Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 14 - Hideaway

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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The usual warnings apply - make sure you are old enough to read this stuff. :)

I wandered down the hall to Tom's room. That last comment from Roger about the recent exam with Stewart had me just a bit confused. I turned the doorknob and found that it was locked.

"Roger?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

"What?" was his only reply.

"I'd like to talk with you for a bit if I could," I replied in my most disarming voice. I was met with silence.

I stood there for about a minute, then raised my hand to knock on the door again. I heard the lock unlatch before I could knock. I slowly opened the door and looked into the darkened room. Roger was sitting on the bed with several pillows propped up behind him and a couple of books next to him.

"So? Talk," he finally said as I stood in the doorway looking around the room. I walked on in and stood at the foot of the bed.

"Well, to be honest," I started. "I'm a little confused about your comments out in the hall."

"Nothing confusing to me," he replied quickly. "You had someone half your age sucking your dick. Someone who is straight. Someone who could be your own son, for that matter."

"He's about the same age as you," I replied, quietly. "And you and I have both fucked each other. Willingly, too, I might add. Other than you being gay and myself being bi, what's the difference?"

Roger sat and thought on it for a bit. I tried to keep my serious, but concerned face on.

"I'm not sure," he finally replied. "It just doesn't feel right for some reason. I'm not totally sure why. Look, I don't want to talk about it, OK? Not here, not now."

"We could go out, have a couple of beers and talk about it more, if you'd like," I offered.

"No," he started, then hesitated for a bit. "I'd better stay here."

I noticed his eyes kept darting back and forth as he nervously spoke. He would look at me, then over my shoulder towards the end of the room, then back at me again. I didn't turn around to look at what he kept glancing at.

"OK," I conceded. He was obviously concerned about something, or someone. "Just let me know if you change your mind."

I turned to head back out of the room, giving a quick glance with my eyes toward the corner of the room where Roger kept looking. Up on a shelf was a small wireless camera, a small red light on the front indicating it was on. I went on out the door and turned to pull it shut.

"You take it easy," I reassured him. "Let me know if you need anything." Roger just nodded his head, so I quietly shut the door and headed back to the living room couch to sit and think for a bit.

Why was the camera there? Obviously, Tom was keeping an eye on Roger, I concluded. In case he tried to commit suicide, perhaps? Roger definitely seemed out of sorts lately. His comments from earlier were totally out of character.

For that matter, the whole episode with Tank was really confusing. On the one hand, I was pretty sure all along that Tank had made good on his threat to Roger for spilling the beans to Tom about the pills. I liked Tank and all, but when he yelled at me to leave when I had walked in on them, well, it just didn't seem like a tone of voice someone would use in the middle of any kind of consensual sex act. On the other hand, Roger flat out told me on the way home from the hospital that he asked Tank to fuck him, supposedly to fulfill some strange desire to be treated like some common "whore" because of a bad childhood.

I was starting to get a headache from all the drama going on here. On top of that, I had my own problems brewing. I looked down at my limp cock making a bulge down my leg under my sweatpants. I idly reached down to scratch my oversized balls, which only served to make my cock start to thicken and crawl further down my thigh. I decided to turn on the TV and think about something else before I got an erection and had to take off my pants to make room for it.

"Damn it," I muttered to myself. Despite the distraction of the TV, my cock was continuing to harden. I shoved my arm down through my shorts and down my leg to pull my cock up in the correct direction before it got hard. I laid the thick shaft on my abs and watched as it fully hardened, the cockhead laying almost up to my pecs.

Just looking at that huge shaft, all thirteen inches of it, was making me horny. A small bead of precum was forming on it, so I idly started rubbing the sticky fluid around the head then slowly down the veiny shaft. Of course, that was making me precum even more. After a couple of minutes, my entire shaft was slick and throbbing as I continued rubbing it. Then someone knocked on the front door.

"Shit," I mumbled as I started pushing my cock down into my pants. Fortunately, it was cooperating and going somewhat limp. It was still creating a very visible bulge in my pants leg, though.

"Just a minute," I called out as the visitor knocked on the door again. I was waiting on my cock to at least go completely limp before I opened the door. Satisfied that I was as limp as I was going to get, I walked over to the door and cracked it open just enough to see who was there.

"Oh, hey Ken," said Julie, peering through the crack in the door. She was holding a grocery sack. "Tom wanted me to drop this off. Mind if I come in?"

"No, come on in," I replied, swinging the door on open for her. I glanced down at my furry arms and wondered how much she knew about my condition.

She walked on in and stopped briefly, looking way up at my face after glancing at my arms, as well. With my additional height, she looked absolutely tiny standing in front of me. She smiled, then headed to the kitchen. I quickly plopped down on the couch to hide my slowly growing cock.

