F*cked - Introductions

Story by Marthell on SoFurry

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#1 of F*cked

Today: CT2-5876/01/28

Hi! I'm Zachary Derev, and this is my fuck journal.


Okay, so, what does that mean?

Well, I'm glad you asked. It means that this, right here, is the first part of what will (hopefully) be a continuous chronicle of my various sexual exploits.

But_why_ does this exist?

Actually you're probably not asking that. You're probably ready to pleasure your genitals and eagerly awaiting the end of the intro, but just in case you're one of those weirdos that 'likes to know things' I have taken the liberty of appending various contextual information at the end of this entry. Feel free to skip ahead if you'd like to start with that.

All right, enough pleasantries, let's get to it. Today I'd like to tell the story of how I met one of my absolute best friends and, spoiler, we had a lot of sex.

That Night: CT2-5869/04/14

I met Denn in a gay club, a flashy one.

The walls literally pulsed in time with the music, shifting shape, color and setting seamlessly, from solid slabs of racing rainbow to nothing but empty space and stars.

Tripped Out Fantasy was that sort of club. The sort you didn't need to get high at to feel like you were out of your mind. The sort you got high at anyway.

The bottom floor of the club was illuminated intermittently by different sources of light. At times you were lost in near dark, lit by nothing more than a trillion artificial, distant stars. At others the music itself manifested physically as flashes of color. To say that visiting the club was a disorienting experience would be a huge understatement, but that was the point and, besides, those of us who frequented the establishment grew used to it rather quickly. Traversing the club and rolling with its ever-changing environs becomes second with surprising speed. Sure enough, by that night I was an expert.

Denn was easy to spot on the dance floor. His thick paddle of a beaver-tail swooped from side to side, clearing space behind him, making sure line of sight from leering eyes to his plush butt was as easy to establish as possible. Now, I wasn't particularly in a topping mood that night - in fact I was very much in the mood to get fucked, hard - but still, something compelled me toward the beaver with the fat ass.

My display told me his name and, more importantly, let me know that he was very much down to fuck. I thought why not? and drifted across the dance floor until I was right behind him, not letting that thrashing tail of his scare me off, figuring he'd avoid smacking potential lays.

I danced with him a while, mimicking his style and keeping pace with him as best I could. He was good, and the changes in gravity, tempo and surroundings did little to slow him down or trip him up. Eventually he acknowledged my presence, twisting his neck to steal a glance at me. I winked and gave him the slyest smile I had. He smiled back and backed his ass up until he was basically on my dick. It didn't take much more motion from him to make me hard; soon enough we were pretty much dry humping, me hunched over and resting my chin on his shoulder while I faux pump-pump-pumped between his sadly still-clothed cheeks.

It was pretty much unbearable, and we both knew it. We had to take it up a level.

Denn turned to me and I was finally able to appreciate just how much taller I was than him - a good fifteen, or twenty, centimeters - and with me at a moderate one-eighty that certainly put him on the smaller side, height-wise at least. He had a bit of chub on him, and not just on his more-than-shapely rear. Actually that was part of what made him so intriguing to me. So many guys go full muscle mode or for that inexplicable twinky thick-ass-no-tummy look, Zed, even the chubby ones tend to go full on big-bear dad-bod mode, so finding someone who did things a little different was most definitely a treat. Frankly I thought he was pretty fucking hot. All it took was one look at me and he knew I thought so too.

He brought a paw to my neck and grabbed my collar, tugging hard to bring my muzzle level with his before dragging me into an open mouthed kiss. Neither of us had spoken a word.

In and of itself that wasn't so odd, I've fucked and been fucked by plenty of people I never talked to, but this felt different. It wasn't just a kiss, it was a horny kiss, a straight-up_ravenous_ kiss, and I felt there was something almost romantic about it too. Something personal. I don't know.

Pulling apart he brushed a stray hair from my eyes and, finally, spoke. He was confident and casual; assertive, though a little effeminate. He possessed a unique confluence of affects that intrigued me every bit as much as what he actually said. "Zachary, how 'bout we move it up a floor?"

