Chaos Chapter 11: Mission Complete

Story by The Phoenix Quill on SoFurry

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#66 of Pokemon Team Valiant

Team Phalanx carries out a desperate final battle with Calhoun, who is seemingly impervious to death...

Written by myself and Korban

Edited by me

Proofread by Korban

Coffee; the lifeblood of all hard-working Artists. Can anyone spare me some change for one?

Calhoun's mega evolution had initially caught Minato off guard, as well as the sheer dread the sight of it had caused with its unnatural appearance. But that surprise had quickly worn off as the fight resumed, the Lucario as motivated as ever to defeat the Dark Blaziken.

Their clash was violent, even by the standards of combat. Every attack was aimed to finish the other off quickly, but both of them being seasoned fighters caused the fight to drag on. Calhoun's strange yet fluid, entirely kick-focused fighting style offered him an advantage in agility and reach, and his speed kept him out of Minato's grasp when he attempted to use Psychic to detain him. In turn, Minato's sheer skill and overwhelming Aura power kept Calhoun from making a decisive strike, unable to stay close enough to do so due to Minato's swordsmanship. Calhoun also had to stay in constant motion or use Protect to avoid distance attacks, clearly not possessing many himself.

But it was clear the fight could not last much longer. Whatever supernatural force had reformed Calhoun's body seemed to be sustaining him indefinitely - he was not tiring, not even showing the barest hint of fatigue, not slowing down in the slightest, not even out of breath. Minato, however, had nearly exhausted his Aura Spheres and could feel the headache of Psychic overuse starting to creep up on him.

Even he had to admit, if he did not finish off Calhoun soon... he was going to lose, and Lashanne could not help him. Her arm was broken, and she did not have the speed she would require to keep up with someone like Calhoun. Fortunately though, unknown to either Minato or Calhoun, she had kept one of the spare radio earpieces Volcan had brought and had already called for reinforcements.

"Just hold on, Minato," she whispered, watching the ongoing fight. "Help is on the way..."

The Lucario let out another furious roar as he lunged forward for another strike with his sword, his strikes now becoming more desperate the longer the fight dragged on. He was tired, almost to the point where he was running on fumes. Only his sheer willpower was allowing him to keep going as long as he was so far. He had to end this fast, or else his body would expire long before his willpower gave out. Calhoun, however, did not seem to tire at all. His stamina seemed limitless, his attacks never slowing, and Minato's clumsy defense was only wearing the Lucario down as the fright dragged on.

'Damnit! How the hell are you supposed to beat someone that literally has infinite stamina and can regenerate from almost any injury?!' He thought to himself.

At the edge of the clearing, Bialo had regained consciousness. He slowly sat up from the ground rubbing his chest where Lashanne's signal beam had struck him. "Ow... damn fox," he growled, and then looked up as he heard Minato shout, surprised to see the fight was still ongoing.

"The boss even resorted to his Blazikenite," he said. "This is no place for me... but then, maybe if I help him, I could get a promotion." He grinned. "There is a spot open ever since Jora went missing..."

As he contemplated his scheme to assist Calhoun, Bialo felt a tap on his shoulder. Confused, he turned to look behind him. "Who-" he then choked on the words, letting out a long-strained breath and paling almost to white when he saw the devilish smile of an all too familiar Charmeleon.

"Hey, buddy," Kaen said in a low voice, his toothy smile stretching wider as he raised his fist, already charged with a Focus Punch. "How you been?"

"Mother..." whimpered Bialo.

A blur of movement - followed by a scream, flashed by Minato and Calhoun, who both paused as a flying Malamar soared past them, tumbling across the forest clearing until he slammed hard into a tree, once more thrown into unconsciousness. A loud, familiar voice sounded off behind Minato.

"That. Was. SO! VERY! SATISFYING!!!!" Kaen screamed at the top of his lungs.

As Minato dared a look behind him, he saw a Sceptile running across the clearing, moving at an impressive speed as he raced toward Calhoun, leaf blades already extended. Who was this? He didn't know a Sceptile... but as the large reptile raced past him, he caught a glimpse of the black armband around his bicep, and it clicked...

"No way...Sickle?" He suddenly blurted out just as the Sceptile clashed with Calhoun, having to shake his head and do a double take to see if it really was him.

The fighting style of the Sceptile made it unmistakable - Minato had sparred enough with the Grovyle throughout the course of the mission to know. He had Sickle's combat stance and technique, albeit not executed as smoothly as when he was a Grovyle, now that he was nearly double his original height. On his arm, Sickle wore an armband - a looplet, he remembered them being called, like the ones Lashanne had, and saw a yellow stone shining in one of its sockets. Calhoun had failed to dodge Sickle's first attack, clearly not expecting a leaf blades to hurt him, but the laceration left on his hand by the blade proved otherwise.

Sickle's intervention had bought Minato time to start catching his breath. He released his blade and slowly fell to one knee, gasping and panting heavily now that the adrenaline was starting to die off. He raised his head to watch Sickle and Calhoun fight, noting that he was actually managing to actually land some hits on the Dark Blaziken despite his typing disadvantage, regardless of taking the Looplet into account. That said, his expression was still grim, his paw touching the dirt clenching into a fist as he slowed his breathing down enough for him to mutter to himself.

"Even with a numbers advantage... we can't beat him conventionally..." He said softly, his ears flattening as he came to the only conclusion he could think of. "He'll just heal if we break any bones... and his combat prowess is unlike anything I've ever seen before."

His gaze hardened as he slowly pushed himself to his feet. 'He_has _to die...'

Kaen moved in to join the battle, moving to Calhoun's flank and leaping at him with his arm drawn back. Calhoun narrowly ducked under the attack, dropping low and letting Kaen fly over him, but he had left himself in a poor spot, unable to bring his legs back up to move again as Sickle's leg snapped forward and landed a kick right to his cheek, sending Calhoun reeling. The Dark Blaziken used the momentum to roll into a somersault, springing back onto his feet. Sickle came at him again, but this time Calhoun was prepared, using the full extent of the speed he had acquired through his abilities to zip behind Sickle and kick him in the back. Sickle went flying across the clearing, hitting the ground and tumbling into a tree. Kaen leapt at Calhoun from behind, both of his claws glowing with dragon-type energy, and Calhoun felt the claws slice into his back, having failed to sense Kaen coming.

Angrily, Calhoun spun around and punt-kicked the Charmeleon, launching him as he had Sickle and sending the Charmeleon arcing unto the canopy of a nearby tree, where after tumbling through the branches for a moment, Kaen fell out and landed on the ground, unmoving.

Minato hadn't caught his breath yet as Calhoun turned on him. By his expression, it seemed the novelty of the fight had run out... Calhoun was ready to end it.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, forcing himself to move out of the way as Calhoun came charging in. He assumed a more basic stance this time, paws up, legs apart and focusing primarily on defense now.

Calhoun lunged at him then, bringing up his leg for another kick, one that he blocked with both paws before countering with a jab right to Calhoun's beak, followed up by an uppercut to his sternum in retaliation. His movements were quick and precise, lacking in power, but packing enough of a sting to make Calhoun feel it and try to force him to back away. Unfortunately, Minato was too tired to keep it up for long, and Calhoun proved more cunning than expected. He lashed out, arms raised as though going for Minato's throat, but as Minato brought up his hands to catch them, Calhoun reverted to a knee strike instead, landing squarely against Minato's chest below his spike and knocking the wind out of him.

