Drac's Rule 34 Harem (Reboot) 3: Playing the Pawn

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#20 of Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem

Draconicon decides to get a little fun with Scar, taking the time to really manipulate the lion to make sure that he gets the sort of dom that HE wants.

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Drac's Rule 34 Harem (Reboot)

Chapter 3: Playing the Pawn

Sponsored by goddamncaptcha

By Draconicon

They arrived in the throne room, and Draconicon's first question was a simple one. He expected a quick answer, too, so they could move on.

"What kind of heir do you want?" the black dragon asked.

As soon as the words left his mouth, it was clear that neither of them had actually thought about it. Sarabi and Mufasa looked at one another, then at him, and then back to each other. The expressions that passed between them were clearly ones that asked the other to speak first, to be the one that actually laid down what it was they wanted.

They haven't thought about this at all.

The only thing up to this point that had mattered was that their heir be male. The fact that he might be able to have other traits had never passed through their minds. Then again, why would it?

Except that most parents were at least a little selfish and wanted their child to either be better than them at something, or be the best at something else, or...well, any number of things. The fact that they didn't have even one answer for him told him that they had all but given up on having an heir in the first place.

Shaking his head, he reached behind him, gesturing at the floor and creating a seat of stone for himself. It was a bit hard, but the smoothness could not be denied. They paused in their stares at one another to look at him again when he cast his magic, but all he did was shrug.

"Feel free to discuss it," he said. "I need to know where I'm going before I can do more than ask that question."

Not quite a full truth. He could have started crafting the spells that would render Mufasa more virile and the queen more fertile, certainly. It was a simple enough magic, something that would be over and done with in seconds, with the remaining work merely a twisting and changing of the seed and eggs to make the most of the traits that they wanted. That was something that any mage could do, particularly of his level.

That said, it was not so precise that way, and he liked to take his time. More than that, he rather liked looking at the pair of royals.

They were rather sexy, very appealing to the eye. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a harem back home, he would have made the offer to take them back. It would have been rather interesting to have the muscular Mufasa walking around, showing off, giving everyone an eye-full with his lack of shame and his sheer confidence. Sarabi, too, had all the lovely markers of the sensual woman, someone that had every reason to be naked and showing off what she had to the world. The pair of them would be wonderful eye-candy for him and the rest of his harem.

But they would still be needed here to fulfill their part of the story. If they were taken out too early, then the story would fail, and who knew how that would affect the rest of the fictional multi-verse? Better to take his fantasies as booty calls rather than true harems.

When the silence stretched on, he sighed. Getting back to his feet, he gestured with his thumb over his shoulder.

"Should I give you some time to talk?"

"Yes," Mufasa said, perhaps a trifle too quickly.

"Yes," Sarabi agreed. "We need to decide just...what we need."

...Ah, it's that, then.

Not that they had no idea, but that they had contrasting ideas, and they didn't want to show a lack of unity before the outsider. That was much more understandable. He smiled, nodding and bowing to the pair of them before making his way out of the throne room beneath the Rock.

He had made it perhaps three steps before he felt the darkness creeping up behind him. Not literal, of course; Scar obviously did not have that power here. Yet, the shadowy, dark-maned lion was quick to emerge behind him.

"You are moving quickly. I have already heard what you did to the queen."

"Nothing more than I was promised."

"And more than I was ever given."

"Are you planning on having her for your favor?" Draconicon asked, looking down at his fingers as if it was nothing. "I could arrange that in little more than a breath, with her new addiction to me."

"Tempting, but no."

"Ah, I see that you have other tastes."

"I have...interests."

"Then perhaps we should take a moment to attend to those interests, or at least, discuss them. Where would be a good place for that?"

"Follow me."

Draconicon followed the other lion, finding himself curious what Scar actually wanted. For all that he had plans for dominating Mufasa and Sarabi for his pleasures, he had other thoughts for their dark-hearted relative. Scar had never been one that struck him as a bottom, at least, not until the later parts of the story. Until then, he had always been the manipulator, the one that pulled the strings, the ones that made others bow before him.