"Denn," I said, excited, high on adrenaline and whatever else I had pumped into my body on that particular evening. "You're thinking small. How about we move it up two?"

At Tripped Out Fantasy every floor has its own aesthetic, and its own rules. On the first you can dance and flirt and get buzzed. The second is a succession of individual rooms in which you're free to get full-on wasted, fuck and pretty much do whatever the hell you want with whoever joins you. On the third, well, other than respecting ID settings, it's a free for all. Do what you want with who you want, no pleasantries required.

Denn must have liked the idea because instead of a verbal response he smirked and snapped his fingers. A beam of glittering light shot through a newly opened hole in the ceiling a couple meters away from us. Without tearing his eyes from mine, Denn backed into it, winking as he vanished in the light stream. I followed without delay, walking into the beam, feeling the usual sudden rush of velocity, and walking onto the third floor. Behind me the light flickered out as if it had never been there.

The third floor was like a dimension unto itself. It was bright and bombastic, the walls expanded and contracted as if they were breathing, the floor vibrated at the frequency of feverish thrusting, but for all it's flash and fancy it was a far more stable, normalized space than the first floor. It was somewhere you could get things done, you know, other than 'vibing'.

All over were men and enbies in various states of undress, largely engaging in acts of escalating lewdness. Most attendees were anthro animal morphs, but a few base-humans were there too, as well as a few other, more exotic, morphs. Some people were just talking, or wide-eyed, wafting their heads from side to side with the music, probably in some sort of drug-infused stupor. Others were kissing, groping, teasing, fucking in pairs, triads, groups. Holes of all kinds were filled with fingers, toys and dicks both synthetic and organic.

Naturally, I felt at home.

Denn wrapped his arms around me from behind and pushed his paws under my shirt, tugging my tee up over my chest. I pulled it all the way off and turned to him. He was already shirtless.

I leant down to his level and we locked muzzles again. He dragged me backwards and we went toppling to the floor. Though the floor had felt solid underfoot, it accommodated our descent, becoming mattress-soft on contact.

We tumbled together, paws all over one another, and as we kissed and groped and huffed and puffed we managed to rid ourselves of the rest of our clothes. My dick was hard and dripping with pre as it rubbed against his thick, furred thighs. We pulled apart, utterly out of breath, and he giggled as he brought himself up to kneeling. He had me on my back and was straddling me, his plush rear pushing up against my dick.

In another mood I might've had him right there and then.

The third floor was generally brighter than the first, so this was my first chance to really get a clear look at him. His fur was bushy and brown and his hair was black, fairly short and curled. His irises were an unnatural pink that stood out starkly against the dark tones of the rest of his face and body. He wore a rather explicit expression of carnal lust, with hazed eyes narrowed and his tongue exploring the edges of his parted mouth. But all of that was inconsequential compared to what I had just seen: his dick was locked in a metal cage.

His arousal was plainly visible as his cock strained feebly against the cold, solid, material, totally unable to get entirely erect, yet wet with pre regardless.

"Like what you see?" He asked, knowing full well that I did.

"Of course. In fact, I'm almost jealous, only I doubt I could muster the restraint to keep myself in one of those for long." I grabbed his balls, and gave them a jiggle. He let out an affirmative hum at my teasing and I just had to ask. "How long have you been in that thing anyway?"

"Gimme a sec, lemme think." He said, though it was clear he didn't actually need to think, he was merely making a show of it, acting pensive and tapping his forehead like the answer was dancing elusively on the tip of his tongue. "Oh, that's right, five years."

"Holy fuck."

"Might never take it off. Only ever busting from taking dick is like gradually ascending to godhood."

"Jeez, Denn, you're really making me want to fuck you."

"That_was_ the plan, bro."

I found his offhandedness utterly endearing, I was all smiles as I spoke, already in love with interacting with him.

"_Your_plan." I said. "I had something else in mind."

"Huh? Well, Zachary, don't go keeping me in suspense."

"I won't. And just 'Zach' will do."

"Aight," he said, with this mischievous little smile that made my stomach flutter. "Zach it is."

"So, I was thinking that, maybe, we could make out some more."


