The Zack Attack, Part One

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#123 of Transformation Stories

Everyone's favorite Doberman is back in a story that allows him to inflate his ego more than ever!

In this commission for Aacid, the infamous canine finds himself in a classic pinch: an over-served customer is throwing out insults at him from the end of the bar, but it's nothing he can't handle. As the hours go by and he decides not to take it anymore, Zack asks his bar back to watch the place for a minute and tricks the wolf, Aaron, into coming into the back room, with the promise of getting some 'tail' if he does.

Once back there, the Doberman turns the tables, but he's not interested in a quick romp: he's going to make Aaron pay back every frustration by forcing him to endure the end of the shift from a new perspective, in a new body...


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Zack was used to dealing with the worst of the worst when it came to customers: that was just the nature of working in a college bar, especially during the busiest weeks of the year.

He was so used to it, in fact, that his reputation was legendary, and trying to heckle him was becoming something of a tradition for the local college students. Those who could legally drink for the first time were tempted to go to the bar and give it their best shot to upset him, and generally speaking, there was nothing they could do to ruin his night, no matter how hard they tried.

He'd endured the kind of hazing over the years that was usually reserved for frat boys, but he'd taken it all in stride...

...Of course, he'd never crossed paths with Aaron before, and the wolf was getting on his last nerve before he had a chance to realize how angry he was.

"You know, if you were half as fast as getting those drinks as you were at running your mouth, I might actually think about sizing you up for the night..."

"And I'm sure that line has never worked for you."

The Doberman didn't mind the occasional come-on when he was at work, and all told, he picked up more than his fair share of tail, come the end of a shift.

When he was working, however, he did his best to stay focused, knowing that the bar depended on him to run properly...and that was proving a harder task than he initially imagined when Aaron first sat down at his bar.

The crowd was thinning out just a little bit as they got past midnight: hell week was the kind of thing that pulled students out of the bar just as fast as it funneled them in, but Aaron wasn't a student, and he wasn't planning on leaving until he'd consumed his fill.

As long as Zack had been serving him, he had to admit that he was impressed that Aaron hadn't already keeled over from his consumption, but that didn't mean he was happy about it.

"I don't have to bust out my best lines to pick up a slut like you, bartender," Aaron tripped over his words a little bit, but it wasn't so much that Zack couldn't understand him. "You just t-think you're hot shit because you're over there, and I'm over here!"

"You really think this bar is here just to protect me from the likes of you? You must not be part of the college crowd...they know better than to bark up that tree," Zack claimed. The Doberman had knocked out more than his fair share of drunken fools over the years, but Aaron didn't look like the college type when he came in, and at that, Zack had his confirmation. "Unless there's another reason why you won't leave me the hell alone? Did the kids pay a drunk to come in here and mess with me, this year?"

Aaron wasn't in the loop about the challenge to upset Zack, but he was doing a better job than the last year's crop of students. He was just sober enough not to fall out of his stool, but not so much that he could keep from making another pass at the uninterested Doberman.

"Dunno what the hell kids have to do with this...I'm n-not here to play games, big guy."

"Right. You're here to get lit up like a fucking Christmas tree...but you tip well enough, so I guess you've bought yourself a little more time here."

All the while, Zack was still popping the tops off of cold, fresh beers and mixing cheap cocktails for the college crowd, making nice with everyone that came through. The younger customers simply didn't have the pocket depth that Aaron had: where they would give him a dollar if he was lucky, Aaron was throwing out five and ten dollar tips for a simple pour.

Frustration aside, Zack couldn't take those kinds of tips away from his employees...but he needed one of them to step up if he was ever going to get away from his new hang-on.

"Bought myself a little more time? How much can your time be worth, honestly? You're just a bum in a tight t-shirt, pumping out cheap beer for a bunch of college kids..."

At that, Zack snickered. "So you noticed my shirt was tight, hm? Eyeing me for a different reason? Cause I'm pretty sure I can have just about any piece of ass in this bar tonight, the way I'm dressed."

Zack knew about his own sexual appeal, and his jeans were hugging to his toned, firm ass just as tightly as a shirt stretched over his chest, looking like he'd literally squeezed himself into it.

"If you think you're the cock of the walk...I got t-two questions for ya," Aaron stumbled over his words as he slammed the last of his drink. "First of all, why are you working in such a piece o' shit bar like this...and second...what's to stop me from offerin' you a few bucks and making a proper whore out of you, instead of just a drink whore?"

There were plenty of people nearby that knew what kind of trouble Aaron was getting himself into, but none were more familiar than Kasig, who was working at the other end of the bar.

"Hey, foxy?"

"Yes sir?"

