A Fateful meeting

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#1 of Childhood Destiny

Hello, this is my first work of erotic, and furry, fiction, and I hope you like it. This is only the first to come in this series, so I hope you like the characters and the world I'm building.


and cub warning.

He couldn't even begin to question why he followed. It was instinct. There might be consequences to come, but those thoughts couldn't cross his mind. It was too focused on the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. And she beckoned him to follow.

Icarus had figured that coming to this new school would leave him friendless and alone, at least that is what some of his older friends had told him before he left. Jake had gone through it himself every year apparently, with his mom being in the military. But Icarus had already made lots of friends, despite it only being the first day.

Perhaps his mother was right. Dragons simply had an easier time in life.

He was swarmed when his dad dropped him off at the Youth Academy for Excellence. At only 9 even he thought the name was stupid, but with free tuition to the best, and most expensive, school in the area, well his parents weren't going to say no. And so, Icarus would be starting fourth grade at a new school, and apparently the most popular kid, by simply being novel.

The School's auditorium held several hundred students between the first and seventh grade packed into seats normally intended for parents watching plays put on by overachieving students with something to prove. Today however it held the opening ceremonies. Most students were directed to sections marked for each grade, but not him.

Icarus was directed to a place at the front right reserved for students considered "Special and rare." This was where the species that made of the smallest minority that the government considered endangered where put.

He sat at the edge of one of the rows. The rest of the kids in this section where older than him by a few years, and didn't seem interested in him. This was ok with him after the chaos in the parking lot. It was interrupted however as someone went right past his legs in the tight row and sat immediately in in the seat next to him. He barely caught a glance toward them when a feminine voice spoke.

"Hey, I'm going to get up in a few minutes to head to the bathroom. When I do, wait for a sec, then follow me with the same excuse."

That's all it took for me to follow the young vixen into the hallway, enticed by her strawberry red hair, and subtle sly smiles to follow to what ever end she would lead.

The school was far bigger than he had originally thought from seeing the outside. It had big hallways that seemed to lead on for eternity, with the occasional staircase leading upwards. This fox girl, whom he still didn't know the name of, kept leading him onward, and upward. All this young dragon knew was that she was beautiful, and that was perhaps the only thing that was going to matter.

Eventually the journey came to a stop at a balcony overlooking a courtyard with a fountain at its center. They were perhaps 5 floors up.

She turned to him then and got very close. Close enough that he thought she might be planning to kiss him. The fur of her cheek brushed against the white overlapping scales of his neck.

In his ear she whispered "You are mine now, don't you forget it" before she pecked him on the cheek right below his ear then wrapped her hand in his. She quickly pulled away to look out over the balcony, his hand still in hers. Icarus had turned bright red from the surprise, and despite not thinking straight at the time, he could have sworn the fox's face had also gone red under her fur.

"Yes.... yess...... yessss.......AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The kitsunes voice kept getting louder and louder. This concerned Icarus because he feared getting caught, but with his snout buried in the snatch of his girlfriend Rosanae he couldn't do much about it. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't, don't ha ... don't haaaa ahhh ahhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" She started to convulse as her third orgasm struck. Rosa's legs finally let up around Icarus's neck and letting him breath for a brief moment before pulling him back in.

"How did you get so good at that" she said while catching her breath.

"Well in fact I do this every morning before the day starts for the most beautiful girl in the world. So, you could say I get a lot of practice at it." Icarus added while going up through the gap between her legs.

"She must be one lucky girl, to get such treatment. And such kind words." Their lips met in a damp kiss. Icarus wasted little time slipping his tongue into Rosanae's mouth. From what she had said, she liked her own taste. At least as long as it came from his mouth. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but the bliss of it suspended them in a place of euphoria, where a simple kiss could last hours before coming to a crushing end moments later.

"If we keep at this much longer, we're going to be late for class" It gave him remorsed to say it, but he didn't like breaking the rules, even if this particular activity had already done so.

"If we skip the shower we can keep going for a few minutes." She whispered into his ear, in her sultry voice. At any other time her using that voice on him would have made Icarus buckle and do anything for her, but class would be starting in 20 minutes and if he didn't take a shower the scent of her pussy juices would be on his muzzle for the rest of the day.

"If I don't take a shower everyone is going to know exactly where I've been sticking my nose"

"And what if I want everyone to know that your mine?"

"I don't think anyone questions that fact"

"Yeah, but if my scent is on you then they really know your mine. You're the only dragon in this school, and I know how the other girls look at you. I don't want them getting any ideas that you can be seduced away from me"

"Not a chance of that, you're the only one for me. And you're the only kitsune in this school. It's not like there aren't guys who wouldn't readily try for you if I wasn't around." This kind of conversation didn't happen often, but a part of both of them worried that the other might want something else.

