19 - Cabin Time

Story by Toby Kat on SoFurry

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#19 of The Hitchhiker pt 2

Finally, the long-awaited three-way. There's really not much more to say.

This chapter is rated adult because... well, yeah.

"Look, I'm gonna run over to that market over there, I'll be right back. You need anything, Tig'?"

"Nah, I'm good." Toby looked up from the magazine he was reading. "Just once, I'd like to finish an article I start in a waiting room."

I hurried out. Stu was waiting on X-rays, which shouldn't take nearly as long as they used to back when they were done on film. The triage clinic on top of the mountain identified that his leg was broken, but not how, nor how bad. What we were sure of was that they intended to put a cast on it. And that meant that I wanted to buy a pack of markers. Call it juvenile, but I had always wanted to sign someone's cast, and never had the chance. Either my friends were too careful, or their parents had not let them have any real adventures. The joys of being raised in the Aughts, I suppose. Our parents raised us in plastic bubble wrap.

Back across the street, I dropped a bag of deli-made jerky in front of Toby's magazine. He looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks, Foxy."

"You better share," I cautioned. "Stu will probably appreciate a little protein boost, too. He'll probably be really hungry once he's out of shock."

"Awww, OK."

"Don't worry, I bought two. We'll open the teriyaki one when that one's gone." Toby's ears perked back up.

"When what's gone," asked Stu from the hallway next to the reception station. Aside from the crutches, he didn't look much worse for wear. The nurse followed him out.

"Now the pain meds should be wearing off shortly. You can take these for now, then deliver that script to your pharmacy when you get home. No sense leaving your prescription here and then leaving town," she explained, handing over a wingful of medicine samples.

"Got it," said Stu. He turned to the reception and passed over his insurance card and his credit card, signed the paperwork, then we headed out. "Dover's daughter gave me her fax number. She said to send them a copy of the bills when they were all finalized, and it would be taken care of," he explained.

We headed for the Jeep. "I'm pretty surprised how fast that was, for a Saturday during winter break," Toby remarked.

"Yeah, I asked about that," Stu explained, as I helped him sit on the bench seat in the back. "The doctor said they usually start getting busy about an hour after lunch, so I got in just in time."

"Well, that's nice, at least," I replied once I was in on the other side. "We'll have to send Dover a thank you note for hitting you early in the day," I teased.

"Pfffsh. I don't think that's really necessary," Stu said, drily. The conversation dried up after that as he looked pretty groggy. Toby looked in the mirror and smiled as he saw that Stu had leaned against me and was dozing off. We passed the rest of the ride in silence.

Back in the cabin, I guided Stu to the sofa and helped him prop his foot, while Toby brought our gear inside.

"You're a pretty good nurse," Stu commented as I handed him a slice of jerky.

"Thanks," I said. "My job at the gym requires it. Every employee gets basic CPR and First Aid unless they're already certified, and we can pay for First Responder out of our paycheck if we want to get it, too. Geoffrey won't let anyone teach a training class or have individual clients without it."

"Well, remember to thank him for me," said Stu. "You did some great triage on the mountain, too."

Toby brought him a glass of water and one of the medicine packets, which he had opened. "Figured you're about ready for this, the way you were cringing getting out of the car," he offered.

"Yeah, I think so," said Stu. "I'm glad I have friends who love me so much that they'll stop their ski date to haul me around."

Toby and I looked at each other and grinned. "Yeah," we both said at once.

"Wait, I didn't mean--"

"It's OK," Toby stopped him. "You've always been like a brother to me. Now you're just a brother who sometimes plays with my dick."

"And your boyfriend," I added with a grin.

Stu looked down at his leg. "I don't know what I am. I just wish I could answer that."

"You're a Pine Marten who has two really good friends," I said. "Which means we get to be the first to sign your cast." I pulled the markers out of the grocery bag.

"Are you serious?" He laughed.

"Yeah. And I might just have to draw a dick on it." I waved the uncapped marker at him.

"Don't you dare." Stu glared at me.

"Nahh," Toby said. "Not after what happened to him in Cedar. He'll draw a vagina instead."

Stu looked faint. "How about one of each, with a question mark?" I moved towards his cast. Stu scrambled for the blanket to try to cover his leg, which made him wince with pain. "Easy, easy!" I soothed. "We're just teasing you! But I am gonna sign it first, since I was your first medic today." I did so, then passed the bundle of markers to Toby. The fiberglass weave of the hard cast made it difficult to sign clearly. It made me glad I bought the fat markers instead of the artsy ones.

When Toby finished, he left his paw on Stu's cast, sliding it up his leg. "I know you've been busy skiing and getting checked out by cute nurses. Have you given any thought to dicks and vaginas?" He asked. "Now's a great time to talk about it. We have several hours before the others are due back."

