Don't Eat The Seeds

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A botanical specialized alchemist gets to work trying to revive a species of plant, the fire melon. She unfortunately overdoes it on the growth magic, and while that would not have normally been that much of an issue- she also swallowed one of the growth infused seeds.

(F Plant Pregnancy, psudo-Dryad TF)

Magnolia was an alchemist for the royal Arcaea court, specializing in botany. Transmutation alchemists needed the potion alchemists to create solvants and catalysts to purify material to transmute. And the potion alchemists rely on the botanical alchemists for the material to make their potions. So really she was a foundational pillar for the other alchemists. Even if the botanical alchemists were the least known variant, because only other alchemists ever really required their services. Even if you don't have allergies, walking into their lab was likely to choke someone not accustomed to the high concentration of pollin, and the sheer number of different smells in the air. Most plants were divided into their own sections, but the central greenhouse had a little of everything, so they could test how the plants mingled with one another in an attempt to create a realistic environment. They had plenty of off-site plantations as well for growing the number of certain plants. All the plants within the facility were for research, not breeding.

It was an exciting day when the royal alchemy guild green-lit the expedition into some ancient ruins that were relatively close to Arcaea. The site had been shut down thanks to a rogue Paragon- one of the kingdom's founders who was exiled for practicing dangerous magics and alchemy. Since he was exiled he has gone by the title of The Great Fool, and at the temple a short while ago released a building sized Alraune he created that ran amuck and had to be killed by the royal guard. The part the alchemist guild had been waiting for was to get at all the mutated plants spawned from the Alraune's body. All of the unique variant plants were perfectly preserved in the massive amounts of amber the Alraune bled when it was killed. The site had been closed by the royal guard to investigate and ensure it was safe before letting anything back in.

And so as soon as the site was opened, tons of amber chunks containing unique seeds were given to various alchemists in the guide to work on- there was far too many to dump into the lap of a single team. Magnolia was given a chunk containing what was tenatively titled 'fire melons'. About the size of a cantaloupe, it had dark green skin more like a water melon, but the insides were very spicy! Its biggest predator could not taste spice, and had a weak enough digestive system to scatter its seeds without risk of them being digested when it eats the fruit. To prevent anything with a stronger digestive system from consuming it, the plant made itself extremely spicy. It was facinating how plants were able to determine these things while seemingly not having a brain to think it over. Like olives for instance- they produce a mild scent similar to cat pheromones, attracting cats. But cats are carnivores, so while they are attracted to the olives they do not eat them. They do however scare off the bugs that would normally have preyed on the olive tree. And while plants do not have ears to listen with, it was scientifically confirmed plants do listen quite intently. Areas with a lot of sound cause plants to grow more, because the plant detects the sound in the form of the vibrations that create it, and the plant assumes the area is active and full of life if there is a lot of sound- inspiring it to grow.

Magnolia took several magic tomes and potions and scooted out of the lab toward the western forest. There was only one fire melon in the world right now, so they could not use it to research on or it would go extinct, rendering the research irrelevant. She needed to grow a garden of the melon, but with only one remaining she needed the help of magic to ensure each of its seeds bore a plant, and all those plants can mingle to make more. This was the slow and tedious part of her job. Gardening. She was so excited and nervous, but once it was planted and the growth spells were in place she couldn't do anything more. Staring at the dirt certainly wasn't going to make it grow faster. Each day she returned though, the plants were a bit bigger. The growth spells were working wonders, and the melon was born of Alraune blood so it was quite hearty even by plant standards. Magnolia was relieved she had not screwed up that part. She is an alchemist, not a mage- even growth magic was still magic, and not her forte.

