Bonds of the Companion

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Siska is an elf scout that has been tasked to scout a valley trade out that had been recently flooded to make sure that monsters hadn't settled in the trade route, which he does with his dragon companion friend Byzentin. But Siska has more on his mind than scouting though, feeling like the dragon with a bit of a superiority complex has been coddling him. As they walked along the path however they meet a mysterious merchant that seems to have the solution to the elf's problem.

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It had been weeks since anyone had used the Felsyphr Pass, a narrow gap between two large mountains that provided a shortcut between the capital city and one of its major outposts, ever since the river that ran through it had flooded from an intense snow melt and rendered the entire area impassible. While merchants and the like were itching to use the passage ever since the water turned back to mud and stone the kingdom wished to scout the area to make sure nothing had taken advantage of its disused and waterlogged state. With most of the army out near the borders of the kingdom in order to prepare for a potential war that meant they had to turn to outside help in order to get things done. None of them realized how far outside the royalty had gone until those waiting impatiently at the gate saw an elf in scouting leathers walk by them and unlock the gate with a golden, magical key.

"Oy, you've got to be kiddin me!" one of the bigger men, a guard for the largest of the merchant caravans that were looking to take advantage of the passage instead of the much longer route that had to go around the bigger of the two mountains. "I could probably climb that damn mountain before this 'ere pointy-eared waif will make it through the first stone arch!"

"You're welcome to attempt it then," the elf shot back as he opened the door. "Or go around the mountain for all I care, but until this key enters the lock in the gate on the other side of the valley no one will be able to pass through here. If you think you'll make better time the other way then you can certainly do so."

There were a few grumbles from those that were clearly itching to go, but no one dared take a step forward to engage the elf. "Well hopefully they have someone waiting at the end of the river then!" the man once more shouted as the scout passed through and closed the door behind him. "If we're lucky then they'll grab the key once your corpse floats down the river!"

The elf just shook his head and continued up the hill, already hearing the water rushing nearby as he started to make his way down into the valley. It wasn't the first time people had underestimated him before, especially since he had the lithe build and slim frame that most of his kind were known for. But unbeknownst to the angry merchants that he had just closed out from accessing the valley he had a secret weapon they didn't know about. All he had to do was wait for it to show up as he made his way towards the entrance to the valley and sat down near the river.

He didn't have to wait long as the elf heard something large walking behind him, his slim fingers reaching for his blade before he heard a familiar clearing of the throat. "It appears that you were making quite the friendly relations Siska," the silver-scaled dragon said as he padded around him, his tail sliding around the area as the quadruped circled his form. "Perhaps you should have let them go in and rouse any danger before we followed behind, would make our jobs far easier."

"I don't think those that hired us would take it kindly if we use their merchants as bait Byzentin," the elf shot back, causing the dragon to chuckle. "Anyway it's only supposed to be for about a week of work and then we get quite the sum, which should allow us to press on into the West for our real quest. Is our little bond working?"

The elf tapped the silver ring with a scale pattern on his finger, watching as the molten silver eyes of the dragon craned his head down to look at it before nodding. It was a secret of his tribe that they had hidden from the rest of the kingdoms for ages, a mixture of elven and draconic magic enchanting the ring that allowed for the elf to know exactly where the dragon that had forged it was and vice versa... as well as a few other benefits. This far away from their clan the human population probably hadn't even laid eyes on a dragon in decades, maybe centuries, which was the reason why Byzentin had to join up with him later once the elf had gotten the gate key. Though no one would dare with a scout on official business the last thing Siska wanted was anyone getting ideas of the potential riches they could get for dragon hide as they began to walk into the valley.

It didn't take long for them to see the extent of the damage the winter thaw had done to the area as they finally got the spot where the river spilled into the land below. "Valley my scaled butt," Byzentin said with a growl as he looked down the edge of the cliff they were on. "This is a canyon, not some easy valley. You should have charged more."

"It does appear they greatly misjudged how damaged their infrastructure was," Siska stated as he went over to a set of wooden supports and looked over the edge. "Looks like they use this elevator to help get carts and horses down to the rocks below, got to give it to humans for their ingenuity. I'm going to give it a try to make sure it still works."

As Siska pulled the lever in order to bring up the platform he could hear a loud sigh come from behind him and looked back at the silver dragon. "You know that I have these, right?" Byzentin stated as he waggled his wings behind him. "Just hop on my back and let me fly you through the canyon. If we do that all the way to the other side then we can just camp out for a few days and get our reward that much faster."

"You know that they specifically said we couldn't do that," Siska replied with a smirk. "We have to make sure it's safe for merchant carts to travel on, not just dragons and those who ride them. Unless you want to start hauling cargo for them?"

"Ugh, I would rather crawl through the mud of this place rather than stoop so low," Byzentin stated with a surly tone. "Have fun breaking your neck, I'll see if I can catch you when you fall to the bottom."

The elf just laughed as the dragon spread his wings and glided down towards the bottom of the canyon while the elevator got to the top. As he walked on the wooden platform he could hear it creak slightly and it caused his anxiety to rise as he got himself situation in case the worst should happen. Though he wasn't afraid of heights, he had ridden on his dragon companion enough to have any fear of being high up eliminated, but the problem was that he wasn't on the back of his dragon at the moment. The only thing that stood between him and potential death was a bunch of rope, pulleys, and wood that had been partially submerged for nearly a week.

