At the Waterpark - The Boys

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#7 of Cub - One Shots


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Summer was here and Seen was more than itching to get himself out with his friends to the waterpark that had just opened for the season. However, before the dire bear could rightfully enjoy himself he had found himself roped into taking half of the neighborhood boys with him. Not that this was a 'bad' thing, mind, as Seen had more than enough patience to deal with a large group of rambunctious youths on the cusp of reaching their teenage years. The fact that he had fucked all of them, and probably would do so before he went back home today, only sweetened the pot. Looking around and seeing the group as they were let off from the subway out onto the ramp, Seen found his tight speedo bulging slightly as he thought of whose bottom he was going to try to squeeze into before the day was out.

Licking his lips as he watched the boys scatter all about as they eagerly tried to make their way across the street to the gates of the water park, the subway being only a stone throw away, the dire bear found himself eyeing a certain wolf pup and deer, hungrily. The thought of having both of those two young boys, the two of them wearing a pair of tight g-strings, colored blue and purple, respectively, riding against his groin, squirming and screaming as his two foot cock ramming against their prostates was something that made Seen groan happily. The car that honked loudly into his ears as he almost stepped off of the curb and into the street broke the dire bear from his mental musing however. Shaking his head, the dire bear waved hesitantly at the crossed looking koala bear driving the station wagon before hurrying over to the front gates of the water park where his charges were waiting.

Paying his way into the park along with the rest of the boys, of which there were seven in all, cost almost five hundred dollars, but thankfully the parents of the boys had coughed funds for this little trip while Seen took care of everything else. Being a working adult, doing what Seen never actually told anyone in exact words, the dire bear was able to keep enough money into his pocket.

"Alright, guys," Seen called out to the boys trying to escape out into the park. All of them turned like soldiers to face the dire bear commander. "You guys can go out and do what you want, but make sure that you stay together and don't talk to anyone you don't anyone I don't know about." The young boys all cheered before darting off out of sight.

Seen was actually surprised by how fast the group shot off together, most of them taking each other's hands before they did so. The twenty-four year old dire bear gave a small sigh as he remembered what it was like to be at their age, his own youth having been spent before he knew it as the years just seemed to fly by. Shaking his head, Seen decided not to dredge up old memories as he instead moved along to find a nice place to sit and watch the eye candy while he let his charges go off and play. And thankfully, there was a lot of sweet young things around to watch, what with this being the height of summer and all. Seen had caught a stray glance at more than one firm rumo which had made his monster of a dick grow hard in between his legs.

Reaching a hand down to his already bulging black speedo, Seen gently rubbed along the flaccid length of his thirteen inch prick hidden within the the nylon, quieting the python-like appendage as blood began to rapidly flow within it. Seen was grateful that he had learned some control over the past two decades as he watched a pair of twinky bunny boys run off together, their mother, or whoever the older lapin might be to them, one could never tell in this modern era anymore, was too busy on her cellphone to notice the eager brown eyes of a certain bear gazing at the two youths wearing the tight little g-strings they had on. Their chubby butts, all firm and bubbly, seemed to be teasing the dire bear as Seen watched the young boys move off to where two of his own charges were.

The sight of the four of them, two being the otters Jasper and Maxwell, talking animatedly together made the older bear smile for a bit, more in amusement that lust, as he watched the all run off together.

'Must be nice to have friends like that,' Seen thought, his mind going back to days passed. A swift shake of the head returned the ursine to the present. 'I need to find someplace to be before I start having hallucinations again,' Seen was quite aware that his photographic memory would sometimes make the past and present blur and the last thing he needed right then and there was to find himself daydreaming about something he had made happen almost ten years.

Moving through the water park, the noisy splashes of water and screaming children causing the older bear to snort mirthfully, Seen made a mental note of where all of his little ones were before getting over one of the signboards posted within the park.

