Tina's Story, Chapter 95 K.C.'s story A Gray Muzzle story.

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 95- K.C.'s story A Gray Muzzle story

It had been a busy morning at the DMV. Tina was absorbed in paperwork, as she had been all morning. She was going over her monthly reports, when K.C. Stuck her head in the door.

"Can I get you some lunch?" K.C. Offered

"Uh, where you going?" Tina replied, barely looking up.

"The Mall; wannna go?"

Tina looked around. There was a ton of work left. She decided that it could wait until after lunch.

"Uh, sure."

Tina shut off her computer, and grabbed her purse.

There was a cafeteria for the DMV employees right on site. It was cheap, convenient, and the food wasn't bad. Still, a lot of people liked to got to the Mall, if only to get outside for a bit. The Mall was one of those huge boxes that went up in the 80's, when Mall building was a national fascination. It had seen better days, but it was still less depressing than the DMV. Arriving at the food court, there were choices to make.

"What will it be? Desert Moon, Fish and Chips, Micky D, Sbarro? K.C. Asked

"Hmmm. Maybe Sbarro."


K.C. Seemed less than enthused.

Tina selected a big slice of cheese pizza and a Diet Coke. K.C. Got a plain salad, and water.

Sitting down at a table, Tina made an observation.

'I wish I could eat like you!" K.C. Whined.

Tina DID like to eat. She had wrestled with an eating disorder. But Tina was so active, being a wife and mother of three, a full time job, and an avid runner, ballerina and tennis player she could consume some calories, and not gain an ounce.

"You look lovely, dear, you could eat like this...." she offered.

"I'm FAT! I look like a BLIMP!"

Nothing could be further from the truth. In her white knit top, and tight leather skirt, K.C. Looked totally hot. But it wasn't how she looked, it was how she felt.

"What's the matter, dear?" Tina asked, sympathetically

"Oh, it's that time, and I'm all bloated! Just as I want to get sexy, I'm feeling all fat and ugly."

"I feel that way too, when I'm......in that way. But we all do. It's nature, and hormones."

K.C. Looked back sheepishly.

"I grew up in Texas....."

K.C. Was about to tell a story. Whenever K.C. Was about to tell a story, she got this Texas drawl. So, when she said 'Texas' it came out "Tick-sis"

"It isn't east being a girl in Texas. What you Are, where you go, who you become....they all depend on one thing, and one thing only- your looks! From the day a Texas hybrid pup is born, they're taught to focus on their looks. When I was four, my mother got me in pageants. You know, them little beauty contests? Well, in Texas, they're a big deal. Momma would do my hair, put me in makeup, and dress me in costumes. We'd travel all over the south, one pageant after another. I was doing about one a month. Mom and Dad paid a FORTUNE for that- the dresses, the costumes, the fees.....then there was the dental work....all my teeth have been straightened, whitened, capped."

Tina was fascinated.

"You've had your teeth done?"

"Uh huh. He even filed my fronts down."

K.C. Opened her mouth. Indeed her front canines had been downsized.

"And I had 'the procedure"

"The procedure is what hybrids called a series of breast operations. Their canine teats were removed, and two human like breasts created."

"That's terrible" Tina recoiled in horror "That's an awful thing to do as a child. I'd never want to put the twins through that."

"Well, YOU'VE had 'The Procedure." K.C. Replied, with a smug grin

"True, but I was an adult."

K.C. Put down her fork.

"Texas is different."

K.C. Put down her napkin. Tina knew a story was on it's way now.

"I wanted to BE somebody, go places, do things. I knew it from the time I was a tiny girl. And I knew how you did that- be pretty! Prettier than anyone else, anyway. When I first went to school, I'd spend an HOUR getting ready for school. I would pick my outfits a week in advance. I had a three way mirror in my room. Know what? It worked! I was the girl that all the boys wanted, and all the other girls wanted to be like They bribed me to eat lunch with them. I got picked first for teams. I was front and center in class pictures. "

Tina was in awe. This was nothing like being in a Catholic Girl's School.

"Were you always that popular?"

"Yup. Junior High was REALLY good. That's when all the boy/girl stuff started. I was such a tease! I wore the shortest skirts! I'd even give them a peek of panty every so often, just to get them drooling....In Junior High, they had football. Football is EVERYTHING in Texas. In my first year, I had the quarterback of the team for a boyfriend."

"Was it good? Was it all you dreamed of?"

K.C. Got an evil grin.

"Even BETTER! He was SOOOO hot, and every girl wanted him, and he was all mine....."

"Was there romance, though?" Tina asked, mouth open.

K.C. Smiled

"Was there EVER! He was the first boy...."


"Who I ever let....touch...me. It was after the Homecoming game. He had thrown the game winning touchdown. I was a cheerleader. We had these cute little uniforms, real tight, with pleated skirts that barely covered our, you know.....Well, after the game, once everyone had left, we went under the bleachers, just to, you know, have a moment together. We started kissing. .Before I knew, he had his hand under my sweater."

"You let him?"

"Uh huh. I was as hot for it as he was. I could feel his, his sex part all hard I wasn't going to, you know 'do it' but........"

"And......" Tina prompted

"Well SHIT, I had to do SOMETHING! That's when I felt it. Under our uniform, we had these 'Spanx', tight little colored panties. I felt his had go into my underpants. He put his finger into my pussy. I was so hot, and so wet. I just kept kissing him while he rubbed me, "

"Did you?"

