asked, almost worried.

"...You need my blood."

The two white ones were walking across the fields, just passing a small bridge that divided the town from the lush fields of green. Laying the path forward to the ancient structures that have been dismantled and left for ruin for some time now. Monuments of the past, or so the bear hoped they would come to that soon enough. However, things rarely seemed to work out that way. Granted, he was a little distracted staring at something else large and white, barely paying attention to what the dragon was saying at this point. "That tall one was made to power the lower tunnels that connected everything, including the rails. And you used it to power something that diverted that meteor?"

Some silence as the bear didn't respond, however stopping when the wyrm did. Double taking when those purple eyes just glared at him. "I'm sorry?"

"What were you doing?" A blank stare from Bartan as Marcus half trailed where those brown discs were locked onto, finding it around his haunches area and getting the large one to whimper a bit before covering his lower end with his tail. "W-were you...!?"

"Can't help it." An embarrassed grumble. "You have a very nice-"

"I thought I told you No!"

"And I told you playing hard to get-" A flustered growl as Marcus covered his eyes.

"Moving on. Contain yourself until we can get this done, will you?"

"Are you offering it as a reward-?" A loud hiss got the bear to chuckle. "What's so wrong with it?"

"Okay, first of all: I'm on the job. So, no." The dragon cut off the furred one while turning about. "I want to make this perfectly clear to you. You and I will _ never _have... What do you call it?"


"Not-!" Another frustrated growl. "Don't call it that!"

"But sex is literally the term you're looking for." The dragon cringed, making his wings shuffle. "You have a lot of little quirks, don't you?"

"I'm not perfect, okay? But still, we are not going to have... Any sort of contact. No...!"










"The hell?"

"Plowing you in the tall soft grass?" A very thick stare from those purple eyes as the wyrm tried so hard not to give into his purple blushing. "It does look comfortable."

"Need I remind you that I'm a dragon and you taste good with ketchup?"

"You said that already."

"Well it bears repeating!"

"-Like, literally. The exact same thing."

"And I'm literally Death, and you are... Not!" Marcus hissed.

"You also seem to be into Vore-"

"And you're making it sexual-why are you making my threat sexual!?" A large snout toss from the dragon as he turned around and walked forward quickly. All while Bartan chuckled at him.

"You're adorable when you're flustered-"

"Frustrated. You are _very_frustrating to deal with."

"And you seem stressed-"

"Don't...!" Another growl as the furred one came beside him. "No! How many times to I have to say it to you-? No! N. O. Exclamation Point!"

"I heard you." A thick glare from the large one... Again. "And a session doesn't have to be about sex-"

"Don't say the-!" Another snout toss as the large one flinched again. "And I still say no to your... 'Session.' Understood?"

"It would do you some good." A growl. "Is time a factor?"

"Yes. Because the longer I'm around you, the more my migraine makes me suffer."

"You have a migraine?"

"When don't I have one?" Marcus snorted, almost yelping when he felt a paw on his side and quickly moving up to his shoulder to stop the dragon's movement. "What-?"

"Lower your head." Bartan ordered, getting a thick growl in response. "I just need to reach the back of your neck, close to your skull."

"Just leave it! Once I'm rid of you, it'll go away-"

"Do it, or I'm climbing on your back to reach it." A thick stare from those purple eyes, but the furred one remained defiant. "I have plenty of experience mounting dragons." A large snout toss from Marcus as he lowered his head.

"I swear, if you unzip your pants..." He growled, feeling those furry paws reach behind his horns a bit.

"You'll what?"

"I'll bite it off."

"Kinky. I might just like that." A growl as the bear started focusing tension along the back of the skull. "But feel free to unzip my pants if it will make you feel better."

"How would _that_make me feel better!?"

"I've had dragons feel like this was almost embarrassing for them. For me to be caught with my pants down-"

"Would only make us look like we're in the middle of-oh... Oh, right there..." The large one purred.

"Here? Or...?"

"A little bit..." The wyrm moved his neck a bit, guiding the paws as they went to work. Getting him to purr, though trying to hold himself back.

"No need to suppress yourself. It's only normal for a dragon to purr." It half morphed into a growl as the massage continued. "Feeling better?"

"...Maybe." A chuckle from the furred one, then he felt a tug against his lower clothing. Feeling those trousers fall to the ground, but he did nothing about it. "...Mention this to anyone, and I will end you."

"Don't worry yourself." Bartan chuckled again. "I wonder if that's your problem, really. Too stressed about work-"

"And here it comes." The large one groaned through his vocal vibrations. "That I should have some sort of... Event with you, because it will relieve some deep tension that I have. And it will somehow completely fix my entire life, let alone line of work for you to..."

"Stroke you off?"

"-Sure. Whatever you wyrmlings are calling it nowadays." Another flinch from those wings. "Well, it doesn't work that way, bear. There's no one large fix for everything, no life-changing event that will improve how you live. And no way that you will be completely rid of my headaches, no matter how... Good your paws feel."


"Whatever!" The scaled one took a breath.

"Marcus." A half a growl as those purple eyes moved to look at him, getting very very close to an eskimo kiss and that purple blush invaded his muzzle. Staring into those brown discs for a few moments in silence. "Who are you trying to convince?"


"Me? Or...?" The dragon looked at him a bit shocked, but only for a moment. Trailing away before nudging the furball in the chest.

"Just... Pull up your pants."

