Party After

Story by FelixDraconis on SoFurry

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"Frigid bitch," echoed in the hallway as meaty hands gripped the doorframe to keep him upright. Jake was one drunk bull, reeking of beer and sweat, but he was determined not to pass out like the losers out front. The ache of his fat balls made it easier to stay awake. It gave him something to focus on.

Still, it was nothing compared to the angry sting from being turned down. He'd been ready to give that nerdy bat the ride of her life, even if he thought she was ugly. "Prollly shouldn't made fun of her nose," he growled, the words a slurred rumble laced with cheap beer, torn between cursing himself or yet another girl that he couldn't figure out.

That thick bull dick was still twitching uselessly, drooling. His jock soaked in its slime, marinating his swinging blue balls as he stumbled into the sorority lounge.

Jake wasn't watching where he was going, as the room wouldn't stay still, and he stumbled into something big, fuzzy, and wet that he dimly realized shouldn't be in the middle of the room.

"What the fuck?" His foot connected with something heavy and metal, adding another ache and bringing him back further into angry consciousness.

At first things didn't make sense, the bull slowly realizing he was staring into the ass end of a swinging pony. There was a bright pink ribbon tied to its tail, which was curled up and duct taped to the back. A yellow miniskirt framed the grey, mottled legs which were spread out obscenely. The whole thing was hanging suspended by some kind of harness, swinging back and forth from his collision, and quite obviously passed out.

A little longer and the bull realized that pony was a boy, as it had balls hanging out under the skirt. And the smell... it was like a cloud of sex in there. He reached down, wiping over his numbered shirt, which now had a dark slimy stain on it. "Damn," was all his drunk mind could manage when he finally made the connection and noticed the boy's gaping pucker had a wet trail leading down over its balls and everything collected like a warm soup in a heavy bowl underneath.

Jake wasn't gay, but it had been a rough night between the legs and there was no confusion in the signals from this scene. It only took a moment to fish his dick out and yank down his shorts.

The fat sausage wasn't long but he could hardly get his own hand around the veiny head. More than once he 'broke' a potential girlfriend on it and she stopped dating him, the bull remembering in dim flashes. With another angry, drunken growl he wrapped his meaty hands on the boy's legs and held on tight to pull that ass down and keep it from swinging away as he jammed the fat head of his purple dick into the gaping hole.

That pony might have been spread before, but for him it had a nice tight grip as he lowed. Grunting with mindless pleasure, Jake shoved in inch after inch with hard, grinding thrusts. The bull's tail whipped behind him in pleasure as the heat from the unconscious slut wrapped around him like a glove.

Slimy, wet balls connected finally with the boy's own as a last shove lodged his fat head deep and that snug button wrapped around the base of his pulsing, brown dick. "Fuck yeah..." he moaned, as the haze of sweaty, sexual stink from his body mixed with the room and kept his head fulled with lust.

Soon the room was squeaking with the groan of the harness as he plunged again and again, determined to take out his frustration on this slutty bitch. With that skirt fluttering each time he shoved in, it wasn't hard to connect the bouncing unconscious pony with his other failed girlfriends, driving him harder. Hands wrapped tight around those legs, pulling down with each slam as he ruined and stretched out that puffy sore hole.

So much pre roiled out of the bulls' aching balls that it started to ooze out when he pulled back, dripping down into the pail and coating the boy in a wet line. Swear words mixed with angry growls as he fought with the tight heat sucking on his dick trying to make him cum and the hate for all his failed relationships.

In his drunk, unconscious state the boy moaned and shifted, as if his body sensed the abuse and was trying to squirm away. "You fuckin' take this, yeah!" the bull yelled, as his bitch seemed to be struggling, momentary hate spilling out from him as he gripped harder and dug his dull, dirty nails into the slut's thighs.

The sucking heat of that squelching, messy hole won out in the end, as it had to. Jake fancied himself a champion fuck, but he gave in finally to a massive orgasm and just leaned in stupidly when it took over, lowing deep and rich with hard breaths as his drunk brain struggled to keep conscious.

His dick was lodged deep in the pony's gut, its fat head jumping as those balls got the release they ached for. Rich bull slime pumped in hard spurts, adding to the mix already stewing in that hole, as its hanging belly swelled from the forced, hot enema. A little trickle ran out of the boy's stretched pucker, dripping in to add to the bowl, but the bull's dick was just too fat. Inevitably, it had to go somewhere and the stomach gurgled as guts lurched and let wet liquid cum drain up deeper.

Jake was spent, finally, his tail hanging limp, and popped free with a wet squelch as he stumbled back and connected with a support beam. He just had the fuck of his life and all he could do was slide back against it, watching.

The boy's button looked more like a stretched pussy to him now, the grey cheeks pulled apart by the harness and letting him watch the red hole twitch as ruined muscles complained. White liquid drooled out continuously, dribbling down over those balls. Patches of thick, cloudy sperm clung to its fur as the rest drained like a slow river to drip down with wet plunks and add the contents of his balls to what must have been a great party.

Jake was satisfied, all right. This was one bitch that didn't get away.