Despite his trepidations Siska pulled the lever once more and braced himself as the wooden platform began to lower back down into the canyon below. It was a slow trip, likely made intentionally as such since they didn't want to startle anything pulling carts or have the carts themselves roll off the sides, and though the nerves of the elf could be felt standing on end the entire way down was rather uneventful. When he got to the bottom he gave the dragon waiting for him a victorious grin, which only caused Byzentin to roll his entire head before motioning for them to move on. Even though he didn't show it he could tell that his draconic companion was just as worried for him and had only backed up and got huffy when the elevator got close enough to no longer be a threat.

Down inside of the canyon the damage was far more extensive then at the mouth of it; areas that they had clearly built up as bridges or platforms to help widen the path they were on were either completely washed away or severely damaged. More than once Siska felt himself get pushed to the side by the thick silver-scaled tail to keep him behind the dragon as he moved to lead. It was a bad habit that Byzentin had ever since the two teamed up, the dragon believing that creatures such as him were weak and fragile, prompting him to constantly be a protective mode. Though the elf scout was flattered the first time it had happened it quickly wore thin, especially when he confronted the dragon about it and he arrogantly replied that it was his duty as the stronger creature to protect those under him.

For Siska it reminded him of being babysat by the elder elves where he had to be under constant supervision and protection at all times. Even the ring on his finger had been modified so that Byzentin could do more to shelter him, even being able to absorb damage that he might take. It certainly wasn't what he was expecting from such a creature... though he had heard tales from other elves that made him gather that such a domineering and protective attitude wasn't just confined to Byzentin. At least he didn't make him put runes over his body or something, the elf thought to himself as they traversed through a tricky part of the canyon where part of the path had washed away.

The first two nights were rather routine for the two, though it was hard to find places to camp with all the mud around they managed to get settled in with the help of some elven magic. As they approached day three Siska looked at his map and saw that they had reached one of the checkpoint markers on it in good time. At this rate they could have the entire passage scouted in a few days and have a day or two in the capital before they moved on. The two talked about what they might potentially do with their free time until they got to a section of rapids that a bridge had been built over... but that wasn't what had stopped their conversation or their movement forward.

A cloaked figure stood in the middle of the bridge, their back turned towards them so they couldn't see any identifying features. It appeared to be humanoid in nature but with the gates sealed there was no way that anyone from either city could have gotten in through there... which meant that this creature either had come somehow from the mountains or managed to get in through more arcane means. Though they didn't want to right out attack the creature they didn't want to be caught off-guard, Siska grabbing his bow and putting an arrow on the strong while Byzentin crept forward. Though the bridge was made for carts and horses in mind the dragon was a bit bigger then such a thing and didn't want to destroy the bridge either as they found attack positions with what little cover that was there.

"Alright, show yourself!" Siska shouted, waiting with his arrow still drawn. "Slowly turn around with your arms raised in the air, and if I see you starting to cast magic you're going to get an arrow in your throat."

The dragon and elf watched as the figure slowly began to turn around, the two of them gasping slightly at what they saw. Aside from the cloak the creature wore the ebon-skinned creature was completely naked, showing off his lithe frame and the thick cock dangling between his legs. It reminded Siska of a drow he had seen on occasion before, except this creature was clearly something more supernatural in nature as he flashed them a fanged grin while looking at them with bright, glowing red eyes. There were also stripes of a similar nature on his sides, arms, and outer thighs as he stepped forward with slightly reptilian feet.

"What do we have here," the creature said as he looked between the two. "A dragon and his toy... or perhaps it's the other way around? When you see things like I do it can be hard to make the distinction."

"We are neither to one another," Siska said quickly. "Nor do we answer questions of trespassers in this valley. Now tell us who you are and why you are here."

"No need for such violence, I assure you that I mean you two no harm," the creature replied as he brought his hands out in a non-threatening gesture. "My name is Ibaxi, and I just happen to be passing through on my way elsewhere. You see, I happen to be a distributor of goods for those in need of certain things."

"Like, a merchant?" Byzentin asked, still in attack position.

"Of a sort," Ibaxi replied before gesturing towards the elf. "I feel like you're the one that I should be talking to. Do you mind if I can get a word with you alone out of earshot of your little pet there? All I want is a little chat and then I promise to leave this valley for good."

the silver dragon let out a low growl but Siska motioned for him to calm down and slowly walked over to the creature, making sure to tell Byzentin to do what he does best if things start getting strange. Despite the obvious anxiety that both creatures had this Ibaxi had done nothing to threaten them as of yet, and when the elf put his arrow away the peace between them persisted. Slowly Siska walked forward until he was on the bridge with the creature, trying hard not to stare down at the maleness dangling freely between his legs as they walked a little further. Once the creature was certain that the dragon could no longer hear them he put his back to Byzentin and held out his hand to reveal a familiar silver scaled ring.