Julie was wearing a really tight pair of jeans. Watching her little ass sway as she walked to the kitchen wasn't doing me any good. My cock was slowly starting to slither back down my leg. I decided to watch the TV to distract myself.

"Tom sort of told me what's going on," said Julie, now standing next to the couch. "I hope you don't mind that he said anything to me about it. I'll keep it a secret, of course."

"Oh, OK," I replied. Actually, it was OK with me that Julie knew. I had been trying to avoid her for a while now because of the changes. This actually made things easier.

"Mind if I sit?" she asked as she walked around and sat down on the couch a couple feet away from me.

"No, feel free," I replied, smiling at her.

She slid over closer and gently ran a paw down my arm, intently inspecting the layer of fur for a while. I watched her face the whole time. She looked up at me with a look of concern on her face.

"What's going to happen to you?" she asked. "I mean long term. Will you fully become a fur?"

"I'm not sure," I replied. "Tom has a specialist looking at my case to see what can be done. He was just by for his first visit earlier, so I haven't heard anything yet."

"Would you rather remain human or become a fur?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," I explained. "While it might be exciting to become a fur, it would be terribly inconvenient as far as identity. I would have to essentially create a new identity and figure out how to handle my old identity. If the world found out I changed from human to fur, well, it would be a circus, I'm sure."

"True," she said, looking over my body while rubbing the fur on my arm again. "So far, just your arms are furry and you're taller, right? Any other changes?"

I debated just agreeing with her assessment, but she had slowly moved closer to me. I figured she would notice eventually, so I reached down and wrapped my hand around my cock, making the outline of it more visible through my sweatpants. I looked back at her face and saw she was still staring at the large bulge. Then she looked up at me with a somewhat surprised look on her face.

"Oh my," she whispered. "It's huge. Does it still look like..."

"A human cock, yes," I completed her question.

She tentatively reached down to the waistband on my sweats, then looked up at my face for a reaction. I nodded my approval. She slowly pulled the waistband out and slowly stuck her other paw down my leg, gently cupping her paw around the head. Of course, that caused my cock to start growing.

I lifted up off the couch and pulled my sweats down around my knees, allowing my entire cock and my heavy ballsack to be visible. She slowly lifted the stiffening tube and swung it around so it could point the correct way, laying it gently on my abs. She watched it slowly harden like a child looking at a new toy, then looked up at my face with a weak smile.

"I don't think..." she started to speak.

"That it would fit any more?" I finally asked after several seconds of silence. I was somewhat saddened by the realization. Julie was hot, but I remembered that her pussy was incredibly tight.

"Well, yes," she sadly replied. Then her face brightened up as she slowly wiped a drop of precum around the head. "But, I'm always up to trying."

She reached down to unbutton her jeans. I reached down to stop her, as much as I hated to.

"No, not here," I said as I held her paw. "Roger is here."

"So?" she asked as she continued to rub my cockhead while flashing a lusty grin at me.

"It's a long story," I answered, still restraining her paw from ripping off her pants.

She had started climbing on top of me. With her free paw, she lifted my cock off my chest and bent down over it, flicking her tongue lightly around the slit, lapping up my precum. The last thing I needed right now was for Roger to walk in.

I glanced nervously over toward the hallway. My cock started going limp with the fear he would walk in on us. Julie noticed and climbed off me, standing in front of me with her paws on her tiny hips.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all," I replied as I stood up. I pulled up my sweatpants and stepped closer to her, holding her close. Her head nestled against my abs and she wrapped her arms around me. I quietly explained the earlier incident with Roger, but not the details about the camera.

"I understand," she nodded and smiled. "If you get a chance to slip away, I'd love to have you over to my place." She reached down and squeezed my cock while reaching up to give me a kiss.

"I'll call you," I replied after returning her kiss. I gave her another quick hug and walked her to the door, holding it open for her.

"I better get back to the office," she said on the way out. "Tom would be lost without me."

"True," I agreed. I watched her walk down the hall and turn the corner before I quietly closed the door. When I turned around, Roger was walking into the living room, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

"Who was that?" he asked as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Julie," I replied. I waited for some kind of snide remark, but didn't get one. Roger was looking down into the bag on the counter.

"What's this?" he asked, rummaging around in the bag.

"I don't know," I shrugged, answering honestly. I started towards the kitchen, my curiosity getting the best of me. "Julie just said that Tom asked her to drop it off. What are you finding in there?"

"Bunch of pill bottles, hypodermic needles and vials," he replied, looking at me somewhat confused.

I pulled out a few of the bottles and vials, reading off the long names on each. "Any of those ring a bell?"