"And then present ourselves. Y'know, like, to any takers." I said, he raised an eyebrow. "We could broadcast our intentions, then just let the whole damn club do what they will with us."

"Ah, so you didn't bring me all the way up to the third floor just to impress me."

"I would never."

"Let me guess, you saw me shaking booty down there and figured I'd be up for anything that'd get me filled." I grinned, stared right at him and, very deliberately, shrugged. He burst out laughing. "Why you gotta do me like that?"

"Denn, trust me, coming from me that's a compliment."

"Bet." He grinded his hips back so that his cheeks enveloped my shaft, leaving part of me questioning why I wasn't balls deep inside of him already. But, no, I had plans for the night and when I made plans about the kind of sex I wanted to have then, dammit, that was the kind of sex I was going to have. "But why'd you need me for your lil' slutty fantasy anyway?"

"Well, you know, whoring myself out alone would be one thing, but with you beside me we might just become a full blown attraction." I slapped his butt, and he yelped in surprise. "I mean, have you _seen_your ass?"

"I check it out daily," he said. "Gotta keep that peach juicy, you get me?"

"I get you," I said, nodding. "And that's why we're gonna be tonight's main event."

He narrowed his eyes, then allowed a toothy smile to spread across his muzzle.

"You're a hyena worth knowing, Zach. Add me?"

I sent the request without hesitation and he accepted. I was already daydreaming of ravaging his fat ass for hours on end and teasing him relentlessly about his caged dick while doing so, but that was an idea for another day.

He rolled off of me with surprising dexterity and as I scrambled to my knees he gracefully got on all fours. When I was on fours in front of him our muzzles locked again, and as our tongues twisted we set our ID settings to broadcast our most explicit desires.

If I was nervous about how well this untested plan of mine would actually work, I needn't have been. A trio of anthro dogs began walking toward us almost immediately, as if they were just _waiting_for some anonymous guys to lift their tails and beg for a good ol' fashioned gang banging and, well, maybe that's exactly what they were doing. The third floor of Tripped Out Fantasy was _exactly_that kind of place.

Sensing that we didn't have much time left in even moderate privacy I pulled apart from Denn and wished him good luck. He reciprocated the sentiment with a smirk and a wink, and then the canines were upon us.

From that point on few words escaped my muzzle, but how could they? It was either full of dick or gasping desperately for air between insertions for the remainder of the night. It was all I could do to simply remain conscious.

There was no hesitation from the little gang of anthro men that approached us. No introductions either, and certainly no foreplay. They got between Denn and I and went straight to work. There wasn't even a chance to say 'hello' seeing as one of them, a chocolate lab, had shut Denn up preemptively with his dick. He went in so deep that his knot was pushing up against the beaver's muzzle, forcing him to widen, but that was all I had the chance to see before the tapered end of an anthro retriever's bestial cock was slipping past my lips and giving its regards to the back of my throat.

The retriever grabbed the back of my head and slammed me repeatedly against his crotch as if I was more object than sentient being which, to be clear, I thought was hot as fuck. The final dog - whom I barely caught glimpse of - got in place behind me right away, leaving me guessing at his breed. Then again, it wouldn't have mattered if he was standing in front of me, my entire world was retriever fur at that point.

All I know about him for sure is that he was hung like a horse. Shortly before I found that out though, he buried his muzzle between my cheeks and pressed his tongue up against my entrance. He gave me a real good lapping, lubing me up like a proper gentleman, before sticking that pole of his in me. And, fuck, when I say he was hung like a horse I mean literally. I'm talking full-on horse dick.

I had my system administer a muscle relaxant as he pushed in but, still, I would've been howling the place down if not for another dick keeping my muzzle occupied. The dog on my ass pushed in deeper and deeper until he had hilted, and by that point he must have been a good thirty centimeters in at the very least. My insides felt like jelly. They honestly might have been rearranging to accommodate him safely, I don't know, I'll leave science to the scientists, and Zed, and reap the rewards for myself.