In short, he was a dom, and that tugged at his interests just as much as being on top of Sarabi had.

What might he like to do? Draconicon thought, looking the slender lion up and down from behind. What kind of things tempts him to spill his seed?

Eventually, they stepped into a smaller, but nonetheless secure chamber a few hundred feet from the throne room. Scar looked inside, peering behind any potential hiding places for anyone that might listen. Obviously, he had some plans for the Rock already. Draconicon shook his head. The ambition burnt strongly in this one, which meant that they weren't that far from the birth of Simba just yet.

I'm going to have to time this properly...

Eventually, Scar turned back to him, gesturing for him to step inside. The dragon put the thought of Scar's dark-soled feet out of his head, as well as that narrow rump and long shaft, and stepped inside.

"Close the chamber behind you."

"You are paranoid."

"Yes, I am..."

Well, self-awareness was a thing, at least. He shrugged, gesturing behind him and sealing the rock upwards. They would not be interrupted.

As soon as the quiet descended on the chamber, Scar leaned back, his arms crossed. For a moment, he seemed about to say something, but then he closed his mouth again. Instead, he looked the dragon up and down, and Draconicon couldn't help but feel like he was being measured for something, like the lion had some sort of plan.

He waited, just as quiet as the dark-maned lion was, taking in his own show. The sheer lankiness of the other lion made him look like he would have been a twink in another world, but there was something to his expression that made his lankiness seem like more of a threat, an arrow pointed at the heart of any challenger. The fact that his cock had more length to it, though not so much girth, as the king's did meant that there was something to be enjoyed there, as well. And more to the point, those eyes...

You see much, Scar...but how much...

Eventually, Scar smiled.

"I want you to break my brother."

"...I beg your pardon?" Draconicon asked, blinking twice.

"I want you to break my brother."

"That's what I thought I heard. I just wasn't sure if I heard what I thought."

"You obviously have...talents. And you have done much to the Queen, already. That means that you have other skills, other abilities. I believe that you could put my brother in his place, and when you've done that, then there's little for me to be concerned about."

"Yes, I did clock you as the ambitious one."

"You...did what, precisely?" Scar asked, cocking his head ever so slightly to the side, eyes narrowing in unsure annoyance.

"An expression from my homeland. It doesn't matter."

"Hmm. Indeed." Shaking his head, Scar shifted his position, standing on one foot, balancing on the toes of the other, just slightly showing off his sole in the process.

Draconicon would have looked directly, but he spared a moment to look Scar in the eye. The other lion was watching, seeing what he did. In other words, some of that tale had spread, and he was seeing just how true it was.

Well then...I suppose I can give you something to work with, Scar. You want to force me under you, you might as well have a little ammunition.

So, he looked down. He saw the soft pads along Scar's sole, saw the toes that twitched just as he looked at them, and he could imagine the soft musk that would cling to that sole. He allowed himself ever so slight a smile, something that would allow the other lion to confirm what he had seen.

Then he looked back up, ending the little giveaway. Scar looked as if he hadn't noticed in the slightest, but the dark-maned lion's cock had risen. Not much, not even close to half an erection, but it had risen enough to see, and that was all that mattered. He was confident now, cocky, eager.

"And why would you want me to break your brother?" he asked. "That seems to be more than a moderate favor."

"Oh, only if you aren't considering yourself to be the next heir."

"I'm here to give him one."

"That's the favor that they're asking, is it?"

"The first of several, I imagine. I am here to make things better for the realm as well as them, and succession is a major point of theirs."

"I see...and what, pray tell, is their plan past that?"

"I don't see how it matters. You're here to ask me for a favor, rather than the other way around. And we did settle that as a moderate favor, not a major one. And as you are currently the heir to the land, rather than any of the lionesses..."

"...I see that we are dealing with someone intelligent, then."