"Come cover this end of the bar for me, okay? I've got a little business that I need to take care of in the back."

Aaron snickered. "All I had to do was say the magic word, hm? That's all it took?"

"You haven't said the magic word yet," Zack countered, "But you're well on your way to it. Let's see if you can't get there with a little guidance..."

The rest of the crowd was snickering: there was even some cheering and clapping from those that were in the know as Zack grabbed Aaron by the collar of his shirt and tugged him toward the end of the bar.

"Is this r-really an appropriate way to handle your customers?" Aaron asked, his body shifted up and his tension coming full force as he tried to resist the concept, at first...but it looked as though things were going to go his way after all, as he was pulled toward a room on the back wall. "I could probably call the cops right n-

"Go ahead and call the cops if you want to pass up the only chance you're ever going to get at this ass," Zack put the ball in his court, but he presented an offer that Aaron would have needed plenty of time to think over, whether he was sober or not. "Fact of the matter is that I'm on a first name basis with most of them; I've lost count of how many drunken assholes I've tossed out of this place for harassing me or the customers, and they're gonna take my you can either under up under my foot, or on top of me...your call."

It was a more generous offer than most people in Aaron's position would have received, and coming from someone like Zack, the wolf had no idea what kind of generosity was being given to him.

Some of the nearby customers at the quieter end of the bar knew it all too well, and they were whispering among themselves as Zack kept his grip on Aaron's shirt, unconcerned with how much he was stretching out the collar.

"Get your fucking hands off my neck, and we've got a deal," Aaron conceded. "But if you keep hanging on like th-

"You're not gonna do a damn thing," Zack cut him off again, snickering. "But, since you were decisive enough to spit that out...let's go see if you're really up to snuff. Been too long since I had a good, strong man taking me from behind."

It should have been more concerning to Aaron that the other customers were snickering at that idea, but liquid courage and natural confidence kept a smirk on his face as he stepped around the counter, his stride so long and proud that you might think he owned the place.

Having the freedom to move his head again only bolstered Aaron's confidence, and seeing the stock room in such a state of disrepair, he was already thinking to himself about how he was going to leave Zack in a fitting mess...but as he stepped in the room and saw the door slammed close behind him, the tone shifted on him almost immediately, and Zack stood behind him , instead.

"...You know, I understand that you're kinda dumb, tryin' to tangle with me, but I'm pretty sure you know what it means to bottom."

Zack chuckled dryly. "I sure don't, actually...never done it before and I'm damn sure not gonna start now, champ."

"The fuck did y-

"You should have known damn well what you were getting wanna talk a bunch of smack and distract me while I'm trying to work? What the fuck makes you think I was gonna come back here and let you have your way with me?!"

Once more, a paw wrapped around Aaron's neck, but this time, the grip from behind was met with another arm around the middle of his torso, trapping his arms to his sides and leaving him to stare at the scattered mess of the stock room with a stark realization.

"How...h-how many other people have you done this to?"

"Fucked silly and slammed against the shelves in the process? Dozens," Zack confessed. "But you're a particular fucking thorn in my side; you remind me a lot of how I was, before I figured out how to exercise a little restraint."

"I'll thank you not to insult me like that."

"It was the highest compliment I could possibly give," Zack argued, "And since you've been such a pain in my ass this whole time, it's about to become less of a compliment, and more of a statement of fact."

Zack had access to a host of things at the bar that he only shared with certain customers, and in this case, he had an entire shelf dedicated to those brash, foolish people who would continue to cross him after being given so many chances to apologize.

The particular tincture he was after was a bit of a riskier play, but his own aggression was blinding his better judgment; he'd already made his mind up, even before Aaron had a clue what was going on.

"No idea what the fuck you mean by that," Aaron growled, refusing to make things any easier for Zack as the Doberman's claws ripped at the front of his shirt. "Since you feel the need to ruin my clothes, perhaps I'll call it even if you'd mind clarifying?"

"Forget about getting even," Zack recommended to him. "That's not gonna happen, but I do want you to know what you're in for once I'm done with you, so...Kasig deserves the rest of the night off, and I didn't call anyone to replace him, so I'm gonna make the best help that I can out of you...and as you are right now, I damn sure can't trust you to get the job done."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Little bitta this, though..." Zack paused, grabbing a bottle from the nearby stock shelf, "And you'll be almost as perfect for this job as I am..."

Aaron wasn't used to being on the other end of such a treatment, but in this case, he wasn't being given a choice in the matter: Zack was already spilling a little bit of the mysterious fluid on Aaron's lower back, and much as he hated to admit it, the wolf was impressed at how easily Zack tore the fabric away from his torso, leaving tatters in a heap by the door.

"Pretty sure you're required to wear a shirt to work in a place like this, aren't you?"

