Raccoon Rage: Chapter 5 - Dining Disaster

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#5 of Raccoon Rage

After days on the run, the gang decides to stop at a diner for a solid meal. Unfortunately, assholes and idiots are ubiquitous.

A little bit of a departure from the norm on this one. Don't worry, some deserving assholes still get some by the end, but it's more of a setup for the future.

Raccoon Rage

Chapter 5: Dining Disaster

By XP Author

The trio had taken shifts driving, so they could move as far away as possible as fast as possible, stopping only to fill the car with gas and buy fast food for the road, or the occasional bathroom break. So far, the news hadn't mentioned anything about Abby or Mike disappearing. Mike said he was pretty sure Abby had mentioned quitting the job at Gree-Dees before they had helped her die, so she wouldn't be missed for a shift. They really didn't have a destination in mind, only 'away.' They had decided to just keep heading east and figure it out from there. Three days and five states later, they had arrived at the town of Joyville. It was a small town, a short distance outside of a bigger city. It felt quite like Brightview to the trio.

Mike, having just woken up from his nap in the back seat, spoke up. "Hey... can we stop for some food soon?"

Zella, currently sitting up front beside Ray, nodded. "Yeah, it's a good time for it."

Ray was driving, and nodded. "Yeah, sounds good. I think I see some food places up ahead."

Mike shifted to look forward, seeing a few signs for fast food down the road. "Man, can we get something other than a dollar menu meal?"

Ray sighed and glanced back at the younger mouse behind him. "We really shouldn't stop for too long, though."

Zella chimed in this time. "I'm with Mike on this one. We're 5 states away from Brightview, and I'm getting tired of cheap burgers and fries."

Ray frowned at the pair. "You do remember we're wanted for murder, right?"

Mike scoffed as he leaned back into his seat. "Maybe you two are."

Zella chuckled. "Oh, don't worry, Mike. As soon as they find Abby, you'll get a wanted picture, too." The mouse just shrugged.

Ray hated to admit it, but he was also tired of fast food for every meal. "Alright. I think there's a diner up ahead. We can get a solid meal there and head back out again." The other two in the car beamed. "But if there's cops there, we're gone!"

Zella nodded. "Sounds reasonable." Mike agreed. So Ray pulled into the diner's parking lot and found a spot to park. A little place called Jim's. There was a totally different Jim's in Brightview, and Ray was sure he'd seen a half dozen other places called that on their journey. Probably every town had at least one, none of them related to each other. The three of them got out of the car and stretched, each feeling stiff from being cooped up so long.

They walked in together, a tired but smiling deer in her early twenties greeting them. "Hey! Welcome to Jim's." She stepped out from around the counter, grabbing a trio of menus as she passed by. "Just three?" Ray nodded. "Alright, is a booth alright?" Ray nodded again. She was pretty cute, if clearly overworked. The diner's uniform was a light blue dress with a white apron, leaving her long, slender legs exposed from just above the knees. Her brown hair was tied up into a bun, a little old fashioned, but she wore it well. She led the three to a booth and set down menus for each. Zella slid in, with Ray sitting next to her. "My name's Laura, by the way. Can I get you something to drink?"

Mike spoke up. "Coffee. Black."

Ray nodded. "Same here. Some cream and sugar on the side."

"Same for me." Zella smiled to her.

Laura nodded. "Alright. I'll go get those coffees while you all decide what you'd like." With that, she wandered off around the counter again.

Zella smiled at Ray. "She seems nice."

Ray chuckled. "She seems tired. Probably has to deal with a lot of assholes and idiots all day."

Mike grunted. "Every job is dealing with assholes and idiots in some way."

Ray smirked. "True enough!" When Laura returned, she set down three ceramic coffee mugs, and a whole pot of coffee, the kind designed to be left at a table. The three had already picked what they want; Ray ordered a meat-filled omelet, Zella ordering a country-fried steak, and Mike getting a breakfast skillet. With that, she was off again.

