Raccoon Rage: Chapter 4 - Help Hiding

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#4 of Raccoon Rage

Chapter 4! Ray and Zella go to a friend's to find help. She then asks them for help in return, but her request isn't the kind of thing anyone expected. Least of all her brother.

I love watching people guess where this story is going. It's fun seeing the theories pop up. I encourage it.

This isn't the end of Raccoon Rage, either. I have more played for Ray and company. Stay tuned for that!

Raccoon Rage

Chapter 4: Help Hiding

By XP Author

Ray and Zella dashed across the road, staying in the darkness the night provided as much as they could. They'd had a shower before leaving Zella's house. Ray had insisted they travel by foot, since cops would be looking for her car as much as his when they found out what the pair had done to her family. Zella still wasn't exactly sure where they were going, though. Ray, keeping his voice low, tried to explain again. "I told you. We're going to Abby's. She's someone I know from work."

Zella sighed. "Yeah, I got that part, but where is it?"

"Not too much further now. Couple more blocks."

Zella frowned as she walked beside him. "And you're sure we can trust her?"

Ray shrugged. "Yes... maybe? I don't know, but she let me go at Gree-Dee's when she found me with Roger and the Karen. Maybe she can help us out."

The iguana still seemed nervous. "I hope you're right. It's not going to be a problem with us just... showing up in the middle of the night? Shouldn't we have called first?"

Ray stopped and turned to face her. She nearly collided into him when he stopped so suddenly. "No. No phone calls. Police can trace those things. They'll know we talked to her, and then she really couldn't help us." He sighed. "Besides, I don't know her number. It was on my phone, but that's still at my house."

Zella nodded slowly, reaching out to take Ray's hand. "Okay. I'm sorry, I'm just... I never thought this far ahead in my fantasies, you know?"

Ray chuckled softly. He squeezed her hand as he started leading down the street again. "I'm still getting over that you even HAD those sorts of fantasies... Or that apparently I'm into it, too..."

Zella giggled softly. "You'd be surprised how many people do. Most just don't know it yet, or don't want to admit it." She tilted her head. "Y'know, there's some discussion in online forums about why. Some people think it goes back to primal instincts, hunter and prey mentalities, things like that."

Ray shook his head. "I don't know about any of that stuff."

Zella continued on anyway. "Other people think it might be some kind of instinct that came about to deal with overpopulation. People who like death are kind of... culling the populous. Stuff like that." She looked at her boyfriend. "You wanna know what I think?"

Ray shook his head again. "You're going to tell me anyway, so go ahead."

Zella grinned. "I think it's just because society is so fucked up. We fucked it up, and it fucked with us right back." She giggled again. "Whole lotta fucking. Everone's kinda broken. This is just how we break."

Ray looked at her again. "So the long and short is that no one really knows but everyone has an idea." Zella nodded. "Well, best I can say is I'm probably just a crazy person. Should definitely be locked up." He stopped and pointed to a house two doors down. "That's her place right there. C'mon. And... let's hope she's okay with crazy people"

The house was a small two story thing, white outsides, attached garage, small yard. The prototypical suburban home. The only thing it was missing was the white picket fence. The lights were on inside, though the curtains were shut. The light at the front door was off, though. Ray didn't recognize the small, red car in the driveway, but Abby's blue car was parked beside it. Ray hopped up the few steps to the door and gave it a couple of knocks. He stepped back and waited.

The door opened after a minute, though it wasn't Abby standing in the doorway. A different mouse, an inch or so shorter than Ray and a few years younger, stood before him, dressed in jeans and a white 'wife-beater' undershirt. He had shorter blond hair, and the same off-white fur as Abby, but much more pronounced muscles than the thin mouse he'd expected to see. "Can I help you?" Ray was assaulted by the smell of weed wafting out of the open doorway.

He cleared his throat. "I'm uh..." He motioned to Zella standing at the bottom of the steps behind him. "We're here to see Abby. Is she here?"

The man sighed and turned back. "Hey Abby! Some raccoon dude is here for you."