" I'm not."

Blinking and looking over his shoulder with a frustrated glare, still doing his best to fight Zack off in the process, Aaron wondered if the Doberman even knew what he was implying with his words, but out of the very corner of his eye, he thought he could see a shift in the texture of the fur around the base of his own tail.

"Zack, w-what...what the hell were you keeping in that bottle?"

"Oh, this? It's just a little lube...some of the _really_good stuff that a good friend of mine helped me to come up with," he explained. "Really helps the flesh to relax at the site of penetration...makes it so you don't have to take your time or warmup as much as you normally would."

"Nice to know that you won't be wasting any time with me..."

"Fact is that we've got one fox out there managing the whole bar, and it's the peak of the homecoming season. If I had the kind of time I really wanted with you, trust me, I'd be jumping right into the action and keeping it there."

"So you're a one pump chump that's looking for an excuse?"

Setting the lube aside for a moment and gripping Aaron's slacks with such a powerful set of digits that he nearly broke the buckle from his belt, Zack yanked down forcefully, and even when the wolf tried to press his legs together, it made no real difference to the shrugging descent of his jeans.

"Hardly, though it seems like you're the kind of person who asks for a shovel when they've started digging their own grave."

"Big words, little man."

Zack chuckled, standing taller than Aaron when they were upright, and quite a bit taller, now that he had the wolf bent over and prone. "Tall talk coming from a little bitch of a wolf like you..."

If he was being completely fair, Zack would have given Aaron a little more credit for the kind of fight he put up, and further still, he was grateful: if the wolf was sober, he would have been more than a handful for Zack to deal with.

The slowed reaction time, lazy efforts and subtle grin that tugged at the edges of his lips made it clear enough that Aaron wasn't trying his hardest, but he was more than happy to give Zack the chance to live up to his reputation, now that they'd already come so far.

It didn't take long for Zack's member to emerge from the end of his sheath and press against the front of his pants, but he wasn't going to let it out until it became absolutely necessary...and right then, all that mattered was making sure that Aaron was firmly in place on the floor, his hands and knees planted for what was coming next.

The wolf was anticipating a sharp and sudden drop of a large, canine body on him from behind, but instead, he felt even more lubrication spilling over his backside and trickling down, moving toward his pucker as the final preparations were made.

"I thought you said you only needed a little bit of that stuff?" he asked, looking back through golden eyes that were becoming impatient. "Feels like you're about to use the whole supply..."

"If you wanted me to go in dry, all you had to do was say so."

Aaron wasn't worried about how massive Zack claimed to be, though he struggled to hide a nervous blink when the Doberman finally unzipped his jeans and revealed the full, red-pink tip of his canine length.

As much of a reputation as Zack had, he needed to be hung in order to justify it, and though Aaron refused to say such a thing out loud, he couldn't deny that he was going to struggle to contain that many inches of pulsing flesh inside of himself.

"I'll kindly thank you to remember that I could still call the cops at any time, dude."

"And I'll remind you that even if you did, you'd just end up spending the night in a holding cell, already warmed up for a bunch of other guys to take their turn with you...and they'd still have evidence that you were my bitch for the night."

That word stung a little bit more every time he heard it, but Aaron put himself in the thick of it, and he was going to have his just desserts before he made his way out of the bar that night; much as he was planning on leaving when this was all done, Zack wasn't planning on letting him leave, even when the threat of being tossed out was constantly lingering.

Truth be told, the worst thing that could happen to Zack was Aaron leaving, but not for the fear that word would get out about what happened: everyone on the other side of the door knew what was going on, even before Zack knelt in place and poured some of the excess lube over the tip of his pulsing length.

He needed Aaron to stick around when they were all finished, but he wasn't going to let onto that fact anymore than Aaron himself was going to admit that he enjoyed the twitching warmed, as it was guided under his tail.

The length of that tail was already fading fast, allowing Zack to watch the display of his tapered length as it prodded, pushed, and finally eased into the heated depths of Aarons' backside.

"Did you ever think something so huge could go in so smoothly? My buddy is a fucking genius...and since I've got so much dirt on him, he lines my pockets with this stuff for free," Zack bragged, giving up on trying to be nice or modest when it came to pushing the wolf around. "And he does it almost as easily as you dropped to your knees..."

"Just f-fucking get on with it," Aaron growled, but there was subtle shift in the tone of his voice as he spoke, happening without his understanding. "Is it getting really damned cold in here?"

"Cold? At the end of the summer? You must be imagining things," Zack taunted him, even when he saw thick, full clumps of lupine fur spilling away from Aaron's flesh, revealing that something was already taking the place of the fuller coat. Closer cropped and thick, it still provided warmth, but it was a more canine brand of fur, especially similar to Zack's own. "Especially when you're getting stuffed from behind...and I'm so close to you..."