The halls were a damn maze, getting the adult grey wyrm to almost growl at every twist they came to. All while trying to keep an eye out, both for the two hatchlings he was attempting to protect, and that dangerous prisoner they let free. Wondering if the dragon should've just ended him there, but at the same time... He didn't want to do it with young eyes watching. No matter how dark it was or how much he would tell them to look away, that noise would still haunt them for the rest of their lives. Much like it did his own.

Carefully looking down the halls and trying to scout out for anything that would point him to a direction. To another friendly muzzle through the darkness, preferably one he could hold and share some of the weight with. But all he got was darkness and silence. The occasional roar or gunshot in the distance away from them, but that's about it. Making him almost consult the pink runner and green walker on which direction, though all they gave were frightened looks. Frightened by their surroundings, or the wyrm himself, he wasn't sure.

Honestly, after Maverick was blamed for murdering a hatchling, he swore the entire town knew about it. Giving him cautious and concerned looks, as if they were somehow being threatened or intimidated by the large one. If he could bring himself to kill a child, what would stop him from hurting them? Let alone, be somehow punished for it being an officer of the law. The bear would often be able to read such thoughts as they surfaced, be it translated correctly or not was a different story, but those soft paws would tell him that it was alright.

How he longed for those paws now, and worried that the furball might be somewhere in this topsided prison. Keeping his sight and snout in check for any signs of him or the others, but his eyesight wasn't too great here. Those hidden ears attempting to make up for the dim vision the necklaces gave off, but even then, it wasn't easy enough to really see much.

Turning another corner, his instincts warned him of something nearby. Barely being able to defend himself before a large humanoid rammed into the dragon's side, getting him to growl and the two little ones to yelp and scamper back. Nearly being tripped by the uneven floor, but Maverick stood his ground against the bulky suit as it roared at him. Getting the grey one to roar back and shout at the children. "Hide!"

The two scampered away where they came from as the soldier grappled the wyrm, battling each other in a test of strength that the dragon was winning. Feeling the suit of armor give slightly before attempting to get the quadruped into a headlock, tightening its arms around his plated neck with more strength than Maverick expected. Nearly cutting out his airway, but reducing it enough for a choke. Especially after a few strikes directly into the throat.

The larger one growled against the hits, wrapping his closest forearm behind the walker's leg and throwing it on its back with a loud crack. Hearing it growl in pain and the thicker arms finally let go of the grey one. Without taking any chances, he got up and bit the creature directly into the throat. Feeling the protective metals around it collapse after a few moments and rip the juicy, yet dense flesh out from the creature. A thick, unnatural warmth coming from its blood, like it was nearly steaming off the dragon's lips.

Yet the creature still struggled to get up. This time biting into one of its biceps and have a hard time to sink his fangs into the rock-like muscle. Pulling it was nearly loosening his teeth, but he managed to rip it out and disable one of its limbs before it somehow pushed the wyrm off. The thick sinew sticking to his maw as he struggled to spit it out, but that wasted too much precious time.

Before he could even look at the soldier, it slugged the grey one hard and into the wall. Stunning his mind for a few moments as he struggled to recover from the dense hit, that muzzle having a hard time to breathe as so many warning signs went off. Pulsing while a small stream of blood started leaving a nostril. Barely noticing a large growth over the walker's shoulder before it hit Maverick again, this time it's aim being a little off and hitting his cheek instead of that muzzle.

It was enough not to get another stun, and for the wyrm to fight back. Slamming his tail against the suit's knee-side and nearly hearing the thing snap as it kneeled down and growled again. Feeling it's paw grab the tail and leave it's vulnerable to the dragon's heavy swipe of his foreclaws, knocking it prone again and attempting to pin the creature down again. However, a large rip coming from it made the grey one attempt to defend himself for a moment, not seeing what it was. Barely making out a large solid blob lunge at Maverick's head, getting a paw in the way just in time.

The strength of such a thing was unreal for its size, actually pushing the grey one on his back and latch a few tentacles around his neck. Pulling itself in closer to the wyrm as he fought to resist. Inching closer and closer to those red eyes as it prepared to almost swallow him whole, feeling it wrap around his muzzle and cover his eyes in darkness before hearing a loud metal shift. A thick stab and a unknown howl as it was thrown to the side of the wall. Giving Maverick time to fight against its hold and rip off the strains of black that wrapped around his head and horns.

The black creature struggled a bit, attempting to still move around the thick metal spike that erupted from the wall. One that looked rather familiar to the wyrm, as he looked around to see the silhouette of a smaller one. Taking a breath of relief as he overlooked the creature that nearly consumed him, still struggling against the spike as the metal morphed again to stab it in several places, then wrap an entire shell around it. Snaring it within a crude dome of the wall.

A few breaths as the smaller one started to walk forward. "They got you too, did they?" The grey one grumbled, still trying to relieve his scales of the oily feeling. "Thank you. It..." He trailed off.

"You're welcome." The female said rather cautiously, getting Maverick to double take as she came up to the light.

"Vara...?" The pink one nodded a bit shyly. "Where's Harrak?" He tried to look through the darkness behind her, but didn't see much. However, the sounds of the two others coming around got their attention. "Just Amely and Li."

"Oh..." She mumbled, getting a look from those red eyes as if to ask the question again. "I don't know. I've been trying to find him."

"Then who did...?" A look at the metal dome on the wall that pinned the ooze, almost getting the large one to study her thickly. "What did he do?" He barely asked, seeing her somewhat guilty look.

"Your blood?" The two adult dragons asked, sharing a look while the purple noodle looked though his medical bag. Finding a few objects that looked similar to syringes.