While my backdoor was being ravaged as if I were a breeding bitch, the retriever in my muzzle was treating my throat like it was his personal fucktoy. We were only minutes in and I was already feeling used and sore, in the absolute best of ways. All the while my ears were treated to an auditory cacophony of grunts and moans and shliks and shlops and whaps and _oh fuck_s and little else. I don't care what legendary piece of music inspires you, nothing compares to the sound of sex in action, especially when you're part of it.

We fell into a lecherous rhythm of our own and I closed my eyes, reveling in the physicality of it all and in the absolute pleasure that is pleasuring others. I only jolted back to reality when the retriever in my muzzle mashed my face particularly hard against his crotch and whined, blasting thick jets of seed down the back of my throat. I had to breathe through my nose or risk suffocation, even then I was pressed so firmly against him that I could only _just_acquire the needed oxygen. He kept cumming and cumming and even when I thought he was done he kept going, spurt after errant spurt splattering my windpipe.

When eventually he was done I felt as if I'd just downed a beer. He pet my head and murmured some approving noise about my technique and what a good little slut I was.

But all of that became immaterial to me quickly: the dog on my ass was going for it, hard. It took huge effort just to maintain my grip on the floor as he railed me with his monstrous member. By the time the dog in front had up and left, the one behind was on his final stretch, his balls slapping loudly against my taint with every thrust. For the first time in what felt like an eternity I caught a glimpse of Denn. The crazy bastard had a dick in each paw and, seemingly, two in his rear. The number of people wanting to take us up on our offer had grown exponentially in what must have been no more than twenty minutes. Some kind of feline morph was under Denn, angling to thrust into his hole while another canid was poking in from behind. As the two of them weaved their way in and out of the beaver his eyes rolled back and his tongue lolled out in blissful ecstasy while his paws lazily jerked the dicks they were holding. I may have felt a sliver of jealousy if not for the snow leopard and rat morphs taking their places in front of me, dicks in my face.

I had enough control left in my body to give each of their members an introductory lick, but that was all I could manage before the horse-hung canine behind me slammed my ass with an especially powerful thrust and blew his load. My mind immediately flooded with the kind of ultra-subby thoughts that made me wish I could be nothing more than a mindless cocksleeve from dusk 'til dawn on the daily. I couldn't hold out at that point; I was spraying the floor white as his monster cock unloaded inside of me.

He left me leaking. I felt so full, I felt like I couldn't get any fuller but, of course, I could. That was merely my first rear-bound load of the night, not even close to my last.

Moments and motions began to blur together. I was a whirlwind of dick sucking, cock pawing and buttslutting. We were there for hours, Denn and I, taking toys and fingers and tongues and dick after dick after dick. It felt like we were center stage at the club, like we were the whole fucking reason anybody was even at Tripped Out Fantasy that night. My mind may have been mush, but Zed it felt good to give myself so willing to any and every person who wanted a piece of me. Guys would leave after climaxing only to come back later for another turn. They would queue up to have a go on one of us, then queue again to have a go on the other.

Denn and I were both soaked and dripping an hour into the night - the term cream pie wouldn't do our asses justice - but the fun was far from over. I remember making out with him in the middle of that throng of men, both of our rears in use as our tongues twisted. He tasted of cock and cum and lust. I daresay I tasted the same.

There's so much more I could write, so many more memories of that night spent in Tripped Out Fantasy, but none of the individual moments mattered when compared to the whole. We were used relentlessly and repeatedly, we became mere vessels for other's physical pleasure, and we _loved_it. We were sore, physically tired and mentally exhausted, but what we had gone through was akin to a spiritual experience. We had met a god, or been gods ourselves, or whatever the fuck. Point is: it was divine.

But, yeah, in time the night wound down. People began to leave, the population of willing tops thinned and thinned until it neared zero, but we stayed, and we stayed, until it was just us left. We were battered and used, pushed beyond our limits. I was panting hard, unable to do much more than breathe, lay back and limply wag my tail. I lost track of how many loads I had taken, or how many I had spewed, and as for Denn over there in his cage, I can't say I didn't feel sorry for him. I can't say I wasn't a little jealous.