Abby came thundering down the stairs a minute later. Now out of her work clothes, she wore a pair of long sleep pants and a long sleeve tee-shirt. She practically shoved the other mouse out of the way, getting a sigh and a muttered complaint in response. She stepped outside, shutting the door behind her. "What are you doing here!?"

Ray held his hands up defensively. "I'm sorry... We need somewhere to lay low for a few days. We don't have anywhere else to go, and..." He sighed. "I'm sorry..."

Abby looked over Ray's shoulder at Zella. "That's your girlfriend? The lizard that Roger was all up in arms about?"

Zella stepped forward, holding out a hand tentatively to shake. "I'm Zella. Ray's told me a little bit about you. I'm really sorry for us just showing up in the middle of the night like this."

Abby took the hand, shaking it gently. She looked at Ray. "She knows?"

Zella giggled and Ray just scratched the back of his head. "More... uh... look, we shouldn't talk about this out here. We just need a place to hide and crash for the night. We'll leave in the morning."

Abby shook her head. "No... it's fine. You... you did me a big favor earlier. I owe you." She seemed to relax and stepped back to the door, opening it. "C'mon, let's get inside and we can talk more about it."

* * *

Abby led the pair to the basement of her house. It was fairly barren and plain. Stone floors and walls painted a solid sea blue, a couple of shelves against the wall with canned food or boxes of old photos.. A couple of lights on the ceiling gave off a dim glow. Abby set up a plastic folding table, Ray and Zella helping by moving a few of the stacked plastic chairs from against the wall. "Mike uses this for poker games with his friends sometimes."

Ray quirked an eyebrow. "Mike? That the young guy upstairs?"

Abby nodded. "Yeah, the pothead in the living room. He's my little brother."

Zella sat in the seat she'd moved by the table. "He's not going to have a problem with us being down here?"

Abby chuckled, taking a seat. "He probably won't notice unless you try and turn his game off."

Ray looked at the stairway. "Things are going to get kind of messy soon for us. Messier... the cops will definitely come asking questions..."

Abby laughed again. "Oh, don't worry. He's not a fan of cops. Likes to think he's an anarchist or something. Don't worry, he won't say anything." She cleared her throat. "And neither will I. Like I said, I owe you."

Ray sighed. "I... didn't exactly intend for today to end up the way it did..." He felt suddenly very tired. Zella reached over and held his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Abby looked at the held hands with a wistful smile. "It sounds like you had a busy day after you left work. You're mom's not going to come knocking at the door next, is she?" Ray winced and Zella chuckled. "What?"

Zella cleared her throat, but Ray interrupted. "Are you sure you want to know? It's... more like work. The less you know the better."

Abby shook her head. "No, I want to know." She smiled at the pair. "Don't worry. I'm not going to judge you for anything."

Ray nodded. "Alright. If you insist. You'll find out from the news soon enough, I'm sure." He started telling about how he and his mother had gotten into a huge fight, and how he had ended up choking her to death, at first omitting that he had done it with his cock down her throat. Though Abby kept prodding if he'd gone as far as he had with the Karen, and he finally admitted he had. Zella filled in the details about how they had killed her family, a little more open about how she had fucked her dad while choking him with the rope while Ray destroyed her sister's brains. Abby sat, listening to the tail of murder and mayhem.

"That's some pretty fucked up shit." The voice came from the stairs. All turned to look, seeing Mike leaning against the wall, joint hanging loose from his lips.

"MIKE!" Abby stood up, fists balled. "Get the fuck out of here!"

Mike shrugged, blowing a cloud of smoke from his lips. "Why? I live here." Abby stormed over to the bottom of the stares, glaring up at him. "Fine. I'll go." He turned. "Don't worry, I won't go snitching. Sounds like the bitches got what they deserved anyway." He looked down at Ray. "True justice, man. You're the real deal."

"GO!" Abby yelled at her younger brother. He just waved his hand dismissively and went back upstairs. "Fucking idiot."