"Cum?" K.C. Blushed "Uh huh. First time. With a boy, anyway."

"So there was a time NOT with a boy?'

Tina thought she might have been referring to masturbation. K.C. Got all quiet and bashful. She lowered her voice, almost to a whisper.

"There was this time......I had a girlfriend sleep over. She was a really cute Sheltie hybrid. We were inseperable! We'd do everything together. So, we were at my house, watching movies. Some really sappy romantic thing. I mean, we were sitting close, touching. She asked me what it felt like to kiss. I said I didn't know. She asked if she....we could try. I said, uh I guess...So we kissed, you know, like girls do. But she...we...kept going. She may have been in heat, I'm not sure. We did that for a while. Then she asked if we could do it without our clothes on. I was nervous, scared, Shit, I didn't know; I was eleven or twelve....but, I didn't want to look scared or naive. So. I said 'Sure" So, we got undressed. I took my nightgown off. So did she. Then she took her panties off. I had these cute little panties, that matched my baby doll top. I took them off. We just looked at each other. Then she kissed me. But it wasn't like before. I felt all funny inside. We lay on the bed, kissing. Our legs were intertwined. As we kissed, our legs would rub the other one's puss...."

'Did you...."

'Cum? Uh huh. After a while, we touched each other directly. We came a bunch of times. My parents weren't home, sow just fell asleep together...."

"Did you...again?"

"No, it just never happened, at least not between us...."

"There were...others?"


"Remember that night at Colleen's? The bachelorette party? Where you and Rosa went to bed early?

"No! You didn't!"

K.C. Looked really sheepish.

"Yeah. We were both drunk and lonely, and, well needy. So, we ended up in bed. She's a really good lover. We did it one more time, but that was it. "

"So, are you......"

K.C. Smiled


"Well, maybe a little, but no. I like boys too much. From that first time, I loved boys. When I got to High School, I was dating the Captain of the team. He was soooo cute. I would have done ANYTHING! Anyway, after the last game of my freshman year, we went parking. It had been a good year; we made playoffs! So I gave him a little 'gift'. The day before, I had told him to bring 'protection'.

"You HUSSY!"

"Well, no way did I wanna take chances. So once we parked. We got out of his car. We started kissing. Not like we used to. We were like going at it, you know? A lot of touching, rubbing and then, he starts to undress me. Not really; actually he had pushed my sweater and bra up, and pulled my panties off. Then he dropped his pants and underwear. I lay down in the back seat of his Trans-Am. And we did it."

"Just like that?"

Yeah. Like that."

"Was it...good?"

"No, it was nothing special. I thought it would be a lot better. But, it was alright. It was better when we got to use a bed, and I was on the pill, so he could cum inside me."

Tina looked at her watch.

"Look at the time! We better head back. Even the boss only has so much influence.

So, they walked back to the department, and clocked it. They headed back to the department.

"You go ahead" K.C. Said "I'll see you there"

Tina went back to the office. K.C. Slipped into the ladies room. It was cool dark and empty. K.C. Went to the last stall. Locking herself in. She covered the toilet seat in tissue. K.C. Pulled her tight leather skirt up over her waist. She dropped her red thong, and slipped it into her purse, which she hung up. Then she settled onto the seat, and put her legs up on the assist bars of the handicap stall.

Leaning back as far as she could, K.C. Put a finger to her sex. It was hot, and very wet. She put a finger inside herself, then took it out. She touched the fluid. It was hot, thick and very slippery, with a trace of blood in it. Raising her finger to her nose, she drank in the aroma. Then she touched herself again. Taking her slippery finger, she touched her clit. At the first touch, she shuddered, so great was her need. Rubbing deliberately, she took her clit between her thumb and index finger, squeezing and rubbing it coarsely. With her other hand, she opened her vagina, and began exploring her sex. Running her finger on the roof of her vagina, she found her g spot. Knowing the danger of discovery, yet turned on by the risk, K'C. Masturbated herself to orgasm in the handicapped stall at the DMV. When she came, she bit hard on her lip, to maintain silence, lest her secret be discovered. The orgasm she had was strong, and deeply satifying. K.C. Had to sit a few minutes, just to catch her breath. Then, she cleaned her sex, and wiggled her skirt back into place. After carefully washing her hands, she headed back for the office. She had this self satisfied smirk, and she swung her hips the whole way.

Tina's Story- Chapter 96 Passages, the Conclusion - A Gray Muzzle story

Tina's Story- Chapter 96 -Passages: The Conclusion A Gray Muzzle Story Author's note: 'Passages/Conclusion begins the last five chapters of Tina's Story, leading to it's conclusion in Chapter 100. Characters will begin dropping off. KC's run is over....

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Tina's Story, Chapter 94 Passages, Part Two -A Gray Muzzle Story

Tina's Story- Passages, Part Two. A Gray Muzzle story All of my life I have been waiting for All you give to me You've opened my eyes And showed me how to love unselfishly I've dreamed of this a thousand times before In my dreams I...

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The Lesson -Part Three - A Gray Muzzle Story

The Lesson- Final Chapter A Gray Muzzle Conclusion Linda took Tiffany in her arms, and held her tightly. "You poor, romantic child! You don't know how much having children changes your life! When I was your age, I had hopes, dreams. I studied hard;...

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