"There's a couple here, yes. Why exactly?"

"I need you to draw my blood and put some into your bodies." The two curled their necks at the black one that was facing away from them. "Don't give me that look!"

"But... Blood types-"

"Your draconic, it will be accepted." Harrak rolled his purple eyes.

"What exactly will this do, kid?" Bryce snorted. "Besides possibly make us sick-"

"It should give you the ability to use my Atonements. A very crude ability, but once your body understands the sample, it will reproduce the magics on its own."

"How do you know all this?" Ipsum asked, still looking at the damage the hammer did from before.

"Well, Anna is my legal guardian." The smallest one snorted. "And I've-..."

"You've what?" No response and the drake's voice got thick. "Harrak...!"

"I..._ May _have given it to someone to test her theory..." A long stare from both sets of yellow eyes. One clearly more angry than the other. "You've giving me that look again, aren't you?"

"Harrak!" Bryce scolded.

"What!? It's not like I gave her a disease!" A growl in response. "She felt helpless! Just a shadow within the damn world, like she didn't exist or even matter to anyone! You cannot tell me that I did the wrong thing!" The black wyrm hissed.

"But turning her into-!"

"Into what!?" He snapped back at Bryce. "A Monster!? Something for everyone else to fear!? I gave her a reason to live, some sort of ability on her own that she could use!"

"But in the process, you've made her better than everyone else-"

"Do not say that like it's worse than being overlooked by everything in existence! Like you're barely even worth considering prey for an easy meal!" He growled at the purple one, trying to give him a thick glare but was unable to move his head much. "Vara lost her parents, _ Both _her parents, in a single week. One of which she was trying her damnedness to keep alive! You cannot tell me that she deserves to feel this helpless the rest of her life."

The two adults kept quiet, looking at each other for a moment. "Who says she needs to be 'better' than everyone else? I didn't do this to give her an advantage over the world that has done nothing but kick a wyrmling down. I did this to give her Hope."

"...And what do you think this will do to our future?" Ipsum half thought out loud. "People being able to create such destruction?"

"Well, she told me about your breath weapons." The black one snorted. "What did they do?"

"They burn stuff, for one." Bryce chuckled. "But..." A look at the smaller adult.

"Not everyone has them."

"And has that changed your society drastically somehow?" The drake shook his head. "Have some of your kind been cast out because you have the ability to breathe literal destruction from your very maws?"

"Well, no... But..." The purple one trailed off.


"Ipsum." Another eye roll from Harrak.

"Whatever! Atonements are a discipline you need to learn in order to use. It's something you tap into and manipulate through your core, not an explosion of power that erupts within someone."

"And one cannot use them without being taught?"

"Not much, no." The small adult sighed at the answer. "It takes eons to do the things I do, and I've never met another dragon with the ability to do... That." The two just stared at him for a moment, and the black one sighed. "The hammer!"

"What even was that?"

"A conjured object, constructed by sonic waves and lightning." A blank stare from the two, as the drake slowly looked over at Ipsum for an explanation.

"I only got Lightning out of that." The noodle tossed his snout at Bryce.

"Point is, it'll take ten of your lifetimes to learn how to do something like that. You don't need to worry about it." A worried look from the smaller adult. "The only question you need to ask is: do you want to get out of here or not?"

"...Yes." The brown one answered, looking over Ipsum for his.


"Then we have a better chance of surviving using this. Your bodies might not recognize its abilities for a long time, but there's no telling how long we'll be stuck here. Getting off the ship is just the first step."

"And the sooner we do it..."

"The greater chance of our survival." The purple one finished Bryce's statement. Kneeling down towards the wyrmling that was practically his size, and lifting up his limp body. "Let me rest him on your back first." He said to the earth dragon, getting a nod and laying down to make the adjustment easier. Resting Harrak between those dozen small 'wings' along his back, with the black one's head resting on the chief's shoulders and neck. "Is there any... Specific area I should take the blood?"

"The head, if you don't mind."

"Because that's where the highest concentration of magic would be?"

"Because crashing the ship gave me a concussion, and relieving my brain of some of that blood would do wonders for my headache." A bit of a worried look from the noodle. "If you feel around, you'll probably be able to make out where my skull was cracked, no need to actually bore into the bone."

"But...?" A glare from those purple eyes.

"Don't go thinking this is the first time someone stabbed my brain with a needle. The 'worst' thing you can do is screw up and kill me, and even then, I'll be back in a few hours. Fully functional, at that." The wyrm snorted, closing his eyes and taking a breath. "Just do it and get it over with." Those yellow eyes shared a look with Bryce's identical ones, and the drake nodded.

"Okay... Keep him still."

"Do you have any idea where you're going?" The blue wyrm whispered, following the pink female closely.

"I'm just taking a guess, and moving away from the roars and explosions seems like a good idea."

"You mean gunshots?"

"Likely. It's a type of explosion, even if it's not that big." Anna snorted. "And it's not like you could find yourself a map in that computer."

"If only they just left it somewhere with easier access." Lorem sighed. "Would be a lot easier for guests, let alone something of this size."

"Tell me about it. But at the same time, it would be a lot easier for intruders as well."

"If they somehow got in, that is." Another sigh from the wyrm. "I'm not sure what to do. For all we know, we're the only ones alive." Another few gunshots from behind them made his scales click together in a shiver. "Well, alive and not fighting off whatever that is."