With food orders out of the way, Ray leaned in. "Alright, we should talk what we're doing next. I think from here, we should probably head north. If we keep going east, we'll eventually just hit water."

Mike folded his arms. "How far north? All the way to Canada?"

Ray shrugged. "Maybe. I dunno. We might~" His attention was grabbed by a raised voice by the door. A gruff looking brown bear, flanked by two thuggish looking gray wolves, all dressed in what looked like biker outfits. Leather jackets with a flame pattern on the back, jeans, one even had a chain on his hip. The bear was leaning very close to Laura, blocking the way around the counter, a shit-eating grin on his face.

Laura was trying to get around them. "Carl, move. I'm trying to work."

Carl, the bear apparently, just chuckled. "You're always working! When are you going to make time for me?" He reached out to brush the woman's cheek, which she flinched away from.

Laura shook her head. "I'm not. I told you, I'm not interested, okay? Now please. I've got customers waiting."

Carl kept blocking the way, leaning even closer. "Aw, don't be like that. You know we'll make you happier than you can be working this dump." Laura had to take a step back, the bear following behind the counter.

Ray clenched his fists and jaw, but felt a hand on his arm. He looked to see Zella shaking her head. "Not here. Too public."

A female voice came shouting from the kitchen. "Is that Carl out there again? Get your ass out my diner before I throw you out! And you know I'll do it again!"

Carl shook his head, raising his hands and taking a step back. "Alright, alright. Put the claws away, Mama Brown. I'll go." He turned and snapped his fingers, pointing to the door, his posse turning and following him like some cliche movie. He looked back at Laura. "I'll see you later, though." He winked before finally walking out. Laura looked like she was fighting retching.

Mike shook his head. "Assholes and idiots."

Laura came over to the table, looking shaken, but kept her smile. She set down the food they'd ordered. "Here you go." She set the wrong plate down in front of each person, then realized her mistake. "Oh, I'm sorry!"

Zella shook her head, smiling back. "It's alright." The three slid the plates across the table to the correct person. "You've got enough stuff going on."

Laura breathed a sigh, visibly relieved they wouldn't be assholes about it to her. "It's fine. Um, is there anything else?"

Ray shook his head. "No, I think we're good here." The waitress smiled and walked off to deal with other customers.

Zella grinned, picking up a steak knife and cutting the steak on her plate. "Man, that was fast." She was happy to find the knife wasn't one of those dull things that barely worked you find at most restaurants.

Mike looked at Zella as she popped a bit of the meat in her mouth. "Been meaning to ask. I thought iguanas were herbivores."

Zella grinned, showing sharp teeth. "Maybe feral ones are, but I never turn down a good steak."

Mike shrugged. "Fair enough."

Despite being made as shockingly fast as it was, the food was fantastic. It might just be because the three had eaten nothing but fast food for the last several days, but there was no complaining among the three. To the point that their conversation stopped while they ate.

While they ate, Zella bumped Ray's shoulder to get his attention. She nodded forward at a pair of tigers sitting at the counter. "See those two?"

Ray nodded. "Yeah?"

"They keep looking over this way."

Ray frowned, masking his concern with another mouthful of food. "Think they recognize us?"

Mike casually glanced over his shoulder to have a look at the pair, pretending to look for the waitress. He turned back around, shrugging. "They don't look like cops. Not uptight or arrogant enough."

Ray sighed. "We should finish eating and get out of here just to be sure."

Almost as if on queue, Laura came over, setting down a receipt. "Here you go. My shift is going to be ending in a few minutes. Is there anything else I can get you before then?"

Ray smiled, shaking his head. "No, thank you. Oh, hang on, I'll pay now." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wad of cash. He handed her $100. "Here. Keep whatever's left."

Laura's eyes went wide. "O-oh, no, I couldn't possibly..."

Mike was the one to chime in this time. "You've dealt with enough crap today. You earned something nice for a change." Ray smirked at the nineteen year old mouse.