"I am willing to see something happen to Mufasa - as I am in position to have my fun with him - but I will not be breaking him. Not unless you can give me a good reason."

Or unless you can 'force' me, he thought with a mental chuckle. That would be an interesting sort of way to enjoy myself out here.

He had always enjoyed the idea of someone pushing him to do something 'wrong' because he had fallen too deep under their sway. Essentially, Scar was trying to use him to take over the kingdom bloodlessly, ruling through the monarch. That was something that would be rather interesting, but not that possible.

"Besides, there's one other problem."

"And that is?" Scar asked.

"I am not going to stay here for long."

He half-expected Scar to be irritated with him for that. After all, it wasn't as if the lion was getting anything that he wanted, and every time that Draconicon expanded the information he had, it was to tell him why this plan, or that idea, or that concept simply wouldn't work. There was nothing to be gained from it.

Or so he thought. Scar tapped his chin, smiling as he twirled a finger through the hanging fur at the end of his jaw.

"I see...then let me ask you for help getting my own heir."

"...You want a child?"

"I want two."

"...Not impossible, but why?"

"Oh, let's just say that there's more than one way to get myself on the throne. If I can last long enough, I'll get everything that I need..."

Which meant that he was thinking of interbreeding, getting a daughter to mate with the king's son. That meant Nala, which meant a bit of incest, but that was always going to be the case.

What else would that mean, though?

Scar said that it would mean that he could seize the throne if he lived long enough. That meant that he believed that he was going to be able to take this and reverse it around. Perhaps kill Mufasa in the future, or at least banish him, and then seize the throne when Simba was proven incapable or too weak compared to Nala?

There were possibilities there. The other heir...probably Kovu, now that he thought about it. Scar needed someone further down the line, and he would make sure that he got someone that was young enough to secure the bloodline in case Simba and Nala never got around to it. The ambitious feline was thinking very far ahead.


"Are you going to claim that one is too much of a favor, too, stranger?" Scar asked.

"The first one, no. The second...perhaps."

"And if I made it worth your while?"

"I would be very surprised if you were willing to do something like that, Scar. I can't really see you in the same position Sarabi was."

"Nor can I. But you..."

Scar chuckled, finally pushing himself away from the wall. To the dragon's surprise, he reached out and grabbed him by the balls, squeezing the large, scaly orbs just hard enough for him to feel the pressure. To really feel it, and the threat behind it.

"You're complicated, aren't you, dragon? You have one side for the females...and another for the males..."


"I can feel you already...and I saw where you looked..."

"And...what does that mean for you?"

"It means that I know what you want. What you really want. You crave a king, and I can give that to you."

He shivered at that voice running down his earholes, but more than that, his cock started rising. Oh, this was one of the benefits of going out and about. Nobody knew his pride, nobody could stain his reputation. Here...here, he could take a little humiliation, particularly since it would be limited. He still had control, but for now...

Scar's hands were already moving, one going around his hip, the other moving to his shaft, tugging the hardening thing down. The lion kept it pointed to the floor, and despite the height difference between them, Scar still managed to loom large. Particularly as his other hand found the dragon's ass cheeks, groping them.

"You have the curves of a lioness...perhaps you should use them for your king..."

"You are - mmph - hardly a king."

"Not yet...but you want one."


"And my brother is not what you need. Not by a long shot."

Scar's finger slipped between his cheeks, finding his pucker in short order. That little touch was electric, sending a shiver down his spine and new energy to his cock. The lion smirked, leaning in.

"Turn around, stranger...let me see what you have..."

"You think I'll just bend over for you?"

"Flying lizard...I know what you want..."

And at that, Scar leaned in, his own cock throbbing, his shaft pressing against the dragon's stomach. He stood in such a way that his balls weighted the dragon's longer, thicker shaft down, almost like he was asserting dominance over the dragon's manhood as well as over him.