As Minato sank to his knees, clutching his chest and trying to catch his breath, Calhoun stepped away from him, raising his leg to land a decisive kick to finish him. "Good fight," he said, giving one last grin to the Lucario.

Minato glared defiantly back at Calhoun; fangs bared even as he fought to catch his breath. "...You'll get what's coming to you..." He said in a pained tone. "One way or WILL be stopped..."

"Too bad you won't be here to see that" he said. "Say hi to-"

He was cut off as a red blur shot out of the trees, running across the clearing and delivering a flying sideways kick to the off-balance Calhoun, giving him no chance at evasion or defense before he was thrown through the air by Volcan's kick. Minato looked at his friend, seeing Volcan already in Mega Evolved form... and he did _not_look pleased.

"Calhoun!" Volcan roared as he chased after the Dark Blaziken.

Calhoun skidded to a stop, digging his talons into the ground to slow himself and blocking Volcan's incoming punch. "So, you _are_still alive," said Calhoun, holding Volcan's fist away from his face. "Seji was not mistaken after all."

"Thank Arceus..." Minato said, heaving a sigh of relief, unable to help but smile at the sight of his best friend coming to his aid. "You took your sweet time..."

"Minato, you okay?" Volcan called.

Before Minato could respond, Calhoun pushed Volcan away. "Don't let your guard down!" He shot before he delivered a swift kick to Volcan's stomach, stumbling him.

Volcan recovered quickly, and the two clashed, both of them flying into a flurry of attacks that was hard to follow, so enhanced by their speed. Whenever one broke off the attack to move to more favourable grounds the other was in hot pursuit. They raced all over the clearing, stopping only to trade blows before they were off again, making it difficult to track either of them. Even with his Aura Sense, Minato couldn't even make out their forms as they zipped all around him and traded blows with one another. The only other he had seen that was capable of ultra high-speed combat was Luke, and even then, Minato had to wonder if Volcan had become even faster than him. Regardless, he took this time to push himself to his feet, sucking in a deep breath to fight off the pain from his earlier wound and focus all of his aura into replenishing as much of his stamina as he could.

Volcan kept the fight going for a long time, but it was clear he was not at his best either. His movements, despite being quick, were not well-timed; Volcan normally had excellent control of his speed, and while it was true someone could be at the mercy of their own momentum, going faster than their mind could process, Minato knew Volcan better than that. It was clear, he too was already exhausted.

To make matters worse, his Mega Evolution timed out, just as he evaded a kick from Calhoun. His body flashed white and reverted to his previous form.

"Oh shit!" Volcan cursed and let out a sickening gasp as another kick sent him tumbling, skidding across the ground to land at Minato's feet.

"Volcan!" The Lucario knelt back down and gently hoisted the Blaziken back up to his feet. "Guess that fight with Sol took more of a toll than you expected, huh?" He asked.

"You try fighting an angry Typhlosion with the power of an entire minefield," wheezed Volcan, clutching his shoulder. "Fuck, he dislocated my shoulder... I can't lift my arm."

"And I'm practically fresh out of power...I've got enough for one last trick." He returned softly. "Damnit... I had him too. He was at death's door before he just... spontaneously put himself back together..."

"Wait, what?" Volcan asked.

Minato had no chance to answer as Calhoun stepped over, standing over them. "This fight is at an end," he said. "You two have fought well, but I'm going to remove both of you for good, before you can become a _real_problem for my plans."

Minato grunted as he stood up, stepping in front of Volcan and standing tall. "That's not going to happen, scum." He retorted firmly. "Like I told you... One day you'll get what's coming to you. Maybe not by my hands, but someone _will_put an end to you and your scheme."

"Good luck doing that while you dwell in the afterlife!" Calhoun growled as he lunged at him, putting all of his strength into a single, powerful kick.

The Lucario took the kick dead on, the force of the attack was so powerful it made him spit up some blood onto Calhoun's leg as a result. Despite the damage he sustained, Minato was grinning and lifting his left paw up and grasping Calhoun's leg before he could pull it back.

"...For a warrior of such a high aren't the most observant Pokémon." He strained to say as his entire body started to glow and surge with power, rearing his right paw back as he channelled all of that power into his paw.

With a roar, he yanked Calhoun forward and thrust his paw into Calhoun's chest, sending a massive shockwave through his body that sent him careening through the forest behind him like a bullet being fired from a gun. The sounds of multiple trees snapping and falling to the ground could be heard long after Calhoun was blasted back by Minato's trump card, Reversal.

"Try getting back up...from that..." He said in between laboured pants of air. His exhaustion finally caught up with him as his eyes rolled back in their sockets and had fallen flat on his face right after he blacked out.

"Minato!" Volcan called, forcing himself to sit up and drag his body over to his friend's side. "Hey, come on man, speak to me!" He pleaded.

The Lucario did not respond to Volcan's pleas. He was still breathing though with effort, but he was completely out cold from using up more aura than his reserves allowed. Not even tapping his face seemed to stir him from his forced slumber.

"Volcan!" Sickle called as he ran over to them, carrying the unconscious Kaen over his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Who... who are you?" Volcan asked, looking at the Sceptile in confusion, before he noticed the armband, and his jaw fell open. "What- Sickle? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," the Sceptile replied as he set Kaen down beside Minato. "How's Minato?"

"He's out cold. If I had to guess, he pushed his aura beyond its limits when he used that Reversal," the Blaziken replied. "He's comatose, but he seems to be alive."

"Where's Serena?"

"She's on her way. I had to run ahead to get here in time," replied the Blaziken. "Hey, can you help me? I need to reset my shoulder."

"Uh... yeah, I can do that, but it's gonna hurt."

"I can handle it."

Sickle hesitantly scooted closer to Volcan, taking his limp right arm in his grasp. "Need a stick or something to bite down on?" He offered.

"Like I said, I can handle it," he repeated.

Positioning the arm, Sickle counted to three and pressing into his shoulder. With a snap and pop, the arm returned to its socket, and Volcan inhaled sharply, managing to stifle his pained scream to a deep groan as he exhaled.

"Thank you," he said.

"No problem."

At that moment, Tristan and Serena finally arrived. Volcan called for the Vaporeon, and she ran over and immediately began to administer healing to Minato, being the more critical of the two. Her projected Aqua Veil engulfed the Lucario, its healing waters washing the grime from his body as its life-giving energies filled his body. During that time, Sickle went to retrieve Lashanne, helping her over to the gathered group. Sickle reintroduced himself to Serena and Tristan, as at first neither of them realized who he was either. The downside of evolution for Pokémon, was that sometimes your friends didn't realize it was still you when you evolved.

"Tristan, can you come with me?" Sickle asked. "Let's find Calhoun, make sure he's really down for the count."

"Sure thing," Tristan replied, and followed the Sceptile into the woods, following the trail of broken trees.

Minato stirred under Serena's healing waters, but even their power was not enough to bring him out of his coma-like state. Serena bore a worried expression, but she was keeping her focus as she helped her friend. "He's critical... my healing will keep him stable, but he needs proper medical attention," she said. "We must take him to the nearest hospital."

"The Prison. It has to have a hospital," suggested Volcan as he helped Lashanne with her arm. "We have to go there to take Sandjaw in anyway."

"What about Sol?" Lashanne asked and snarling as Volcan set the bone and helped her tuck it against her chest, using her other paw to keep it supported until they could get it in a sling.