Laura's face brightened instantly. "Oh, thank you." She stood up straight. "Good to see there's still some decent people left in this world." Zella had to stop herself laughing. "You all have a great rest of your day!" She turned and walked into the back with a clear pep back in her step.

With the food eaten and the bill settled, the three slipped out of the booth and made their way to the door. Ray caught the two eyeing them as they left, but the tigers didn't make a move to follow. As they walked to the car, Ray shook his head. "They were definitely watching us. We should-" All three turned as they heard a woman's voice cry from around the back of the building.

"Let me go!" Ray clenched his fists as he recognized the voice as their waitress from earlier.

"Ray!" Zella called out, but Ray was already storming off. Mike shrugged and followed, Zella sighing but doing the same.

Ray came around to the back lot. Sure enough, there were Carl, holding Laura's arm tight. The two lackies stood to the side, chuckling smugly. Laura's uniform had been torn, one of the shoulders torn clean open. The dress had clearly been yanked down, exposing one of her breasts. Tears ran down the deer's cheeks as she struggled. Ray clenched his fists so hard he almost cut his own palms. "Let her go, asshole." He stomped over towards the bear, fury in his eyes. His eyes went wide as a fist suddenly struck his stomach, sending him to the ground in a coughing fit. One of the wolves had seen him coming and intercepted him with the sucker punch.

Zella and Mike came around the corner in time to see Ray take the blow. Mike was about to rush in to help, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Zella shaking her head. "Not yet."

Carl grunted as he saw all this. "Huh. Little punk." He shoved Laura back, the woman stumbling and falling on the ground against a wall. He pointed at her. "You stay there! I'm not done with you yet." He then turned fully to Ray, who was struggling back to his feet, still seething with rage. "Oh, kid's got some fight." Carl's fist cracked against Ray's head, sending him sprawling to the ground again. "But you clearly ain't never been in a real fight."

Ray coughed, turning to spit blood on the ground. He pushed himself up, his arms shaky. Maybe he shouldn't have picked this particular fight. The bear was twice his size, and definitely knew how to throw a punch. He was trying to think of some kind of come back or insult, but someone else spoke first, from behind him.

"Well finally, a real man." Zella walked forward, her hips swaying with every step. Everyone turned to look at the iguana. "What? I've been putting up with his sorry ass for years." She stopped beside Ray and leaned down. "Poor baby picked a fight he couldn't win. Gonna cry now?" Ray felt Zella press something into the palm of his hand and he gripped whatever it was. He realized it was the handle of the steak knife she'd used for her breakfast. The thing was pretty sharp. She pat his cheek gently. "You just sit there and watch." She stood and walked over to Carl. "I want to show you what I'll do with a real man."

Carl was taken aback by the sudden turn of events, but he certainly didn't seem to be complaining when the reptilian woman was suddenly pressing herself up against him. "Heh. Now this chick I like." He reached a hand around to hold her close. "You should come back with us, and we'll show you a good time."

Zella giggled softly, her hand running down Carl's chest. "No... let's do it here."

Carl blinked, confused. "Uh... here?"

She nodded, her hand running down to his belt, starting to unfasten it. "Yes, right here. Show the little wimp and the boy back here how a real man fucks a woman."

Mike moved over to Ray, kneeling down beside her as Zella started to undress the bear. He whispered to the raccoon. "What the hell is she doing?"

Ray glanced over his shoulder at the mouse, smirking. "She's having dessert. Just be ready." He looked back as Zella started to strip herself nude, suppressing his smile. "Until then, enjoy the show."

Carl was overweight, but clearly had quite a bit of muscle under the round belly. He reached around and slapped Zella's shapely rear. "Mmm, damn girl. Bend over so I can take this sweet ass of yours."

Zella giggled, pressing forward against him. "No... you lay down on your back."

Carl blinked, again confused. "Eh?" He clearly wasn't used to a woman coming on to him this strong.

She grinned, leaning up to whisper to him. "That way he can see your cock stuffing into me the whole time."

The bear laughed. "Damn, you are a cold bitch." He laid on his back, patting his lap. His cock was already standing firm and waiting. "Come on then, scales. Get that ass down here."

