The Suggestive Type [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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An anonymous commission.

"H-hey Otto I... I'm trying a new therapy for my... you know... the anxiety thing. S-so if you could kind of not come into... I mean the doctor said I need complete privacy for this..." the fox stammered out, trying to be polite but also knowing that his roommate, albeit considerate of Felix's near-crippling anxiety, had a pretty shaky grasp when it came to the concept of privacy. The otter even tended to forget to close his door whenever he brought a guy over...

"Oh yeah, sure thing. So what's the deal with this new one?" Otto asked, having seen the fox try several would-be cures for his condition in the six months they'd been living together, all with no success.

"It's, uhh... some pills..." Felix said, although the way his therapist had explained it the pills were only a part of the treatment.

It was a new one and a bit drastic according to the doctor, but since nothing Felix had ever tried had worked he'd agreed to it. He was to take the pills and play the little recording device his therapist had handed him, making sure to do it in a room without any stimuli - no TV, computers, phones, and absolutely no interruptions.

Even the warning label on the pills said the same thing, and not in fine print but in big, bold letters. He could understand the part about not using it with any other medication or alcohol, but wasn't sure what the big deal was about no TV, phones or pretty much anything apart from the tapes. But in spite of the dire warnings the fox had been quite hopeful about this new treatment, even though his roommate didn't seem to share his fledgling optimism.

"Oh God, now they have you poppin' pills? You should just come out with me some time, let me have a crack at that shell of yours. Oooooh, in fact I know a frat that's having a party tonight!"

"Uhhh t-thanks but I... maybe if this works out?" Felix said awkwardly. He knew Otto meant well but he found it hard to deal with the otter who had no problem talking to people, apart from not knowing when to stop.

He'd managed to slip away to his room and had prepared everything the way his therapist had told him to. Once he was ready he took his medication, laid down and pressed play on the little recorder, focusing on the voice telling him how he was confident and had no trouble talking to people, all the while wondering if it would actually be true by the time he was done with the treatment. He figured he must have been lying there for about ten minutes, wondering if he'd know when the pills were working when - despite his reluctant promise to leave him alone - Otto let himself in.

"Sorry to interrupt but I just had to give it another shot. I hate the thought of leaving you alone like this without trying to get you out and having some fun. C'mon, I promise it will be great! Come to the party with me and you won't regret it!"


The word seemed to stun the already dressed-up otter and even Felix had to admit to being surprised at hearing it come from his muzzle. He didn't feel all that different, and wasn't even sure if the pills were doing anything. He also wasn't aware of the way his brain had gone straight from hearing a suggestion to acting on it, or the way his sudden acquiescence had surprised his roommate.

"Well that's what I want to hear! Now let's just get you dressed in something... ugh... well, let's see if there's anything in here we can work with..." Otto said, rifling through the fox's wardrobe with an expression of barely concealed distaste. "... and I'll see if any of my clothes can fit you."


"See, aren't you glad I dragged you out of that stuffy little room? I told you that you just need to get out and relax. Look how much fun you're having!" the otter insisted over the blare of the music and the general din of the party-goers.

And even if he'd been more critically predisposed, Felix would have to agree. He was at a jam-packed place full to the rafters of complete strangers (not counting Otto), a situation that a day before had been literally unthinkable and yet he wasn't the least bit anxious. He knew his therapist probably wouldn't be thrilled if he knew Felix wasn't locked up and listening to that recording, but he really didn't feel like he could say no to his roommate.

Even when the otter had pressed a bottle of some fruity drink into his hand and insisted they toast Felix's apparent triumph over his anxiety he didn't even hesitate. There had been rum or something in it, and despite not being much of a drinker, and being explicitly told not to have _any_alcohol with the pills, the fox had drained the bottle along with his friend, his mind buzzing a little before the otter grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to the dance floor.

Felix had no idea how to dance, and the thought of learning in front of a crowd should have been enough to make him panic, but Otto seemed eager to teach him. He tried imitating the slinky mustelid, but when that didn't quite work out Otto gave him some pointers and even used his hands to correct the fox's posture. And even though he had no idea what he was doing when he started he got into the swing of things because no matter what his roommate told him he did without hesitation. He thrust his rear out when Otto told him to, flipped his tail up the way he'd shown him and even ran his hands along his body, despite the fact the stuff the otter had dressed him in was already pretty revealing.

He figured he was doing okay since he could feel eyes on the two of them as they bounced and twisted to the rhythm. Not a lot of female ones, since the few girls present seemed to already be clinging to some of the bigger males around, but Felix didn't really care. The drink had made him feel a little giddy, and he found himself actually enjoying being the center of attention.

"Hey Otto, come here a minute. I think they need your expert opinion on this one..." a wolf called out, parting the crowd enough to give the two of them room enough to slip out. Felix realized that at some point most of the dancers had just slipped away to watch the two of them, and he was aware of eyes following him even as the energetic otter once again took him by the paw and dragged him along. They made their way through the mass of people until they emerged on another little clearing, albeit without dancers. In fact this crowd seemed to be watching a debate of some sort.

