The New Wolf chater 13

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#13 of the new wolf

Hey guys, been awhile since i written for this series. the populary of my werewolves prompt stories gave me the motivation again to continue the story. while i can't say it would be the same posting scheduled as before, i promise to work on it till completion and have more of an idea what i want to tell and what direction i am going with.

please leave your thoughts below and lets get back to story

I checked to make sure I have everything packed up and ready to go. My air mattress was deflated and put into a big box with its motor. All my blankets, pillows, towels, and clothes were in separate bags. Cabinets in the apartment are all bare. The counters were wiped clean of any stains of any uses they had. The place was empty, clean, and waiting for whoever gets to move in next.

I was happy about how spotless the place was. Even if it was tiring, I was content with my work. These past few days, I was in a much better mood than I remember having in a long time. While I can't say for certain what brought up my mood, I can certainly guess why.

During the last full moon, I was founded by a werewolf pack and taken to a camp they run. While the day didn't start out well, I do remember it fondly. While I was there, I was told of a possible medication that can prevent my changes and may someday lead to a way that might even cure me of my lycrathopy altogether. In order to get that medicine, I joined the pack. As a bonus, I will also live at the camp and work there, this is great since I just lost my job recently.

It felt like things were finally going to change for the better. That I was going to be okay. What can I do but smile at this good fortune.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and see it is from Chester. What time do you think you'll arrive here?

Chester is a member of the pack who found me while I was...that thing...and brought me to the camp. Ever since we exchanged numbers, we have been texting back and forth since. I wasn't used to all these texts before since I rarely got close to people, so it was an adjustment for me. He is a good guy and very supportive of me.

I text back. I am leaving in a few minutes. I need to head to the head office to drop off my keys and I'll head straight there.

Chester sends back a thumbs-up sticker in return.

I grab the last of my stuff and head out the door. As I closed it for the last time, I didn't feel any sadness that I was leaving. This felt more like a cage than an apartment to me. I got it so I can start a new life and set down some roots. Having a place with an actual address instead of just living out of my car allowed me to finally get a real job with a paycheck and stuff. But whenever I wasn't at work, I was just here by myself, locked away like an animal afraid that thing would come out of me again. Now I don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.

I turn my keys into it and lock it one last time.

Alright, time to start my new life.


I continue to wipe down the cabin with the mop. It hasn't been used in a while so it needed a lot of care to make it livable again. I was making sure the place was spotless for its new occupant coming in later in the day. This place needs to look good for Elliot. It might be small but that's no excuse for it to be messy.

While it is called a cabin, structurally it's a one-room shack. Big enough for a bed, desk, and a closet but not much else. Few of these small cabins are on the campground, usually for single occupations or couples who want alone time. The rest of the cabins on camp are more designed to hold up more people and act more like dorms.

I hear the cabin door open behind me, "I figured you would be here, Ches."

"Hi Hector," I say without looking at him, "Weah I am just making sure this place is ready for Elliot."

"Yeah, I just heard. He is moving in today."

"Yeah, so I thought about sprucing it up before he arrived."

"Yeah, but you might have done too good of a job there."

I stopped what I was doing and turned to Hector, "What do you mean?"

Hector was wearing his usual polo shirt and khakis for his job, "Well because there is no scent here. The only smells I can pick up are whatever you used to clean with."

"Shit, I didn't realize that." I really hope this wouldn't agitate Elliot's wolf that much.

"Anyway, I need to talk to you about Elliot's Joining today."

I set the mop against the wall, "Something happened?"

"We are going to have to push the Joining back a few hours. Neither Millia and Dillion can't join right now."

"I see." I sigh, "It can't be helped. It's the middle of the day, Dillion would be at school and Millia would have work to do." Since Elliot was found instead of being sent to the pack, I need either DIllion or Millia as a witness when we first meet him. If neither of them isn't available, Elliot can't join. "It's not a huge setback. Just means we would have to wait a while. You could have texted me this info"

"You were texted. Since you didn't respond we just assumed you didn't see any of the texts."