Siska had to look at his own hand to make sure that his was there still, and when he saw the glint of metal on his finger he looked back and watched in awe as the silver on the black and red palm began to transform into an Eastern Dragon. "I've already seen the bond that you share between you and your companion," he said as he watched the elf's eyes remain fixated on the living metal creature. "I think that this is meant for you to have, an upgrade to that simple peace of enchanted metal you wear on your finger right now."

"That dragon... is a companion ring?" Siska asked in shock. "But... how does the magic even work? Neither I nor Byzentin have had a hand in its creation."

"My kind are very good at mimicking magical enhancements," Ibaxi said as he took his other hand and reached out to the elf. "You are not the first elf I've met whose had a dragon for a companion that doesn't understand them, who thinks that you need constant guardianship and that you are merely their ward instead of a partner." As Siska watched the other creature took his hand and opened it up, allowing the silver metal dragon to scamper over and lie in a ring-like configuration on his palm. "This will enable you to deepen your mutual understanding of one another and take you to places you could have only dreamed of before... now there will be some compromises of course, all good partnerships have them, but if you accept this artifact then I guarantee he'll see things from your perspective and vice versa."

The elf found himself biting his lip as he listened to the creature he didn't quite understand, wondering if this was possibly some sort of trap. "Say I do accept this general offer," Siska asked. "What do I owe you? Surely you wouldn't be giving this kingly artifact for nothing."

"We are creatures of fate, among other things..." Ibaxi explained, his grin growing wider as he gestured towards his lengthy member. "So it will not be any lustful price like a common incubus or a twist of your wish like those djinn scoundrels. Whatever we freely give to another we will be given twofold ourselves at a later date, so consider any debt you may owe already paid."

"Still sounds a bit too good to be true," Siska stated, bouncing the piece of metal in his palm and feeling the weight of it. "Plus this thing will have to shrink down considerably if it's going to fit on my finger."

"I think you misunderstand..." Ibaxi corrected, the elf looking at him in slight confusion as the creature licked his lips. "While the gift is for you it is not you that will wear it, and it will definitely not be going on anyone's finger..."

A few minutes later Siska suddenly found himself alone on the bridge, which began to shake as the dragon that had been waiting anxiously this entire time charged forward. When Byzentin asked hurriedly if he was okay the elf just waived him off, telling him that he was fine and that the creature had just tried to tempt him with some sort of bargain that he refused. Though the dragon breathed a sigh of relief he continued to look around wearily for a potential attack and told the elf to stay close to him. Siska tried not to sigh audibly as he nodded and the two moved forward once more.

Eventually the two of them found a spot that was high and dry enough that they could make camp for the night and not worry about the river potentially flooding again. There wasn't much that the silver dragon needed to do to make himself comfortable and as a scout Siska needed little in the way of a camp either. As soon as he finished setting up a tent and bedroll he made himself a fire to cook dinner while Byzentin looked on and continued to press on the strange creature that they had met. Though the elf managed to answer most of the questions, the persistence of the dragon finally made the elf snap and told him to go off and hunt his dinner.

After a day of traveling the silver dragon was likely famished and at the elf's insistence he flew off, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Once he was sure that he was alone he sighed and reached into his cloak before pulling out not only the silver dragon ring but also the vial of red substance that he had been given as well. He bit his lip and rolled the crystal in his palms as he continued to debate its use, especially since Ibaxi told him exactly what it was for. Byzentin had been his companion for ages... but he was at the end of his rope and this latest doting on him was yet another reminder that the dragon thought himself superior, and just once Siska wished that the dragon would treat him like an equal...

A few hours later night had completely fallen and Byzentin had returned with a mountain animal to make his meal, and as he ate it Siska put a bowl with an amber liquid in front of him that caused him to pause. "I know that smell," the dragon said as he looked at the drink. "That's the good stuff. Is there something that we're celebrating?"

"I figured that we might have something that we could talk about over a drink," Siska stated as he poured himself a small glass of the stuff as well. "I know that you think our partnership works just fine, but I really think we need to talk about how you can be a bit... overly assertive."

"This again..." Byzentin said with a slight sigh as he took a big slurp from the bowl. "I know that you are a well-proved scout and hunter, but there are creatures out there that can gobble up a little thing like you in an instant. I can't help that dragons have superior, more powerful bodies then you, it's just the way things are."

The scowl on the face of the elf deepened when he saw the slight smirk on the dragon's face when he said that, knowing that Byzentin had inflated his own ego with the statement as well. "Of course, I had a feeling that you would continue to say that," Siska stated as he watched his companion finish his drink. "Fortunately for the both of us I think I have a way that you can feel what I feel, at least that's what I was told."

This time it was Byzentin that frowned when he saw the look of pure determination on Siska's face, but before he could ask what was going on he suddenly felt a wave of heat cascade through his system. Whatever he was about to say was lost in his mind and replaced with a spike of pure lust as his breathing came in quick gasps. Even with the feelings of intense horniness coursing through his veins he knew that something was wrong, especially as he found himself turning on his side as the thick cock between his legs began to swell. He had never lost it like this, even during mating season and especially when Siska was standing there in front of him.