"...might have length, but let's face it - it's just a long, red pointy stick." A stallion said, smirking as he addressed the bull standing at the other end of the table.

"Yeah, and while your bitch is bailing on you because she can't get that blunt flare in, I can stick my rod anywhere. Then you just keep pushing in and watching them stretch around you as the eyes roll back and the tongue flops out..." the bull replied, and several people in the crowd chortled at the brazen bovine's description.

"I gotta say I'm with Derek on this one. I mean, I've had my share of cows and never once have I heard one of them sigh and say 'If only you were a bull!' when I was in there..." the third male at the table spoke up, a rhino that was both taller and bulkier that either the bull or the stallion.

"Hey, I'm not talking about just any bull. They don't call me 'Longhorn' because of these..." the burly bovine replied, flicking one of the horns crowing his head to make his point.

"Whatever... Hey Otto, settle this will ya - out of the three of us, who's packing the biggest cock?" the stallion asked, all eyes turning to the twinky otter and by extension the fox standing next to him.

"Ooh, kinda hard to tell. And I'd hate to hurt anyone's feelings..."

"Okay, if the expert's stumped then we're doing this..." the bull said, undoing his belt and dropping both his pants and boxers, with the other two males following his example while the crowd around them became even denser as people tried to push their way closer to the action.

Even with the volatile mix of chemicals messing with his mind, Felix was still shocked by the sight of the three massive males stroking their sheaths in front of a crowd, one that very much included him. Thanks to Otto he had a front-row view of the bizarre spectacle and he found himself unable to take their eyes off the grunting trio as each of them began to pump their meat. There were a few cheers from the crowd, with the female voices sounding noticeably more enthused, but this didn't seem to be an unusual spectacle for this crowd.

"Looks like the party's really getting started. Just relax enjoy the show..." Otto said from beside him, the suggestion immediately sinking into the vulpine's heavily medicated mind.

And as each of the three burly males stroked their growing erections, the fox found his eyes glued to the spectacle as his breathing sped up a little. The last remark of the otter even now cheering the trio on was still running around in his head, ensuring that the easily influenced vulpine really did enjoy the sight of three massive cocks being pumped furiously, their owners grunting and groaning as they stroked and squeezed the fleshy pillars.

"Fuck, I'm gonna need a little more motivation than sticking it to you two to get the last few inches out of this monster. Hey Otto, wanna help out with the prize support? It would really motivate my python to know you'll be sucking off the winner..." asked the Clydesdale, gripping the mottled cannon with his beefy fist and making the veins stand out along it every time he did.

"And just how big of a slut do you think I am?" the otter replied, grinning as the three contestants and what was by now a sizable audience burst into laughter.

"No comment! How 'bout you foxy? You've been staring at it since we started. C'mon, come here and have a taste..." the stallion said, and despite the fact it sounded more like teasing than an actual request, Felix found his feet moving even before he replied.

"Okay." The fox said, the single word plunging the room into silence.

The three massive males looked in disbelief as the lithe vulpine strode up to the towering stallion, all of them holding their breath as they watched the newcomer sink to his knees and bring his muzzle within an inch of the pink and black cock. The Clydesdale's stroking had been enough to coax the whole meaty shaft from its sheath, but the equine rod was still only half-erect, hanging down from the horse's crotch as the stallion waited to see if the fox was just fucking with him or if he was actually about to.

"Whooaa, there you go!" the Clydesdale grunted, his meaty member twitching as two vulpine hands fastened around it.

Felix could feel his heart beating in his chest, his nostrils flaring as his breathing sped up, each intake of breath filling his lungs and mind with the scent of the shaft he was holding. The drink had given him a buzz but he was still sober enough to realize that this was his first time touching someone down there. And even though he'd imagined what this moment would be like, he'd never imagined he'd have an audience when (and if) it finally happened.

Nor that it would be with another male! He'd never really been attracted to men, but as he knelt in front of a stallion cradling his pride and joy in his trembling paws, he found himself strangely fascinated by the prospect of going further. And there was of course no doubt he would. Even while he was still trying to come to grips with what was happening, his hands were lifting the equine cock so that the flare was staring him in the face.

"Yeah, keep going foxy!" came a growl of approval from above just after Felix's tongue swept over the blunt tip of the equines shaft, giving him his first taste of another male. But definitely not the last.

Before he could even think about what he had done or how he felt about it, Felix was carrying out the equine's next command. He kept running his tongue across the flare, and then lower down along the mottled length, lapping up the juices that had trickled down from the tip. The stallion's cock responded to his attentions, blood surging through it as the whole thing swelled and rose. With the shaft now pointing up the kneeling fox could no longer reach the tip, so he ran his tongue lower, licking, kissing and sucking his way past the medial ring, over the thick base of the monster and proceeding to lavish the same attention on the two heavy orbs hanging just below it.