Zella looked nervously between Ray, Abby, and the now empty stairs. "Are you sure he won't be a problem?"

Abby sighed, but shook her head. "No, he'll be fine. Trust me, he wouldn't go to the cops even if he found me hanging down here..." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I'll go and get something for you guys to lay on. Got some old sleeping bags in a closet somewhere from when we went camping as kids. I'll be right back." She smiled at the two and started upstairs again. Her voice was heard as she yelled at her brother some more.

Zella sighed, looking at Ray, still worried. Ray looked as tired as he felt, but he still gave the woman beside him a reassuring smile. "We'll be okay. And if things go badly... well, we could make a suicide pact. Die beside each other."

Zella giggled softly. "How very romantic."

* * *

Over the next few days, the town was in absolute chaos. Roger and the Karen's bodies had been found the first morning. It didn't take long for the cops to state Ray was the prime suspect. Later that day, his mother's body had been found and an APB was put out on him as possibly armed and dangerous. His face was being plastered up on local news by the end of the day. With no one able to get in contact with Zella, it was assumed she was either kidnapped, or a possibly accomplice. Zella's parents had failed to show for several meetings the next day at their offices. When this was reported, the cops investigated and soon found their dead bodies, along with Franky's. Early evidence suggested that Ray had kidnapped Zella after murdering her family, something she found amusing.

The cops had come knocking, asking for a statement from Abby, as she was at work the day of the first murders. She reported only seeing Ray being escorted into the back with the customer, but was out on the floor afterwards and hadn't seen anything more than that. She stated she hadn't heard or seen anything from Ray since then. Mike, for his part, did keep his word. He went so far as to claim he didn't even know who Ray was, having never met him.

Ray and Zella stayed in the basement, getting updates from Abby and Mike. The two talked about what their next step was going to be, and they agreed to flee town once the buzz died down a little. Though just how they were going to leave and where they were going to go was still unknown. They were having another such talk when Abby came down the stairs to join them, carting with her a small but heavy looking backpack. She dropped it on the table in front of the other two.

Zella quirked an eyeridge. "What's that?"

Abby unzipped the bag, showing it was full of wads of cash. "10,287 dollars. Mostly 20's."

Ray looked at the bag, then at Abby. "What, did you rob an ATM?"

Abby chuckled, sitting down with them. "No, but I did clear out three of them emptying my account. Figured you'd need cash."

Ray stared at the mouse. "Wha-? Emptied? Abby, we can't take this!"

Abby held up a hand. "Please... hear me out." She put her hands on the table, fingers fidgeting nervously. "I... I want you to..." She closed her eyes. "God, this was so much easier to say in my head."

Zella reached out and held Abby's hands gently in her own. "You want us to what?"

The mouse took a moment, closing her eyes. "I want you to... kill me." Silence filled the room, neither the raccoon or the reptile knowing how to respond. They just looked at each other.

Ray spoke up first. "Abby... I can't do that."

Abby pulled her hands back from Zella's. She started to roll up the long sleeves of her shirt before resting her arms, wrists up on the table. Long scars were clear on both wrists, a line where the fur didn't grow. They were old scars. "I've tried before. Twice, actually. I... I tried to OD on pills, but I chickened out at the last minute. I tried this, but it wasn't deep enough..."

Zella reached out to gently brush her fingers against the scars. "Why?"

Ray frowned. "Was it because of Roger?"

Abby shook her head. "N-no... Yes. He was just the last part... The first time I tried was before I started working at Gree-Dee's."

"It was because of Dad." Ray and Zella turned to see Mike standing at the bottom of the stairs. The young man was devoid of his usual joint for a change.

Zella asked. "Your father?"

Abby nodded. Mike explained. "Our father was a real fuckhole of a person. Beat up Mom, beat up me..." He rested a hand on his sister's shoulder. "Did worst things to Abby..."

Ray balled his fists. "Please tell me he's in the ground or in jail."