As he continued to pant Byzentin tried to tell Siska that something was wrong, but when he saw the elf continue to just stare at him his heart began to pound in his chest. He had never seen Siska look like this before, even when he teased him about being just an elf he had never seen such a gleam in his eyes. The elf continued to approach him and for a fleeting second he thought that perhaps he was going to kill him, especially when he saw the glint of metal in his palm. When he was able to see it fully though his eyes widened even further as he saw the silver Eastern Dragon animate while it got closer to his body.

Even though the silver dragon wanted to ask the elf what he was doing by the time he had mustered enough composure to say anything all that came out of his mouth was a moan as Siska touched his throbbing cock. He rolled onto his back and arched his entire body as his erect dragon dick jutted out into the air from the stimulation caused by the magical concoction that the scout had dosed the drink with. A small smile formed on Siska's face as he watched the dragon squirm, looking quite needy in that state as he continued to stroke up and down the throbbing length. So much for never being helpless, he thought to himself as he took the silver metal Eastern Dragon and moved it to the base of Byzentin's crotch where it immediately leapt out to wrap around it.

Another loud moan came from Byzentin as the metallic creature coiled around the heavy shaft before it settled into its final configuration, transforming into a silver-scaled cock ring similar to the one that he wore on his own finger. Almost immediately as soon as the two ends melded together a wealth of information flooded into Siska's brain, causing the elf to stagger slightly as he held onto his head. Normally the two could share surface thoughts if they so willed it, but this was definitely a connection on a much deeper level as the lust from the dragon transferred to the elf. How had he been so foolish to not see this coming, the elf thought to himself as he immediately grew erect, the second they would link together and form the new bond all the drug-induced lust would filter through to him.

"Siska..." the dragon panted as he looked down to see the gleaming band of silver at the base of his cock, feeling the strange magic suffusing through him even as he continued to get driven further into sexual need. "What... what have you done..."

"I... had to show you..." Siska replied, clenching his teeth as his entire body began to feel strange. "You think that I'm some weak elf that you have to protect, practically lording your strength over me because you think that dragons are better. Well now you're going to see that I can take control as well, you're going do feel what it's like to be the one that gets pushed around."

"Oh yeah," Byzentin growled, mustering up enough draconic pride to get back on all fours even with his erect cock still hanging between his legs. "How do you expect to show me that?"

At first Siska was confused, thinking that the ring was somehow going to give the silver dragon the empathy of what he was feeling, but it appeared that other than the lust they were feeling towards one another he wasn't getting the picture. That was when the elf looked at the exposed tailhole of the creature and a whisper in his mind told him what needed to be done. "You and I are both in need of release," he said as he pulled off the tunic he had been wearing, exposing his hard cock as he tossed his clothing to the side. "So I'm going to mount you."

"You're going to mount me?" Byzentin scoffed, though as soon as Siska mentioned the idea his entire body shivered. "I doubt I would even feel you inside me, and that's if you could get me down long enough to do so. You are no dragon Siska, and none of my kind would raise their tail on the command of a lesser creature."

The words sent a flash of anger through Siska as he finally reached a breaking point with the dragon's arrogance. But just as he was about to shout back he stopped as the tingling that had been steadily increasing in intensity suddenly concentrated in his hands, and even with the lust clouding his thoughts he was still able to recognize that his fingers had started to quiver and shift. It started with the hand that had on his ring, watching his normally tan flesh start to grow glossy and silver as his nails turned black. Thanks to the magical nature of the metal it expanded with him as he saw his flesh slowly inflating, morphing and warping into something far more draconic in nature as his other hand started to follow suit.

"So you'll only let a dragon mount you..." the elf said as the silver scales that had formed on his hands, which were now twice as large as his body, began to creep up his arms. He suddenly remembered what the strange creature on the bridge had said, that deepening the bond of the companion would result in some... compromises as his lips turned up in a fanged grin. "Fine, then a dragon it is."

The words of his companion confused Byzentin even as he looked around for some way to efficiently stroke himself off, only to hear a light growl behind him that caused him to turn his head. He hadn't even realized that the elf had gotten naked and as his lithe body stood there in the light of the fire he saw that something was definitely off about his form. As he tried to turn to get a better look however he was surprised when Siska closed the distance between them and he felt something press against his thighs. When he craned his head back far enough he saw that a set of silver forepaws had grabbed onto him, his eyes widening as he felt them slowly start to slide up his body as the transforming elf let out a loud groan.

In all of Siska's wildest dreams he had never imagined a scenario like this would ever happen, but as his frame started to go bigger the effects of their shared lust combined with the pleasure that came with his changes. Already he was at least a foot taller as he felt his wrists and elbows pop into a new configuration while they pressed against the sides of the dragon beneath him. Whether it was because of how bizarre the situation was or the effects of the potion Byzentin had frozen in place, which was perfect for him as he tried to reach down in order to guide his throbbing cock into the tailhole beneath him. He let out a frustrated grunt however as he found that his arms had already morphed too far into the structure of forepaws to allow him to reach back like that... but he was going to let that dissuade him as the silver scales cascaded over his shoulders and started down his chest.