"Fuck Otto, is he like an apprentice of yours, or something?" asked the bull, still stroking his cock even though the contest seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind as he watched the slender fox worship his friends cock.

"No, I uhh... guess he's just making up for lost time..." the otter replied, his tight pants showing a clearly growing bulge as he watched Felix's amateurish but enthusiastic treatment of Derek's stallionhood. He'd thought the fox was cute since they'd first met and had held out hope of something happening before he decided he was straight. That had been early on, before he'd reclassified Felix from 'straight' to 'hopeless'. He still couldn't quite believe the guy who had trouble talking to people was going to town on a shaft even he found a little intimidating.

"Is that so? Come on then Felix, let me feel what that muzzle is like..." the stallion said, helping the fox up and then bending him over with his hands resting on his hips. With the vulpine face now flare-height he gripped his cock with one hand and the back of Felix's head with the other. The smaller male's mouth opened wide and the Clydesdale's mottled meat squirted against his tongue before the tip was pushed in.

"Fuck, vixens always look so pretty when they have a mouthful! C'mon foxy, show everyone here what a champion cocksucker you really are!" the stallion groaned, not realizing that his every word was a command Felix had no choice but to obey.

Of course that didn't change the fact that the meaty tip even now stuffed into his muzzle was the first cock Felix had ever tasted, and having never even been on the receiving end of a blowjob the fox had no real clue about what was expected of him fortunately the crowd that had gathered to watch the three studs compare sizes was full of helpful advice.

"Suck it like you want it!"

"Play with his balls!"

"Let the horsie fuck your throat!"

"Swallow every drop!"

"You've got hands, don't ya? Use them!"

Each command his keen vulpine ears picked up took root in the fox's psyche, and soon Felix found himself moaning around the flare stuck in his mouth, lashing his tongue as best as he could against the blunt tip and feeling a little surge of elation as his efforts made the stallion groan. Acting on advice from the crowd he began to move his muzzle a little lower along the stallion's length, letting the meaty spire slide back almost to the back of his throat before pulling back up.

He found himself enjoying the taste of another male, and he made sure to swallow down the mess the stud's spire was leaking against his tongue. Using one hand to brace himself against the Clydesdale's muscular frame, the other trailed down along the veiny length until he found himself cupping (or rather trying to cup) the stud's swollen testes. A nicker from the Clydesdale's barrel chest told him to keep it up and so he continued to fondle the heavy orbs even as he suckled on the horse's flared tip.

As the calls from the crowd grew lewder, so did Felix' efforts. The fox began bobbing his head up and down, getting the blunt tip of Derek's cock as far back in his throat as he could, all the while either stroking the mottled length or palming the stud's pouch. He realized he was doing a good job when the flare began to swell and the heavy sack pulled up, the two enormous equine nuts outlined clearly before they began to twitch. Felix could see the underside of the Clydesdale's cock swell up as a surge of the stud's spunk traveled up the length but was still caught off guard when a thick ribbon of warm cum shot against the back of his throat. He managed to swallow the thick goo down, but the stallion had just began to empty himself inside his muzzle, and after a few more twitches of that mottled length the fox found his cheeks bulging a little as he struggled to gulp down the stallion's load.

"Hey, don't drown him!" a voice from behind Felix spoke up, and with some obvious reluctance on Derek's part he felt the massive flare being pulled from his muzzle. The Clydesdale was far from done, and as the fox gasped for air the stallion's cannon kept shooting ropes of hot gooey spunk all over his face.

"Don't worry, just look at that face. The little vixen loved every minute and every inch, didn't you?" the stud asked, stroking his mottled length as it sent a few final streaks of equine cum arcing over Felix's muzzle.

"Y-yes..." the fox panted out, before he'd even thought about it. In truth, he hadn't been sure about how he felt about having another male's cock shoved down his throat, but the stallion's suggestion that he loved it took hold in his brain the moment he'd heard it. He_did_ love it, and he was wondering if he could try it again. After all, there were two more impressive shafts almost within reach.

"Fuck look at the way he's staring at us! This vixen wants some _real_fun, doesn't she?" the bull asked, and Felix found himself nodding along without hesitation, even after the bulky bovine had called him a vixen.

"That's what I like to see! All right, clear the table..." he said, proceeding to strip Otto's clothes from the dazed fox's slender frame.

On some level Felix knew he should be more embarrassed than he'd ever been in his life. His face was still glazed with equine spunk and he was now buck naked and being hoisted on to a table as what seemed like everyone at the party gathered around to watch. He caught Otto's face in the first row of his audience, the mustelid looking confused but as eager to see what happens next as everyone else. And if Felix had been uncertain about what was about to happen, the sight of the bull grabbing a tube of lubricant would have made things quite clear.

"C'mon Felix, grab your legs and show me that pretty fox-pussy..." he said, his cock twitching as Felix did as he was told and exposed himself to... well, pretty much everyone.

