The Island of Bliss (1) "A Scaled Delight".

Story by Dehner on SoFurry

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#2 of Rakesha: The Island of Bliss

Pavlor awoke with a slight headache. He had been out with Gregor last night at the club because Sharven had to work late due to some warp anomaly. There was nothing to worry about, though, as such things happened all the time.

The evening had been spent drinking a little too much and hanging out at the bar cruising the other patrons. More than a few drinks had come his way, none more so than from a very hefty and blubbery orca. He had taken the drinks respectfully, and after he had been plied some, wound his way back into a private booth with the large cetacean.

Pavlor had not been overly attracted to the fat orca, though once he was inside the room, he found the size of the man to be rather... comforting. The canine climbed atop the orca's back as best he could while having a dorsal fin pressing into his chest. He had knotted up rather quickly after penetrating the orca, and his arms were barely able to reach halfway around the large body. He was tied for some time as well, a good twenty five minutes or so.

But it was morning now, and the slight throb of dehydration thrummed incessantly inside his skull. Winding his way out of the bedroom he saw Sharven asleep on the couch with a stack of papers in a fallen heap at the floor. Picking them up seemed like a good idea, but the throb in his head needed to be taken care of first.

Slipping off into the bathroom, he opened the closet door and fished around one of the shelves for the cure to his ailment. The pill bottle he needed was jumbled amidst several others, and it had an ergonomic grip around the bottle with a bulging cup where the cap should have been. Two green pills pushed up onto bottle top as he squeezed it, and he popped both into his muzzle and chewed. Mint dust exploded out of the green shells, and he chased it down with a glass of water.

The throb was gently easing up as he walked out into the living room to pick up Sharven's papers, barely comprehending the highly scientific words written on them. He was much less the intellectual his owner was, and that fact bothered neither he nor his Master.

Once the papers were in some semblance of a pile, though mostly out of order, Pavlor headed to the kitchen and prompted the self-activating appliances to make breakfast. He was not much in the mood to cook manually this morning due to the fact that the throb in his head was replaced by a sour patch somewhere near his stomach.

He turned on the video display in the kitchen and sat down. There was some news on with a story about the upcoming elections for the cabinet seats in the high council. The talking heads of two whales had a simple and elegant graphic behind them with a picture of a simple wooden desk and a gavel. Apparently there was a scandal with one of the three possible representatives from the current area, but Pavlor's interest in politics was non-existent.

Flipping through the channels he strode past several morning talk shows, none of which had anything more interesting than trashy talking points about the latest gossip on celebrities or the fluffy pieces about some lucky orca winning the lottery. He then flipped past the three weather channels, followed by several of the movie channels. Stopping somewhere near the adult channels (as there were plenty of them) while waiting for the food to complete its processing, an amusing scene of three orcas going at it blowhole style flushed the display. Each one was on his side and had the tip of his dick shoved in another orca's blowhole and there was much squealing and moaning going on. One decided to shoot his load down the hole of an unsuspecting orca. This resulted in a deluge of sperm pouring out and around the ejaculating cock, and a sudden 'blort!' like sound as the injected orca blew the remaining jizz (and cock) out his blowhole.

Amusing as it was, Pavlor didn't find this all too arousing. Lucky that, as the chime went off to inform him the food was done cooking. He flicked the mute button twice, since he didn't quite get it the first time, and trod over to the appliances.

After covering his hands with mitts he opened the ovens and pulled out the mixture of eggs, sausages, some slightly under-done toast and waffles. He placed each individual plate on the counter and left them to cool slightly. Now he had the fun task of waking up Sharven.

He was still asleep on the couch, although he had shifted a little and was now drooping and arm to the floor. Pavlor knelt and gently stroked the sleek, smooth head of his Master tenderly. It took several strokes before he even moved, then a few more before the orca wearily shifted back into reality.

Sharven opened his eyes, closed them, gave a great yawn, shifted, and opened his eyes once more. He smiled, smacking his lips a bit in order to moisten his dry mouth. The smell of his morning breath was a bit potent, but Pavlor just grimaced through it. "Morning puppy, breakfast time already?"

The canine nodded, and leaned in to put a cold, wet nose against the orca's ear hole. Not that it had the same effect as those with earlobes, yet it still caused a light swat to come from a mono-colored hand. "Okay okay, I'm up."

Popping to his feet, Pavlor went into the kitchen to procure the plate and a cup of coffee, then returning to his Master to place them upon the table next to the haphazardly piled papers. He went back for his own, and came out to sit on the floor next to the couch.