"What we should do is find a way to defend ourselves. Maybe one of these doors has a... Storage for weapons-"

"Armory?" A grumble from the pink one, but she nodded. Hearing some movement up ahead and signaling the smaller one to stop. "What?" Lorem whispered, getting a sassy 'shhh!' as she carefully approached a door that was nearly closed. Listening closely to whispers inside.

"He'll be fine for now. Just some bruising that will take time to heal, but he won't be able to run if needing to." A sigh afterword. "Staying here isn't a good idea, especially with so little to work with."

"I'm not sure what else to do. We can't just leave everyone here." The voice fluttered her heart, getting the runner to nearly spring up and push the door opened. Getting a few yelps from inside, and one from Lorem behind her at the sudden movement. Staring inside at the faint light and making out the white wyrm for a few moments, letting them lock eyes for a bit before dashing towards one another and holding each other tightly. "Thank goodness you're okay!" Remy nearly shouted.

"Of course I'm okay." She half joked, but there was a bit of cracking in Anna's voice. "It takes more than a spaceship crashing to keep me down." She looked over the other four inside the room, as the blue wyrm carefully looked inside. Getting a motion to come inside and shut the door the best he could. For a few moments, the rest of them stared at the two embracing, finally getting the couple to double take and Remy to blush deeply. "What?" The runner snapped at them, getting the scientists and Zhong to shyly look away.

"It's just..." Lorem started, nearly getting the green eye glare of death. "Since when...?" A gesture between the two.

"I think what he's trying to say is, didn't you two hate each other?" The green walker stated, trying to avoid the beholder's stare.

"N-not that we keep track of..." Half a growl from Anna as she looked over at the doctor, getting him to snort.

"Don't look at me, I barely know who any of you are. And I could care less about your feelings."

"Well, at least someone around here seems to have some stones." The pink one grumbled, holding the white wyrm for a bit longer before letting go and tossing her snout. "Must you be so flustered to show a little affection? Here I thought this is what you wanted."

"W-well, yes. But I just wasn't ready..." A gesture around the room, and the raptor rolled her eyes.

"How did this happen, exactly?" Zhong asked, still looking away, but feeling the pink one burn a hole in the side of his head with her eyes.

"Blame the bear."

"-Of course." The other three said, still leaving the two scientists in the dark about the situation.

"Who are they?"


"We're just crew members of this ship." The female one answered, getting the three who were in the room to just look at her and Anna.

"And you were part of the ones studying us?" The pink one grumbled, actually getting a double take from Zhong, Remy, and Taute.

"Studying us...?"

"You can understand them?" The white one almost whispered, finally losing his extra color in his ears. "We've been using Zhong to communicate through sign language."

"We found-"

"-I found." Anna interrupted, getting a whimper from the blue one.

"She found these collars that allows others to read their language. By the sounds of it, I want to say it works both ways." A nod from the scientists.

"We also found some sort of journal from one of the crew members. They've been spying on us for quite a while-"

"Please refrain from using negative connotations." The injured male said. "We're only here to find something-"

"Only to bring something else with you." The raptor growled, getting a series of worried stares from the rest. "Your mission put everyone here in danger, including your timeline."

"So they actually are from our future?" The red wyrm asked in a serious tone, studying their white gowns the best he could.

"It appears so."

"And they...?" A slow nod from Lorem as a few echoes of gunshots came from the halls. "That's what that is...?" Remy whispered.

"We didn't mean to bring anything, please believe us." The female walker pleaded.

"What exactly were you trying to _remove_from us?" Anna snarled, getting concerned looks from those who couldn't understand the scientists. Getting the two outsiders to share a glance. "You're afraid of it, I can sense that. Let alone, not in a position to hold onto secrets." Another worried glance at each other made the runner growl.

"Your powers." The injured one admitted in defeat. "We were trying to remove your powers."

"I take it that went well." The black panther half broke the awkward silence between the bear and the dragon, as they walked up the hill towards the portal. A path Bartan's taken more than he cared to recall. But didn't respond to Rixxix' remark. "You would think you had enough tail by now, but everytime something new comes around..." Those brown eyes searching out that green highlighted mane, spotting him under the wyrm's tail. Getting the worst time to look, because Marcus managed to catch the glance. Snorting loudly with his grumble and slamming his tail on the ground. The white appendage passing through the Tirix without even a flinch.

"That's not-..." Bartan started, almost shyly. Just getting another snort and the furred one sighed.

"To be fair..." The brown panther started, getting the attention of the others. "It has been a while since he's had an encounter. Considering how often Bartan's been active these past several months, his Libido is likely quite high."

"You're saying he's addicted." The orange one barely asked.

"Perhaps, if just a little. Enough to get a withdrawal and crave-"

"Some dragon tail." The black one interrupted Ryoko, nearly tapping his snout under Marcus' tail and taking a deep breath to tease the bear. "Perhaps something else he's willing to give. I wonder what flavor he would have...?" A tap on the bear's hip from the orange one, finally breaking those brown discs from staring.

"You shouldn't bring it up again. Leave it on a more positive note." Deago suggested.

"If you want to call nearly breaking the dragon's perspective a positive note." The brown one stated, getting a near scolding look from the larger orange one. "You need to admit that Marcus does seem a bit shaken-"

"What are they saying?" The white wyrm grumbled, getting a look from Bartan as the largest one stared straight forward. "You're not being silent because of what happened back there. Your listening to them. I can see your ears moving." That time those purple eyes looked directly into the bear's, strong and almost angry. "So, what are they saying?"

"...Nothing you really want to hear."