"Not really," Stu answered. "But maybe I'll explore some more." He reached out to Toby, who was now closest to him, and opened his fly. I watched my tiger watch him without protest, lifting himself to make it easier to pull his pants, and his thermal underwear, and his regular underwear down. "Whoo. Just a little whiffy."

"Well, what do you expect? I've been skiing and climbing steep mountains after my best friend all morning," Toby grinned. "I bet you're no bed of roses, either. Showers, first?"

"Showers first," I agreed. Stu looked down at his cast. "We'll go first, then we'll help you while the water heater recharges."

"Actually, I think it's tankless," Toby said. "I heard the pump growling when I showered last night."

"All the better. We can go one at a time then, so we don't leave Stu alone."

"Right," Toby said. "You go first. He's already got me well in hand." All three of us looked down to where Stu was slowly jacking Toby. Stu looked embarrassed, but Toby and I grinned. I headed for the shower, making it as quick as I could. I came back wearing only my towel, and sat down on the edge of the couch. With a kiss from my tiger, he got up and headed for his own shower.

"Find anything you liked on Toby," I asked.

"Those barbs are pretty intense," he said.

"Yeah, I love it. They're even better inside." My tail was thumping the side of the couch.

"Really?" Stu's eyes went wide.

"You'll have to see for yourself." Stu put his paw on my chest, teasing my nipples. I let out a whimper when he pinched one.

"I do remember loving that," he grinned. I replied by leaning forward and kissing him softly. I felt him tense at first, then he relaxed and began to enjoy it. I let my tongue run over his lips and he reciprocated. Soon he was cradling my head in his palm. I had scooted forward to get a better angle, and he ran his other paw under my towel and began to caress my flesh. I rubbed his through his pants. Before long, we both were letting out happy little moans. I heard the bathroom door open.

"Oh! Am I interrupting something?" Toby teased.

"As a matter of fact," I said, then kissed Stu again.

"Well, I'll just go have a second shower by myself, then." He went back into the hallway.

"Nope," grunted Stu, struggling to get off the couch. I stood and helped him. "I definitely want a shower." Skipping his crutches for the moment, he hopped through the small living room, leaning on the furniture as he went. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a spare trash bag, to wrap over his cast. In the bathroom, we helped him to get undressed.

"Well, these trousers are ruined," said Toby, inspecting where the doctors had cut them to give better access to Stu's leg, without leaving him cold when he left the clinic.

"It's OK, I gave them the go-ahead. I have enough pairs, and I don't wear my good ones to go skiing, anyway."

Toby helped him get them off over the cast, and we fully disrobed him. Then Stu looked up and got a good look at Toby. "Dang! When did you get so ripply? You've always had decent muscle, but wow."

"Craig isn't the only one who's been hitting the gym," Toby said, flexing his chest. "I took weights classes on campus so that I could surprise Toby when I finally join his gym next semester."

"And he really did surprise me. I didn't even notice he was bulking up until he scooped me up and lifted me over his head last week."

"Strong tiger," Stu admired.

"Strong enough to put you on this here seat I put in the tub," Toby said, lifting Stu into position, as I turned on the water and we took turns bathing our friend. We paid extra special attention to his crotch, of course, soaping it up and lathering with our paws. When he cried out, we stopped and rinsed him off. Once he was free of soap, Toby ran his tongue up Stu's shaft to make sure he was clean enough, then I lifted his sack and tested around beneath. Yes, we both approved. I fetched Stu's towel from his room and we got him dry, then re-dried ourselves, and Toby carried him into our bedroom, setting him gently on the bed we had already messed with cum the first night. None of us bothered wearing our towels. I tossed them on the foot of other bed to begin to air dry.

"What do you want to try now, Stu? You're in charge," Toby asked.

"Man, when you say it like that it puts too much pressure!" Stu's shaft got a little smaller.

"Well, to be fair, that brings you a little closer to the size of a normal guy," I laughed, holding mine next to his for comparison. "Have you forgotten that you're a lot bigger than either of us?"

Toby leaned in and laid his across both of ours. "Yeah. Totally unfair, Stu." He rubbed the underside of Stu's and my dicks with his paw. Stu immediately got harder again. "Well, there goes that advantage." He kissed Stu, then kissed me, then drew both of us into a sort of weird, triangular kiss. Toby bumped Stu's leg as he adjusted his knee on the bed, which made the Marten yelp.

"Dang, sorry," Toby said. "Gotta remember to go easy with you. Tell you what, let's get away from your leg altogether. So far, we've just been playing and doing oral. Girls can do that, too. Do you want to do something really gay? Something they can't do with you?"

"Umm..." Stu hesitated.

