I Won't Fear The Sunlight

Story by Rob MacWolf on SoFurry

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#13 of poetry

I wrote a tune for this one, don't know if there's a way to upload that.

The waves upon the silken sands

Are softer than his breath

Where he lies safe below the palms

In sleep as deep as death.

Soon I will rise from here, and go

Down to the opal shore.

And I won't fear the sunlight


I know the taste of warm, clean wind

That paints the beach sand white.

I've climbed the cliffs among cool clouds

In jungles of moonlight.

Now all my nights have passed me by.

There's nothing to wait for.

So I won't fear the sunlight


Perhaps he will remember me

Alone upon this isle.

Perhaps another castaway

Will teach him how to smile.

Perhaps he'll wonder where I went

Beyond where white gulls soar,

Then he won't fear the sunlight


But now the east is lightening.

Each whitecap is aglow.

What is it sets my heart alight?

I know. I think I know.

Day overwhelming rises up

And I've seen it before,

So I don't fear the sunlight



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