'Ok, Jasper and Maxwell are over by the slides." Seen began to tick of where the the pairs of boys were, the lot of them staying together as he had told them to which brought some great relief to the older bear. "Alex and Sammy are swimming in the kid's pool. And Tay and Dyson are busy trying not to hump each other over by the concession stand." Seen was already sure that his boys were going to end up 'sticky' before the day was out, one reason why he wanted to bring them all to the water park today, since it was going to save him on using his own water, thus running up his bill.

Knowing this, there wasn't much for the dire bear to do other than to play out the day with the group; more than likely one of them would come and beg him for a quick 'ride' of their own on top of his lap, public sex being somewhat acceptable in settings like this, provided that the minor was the initiation of the intimate play. A nice treat for being in a world that was tolerant of such displays of love and affection, as well as sexual misconduct. Seen chuckled at that, his already pulsing arousal growing firm in between his legs, pulling at his speedo.

'Down boy,' Seen snickered as he patted himself onto the groin.

Moving away from the signboard, Seen began to casually walk around the water park, his mind counting down the minutes before one of his boys would come and find him. Honestly, for someone like the dire bear, there wasn't much to the water parks and other social attractions, what with him having been here when the place first opened. A wave to some of the patrons who knew him proved this to be fact as many of them remembered when the dire bear had first gotten hired there as a part-time worker. Seen laughed as he remembered the times when he was about sixteen, how bored he was of watching so many others going about with their friends and family while he buffed tables and swept up the grounds, the trash and debris from falling ice cream wrappers getting stuck underneath his shoes. The annoyance of having one or two people come and ask him for directions while he was busy trying to clean up had turned into something of a game for Seen when he had made more than one pretty young thing nurse from his cock in order to get their desired information.

And it hadn't all been boys who had fallen into the dire bear's erotic trap, either. A few older women had been slung from off of Seen's lap after hearing about the 'long dicked bear who with the wrapper underneath his foot'. Those were the ones who the ursine made sure to take an extended break in order to 'speak with'. Thank goodness the bathroom around there had sturdy locks onto the stall doors. Seen had no interest in coming in between some married woman and her burly hubby; the one or two times that had happened had ended with Seen going home early for the day, mostly of his own volition. The dire bear snorted as he remember the one time he had been caught having his way with one of the wives of one of the guys who frequented the park.

The memory made the dire bear reach back to rub his tailbone.

Thankfully, it was mostly young kids needing help who ended up choking down along Seen's two foot plus long shaft. The little tykes, usually lost as they had gotten separated from their parents, would end up cuddled up next to the big teenager, crying their eyes out while Seen fought not to roll his eyes, before being patted on the back and reassured that everything was going to be okay. That was mildly the reason why Seen had become so good with his group. Having to deal with someone else's little brat had made it so that the young Seen was forced to open himself up to others in a kind and caring sort of way. This left the dire bear with the ability to know how to talk to kids; often time halting them from crying before they could begin caterwauling and ultimately straining the ursine's delicate hearing.

Getting the other's to nurse on the head of his cock was child's play from that point on. Nothing reassured a little tyke more than the thought of getting what they want, plus getting a nice treat out of the deal. Seen's partner in crime at the time, an older jaguar male who ran the ice cream booth, loved to get in on the action. It would be nothing for Seen to invite a kid to get some ice cream and then give the other another creamy treat to suck on, the feline usually showing the kid what it meant to have some churned milked stuffed up into their rumps.

The days when the two of them would spit roast some kid in between each other while serving ice cream to unknowing parents was the days Seen fondly looked back on. His raging hardon a testament to this. The jaguar ultimately left the water park a year before Seen decided to quit, the other having to move out of town for a reason the dire bear never really was sure on. Something about a family situation that needed his attention. The dire bear never saw the other again after that, the two of them not on such friendly turns where they shared numbers with one another. A small loss in Seen's mind since he kept doing what he did best, much to his delight as he didn't have to share anymore.

"Oh, excuse me," Seen said as he bumped into a walrus lady.

"No problem, youngin'." The brown skinned woman in the too tight one piece said before moving away.