Without prompting, Sharven petted his puppy's head and remarked, "Had a ship nearly crash yesterday, doing the reports last night and..." he let out a squeak of a yawn, "was up late getting the last of it done."

"Did you get your vacation time, at least?" Pavlor had been insisting that it was time for a real vacation for the last five months. Gently at first with subtle hints before he was outright demanding that Sharven take some time off.

Sharven looked down and smiled, "Yes, and at the Island of Bliss too. Starts next week, if you can wait that long."

Pavlor beamed a satisfied grin. The plans had been tentative for a few weeks, waiting until Sharven's vacation time went through.

A week at the Island of Bliss would be a great way to relax, especially after all that had happened nearly two years ago. An island paradise where anything and everything can be engaged in sex. Plants, creatures, machines, the hotel staff; it was something that Pavlor had only seen pictures of but had masturbated to numerous times. Movies of some of the attractions to the island were on the hotel's info-page.

"Oh, I guess I can wait," he said, digging his fork into one of the sausages and biting at the end.

"It will give you time to pack. I won't be taking any work with me, but I will still need to be on call in case of any emergencies."

"Yeah, I know."

Pavlor didn't find Sharven's work responsibilities to be too intrusive; it did, after all, give them a very comfortable life with many perks. Like the weekend a few months back where they both got some therapeutic massage calls for free, or the time Pavlor could spend outside the house in the gated community and meet his neighbors and their pets.

"Maybe we could," Sharven began, but trailed off as the doorbell rang.

Pavlor hopped up and looked out the peephole, spying one of the drivers from Sharven's work. He didn't even need to turn around for Sharven to understand what was outside.

"Time for me to go," came the weary intonation. Sharven finished off his food with great scooping motions, and stood up. He gave his pet a firm hug and a kiss. "Be back in two hours, promise." The door opened and off he went, leaving Pavlor alone in the house to clean up.

The week went by about as slow as it could go, and due to the amount of work Sharven was doing in order to keep his vacation uninterrupted, Pavlor had to relieve himself with either his paw, or The Frame in order to keep sane. The week was spent packing, unpacking and repacking as Pavlor kept remembering things he wanted, then took stuff out that he realized he would not need.

Sharven had made a last minute purging of things unneeded and of redundant items the hotel would supply. "And it should, for how much they charge," he commented as he pulled lubricants and toys from the suitcase, leaving in Pavlor's favorite collar. A second suitcase had their leather dress-suits, hoods, gloves and boots.

Pavlor was all dressed up and had his muzzle on, since the trip to the island had to be done by boat, and to get to the boat they needed to take a train.

The company car had arrived exactly on time. The chauffer took the luggage and placed it in the trunk, then opened the door for them to get in.

The sun was just peeking up over the horizon as they drove out of the double gates and onto the main streets. Pavlor decided to rest his head on his Master's lap, and was soon snoozing inside his muzzle. He woke up when the car pulled to a stop outside the train station; a good hour had passed while he was snoozing and now the sun shone brightly above the horizon.

The entrance to the train station was little more than a large lobby with forty foot high ceilings and numerous businesses set along the sides. Vendors and food stores lined either side from the entrance to the gates, while a huge information kiosk stood dead center. Past the kiosk were the loading platforms, located behind armed guards and ticketing booths.

Pavlor and Sharven walked over to the very left booth, reserved for special passengers, passing two fast food places, a flower store, a book store, and two dessert shops. The smell from the pastries and cookies being baked were tempting Pavlor to tug on his leash, a temptation easily ignored considering the final destination of the trip he was about to take.

They walked up to the VIP booth, an orca inside it was dressed in a brown shirt and an odd, half limp hat. The booth itself was designed to be more like a kiosk with four poles sticking up from each of the corners in order to support the angled overhang above. The words, "Express Customer Check-In" shown on each of the four sides of the overhand, colored in green with a white background. A small counter jutted out from the side that Sharven and he was standing on. After some number punching and key strokes in the computer, the attendant nodded and handed back the papers SHarven had given him.

The space between the booths glowed a deep orange, and the two strode through it. The orange light was a security scanner, designed to detect illegal or dangerous materials. Pavlor had been through them several times before, and gave the scanners little thought.

On the other side of the canner was a green line illuminated on the ground. Sharven followed it with Pavlor on his lead. They walked down a long, advertisement stricken hallway just off to the left of the ticket booth. The walls were a stark, reflective brick white and the floor a light granite with colored speckles. The ceiling was similar to the floor, save for the long rows of fluorescent lights cut into the blocks of stone.