After several days she noted though that her magic focuses were burning out from strain, and realised the spell was still active! No wonder it was working so well- it was supposed to just be applied as a burst, she did not mean to leave it active over time. Afraid the focus might burst from strain, Magnolia actually had to call in one of the guild's magic experts to defuse it. The focus was actually completely fried- they would have to toss it, but they were not that hard to make so it wasn't a big loss. He had a good chuckle at Magnolia's expense, telling her how to check these things so she doesn't repeat her mistake in the future, and also warned her not to use the spell again- the melons born from these vines will be so badly saturated in the already shapen mana that their seeds should already have a growth spell on them by default. Magnolia asked if the melons would even be viable as test subjects or edible if they were that badly exposed to mana. The mage just shugged. He told her he had never encountered a situation like this- no one had left a focus running for that long before. But it was more than likely fine. There WAS a risk- but because the mana had already been shapen, it would only affect the melon's seeds. No one eats melon seeds, so he never mentioned that part to Magnolia because it should be a non-issue.

After another two days the melons had fully grown already and Magnolia gleefully dashed back and forth between the rows of melons to inspect them all. She gathered several to ship back to the guild. Tasting it could be done on-site though, and she had been looking forward to this for a while, and came with an empty stomach in anticipation. The melons were a good size, but also their innards were mostly liquid mass so she figured she could easily eat one whole by herself. Magnolia cut the melon in slices and then cut the slices into wedges, making it easy to hold and just bite off. It was an odd sensation. The melon was so much liquid the first impression was refreshing, except the actual flavour was hot. The aftertaste was almost non existant- very mild. The heat got progressively worse the closer to the outer shell you got, so since she cut it into wedges each one started mild and got hot, then reset with the next wedge. The heat near the shell of the melon was pretty damn hot, but luckily it was not a dry heat so it did not linger in her mouth, it left with the juice. She was spitting out the seeds as she encountered them onto a dish, so she could plant them all after, but Magnolia accidentally bit down wrong while eating one slice and the spicy juice hit her throat before she was ready for it. The heat on her throat caused her to cough, which then caused her to swallow a bit prematurely- and eat one of the empowered seeds. Immediately after swallowing that bit the cough even put some of the spicy juice into the back of her nose which turned her whole face red with heat for a few minutes.

Magnolia took many notes, trying her best to discribe every aspect of the plant and its tastes for the guild, and found herself surprisingly full by the time she finished. A plate with a pile of fire melon shells and a dish with a pile of seeds, and Magnolia patting her satisfied belly. She was surprised it managed to fill her up given how light its solid mass was- melon is not really meant to be a filling food. The more Magnolia thought about it, the more full she realised she was, and decided to rest under a tree at the edge of her melon farm to let her stomach settle for a while, and dozed off a bit. As she slept he stomach slowly started to puff up, getting progressively more full long after she stopped eating. Magnolia started to moan and hold her stomach even as she continued to sleep, and her gut continued to round out as if she were several months pregnant! A small protrusion grew out of her butt, lancing its way through her thin pants. She woke up from the feeling of movement and was immediately shocked at the sight of her large stomach, scrambling to her feet in surprise. There was a bit of resistance when she stood up- the protrusion had dug itself partially into the ground, standing up ripped it free again. Magnolia quickly grabbed at the invading object in her butt and went to yank the squirming thing out but almost ripped herself off her feet! When she pulled on it, she could feel it squirm a bit all through her entire intestinal track back into her stomach which writhed a bit as well! The invader was not coming into her butt- it was growing out of her. She furrowed her brow and tried to feel the thing carefully with her hand- it was not long enough for her to look at with her eyes well. It had grown tiny hair-like roots! It was a plant! She thought it was a horrible parasite she picked up somehow, but it felt more like a tail, like a snake had grown up her butt. But no, this was a plant root. Shit! The seed she swallowed! The melon was growing inside of her body!