Volcan let out a sigh. "It can't be helped... we'll have to go back without him," he said. "I don't like leaving a mission half-finished, or three-quarters finished in this case. But Sol will have to-."

A snap from the woods cut off his words. He stepped away from Lashanne and shot to his feet, looking toward the forest and readying himself. It was coming from the trees opposite to where Sickle and Tristan had gone, and he prayed it wasn't one of the henchmen of the gangsters they had captured, coming looking for payback. Volcan's condition was poor, and he'd never be able to protect his friends alone... Kaen might be able to help him, but only if he woke up, and Serena had to stay by Minato. Lashanne might be able to support him from afar...

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw who stepped out of the woods. The massive Typhlosion pushed his way through the trees and stepped into the clearing, his expression the same as when Volcan had left him. A look of defeat, his gaze distant even as it rested briefly upon the group of Pokémon staring at him in shock.

"...The fuck you all looking at?" Sol asked.

Serena was unable to hide her terror at the sight of the Typhlosion. Lashanne stood in front of her, holding her branch wand in her left hand while keeping her broken right arm across her stomach. Volcan rose slowly to his feet, facing Sol and eyeing him questioningly.

"Why are you here?" Volcan asked.

"Is that a rhetorical question, or did you just forget the words you left me with before going off to kill that fucking black Blaziken?" Sol retorted. "You asked me to make a choice, and now here I am."

"And what specifically is your choice?" Volcan asked.

He gave a long sigh and slumped his shoulders slightly. "I ain't going back to that prison," He began as his gaze travelled down slightly. "...And I ain't gonna let that fuckwit get away with what he did to me," he then rolled his eyes and clenched his paws tight against his sides. "So. Just for now, I'm gonna help you take that asshole down."

Volcan cast a look at Lashanne, meeting her eyes to get her opinion. She held the look only briefly before looking back at Sol, studying him. "He seems genuine," she said. "But he was given a sentence... What do we do about that?"

Volcan crossed his arms as he considered the question, fingers drumming his bicep as he considered what to do. "Sol," he began. "We do have to go back to the prison, to find medical attention for Minato, and you know I can't simply tell the warden I did not find you. However," he put up his finger, to show he wasn't done. "If you're willing to wait, I might be able to arrange something - keyword, _might._In the meantime, you can stay on the airship."

"Uh, hello? _My_airship," Lashanne reminded.

"As long as you promise not to damage anything, and that you won't change your mind and run away," Volcan added to which Lashanne seemed satisfied, and watched Sol to await his answer.

Sol scoffed. "I couldn't run away even if I tried. I'm too beat up from you kicking my ass." He pointed out while crossing his arms in front of his chest. "What kind of arrangements are we talking about here?"

"It just so happens a very close friend of your dad's very recently got promoted to a Gold-ranked Captain," replied Volcan, "and is now also serving as a temporary councillor in the Guild." He smiled, waiting for the meaning of his words to click with Sol.

The Typhlosion seemed confused at first, though after giving it some more thought, his eyes started to widen in realization before he looked back at the Blaziken. "You're telling me that little fuzzball is_leading_ the Rescue Teams as a whole?" He exclaimed. "Bull fucking shit!! That shrimp ain't no politician!"

"I'd speak of him with respect, Sol, considering he might be the one who can get you your freedom," Volcan stated pointedly. "It won't be unconditional, I guarantee it. But it's that, or the chains again."

The Typhlosion grimaced and averted his gaze away once more, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground as he came to a decision. "Alright, alright, fine. We have a deal..." He remarked, still keeping his gaze averted.

"Alright," said Volcan.

"I hope you know what you're doing," said Lashanne.

"Volcan?" Serena asked worriedly.

"It'll be okay, Serena," assured Volcan, without taking his eyes from Sol. "Tell me, what's Minato's condition?" He asked.

Serena swallowed, and then looked down at the Lucario. "Still comatose. But he should make it to the prison," she said. "Kaen is also fine - he was just knocked out. Should come around any moment."

"Alright," said Volcan, bringing a hand to his ear and making a call to the airship - specifically to Blaster who had the earpiece, so that he could pass along their directions to Toby.

Suffice it to say, nobody was happy with the arrangement without being consulted first, least of all Sickle and Blaster when the rest had gathered. But everyone was too exhausted to argue the point, knowing that for Sol to even be released, the new council would have to approve it first.

As they boarded the airship, Sickle gave a rather chilling account of what had happened when he and Tristan had located Calhoun. They could have sworn the dark Blaziken was on death's door, at the very least paralyzed from the attack Minato had landed on him. It seemed like the threat was over, but as they watched, suddenly the broken shadow Pokémon seemed to be pulled back together - the gruesome account had everyone, even Sol cringing as they listened attentively go Sickle's description.

"All his limbs, ribs, even his back which I could have sworn was broken just... forcefully reset themselves," he explained. "His external injuries remained, and he clearly had some internal damage, but it's like some other force rebuilt him. Then before we could try to collect him, he vanished. A blink of light and poof - he was gone."

"Teleportation," said Lashanne. "Probably called his pet legendary to bail him out, or that Sash guy you all told me about."

"So that's what Minato was trying to tell me," said Volcan. "Calhoun can reform broken limbs. And seems to have infinite stamina."

"Doesn't sound like it actually heals him though," Serena offered. "At most it would allow him to keep the use of his limbs while still being susceptible to bleeding out. The pain, however," she shuddered. "It would be excruciating. Especially if he was awake to feel it."

"What the hell could allow him to reform broken bones like that?" Kaen asked.

"Could it be the shadow curse?" Sickle asked.

"If it is, that's not something I've heard of," replied Lashanne. "But then again he's not really a 'normal' Shadow Pokémon, if there can be such a thing."

"No, he isn't. Either way, it's not the last we've seen of him, but at least now we know he can be beaten," offered Volcan. "Even with unlimited stamina and a body that reforms itself, he's still got a limit."

"So what, we just keep crushing his bones and hope he just keels over from the pain?" Sol would ask before punching his fists together. "Sounds like my kinda corporal punishment. I'm gonna have lots of fun ripping him apart little by little..."

"We have to _find_him first," Sickle cut in. "The guy has proven damn good at covering his tracks. No one's been able to figure out where his base is." He arched an eye ridge at Sol. "Don't suppose...?" He let the question hang.

He cast Sickle a glance. "Dunno why you're looking at me. He never told me squat when he broke me out." He replied harshly.

"Was worth a shot," the Sceptile returned, shrugging.

"Forget Sandjaw either, I already interrogated him," Blaster added. "Soon as Calhoun broke them out he just sent them straight to Blackcoast. Never said anything about where their base was. He confirmed our original theory, though - they were looking to gather new soldiers for his army there."

"Well at least we put a stop to that, for now," Lashanne offered. "Calhoun will have to look elsewhere or find someone else to be his recruiter."

"What about Bialo? Could he know where Calhoun's base is?" Kaen suggested.

"He's still out cold, but when he comes around, we could interrogate him," replied Volcan, putting a hand to his chin and grinning. "Hey Sol... How would you like a little payback on the guy who brainwashed you?"

Sol's ears perked when he was called for, looking at Volcan sternly as he asked his question. Then, very slowly, his lips started to curl into the most devious smile imaginable, even his ears started to curve inward like devil horns as he smiled. "...You're alright." He said in a low tone while pointing at Volcan with a finger. "Where's he at right now?"