We helped each other up and limped to the nearest transporter, naked; at that point our clothes were forfeit, out of sight and therefore lost to the aether. Denn said that this was not how he expected his night to go. Then, with great assertiveness, he told me that we should meet again, soon. As exhausted as I was, I felt that to part ways right then would've been wrong. With great assertiveness I told him that he should come back to mine, tonight.

I had caught him off guard again, but he didn't stay shaken for long. He thought, briefly, then agreed. Within a minute we were collapsed on my bed, still damp with cum, but not caring.

"I can barely move," he said, laughing.

"My whole body's aching," I added.

"I hear that."

We lay on our backs, staring at the ceiling in a state somewhere between conscious and unconscious, unmoving and silent, until Denn spoke up again.

"You just bring me here for body warmth, or?"

"Just catching my breath," I said, grinning and - after a preparatory stretch - bringing myself to all fours on the bed. "I brought you here because I just spent the whole night with you and barely even got to touch your magnificent ass."

He groaned and stretched and smiled right at me. "I was hoping you'd say that."

After a couple seconds stretching and limbering himself up, he flipped over and got himself into position, face down, ass up. The fur on his buttcheeks was matted and slick with dried, drying and still-wet cum. On top of that a viscous flow of the stuff was dripping out of his hole. I licked my lips and grabbed his hips with both paws.

"Just so you know, I'm not planning to fuck you, at least not today. I'm still very much in sub mode."

He gave his backside a little shake and said: "I'm not too surprised. Kinda disappointed, but not surprised."

"I'll fill your butt another day, I promise."

"You better, and when you know how good I work it you'll regret not diving in earlier."

"Who said I'm not diving in?"

Before he had a chance to respond I shoved my muzzle between his cheeks and set my tongue to work, tasting both his beautiful ass and the cum of the dozen or more people who blew their load in it that night.

You're either read that thinking 'that's nasty Zachary', or you're jealous as fuck.

In no time at all he was grunting and moaning under the influence of my skilled tongue. I worked him with all the fervor I could muster, which turned out to be more than I thought possible after what I'd been through that night.

When I felt he'd been thoroughly cleaned, pleasured and teased, I stopped. I was hard as a fucking rock, but totally and utterly out of energy. I had used up all of my reserves at that point, even the backup power was down. I fell back on the bed and resumed staring at the ceiling.

"Fuck, bro, you're good at that," Denn exhaled.

"Thank you," I croaked, so worn that It was a struggle to form sentences. "It was my pleasure."

Denn shifted onto his knees and approached my supine form.

"You've been good to me Zach, lemme show you how much I appreciate it."

"Whatever you have in mind, you should know that if I have to do anything even remotely physically taxing at this point I may pass out."

He laughed and shook his head. "Leave it to me sweet cheeks, you won't have to move a muscle."

With that he cupped my balls and winked. Next thing I knew he was deep throating my achingly-hard dick and I was in heaven. I wasn't specifically looking to get my dick sucked that day but, hey, it's not like I was ordering Denn around, in fact I was at his mercy completely, and what sweet mercy it was.

Despite having cum at least half a dozen times over the past few hours, that final climax - in Denn's muzzle - was the best of the lot. It wasn't as wild as the group sex, nor as exciting or intense, but it was far more personal. It meant something. For all the carnal fun of gang fucking, there is something magical about an intimate one on one encounter with somebody you care about and, somehow - with having known him only a few hours - I cared about Denn.

Since that night he's been one of my closest friends. It turns out that getting pounded into a near-catatonic state alongside another is a damn good bonding experience.

Zed, you know what? Writing this was fun. I'll do more of these, definitely. I'll be more adventurous next time too, more explicit, more titillating. I really want to get people's paws moving. This is only the beginning, believe me.


The journal:

So, why exactly am I writing this journal?

It's simple, sort of. I wanted a new hobby. Eliot's been saying I should get a hobby (well, a hobby other than sex) for a while now and, honestly, they're probably right. So, here I am, writing a journal. I mean, it is a journal about sex, but progress is progress, right?

Why_this_ hobby specifically? Why write a digital journal?