"They don't trust me?" No response. "I can't say that I'd trust me either, honestly. I didn't trust my reaper when I finally met them-"

"It has nothing to do with that." The dragon slowed to a stop, getting the bear to do the same and take a breath. "One of them used to be Death."

"Which is how you know so much about..." A faint nod as those brown eyes looked at Deago's red ones. "What are they?"

"You mean, species wise?"

"Everything." Bartan looked at the dragon, watching him sit down in the long grass. "I want a break. Talk."

"About anything else besides-" A growl as the white one smiled sadly. "They're..." He trailed off in thought.

"Fragments of your imagination, right?" No response. "Fate couldn't see them exactly, but it could detect there was something else nearby you. Always something else, even when you were alone." A slow nod.

"...They've always been there. Never being seen by anyone else but me. Never being heard by anyone else, like some sort of Zen direction-"

"Or imaginary friend." No response again, getting the wyrm to sigh. "I suppose that's insensitive to call them that, if you've..."

"Relied on them?"

"If that's the way you view them. Most people when they see others or hear voices..."

"They're things that convince them of acts that are..." The two remained quiet as the bear took a seat beside the dragon, leaning his back against those large haunches, but not trying anything. "They've always helped me though. Always attempting to offer a perspective that might benefit me in some way. Be it for the pleasure of others-" A groan from the large one and Bartan smirked. "Not that kind of pleasure. More just emotional 'feel good' ness."

"Of course." Marcus grumbled, not really believing him.

"Sometimes it's a more logical perspective. Other times... It's more of a selfish one." Those purple discs gaze upon the furred one again. "It's a constant juggle between all three."

"Because relying on just one doesn't work." The bear nodded. "If you focus on yourself..." He trailed off, not needing to finish. "But if you focus on others?"

"I neglect myself, and therefore get ruined. And relying on Logic overall..."

"Turns you into a machine." A breath from both of them. "...Sometimes, you just gotta wonder how someone could ever like us, considering how broken we are." A few taps and pets on the dragon's side half got his gaze.

"That's what love is, Marcus. It shows us what we're missing, and what we should be thankful for." Those frilled ears perked a bit in question. "People love others for their strengths and imperfections. For their messed up brains-"

"To their ever demanding quirks...?" A slow nod from the furred one as those purple eyes looked at him with wonder, staring at each other for several moments. Inching that muzzle closer and closer towards the bear's after a bit. Catching a very scent of his breath and nearly touching that black nose with his tongue- "Not on your life." The wyrm teased, instantly getting up and forcing the furball to fall backwards onto the grass.

"You tease." Bartan grumbled, getting a sly smirk from the dragon.

The group walked down the halls cautiously, not only for the strange 'flooring' but just in case something was planning to show up. Watching the soldiers scout ahead carefully. Not even needing to gaze at each other for signals in the slightest, or even see where each one was positioned. Though he's only worn the collar for about an hour, Sebastian could almost see it like some kind of grid. Like a tactical board game, with someone being able to look over the entire board and give the orders one by one. Silently, and without argument or hassle from those who entrusted their lives in that one mind.

Yet, the raptor couldn't help but feel like a prisoner around them. Maybe it was the sheer fact that they were unarmed, and surrounded by supernatural weapons to him. He could even sense it from the others, the yellow wyvern especially. A type of fear, yet comfort of being safe. Being with someone she recognized and trusted. Catching the raptor's faded purple gaze and giving it a sad smile. Getting one in return, as well as a paw on her shoulder.

But he still wondered what happened to the others. Half attempting to prepare himself for the loss of his comrades and friends. As if they were fallen somehow before, in some terrible dream that kept replaying over and over. Being at each funeral with their portrait displayed for those to be remembered before returning their remains to the earth. Remembering the good times with each of them: Bryce, Zhong, Mavers... As well as the 'fun' parts, as some would call them.

Visions and recent memories of such events surfaced before he could push them down. It was hard to believe all the shenanigans the runner got into these past several months, let alone with who. That near photographic memory quickly scrolling through each partner and their equipment: Bryce, Maverick, Remy, Bartan, as if they were all posing for some erotic calendar and making the beige one blush-

Several giggles from that stripped muzzle leaked out, starting a chain reaction out of several of them. Getting Sebastian to groan a bit and cover his eyes with his paws, the same ones that he stroked- "What's so funny?" The green wyvern snorted, looking around at the others, not quite understanding.

"Oh my."

"Just someone's thoughts getting discomposed." One of the soldiers ahead stated, looking back and smirking at the raptor. "Again." Another groan from Sebby. "He's still not quite used to it yet."

"Used to what?" Malic questioned, trying to make sense out of the reactions entirely. He had a good idea of what they were laughing at though.

"You've probably haven't been wearing it long enough, but the collars you have on will eventually transfer thought after a while. The speech part works almost instantaneously, but that part takes some getting used to." Another soldier explained from behind. "Let alone to restrain from flooding everyone with their trophy memories." A near whimper from the runner as Adine went into a giggle fit. Barely being able to recall her very own few sessions.

"It's not like I'm trying to show off!" The beige one half hissed in a whisper. "Moving on. Have you guys seen anyone else here?"

"Topanga, my wife-"

"Ex-wife." Klay corrected him, getting the pink wyrm to growl. "And she was in a cell when we found her."

"She'll be safe there for a bit, but we should send a team to get her once we clear the bridge." The soldier from ahead stated.

"Just prepare yourself for war when those two get back together." The wyvern snorted. "You thought this whole attack was bad? Wait until she sees this overgrown marshmallow." A shove from that pink wing.