Both Siska and Byzentin let out loud moans as the changing elf managed to angle his swelling hips so that his increasingly ridged member finally landed its target and plunged into the pucker of the dragon beneath him. Though his cock was still somewhat elf-sized the second the tight, slick walls clamped down on him he could feel it immediately begin to inflate. His feet pressing against the stone started to arch up and scales started to appear there as well as his expanding paws began to push him up even further until he no longer had to step on his tiptoes to prevent from sliding out of Byzentin's hole. It was all worth it though as Siska's mind focused more on the sex and less on his own transforming body, at least until he started to feel his entire frame popping and cracking.

The elf let out a loud groan as his body expanded dramatically, his legs thickening with cords of muscle as his knees snapped into a new configuration that served to drive his cock deeper into the other male. The dragon beneath the transforming creature was frozen in both surprise and pure pleasure as he could feel Siska's chest growing against his own spine, the once diminutive elf now able to take his clawed, growing hands and press them against the dragon's shoulders. Siska's voice deepened considerably as he felt drool oozing out of his mouth while it stretched, gasps and grunts turning into growls and roars as his jaws snapped several times while new sharp teeth grew out of his expanded maw. This... this was power... the thought ran through Siska's mind as the growing silver scales on his face tuned up into a lust-drunk smile, and that was why this dragon beneath him was all his!

Part 2:

The next day Siska awoke suddenly, feeling the warmth of the sun on his body as he slowly raised his head up. As his mind woke up everything that had happened the previous night before came crashing down on him and when he turned himself over he found himself stopped by a warm body on the other side of him. Byzentin was snoring away and it served as a reminder of what they had done before, of what he had done before. When he carefully looked between the legs of the creature he noticed that the enchanted object had disappeared... but it didn't take long to find out where it had gone.

The elf's eyes widened slightly when he saw that the silver metal dragon had stretched even further and had made a home for itself against the scales of his companion's neck. With Byzentin being a silver dragon as well the metal had blended in so that he hadn't noticed on first inspection, but when he got closer he could see that the ruby eyes of the creature that had eaten its own tail to form a collar. While his first thought was to wake him up and try to figure things out he happened to see his own ring on his finger and remember that he had been the one to do this to him in the first place. What if that creature had been some sort of demon after all, Siska thought worriedly to himself, and he had somehow cursed his friend?

As he paced back and forth in worry he also remembered he was completely naked, especially when a breeze rolled through the valley and caused him to shiver. As he went to his bag to get a fresh set of clothes he saw the ones that he had removed previously on the rocks next to him and it only reinforced the memory of turning into a dragon. How could that have been something he actually wanted? All he asked for was for Byzentin to respect him a little more, not... what actually happened... which was now made more complicated with the charm being around his neck.

Even though he was dreading it he couldn't let his draconic companion sleep all day, especially when they still had nearly half the valley left to check. As he went over to shake him up however he stepped back as Byzentin let out a snort and raised his own head up, looking around before his eyes locked onto Siska's. "Oh, you're already awake!" he said hurriedly as he got up to his feet. "We should probably get going, don't want to spend any more time here then we need to."

"Right..." Siska replied, the elf eyeing the dragon up wearily as they began to move forward down the sodden trader's path once more. "So... did you perhaps want to talk about last night?"

"What about last night?" Byzentin stated, the elf furrowing his brow in concern as the silver dragon grinned at him. "If you're talking about what we did then I don't know what else would need to be said."

The elf stopped dead in his tracks, watching the draconic creature move forward a few more steps before stopping and turning back when he realized he wasn't being walked next to anymore. "That's it?" Siska said wearily growing slightly bolder. "So you're just... completely fine with me essentially drugging you, using a magical artifact on you, and then TRANSFORMING INTO A DRAGON before eating delicious sandwiches together?"

There was a moment of pause as Byzentin seemed to process the information, then just gave Siska a small nod. "I guess that I am," the dragon said with a small shrug. "It's nothing that two dragons wouldn't have done anyway."

"I highly doubt that Byzentin," Siska shot back. Though the elf wanted to pry further into what was going on with Byzentin it appeared that there was nothing else that the silver dragon was going to give up concerning it. The strange thing was that when he used their connection to try and see what was going on in his head it appeared that he was actually calm, not finding any sort of anger or malice towards him whatsoever. Was this just Byzentin's way of playing off the incident, Siska thought to himself as they climbed down a small cliff face to get to a section of land that had washed out, or did the dragon shove any feelings he had of the situation so deep down that he couldn't sense them?

As the hours passed by and day once more started to turn to night it actually started to feel like everything had gone back to normal again, the only reminders being the collar that continued to hang around Byzentin's neck and the memories that were still in Siska's head. With the light failing the elf also started to wonder what was going to happen when it becomes night again. Was he going to turn back into a dragon, or was that only a one-time thing? While their trip had been uneventful so far it did appear that Byzentin was a little more conscious of where he was at any given time, and the smothering that he usually did on trying to keep him safe was not as present as usual. Maybe it had done it's purpose and was now just a decorative piece of jewelry, Siska thought to himself before he suddenly stopped in his tracks...

It was a dire wolf, a mean one that looked like it had managed to chase into the valley itself. The ones that had given them the task had said that they dealt with wildlife like that, and though it wouldn't have been necessary to dispatch it the creature was standing in a rather narrow area of the path with no way to get around. "Alright Byzentin," the elf whispered as he got close to the dragon, who had also seen the wolf at around the same time. "I'm going to take the first shot and try to get it in the head, and if I miss but still hit the creature then... I'll have you..."