"Down below," replied Volcan. "Let's go pay-"

"Hold it!" Lashanne blurted out, her good arm upraised to get their attention. "If there's any blood or squiddy excrement on my floors, you two will be down on your knees with a bristle brush to clean up the mess! I won't have my ship smelling of a wuss crapping himself, kapiche?"

Sol would look to Lashanne with a sneer, angered by her tone and disgusted at the idea of cleaning up any mess Bialo would make during his 'private time' with the Malamar. "...Fine, I'll wait till we're on the ground. Happy?" He asked with a snort. "Fucking stuck up neat freak."

"I heard that, quill-boy!" She snarled. "I may have one arm in a sling, but I can still lob you over the side!"

"I'd_love_to see you try." Sol retorted.

"Enough!" Volcan cut in. "We don't need this right now. We'll interrogate Bialo after we land. He's got Siphon Chains on so he's not going anywhere regardless. Soon as we gleam the info we need, the Siphon Prison gets a new inmate."

"Alright fine, jeez." Sol grumbled before he pushed himself off the railing he was leaning on. "I'm going to the front of the ship. Don't even think about following me or you get roasted." He threatened as he turned on his heel and stormed off to the bow of the airship.

Sickle moved to stand over by Volcan, watching Sol as he left the group to find himself a quiet spot. "You sure about this?" He asked.

"Not entirely," admitted Volcan. "But we'll find out soon enough... the only one who can make this really happen is Luke."

"When you guys go back to Azure, mind if I come with?" Sickle asked, smiling. "I never got the chance to see Luke after you guys came home. I'd like to see what he thinks of the new me." He lifted his claws, looking himself over.

Volcan chuckled. "Well, you're welcome to, but Luke's in Hadleigh, not Azure."

"We'll get our chance. I doubt you plan on just waiting for him now that the mission is over."

"Am I that predictable?"

"I'm the one who called your guy's bond 'true love' remember?" Sickle returned with a wink. "That chain is always going to pull you two together, even from across the continent."

"Touché. I better go pen the letter to send to him, then. I'll leave you out though - let it be a surprise," he said, winking back at the Sceptile.

"Sounds good to me."



Luke had just emerged from the Council chambers with a content smile on his face. The last session he had with his fellow councilmen went by relatively smoothly now that they were actively working together to solve this crisis. Plans were being made, debates were more peaceful as a result; it really felt as if things were finally coming together, especially after the latest assault by Sash and the Black Titan himself, both of which they were all able to soundly defeat.

'I guess that attack came with a silver lining after all.' He thought to himself as he wandered aimlessly down the streets. He then felt his stomach start to growl, making him blush in embarrassment. "Whoof...has it really been that long since breakfast? Guess I better go grab some ingredients to make some lunch with." He muttered to himself before taking a moment to figure out which way the market was.

"Hey Luke!"

He turned, and saw Neilla jogging over go him, carrying an empty sack over her shoulder. "Glad to see you got out early," she said.

"Hey Neilla!" Luke greeted the Lopunny with a smile. "Yea, today went by rather smoothly. Everyone was co-operative and everything was resolved peacefully and professionally. I feel this council is really turning itself around." He said with confidence in his tone.

"Excellent," she said. "I'm glad things are finally coming together. Where are you headed?"

"I was about to head to the market to pick up some food for lunch. I'm starving." He answered as he rubbed his stomach gently.

"I'm headed that way too," replied Neilla. "Actually I was waiting for you. Aerendyl's pantry ran out pretty fast having three guests staying with him. I wanted to surprise him with something." She shrugged. "But I can't cook, so I was hoping you might have an idea."

"I might have a few ideas," Luke said with a grin. "You _are_talking to a self-made chef after all."

"Perfect. Mind if I tag along then?"

"By all means. I might need the extra set of hands." He said as he held his arm out for her to loop hers with his.

She smiled, looping her arm through his and walking in tandem with him to the marketplace, showing him the quickest route from the Council Hall. They visited the grocer's first, browsing the selections of items lining the shelves, giving Luke ideas on what to prepare for dinner, and helping Neilla make a list of extra items to stock the pantry with, including some items that Aerendyl had requested.

Before long, they filled the sack Neilla had brought to carry groceries, and left the marketplace, making a brief stop for a cold drink as they walked back to the library.

As soon as they arrived, they entered the library to find Aerendyl pouring over a book, with Jora seated beside him. "Okay, so that one's false," the Espeon said. "It seems this writer truly knew very little of your people."

"From what you have said, he was more attuned to our common racial stereotypes than on any solid facts," Jora remarked with obvious displeasure. "Where did he even get the idea that we fear living near the volcano? All of Kia He is volcanic - just most of the resources are out on the plains." She looked over her shoulder as Luke and Neilla stepped in.

Aerendyl followed her gaze. "Neilla, welcome back. Hello Luke - finished early?"

"Yep. Everything went down without a hitch today because we were all working as a unit instead of focusing on our personal interests." Luke explained with a nod. "Anyway, anyone hungry? Neilla and I have some fresh ingredients to work with from the market."

"Sounds great!" Aerendyl agreed. "Oh! But before I forget. Neilla?"


"This came for you while you were out," Aerendyl explained as he levitated a letter from the coffee table, carrying it over to her.

"Ah, post office remembered to forward my mail here," she said, looking at the letter as Luke started for the kitchen. "Wait... uh, Luke?" She called after him.

"Yea?" He called back just as he was about to enter the kitchen.

"I don't think this letter's for me," she called, walking over to show it to him, addressed 'Urgent: To Neilla of Team Plainsrunner' and had Team Phalanx's emblem embedded in the wax seal on the envelope. "It's addressed to me, but if I'm not mistaken, that's Volcan's team crest."

Luke froze on the spot at the mention of Volcan's name, then in a brief flash he turned and quickly took the letter from her paws and quickly opened up the envelope, practically ripping the letter out and unfolding it open to read its contents. On the front was a cover letter, addressed to Neilla. She leaned over to read over his shoulder.

"'Neilla_,'"_she read aloud, "'sorry for the abruptness, but I figured you'd be in a better spot to get in touch with Luke sooner than I could, so I sent this letter ahead in advance. I've included a second letter with this one, to pass along to Luke; I'd greatly appreciate it. My team and I are on our way to Hadleigh - we should arrive there within a week or so if all goes well. Thanks for your help - coffee's on me when we get there. Volcan'." She leaned forward. "There are two more letters on the back," she said, lifting away the cover one to expose the second, which Luke read to himself.

"Luke. I'm sending this ahead hoping it reaches you in a timely manner - the warden assures me their courier is faster than any flier in the Postal Service. If she's telling the truth, this letter should reach you three days after I sent it. I have great news for you to pass along to the council. Mission accomplished. The inmates that escaped the Siphon Prison are back in custody, with one new addition - we caught Bialo while we were pursuing the others.

I also require a favour... and here's where I suspect you'll be questioning my sanity. You see, after I defeated Sol, he seems to have had a change of heart. He wants to come back with me and join us in our fight with Calhoun. I can't make this call myself, nor can the warden, so we've also included a release form for the council, to sign and send back. But I know this is a lot to ask, so I've made sure Sol knows that if I do not hear back from you within a week, then he's staying here. In other words, his freedom is yours to decide. You know him better than I do.

I miss you, Luke... and I'm looking forward to seeing you. Once we know what to do with Sol, we'll be making a stop in Azure to recuperate, and then we'll be heading straight to Hadleigh. I long to hold you in my arms again, my love, and know that I'll come with all haste as soon as the issue with Sol is dealt with.