He saw the bovine male squeeze some of the goo on his fingers before they disappeared from sight. He gasped when he felt the cold slime against his pucker, tensing up as the bull's thick fingers smeared the stuff all over his pucker. After his tail-hole was coated in it he felt the pressure increase, a single digit pushing against the slick ring with increasing force until Felix felt himself open up and the finger sink in.

"Fuck! Can't believe someone this slutty is this tight." He remarked while Felix remained speechless. "Come on Felix, be a good little vixen and relax for me. You know you're gonna have a lot of fun once you do..." the burly male rumbled, and the fox found his body obeying the bull even as he got giddy at the thought of the fun he'd have once he relaxed. He wasn't sure exactly what the horned male had in mind, but for now it seemed to consist of taking more of the thick bovine digit up his slick ass.

The bull pushed his finger deeper in, acting as if he owned the fox's body as the vulpine male tried to process the sensation of having something invading his behind. At first it just hurt and felt strangely uncomfortable, but he soon realized it was just the stretching of his pucker that was giving him trouble. The sensation of the finger going deeper wasn't particularly bad, especially when the bull got knuckle deep and started prodding around.

The bovine fingertip had grazed something inside him and the fox found himself gasping (to the delight of the three leering males) as his sack twitched and his sheath swelled up. The grinning bull didn't miss his reaction and Felix found himself making the most bizarre sounds as the large male began probing that sensitive spot inside him. The fox could feel his toes curl every time he did and wasn't surprised when he saw his slender red length leaking as it slid from its sheath.

"Looks like foxy's wet enough. Time for this bull to do some breedin'..." the massive bovine said, pulling his slick finger from Felix's now thoroughly lubed pucker before gripping his shaft.

As the bull grabbed one of the panting vulpine's legs and pulled it to the side there was no mistaking his intention. Felix wondered if he should at least try and stop the bull from taking his virginity in front of a crowd of strangers but he couldn't seem to muster the willpower to do anything but wait with butterflies in his stomach as the bull guided the tapered tip of his cock to his twitching tail-hole. His breath caught in his lungs when the tip wedged in the center of his slick ring, the bull groaning as an instinctive clench on Felix's part caused him to squirt a bit of pre into the fox's until now virginal behind. And that same breath left his muzzle as a shaky moan as the horned male pushed in, his lubed-up pucker failing to stop the bovine length from sliding deeper in.

"Shit, he's tight! I think I might have a new favorite. Sorry, Otto..."

"Don't kid yourself!" the otter replied, still surprised by the fact that his wallflower of a roommate had relaxed to the point that he was on his back and moaning as the burly bull worked that bovine breeding-rod into his russet rump. He didn't really see a reason for spoiling the fun - Felix was acting unusual but he'd only had one drink and seemed to be in control of his faculties. And judging by the noises he was making and the way his knotted vulpine length was slowly sliding out, he knew the fox was enjoying the tapered red length slowly sinking deeper in.

The bovine tip had been no bigger than the bull's finger, but as the horned male pushed more of his shaft in Felix couldn't help but wince as the red rod became thicker, forcing his freshly deflowered pucker to strain around it. The realization that he'd just lost his cherry to another male should have hit him, but as the hard length of hot beef slid deeper into his body, the crowd kept cheering him on. They urged him to take it all and told him what a good slut he was, the last sort of things a person primed to internalize any suggestion needed to hear.

"Aaaaahh!" he heard himself cry out when the tip of the bovine member pushed against the nub the bull had been grazing with his finger only moments ago. He couldn't deny the way having a hard, throbbing length pressed up against that spot made him feel, and the sensation only served to reinforce the crowds opinion of him. He was loving this, and he _was_a good slut.

"Ungghhh, foxy's clamping down on me..." the bull rumbled. Felix had no way of telling how much of that red pole was inside him, but he could feel his body being pushed to the limits already.

"On it..." the rhino replied, and when he came back Felix found a slender metal spigot being pushed past his lips before the bottle was upended and a stream of liquor filled his mouth. "C'mon foxy, take your medicine..." the grey-skinned behemoth said with a grin as the startled vulpine did his best to swallow.

Felix wasn't really a drinker and the stuff he was forcing down was so strong it burned his throat and almost made him choke before the metal tube was removed from his muzzle, letting him catch his breath. Medicine? He'd taken some medicine before he came here, and there had been all these things he wasn't supposed to do, but as the alcohol hit him Felix lost all hope of remembering what they were. It probably didn't matter though. The point of the medication was to allow him to be comfortable around other people and large crowds, and he seemed to be fitting in here pretty well. Everyone seemed so friendly and eager to spend time with him...

"Didn't go down so smooth, huh vixen? Well never mind, let's get you a drink we know you like..." the rhino said, and a moment later a big, purplish glans filled Felix's vision just before it filled his muzzle.