Siska turned his head to the dragon, who just tilted his head in question. "What?" Byzentin asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No... not really," the elf replied as he shook his head. "It's just normally you would have run forward and attacked it already, I don't usually get this far in our tactical plans." Siska looked at him once more before checking to make sure the dire wolf didn't run off, then focused back on the dragon. "So yeah, I'll shoot it and if I don't drop it on the first shot you run interference and keep it turned to the side so that I can get another arrow into it without worrying about hitting you too."

Byzentin gave him a nod and slowly moved to the side, ready to pounce as Siska drew an arrow. As he focused his breathing everything around him grew clearer, sharper, the hunter's instinct in him going active as he waited for an opening where he could hit a vital spot. Dire wolves were mostly muscle so going for the neck wasn't terribly effective, instead he tried to aim for a vital organ a little further down or, if he wanted to press his luck, go straight down the gullet. As the seconds passed the elf finally saw his opportunity and let his arrow fly off the string towards his target.

In the next second the dire wolf let out a yelp as the arrow reappeared deeply imbedded in the wolf's fur, and though the elf was sure he had hit his target the creature didn't go down. Instead it thrashed around looking for the source of its pain until its eyes landed directly on the elf. With nothing to hide behind there was nothing that Siska could do but nock another arrow, but by the time he did it was already charging at him. Part of him wanted to duck aside, especially since he had never had a threat get this close to him, but he felt his calm and resolved state continue to persist even as he could see the teeth of the dire wolf coming straight at him. In the next second it had vanished, replaced with the flash of silver scales as Byzentin did exactly what was asked of him in order to finally slay the beast.

With the battle quickly over they moved on through the valley, though the thoughts in Siska's head continued to grow as muddy as the river they traveled next to. Not only did he harbor the guilt of having sex with his friend after using a magical item that also turned him into a dragon, but he also enjoyed the fact he was being listened to. For the first time since they had ever partnered up he felt like an equal to the dragon... and once in a while even more. At first it started with just a pat on the scales or a smile shared between them, but as day started to turn to night the two of them began to grow more lustful towards one another even though Siska attempted to deny it when he realized what he was doing.

Eventually when they settled down for the night the elf decided that it was now or never and went over to where the dragon laid after he had made his own camp. "We have to talk Byzentin," he said, the dragon nodding and shifting his posture to have a conversation. "I think we need to try and get rid of the collar around your neck."

"The collar?" Byzentin stated as he looked around, then brought up one of his forepaws to his neck to feel the silver metal around his neck. "What, this collar? Didn't I always have this collar?"

Just as Siska was about to get very worried about his companion he saw something out of the corner of his eye, the corners of his face turning down into a frown as he noticed the dragon's tail wagging about wildly. "'re lying to me about the collar, aren't you?" Siska accused, watching the momentarily shocked expression of the dragon quickly turn to disbelief. "What the hells Byzentin?!"

"Look... okay, I was lying about playing it cool on this whole thing," Byzentin confessed, looking around in worry. "Ever since I recovered from whatever it was you put in that drink and woke up with a silver dragon collar around my neck I've been freaking out, especially after what had happened the night before. I mean, you turned into a dragon!"

"I know!" Siska shot back, then quickly toning himself down when he realized that he was shouting. "Why didn't you just tell me that? Why did you try and play it off like it was no big deal?"

There was a moment of silence and this time the elf didn't need their bond to realize that the dragon was embarrassed. "Well... you just looked really, really happy that I seemed to have understood what you were going through," Byzentin explained. "To be honest when we had sex and you were on top of me as a dragon I realized at that moment that I had been treating you unfairly, especially since you thought you needed some magical artifact by a very shady dealer to show me what I was doing to you. When you dominated me like that you reminded me of just how strong you are, and I've been sort of kicking myself on how I've treated you like a lesser creature even though you aren't."

Siska found himself speechless as the dragon looked at him, his mouth open in awe at what he had heard. The magic worked... Byzentin finally understood what he was going through and had changed his ways. All it took was him turning into a dragon and rutting him deep, the thought bringing back images of what they had shared in that previous night. When he realized that he had been fantasizing while they were in the middle of a heart to heart he quickly stopped, only to look at the silver dragon and realize that his eyes had gone wide.

When the elf followed his gaze he gasped as well at the growing bulge that had formed in his pants. It definitely wasn't his typical erection and before he could get the draw strings untied the ridged, bright pink cock beneath the straining leather busted free and flopped out into the air. "That is definitely not an elf penis," Byzentin commented. "Are you turning into a dragon again?"

"Obviously," Siska replied as he brought his fingers back up to his face and saw that they had become clawed and were growing tiny silver scales. "But why... unless... this is still part of the compromise..."

"Compromise?" Byzentin asked, watching as his elven companion was starting to grow larger before his eyes.

"I needed you to see how strong I was," Siska replied. "I guess the magic has taken it as I wanted to be the dominant one in our relationship, which I did kind of wish for when I wanted you to listen to me for once, but in exchange I need to become something which you believe can dominate you. No matter what you will always see elves as lesser creatures to you, so for me to assert my rightful place I need to change too."