It was a tease, and it failed miserably as Zack turned his head and gnashed his fangs at the Doberman, but when they came back together with a thick, powerful clack , he noticed the presence of his fangs wasn't diminished...but it was indeed shifted , as though the very shape of his muzzle was starting to change. The familiarity of his own scent was disappearing, and suddenly, it felt as though he could only smell Zack's aroma, permeating not only the air, but his very skin.

Turning away from the domineering canine and looking down at the backs of his knuckles, just trying to ground himself, he tried to blame all of it on the alcohol...but the presence of slivers of copper-colored fur among a sea of short, close-kept black made it clear that he wasn't imagining things.

"Feels like y-you might be getting a little too f-fucking close to me," Aaron growled, putting the pieces together and looking back at Zack with eyes that swirled caramel and chocolate together, as if the wolf inside of him was fighting for any vestige of control.

He knew it was a losing battle, but as he gritted his claws against the concrete and scraped fresh trails through the aging stone, he pumped back with his hips, forcing the entirety of Zack's cock into his body; the pleasure was a glorious offset, but it only hastened the transformation, as the Doberman continued sculpting Aaron into a beast of his own image.

"Says the guy who just bucked on my cock like a desperate little slut," Zack murmured, keeping his voice and his breathing in check so masterfully that there was no way for Aaron to know how close he was to climax, even when the minutes of pumping into him from a deep, doggy style pose were rapidly growing. "Doesn't seem like the kind of thing I would do, really...b-but I'm getting a new perspective on that right now!"

From above, Zack could see Aaron's ears sharpening up a little bit and going stiffer near the middle of his skull, keeping some of the elements of the lupine body that they came from, but shifting to fit the canine profile that had taken his head.

Always wondered what the back of my head actually looked like, Zack thought. Looking in a mirror doesn't really do justice to seeing it like this...

In a way, it was just a little eerie for Zack to be pumping into his own ass, and weirder still that he was about to cum inside of it, but looking down and seeing only a nub where a wide, long tail once swished about with pride, there was no denying that the physical transfer was almost complete.

He decided to trust that his cock had passed all the way through Aaron's insides and come out the other end, replacing the more lupine shape of Aaron's natural equipment, instead of reaching around and gripping it in his digits.

"You're almost ready to get out there and get to work," Zack suggested, "But there's just one thing left to do before we toss you to the lions..."

"Find me a n-new outfit?" Aaron asked, but anymore, Zack felt like he was having a conversation with himself, thanks to the shift in the tone of Aaron's voice. "Or are you just g-gonna make me work naked out there?"

"Topless, anyway," Zack assured him. "But if you really think I'm gonna let you get away from me without getting pumped full of cum, must be out of your fucking mind..."

"You mean your fucking mind?"

" Now you sound a bit more like me."

Reaching down and clenching a paw around Aaron's throat, Zack held him close with the other arm and turned his hips to a blur: everything before that was merely a warmup to the genuine, canine act of mounting someone and claiming them from behind, and Zack was talented beyond his years at that act.

The front of his thighs pummeled into Aaron's tighter, firmer backside until full, thick orbs swung up and slapped the thighs of the recently transformed canine. Everything about the approach was familiar, even when Zack had never played with his own asshole before...but there was a strange comfort in knowing that he was taking that right for himself, as if he was proving that no one else would ever be worthy of that.

Tapered flesh pounded forth, moving in such rapid thrusts that Zack couldn't keep from panting aloud, but he still didn't moan or let out a shrill cry, much as Aaron wanted to hear a hint of weakness in his voice.

"Guess...t-this means...y-you're hired, Zack..."

The Doberman felt just a little strange speaking to himself that way, but the powerful length of his cock completely filled Aaron's inner walls, pushing them to the brink and leaving the former wolf with such a full, twitching member in his ass that he felt his own seed spilling to the floor, even before Zack's load erupted within him.

With digits clenching so tightly around his throat, Aaron could only sink into the orgasm and pray that he wouldn't drown, as his old identity was painted over, one full, heated gush of seed at a time, until he'd been mostly replaced in his own mind...and the voice that he heard on the outside was eerily similar to the one in the back of his head: both were taunting him for being taken and filled so easily.

There was no effort when the knot popped into place and tied the pair of canines together, with Zack staying in close and hiking a leg up to make damned sure that he'd complete the tie...but there was no weakness in his face as he looked over the nearly perfect clone of himself.

There was only visceral, twisted delight and a panting grin on his muzzle...and the anticipation of what trouble they'd get into before their shift ended.