The fox's tongue was flicking around the head the moment it was past his lips, the pachyderm's girth serving to muffle a moan as the speared vulpine genuinely savored the taste of another male. The suggestion that he liked the taste of cum was now a firmly entrenched fact in his brain and he knew how to coax the thick stream out. He tilted his head back over the edge of the table, letting the rhino push deeper into his pliant muzzle as he focused on the sight of the heavy grey pouch holding balls even bigger than the stallion's!

And while he moaned around the rhino's cock the bull confirmed his suspicion that there was more bovine cock waiting to be sheathed inside his firm ass. He'd been pretty sure that his pucker couldn't stretch any further, but they said the stuff they poured down his throat would help him relax, and Felix found himself stretching even wider as inch after hard, hot inch of the bull's cock slid deeper into his body.

The progress of the bovine shaft seemed to push his own humble length out, with the crowd commenting on how much the 'vixen' was loving it. Felix's mind absorbed the words and they became true the moment he heard them. He was loving this, impaled on both sides by powerful males eager to use him as a sex-toy in front of a cheering crowd. Why had he even wasted so many nights alone in his room when Otto had been offering to take him out for ages?

Well he'd certainly never miss out again! The fox put one hand on the creamy fur of his trim belly, wondering if he'd be able to feel the outline of the bull's red rod. He was deep inside him now and the fox could feel his body adjusting to suddenly having more than a foot of throbbing beef pushed into it. But he was sure he could take it. After all, everyone in the crowd thought so. As he did he made sure to swallow around the other cock, the one poking against the back of his throat as he rubbed his tongue against it. His eyes were focused on that massive pouch, imagining how much the rhino would end up pumping down his gullet. Just the thought was enough to make him moan around the shaft, his own cock squirting against his front at the thought of the rhino cumming in his muzzle. After all, he loved the taste of cum.

"Unghhhh, finally!" the bull growled from down below and as the bovine sack pressed against his cheeks Felix realized that he'd finished sheathing that rod pole inside his sore behind. "Fuck, he's tight. You know if I didn't know any better, I'd swear this was foxy's first time taking a cock up his ass..."

"Are you kidding? You should see the way he's sucking my cock! Like a thirsty heifer on a cow's teat. No offense..."

"Ha-ha. Just for that I'm gonna rail him so hard he bites down!" the bull replied, and Felix could feel his ankles being grabbed as the bull pulled them up and then apart.

He could feel the bovine grind against him, the fox's ass now entirely served up to the horny male who'd just promised to rail him hard. Felix's eyes went wide as the shaft was pulled out, his pucker pulsing around the beefy cock as the girthy rod slid across his prostate on the way out. He was sure at least a half a foot was pulled from him before the bull stopped and the speared vulpine found himself moaning around the mammoth member in his muzzle when the whole thing went back in.

As the bull settled into a rhythm, Felix rallied this was it - he was being fucked. A powerful male had him with his legs in the air and was sawing his enormous length in and out of his speared fucker, grunting in satisfaction every time the fox's pucker clenched down on reflex. Felix figured the crowd was right - he must be a slut. He was letting two guys fuck him in front of everyone and he knew that if a cock wasn't probing at the back of his throat he'd be moaning loud enough to be heard over the cheers of the crowd.

The bull rutting his rear kept the pace slow, either out of consideration for the smaller male's straining body or just out of a desire to enjoy the 'vixen' for as long as possible. And even though his body was adjusting to the steely length invading it he could still feel his pucker being stretched painfully wide every time the monster bottomed out inside him and the thickest portion of the bovine cock was pushed into him. Fortunately the bull's shaft was leaking even more than the rhino gently pumping away at his muzzle, and as the red rod sawed in and out from between his cheeks he found himself wondering what it would feel like when the bull reached the end of his rope and released a torrent of bovine spunk deep inside him.

His thought was interrupted when someone grabbed his wrist and laid his hand on something soft, warm and silky. In his current position Felix couldn't see a thing apart from the floor, the rhino's trunk-like legs and the heavy gray sack swaying gently as the bulky male slowly fucked his muzzle. But as he closed his fingers around whatever was in his paw he felt a tingle run up the limb as the thing he was gripping responded with a flex. The cock was slick and when he began stroking it and felt the medial ring he guessed it was the Clydesdale who'd fed him his load moments ago, and just the thought that the stallion might want to try his ass after the bull was done was enough to get the vulpine paw moving up and down, squeezing and caressing the still tumescent equine length.

He was a little surprised when his other hand was guided in the same way, the fingers finding and closing around a shaft that was as hard as a rock and almost familiar. The surface was smooth and slick, much like his own maleness now leaking forgotten against his abs, but he'd never had trouble closing his hand around his own vulpine shaft. Despite the fact that the newcomer also had a knot he had a cock at least twice the size of the one between Felix's legs, the fox guessing the fourth male must be either a Dane or a mastiff. It only then occurred to him that he might have more than three studs eager to use him and began wondering just how many cocks he'd wind up taking before the night was over. There were certainly plenty of people in the crowd calling out that they were next, and Felix was aware that if it came to it he couldn't turn them down.