"I think I see where Toby's going," I said. I gently pushed my Tiger back a bit and straddled Stu's waist. My knees were around Stu's chest, which put my feet well above his cast. Toby nodded and helped me settle back, aiming Stu's dick for my tailhole.

"Condoms," Stu asked. "Lube?"

"Lube, definitely," Toby said, reaching into his bag. "Condoms if you want. Craig and I don't use them with each other, and there's only been one other partner. But since you asked," he pulled one out and slid it over Stu's dick with practiced ease, then added a squeeze of lube and rubbed some on my tailhole as well.

Then I looked expectantly at Stu. "Your call."

Stu looked thoughtful for a second. "Um..." He sighed. "Well, in for a penny..."

"...into my ass," I finished, slowly sitting down on his shaft. I watched as Stu's eyes glazed, and he made a silent 'oh' with his mouth.

"I think he likes it," approved Toby. "Nice and slow, now," he reminded me. He didn't really need to, but I nodded. I had to work that massive shaft into me, too, and this was going to take time. But not too much. Soon I was sitting on his lap, wiggling as I got used to his length and girth.

"How's it feel," I asked through gritted teeth.

"I... I don't have words. Am I hurting you?" he asked.

I panted. "A little. Your dick is officially the biggest thing I've ever had in me. This must be how Toby felt the first time he took my knot."

"Your knot?" Stu looked down in my lap, where my knot was indeed just beginning to swell at the base of my dick. When I had stretched enough, I shifted my weight and began to slide back up his shaft. Just a little way, then back down. I did this for a while until it stopped being painful, then I went for longer strokes. Stu moaned loudly.

"Hey, I want in on this, too," Toby said, moving up and hanging the head of his shaft right next to Stu's muzzle. He took the hint and sucked in Toby's dick with a slurp. "Taste better, now?"

Stu nodded, his mouth too full to answer. All three of us began to groan, but kept things slow for the sake of the injured Marten. But not too slow. He began to squirm and writhe. I watched closely and managed to pick out the signs, settling to a stop before he really started to build his climax. "Switch," I said, lifting myself and crawling off the bed. Stu shivered as his head popped free of my tight ring. Toby climbed up and took my place, as I replaced Stu's condom and added some fresh lube.

"Every time you pull out, get a new condom," I instructed. "Doesn't matter that Toby and I are regular partners. The condom could tear, especially during removal." Stu nodded, and Toby settled down on to him, then leaned forward to kiss him as they fucked. I was fine with that, and leaned back against the other bed to enjoy the show, playing with my sack and rubbing my chest. When Stu started wriggling again, I stood and gave Toby's rump a squeeze. He laid his tail on my arm, but slowed and looked back at Stu.

"You wanna cum now, or keep going?"

"There's more?" Said Stu. The lust in his eyes was clear.

"Well, so far, you still haven't really done anything you can't do with a girl," I said as I put a chair against the side of the bed, and folded up one of the towels to pad it. But what a girl can't do, is top you the way you've just topped both of us. Not without tools."

Stu gulped.

"Only if you want to. But since you're on pain meds, it should make your first time a little easier experience," Toby said.

"They might also be messing with your judgement," I cautioned.

"Yeah, but I was already wanting to do this before the accident," Stu said. "I just don't know if I'm ready."

"Up to you," Toby said. "But I can feel you're getting a little soft, so decide quick if you want me to keep going until you cum."

Stu looked at Toby, then at me. Then he looked up at Toby and kissed him. "No, I want you inside me. I want to feel your barbs." He looked apologetically at me. "I don't think I'm ready for your knot, yet."

"It's cool," I said. "Toby's always good for it. Or you can suck me off and taste my load, too." Toby got up and stepped down, using the chair as a ladder, which made him bump his head on the ceiling. We all got a laugh out of that, which was probably needed. Stu was enjoying this, but he still hadn't completely relaxed. Not until Toby put his paw on his head with an "Ooooh, ouch."

I fished out a third condom and offered it to my Tiger, then guided Stu to kneel his bad leg on the chair, and spread his other foot out, while he leaned over the bed. Toby lubed himself up, but instead of going right in, he stepped back and lifted Stu's tail. "My dear, you're being left out here. Care to do the honors?"

I leaned down and sniffed Stu's tail. "No problem." I knelt down behind Stu and licked. Stu let out a surprised yelp, followed by a very satisfied sounding moan. "I think he likes that." I continued to lap my silky tongue over his tail hole, pressing against it until I felt the muscle begin to relax a little. By then he was good and wet. Toby knelt down himself to get in a few licks.

"Ohhh, sandpaper tongue!" Stu cried, squirming.