I love you,


Volcan... had defeated Sol.

Luke was completely flabbergasted after he finished reading the letter, lowering his paws to his sides and dropping the letters onto the floor. "He... actually did it..." he muttered softly, blinking a bit as he felt tears start to well up in his eyes. "He actually accomplished the one thing my team couldn't!"

"Luke? You okay?" Neilla asked, kneeling to retrieve the dropped letters.

"It's not bad news, is it?" Aerendyl asked, his concern matched by Jora.

He wiped his eyes on his paw and started to smile. "Far from it! It's the best news I've heard since the day he confessed to me!" He said as his joy became more apparent. "He defeated Sol and tamed him enough to make him see what he was doing wrong!"

"Who is Sol?" Jora asked, tilting her head.

Luke looked over to the Salazzle curiously before looking up in realization. "Right, you weren't around for that. Sorry." He apologized. "Sol is a Typhlosion, one of the meanest and most violent ones out there. Like me, he hailed from Port Azure until he went rogue and was literally given the boot by his father." He summarized.

"And Volcan caught him, eh?" Neilla asked, turning over the letters to uncover the petition. "Well, that's good. Another scu- wait a minute," she lifted the petition letter closer to her face. "This is a release form from the prison..." Her eyes went wide. "For_Sol?!_ Volcan wants to _free_him?"

"I know. My mind was blown when I read that part as well." Luke concurred. "But he said that he managed to get Sol to cooperate after he beat him, and that he wants to help us take Calhoun down... Frankly that last part had me question Sol's ulterior motives, but..." He looked to the letter again and narrowed his eyes. "Volcan wouldn't make a request like this lightly, and I trust his judgment. For now though, I'll have to bring it up at our next session tomorrow."

"I may not know Sol, but do you think there's a chance he's really changed?" Neilla asked softly.

"Sol is many things. A liar is not one of them." Luke answered quickly. "He also hates owing others a debt, and if I know him, he'll treat this chance at freedom as a personal debt he'll have to repay." He added with a nod. "That's why I'm willing to put my faith into Volcan's request, but I can only try to convince the rest of the council to see things my way."

"Call it a hunch," began Aerendyl. "But I don't imagine Romulus is going to be too happy about this..."


Indeed, Romulus did _not_look pleased, as he finished reading the release papers Volcan had sent with his letters, studying them at length and reviewing every detail that Volcan had managed to include in the letter about the events leading up to Sol's capture, and his request for a chance at redemption.

"This is a very tall order, Captain Luke. You understand that don't you?" Romulus asked, rolling his eyes to look at the Lucario squarely. "Releasing a convict that has been indicted to the Siphon Prison borders on, if you'll forgive my bluntness... imbecilic."

"I understand the ramifications of this request, Romulus, but let me repeat. Volcan has managed to accomplish by himself what my team couldn't back when he first went rogue. I trust in his judgment, and the fact that Sol himself said he wants to help of his own volition gives me reason enough to want to give him a second chance." He stated firmly. "Of course, that isn't to say we won't take precautions in the event he does try to turn on us..."

"Volcan's accomplishment is not in question," Romulus reminded, looking away from the papers. "Indeed, to find out he captured all of the convicts, _and_that of ex-Team Warmachine member Bialo the Hypnotist, is news I do welcome. He is to be commended for his accomplishment, for it is beyond his station and worthy of praise. But I'm sure I don't need to remind you I bore witness to Sol's destructive tendencies myself, when he nearly levelled the Colosseum on Warmachine Island."

He folded his paws on the table before him, waiting until the other councillors had ceased whispering before he continued. "I know Volcan well enough to know he is not one for flights of fancy, but this is a _tremendous_gamble, letting someone that violent and powerful out into the world again. Asset, or liability - which will it be, and is it worth the risk?"

Luke let out a heavy sigh and slumped his shoulders slightly before he gave his answer. "Honestly? I don't think it is." He began but held up his paw to signal he wasn't finished. "That being said, I've known Sol longer than all of you have. Yes, he was violent and always had a temper, but around good company, he wasn't all that bad. To quote what I said upon receiving this letter: Sol is many things. A liar is not one of them. He will also treat this act of mercy as a personal debt to Volcan, and I also know he doesn't like owing debts. Until he finds a way to repay him, I have a good hunch he'll remain tamed and _somewhat_reasonable." The Lucario concluded.

Romulus let out a long sigh, once more mulling over the suggestion for a long, quiet moment before he spoke. "Councilmen, what say all of you to this?"

"To be frank, Captain Romulus," Meilin replied. "None of us hold any sway over the Siphon Prison. The project was yours and Captain Torolf's alone, with the blessing of the previous guild council - an authority we have only gained recently. I believe you are better suited to make such a decision, especially having witnessed this convict yourself."

The other captains nodded in agreement.

"It is true that my position as a financier does give me some control over the prison and its inmates," admitted Romulus. "However, that is a responsibility I share equally with Captain Torolf, and as it was Team Warmachine, not Team Phobia, who captured Sol," he turned his attention to Leon, who had taken Torolf's place on the council while his Captain recovered in the hospital. "Acting Captain Leon, what say you to this?"

Leon cast a glance at Luke, and then back to Romulus. "Speaking from a tactical standpoint it is, as you suggested, a gamble," he said. "To trust in the good intentions of one who we sent to prison, and he has only been there a few months - certainly not long enough to believe he has had any true rehabilitation. Still, having witnessed his destructive power myself... I do believe he could be an asset in the coming battles. But," he carried on, and Luke felt his heart sinking, fearing Leon was about to decline the proposal. "If this risk is to be taken, there must be a condition for Sol to follow, if we are to grant him parole."

"I concur," replied Romulus. "Then your response is to permit the release, and let Sol walk free again?"

"Free, with conditions," replied Leon. "As Luke is the one to present this for us, and is the only one who knows Sol personally, then I suggest Sol should be made a temporary member of Team Valiant, under the command of Captain Luke. Thus, Luke, you and you alone will be responsible for him."

"Should Captain Volcan, the one proposing this release, not also share the responsibility?" Romulus suggested.

"What would you say is fair for him?"

"While Sol will be under the command of Captain Luke," Romulus began, "Volcan shall face his own consequences for poor judgment if Sol does once again go rogue." He looked at Luke, gauging his response to the suggestion.

Luke nodded in agreement. "I can agree to these requirements." He stated firmly. "Should the event he turns on us occurs, we'll take full responsibility for it."

"Then, by order of this council, should Sol prove to be insincere, and attempts to return to his destructive ways," he explained, "Sol will be returned to the Siphon Prison, and Team Phalanx will face a demotion, and temporary suspension from service to the guild."

Luke hesitated, and silently pleaded that Volcan would not regret his decision. He gave a small nod to show he understood the consequences. "We'll do everything in our power to ensure that doesn't happen." He replied firmly.

Romulus huffed, but his expression was as soft as he could muster. "I hope you can live up to that, Captain Luke," he said. "Leon and I shall sign the release papers. In the meantime, I imagine there is a letter you wish to send to the captain of Team Phalanx as well. If you haven't already penned one out, you'll have time to do so - we need to send this as soon as possible."

He addressed the other council members. "Temporary recess. We shall reconvene in one hour."

At his call, the council began to disperse, each captain leaving his or her chair and making for the door. Luke had already bolted out the door once the recess was called, making a beeline right for the nearest post office so he could write out a return letter to his beloved. He was shedding tears of joy the whole time, both overjoyed that he would finally get to see his beloved Volcan again, and proud of the fact he had accomplished a feat he deemed impossible.