Just about a minute down the corridor, the green line they were following bent to the left, and they found themselves on a platform with a train. To Pavlor, it looked like the train had eaten far too much, since it reminded him more of a fat orca due to the way it was colored and how much girth it had. Three other couples were ahead of them, including one triad (two orca's with a single pet), who were standing on the loading ramp. The ramp was garish in its appearance. It had a red velvet siding with a purple canopy, was around ten feet long, and rose at a gentle angle from the middle of the platform to the edge where the train was stationed.

Pavlor and Sharven stood behind a rather thin and tall orca with his lizard. The attendant was carefully putting in names and checking them on his electronic clipboard and as each name cleared, he told the passengers how to get to the correct car.

Sharven handed over the tickets when he was next, and the attendant barely had to look at it. "Mister Wellser, I've been expecting you. Please, enter the hallway, take a right, and your door has your name on it."

They walked down the wide corridor, which wound its way around the special compartments. Each consecutive room was on the opposite side of the train, forcing the hall to turn between them, and preventing them from seeing from one end of the train to the other. After a few turns, the door with their name, "Wellser" along with "Dernfin".

Pavlor felt a jump of excitement, he hadn't seen Rakuva or Tryst in almost four months! The door opened and the lizard and orca were inside, relaxing in two of four recliners that faced a video screen. The small cabin was more like a tiny living room, with a large display screen on the wall closest to the engine, a small table between the reclining leather seats and the display, a huge window with fake leather curtains, and a small refrigerator which most likely held beverages and small, cold snacks.

Without so much as a word, Tryst jumped up and let the paper he was reading fall to the floor. He instantly had his hands around Pavlor's body, and was lifting him up and pulling him inside the room. Sharven followed and took up residence in the abandoned seat.

A slight nibble followed the lizards unclipping of the canine's muzzle. "I missssed you," he said as the telltale hiss of his voice filtered into his words. The lizard sniffed a little inside the muzzle, and licked out some of the saliva left there. It was always a bit odd to Pavlor how his scaled friend needed to sniff at him like that, or to make sure it really was him by his special scents.

"I missed you too! How are you, how's Rakuva?"

The orca responded, barely dropping his paper, "Rakuva is fine, Pavvy," came the response.

Pavlor gave a slight frown or resentment, he wasn't thrilled about that nickname, but Rakuva did like his little digs now and then.

"And I am well, Pavlor. Would you care to mate?"

Pavlor nodded, and he looked over at Sharven, who smiled approvingly before he set about turning on the video screen.

Tryst pulled the puppy into the smaller sleeper room behind the seats and gently pressed him back onto the bed. Pavlor still remembered the first day he had met the lizard, on his knees at the front door; the first of Sharven's friends he was introduced to.

Tryst's mouth went down on the canine's shoulder while his fingers helped slide off the pants that Pavlor was wearing. The furry sheath popped free, but that was not to be Tryst's focus. The lizard gripped Pavlor's legs and pushed them up after sliding the pants the rest of the way off.

"Oh god," Pavlor moaned out as the talented tongue left his shoulder and the snuffling breath of the lizard tickled the hair on his chest.

Tryst slid down between Pavlor's legs, then pressed between his furry cheeks and slid from his tail right to his anus. Warm, dry scales pressed firmly against him while the supple and agile tongue stroked and rocked against him. Pavlor was knotted instantly and began drooling a steady stream of precum onto his belly. The tickle and slide of the tongue was enough to short-circuit the canine's brain, forcing all his attentions upon that one spot of his body.

"Puppy needsss it?"

Pavlor gave a whimpering beg, "Please!"

Tryst was direct, as always, and once he was sure there was enough natural lubricant down at the pup's tail, he slid up and over Pavlor's body. He angled himself so the slick, reptile cock rubbed the canine's knot and furry scrotum. A few, gentle thrusts teased the dog into making more whines, followed by a begging look and whimper.

"As you need," was Trysts response. With an expertly practiced motion, the lizard slid back a little, then forward and right into Pavlor's rump. Both gave a hiss of delight, though Tryst's was more drawn out.

"Ah... fuck... Tryst, just do it."

Tryst took his queue and once he has made his initial plunge with a slow and steady drive, he jerked his hips back to hammer himself rudely into Pavlor's ass. Tryst had a good view of the canine's face, and used his propped-up position over Pavlor to angle himself and thrust with motions to purposefully miss, then hit the prostate inside the warm ass gripping him. Sweet a delight as it was, the lizard was dedicate to Pavlor's pleasure first.