`"Shhhhhhh. Go take your shower. Ill just need to take what I want from you later." With one final deep kiss they parted. Rosa pulled her panties back on from where they hung from one of her legs after the haste to get them out of the way for the morning's activities.

It was still earlier then most of the students would be arriving by, so none of the botanical club members normal showed up to tend to the plants in the green house on the roof. Icarus and Rosa had discovered that the year previous, and ever since meet up here every morning to have a go at each other. Nothing beyond oral yet, as neither of them had an easy way to get a hold of condoms at the age of twelve. Both of them should be 'biologically' ready for kids, but it wouldn't look good to have a seventh grader kitsune to be pregnant. So, while they yearned for more, they both agreed they needed to hold off until they got a hold of protection.

It didn't take long for them to rearrange their school uniform before, with one final French kiss, they headed down to the gym where they could shower. About a dozen of guys used the gym before classes, at least that's how many decided they needed a shower, so Icarus always had company in the public showers attracted to the locker room.

At first this had bothered him, being a fairly shy dragon about his body. He wasn't the 'biggest' of dragons, rather scrawny actually. But over the year he had showered there he become, while not comfortable, used to it. After the shower Icarus had a quick check in the mirror to make sure his clothing and hair where straight. His medium length blond hair flowed between his pointed ears, waiting to properly dry over the next hour or so. His white and gold scales were already dried. And with his uniform up to speck he was ready to go to his first class.

Icarus suffered through math for first period, science in second period, and sociology at third period before lunch, when he finally got to see Rosa. They tended to eat quickly so they could cuddle and talk softly to each other for as long as possible during the break. Icarus and Rosanae shared their fourth and fifth period classes, but they had seats at the opposite ends of the classroom for their English class for fourth period. Luckily, they also had health class together, which for seventh grade was mostly focused on the reproduction cycle for all the different species.

While this class was also very full, like all their other classes, Icarus and Rosa had been placed at the only table of two. Every other table in the health class had been set up in groups of four, but they got lucky as the extra two at their own table.

The biology class for this semester has been discussing the different part of the reproduction system for many of the common species. Today's discussion centered on the reproductive compatibility for different species. Their teacher was an old tortoise woman that had the students call Miss M. Apparently, she had been teaching biology at this school since it opened, and probably another fifty years before that.

"Now, today, to continue our semester long discussion on the reproductive systems of species we will open up the topic of sexual compatibility between different species for viable offspring. This information will be of particular importance for the sexual education lecture at the end of this week that I told you about at the beginning of the semester. Along side that, this information will be personally relevant because it can greatly affect your future relationships and offspring.

"I don't intend to scare you with this. What I have to say today can be intimidating, but ultimately it is up to you to make the choices you want to make when the time comes."

As the lecture continued Ms. M explained that in general the closer a par of species are in their taxonomy, the more likely they were able to have offspring together. It would be in a lecture the following week that the effects of mixing two species would have on the children. The lectures for the rest of the week would center on more specific cases.

With the lecture drawing to a close Ms. M opened for any question. It surprised Icarus when Rosa's hand shot up.

"Yes Ms. Rosanae? You have a question?"

"We went over general taxonomy, but what about...um... 'special' species?"

"Mmm. I never have been a fan of that designation. But, it is what the government recognizes. So for those who aren't aware so called 'special species' are those who's taxonomical classification has never been discovered, and somewhat more importantly, who's genetic sequence is significantly different from what is considered within the 'normal' taxonomic record.

"I will also note here that many of the species that the government considers to be 'endangered' are also special species, although there are some notable exceptions. One endangered species you might be more familiar with is the panda, and its taxonomy is thoroughly known. On the other side are the jackals, who share the trait with the similar looking Leporids family, which include rabbits and hares, of large offspring count.

"Normally we reserve the discussion of these so-called 'special' species to the end of the semester in rather loose discussion because of their rarity, and there for the discussion's irrelevance to most students lives in the future, for which this class is designed explicitly to do. In my time teaching at this school I have only ever taught 3 special species students, of which all where of the previously mentioned jackals.

"However, this year did surprise me with not one, but two new species to my classroom. This is in a way to answer your question by saying that, I am not the most experienced at teaching about, nor personally learned about, special species. But Ms. Rosanae I respect that my normal tactic would not be fair to yourself or Mr. Icarus beside you. What I can say at this time is, in my knowledge, special species are completely incompatible with all other species when it comes to natural offspring. Again, this is with my lack of specific knowledge that I can offer about your personal species. But for now, we are out of time for class. If you two would like to stay after there are a few more things I'd like to tell you.