Abby explained this time. "Both... technically. He... Mom couldn't take it anymore and just left one night. He went to follow her in a drunken rage. Ended up slamming his car into hers. He got arrested for for DWI, reckless driving, assault..."

Mike finished. "When mom died of the injuries three days later, the assault was bumped up to manslaughter." He chuckled then. "Fuckwit ended up getting stabbed in prison a year later."

Zella stood and gave Abby a hug, unable to stop tears. "I'm so sorry." When both Mike and Abby tensed, she quickly added. "Not about your father dying. I'd've killed him myself if I could. Just that you both had to go through that."

Mike nodded. "Fucker got what he deserved. He was a cop, so he got his buddies to keep looking the other way while he beat his wife and son and raped his daughter. Kinda hard to sweep a murder under the rug, though."

Ray looked away. "Yeah. Keenly aware of that." He flinched when Abby suddenly grabbed his hand. He looked up at her.

Abby's eyes were pleading. "Ray... when I first saw you in the back office, covered in blood and pointing that boxcutter at me, my first thought wasn't about screaming or running away or trying to call for help. My first thought was 'finally it can end.' I wanted you to kill me then."

Ray looked at Mike. "You're okay with this?"

Mike shrugged. "I just want her to not hurt anymore. It's her choice."

Abby smiled. "He understands."

Ray nodded slowly. "Okay... If you're sure. How do you want-"

"Cut my head off." Abby responded instantly.

Both Ray and Zella looked at her in surprise, asking in unison, "What!?"

Abby blushed a little. "Sorry. I've thought about it. Something that can't be undone. Pills might not do it, slitting my wrists didn't do it, you'd get seen going somewhere high, stabbing might miss... But once your head is off, it's the end for sure."

Ray just shook his head. "I mean... I guess, but how would I even go about that?"

Mike spoke up. "We've got a machete stashed in the old camping stuff. It's probably not ideal, but it's pretty sharp."

Abby smiled. "Yeah. That'll work. Mike, you go get that. I want to get myself ready here." She smiled at Ray and Zella. "You two can help."

Zella tilted her head. "Help how?" Abby just winked at her.

* * *

Mike cursed as he dug through the closet, shoving boxes of crap out of the way. He was sure the old machete was stashed in here somewhere. He'd already looked in the tent bag and in the box of campfire stuff. He reached up to the shelf above his head and smiled. "There you are." He pulled down the long, flat blade, still in a leather sheath. He drew it and took a close look. It was almost never used, so the edge never had a reason to dull. He nodded, sliding it back into its sheath and kicking some of the junk back into the closet before closing the door.

He made his way back to the kitchen, where the basement door was, and started down the stairs again. As he reached the bottom, he slowed. "What's... going on?" The table had been moved to the middle of the room, the chairs stacked against the wall again. Zella and Ray stood beside the table, Abby laying on her back upon the surface. The thing that got his attention the most was how everyone was naked now. "Is... this so we don't get blood on our clothes?"

Roy nodded. "Partially, but Abby let us know one more thing..."

Abby smiled at her brother. "I want you to fuck me." Mike just stared at her. "Don't give me that look, I know you've wanted to for a long time." She sat up a little. Her body was covered in her cream fur, her breasts small but shapely. She was thin, with a flat belly and slender arms and legs. She wasn't hiding anything with how she sat.

Mike stammered. "I-I... n-no, I haven't... I mean, yes, I've thought about it, but I don't... I wouldn't..."

Abby giggled, holding out her hand. "It's okay. C'mere. You're not dad. I want this. I won't ever be able to make you happy again after today, so let me do this."

Ray chuckled. "You'll be on the run with us after this. Think of this like an initiation. I fucked my mother to death, and Zella rode her father until he came in her while he choked to death. You get to make your sister cum while she dies."

Mike just laughed softly. "I... guess." He handed the blade over to Ray. "Oh, here. I guess one of you will need this." He looked nervous, but then started to strip himself of his clothing. He was the only one wearing any at the moment. His jeans slid away, his shirt following shortly, showing his somewhat toned body, though he wasn't in the best of shape. The last thing to go was his boxers, revealing seven inches, already growing hard.