Seen cursed as he realized that he had done it again. 'I gotta find a seat or something.' Flipping his head around, Seen was just in time to see Tay and Dyson moving his way, the wolf and deer, respectively, marching their way over to the dire bear, hands wrapped together as they cast big smiles at the older bear.

"Hey, Seen!" Tay called, the young lupine being much more forward than his cervine counterpart. "We found something we thought you should see." Not having the chance to ask what this mystical 'something' was, Seen soon found his hands being taken into small, but surprisingly strong paws before he was dragged away against his will.

"Slow down, will ya?!"

"Come on, Seen, hurry!" Tay cried, the little wolf's fluffy tail wagging a mile a minute as he made a fast break towards...whatever was so important.

What Seen came to find was not what he had expected as he was pulled to a stop right in front of an old building which looked like it a few rushed paint jobs. There was no sign on the doorway, nor was there a camera on the edge of the walls, so Seen had no idea just what this place could have been; his memory of his time here being strong enough that he didn't ever recall once seeing this edifice before.

"We found something really neat inside!" Tay said as he reached out to push open the obviously unlocked door guarding the place. "Come check it out!" And then gone was the wolf into the darkness of the room, followed close behind was the timid little deer who didn't seem to know what to do with himself.

Seen waited a second, playing with his options of whether to follow the pair or not, before shrugging and deciding to go inside. What he found was not at all what he would have expected as the dire bear's big brown eyes looked upon the sight of a strange arrangement of costumes having been set up across the walls of the darkened area within.

'I don't remember the park having costumed characters.' Seen mentally frowned, his eyes growing narrow as he looked upon the empty skulls of the various animal-like being almost seeming to stare back at him in amusement.

"This place is like really cool, isn't it Dayson?" Tay called from behind one of the empty suits, the wolf peeking out to grin at his nervous seeming friend.

"Um...sure?" The deer was not usually one for being very forward, his natural submissiveness assuring him the role of tag-along with any game or adventure the more ambitious wolf decided to invent.

"Yeah, I know!" Tay wriggled his way away from the large cowboy suited bear costume before making his way over to where a large, locked chest was idly sitting, the heavy duty padlock shut tightly onto the front of the box securing whatever was inside would not come out too easily. "I wonder what's in here?" A stray wind seemed to play over the area, catching Seen and the boys by surprise before it died down. "Weird!"

Reaching out to touch the padlock, Tay found his wrist caught before his fingertips could so much as brush across the old metal.

"Let's not and say we did, ok?" Seen said with a smile, the nervousness within hiding the fact the dire bear could actually 'feel' a sense of wrongness within the surrounding air. "Let's go back to the others, this place is probably off-limits to park customers." Seen didn't give Tay the chance to complain as he bodily threw the younger boy over and across his shoulder like a sack of wheat before moving over to grab Dyson's hand.

"Awww, but Seen," Tay whined, the little wolf's ears dragged low onto his head.

"No buts, we're outta here before we get caught and thrown out of the park." Seen knew that with his previous status as a former employee here that was not likely to happen, but the other's didn't know that. So off the dire bear and his charges went, hauling tail out of the bizarre building without looking back; the faces of the smiling suits following them all the way.

Back outside Seen dropped Tay to his feet, the wolf letting out a whoosh of air before laughing his head off. "Now then, why don't we catch a few rides before I call everyone to have a late lunch?" The bobbing of two heads made the dire bear chuckle in the back of his head; he always loved how easy it was to manipulate the younger generation with the promise of food. "Alright, since you dragged me off to that little 'surprise' of yours, I get to pick the first ride.' And then off Seen went to the slip n slide, the ursine knowing that the others would be right behind him as he went.

Two hours of screaming, hollering, fun fun fun later found Seen ready to drop as he panted while looking at the two youths happily munching down onto the corndogs he had brought for them.

"I hope you know that after this I'm going to make one of you suck me off this." Seen said, well within earshot of several patrons within the park.

"Ohhh, can I go first Seen, please?" Tay asked, the younger wolf licking across the side of his muzzle to get the rest of the ketchup straining his cheek fur.