"I was?" I go over to my phone on the desk and open up the messenger app. It showed that I missed a few texts from some people, "Oh you're right."

"Also we need to talk about Elliot's plan as well."

I set my phone back onto the desk, "How so?"

"Well, We should consider how unstable Elliot is at the moment when we are going through training with him. His emotions are all over the place and can transform at the drop of a hat. Chances are our normal methods may not work on Elliot, even if we do give him the proper medications."

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I considered that. All of the werewolves I know who changed through magic did so willingly, that is not the case for Elliot. At the debate, Serge brought up a point that it might be better to send him to another pack that specializes in cases like Elliot." ILean on the desk behind me, "The Alpha has helped me get in contact with a pack that does that kind of thing and I am having them send some info that might help with Elliot. I am still waiting on the info to arrive, but when I have that, I am sure I can help Elliot control himself."

Instead of looking relieved that I expected him to have, Hector had a sullen look on his face. "Chester."


"I am about to tell you something you don't want to hear, you might be way over your head in this."

"W-what? How? I just told you I got in contact with--"

Hector puts his hand up, "I don't mean like that, Chester. You want to help him, that is a noble thing to do. But at the same time, Elliot needs professional help and you're still in your second year of college. Once you hear back from them, I want you to pass the info to whoever is assigned to be Elliot's therapist."


Hector puts his hand on my shoulder, "I mean it, Chester. You are going to be his Beta, not his therapist. You should accept that you can't do everything. Besides, there is plenty you can do to help Elliot without trying to be his therapist."

"Like what?"

"Being there for him. He is basically moving into the middle of nowhere not knowing anybody around here. You have a big role in being his first friend in the area, that alone will help with him not feeling so isolated."

I took a moment to digest what Hector was telling me. He had a point about me not really understanding what Elliot needs right now. Elliot is in a delicate place and me trying to help him by myself, with no training, will probably hurt him more than I can imagine. "You're right. Once I hear back from them, I'll pass the info onto Elliot's therapist."

"When we were texting and stuff, he didn't really strike me as someone got close to people. Our conversations were a bit awkward at times. He even told me himself he didn't try to make contacts over the past year."

Hector got a stunned look on his face, "Wait he opened up to you about his past already?"

I shrug, "Not exactly open up, just something he mentioned in passing. When I tried to press more info, he just moved the conversation onto a different topic."

"Anything else he mentioned about the last year?"

I just shrug again,"Just a few things."

"Such as?"

"Well for one, he mostly never stayed in one spot for long. The apartment he was living in is a more recent change but he only been living there for a few months at most. Before that he just slept in his car. Whenever it was close to a full moon he would buy some meat, drive somewhere deserted and just tie himself to a tree for the night."

"That would explain why his wolf is so aggressive. First year of transforming, the wolf is no different than a real animal. Unless he was transforming outside the full moon, it probably woke up in a different location each time. Breaks my heart."

The air fills with a sort of gloom. The idea of someone treating themselves in such a way is hard to imagine but would explain why Elliot is in a delicate situation right now. It's not right to treat themselves like that, even if he was scared. Maybe as we spend time together, he will develop a more healthy outlook on his wolf self.

Hector coughed, probably unable to handle this gloom, "What did he do for money?"

"He said he did odd jobs he could find and that his family would send him money from time to time."

Hector looked surprised, "His family. Did he ever tell him about--"

"No," I answered, "His family just transfers the money into his account from time to time without being asked. He hasn't spoken to them once since he learned he was a werewolf. He tells me that they often try to contact him but he doesn't respond back."

"They must truly care for Elliot if they are willing to do that regularly for a son that won't talk to them."