"I think that's enough foreplay. Time to breed this little slut..." the bull said, and Felix could feel the grip on his ankles getting tighter.

As the unseen bovine picked up his pace Felix squealed around the cock stuffed in his muzzle as he realized he'd been dead wrong. What the buff bull had been doing up till then had been lazy lovemaking compared to the fierce rhythm he was humping at now. Now he was getting fucked, the bull's hips smacking into his behind as his eyes rolled and his toes splayed out. The red rod was barely being pulled from his ass which meant he was being fucked with the thickest portion of the bulls' impressive member. Each time the rutting male pushed forward he could feel the hairs on the bovine sheath tickle his pucker, the sack swinging below it hitting his ass like a pendulum and hinting at just how much the horny male was about to pump into him.

Whereas earlier he'd been doing his best to stroke the two cocks his hands were wrapped around, Felix found himself gripping the throbbing shafts as if he was holding on for dear life. His jaw was slack and drooling but that didn't stop the rhino from using his muzzle like a fleshlight, the throbbing head occasionally pushing into the fox' throat as the grey male rode his muzzle.

The crowd was going wild but he could no longer hear what they were saying. He could make out a few encouragements for the bull to breed him and in his heavily-medicated state of mind even that idea almost took root before what little sense he had left drove it out. The humping bovine couldn't breed him, but the massive male wasn't wearing a condom on that magnificent red rod, which meant that once the balls smacking against his cheeks unload their creamy burden he would be left a dripping mess, leaking bovine baby-batter while the crowd watched on. It was a good thing he was such a slut, or else he'd die of embarrassment!

With every violent thrust against his backside he could feel his body shifting a little on the smooth surface of the table, almost as if the bull was trying to push him further down on the thick rhino-cock pumping his muzzle. He could also feel his own red length slapping against his stomach, his creamy fur soaked as the sensation of a girthy length rubbing along his prostate kept him on the brink but didn't provide enough stimulation to make him cum.

The bull kept rutting away at his ass but the grunts reaching Felix's ears told him he was close. When the red shaft pistoning in and out of his messy pucker began to twitch, the fox knew what was coming. The whole length seemed to get a little harder and even thicker as it flexed once to no effect, making the fox wonder if he had the wrong idea. But the next time the beefy cock twitched inside him he could feel a wet heat spreading through him, the bull giving a few more short jabs before just hilting himself inside the violated vulpine.

Felix' eyes lost all focus as his attention shifted to what was going on inside him. He was being seeded, pumped full of another male's cum while a crowd watched and cheered, his insides swelling with a flood of bovine spunk kept inside him by the tight seal his pucker was forming along the red shaft. The bull kept his legs high and wide, grinding his sheath against Felix's tail-hole as the dazed fox's ring began to pulse, the little clenches serving to milk the bull of the last of his load.

The rhino mounting his face took advantage of the fox's lack of focus and soon Felix felt his throat swell up as the heavy grey cock slid down it. The huge male pushed forward until his massive sack bumped against the startled vulpine's nose, groaning as he savored the tightness of his throat before pulling out until the bulbous head slipped out of Felix' gullet. The bovine length was still sending a few spurts into his already flooded ass while Felix struggled to time his breathing to the thrusts of the rhino now properly fucking his face.

He was still focused on his breathing when the bull began to pull out. The moment the thickest part of his cock was out Felix could feel warm go begin to leak around the red rod, and once the tip had slipped from his well-bred behind he could feel the bull-spunk gushing from him while the crowd hooted and cheered. Over the sound of a rhino's sack smacking his nose he could hear the shutter-clicks as people got close enough to snap pictures of his no longer virgin ass drooling the bull's still warm load.

"Big breath now vixen! You're about to get that drink I promised ya..." the rhino said, and without even thinking Felix took the opportunity to fill his lungs when the rhino pulled out.

Even if his throat hadn't been blocked by over a foot of hard pachyderm cock, he doubted he'd have been able to breathe with the rhino's massive sack resting against his nose. He could feel a hand rub along his throat making him swallow on reflex which seemed to be just what the male hilted in his muzzle and down his throat needed. He felt the swollen nuts twitch against his nose as the grey-skinned male let loose, spraying a torrent of thick, hot cum directly into the fox's belly.

Considering how far down his gullet the spurting tip was, Felix didn't need to bother trying to swallow, but rather just fight to stay conscious. He could feel his lungs beginning to burn and his vision fade but the time the rhino pulled the girthy monster out, squeezing the last few globs of thick cum over the panting fox's face.

"There's a good vixen..." the rhino said, wiping the drooling tip of his cock on Felix' lips before standing aside.

"And he still looks eager even after all that. Isn't that right foxy? You wanna go for a little horsie ride, don't you?" the Clydesdale asked, slipping two fingers into Felix's still drooling ass as the fox nodded, still gasping for breath.