"As for everyone else, we have only a minute left of the day, so you are free to go. Have a good rest of your Monday. And remember to do the reading from the book that are posted on the website!"

As the other students packed up to leave, Icarus was mulling over what Miss M had said. Not compatible. He didn't think about it much, but he had always just thought that someday he would marry Rosa. Probably. He was only twelve after all.

But with this... he didn't want to dwell on it. Rosa seemed to be taking the news very differently. She was positively beaming.

"What are you so excited abou­--" Icarus started before Rosa shushed him.

"If you haven't figured it out yet I'll tell you after." She whispered back to him. By now the rest of the class had left and Miss M was approaching their table at the back of the class and sat on the table Infront of them.

"I would again like to apologize for my general lack of knowledge to help you about your specific bodies. This class, above many of the earlier biology classes is intended to help prepare our students and inform them about themselves. But up till now this class has not been able to do that for you two. I intend to change that, and ill get to that in a second.

"But first to finish answer your question as fully as I can Ms. Rosanae, I don't know of any cases in which a special species was able to produce an offspring with a different species naturally. However, I've not looked to closely into the matter. I spend most of my time looking for newly developed information about the more common students that I get.

"You may have caught on to how I phrased that. While 'natural' offspring are seemingly impossible, there is a medical way to force compatibility. It's in the form of an extremely powerful fertility medicine that was developed for the purpose of helping people have children outside of their taxonomic family. The major drawback to this method, aside from being ludicrously expensive, is the genetic mixing isn't as clean as it otherwise would be. Wildly different traits are present in the child. We will go over this more next week, but suffice to say this is normally discouraged because most of the time the child is sterile.

"I bring this up because this medicine does work with special species. With some studies that I've read it showed nearly a fifty percent chance for having a fertile offspring." Ms. M said this last part with a sympathetic smile. For Icarus this was exceptional news. Despite his... being twelve and all. It was confusing but helped him.

"The other reason I say this involves both of your statuses as 'endangered'. This government at the very least offers this medicine for free to help, although I don't know for how long that will last. They encourage its use within your own species, but any opportunity to continue your genetic lines is seen as a win to them."

At this point Rosa also seemed to be very excited about the news. Then she said "Oh! So it shouldn't be all that hard after all. To have a family that is."

"No my dear, shouldn't be hard at all when the time comes. And how about you Mr. Icarus. Do you have any question about all this?"

After mulling over everything for a moment he answered "No, no I don't think I have any questions right now. But I might later."

"And that's perfectly alright. Speaking of which, I will be doing some research so that I will be better equipt to answer any of those questions you come up with. Later in this semester I would like to pull the two of you aside after class to privately tutor you about what I find.

"But with that I will let you go for the day. Don't feel afraid to ask anything in the future, I'll be happy to help."

Icarus and Rosa quickly packed up the rest of their things to get over to tutoring. They didn't both need it, but Icarus very much did. So, Rosa always went with him so that they could spend more time together. Today however Rosa seemed to have other things on her mind then studying.

"Come on, spit it out. You've got that face so I know you got something to say." It was an adorable, 'I know something you don't' look she often had around him. It was well earned, she was much smarter than him in every subject, and could connect dots he never would. And something about what Ms. M said had clearly done that.

"You get to find out when we get there. Don't want anyone to overhear this one." She tapped her finger against her snout twice like someone might do in on old film. He couldn't quite remember why he loved her so much. But as she started walking away with her hips swaying back and forth, three tails lazily following along to the hypnotic motions, he could think of a few good reasons.

A short trip across the school later they found themselves at the library where the main floor was setup for individual tutoring from a variety of teachers. Icarus however had a private tutor in the form of his girlfriend. It amazed him just how good at everything she could be. Straight A's in every class, despite all of them being college level. Holding a top rank on the swim team. And amazingly wonderful in almost every way. It was beyond him why she chose, and even stayed with, him.

Icarus couldn't help himself but to gaze at Rosa's beautiful face. With the pure white fur that contrasted sharply with her black nose. The way it transitioned to the light strawberry red of her ears. Her amber eyes holding all the ... she has been speaking this whole time hadn't she, he thought to himself.

"-- and that's whats so exciting about what she said!" she saw the confusion on his face "You haven't been paying attention to anything I just said, have you."

"Sorry... I got distracted by how pretty you are... again." He could feel his shame for not listening to her, again, welling up, and was sure that his white and gold scales were showing his red blush.