He could barely make coherent sentences as he wrote his letter, his paws were shaking and his vision slightly blurred from the tears he was holding back, but he was able to finish the letter regardless, and address it to Port Azure under high priority postage. He wanted it to be there the second Volcan touched down in Azure, unlikely as that was.

Even if he wasn't, Volcan had already stated he would be coming to Hadleigh to find him. It would mean Luke would have to wait longer, but either way their reunion was imminent.

'Just a little longer...and we'll be together again~' Luke thought as he turned and exited the post office after they accepted his letter. He wiped his tears away and sucked in a deep breath before he beelined it back to the council hall to continue their session, a wide grin present on his face as he ran.


Team Phalanx and Team Kama were resting on the deck of the airship when the heard the prison warden calling for him. Volcan leapt over the side to meet the Noctowl below and was handed a letter by one of her escorts, which he opened and began to read. The others, including Sol, gathered at the railing and waited to hear what news awaited them.

Volcan looked up from the letter toward Sol, and then motioned for him to come down. He didn't see any shackles in the hands of the guards, so it didn't look like they coming to arrest him. The Typhlosion hopped over the railing of the ship and landed on the ground with a heavy thud, kicking up dust and dirt after his landing before he rose and stepped over to Volcan and the Warden.

"Whatcha want?" He asked firmly.

Volcan showed him the letter, offering it to him to read. "Your release form," he said. "The council has approved your release, and the conditions are listed right in here."

"And there are copies, in case you get it in your head to burn it," the Druddigon guard commented, earning a sharp look from Volcan and the warden.

"Stuff your concerns up your ass. I ain't no backstabber like that squid," Sol retorted as he read the release form over. A few times he grimaced at some of the terms of his release, but for the most part he seemed satisfied with the result.

He then looked to the Pokémon around him. "Alright then... Guess I'm a free 'mon." He stated as he passed the papers back to Volcan. "But I got a condition of my own." He firmly stated.

Volcan scowled. "You're on parole, Sol. The terms aren't yours to set," he stated. "The deal is as it is on the table. Break it, and the chains go back on."

"Shut up and hear me out!" He growled, then took a moment to keep his temper in check. "It's not even that big a deal anyway. My...request,_let's say, is that I don't follow the fuzzball." He said as he looked at Volcan square in the face. "I follow _you."

Volcan looked at the warden curiously, unsure of how to respond.

"It's not outside of the terms, if Captain Luke were to put Sol under your charge," replied the warden. "But that would have to be an agreement between you and him. As it stands, the order that arrived with it is that Sol accompanies you to Azure, though he is not permitted to enter the town itself unsupervised."

"That's fine... I don't plan on stepping anywhere near that place," Sol remarked with a hint of guilt in his tone. "Residents there know who I am. They won't welcome back a devil like me with open arms anyway."

"That will be for them to decide," replied Volcan. "We'll help you set up a shelter when we get back."

Sol nodded, then he lifted up his paw, almost looking as if he were going to strike. To their relief though, he firmly placed it on the Blaziken's shoulder and sighed. "...'Preciate it..." was all he said before releasing his shoulder and walking back to the airship.

Volcan watched Sol as he headed back to the ship, and then turned and nodded to the warden. "How is Minato?"

"He awoke a little while ago. The doctors just need a little more time with him, and then he'll be ready to travel," replied the warden.

"Would I be able to go see him?"

"Certainly. Follow us."

Minato looked up as the door opened and was pleased to see Volcan stepping into the room. He smiled and stood up from his bed as the Blaziken approached, embracing him tightly and letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank Arceus, you're still alive..." he whispered as he practically clung to Volcan.

"Same to you," replied Volcan, returning the embrace. "You used so much Aura in that last Reversal, you nearly died."

"It felt like I did, honestly..." he answered as he pulled back to look at his friend. "What happened while I was out?"

"Uh... a fair bit," began Volcan, clearing his throat and beginning his explanation.

He started from when Minato had first collapsed, onto when Sickle and Tristan had located Calhoun, but by the time they reached him his body had already reformed itself, and then the dark Blaziken had vanished via teleportation - they suspected, by Mewtwo's hand. He then went on to detail Sol coming to them, willingly, and asking to join them for the fight against Calhoun.

"We sent out the release papers five days ago, and just got them today. You've been pretty much out cold that entire time," Volcan concluded.

"Seems I've missed a lot..." Minato remarked, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat back down on the bed. "And Sol actually wanting to fight with us is a twist I never expected. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but better that his strength is on our side and not theirs." He added, then looked to Volcan expectantly. "You said he only wants to fight alongside you though...why? Did you beating him really leave that much of an impression on him?"

"Truth be told? I don't know," replied Volcan. "I'm not sure I want such a loose cannon on my team, even if it means he's in a place I can keep an eye on him."

"Well, like I said, better that kind of strength being in our hands than in Calhoun's." Minato remarked. "I would ask him the next chance you get. Make him spill the beans as to why he wants to join you specifically."

"Good luck there. He's not exactly a social Butterfree."

"Won't know until you try." Minato remarked with a shrug. "Anyway, now that you're here... There's something I need to discuss with you."

"What's that?" Volcan asked.

He sighed softly again, putting his paws together as he thought through what he was going to say. "...We've been at this line of work for as long as we can remember. and I know you always adhere to the rule where we only kill our targets as a last resort... And that Luke especially takes that rule to the extreme." He began before he looked at Volcan square in the eyes. "But after what I saw today, and the things that Calhoun is capable of... Volcan, I'm afraid that for this whole ordeal to be resolved, Calhoun HAS to die..."

Volcan considered the Lucario's words for a moment, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. "Honestly, Minato, I'm not sure I disagree with you," he said. "Calhoun has shown just how dangerous he really is, multiple times... I don't think someone like that can be allowed to continue. Whether he goes to the Siphon Prison, or someone kills him... either way, the world will be better off without someone like that."

"Glad we're on the same page, because this time I'm not saying that due to my personal vendetta against him." Minato stated. "His very existence is a plague, one that continues to grow stronger the longer he is alive. Locking him up in even the most well fortified prisons won't stop his influence from spreading."

"If we do somehow capture instead of killing him, though, his fate will be up to the council from that point," Volcan reminded. "We can act only within the guild parameters, just remember that."

Minato sighed heavily. "Be that as it may... You know I'm right, Volcan." The Lucario said with a heavy heart. "Calhoun _must_die if we're to save this world from the threat he presents...and while this isn't my place to get involved, it's something you're going to have to convince Luke to believe in as well. I know he abides by a similar moral code taken to a much greater extent, but we can't afford to be stingy anymore."

"I won't try to force Luke to change his views," Volcan said firmly. "If it comes down to it and one of us has to be the one to finish Calhoun off, then it does. I will make that much known to him, but if he refuses to kill Calhoun himself, that is his own right."

"Then at least make him aware of the possibility." Minato replied just as firmly. "If he won't change, that's his choice. Again, it's not my place to get involved. I'm merely conveying to you what I believe is the best course of action right now." He explained.

"I will talk to him," promised Volcan. "Make sure he knows the possibility is at least there."

"Excuse me."

The two turned toward the voice at the door, finding a Stantler standing in the doorway, wearing prison guard protective gear. Be stood at attention as they faced him.