"I know what you were staring at...I know what you want. You might present yourself as a hunter, as a power to be reckoned with, but inside?"


"You want this...inside you...touch it."

Scar pulled his hand down, and the black dragon gritted his teeth as he felt that long shaft fill his hand, and then some. It was probably a good ten inches long, maybe eleven, something that would go deep and scratch itches that he hadn't had touched in a while. The feeling of it throbbing between his fingers, the reminder of where it was probably going to go, hit him harder than he expected.

Then again, haven't bottomed in a while...

He looked back to Scar's eyes, even as his hand almost automatically took on the handjob motions asked of it. The lion smirked back at him, unaware that the dragon was already extending more of his power.

If we're going to do this...let's do it right...

A little bit of obsession, some possessiveness, the need to focus on dominating his big butt, the need to own a dragon, a bit of a foot fetish...

Draconicon's gaze carried power, something that anyone in his harem back at home could have testified to. Anyone that had ever met a dragon knew the truth about looking into a dragon's eyes, and the power that they had, and the risk that one took when staring them down. One could be taken and changed without even knowing it.

Scar was lucky, in a sense. He was lucky that the dragon wanted someone that could use him.

Scar smiled as he felt the flying lizard throbbing between his legs, knowing that he'd guessed right. Oh, the beast was more than subtle, there was no doubt about that. He knew how to keep his lusts from being obvious, but if there was one thing that Scar could sense a mile away, it was weakness. And this beast, he had weaknesses aplenty, each of them tied to his cock and balls.

You wish to think with this? I will make you think of nothing else.

Scar slid forward, feeling the heavy shaft under his sac, pressing down just enough to keep it from rising and threatening his own sanctity. This beast had power, and until he was sure that it was leashed to him, he planned to ensure that the flying lizard never thought of anything but lion cock in his own rump.

No, not lion cock. Scar's cock. Nothing but Scar's cock.

The idea hit him harder than he expected, but he still smiled as he looked the reptile in the eye. There was something appealing about taking him, owning him, putting him in his place in a way that no other could do. The lion had every intention of marking him, of leaving him so in love with lion cock that he couldn't think of anything else, but that was going to take time. Time that would be pleasurable, yes, but time.

He could feel something, something like...like a small headache. Tension, doubtless, something that he had been feeling for a while. There was something about the beast that made him wonder if he was in over his head, but every time that worry surfaced, he banished it. There was nothing that he could not handle, nothing that would not fall under his domination.

As he stroked his balls over the reptile's shaft, he stroked his against the beast's belly. It was soon smeared with his pre-cum, and the white-eyed male was shivering under him. He wanted it, indeed...

And has taken it, too...

Scar chuckled, his mouth falling open in a leering smile. He slid his finger just that little bit deeper, feeling for that little button that he had found on other lions in the past. Just a little further, then -

There. The scaled beast thrust his hips forward, fucking the space between the lion's thighs. He smiled, pulling back just a bit, just enough to let that cock throb upwards for them to both see.

"And there it is...the proof of what you are..."


"Turn, 'Drac.' Turn around for me."

After a moment's hesitation and a hint more tension and pressure in the lion's head, his 'guest' did as he was told. As he did, Scar had the perfect view of the rump he had been fondling, and for a moment, his façade shook.


Seeing that large, scaly rump almost took his breath away, and all of his lusts for the lionesses in the Pride faded in comparison to how badly he wanted to ravage that scaly backside. He grinned, running his clawed fingers along the cheeks, feeling the softness that they possessed. So different from the other males he'd seen and touched, not hard with muscle, but soft with fat. Softer, wider, thicker than the lionesses by far, and something that would be perfect for his own personal pleasure.

He forced the cheeks apart, and the scaly one gasped at the sudden exposure. That pink pucker between the black scales was so bright, so vivid, so eye-catching. Scar grinned, spitting on it, and it flexed for him.

"You have done this before, stranger..."

"A time or two..."

"I wager that you have been rutted more times than you've done it."