"Yeah, isn't it great?" I beamed. Toby continued to lap a few more times, then stood up and aimed. I was a little surprised he wasn't going to test Stu's tightness with a finger, first, but this was between the two of them. He pushed his head in, and Stu grunted through clenched teeth. Toby waited until Stu's breathing was more regular, then he pressed in a little. Stu grunted, but didn't clench is teeth, so Toby pressed in more, in a slow, smooth motion. He stopped eventually, not fully in.

"I hit your wall. You OK?"

"Yeah..." grunted Stu. "But... no farther."

"No, I don't think I'll go deeper. Not for your first time." He began to pull out slowly, stopping right before his head was exposed. I looked, and yes, Toby was very excited. His barbs were fully exposed inside the condom. I wondered if they would tear the latex.

"Need a distraction?" I asked. Stu nodded, still gasping for breath. I crawled up and centered myself in front of him. "Just don't clench your teeth while you're sucking on me," I cautioned. Stu grinned, and started to lap at my shaft and balls. Toby began to wriggle, but still wasn't moving. Stu grunted each time. Finally, Toby wriggled and Stu moaned instead. "There we go," I said. Toby nodded and began a slow rhythm, actually fucking Stu now. I pressed my shaft against his muzzle, and Stu took it into his mouth and began to suck. I was in ecstasy. Here I was, with the love of my life, spit-roasting his best friend. We kept up this rhythm for a while until all three of us were groaning wildly. Toby came first, which was no surprise given how tight Stu was. He stayed inside, cumming into the condom, inside Stu's ass, with his paws firmly on Stu's hips. His head was tilted back and he let out a loud growl. I kept Stu going on me, but with Toby still it was easier for him to suck harder, so I came soon after. "Hur, hur... here it comes," I warned. Stu made no indicators to pull off. "Gonna fill your mouth..." Stu nodded, so I let it go with a sharp bark. Stu kept sucking, and I barked a few more times.

"Don't foxes bark when they're looking for mates," Toby asked. "'Cause it's sure turning me on."

"You're... *bark* already turned *bark* on..." I pointed at his crotch, where he was still buried in Stu's rump.

Toby laughed, and pulled out. "Alright, Stu. You gotta cum, too. He carefully turned the Marten over, so as not to hurt his leg, then leaned down and began to lap his shaft. Meanwhile, I kissed Stu and tasted my own seed on his lips, licking his teeth and tongue as well.

It didn't take long for Toby to suck Stu's load from him and he let out a yelp of pleasure. Toby sucked his full climax out, then leaned up to me. We exchanged loads, and Toby leaned down to kiss Stu, letting him taste the mixture of both our seeds as well. Finally, he sank down, kneeling with his chin on the bed between Stu's thighs, and I flopped on the pillow. All of us were panting heavily.

"So," Toby said finally. "Now you've tried something truly gay. Still doesn't make you gay, unless you decide you liked it and want more, and never any girls. If you didn't like it, you're straight. If you liked it, AND you want to play with girls, you're bi. Or if you didn't like it and you never want to touch a gir--" Stu put a paw over his muzzle.

"Shut up," he said, but not unkindly. "You're ruining the afterglow." Toby nodded, then he and I grinned at each other.

I looked at the window, where the late afternoon sun had turned a bright gold. "And your penalty is that you have to get dressed and go make dinner, while I stay here and cuddle with-- er, care for the patient."

Toby made a chagrined face, but his eyes were bright as he dressed and headed for the kitchen. I helped Stu straighten out on the bed and went for the pillows from his room to help him prop himself up. "You wanna stay in here, or head to the couch?" I asked him.

"Here for now... couch before the others are back," Stu decided. "Not ready to bring them in to this."

"Cool," I said. I gathered up some clothes and dressed, then went to Stu's room to find some fresh clothes for him, setting them aside until he was ready to get up. Then we just cuddled for a while. Neither of us talked, and he dozed with his head on my chest. That's how we were when Toby came back to check in.

"The others should be back, soon," he said. Stu woke up. We helped him with his underwear and a pair of basketball shorts, and he pulled on a t-shirt, then Toby carried him to the couch. I had just gotten him re-settled and Toby was stirring the pots on the stove when we heard his Jimmy pull up in the driveway.

20 - Home Again, Home Again

Dinner was relatively uneventful that evening. Our bedroom smelled of sex and that wafted a little into the hallway, but the most we got about it was a question from John about couldn't we stay away from each other long enough to care for Stu? Stu...

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18 - Night Skiing, Day Skiing

Somewhere in the pre-dawn of the morning, I woke up really needing to go to the bathroom. It was a little tough extracting myself because I was the big spoon, and my butt was firmly against the wall. I lifted my head and assessed the situation in the...

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17 - Hitting the Slope

The sun came up late in the wintertime, so I didn't resent it much when, having forgotten to close the curtains, the rising sun woke me up. I was still wrapped around my beloved tiger, though in the night my knot had softened and we had been separated....

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