"No. I just get passing grades in my chemistry courses. I'm not a pharmacist," he smiled.

We both shrugged and I packed everything back into the bag as best I could remember them being stacked.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower," Roger announced as he headed out of the kitchen after gulping down a glass of juice. "How about you?"

"No, you go ahead, I'll take one later," I replied, grabbing myself a glass of juice.

Roger stopped and looked around at me coyly. "What I meant was why don't you join me?"

I stopped drinking my juice and looked up at him. He was standing there naked, the tip of his cock starting to peak out of his sheath. I was wondering what kind of trick he was playing, so I decided to call his bluff.

"Me? Why, I'm twice your age. That wouldn't look right," I smirked.

He continued looking at me, his expression remaining the same, if not a little puzzled.

"OK, I'll let you know when I'm done," he shrugged as he headed into the bathroom.

I shook my head and finished my juice. I plopped back down on the couch, rather confused about Roger. Was that a genuine invitation, or some type of ploy? If it was genuine, then he's really a bit weird, and doing anything with him would probably come back to haunt me. If it was some type of ploy, I wasn't going to fall for it. I decided sitting on the couch was the safest bet.

After watching TV for a really long time, it occurred to me that the shower was still running. I knew Roger had a lot of fur, but by now the hot water had to have run out. I got up, walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Roger?" I called through the door. No answer. I pushed the door open a bit and called again. Still no answer.

I walked on into the bathroom and noticed the window was wide open. I whipped back the shower curtain and found the shower empty. Roger was gone. I turned off the water and returned to the couch to debate my next move.

I called Tom's office and Julie answered. "Hey, Ken. Calling to set up a private appointment with your favorite vixen?"

"Sure," I replied. "Or, I think so, anyway. Let me talk to Tom first, then pick back up and I'll let you know for sure."

"OK," she replied in a more serious tone. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Just wanted to check to see if Tom had any plans first."

"OK," she replied more cheerful again. "Hold on." I listened to the music on hold for a few seconds, then Tom picked up.

"Hey, Ken, what's up?" Tom asked in a cheerful voice.

I explained about finding Roger gone, including the incident after Stewart left. Tom thought for a bit before speaking. "OK, don't worry, he will probably come back soon. If not, I know a few places to check around for him. Is that it?"

I remembered Julie and decided to bluff a bit. "I might be out when you get back. I need to run over to my place and pick up a few things."

"OK," he replied. "See you when you get in. If you happen to see Roger while you are out, see if he will come back with you. I worry about his mental condition."

"OK," I replied as Tom hung up the phone. I called back again, hoping Julie would answer and she did.

"See you at 5 at your place?" I asked.

"Great!" she replied. She gave me her address and I hung up. I decided to see if there was enough hot water for a shower and to remove the fur from my arms and legs. Fortunately, there was.

Still no Roger when I was ready to leave at 4:45, so I started to head out the door, but not before returning to the bathroom to shut the window Roger had left open.

I happened to glance through the window as I was shutting it and noticed a TV news van in the parking lot. A sharply dressed female was clipping a microphone on her lapel as a cameraman was hoisting a camera up onto his shoulder. I went ahead and quietly shut the window and locked it.

"That's odd," I muttered as I grabbed the keys to Tank's truck. "Wonder what's going on. Must not be too bad, the police aren't around." I shrugged and stepped out into the hallway, pulling the door shut. Since I wasn't sure what might be happening, I locked the door, just in case, before heading down the hall.

I got to the main entrance just as the TV crew got to it. I held the door open and smiled at them as they entered, the reporter taking a little extra time to look me over before waving her cameraman on in the door. She followed him on in, glancing over her shoulder at me as the door closed.

I hopped in Tank's truck and headed over to Julie's, quickly forgetting the TV crew as I thought of stripping those tight jeans off her little firm ass. I rounded the corner onto her street and found her place - a rather nice looking little bungalow on a quiet street. I turned off the truck and headed to the front door, giving it a knock.

"Who's there?" Julie asked in a cheerful, teasing voice through the door. I could tell she could see who it was because the peephole in the door had gone dark when she looked through it. I decided to tease her back.

"Delivery guy," I announced in a serious tone. "I have a really large package. Is there anyone here who can take it?"

I heard Julie laugh and then unlock the door. "If you bring it in, I'll see if I have room for it."

I went on in and found Julie dressed in a really short pair of jean shorts and a white tank top. I shut the door behind me and tossed my keys on the hall table.

In less than a minute, I was laying on my back on the living room floor with Julie perched on top of me in a sixty-nine position. Her pussy lips were already dripping wet when I got to them, and my cock had practically crawled out of my pants on its own. She was quickly down on my throbbing erection slathering it with her spit and sucking on the head in her outstretched maw.