"Um, I want to go first, Tay," A low voice called out causing two eyes to blink before turning into the direction of a certain nervous looking cervine. While normally not one to advocate much in the way of an opinion, Seen had forgotten just how eager little Dyson could be when it came to the game of sex. "You got to have Seen the last time we went out." A pointed argument as the last time the three of them had been together the younger lupine had rode across the dire bear's lap while the three of them had been at the movies together. Not that Dyson hadn't gotten his own turn, but still...

"Well, he's right, Tay." Seen said, cutting Tay off from what he was probably going to say. "You'll go last this time since you went first the time before."

"Awww, man!" the little wolf crossed his arms, sulking like the cub he was as he stuck his lip out into a major pout.

"Hey now, fair's fair." Seen chided the other causing Tay to grunt before nodding. If nothing else, the dire bear wanted to impress upon the young ones the importance of being nice to others, as well as sharing and showing gratitude. He was still their role model, after all.

"Alright then," Seen sighed before he rolled his shoulders, popping his neck to get some of the tension he had built up out from his body. "Let's collect everyone and then we can all get in on this at once."

The two youths nodded, eager to play the 'game' which their older brother figure had been teaching them for a while now. "Just make sure you eat up all of your food first," Seen was not about to let twenty-six bucks worth of snacks go to waste; he was much more frugal than that.

Another ten minutes of eating found the dire bear hunting for the missing members of his troupe. Finding them, with some ease as the lot hadn't gone far, Seen brought the others back to the concession to let them have their turn at eating before herding the lot over to a nice, comfortable place within the park. This place just so happened to be right next to the adult pool, not that Seen cared for the details of placement for what was about to come next as what he was about to do was far from illegal. Grabbing at one of the beach chairs which were lined against the showering stalls, Seen made his way over to where he could sit with his back to the rest of the park while facing the people swimming idly within the azure blue pool.

"Now, boys, you know how we like to do things, right?" Six heads nodded, all of them ready to begin their fun time with their chaperone. "Good then. well for today, Dyson is going to play the lead role in sitting on my lap, but only after he gets his muzzle down and around my cock." Everyone but Dyson looked between each other in confusion before turning back to nod at Seen. "I want the rest of you to make yourselves useful while he sucks me off, alright?" And with that, the dire bear spread his massive legs, slowly slipped his fingers into the sides of his black speedos, and then pulled down the nylon.

His two foot plus hard cock didn't come out so much as it surged forward, nearly slapping Seen onto the belly as it did so. The dire bear chuckled, his breaths coming out in hard pants as he reached down to begin rubbing at his turgid member, the veins littered around the hard flesh throbbing visibly as he did so.

"It's your show, Dyson." The young cervine didn't have to be told anymore as he moved up the side of Seen's larger body, the cute little deer's wide green eyes fixed almost desperately onto the hard shaft in between the dire bear's thighs.

All around them, the rest of the people stopped what they were doing as they turned to watch the little deer happily dip himself down in between the older ursine's legs. The audible sniffing caught a few people by surprise as they watched the cervine boy move his face up and down the length of Seen's cock, his pert nostrils careful enough to keep away from touching the flesh, before he made his way up to the head of the older bear's urethra. The sight of the other throwing open his mouth and then submerging his head onto Seen's phallus made several males chub in between their own legs while several women had to get out of the pool.

For his part, Seen merely hissed and then sighed as he felt the wonderful mouth of the other begin to move gently down the length of his dick. He knew that at his age Dyson would never be able to swallow all of him, not with the fact that most adults could barely get half of his shaft down their throats, but in watching the cervine grunt as he tried to loosen his esophagus to take as much as he could, Seen felt a sense of power and rapture the likes he normally only felt when...

'Heh, when fucking one of these little guys.' The irony made the dire bear chuckle, his chest rapidly jumping up and down as he began to grind his hips forward into Dyson's face.