The quick answer is: it piqued my interest. A month ago I met a wonderful woman called Mei. She woke up here on the Cube after falling asleep in her bed in 2022, pre Cube Time! But, anyway, long story short we became fast friends and, as I helped introduce her to the Cube, she taught about the time she came from. Apparently she used to keep a 'blog'. I asked her what that was and she said it was an 'internet journal'. I still had no clue what the fuck she was talking about, but after more conversation and some research of my own I figured it out. It was such a novel idea to me, to record parts of your life and put them out into the void, to be discovered by anyone. I expressed my interest in the form and she encouraged me to give it a go myself. The rest, I suppose, is history. So, thanks Em. You may well be the only person reading this but, all the same, I'm having fun.

What comes next?

I have so many stories I could recount, and so many left yet to live. I intend to cover a whole range of encounters from personal favorites - sensual time spent with people important to me, and other impactful memories - to the more out-there moments - utterly lewd and fetishized things that'll make you sticky all over. Suggestions are welcome from anybody who finds this so, Em, you know where to find me, and just in case anybody else actually ends up reading this then feel free to send a message or leave a comment, I don't know. Just tell me what makes you cum, that's pretty much all I'm interested in. Oh, and if I don't have any past experience with whatever you're interested in then, well, I can always make new memories.

The people:

I thought I should provide a quick walkthrough of the most important people in my life. So, here it is!

First of all, there's me. Hey, I'm Zachary. For obvious reasons I won't tend to describe myself in detail in the journal entries themselves, so I'll endeavor to do so here. For what it's worth, I'm not the most subjective of writers on this particular subject, but I'll do my best. I'm an anthro spotted hyena morph with short-ish bleach blonde hair and indigo eyes. I've got a silver ring through my nose and another in my right ear, I pretty much permanently wear a purple collar too. And, yes, before you ask, it's definitely a sex thing. Oh, I also have a little tear in my left ear; I could get it repaired whenever, but I've grown rather fond of it. There's a story there, but I'll tell that some other time.

Next, there's Denn. I love Denn. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry, though mostly white tears, from my dick. What I'm saying is he makes a good cock sleeve, or butt buddy, depending on your mood. Denn's an anthro beaver morph, but you already knew that if you read today's entry. On a more personal note I'm thinking about asking him to be my Mate. I haven't made my mind up on that yet though, so don't tell him. If you're reading this though Denn, you can go ahead and tell me what you think. No pressure. My ego is big enough to absorb a rejection.

Next, there's Em. Em's a total fuckin' pervert.

Finally, there's Eliot-

No. Okay. Em - aka Mei - is a pervert, but she's also somebody I have grown very close to very quickly. We only met a month ago, but I already feel closer to her than almost anyone I know. She's an anthro red squirrel morph and the whole reason I'm doing this journal in the first place. I'll describe her in more detail when she turns up in a journal entry. And, yes, I'm certain she will.

Finally, for now, there's Eliot. My Mate. My only Mate as of yet. They are pretty much the best person I know. They're kind and caring and thoughtful and though they can be emotionally driven and introverted - which means communicating with them isn't always easy for me - I love them more than I can say. They're an absolute demon in the sack too, contrary to what their somewhat plain demeanor may suggest. They're an androgynous, anthro 'Russian blue' breed cat morph and they'll turn up in future entries, no doubt, so expect more then.

I think that's enough context for now, don't you? Regardless, I'm getting tired, so I'm gonna go ahead and call this entry 'done' and submit it.

Until next time, pervert.


I wave and he waves and then I'm gone, and so is he. I can't help but feel he's taken my old life with him. The time that passes between last catching sight of him and getting on the airplane is entirely immaterial. It happens at me, not to me, nor...

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Tail - Epilogue

Eve grabs my wrist as I'm putting on my jacket. I abort the attempt to dress and our eyes lock. "Hey wolf boy, not so fast." She pulls me into a hug and warmth floods through me instantly, melting the mounting ice inside. When we pull apart I kiss...

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Tail - Chapter 24

It's Marty. Instinct kicks in and I slam the door in his face, but he manages to jam a shoe in the gap before it fully closes. He pushes hard with both paws and I'm caught off guard. I stumble back. He steps inside. He's not in a good way. His hair's...

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