"I see that I'm right."

He laughed, reaching down and around. It was easy to find Drac's shaft, pulling it down between the beast's legs, and then backwards. The stranger gasped, huffing under his breath, and Scar pushed forward, grinding his own shaft between the reptile's ass cheeks. The feeling of those scales was different to the fur of the lionesses, something smoother, without the slightly stiff strands that he was used to. No poking, no pain, just...easy passage.

"My my. Demanding the use of the entire Pride, and then submitting yourself to the 'weaker' lion. How does it feel to be under me, stranger?"


"Your cock throbs hard. You're wanting more than this. Can it be that you find males more attractive than females?"

"Nnngh...are you going to fuck me or not?"

"Not yet...I am going to make you beg, beast..."

He slid forward, then back, forward, back. His grip on Drac's cock ensured that the stranger wasn't going anywhere, and it was clear that he was the one in charge, that he was calling the shots. Pre-cum rolled over his fingers, and he chuckled as he pulled his hips back, dragging his sac over the shaft once more. He wondered if his scent would cling to the beast's flesh, and imagined marking this male for his own.

Mine, the thought came to him, and it felt right. He might own everyone else, but he will belong to me...

The black-scaled beast was so strange, so alien, but at the same time, appealing beyond the common lot of males. Those hips, as wide and broad as they were, made him look like some oddly-shaped female, but the shaft was undeniably male, something large enough that it would put some of the zebras to shame. He knew; he had tormented them in the past to find out just what it was he could get away with.

He looked past that shapely rear, down along the beast's thighs, and then further down. With the stranger's strange interest in feet, he curiously cocked his head to the side as he looked at Drac's ankles. He wondered what the appeal was, but nothing revealed -

Then the flying lizard shifted position, moving from foot to foot, standing on the toes of one and showing his sole. The damp black scales along the underside, the length and thickness of the foot, and the sudden swell of musk from it brought a different thought to Scar's mind, one of wooden shackles and other things that would mark the beast as his. The idea of taking him and his power was reason enough for it, but...

Images were running through his head, thoughts of having the dragon pinned at his throne, shackled to the throne with chains of bone and bands of wood. He thought of bringing those soles up and -

He had never imagined using a lioness's feet in such a way, but now he imagined his shaft resting between those dark soles. He imagined thrusting between them, taking pleasure from the beast in such a way, marking them. He imagined his barbs raking over the scales and punishing them for their insolence, and he found himself getting harder and harder.

Draconicon smiled as he felt the throbbing heat of Scar's cock between his cheeks. He knew that in a moment or two, he would be getting fucked, and fucked hard, for that matter, but right at that moment, he didn't care. What he cared about was the fact that the hypnosis was taking hold, and that the lion was getting into the spirit of just enjoying him the way that he wanted.

After all, he wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to leave Scar the chance to fuck with him completely. He knew himself, and he knew his weaknesses, and one of them was allowing his libido to lead him around like a steer with a nose-ring. He wasn't going to risk his plans for that, no matter how sexy Scar could be.

So, he made sure that Scar would be possessive, made sure that the other lion was more than willing to just have him. Sooner or later, that need would start driving him to do stupid things, to be more open to what the dragon had to say, and in the end, that would be the thing that saved the Pride Lands. Not Simba, not Nala, not a legacy. Just that simple little adjustment that would make Scar listen when the dragon spoke.

But for now, he was going to -


He gasped as that stiff tip finally forced it sway past his pucker, grinding into him and opening him up. It wasn't the thickest cock that he had ever taken, but it was a good, long one, and he felt it going nice and deep. It punched in hard, going as deep as it could right off the bat, and he shivered at the new pressure on his prostate.

Scar surprised him, lifting one of his legs up, and the king's brother gripped him around the ankle with a death-grip. He huffed as the shift in position made that dick go even further into him, grinding so far that he could feel it up in his guts.

"That's it...you know who you belong to, now..."