Small licks and cute groans followed the cervine's efforts as Dyson bobbed his immature head up and down onto Seen's cock, the first four inches being as much as the other could take. All around him the rest of the boys were stroking along their own underwear, their little stiffies growing tight against their skin from nylon they had on hugging them close. Reaching forward to pat the other onto the head, Seen began to slowly bounce his hips up and down, very careful not to choke the other in his ministration as he tried to find more pleasure from the other's muzzle. Green eyes were slammed closed tight as Dyson clenched his fist while trying to breath through his nose.

Over by the way, several older men had grabbed younglings for themselves, whether they be related or not was a moot point, as the heat and passion of what was going on took control over the entire area. Up above, the lifeguard was merely looking through her shades with a casual eye, not seeing any reason to get involved since no one was being harmed.

A few more rampant sucks, Dyson squeezing his lips around Seen's thick meat as his throat began to become sore from the impacts of the dire bear's flesh straining the inside of his muzzle, Seen grabbed the little one by his auburn hair and then pulled him away.

"That's good enough," Seen said before turning to the others, "Now the rest of you suck on me where Dyson couldn't get to while I set him up for the ride of his life." The dire bear didn't wait for the other's to respond to him, instead he merely raised the cervine in his hands up and then over his lap, turning Dyson to that the two of them would front forward, and then positioned the other over the head of his phallus.

The feeling of the other's ravenously licking at his long length, the five tongues like warm, wet ribbons trailing along the edges of his breeding tool, made Seen chuckle.

"Hope you're ready for this, little guy," The dire bear said before he slowly raised his hands to drop Dyson down onto his cock.

"Yes." the slightly nervous deer whispered right as his tailhole was forced open by the hard shaft beneath him. The pain of being stretched open, his not quite virginal walls being pushed aside to allow the meaty cock up into his anus made Dyson let out a keening wail. However, none were all that surprised as they looked upon the twenty-six good inches of bear meat which Seen was dumping up into the other.

A small thrust of his hips made the deer's throat lock up, his body following soon after, as the bear's overeagerness got the best of him. Down below, the five other little boys were busy kissing, licking, slurping, and slathering across their older guardian's cock as best they could. Meanwhile, their own paws were busy jostling around inside of their undergarments, all of them being hard as rocks as they inadvertently humped at the air in front of them. The thick cloud of musky bear pheromones coating the surrounding the air had made all of the boys give up their already dubious inhibitions as they all wanted a chance to ride along Seen's hard cock. The rest of the people within the swimming area soon fell under the same spell as they began to remove their own swim trunks, many of the males eating out the holes of the cubs they had in front of them. The rumps of the younger ones were quickly opened as a veritable orgy was well on its way to coming into being.

When the first three inches of his cock popped their way inside of Dyson's backside Seen let out a growl so loud that it made the five boys stop what they were doing. Ten eyes looked up in time to see the older dire bear breathing heavily, sweat dripping down the side of his face as he held onto the other firmly, yet without putting dangerous pressure onto the cervine's ribcage as Seen held the other tightly.

"Someone, get to my balls," Seen commanded and lickity split, two tongers were at his melon sized testicles, kissing and kneading the heavy mounds to help churn the cum within around. Being gifted with such a gargantuan pair of nuts meant that it was often a huge task for Seen to cum as the fluids inside needed a lot of stimulation in order to be able to flow up through his seminal ducts and into whatever orifice he was currently seated within. Sadly, with Dyson being so small at only eight years old, the dire bear couldn't fit much more than a quarter of his cock into the other without risking injury. That meant that there would not be enough motion for him to do much more than use the other as cock sleeve, not that that wasn't a handy little purpose for the cub, but still...

Seen grunted and then groaned, his back arching from off of the chair he was seated on as someone, his eyes were half mast so he couldn't see who, began to tongue the space in between his cock and balls, washing his musky flesh down. The light dew drops of light which popped in between Seen's eyes were like the flashes of a camera, so bright as they were as the dire bear closed his eyes shut tight. Pulling Dyson up and off of his body the dire bear didn't bother to ask the other if he was ready for more as he simply hoisted the deer boy up onto his length. The sound the cervine made, like some kind of odd moaning wail, brought a dark chuckle to Seen's lips. Once Dyson's butt was resting onto the head of his cock, the dire bear having brought the cub up and almost off of his long maleness, Seen gave the other a moment to prepare himself before he forced the other down.