"If we can get everyone to the bridge, we can at least have a gathering point." Sebastian stated. "From there, we can try to find as many as we can, and decide how to proceed with what we have." A nod from the others, and the raptor took a breath. Looking over Adine for a moment. "What about you? Find anyone else?"

"Other than Usite, and..." She said sadly, and a gesture towards the two males behind her. "No one else. You?"

"No... I was hoping to find a trace of Bryce or Mav, but."

"Trace?" She questioned.

"They have... Let's call it, a very distinct way of handling situations and imprisonment." The runner grumbled.

"He means: Damage. We were looking for ship damage." A soldier stated, getting the others to chuckle.

"With a tool like that, I'm pretty sure they would wreck just about anyone." Another added, getting several louder chuckles at the raptor's expense. The yellow one's giggles didn't help either, even going as far as to see those images again.

"What is that thing?" One from behind stated, getting the attention of others. "That white... Furred thing you keep sending." A noise in question from Sebby. "It's almost like us, but..."

"I think he means the bear." Adine stated.

"Bartan?" Sebastian questioned, getting a shrug and letting the runner think of him again.

"Yes, that one."

"What the hell is a bear?" The green wyvern snorted.

"He was an outsider that came to visit from the portal." Adine answered him, trying to keep herself composed.

"Portal? You mean the Human?" The pink one asked.

"That was Reza. There was a second visitor about a week or so after him." Sebastian stated. "I was his escort during Bartan's stay-"

"I bet you were, by the sounds of things." A groan from the raptor as he covered his eyes again. Hearing the others chuckle or giggle at Klay's remark.

"Sebby would make an excellent escort-"

"Adine..." The beige one grumbled, almost whimpering as he blushed a bit.

"But really, I don't remember hearing anything about a second one coming through."

"Well, you..." The yellow wyvern started, trailing off when those sad red eyes overlooked her green counterpart.


"Pretty much the day after. Then..." Half a gesture towards the wyrm, who only sighed deeply in response.

"Still, back to this... Bear was it?"

"What about him?" The runner attempted to keep himself composed in front of the soldiers.

"We never heard of it."

"And humans?" The yellow one asked.

"We've heard of them before, but never anything that resembles..." It made Sebastian and Adine look at each other for a moment. "So humans actually existed then?"

"As well as..." The raptor trailed off. "Do you know what a Force is?"

"You mean like momentum?" One of the suits behind them asked.

"Not quite... What about a Counterweight?"

"So, catapult?" A noise in pondering from the runner, nearly denying those answers. "You know something we don't?"

"I... Haven't really met one, so I don't know what they looked like. The bear just told me about them."

"Told us about them." The female wyvern corrected him. "So does this mean...?"

"That if they're from the future..."

"Bartan is forgotten...?"

"You sure this is okay?" The purple eastern dragon half whimpered, looking at the syringe filled with dark liquids. Hoping it was just blood, but it was difficult to tell in the low light. "I've heard horror stories of people getting contaminated blood."

"Sure, now you're thinking twice after injecting me with it." Bryce snorted. Still trying to lick at the very small wound around his shoulder, nearly squeezing that black muzzle in the process and getting the small wyrm to growl in response. "Live with it, this is bothering me."

"Well, don't pick at it! It's only going to make it worse."

"I'm not picking at it, I'm attempting to clean it!" The drake hissed at Harrak. "How long is this supposed to take in order to start feeling effects."

"Well, first: you'll start to feel like your spine is burning. That's how you know it's working." The noodle froze in place, just about to place the needle in his own arm. "Then you'll start to mutate while your blood turns into a sludge. Eventually sneezing so hard that your sinus cavity bursts, and if you don't know that I'm pulling your tail by now, there is no hope for you." Though he couldn't glare at the two sets of eyes attempting to gaze over the wyrmling, he still grumbled at them. "Just do it, you Kresskre."

A whimper from Ipsum, and he took a breath. Pressing the needle in and the plunger down, getting his scales to click loudly in a shiver as he almost felt the colder blood enter his body. Pulling it out and taking a breath. "What now?"

"We find others-"

"We find Vara." Harrak almost demanded. "If you can find her, you'll be safe."

"Because she can use these powers already?" The large one half grumbled. "Still can't believe you did that without consulting a doctor-"

"The theory works. What are you complaining about?" The black one snorted.

"Fair enough, as long as we find someone else. And likely more syringes, I don't like the idea of sharing needles." The purple one mumbled. "Which way?" The two took a look around. The slight movement of those broad shoulders still made the black one slip off and land on the metal floor with a loud thud, getting him to grumble at the helplessness. "Maybe we should find a way to keep you on Bryce first." He said, studying the small strap on the medical kit.

"Nevermind that, just get me back on the dumb one."

"I'm not dumb!" The drake growled.

"You're dumber than everyone else here-"

"I'm also bigger, stronger, older-" A growl from the black one that time. "...Okay, you win in that category. But I'm not dumb-"

"Let it go, Bryce. You keep calling me a Noodle, live with it." Ipsum grunted, placing the wyrmling back on his back. "I don't know if this strap will fit around..." The sounds of metal being torn off from a nearby wall got him to whimper, barely seeing it get ripped apart in midair within the shadows and morph into dozens of links. Forming a chain that wrapped around the drake's plated neck and almost shackle the black one on top.