"Rightful place..." Byzentin said as his eyes drifted back down to the still growing cock, which with the foot-long length and girth of a small tree trunk looked almost comical on the still mostly elf's body. "Does that mean... what I think it means?"

"It means get on your back," Siska said, feeling his teeth already starting to grow as his tunic became stretched on his growing body. "If I'm turning into a dragon just because I want to be in charge then I'm going to take every benefit, which includes your tailhole. Now hurry up, I've been aching to put this thing back into you all day and now you're definitely going to feel it."

Even though the silver dragon was still far bigger than the transforming male he found himself nodding his head and quickly rolling so that his cock, which was half-way erect as well, jutted out into the air. Though he could have mounted him like before the fact this time his changes were going slower meant to Siska that he could enjoy himself, and a growing part of him wanted Byzentin to look him right in the eye when he was able to see him face to face. As he slowly climbed on the dragon he realized that his clothes, which was growing tighter by the second on him, were going to be ruined he remembered that he had a spare pair and began to push his newly acquired tool against the tailhole of the dragon.

With nothing spurring them on but pure lust for one another Siska found himself growing bolder by the second, using his legs to keep just the tip of his new member rubbing against the tailhole of the dragon beneath him. He heard a loud ripping noise and when he felt the pressure on his feet had been relieved he realized he had just ripped through his socks, the changing elf grateful that he had at least taken off his boots as he looked back. His feet once more were growing at an incredible pace as his toes merged and claws formed. They started to look almost exactly like the ones that were currently in the air over his head as he grinned.

With most of his body still relatively elf sized Siska found himself able to wrap his arms around the thick cock of the dragon while his own was still able to sink into the tailhole beneath him. With the ring no longer around the maleness of his companion it had started to leak pre like a river, and as it got on his hands the elf suddenly found them bulging with growth. It was like the seed of the dragon spurred on his own transformation... and that gave him an idea as he shifted himself into a slightly different position. Since Byzentin was on his back he couldn't see much of what was going on, but when he felt something press against the tip of his member he bolted upright to see that the elf had started to lick the sensitive head of his draconic dick.

Byzentin let out a loud growl as Siska continued to stimulate the taped shaft of the dragon's cock. His body had started to become very disproportionate and his own member had gotten so heavy he had no choice but to sink it deep into the tailhole of the male beneath him. As his shaft impaled the silver dragon his own head, which was soaked by this point, began to grow bigger by the second. His changes were more fluid then last time and as soon as the elf had gotten a big enough maw he took the tip of the cock in front of him and pushed it inside, causing his skull to swell in seconds as horns quickly pushed out of his head and scales covered his tan skin. Soon he was having a similar problem as his groin as his growing head became too heavy for his still partially elven body and as he sank down on it his neck stretched and grew as though to accommodate the length he was sliding down on.

As Siska began to pump his hips up and down and those tight walls clamped against his sensitive flesh once more the rest of his body seemed quick to play catch-up. The cock that had nearly bulged the entirety of the elf's silver scaled neck was suddenly pulled out of his maw by a surge of growth, his breath catching in his throat as his ribcage expanded and his chest began to barrel out. His spine popped like popcorn as his body not only gained the length of a proper dragon but his tail grew out at the same time, propelling him so that the muzzles of the two were right against one another. The elf wanted to say something about how he liked being on top, or that he could get used to Byzentin being his submissive little dragon, but as they locked eyes the only thing they did was push their open maws against one another in a draconic kiss.

As their tongues played with one another Siska pumped his hips down faster, feeling the same orgasmic rush as the last time his transformation had neared its completion. The two dragons were far more passionate with one another this time than before, neither of them surprised nor drunk with lust as their scaly bodies rubbed against one another. Though the former elf had to shift himself several times as his body continued to undergo a few growth spurts he had expertly hilted the dragon beneath him as his new hind legs pumped up and down. He thrusted in and out with increasing ferocity until finally their groins mashed together and Siska let out a mighty roar while jets of draconic seed filled his companion before Byzentin soon joined in as well.

The two remained pressed against one another for some time even after Siska had finished pumping everything into him, eventually rolling off when his companion complained of a wing cramp. Once the former elf had rolled off of him he had a proper look at himself, something he neglected to do last time when he had transformed. His body looked very much similar to the other silver dragon, though as he felt his chest puffing out slightly he gathered that he was in fact bigger. When he brought up the fact to Byzentin, who had gotten back on all fours, he just huffed and went over to the nearby river to clean himself off with Siska right behind him.

"So now what do we do?" Byzentin asked as they shared the stream with one another, Siska looking at him in question. "Well I doubt that we're going to be going back to business as usual, especially since you can turn yourself into a dragon."

"Well I don't know if this is going to happen every time," Siska said. "Why don't you wash my back while I have a think, there's still so much we don't know about all this."