"Captain Volcan," he said. "I have been informed by the doctors that your friend will be clear to leave within the next two hours. They want to make certain he is set to travel and that he has proper nourishment. By noon, he will be clear to go."

"You can speak to him directly, you know - he's right here," Volcan pointed out.

"Pardon, sir. I was following my instructions," he said, nodding apologetically to Minato.

"At ease - you're fine." Minato replied with a nod. "Thanks for bringing us this info... Frankly I was hoping to get out of this room sooner than later. I feel really cramped in here."

"You shall be cleared to depart soon. I humbly request you wait just a bit longer," the guard replied. "Also, there is a piece of news the warden wanted me to pass along to you. We received confirmation that Eberon was defeated at Hadleigh but managed to elude capture. Torolf of Team Warmachine was injured in the attack, but he is expected to make a full recovery."

With that, the Stantler left the two alone, and Minato was left gawking at Volcan, having not been aware Eberon had been sent to Hadleigh. "They sent the Black Titan to Hadleigh?" He exclaimed, looking to Volcan in utter shock. "Those bastards were planning to take out the new council!"

"I didn't find out until we got back to the prison either," admitted Volcan. "I wondered why we hadn't heard anything about the Black Titan in Blackcoast, but I guess now we know why. Believe me, I nearly panicked when I found out, but Sickle managed to talk me down - pretty much the only reason I didn't bolt and start making tracks to Hadleigh the moment I heard."

"At least we know Eberon can be defeated." Minato remarked. "That said, they must have gotten extremely lucky. I haven't even faced the guy yet, but the fact the prison was originally built_specifically_for him, speaks volumes. Well, either way. Eberon's been repelled, we've recaptured those convicts and even gained an unlikely ally." He said with a shrug and a smirk. "Sounds like another typical day at work."

Volcan chuckled, and sarcastically added, "Sure. We battle escaped convicts from the most secure prison on the continent built to house the most powerful criminals in the world - that's _every_day of our lives." He gave a hapless shrug. "I dunno about you, Minato... but I'm looking forward to a nice long break when we get home. Soon as I get to Azure, I'm going right to sleep, and then the next day I'm jumping in the boat and beelining it to Hadleigh, where I'm going to pick up my betrothed, take him to dinner, and then spend a week with him in my arms."

The Lucario couldn't help but smile softly at Volcan, lifting a paw to gently hold his shoulder firmly. "I'm happy for you Volcan, truly..." He said softly, though his heart did ache a little after admitting that, but he dare not let his expression show the pain he started to feel again. 'I just wish I could experience that happiness again...' He thought to himself.

"Sorry, I got carried away there," the Blaziken remarked, knowingly.

"It's fine." He remarked, waving his paw dismissively. "You better head back to the airship for now. I'll take this time to get a bit more rest before I rejoin you once I'm given the ok."

Volcan nodded. "Need me to bring anything to help you pass the time?" He offered.

"Nah. Just gonna nap a bit." He remarked with a shrug. "The two hours will go faster if I just sleep them off."

"Alright. See you soon, Minato," the Blaziken bade, reaching over to clap his shoulder before turning to leave.

"Take care, my friend." He returned, clapping the Blaziken's shoulder in return. "And be careful not to get roasted for asking too many questions." He joked as he left.

Volcan looked over his shoulder at his friend curiously, not understanding his meaning. Minato raised an eyebrow at him, then make a small gesture that looked like flames coming out of his neck to symbolize what he meant. "Oh right," he replied, frowning as he left the hospital ward, allowing Minato to get some much-needed rest.

"Dunce..." Minato remarked with a chuckle after the door shut, then he let himself fall back into the bed behind him and sighed as he fell back to sleep quickly, wanting as much rest as possible before it was time to leave.


By the early afternoon, the team was gathered aboard the airship, leaving the siphon prison behind for the last time as they turned their course eastward to Bluegrove to drop Team Kama off back at their home -all except for Sickle who had informed the rest about his intentions to go with them to Azure and later, to Hadleigh. Those who were not sleeping, resting away the weariness of a long, hard fought mission, sat on the upper deck below the helm where Toby steered the ship. Volcan, Sickle, Hank and Minato all sat leaning against the railing, watching the clouds passing overhead as they reflected on their recent mission.

Hank let out a long, relaxed sigh. "Another job well done, peeps." The Zoroark commented offhandedly, tapping his clawed feet. "We took down five culprits, found out more about our main baddie, and we gained a - well... I kinda hesitate to say 'ally,' but we got some more muscle on our side. I think we're on a pretty good roll so far."

"I agree. That may have been the biggest mission we've ever been on, and technically Silver and Bronze-ranked teams like us aren't even supposed to be considered viable for such missions," Sickle remarked. "This could mean a promotion is coming my team's way."

"You certainly deserve it." Minato remarked. "If the council doesn't grant you a promotion after a mission this dangerous, then clearly there's something wrong with the system." He joked as his gaze returned to the clouds. "Frankly, I'm just looking forward to seeing Caulin again... I can already guess the first thing he'll want to do the second we get home."

"Me too," agreed Volcan. "But more than anything, I just want to see Luke again."

"So... if you guys have no other missions lined up, what do you think you'll do next?" Sickle asked.

Minato hummed in thought, rubbing his chin as he pondered on the question. One thought in particular did come to mind, making him look to Volcan for a moment. "Well... If anything else, this mission has made one thing plainly obvious to me..." He remarked.

"What's that?" Volcan asked, looking over at him.

"I might need to take an extended leave of absence when we return to Azure." He said before looking to his paw. "...That last fight with Calhoun made me realize that even with my team backing me up, I can't defeat him - not at my current level."

He lifted his gaze back to Volcan again. "With your permission, I'll need to borrow the boat for this excursion... Because I'll be seeking out my old master."

Volcan perked up at that. "Your old teacher... Victor, right?" He asked.

"That's correct." He returned with a nod. "That being said, I imagine he might still be a bit sore after we parted ways, but at this point I can't be picky. I'll do whatever it takes to get stronger..."

"You sure he escaped Arc though, after the attack?" Volcan asked. "Or.. Wait, did he even live on the island? I can't remember."

"He did live on the island, yes" Minato clarified. "And I sincerely doubt that Calhoun got to him. It would take more than the likes of him to stop him and Claire. If I had to guess, they probably escaped on Bellator."

"Who's Bellator?" Sickle asked.

"Victor's Salamence." He answered quickly. "I don't remember the exact details as to how Victor found him, but I do recall hearing about a life debt. Either way, part of my training was earning his trust to the point where I could be considered his rider... Of course, Victor and Claire took their leave before I could finish that lesson." He added sadly. "Caulin absolutely loved him, though. I was nervous at first, letting my boy near such a big dragon, but he turned out to be quite gentle."

Volcan considered Minato's request for a moment. "Well, I was planning on taking the boat to Hadleigh, but I suppose I can just get there another way. So, sure, you can take it."

Minato nodded and smiled a little. "I appreciate it. Thank you." He returned.

"Do you even know where to find him?" Sickle asked. "There are over a hundred islands out there, and that's assuming he didn't come to the mainland."

"Well, see...that's where the difficult part comes in." He said in a heavy tone. "...I have to start from the last place I know I saw him and try to follow his aura trail from there."

"You mean..." Volcan began to say, but trailed off knowing he didn't need to say more...

Minato nodded. "I have to return to Arc..."

A silence fell over the group then. Volcan and Hank shared a look of concern. Both of them had been to the island and knew what would await the Lucario there if he went back.