Pavlor saw little except the back of his eyelids while he was pummeled. Strong, bursting slaps against his ass made his head bounce up against the pillow. The unique, dry scent of the lizard mixed well with the dedicated thrusts that now pushed him closer to orgasm, like the lizard was some kind of breeding machine. His paw reached down, gripping the painfully swollen knot, followed by Tryst's encouraging words.

"Yessss, puppy, make yoursself cum. I want you to milk my cock, and I want to sssmell your mussk."

Pavlor needed only to grip and put pressure behind his knot for a second before his muscles twitched and that orgasm forced his tail and anus to flag. Barely a whimper or breath was taken by the canine until the third squirt of watery cum was expelled from his dick. He breathed in hard and whined a howl of delight! He was not too far lost in his bliss to feel the lizard shove in hard and pulse as well. Pavlor opened his eyes as much as he could to see Tryst with his head angled to the ceiling of the cabin and his tongue stiff and protruding several inches from his mouth.

Pavlor held his knot when Tryst slumped down over his body.

Tryst began to nibble and stroke the canine's fur with his teeth. The knotted cock still pumped out semen, and would for another minute or two, and Tryst was patient enough to keep himself hard and buried in the warm, gripping ass until it stopped.

No words were exchanged when Tryst pulled back and began systematically licking and scraping the cum-drenched fur on Pavlor's chest and stomach. The grooming was enough to force Pavlor to succumb to a slight nap, a nap that lasted about half an hour.

Pavlor could feel Tryst curling around him from behind, soaking up some of his warmth and absently stroking his furry chest. The two began to chat, talking about what they were going to try first when they arrived at the island. The talk about the forest paths had gotten Tryst aroused again, and was poking against the fur just above Pavlor's tail.

Both got up and headed back to the sitting cabin, taking up their seats as the video display was now showing a video game that Rakuva and Sharven were playing. Rakuva was beating Sharven, though as well as he played, Pavlor knew Sharven was much better, and was merely letting Rakuva win up until the end, where he would kick it into high gear and thoroughly whoop his ass.

During the third game, of which all four were now playing, the train jerked slightly as the brakes began to bring it to a stop. Taking a quick peek out the window, Pavlor couldn't see the ocean from his current angle, but there was a sprawling city just a few miles away with not much else between the train station and that. Tracks crisscrossed around, slowly consolidating into fewer and fewer lines up until the tracks led into a tunnel, then into the station platform. The train came to a surprisingly gentle stopand the two pets had to have their muzzles reapplied. After being dressed appropriately, they were out the door and down the hall to exit the train.

The train platform was lined with security personnel between the single exit from the train and the doors leading into the main terminal. Pavlor and Tryst were both lead by leash along the platform, then in through the doors and up a small flight of wide stairs. The station itself looked spotless and was well maintained. There were two exits, one to the streets, which Pavlor could see was mosty devoid of anything but a few door attendants and security, and the long dock out to a rather large ship, about a third the size of a normal cruise ship.

There were no security checkpoints to deal with, and they boarded the ramp up into the ship. They walked around the pristine white walls and up to the front where they could sit on the many rows of padded chairs that faced forward. Several others were coming in, and the sound of chatter began to swell as more bodies took seats in the front of the ship.

"Pavlor, over there," Sharven pointed. There was a small speck on the horizon, barely visible from the curvature of the planet's surface. "That's it. We should be there in a few hours. Once the boat departs, want me to get us some food?"

Pavlor, with his insides writhing with anticipation, stomach-gurgled an affirmation before he could nod his head.

"Good, sit down, I'll be back shortly."

Pavlor sat with Rakuva on his left. He was a little queasy, not only from excitement, but also because boats were not exactly his favorite mode of transport.

A hand came down and started gently petting his head. Rakuva, for all his annoying traits, was not that bad a guy. The stroking helped to settle him a little until Sharven returned.

They still had to wait until the ship had departed before the muzzled could be taken off. Pavlor had his removed and clipped to his belt. He had been handed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with a cold plastic bottle filled with milk.

The trip over to the island was surprisingly smooth, Pavlor even got the courage to go to the edge of the ship and peer down at the water. The white frothing ripples were being cut by the shape of the boat, and a large shadow loomed undernearth.

"Whales," Sharven told him. "They love following boats."

"So how come you aren't down there too?" The sarcasm was out of his mouth before Pavlor could help himself. He cringed a little when Sharven's hand came up and grabbed the scruff of his neck gently.

"Because I would not be up here with you," came the tempered response.

Pavlor snickered, and looked up to watch the island getting larger as the ship gently sliced through the waters.