After we were both lubed up well - my cock slick with a mixture of spit and precum, Julie's pussy dripping with her musky juices - I picked Julie up and laid her on the couch, aiming my cockhead at her little slit. She smiled and closed her eyes, waiting for my entry, or attempted entry, into her tiny pussy.

After a bit of work and a lot of precum, I finally had the head pushed in. I worked slowly for several more minutes until I could tell I was bottoming out with just a little more than half my cock buried in her. Whenever I pushed it in, I could see her soft little belly poke out a bit.

Julie and I slowly fucked like that for quite some time. She had three rather strong orgasms during that time. She had her claws in my back, pulling me into her with each stroke. I was about ready to blow my own load after pumping that tight little hole for so long.

I figured I had better warn Julie about my heavy cum before I shot off into her small body. When I told her how much cum I could release, her eyes at first grew big in disbelief. Then, she narrowed her eyes in a look of determination. She wrapped her legs around me and I felt her pussy clench down on my cock like a vise. That was all it took and I was quickly filling her womb with a very heavy load - her belly swelling an unbelievable amount before I saw her eyes roll back and her grip loosening. Cum started pouring out around my cock, puddling on the floor.

She regained enough strength to pull me back in when I started to pull out of her, being a little worried she may have passed out. I leaned down and we locked into a long kiss as I felt cum dribbling past my slowly softening cock onto the floor.

That's when my cell phone rang. I could just see it from where I was standing. It was Tom. Probably calling to tell me Roger had come home, I figured. I let it roll to voicemail and continued kissing Julie.

Just as we were really getting into it again, Julie's cell phone started buzzing. I looked around for it, but couldn't find it. Julie nodded her head towards the pile of clothes on the floor.

"in my pants pocket," she said between kisses. I picked her up off the couch, my semi-erect cock still wedged firmly in her pussy. She wrapped her legs tight around me and reached around my neck with her arms, still locked onto my mouth, lashing her tongue around inside it. I kicked her shorts from the pile and the phone slid out onto the floor. I could see the display just as it finished ringing. It was Tom again.

"I'll call him later," she said, breathlessly.

I started to carry her somewhere more comfortable when her house phone started ringing. We stopped kissing and looked at each other for a second.

"Kitchen counter," she answered my question before I asked. I carried her over to the phone and she picked it up, looking briefly at the caller ID before punching the speakerphone button. She held a claw up to her lips and ran it across as a sign for me to zip my lips. I winked and nodded back my understanding.

"Hi Tom," she said in her cheeriest tone. "What's up?"

"I'm looking for Ken," he replied. "Have you seen him?"

"No, Tom, I haven't," she replied. Even though Julie was light, I was having trouble holding her in the current position. I tried shifting her around a bit, but my cock almost slid out, releasing a noisy splatter of cum on the floor. We both winced at how loud the noise was.

"I really need to find Ken," said Tom, pausing when he heard the noise. "Are you OK, Julie?"

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied, thinking quickly. "The plumber is here unclogging a pipe for me. I think he just succeeded."

"OK. If you do happen to hear from him, tell him I need to talk to him. It's an emergency," he replied, sounding a bit worried.

"What's wrong, Tom, is it Roger? Is he hurt?" she asked, sounding a little worried herself.

"No, I haven't found him yet," he explained. "When I got to the apartment, there were news crews all over the parking lot. Local stations, national news, everyone."

"Why?" she probed further. "Did you find out why they were there?"

"They were looking for Tank. They had a tip that he had transformed from a human to a fur," he explained. "I'm not sure where they got that information. I hadn't heard that, myself. And I've known Tank for a couple of years. Also, they were looking for Ken, because they had heard he was undergoing the same type of transformation. That's why I was looking for him, to warn him to lay low somewhere until I can get all this straightened out. If you talk to him before I do, Julie, can he hide out at your place?"

"Wow!" she exclaimed. "This is all so weird. Sure, if I hear from Ken, I'll let him know what's going on. And, yes, he can stay with me."

"Great," said Tom with a sigh of relief. "If he can get a hold of Tank, have him pass this along to him, too."

"Sure thing, Tom," she replied. "See you in the office tomorrow?"

"Yes," he answered. "If there are any reporters, just tell them you know nothing. This should all blow over in a few days."

"OK. Bye," she said, hanging up the phone. Julie turned back to me and smiled. She also squirmed back down onto my cock, gripping it with her pussy again. "Well, looks like you may be camping out here for a bit. I hope you don't mind."

"I'll try to survive," I replied. My cock was getting hard again. I leaned her against the kitchen counter and started slowly fucking her again, locking back into our passionate kiss.