"Lift my chest." Harrak grumbled to the noodle, getting him to faintly nod and do it, watching the chain gain more links and secure the wyrmling on Bryce's back. "There. Strapped in. You can let go of me anyday now." He snorted, getting the purple one to step back and let the wyrmling's head flop on that thick shoulder. "Gently, next time. That would be appreciated."

"S-sorry, but..." A closer look at the smooth chain. "That was..." A large howl from behind them, getting a few others in different hallways to respond.

"Amusing and all, but what's going to happen if we run into one of them?" A breath from the black one at the Chief's question.

"...Stand still. And you, step away from him."

"What are you planning Harrak." It was barely a question that was growled.

"Just don't move. Close your eyes if you need to." A deep breath and the drake braced himself, trying not to look at the sudden plates of metal that were ripped from the walls, even further down the hallway. Floating, being ripped apart or folded into thick plates as they came towards the earth dragon, making him almost curl his neck when they started attaching themselves to his biceps and forearms. Around his already thick chest and neck, across his snout. Already warping around that small horn on his muzzle perfectly, and covering his damaged horns. Then across his shoulders, sides, and haunches a bit. Though a bit uncomfortable and heavy, he definitely felt protected. "Congratulations, you are now a living weapon."

"You mean an armored one-?" Ipsum started, looking at one of the plates on the drake's arm, getting it to suddenly morph out into a thick spike, but not far enough to hurt the noodle. Just for a yelp and a step back.

"With me, he is." The black one grumbled. "Now, can we find Vara?" Bryce and the purple one shared a look and nodded. "I left her down that way."

The pair of white ones started to approach the two towers, both sharing a single base, yet remained divided. The bear detested this thing, seeing it time and time again. Hoping each time he ordered it to be dismantled, it would be the last. For a while, he was right. And it was nice while it lasted, but Forces will be Forces, rebuilding the damn thing when it benefits them. It now made sense to Bartan why they even knew about it, especially after his first encounter with Fate.

Those brown eyes overlooked the dragon, still slightly ahead of the furred one. A straight serious look across that muzzle, much to the same expression that the bear had towards such a structure. While everyone else was fascinated with such a device, these two hated it with nearly all their being. To see it built again would only leave bitter tastes in their maws, like recalling the thousands of old memories of failed attempts all at once.

The orange panther came into view as they started to slow down a bit, now overlooking Marcus' expression as he took a deep breath. The pain morphing into sorrow, meaning they were close to her resting place. A nudge along Bartan's side as the tirix got his attention. "You should comfort him." Those brown discs just slowly blinked at Deago. "He needs it, especially from someone who understands his pain."

A slow nod as the bear walked forward a bit more, placing a paw on the dragon's shoulder and feeling him slow to a complete stop. Looking away for another breath. "...I know." Bartan whispered, getting this mix of a nod and a head shake. As if to say: Yes you do, yet you don't. "She'll be happy to see you."

"...I know she will." Marcus sighed heavily. "But I gave her immortality for a reason."

"So, making her ageless." It was barely a question, but it got the attention of those purple eyes. "I found it strange that she's been here for so long, yet never seemed to have aged a day."

"...You sound like one with experience."

"Humans don't age well." A sudden chuckle from the wyrm, getting the furred one to smirk a bit. "Come on. Dwelling in this state will only make it harder." Another breath, and the large one nodded. Approaching the massive twin towers, and the dragon couldn't help but stare at the platform. "You see her."

"...You don't?" A slow head shake from the bear.

"But I didn't tell you were she died." It was heavy enough to hear, causing Marcus to sit down in place and look straight forward once again. Those brown eyes following them towards a woman in a cloak, wounded and bloodstained clothing, yet no wounds on her. Watching her walk towards the two, as Bartan placed that hand on the scaled shoulder once again.

"I was wondering if you were going to return." She said, looking back at the portal for a moment. "I didn't see you the last time it was built."

"...No." Marcus mumbled, trying to keep himself together. "I wasn't..." A slow nod from the human, and she looked over the other male for a moment.

"It's been a while, bear. Good to see you're still alive."

"I can't say the same for you, even though I tried." A solid nod from her, one in understanding. "What's our kill count at by now?"

"Too many to keep track. Possibly rivaling this guy's." A gesture towards the dragon, getting him to snort. "You know each other?"


"No-! Shut up, furball!" Marcus hissed, getting him to blush a bit while growling. "He just met me like two hours ago. And has been trying to get under my tail ever since, I might add." A stare in question from Izumi, getting the large one to double take. "...Has he never...?"

"Not in the slightest." She stated bluntly, getting the two to look at the bear for a few moments.

"What? She's human." A couple of blinks. "And it's not like we ever had time to do it-"

"Yet, you had time to seduce Bryce." She smirked very slightly.

"And Lorem." The dragon shot, a smug look over his muzzle.

"And Adine."

"And Anna."




"I get it, guys-"

"Surprisingly not Maverick." Izumi stated, getting a double take from the wyrm.

"You serious? I swear he was living with the furball."

"Not that I seen." A few blinks at each other, then another stare at Bartan.

"He was playing hard to get." Those brown eyes looked at the dragon's for a moment.


"Kinda like someone else-"

"I hate you." Marcus grumbled, hearing the furred one chuckle as those purple eyes rolled towards the woman. "See what I've had to deal with lately?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Lucky." He snorted. Taking a breath after. "Zuzu..." The nickname made her smile slightly. "You know why I'm here." A slow nod. "I need that data crystal."

"I know." A long silence as the wind blew between them.

"..._And_I need you to tell me where it is." A faint nod from the female, as she gazed over at the bear. Getting the furred one to double take, as well as the dragon soon after. "What?"