"Mmmph...I don't belong...to anyone."

"You will. Mmm, you will."

And with that, the humping started. Smack, smack, smack went those hips, slamming into him and driving that meaty shaft in as far as it would go. One thrust after another, each one driving Scar's shaft and his influence in all the deeper. Draconicon's cock leaped up, almost hitting the rock wall in front of him, and he panted hard as he was filled and emptied, filled and emptied.

Oh yeah...that's it...scratch that itch...

He rolled his eyes back, closing them as he was hammered into the rock wall. Scar's lack of girth wasn't a problem, really. Not compared to the sheer ferocity of the fuck. Each slap of fur on scales made him all the harder, his cock dripping to the floor.

"You will...be mine. I will own your fat rump, beast."

Fat? It was hardly -


He hissed at the sudden spank, a shiver running down his spine for a very good reason. He blushed at the bouncing, rippling feeling that followed, knowing that Scar was putting the lie to his protests. Okay, it was a little fat, mostly because he had gotten bigger over the years, but that was not that bad. He'd work it off. Eventually.

In, out, in, out, followed by the occasional slap and the deep growl of the lion's lusts and needs. Scar had already lasted longer than he expected, and he groaned as he felt the lion moving to change positions again. This time, they were going down, down, down.

Draconicon landed on his back, flipped over so that his legs were in the air and Scar was looming over him again. The black-maned lion seemed intent on keeping himself on the top, showing where he believed himself to belong. He smiled up at the king's brother, cocking his head to the side.

"Is that all?"


This time, Scar got a grip on both of his ankles, pushing them back as far as they would go. It strained his thigh muscles, and more than a little bit, but there was something about having his feet trapped that made him all the more excited. He curled his toes as that cock brushed against his pucker, and then it went in again.


"Yes...your body knows what you want...even if you deny it..."

If only Scar knew that he was playing the role of the hired-dom at the moment, he was sure that the lion would hit the ceiling. The mental image of a Donald Duck tantrum coming from the famous lion was almost enough to spoil the mood, and he nearly choked as he pushed the laughter back down.

As it stood, he focused more on the pleasure that he was getting, the constant humping, grinding, thrusting. The pressure on his prostate, the claws pricking at the edges of his ankles, the smack, smack, smack of those balls on the base of his tail: that was where the pleasure was coming from, and that was what he needed. He groaned, arching his back off the floor, his cock spitting pre-cum all over his stomach.

"Your body is being honest...listen to it, beast...listen to how much it craves to be mine..."

Even now, there was some truth to that. He could feel every spasming clench through his hole, the needy sensation that came from being fucked every time. He could see the possessive glare Scar was taking on, the need that the lion had to own him, and that utter desire stirred the same thing that it always stirred in him. That needy, horny urge to be owned, to be wanted that badly, that -

Okay, shut that down, right now...

The dragon pushed that thought down, just allowing himself to indulge in getting that pleasure that he craved. Scar's long dick was going deep every single time, and that meant that he was getting all that he could ever want. He moaned under his breath, curling his toes in raw pleasure, and he felt the shaft inside him twitch. Oh, yes, the hypnotized foot fetish was definitely taking root in Scar's mind.

Just...a bit more...

He could feel his cock throbbing, begging to be allowed release. Just as he felt it coming, Scar let go of his ankle, reaching down and grabbing him by the base of his cock. He groaned at the sudden shift, the near-orgasm fading away. Scar chuckled.

"Ah ah...if this belongs to me...you aren't finishing yet..."

Finding that an acceptable compromise for the moment, the dragon nodded. He held back, and the fucking continued.

The End

Summary: Draconicon decides to get a little fun with Scar, taking the time to really manipulate the lion to make sure that he gets the sort of dom that HE wants.

Tags: M/M, dragon, lion, lion king, the lion king, anthro, series, rule 34, Scar, anal, foot fetish, mind control, teasing, embarrassment, domination,