There was no way she could yank it out of her butt. Not only was it incredibly long to be able to fill that distance, but trying to force it out like that might shred her intestinal lining. It was astonishing it could live at all- because the body of it would be sitting in her gastric acids, which should be corroding it. Even more- the spice from the melon she ate would be stimulating the acids, so her digestive enzymes are even stronger right now than they would normally be! Also it was growing faster than it had in the actual ground! It must be adapting itself to syphon nutrients from Magnolia herself- and because she is a human she can digest and process resources faster than the plant could normally, making her nutrient-rich. Magnolia groaned loud and long as the feeling spread through her entire hip area and squirmed up her back. Her entire body felt like it was shifting around, confused as to what to do about the invader. Her stomach surged in size, growing so big so quickly that it audibly groaned. Magnolia staggered back, resting her back against a tree for support- her stomach was so very heavy now it was hard to stand on her own. She also noted her back was somewhat numb to the outside feeling of the tree against her, though could still very clearly feel the strange sensations from her changes. She heard her pants ripping more and looked down in worry at the increasingly larger tail-like root growing out of her butt. It was growing longer and thicker, though much more length wise. The hair-like branches from the root tail also thickened and grew becoming tiny squirming tails themselves. It wiggled slowly on its own- like a hand blindly searching for something in the dark. It was trying to find the soil! Magnolia squeaked in desperate discomfort as her insides ached with pressure and her pussy felt like something was trying to force it open from deep inside- larger than it wanted to go. It couldn't actually be in her pussy though... right? How on earth would it get there from her stomach? Unless it was completely reconfiguring her insides.

Magnolia was breathing heavily, her legs buckled, kept standing only because of the tree behind her. Her labia blushed and inflated with both stimulation and irritation, her clit started to throb angrily and engorged as well, larger than she had ever seen it. Magnolia started to moan and cry out in exertion as her body struggled against still more growth within, her stomach trying to stretch even bigger. It throbbed a bit as if looking for room, then failing to find any it surged and simply forced more room. Her muscles started to contract in pulses, unable to deal with something so big and then her pussy throbbed with aching pains as her vaginal passage was forced too wide too fast. A huge object was ramming its way down, and it must be smooth because the involuntary contractions did nothing to slow its descent. She placed her hands down around her pussy, half to try and catch whatever it was, and half to try and rip it out of herself to get rid of it faster. Because of the angle, she was unable to see what it was when it started to crest, and only seen when it was half out of her. Once it hit the halfway point the rest burst from her in a split second, because its form was round. She... gave birth to a melon! She was holding a fire melon in her hands between her legs- a thin green vine connecting to somewhere inside of her womb like an umbilical cord!

Before she could even catch her breath the growth returned, more steady this time! Oh no, she was growing another melon, and her body did not have time to tighten back into shape from the last one, so its growth was considerably less hindered than the first, allowing it to grow faster! Magnolia quickly dropped the first melon and grabbed her 'tail' yanking it up as she felt it touch the ground. She could not allow it to dig in or her body would be rooted to the ground and she would not even be able to move! Then her brow furrowed even more at that thought. She FELT it reach the ground. She had a tiny bit of feeling... inside the root. It was absorbing nutrients from her body, in such high ammounts that it was basically absorbing her body itself. Or more accurately, adsorbing. It wasn't so sponge-like to absorb her, so she remained the outer shell, but they were very much adhering to one another- adsorption. The skin on her back forcefully scrunched up and seemed to lock like that, the muscles felt like they were hardening. She could feel something squirming up her back like a strange growth. More vines? Magnolia's torso flinched several times over at the feeling as several branches started to sprout from her back. Her skin stiffened greatly, and hardened completely to a flexible wood in several spots which were now rising out of her in growth. The vines were coiling her spinal cord, making her body a great deal less flexible.

She could feel another full sized melon sliding its way down her vagina, which was now constantly drooling lube in an attempt to deal with it. The contractions this time were more rapid but less severe. She moaned loudly as her clit throbbed several times and inflated huge! It looked like a cherry tomatoe! Her stiffening back forced her reach to shorten and her grip on her butt roots to loosen. They had grown so long and the offshoots were now so long that it was practically at the ground again even with her still holding them. Several of the offshoots were coiled around her arms as if to make her let go- though their grip had no strength in it yet. It felt like she had to pee, badly. It was most likely that there was so much growth that it was crushing her bladder. Peeing herself was the least of her concerns right now so she did not even bother to resist, but what came out was not even liquid! Thin string-like vines grew out of her urethra, and quickly uncoiled many small leaves as it touched open air! What on earth was that? That wasn't melon vines, but how did another plant get in her? Unless... it was a melon vine, just mutated! It was treating her bladder as if it were a different ecosystem and flash evolved to be able to thrive there! She was basically peeing a bonzai version of the melon! She can't go to the bathroom anymore- any waste her body would have produced the plant will devour before it can leave her. She could probably stop breathing and still be fine- the melon vines ate the carbon monoxide and exhaled oxygen directly into her lungs without her needing to use her nose or mouth.