I nodded, "I talked to Elliot about reaching out to them and he just said he wasn't ready for it. Maybe someday, just not today. He really should treasure them. I am sure they still love him and are waiting for his call. I'm sure if they knew he was a werewolf, they would still love him."

"Um, yeah about that remark Chester. Chances are, they already know."

Now it was my turn to be shocked, "huh? How would they know? Did the Alpha tell them?"

"I was more talking about before she contacted them, before we found Elliot. At most, talking to Hellina just confirmed their thoughts."

"Then how would she know Elliot is a werewolf then? The Hunters couldn't have known about the Mauling ritual until we told them right?"

"Well, one thing I can imagine that was left off the table was the process on how to transform a werewolf. At most, the Hunters would have said that werewolves bites alone don't cause a transformation but didn't go into much detail afterwards. That probably brought her some comfort at least. Then after her son wakes up, disappears and cuts all contact. She must have some thoughts in her head about all that at this point."

"And even after all that, she still loves him and wants the best for Elliot." It's touching how much Elliot's parents love him. He really is so lucky to have that. If only my parents--

The ringtone of my phone interrupted my thoughts, probably for the better. The caller ID had Elliot's name on it.

I answered my phone, "Hey Elliot."

"Hey, Chester, I'm about a few minutes away from the camp."

"Oh really, I just finished cleaning your cabin. It is all ready to move in."

"Sorry to make you do all that. I can handle moving all the stuff in myself."

"No no, I'll help you with your stuff. I'll wait in the parking lot for you. See you in a bit, Elliot." I hang up.

"So," Hector spoke up, "He is almost here. Want me to help as well?"

"Yes, but before that," I got close to Hector, "Not a word of what we said goes back to Elliot this time."

He nods, "I learned from my mistake the first time around, won't happen again."

"It better not."


I pull into the gravel parking lot of the camp. A few days ago when I first arrived the parking lot was very packed with different cars. Now it looks like this is not used.

I pulled up to a marker which I assumed meant it was a parking spot. Hope it's alright that I park here. Maybe there is a separate place for me to park my car when I join.

As I step outside I hear a voice yelling, "Hey Elliot." I turn to see Chester walking towards me, along with Hector. Chester had a smile on his face as he got closer, "since you are here, that means everything is settled?"

"Yeah, got everything packed in my car ready to go to a new home." I turned to Hector, who was wearing a bit more formal clothing than what I expected of a pervert, "Are you here to help as well?"

He laughs, "Why the question? Afraid I'll find something dirty in your belongings?"

"What no. there shouldn't be anything like that in my stuff." and even if there was, I wouldn't give it to you to hold. I turn back to Chester, "So anyway, okay so do I need to officially join before moving my stuff into the cabin or what?"

"Yeah, I think we can start moving stuff in now. It'll help pass time setting everything up."

"Pass time, can we not do it now?"

Hector spoke up next, "Yeah, we are missing someone for you to officially join the Pack. We are going to be waiting for a while until either one of them can make it. We just have to wait until they are free, but that should only take an hour or two at most."

My mood sullen, "Oh I see." I shake my head, "Well might as well start moving in then." I opened the trunk of my car and pulled out my stuff, "I don't have much so we should be able to do it in one trip." I grabbed the box containing my mattress and air pump and handed it to Hector.

"Giving me the heavy stuff, are ya? I'm a Beta, I should be treated with respect."

"Oh sorry."

I went to get the box, but Hector pulled away, "Just messing with ya. It's fine. It's not that heavy, so feel free to give me more."

"But aren't you a Beta, shouldn't--" Before I said anything else, Chester had already tossed up my bag I was using for carrying towels, blankets, and pillows. "Chester."

"You don't have to worry about him," Chester said, pulling out my clothes bag and tossing it onto the stack, "He's used to carrying things anyway, says it helps with picking up guys."

"And with picking them up," Hector laughed.

Chester grabbed the other clothes bag and closed the trunk. "Come on, I'll show you to your cabin."

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Just a Little Break

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