Felix could feel both the stallion and the canine slip out of his grasp, the former moving towards his ass while what he now realized was a harlequin Dane took up the rhino's position. His ankles were grabbed and his legs pulled up to rest against the stud's barrel chest, the motion causing his violated rump to drool out some more of the mess the bull had left in him. The Dane just let his knotted cock flop against his face, but Felix didn't really need more urging than that. He could hear laughter from the crowd as he began to lick and nuzzle both the red rod and the black and white pouch hanging under it. His vision was filled with the canine length and the biggest, scariest knot he'd ever seen when he felt someone climb the table he was laid out on.

"Hey Otto, we didn't forget about you!" the Clydesdale said even as he ground his flare against Felix's dripping pucker.

"Yeah, I'm sure you didn't. But I figure I can warm myself up a little and help my friend get off at the same time..." the otter replied, and Felix managed to peek from behind the Dane-dick resting against his face long enough to see the slinky mustelid straddle his hips. His roommate caught his gaze and gave him a little smile as he gripped the fox's achingly hard cock and angled it up. He'd completely forgotten his own needs while letting the bigger males use him like a vulpine cum-dump, but his neglected shaft twitched and squirted when he felt the tip brush against Otto's pucker.

The stallion behind him seemed to take that as a cue, and the fox could feel his messy tail-hole dimple a little as the blunt tip of the stallion's shaft pressed against it, before the now loose ring gave way and the fox once again found himself being pried open. The bull's member had been deceptively thin at the tip while the monster the stallion had just shoved up his well-fucked ass started off huge. He could feel his pucker strain around the part just under the horse's flare, the one he knew was the narrowest. The veiny length would get subtly thicker from that point on, and he knew that the base of the drafter's mighty cock would push him to the limits, provided the stud could get that far.

"You know, you really should have let me know what you're really like earlier on. I had a crush on you since we met and we could have had a lot of fun together these past six months..." Otto said, easily lowering himself down his friend's length until even the half-swollen knot was buried under his thick tail. "Mnghh, yeah, I could have had a lot of fun with this..." the otter said, swiveling his hips and grinding his ass against the fox's crotch. "...although if you're into guys like these I guess I wouldn't have really been enough for you..."

"You got that right! The only thing you have that can compare to what we're packing is your arm!" the Clydesdale said, pushing a little deeper into Felix as if to make his point. The otter merely smiled in response, lifting his rudder-tail and giving the stallion a good view of his vixen's cock buried up the snug little behind he'd always enjoyed rutting.

For his part, Felix tried to give the Dane resting his cock against his face some attention, but with the stallion's rod buried half-way up his ass and still pushing deeper and Otto's tight pucker squeezing and pulsing just behind his knot it was hard for him to focus on anything else. The Clydesdale's mottled member pushed much of what the bull had shot up him, but there was still enough bovine spunk to make the stallion's progress easier as he sank what would have been a lot for a mare to take into the inside the slender fox's ass.

Otto was still happy just sitting on him, his hands resting against Felix chest as his own pucker massaged the vulpine knot. He began moving back and forth a little, but remained tied, his own slender pink shaft twitching and hardening as the vulpine cock buried inside him seemed to stroke all the right spots. Felix realized how much he'd been focused on the otter riding his lap when he felt the medial ring press against his straining pucker and then sink in, followed by the thickest potion of the Clydesdale's cock.

Unlike the bull, the stallion currently claiming his ass pulled out only far enough for the ridge at the lower portion of his cock to slide out before the veiny length was driven back in, every throbbing inch of it. After a few test humps that wound up churning out the last of the bull's spunk, the stud began to ride him as promised, humping away at a vigorous rhythm and savoring every cry that same from Felix's muzzle.

Otto also began to rise, moaning out a little as his ring stretched around the vulpine knot before the red bulb slipped out. But the otter went no further than that and with a slight yip he pushed his hips down and easily took the growing ball of flesh back inside him. Despite never having sex (up till tonight) Felix knew what a tie was, and didn't expect the otter to pull off him until he was finished, but the slinky mustelid picked up his pace and was happily ramming the largest part of Felix's shaft in and out of his snug rump. Then again, the fox realized his roommate must have taken some if not all of the males currently enjoying him, and he doubted that even when fully swollen his knot was any thicker that the pillar of equine flesh currently pumping his own rump.

"Fuck! I got so horny watching you - nghhh!- get your brains fucked out... I'm not gonna last mu-ahh! -ch loger..." Otto panted, slamming his ass down on Felix's crotch as he fucked himself on the vulpine shaft.

Even with the canine cock he was nuzzling the fox caught a glimpse of his roommate's dazed expression, the otter never even slowing his bouncing even when his own slim shaft erupted, sending streaks of pearly cum shooting over Felix' chest. The otter's snug ass began to clench around him and he could feel himself getting short on breath as his vision began to swim. Even while still riding out his orgasm, Otto seemed to spot Felix nearing his peak, driving his hips down and clenching up around the pulsing vulpine knot as his friend groaned under him.