Mike stepped closer, looking down at his sister, both blushing. Abby left her legs open so Mike could step between them, the puffy lips of her pussy glistening with arousal. She reached up to brush her fingers against Mike's cheek. She let out a moan as his cock slid against those lips, her legs wrapping around his middle to draw him closer. "You got so hard for me already..."

Mike smiled down at her. "Yeah. You've got such a sexy body." He reached down to grope her breasts, forcing another moan from her. He moved his hips to keep rubbing himself against her, making her squirm under him. Zella bit her lip as she watched, her own sex drooling her arousal. She moved to stand beside Ray, one hand reaching down to rub his cock while her other hand teased at her own slit.

Abby looked up at the two, smiling up at them. From her lower angle, she could see Zella playing with Ray and herself. "Do it when I cum."

Ray nodded. "Just tell me when." He slid the sheath off of the machete, looking at the edge and frowning. "I don't think this is sharp enough to do it in one swing..."

Abby shook her head. "I don't care. I'll feel it that much more..." she moaned softly, looking at Mike again. "Are you going to tease me the whole time or are you going to fuck me?"

Mike smirked. "I was going to enjoy you as long as I could..." He drew his hips back, sliding his shaft against her lips until the tip rubbed between them. "But if you insist." He suddenly shoved himself forward, thrusting his entire cock into her.

Abby cried out, tensing up and clenching around him as he filled her. "You... can keep enjoying me... even after." She let out another loud moan as he drew back and plunged forward again. Mike started with a hard pace, making her whole body gyrate under him.

He grinned down at her. "If you're going as you cum... I'm making sure it's the best orgasm you've ever had." Zella could no longer help herself and slid down beside Ray, wrapping her lips around his shaft. Ray smiled down to his girlfriend as she started sucking him, running fingers through her hair. Both he and Zella still watched Mike as he fucked is sister hard. Abby kept pushing her hips back up to meet his, trying to get him that much deeper.

Abby panted. "More... don't hold back... fuck me harder!" She begged him, pussy drooling around his cock, inner walls clinging around him to draw him deeper every time his hips hit hers.

Mike reached down to take her hips, dragging her closer to the edge of the table. He started slamming himself deep into her as hard as he could. "Sis wants it rough?" She nodded, then cried out as he reached down to grip her jiggling tits, giving them hard squeezes. He pinched the nipples, pulling on them to draw more cries from his sister. He grunted as he kept pounding at her, his tail thrashing behind him. Zella stopped sucking Ray's cock as Mike started to really pound at his sister, wanting to watch. She still kept rubbing him, nuzzling her cheek against the shaft.

Abby squeezed her legs around him, her toes curling. She lay her head back as her back arched off the table. Her inner walls were clinging around Mike's cock, quivering as he drove her closer and closer to her final orgasm. She panted heavily between moans. "Don't... don't stop..." Her back arched again. She looked at Ray. "I'm... almost..." Ray nodded, Zella standing up to get out of his way, standing behind Ray to watch.

Ray held the blade out above Abby's head. "Last chance. Are you sure?"

Abby nodded, grunting as she tried to hold herself back. "Y-yes..."

Zella smiled. "Say it. Say what you want."

Abby whimpered, her face flushed. Mike smiled. "Tell them, sis. Tell us. Tell me."

Abby whimpered again. "I want you... to cut my head off. Kill me! Kill me while I cum!" She flung her head back again, exposing her neck. Ray raised the machete over his head. "Please! Kill me! Now!" She let out a loud cry as she was unable to hold back any longer, her orgasm hitting her, coursing through her whole body. Ray brought the blade down hard and fast. He felt it sink into her neck, watched it carve her throat open, but it got stuck. Blood started to pour out around the blade, splashing against the metal and drooling down to the floor.