Zella got down onto all fours, her thick tail lifted up and out of the way to present her pussy towards Ray and Mike. She crawled up over the bear, rubbing herself against him the whole way. She looked over her shoulder, winking at them. "I hope you take notes." The two wolves to the side were cheering their boss on as she rubbed her slit against his cock.

Carl reached down to grip Zella's hips. "Scoot that ass back." He shifted her hips until the tip of his cock pressed against her wet lips. "Yeah. You want it?" Zella moaned and nodded to him. "Then take it all." He yanked her hips down, slamming his whole cock up into her. She moaned loud as his shaft stuffed up into her. Her inner walls clamped down around him, and the bear groaned. "Fuck, this cold pussy is tight!"

Zella moaned loud, starting to bounce her hips on the man's lap. "Yes... stuff your fat cock into me!" She leaned down against him, pressing herself under his chin. "Fuck me... hard!"

Carl laughed, thrusting his hips up against hers. He looked over at Ray. "You enjoying the show? Like watching me fuck your girl?" He dragged her hips back down against him. "You want it hard? Then take it!" He started to pound himself upwards against her, making her hips bounce that much more against him. She kept her face against his chest, moaning loud. She leaned up to kiss at his neck and chin between her moans.

Ray nudged Mike, then nodded at the wolf nearby. The two wolves were clearly enjoying the show, the closer one with his hands in his pants, the other having just popped his cock free to stroke himself.

Zella moaned loud her, kissing the bear's throat. "Yes... that's it!" She panted, squeezing around the cock inside of her. "You know what would make this even better?"

Carl grunted. "What's that?" His voice was expectant, waiting for her to say some kinky shit.

Zella leaned forward more. "If you were just as cold as me." She opened her mouth and clamped her jaws around his throat. Sharp teeth sank into his flesh and she squeezed tight. His hands clenched, suddenly flying up to grab at her to push her away. Carl's mouth opened wide, but only a choked gurgle came from him as blood washed into his mouth. Zella clenched her jaws tighter and ripped her head back, pulling away like he was so desperately trying to make her do, only she took the front of his throat with her. Blood drooled from the flesh in her mouth, running down her chin, while yet more gushed from the gaping wound in his neck.

The pair of wolves were stunned as they saw this, hesitating long enough that Ray and Mike made their move. Ray dashed forward, tackling the further wolf and slamming him back against the nearby wall. He jammed the steak knife into the man's chest, drew it out and stabbed again, then again, cutting six holes into him. Before the wolf could struggle more, the knife was at his throat and slashed to the side. The jagged teeth of the blade tore open his flesh. Ray stepped back as blood started to pour from the wolf's neck. He reached up to grab his throat, gurgling a cry as he fell forward onto the ground and squirmed. With how much blood he was losing, it was clear he was not long for this world.

At the same time, Mike jumped onto the back of the closer wolf, grabbing his head and using his momentum to shove the unprepared man down to the ground. Mike held onto his head so his nose smashed into the unforgiving pavement hard. He pulled it up and smashed it down again. The third time the man's face greeted the ground, there was a satisfying crack, his body jerking under Mike's. The fourth time, he felt the skull crack under his grip like a crushed egg. When he pulled the man's face up again, he saw it was a bloody mess, and his body wasn't moving anymore. He dropped the head back to the asphalt again.

Zella continued to ride Carl, his hands grasping at his own throat, blood pouring through his fingers. His body thrashed under her as she moaned. She spat out the raw meat, only to look down at him with wild eyes and a bloody smile. "Come on, big boy! What's the matter? I thought you liked it rough!" She slammed her hips down against him. "Or don't you like it when a girl fucks you instead!?" She saw his eyes roll back, his hands falling away from his neck. She let out a loud moan as she watched the light leave his eyes. She slammed herself down against him one last time and cried out as she came, something the bear would never feel or see. She panted heavily, her pussy clenching still around the cock that would never find release.