"Uuuuhh! Your hopeless. Come on, pull something out of your bag so we can at least pretend you're working on something while I explain it... again."

He quickly pulled out his math homework. It was his strongest subject, and he was actually pretty decent at it. Although Rosa would likely put air quotes around 'decent'. He could pass on his own. If he had too.

"So, if I understand what Ms. M said our little problem is solved."

"Our little problem?"

"You know, the one where if you stick your pen island into my fine china we get a visit by the storks."

".... What?"

"The sex problem dumb dumb."

"ooohhhhhhhhhhhh. Go on."

"Well, from what she said we can't have kids. At least not without that medicine."


"You're really not getting this are you. What I'm saying is that my mouth has gotten to know your slong pretty well, but its finally time for my little sister downstairs to have a go at him without worrying about a kid."

The gears in Icarus's head started to turn as the information began to process. And then it clicked "OHHHHHHHH!"

"Ya, that."

"So, we doing that tomorrow instead of the normal... stuff, I guess."

"Tomorrow? I've been waiting almost two years for this. We're getting out of here early and finding some broom closet for you to make your best effects at nocking me up. And failing spectacularly."

"Y...ya that sounds like a plan." The shear thought of it had stiffened him up to full mast. He'd seen porn with less willing pleas for sex, and he certainly wasn't going to be turning down this one. "where are we going to do it?"

"We can't use the greenhouse, their club will still be in there."

"Science wing?"

"No good, theirs like three science clubs that use up as much of the space as they can."


"I assume it feels like the opposite of being shoved into a locker to them."

"Makes sense I guess... that was a joke wasn't it?"

"Glad your catching on honey. I bet the English hall would be empty."

"Ya. I never can find any teachers there after school."

"Debate is their only club, and they meet in the spare auditorium. As for the teachers they all go to the teachers lounge to grade papers together."

"How do you know that?"

"Mr. Throtan told us that day one, in case we needed to speak with him after school. But you were probably looking at my nonexistent breasts at the time, so I can see why you might have been distracted."

"They're not nonexistent, just not ready yet. Small. But I'm sure they'll be nice and big."


"It ill be nice when I can burry my face in them and use'em as pillows"

"Stop ittt." She was a little self-conscious about hers being so small. Her sisters had been almost fully developed by the time she hit thirteen. With Rosa's birthday a few months away, she was going to fall far short of her sister.

"Ok, ok, I'll drop it. Just like I'll drop them in a few years so I can watch'em jiggle." She gave him a mean glare at that. "Ahem. So aaah, English hall, where you think there?"

"The supply closet by room six. I've been in there a few times, and it's got some good space."

"Well then, shall we get going?"

"Not just yet, we've only been here for like five minutes. Number 37 is wrong by the way."

"What! I was sure I had gotten that one right."

"Yup, 'decent' at math. It's done like this....."

With difficulty they did get some work done, but as the minutes ticked on Icarus couldn't help but let his mind wander away to more exciting topic. Far more exciting topics.

It was easy to slip out of tutoring; they were both there voluntarily after all. At that point after school everyone had already gotten to where they were going, and so no one was around to see Icarus's nervousness. He was convinced his heart might jump straight out of his chest. Others might think he wouldn't be so jittery about it after so long of oral, but he still got nervous and excited about that daily. But to finally have his first time... Icarus was barely able to wrap his head around it.

"Come on big boy, we're not there yet" He was brought out of his trance to realize his cock had found its own way out of his sheath and put a sizable tent in his pants.

He gave a sheepish chuckle "Can you blame him, he finally gets to meet his new best friend."

"Oh, and who is his current best friend?" The question was punctuated with her beautiful smirk.

"Well for legal purposes I'm supposed to say my right hand, but between you and me I think he much prefers a different, perhaps more frequent companion. Many might even call it a divine companion, if anyone else had the chance to try it out. But I have been lucky to find such a singular well of..." the fur of her cheeks had turned a bright red, and Icarus took that as a good sign he'd gone a little farther then was reasonable. He stopped her and asked, "To far?"

Icarus was a bit taller than Rosa, so he had a very good view of her eyes as the looked up into his. "Stupid" she then kissed him on the cheek. "Come on, we're almost there."

Icarus again got to watch Rosa's three tails swishing behind her. He might have lingered longer on the sight if it wasn't for the urges in his pants.

The door clicked behind him, and his eyes adjusted to night vision from the light that crept under the doorway. Rosa was looking away from him, the red hair of her nape tapering past her covered shoulder blades. A thought crossed his mind, a thought he needed to answer before he would let anything continue.

"If your not comfortable with this, not ready... we don't need to do this. I know its safe, but..."