"He has it."

"He does?

"I do?"

"That necklace, Bartan. You still have it, don't you?"

"Oh, that. Yes."

"Wait- What!?" Marcus grumbled. "You had it the entire time!?"

"You never asked! Let alone said what you were planning to do!" A growl from the large one. "How was I to know what you wanted?"

"Whatever." The dragon snorted. "Where is it?" Those brown eyes looked down at the town again. "Oh, come on! We have to walk back down there again!?"

"You do have the ability to fly, you know." Izumi added, getting a grumble from the scaled one.

"Not without him."

"...He could always ride you-"

"No. No! He's not even going to touch me!" Marcus hissed.

"On the contrary, Mentor..." She playfully scolded him, getting the dragon to curl his neck. "You have something the bear wants."

"Like what!?" He snorted loudly before thinking. Getting him to freeze in place for a moment before slowly looking at the bear with almost wide, frightful eyes. "...No."

"You want that crystal thing, don't you?" The bear bluntly asked.


"Funny, I thought you did-"

"_ No! _"

"Marcus." Another scold.

"_ No!! _"

"Incoming tantrum, bear."

"_ No-No-No-No-No! _Not _ Now _! Not _ Ever _, Furball! We Are Not Going To Do-! _ Anything _Together!! _ Understand _!?" The wyrm roared at him.

"Well then, no necklace." Bartan teased, getting a very loud hiss from the dragon that could be heard from three cities away. "I'm not afraid of you, Marcus-"

" I Am A Dragon-!"

"And you taste good with ketchup." The other two repeated lackadaisically.

"Oh, he was saying that way back when?" The bear asked, ignoring the frustrated whimper from the large one.

"All the time. You couldn't stop him from saying it everytime a human came around. Let alone anything that looked like a meal."

"Stop!" Marcus growled, getting two blank looks from the smaller ones. "Stop whatever you're doing! No Bonding! No Taking this Pervball's Side!"

"Pervball?" The furred one tilted his head at the word.

"Probably a mix between pervert and furball-"

"You're doing it again! Stop it!"

"Quite the child sometimes, isn't he?"

"You wouldn't believe it." Izumi half grumbled, getting a groan of frustration as the scaled one covered his eyes with a paw.

"Was he like this as a wyrmling?"

"Worse, if you can even picture that."

"I think I can." A louder groan from the dragon. "Hard, but I think I can."

"I swear! I will drag Fate down here to find what I need!!"

"Only for her to probably want to watch." Bartan bluntly stated, getting a loud hiss that was a bit on the spraying side. "I'm serious, she's probably curious-"

"We've talked about this! Fate is an IT!"

"That's a little harsh." The woman added in.

"Zuzu!" The large one growled.

"_ Marcus _." Izumi scolded in a mother-like tone. Getting him to hiss loudly and storm off on his own. "Give him time, he'll come around."

"You say that, but I'm pretty sure we just doubled his blood pressure."

"Likely." The bear stared at her for a moment.

"Why are you... I guess, 'on board' with this?" A shrug from her.

"He's used to getting what he wants. Always has."

"And you're okay with me stroking off your son?"

"If that's what you want in return." A questionable look from the furred one. "Being a Force is a responsibility, not a permission to take whatever you want from those under your rule. I raised him better than this."

"...You met the other Death, didn't you?" A slow nod from her. "The previous Force."

"And he wanted my opinion on making him the heir, so to speak." The two looked off at the dragon in the distance, sitting down with his wings covering his head. "I thought he would be better than this, but I'm not disappointed."

"You two have a very weird relationship."

"Says the bear who has basically mated with half the town by now." A shrug from the furred one.

"Point taken."

"Didn't you have like two husbands and a wife on top of that?"

"Point taken, Zuzu. Point taken." The two just smirked at each other. "...What does that crystal do?"

"No idea. Could never figure it out, but it has something to do with the portal." Those brown discs gazed upon the structure again. "He just always wanted me to keep it safe. So get whatever you need out of it, just in case."

"I'm half worried he's going to eat me after he finds out where I left it."

"Again: get everything you need out of it. You can always tell him not to harm you afterword or something. Perhaps swallow it-nevermind."

"Yeahhh, that's just calling for him to just gut me and dig it out." A breath from the furred one, as he looked over at the dragon again. "Who knows, maybe I can make it that enjoyable that he decides not to kill me afterword."

"Are you feeling up for the task?" A nod from the bear.

"It'll be the stroking of a lifetime-"

" _-Don't Call It That!!!_"

"...He can apparently still hear us from over here-"

"Yes. Yes he can."

"...Those are some good ears."

"They are."

"...A bit sexy too."

"Too far, bear."


Somewhere Out There Act 21 - Doomsday

**Somewhere Out There Act 21 - Doomsday** By Bartan Tirix "Isn't this...?" The purple eastern dragon half whimpered, walking down the dark hallway behind the armored Bryce and the wyrm riding him. Barely making out the metal plates that covered...

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All For You #4: (Male, Bottom)

**All For You #4: (Male, Bottom)** By Bartan Tirix Author's Note: This piece is kind of like a Your Character Here mostly made for a Western (Wyrm) feral dragon. It can be something else, but this is just what I had in mind at the time of writing....

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Drunken Lullabies #4

**Drunken Lullabies #4** By Bartan Tirix The bear grumbled in his bedding, barely able to see the... Not really sunlight, but more daylight through the curtains. Telling him it was going to be a rather cloudy day, not that he...

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