"Ahhhhh!!" was the sound the deer made as he was impaled onto a good six inches of his guardian's cock. All around them, the rest of the men within the swimming area were taking cubs of their own, just in a much more gentle manner. For the boys who were not sweeping their tongues along the expanse of the dire bear's orbs they cheered as they watched Seen begin to fuck Dyson as he did all of them, with rough, yet calculated motions.

The sight of the young deer's ass flowering open and close, like a rose unsure of whether it was time to bud or not, made a very lewd scene to the others. A few of the more adventurous cubs even going so far as to lick around the slimy length of Seen's cock as a mixture of precum and the fluids within Dyson's tailhole began to slick out from the deer's battered hole. Moans of appreciation could be heard by Seen as he rolled his head around while biting at his lower lip to keep from yelling out like a fool. He always loved the tight little bottoms which his boys possessed, but sometimes it was a struggle for him to contain himself as he took one of them. Had he had his eyes open Seen would have found it hard not to smile in perverse delight as he watched the bulge of his shaft running back and forth inside of the younger cervine's belly. The other's guts being pushed aside to make way for the bludgeoning length which knew no restraint.

Seen didn't bother with a lot of finesse as he fucked Dyson, the dire bear knew that he would be getting to each and every last boy present before his melon sized balls, which were now liberally coated in drool, would be spent. So, the dire bear simply rolled the younger cub back and forth over his shaft, the speed of his hands somewhat blurring as he bucked his hips up into the other. Dyson was hard pressed to try and hold on for dear life as he found himself being used by his guardian, his own immature cock was leaking precum in small torrents, his prostate being battered so hard that shocks of pleasure had long since turned into waves of ecstasy for the young deer. Moans of appreciation could be heard all around as the ensemble let loose wild cheers, though whether for Seen or for themselves it was hard to say.

The lustful sight of male sexuality being taken to new heights made the lifeguard chuckle, the woman keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble, even as she began to finger herself. The grunting noise of some of the males about to hit their peak made several heads turn as everyone wondered who was about to pop first. From the sight of the writhing backs and kicking legs, the drooling muzzles and tear streaked faces, it was hard to tell who was in pain and who was in pleasure, however, it was the roar of a feral bear which brought all eyes forward. Seen, his body quivering as he tried to repress his ograsm with little luck, lifted his head to the sky, calling out to his ancestors maybe, before he let loose another boisterous cry.

Now, unlike other men who merely freeze when they climax, Seen didn't do this as the explosion all men could understand overtook him. Instead, the dire bear merely humped Dyson onto his cock, the deer all but comatose as he own mini orgasm took him for a loop, his cock spitting out cum onto Tay's face as the wolf brought his head up from where he had just finished licking at Seen's now gurgling obrs. The sound of the bear cumming, a familiar melody of wet burps and blorps made all five of the boys step back as they watched a larger ball appear within the base of Seen's cock and then rapidly move upwards. Each of them turned to look at each other, greedy eyes wanting that recognizable sphere within their own tailholes, before they turned to watch Dyson's belly begin to bulge outwards.

The little deer, already in the throes of bliss came back to himself with a loud cry as his stomach rounded and rounded with what could only be Seen's cum. The dire bear's melon sized nuts having so much fluid within them that the few 'droplets' he released within the young cervine filled the young cervine to max capacity. It took almost a minute before Seen was finished, his cock sending up three more round balls, before finally the dire bear sighed and then leaned back into the chair he was seated in. For Dyson, well the young deer's belly was sticking out so much that it looked as though the other was ready to drop a cub of his own as his belly audibly sloshed with Seen's seed. It was Tay who helped to get the other off of the somewhat relieved dire bear, the rest of the boys doing their part, too, as they went over to rub on their guardian's still pulsing cock. The massive phallus spat out one last glob of cum once Dyson's little rump no longer held the ursine's urethra and from that a giant pearl hit the sky and then exploded, landing on the faces of several of the cubs, not to mention a few of the men still thrusting into the rectums of the cubs they were seated on.