Even though he had just said it he suddenly felt a pair of forepaws against his back and when he turned he saw Byzentin cupping water as best he could and scrubbing it against his scales. When he asked what he was doing the original silver dragon said that he had told him to wash his back and that was exactly what he was doing. Though Siska assumed this was something similar to what he had tried to do before when they were first figuring out what was going on there was look in his eyes that told him he was being genuine about the gesture. When he asked his companion why he had decided to follow such an order the other dragon stated that it just felt like the right thing to do.

"Now that is certainly interesting," Siska stated as he asked to be massaged next and suddenly finding Byzentin rubbing his toes as best he can. "If you're really taking this all to heart then we're going to definitely have to talk about how things are going to work from now on... though I'm not sure if my words are going to have quite the same effect when I'm an elf." As he looked down he noticed the draconic member between Byzentin's thighs had started to become firm once again, something he found was happening to him the longer the ministrations of the other dragon continued. "However it is something that I'm looking forward to testing since we do have a few days left to travel through this valley without interruption..."


Once they had gotten to the other side of the valley Byzentin split off once more and Siska went through the gate where he found the townsfolk were waiting for him, cheering as soon as he got to the door. The elf found himself just waving sheepishly as he took the key he had been given and inserted it into the lock, which opened both gates for trade. Once he had finished that he located the town elder and gave him the full report on how the path was, which despite the damage they found he was elated that they could still use it. The elf nodded and once he got his coin thanked him for the job before leaving.

"Oh, before you go," the elder said, stopping Siska in his tracks as the scout slowly turned around. "I'm not sure if this was near you, but some of the townspeople heard loud roaring going on the night before you arrived in town. Do you think that there's something out there that we might need to be concerned about in the near future?"

Siska couldn't help but smile slightly as he remembered where the source of the noise came from as he had once more shown his dragon who was the boss, though he quickly switched his thinking as his fingers became stiff and swollen for a brief second. "I wouldn't be too concerned about it," the elf said as his transformation reverted. "I hear that sometimes mating dragons can be heard from miles upon miles away, and if the sound is what you say it is then there were probably just two love birds going at it. I doubt they'd have any reason to come to your fine town though, so you're probably off the hook."

Despite receiving multiple offers that he could stay and eat at he told everyone that he had to keep moving on, eventually leaving the city limits and heading up into the nearby hills where Byzentin waited for him. As the elf got further away he allowed the thoughts that he had been preventing the entire time to run through his head, letting out a pleasured moan as his elven form began to grow larger as he stripped off his scout gear. In the last few days of their trip Siska had found that if he just thought about dominating the dragon he could get the transformation going, something that he knew was going to be highly useful in their coming adventures as his body grew with muscle and scale.

As soon as he had gotten his wings and tail back Siska flapped them and quickly closed the distance to the meeting place they had picked out, the transformed elf already seeing the glint of silver scales in the dying light of the day. Already he was thinking of all the things that he was going to do to him as he licked his scaly lips with his new tongue, landing in the clearing right next to his companion and lover. Before he could say or do anything though Siska realized he wasn't alone there, slowly turning his head to see the presence of a second creature that was sitting on one of the nearby rocks.

"Ibaxi..." Siska said as he recognized the nearly naked creature grinning at both him and Byzentin. "Never thought I would see you again."

"Most would share that sentiment," Ibaxi replied as he stood up, his muscular body on display as he winked at Byzentin. "I was just catching up with your companion here and how he's found his new lot in life beneath a dragon that had once been just his elf ward. It's funny how magic works sometime."

"Indeed..." Siska said, growling slightly. "You still haven't said why you are here."

"Oh, isn't it obvious?" the creature stated. "To collect my fee of course."

The statement shocked Siska and he could feel Byzentin look over at him in question as well. "But... you said..." the bigger silver dragon said. "You said that fate would give you your fee!"

"And it certainly has," Ibaxi explained as he gestured from Siska to Byzentin. "I am to get double of what you had gotten out of my magic, and my magic had given you a dragon companion that you have dominated completely and will do your bidding without question. This, of course, means that due to our arrangement I will be getting TWO dragon companions that I will have complete domination over and that will do my bidding without question."

Before Siska could say or do anything he felt something move on his forepaw, looking down in shock to find the ring that he was wearing had transformed into an eastern dragon that was quickly slithering up his limb while growing bigger. He shouted for Byzentin to help, only to look over and see that his companion dragon had grown completely still and stared forward with eyes that were a brilliant ruby red instead of the usual molten silver. With no one else to help the transformed elf tried to will himself back into his former form, but before he could even start to change back he could feel the magical metal creature settle around the thick scales of his neck. As soon as it completed into a collar Siska gasped loudly as he felt powerful magic seep into his mind.

"There we go..." Ibaxi cooed as he watched Siska thrash his draconic head around and scratch at the ground, though his struggles quickly ceased and by the time the demonic creature reached him he was staring straight ahead as well while bright red filtered into his own eyes. "See, not a bad trade after all, I promise I'll take good care of the both of you and the best part is that you are now bonded by far greater forces." As the creature looked up he saw that the last of the day had passed and the moon was rising, causing him to smirk before looking at the two enthralled dragons. "It's time to go, I've seen you two go at it from afar and I've been aching to get involved... and now I finally can."

In the next second the three of them were gone, leaving behind only a pack filled with scout gear fitting of an elf that spilled out onto the ground...