Ray laughed breathlessly, walking over to his girlfriend. "He wasn't wrong. You are one cold bitch." He held out the bear's shirt to her.

She took it and wiped the blood off her face with it. "You know you love me for it."

Ray smiled and leaned down to give her a quick kiss. "You know I do."

She reached up to gently touch Ray's face, near where the bear had struck him. "You going to be okay?"

Ray nodded. "Yeah. Got hurt worse fighting my mom" He chuckled. "I'll be fine-"

All three turned to look as they heard another moan of pleasure from the side. Laura sat on the floor, her panties around her ankles and her hand between her legs, playing with a drooling slit. Ray had thought she would have run off by now, not expecting to find her getting off instead. "Um..."

Zella giggled, slipping herself off of the dead cock with a little moan of her own. "I told you more people were into this than you knew."

Mike just stared, running a hand through his hair. "Well damn."

Ray stepped over to Laura, kneeling down. The deer sat with half-closed eyes, panting heavily and blushing. She clearly just came, her fingers still twitching a little against her pussy. She turned blue eyes up to look at Ray nearby, and after a moment reality struck her. "Oh! God! Please, don't hurt me! I won't talk!" She held her hands up, covering her face defensively.

Ray laughs softly. "Girl cums that hard watching three guys get killed in front of her, going to the cops is the last thing I think she's going to do." He held out the bear's jacket to her. "Here. Looks like your shirt got a little torn."

Laura reached out to take the jacket, pulling it over her shoulders. The jacket hung loose on her, but it covered her exposed breast at least. She quickly pulled her panties back up again and scrambled to her feet, her face still flushed. "Th-thank you. I-I don't know what came over me... I just... watching when your friend tore his throat open just..."

Mike shrugged as he stepped closer. "Still getting used to it myself." He grinned at Zella. "But it is pretty fucking hot."

Zella smiled as she got dressed again. "Told you I'm always up for a bit of meat. I'm glad you all enjoyed the show."

Mike looked at the three corpses. "So, what should we do with them?"

Laura cleared her throat. "Um... you could throw them into the dumpster." She pointed at the large green metal dumpster just a bit away. "No one ever looks in the thing. Even the trash guys. They just have a big truck thing that picks it up and dumps the contents into the compactor."

Ray nodded. "Yeah, that could work. It'd at least be a bit before they're found." He slapped his hand against Mike's chest. "C'mon. Help me move the big guy first."

Soon enough, the bodies were hefted and dumped into the dumpster. With Laura's help, and a few buckets of soapy water from the diner, most of the blood was cleared away from the pavement. At least it wouldn't look immediately like the scene of a murder to anyone glancing down the way anymore.

Ray pat Laura's shoulder gently. "We really should be going now, before someone shows up. You should get out of here, too. Are you going to be okay?"

Laura nodded. "Yes. I'll be fine. Thank you for... well, everything..."

Ray nodded and smiled. "Don't mention it. They had it coming. You take care."

Everyone turned to head back, only to stop dead. The two tigers from the diner were standing, watching them. One turned to the other, smacking his shoulder. "See, I told you it was them!" Ray reached into his pocket and gripped the knife again. Mike tensed, ready to fight.

One of the two tigers stepped forward. "You're Ray, right? And Zella? From Brightview?"

Ray pulled the knife out, holding it in front of him. "Look, just let us go and you won't be hurt."

The man put his arms up. "Whoa, whoa, you got the wrong idea!"

The other man stepped forward. "Sorry, um... I'm Dave, this is my brother, Greg. We heard about you guys. Y'know, on the news. About the stuff you did. And, uh... We um... we wanted to ask you something."

Ray narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "What? Talk fast."

Greg cleared his throat. "We wanted to know if you could help us kill our wives."

Three faces stared blankly at the tigers, before three voices said in unified disbelief. "What!?"

Laura stepped forward from behind. "Could... Could I come, too?"

This time it was five faces turning, five voices echoing the same disbelief. "What!?"

* End Chapter *