"FUCK!" Mike cried out as Abby's body clenched around him, her pussy clamping hard on his cock, her legs squeezing around his middle. Her whole body started thrashing on the table, her hands instinctively raising to her throat, fingers twitching wildly, but not grabbing the blade or trying to stop what was happening.

"RAY!" Zella cried out as the raccoon struggled to pull the blade free from the fleshy grip of Abby's neck. He finally got it free, bringing it up to give another heavy strike. This time it hit bone, unable to break through even on the second go. Abby jerked again, thrashing all the more on the table, clinging that much harder around Mike.

Mike gripped Abby's hips. "Fuck... fuck... ahhhh fuck!" he couldn't hold himself back any more, jamming his cock as deep as it could go into his sister's cunt before unleashing his seed deep into her. Wave after wave of cum shot into her as he emptied his balls into his sister. It was the last thing she felt before the blade came down a third time, finally cracking through her spine and sending her head tumbling to the floor. Zella was too slow to catch it, and Abby felt her skull impact against the wet concrete, the world spinning as her head rolled to the side. Zella reached down to pick up the mouse's head gently. Abby had a blissful smile on her face, her eyes staring at nothing.

Mike leaned down to grip his sister's still flailing body, pressing his face against her chest. Her twitching body hung in his arms, her pussy still milking him for every drop of cum he had. Tears ran from his eyes, even as he thrust his hips again to finish emptying himself into her. Soon, her clinging legs loosened, going limp at his sides. He felt the last of the twitches run through her body, finally growing still in his arms. He gently set her back onto the table and pushed himself up, wiping tears away.

Zella held Abby's head out to him. "She's smiling. Look how happy you made her last moments."

Mike reached out to take the head of his sister, staring into her empty eyes. He brought her forward to place a kiss on her parted lips. "I love you, sis. You can rest now. No more hurting."

Mike gently set his sister's head down on the table. He grunted as he pulled out of the dead pussy, cum leaking out and drooling to the floor. He stumbled back a few steps, then just sat down on the floor. He felt both numb and satisfied, horrified at what he just participated in, and overjoyed he'd done it all at the same time. Zella sat beside the boy, reaching out to give him a gentle hug. Ray sat on his other side, resting a hand on the mouse's shoulder. They had now all experienced killing family, each for different reasons. Anger, jealousy, love.

* * *

Mike finished loading the luggage into his car. A change of clothes, some personal items, and of course, the bag of cash from Abby. He looked back at his house. It was the last time he was going to see it. Really wouldn't miss the place, but he still felt a bit of sadness for leaving. And for leaving Abby in the basement like she was. Ray and Zella stepped out of the house, closing the door behind them. The both had had a shower since, Ray's tail still a little damp.

Zella walked up to Mike, holding out a folded piece of paper. "This was in Abby's room. It was sitting on her bed." Mike took the paper and saw his name on it. It was Abby's handwriting. "I didn't read it." She just pat the mouse's shoulder and got into the backseat of the car with Ray. Mike opened the paper and started to read.


If you're reading this, then I'm dead. But you already know that, since you came into me while I lost my head. Don't worry, I'm sure you did a great job and I came hard for you. ;)

You're probably sad. Please don't be. I wanted this, and I wanted to make you happy one more time, not sad. Get all your crying done, and smile for me.

I want you to go with Ray and Zella. They're a little fucked up... a lot fucked up, but so are we, right? I mean, look what you just helped me do! Haha. Keep them safe, have fun with them, and if you find yourself taking out more people who deserve it, then give them hell, too. I hope you get out of town safely. You'll need to get far away from Brightview. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Remember. I will always love you, even now.

  • Abby

P.S. Stop smoking so much weed now, okay?

Mike closed the letter with shaking hands, a tear rolling down his cheek. He closed his eyes, reaching into his pocket to pull a joint out and brought it to his lips, only to sigh and put it and the letter into his pocket. He looked at the house one last time. "Goodbye, sis." With that, he got into the driver's seat of the car and started it up. Pulling out into the street, the three made their way into the night, leaving Brightview and their lives there behind forever.

* End Chapter *