Magnolia cried out loudly several more times as the roots finally touched the ground enough to grip it. The main root exploded in size, slamming the offshoots into the soil like fingers of a clawed hand. It widened tremendously to the thickness of a small tree trunk, which should have hurt, but didn't. Magnolia was forced up off her feet, pinned between the tree behind her and the trunk of her own strange plant growth before her own trunk was able to dig enough into the ground to loosen it up and then she lowered just enough for her feet to touch down, and her roots to sink farther underground, veining out from her. The trunk was actually several vines so closely entwined that they were fused together- another modification the plant made to itself in order to survive from Magnolia's body. Her stomach started to slowly grow even larger even as she birthed another melon! Was she growing a larger third melon? Or maybe she was growing more than one at a time now. Her breasts started to grow bigger now too, and the trunks growing from her back started to speed up their growth. Between the two changes her shirt quickly shredded itself- her huge dome of a gut already pushed the shirt up her torso, so it was already displaced to begin with. The trunk below her grew still larger, once again lifting her off her feet and breaking up the ground under her as the roots got so large they started to peek out of the ground. The tree behind her started to rapidly wither and dry. The melons in her body seen it as a threat because it was too close to her body and kept the sunlight from directly touching them. Another melon popped out of her and then in only a couple of seconds another. And her stomach did not seem to shrink after them this time, which meant more were already on their way. Already a cluster of four melons below her attached to her womb still by thin vines.

As the trunk below her kept her held off the ground, it started to thicken and cradle her legs- beginning to consume them into its form since she cannot use them to walk anyway- plants don't know how to walk around. Her breasts started to get really huge forcing her to lean forward from the weight and the branches on her back groaned and creaked and grew as if having been waiting for this moment. Now they can grow straight out to reach the sunlight! Her clit throbbed even more and swelled even bigger, turning to the size of a tennis ball before several seams appeared on its surface and in a surge broke open! Her clit spread open as a large melon blossom. The petals were thicker than normal though- it was shaped like a blossom but it was still entirely made of flesh. The tiny hair-like vines from her urethra were now weighed down by several pigmy sized melons, swinging like pendulums. Her legs were almost entirely encased in the trunk, it stopped when only a stripe of soft skin was exposed on either side of it from her legs within. Her giant breasts hanging below her bent over torso started to drip milk- but it was semi translucent, like it had been watered down with something... like melon juice. She grimaced as her breasts tried to stretch still larger but her skin was at its limits, causing her breasts to blush aggressively from internal pressure... but only in specific places. The blush looked like stripes- like on a water melon, only instead of dark green on base green they were neon pink on pastel pink. Her belly continued to get still bigger- probably holding four melons at a time in her womb by now. She gave up counting how many she birthed already- they formed a hill up the front of her trunk. Her torso was far too stiff and her breasts far too heavy for her to move- she was locked in place. Her arms were the only thing she could still freely move, but there was nothing other than her own body within reach. So the only thing she could do with them was milk herself or relieve a bit of tension from her stretched pussy and blossoming clit. Thanks to the overdose of magic, the melons were able to adapt themselves into her body as if it were a viable ecosystem. Even the tree portion was odd- melons are vine plants, they don't grow on trees. They aren't supposed to grow in human bodies either, but here we are.

It should go without saying, without the ability to move at all Magnolia certainly could not fix her problem. Even if she did get to her limited magical equipment, she had no idea what you would even do to fix this, never mind how to do it. She tried to call for help a few times but could not find her voice. Whenever she tried to speak, air escaped her mouth as if she were speaking but she produced next to no sound. The plant life had dug so deep into her body and grown so far up that it was preventing her from speaking properly. Not that anyone would be in the area normally anyway- it was the middle of a forest after all. Well, at least she would only have to wait a day or two at most before the guild came looking for her and her research. Magnolia had a lot of unique research notes for them this time. And a lot of melons.


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