Felix almost lost consciousness as he came harder than he ever did before. He could feel his sack twitch with every rope of watery vulpine cum he sent shooting into the mustelid's rump, even as it bounced around with every thrust of the stallion's cock into his rear. Whatever that spot inside him was, every time he felt the Clydesdale's medial ring flick across it he could feel the shaft now buried up Otto's ass twitch and spurt a little harder.

The slinky otter stretched out on top of him, the vulpine cock still held tight under that thick tail as he pressed his lips to Felix's. The fox heard a whoop from the crowd, or at least the female portion of it, as he returned the Otter's kiss, their tongues wrestling a little before the splotchy Dane pushed his cock between them and they began kissing and licking the steely red length together. Either they did such a good job of it or the Dane had gotten too turned on watching Felix get spit-roasted to last much longer, but they soon found themselves both getting a puppy-milk facial as the massive canine squeezed his knot in his fist as he painted the pairs open muzzles.

"Fuck, I can't believe you're taking Derek! Just wait until that monster flares, you're gonna lose your mind..." the otter panted, still completely oblivious to how open to suggestions the fox knotted with his ass was.

And true to his words, when the stallion's tip began to swell up Felix did just that. When he felt his climax approach the Clydesdale broke his jackhammer rhythm, pulling out as far as he could before driving the mottled cock back into his vixen with such force that the table legs scraped against the floor. Fortunately for Felix he only managed three of those thrusts before the trumpet like tip erupted and he kept himself hilted in the moaning fox. For the second time that night (and the second time in his life) Felix felt the swell and throb of another male's cock as it flooded his insides, another rush of thick cum surging into him while he panted and gasped like the vixen they claimed he was.

The stud's orgasm seemed to last forever and the fox impaled on his cock lost count of the ropes of stallion-cum he'd taken. Derek remained inside him right up until the point his mottled monster began to grow soft, and the fox could both feel and hear when the still swollen flare popped out of him followed once again by a torrent of thick, warm seed and the sounds of phone cameras going off. Otto was still on him and they were still tied, but as equine seed drooled from his thoroughly-bred ass Felix knew that even if the otter wasn't laying on top of him he wouldn't have moved. After all, there were lots of other horny males eager to have a go on the foxy slut...


"Ughhh just... shut the fugh up..." the fox mumbled, fumbling at the screen of his phone until the alarm switched off. It was Saturday anyway, so he didn't care about getting up early in the morning. Not after... what happened last night?

Sitting up in bed proved enough to answer the question, as a twinge of pain from under his tail brought some of the memories rushing back. He'd been trying yet another treatment for his anxiety when Otto came in and... and they went to that awesome party! And he had the best time of his entire life! He wasn't nervous or anything...

Even as the details flooded his mind the fox's sleepy smile didn't falter. He couldn't believe he'd almost spent the entire evening listening to some boring tape telling him how he was confident and all that crap, instead of going out and making a lot of new friends. He'd even had a few drinks and he was still fine. He didn't even feel hung over, although parts of him were feeling the wild time he'd had. He let a hand trail down between his cheeks, a puzzled look crossing his face as he found something rubbery where his pucker should have been. It was only then that he remembered Otto getting a small plug out of his bag and pushing it in him before they left, to keep him from making a mess on the car ride home.

He thought about pulling it out but he knew he'd just feel empty if he did. Even though his ass was a little sore he felt like he had a lot of wasted time to make up for, and the thought of a little morning romp was enough to make his plugged ass twitch and his sheath swell. He thought about waking Otto up and seeing if he was feeling frisky, but he got the impression that the otter wasn't much of a top. And even though his cock had looked cute, he doubted he'd feel it after being used by the studs from last night.

A glance at his nightstand showed him the little recorder and the plastic bottle containing the rest of his pills. He doubted he'd be taking them, or seeing his therapist again. He doubted the good doctor would approve of what the fox had done last night, but Felix felt great about it. He was a _new_Felix now, and not one who moped around therapists' offices when there was a world of fun to be had out there, once you realized a stranger was just a friend with benefits you haven't met yet! He was considering where he might find some well-built friends of that variety when inspiration struck and he remembered that there were usually some early-birds to be found at the campus gym. With that in mind the fox strode out of the little apartment in search of some fun...

Like Rabbits [Commission]

_An anonymous commission._ _Warning: This story contains sex with underage characters._ * * * "Like you'd ever hurt me!" Anne said with a giggle, petting the big, eager lump of fur but still being a good girl and keeping out of his enclosure. Well,...

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Insidious Network [Commission]

_A commission for [![avatar?user=455976&character=0&clevel=2]( flimflamfun5]( "flimflamfun5") featuring...

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Gentle Touches [Commission]

_A commission for [![avatar?user=627352&character=0&clevel=2]( JackieTheBunny]( "JackieTheBunny")_ _Warning: The following story contains sex...

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