She spoke softly in her reply, "No dummie, I'm just nervous. Like you."

Icarus moved up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Ok. I love you... and I just don't want to mess this up."

"Come on, you're just sticking your cock into me a couple of times, how badly could you mess that up."

"That not what I meant, I--"

"shhs." She startled him by moving her arms past his, up her skirt, and with a fluid motion pulled her red panties past her thigh high socks and off her legs. "Its about time you fucked me."

His brain turned off in that moment, and instincts trained over the past year kicked in. Icarus dropped to his knees and buried his muzzle under her skirt, finding the similar scent of her juices ready for him. His long tongue dove straight into her waiting pussy. The sudden jolt caused Rosa to bend over onto the table she had been facing earlier. Soft moans excepted her lips as he went into the routine he knew she liked. It wasn't long before his face was once again covered in her scent.

Moments later Rosa tensed up, the tight walls of her pussy clamping down on his tongue as she experienced another orgasm for the day. When she began recovering she pushed him back. She normally wanted a few rounds before she let him go, so this confused him. Until she turned around and guided him to the ground so he was laying on his back. She quickly got his pants open where his eager penis launched free of its constrains.

It wasn't the most to write home about, at only five and a half inches. This didn't stop Rosa's lips from skillfully gliding down it regardless. At first she kept her eyes closed as she bobbed up and down on his penis. The sensation drove him crazy with pleasure. Her own tongue licked and wrapped around his member as she worked at it. He was already getting close, his excitement from earlier making him lose control. Then she opened her eyes and looked into his, and he lost control. He was always week to those beautiful amber eyes, and in that moment they showed everything he had come to love about her. Her intelligence, wisdom, and caring nature. The way they sparkled in the dim light of the room, as they always did when he looked into them.

This all culminated into one of the most powerful orgasms he had ever experienced. His white fluid overflowing from her mouth and back around his member. It only took her a moment for her to catch her breath before she dove back in and licked up the remaining cum, never letting this penis soften for a second. She finished her work quickly and sat back on her heals.

"Oh, I've wanted this for so long" she pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her budding breasts and small nipples. She then, with his help, got the rest of his pants off, followed shortly by his shirt as well. Her tight soft leggings rubbed against his scaly legs as she lined herself over his freshly used manhood. The tip kissed her lips for a moment before she slowly lowered herself down. Her lips parted easily around his member, but her progress was slow.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, barely being able to focus on her needs in that particular moment. He was still very sensitive himself, but he remembered that the first time can be painful for the girl.

"shhhhsshhhs, don't talk." Her breathing had become labored, and she'd stopped her descent. "Just give me a sec."

"What ever you need. I'll do any for you."

She breathed in deeply for a minute before responding.



"Thrust into me as hard as you can."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Just do ieeeEEEe--!" It was at that moment he did as she asked and thrust up into her waiting pussy. She was cut off when her words had turned into a silent scream. Icarus for his part didn't know if that was pain or pleasure. But if it was pleasure, he would do anything he could to make that face appear as often as he could. After a few moments Rosa slumped down on his chest, breathing heavily.

"You good" he whispered in her ear.

"Yeah... I don't think I've ever been better."

"I thought I might have hurt you"

"You did, but we knew that would happen. But then it started feeling soooo much better than just your mouth."

"I think I understand the feeling." And Icarus did. He'd been so focused on her that he forgot about himself in that moment, but sitting there then, with his rod between her lower lips, he felt complete. It went beyond just the sex, but the closeness that he got to feel with her, right then. The beat of her heart, and soft touch of her fur on his scales. If this was the end, he could be satisfied.

But it wasn't the end. And soon Rosa sat back up, sliding her back down his shaft and enticing a small moan from her. She then rocked back and forth, moving more with each stroke until just the tip stayed inside. Soon his hips moved on their own to meet each thrust with his own.

Rosa's moans got loader and loader, and Icarus couldn't help himself to add his to hers. They continued at it for several minuets before Icarus could feel his orgasm coming. He tried to warn her, but at that moment she made an unusual chirping noise, not like a bird, by like a mammal might, and that sent him over the end. This was by far the most powerful orgasm he had ever had. He slammed his dick into her and felt every squirt course through him and into her. Apparently, this also sent her over the edge as well because she tensed up and let out a high-pitched howl that filled the small room.

Rosa collapsed back down onto Icarus and they both panted heavily. "So Much better than I thought it would be" she said between breaths.

"Ohhhh yeah"

They laid on the floor for another twenty minutes before either of them felt like getting up, but eventually they did get up and redress.

"So, same thing tomorrow?" Rosa said with a coy smile.