"Who's next?" Seen asked, once he had taken a moment to recover. The dire bear's large brown eyes glowed with mischief as he looked between the hungry muzzles panting towards him.

It was Jasper who hauled himself up onto Seen's now wet cock head; the little otter having duped his friend Maxwell into giving up his turn by tapping on his shoulder to get the other to turn away.

"Hehe, sneaky little devil," Seen said as he reached out to take the otter cub into his paws, gently guiding the other down as the mustelid chittered happily from his tailhole being worked open. "Going to have to pay you back for being so naughty." The dire bear teased as he pushed Jasper down until five hard inches of ursine cock were nestled within the other.

Seen didn't wait for the other to get settled before he began to pound the youth's tailhole open. Not that the otter minded as he opened his muzzle to loll his tongue out of the side of his mouth happily.

True to his thoughts each and every cub got a chance to ride Seen; most of the boys being filled to the brim as their tummies were made to hold onto the elixir for which the dire bear held within his quickly deflating testicles. Tay, being the last, was able to ride Seen for almost twice as long as the others, what it the older bear's stamina having reached a great high from his back to back orgasms.

Little Tay actually proved himself to be quite ambitious as he climbed up onto Seen's lap, the other boys having to help him along the slimy length of gooey bear flesh, before the other plopped his tiny ass up onto the head of the ursine's mushroom headed phallus. The sight of the little lupine doing such an erotic thing turned Seen on like no other, something that was quite obvious as the dire bear smirked, his sharp teeth glimmering brightly as he watched the other slip up and over his massive two foot plus manhood. Of course such a naughty sight only turned the dire bear on like none of there, the tightness of the little wolf's body helping as the ursine to thrust and spread his precum throughout the other's body as he ground his hips forward into the other. The other boys, completely nonplussed by the sight of Tay's belly bulging with the girth of Seen's cock, helped to massage the young wolf's belly, wanting to spread the warmth that was the ursine's fluids as they soaked within Tay's belly.

The humping of the little lupine up and down made some of the people walking by stop and took a look, many of them completely surprised to see such a large mass rolling through a body not meant to absorb such a length. The lewd sight of Tay bouncing onto the massive bear's prick, the hot moans coming from his mouth as his tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle, drool running down his throat, had Seen all but laughing as he ran his muzzle along the length the little boy's neck. The smell of the other, coated with chlorine tainted water and wolf musk made the dire bear growl, the rumble being enough to go through the ursine's body up into his dick and into Tay's cheek. The long fur of the boy's tail whipped at the Seen's cock as the young lupine wagged his rump, his cock three inch cock jumping as it popped out ribbon after ribbon of precum.

The moment between the two lasted for something close to twenty minutes, Tay all but brainless by this time as the sensations running throughout his backside. The heavy blast of Seen's cock as his balls as they dumped a load out into the little wolf's ass made it so that Tay's belly, swelling the young lupine belly until it looked as though he were going to pop. The growling grumble that Seen made caused the surrounding cubs to snicker as they watched gout after hot gout of bear spooge run up the side of Seen's dick into Tay. After he was done however, the dire bear bent his cock down, allowing Tay to slip off and into the hands of his friend, most of them completely unsurprised to see the wolf's tailhole literally burp as cum belched out of it.

By the time Seen was ready to call it quits almost two hours had passed.

"I think it's time to go home now," the dire bear said out loud. The happy sighs which greeted him, all of his little cubs being filled with both food and cum, reassured the dire bear that the lot had had their fun. And that was really the only thing the other cared about. "Alright, you lot, let's go!" Seen said as he strapped his speedo back onto his slightly sore nuts. "If you're good, I'll do you all again before I drop you off at home." The dire bear added after he noticed that no one had moved.

Instantly the group shot up, some waddling as they did so, and then made their way out of the swimming area towards the gates of the park.

'Gets 'em every time." Seen snickered before making his way after his charges.

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