Volcan grimaced. "If you think you have to... just brace yourself, my friend. Our home is..." he trailed off again, unable to continue and relive the memories again.

Hank spoke up. "Lemme put it this way. I was with Chicken Legs when he wanted to go back home himself, as was Luke, Lunkhead, and Serena too." He began. "Lemme tell ya... The look I saw on their faces almost made _me_burst out crying, and I don't even live there. If yer thinking of going back, I don't think you'd be able to handle it..." He added with a helpless shrug. "Chicken Legs nearly gave up on life from seeing such a traumatic scene..."

Volcan scowled at Hank at his lack of tact but didn't disagree with him.

The Lucario sighed. "I don't think I'll ever be prepared to face the ghosts of our past, but it's something that must be done if I'm to find any trace of my former master." He responded. "As I said, I'll do whatever it takes to get stronger... If I have to return to the place where our nightmare began, then so be it." He added firmly.

"Just make sure you're certain of it... and brace yourself," Volcan warned him, laying a hand over his heart. "Like Hank said, seeing that place... nearly destroyed me."


Toby landed the airship in Azure the following evening, the ship touching down near the construction site where they were building their new homes. As soon as the ship was anchored in place, the team disembarked from the ship, and upon climbing down from the ship, they found a small crowd coming to welcome them home.

Lighris and Degra approached the airship, with Caulin following, his paw in Degra's hand until he saw his father coming off the airship where he immediately left her side and ran to meet the elder Lucario. Minato caught Caulin as he leapt toward him, gently lifting him into the air and sharing a quick nuzzle with him before sitting the Riolu on his shoulder. Immediately the Lucario was bombarded with questions, to which he had to remind Caulin to slow down and ask one thing at a time.

"So you caught all the bad guys right?" He asked excitedly, his little tail wagging furiously behind him.

"Well, almost. One of them actually decided to change sides and join us." He explained.

"And another was sent somewhere else," Volcan spoke up as he joined the two. "Though we heard that one was dealt with already." He then smiled at Caulin. "Hey there, sport."

"Hey, Uncle Volcan,~" Caulin remarked, already reaching out and hugging Volcan's head from where he sat.

"You been behaving for my mom and brother?" He asked the Riolu, leaning into his hug and lifting a hand to rub his back.

"Uh huh~ I've been keeping watch every day from the lighthouse, and training during my breaks and after dinner." He replied.

"That's my boy." Minato remarked with a chuckle.

"Hello Volcan," Degra greeted as she stopped over, opening her arms for her son.

"Hi, mom," Volcan returned, accepting her embrace. "Good to see you."

"You doing alright, little brother?" Lighris asked, joining the embrace of the two Blaziken, wrapping his wings around them both. "How'd the mission go?"

"All things considered, really well," replied Volcan. "We caught the escaped convicts, save one," he looked up at the airship, seeing Sol standing at the railing, looking out at his former hometown with an expression that the Blaziken couldn't read from their current distance.

"I heard Minato say he changed sides. You sure about this?" Lighris asked lowly.

"He seems genuine... but just in case," Volcan began.

"Say no more, little brother. If he gets out of line, I've got your back."

Volcan nodded, pulling out of the embrace as the rest of the team disembarked, sharing greetings with the three, with the last to come down being Sickle.

"Ah, yes. Caulin, remember Sickle from Team Kama?" Volcan asked, gesturing to the Sceptile. "He might be a little bigger than you remember, but here he is."

Caulin had to do a double take when Volcan mentioned Sickle, looking at the Sceptile from head to toe, and even then he only recognized him from the armbands along his upper arms. "...Wait, you're the same Grovyle I threw over my shoulder when we first met?" He asked.

Minato looked to Caulin with mild shock, then back to Sickle as a wry grin crossed his face. "Did he now?"

"The kid's got talent," replied Sickle, that amiable smile of his also easily recognized by the Riolu. "Takes after his dad." He added with a wink. Although it was pretty likely that Sickle had been holding back in his sparring match with Caulin, he did not give any hint to that detail.

"I should hope so. He _is_my son." He remarked back with a wink of his own.

"Welp, I dunno about you guys, but I have a Gatr to get busy with." Hank would announce.

Before he could conjure an illusion to perform a disappearing act, he was suddenly caught in a pair of large arms and hoisted into the air. The act caused Hank to wheeze from how tight the embrace was, then he started to sputter as he was shaken back and forth by the owner of those massive arms.

"Welcome back, my comrades!" Katsu exclaimed with a hearty chuckle before he would let down Hank, leaving him dazed and stumbling about

"What he said!" Came another squawk before the group felt a rush of warm air around them as Eagle Eye swooped in and landed on Katsu's horn. "How was the mission, guys? Gimme all the juicy details!"

"Quite a lot to go into, fellas," replied Volcan.

"Hey, my favourite sparring partner!" Tristan bellowed as he set down the tub of dirt Doug was riding in, walking over to Katsu and giving him a hearty slap on the back. "Hope you been keeping' fit, samurai." He added deviously.

The Samurott laughed, flexing his back before the Aggron slapped his back and gave him one in return. "You're more than welcome to find out for your-" He trailed off as his gaze lifted upward, and his expression went from joyous to aggressive in a heartbeat. "By the gods! What is _HE_doing here!?" He exploded, already reaching for his Seamitars.

"Wait wha?" Eagle Eye asked as he followed Katsu's gaze and saw the infamous Typhlosion staring down at them from the deck of the airship. "HOLY SHIT!! GUYS GET BACK, HE'S GONNA TORCH THE PLACE!!" He said in a panic, flapping his wings frantically.

Sol rolled his eyes at their display of shock. "...Nice to see these idiots haven't changed at all." He remarked absently.

Hank stepped up in front of Katsu and Eagle Eye as they freaked out, waving his arms. "Whoa whoa, guys!! Chill!" He exclaimed, holding his claws up defensively. "It ain't what yer thinking! He's actually here to help us!"

They both looked at him, mouths agape and their faces teeming with incredulity. "Surely you jest!" Katsu exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yea, this ain't the time fer making one of yer lame-ass jokes, Hank!" Eagle Eye chimed in.

"Guys, it's true! Everyone here can vouch for him - he's on our side now!" Doug chimed in before turning to Volcan. "Tell em, man!"

Volcan huff, rubbing the back of his neck. "There's a lot to go over but I'll try to make it brief," he offered, and began to explain the circumstances leading up to Sol joining them, starting from when they had first located him, making sure not to leave out his control by Bialo.

He breezed over the fight with Sol, largely to avoid provoking the Typhlosion by going into detail about how he was defeated, and the aftermath that followed - including the fight with Calhoun himself. Finally, Volcan concluded the tale at the Siphon Prison when Sol had received his release papers.

"So now he's here, under multiple conditions. For one, he's under Luke's command - basically making him an unofficial member of Team Valiant until Luke says otherwise, and he is not allowed to enter the town unsupervised," the Blaziken finished.

Katsu stared at Volcan incredulously with his mouth hung open for a few long moments before he recollected himself, lifting his gaze back to Sol and narrowing his eyes dangerously at the Typhlosion. "...This is a dangerous game you are playing, my friend. I believe your phrase 'I do not trust him as far as I can throw him' applies to this situation."

"I don't give a damn if you trust me or not." Sol called down to the group below. "I hate the idea of pairing up with you just as much as you do, so until that blue fuzzball comes back and puts me in _his_command," He said, pointing to Volcan. "Then you better get used to me being around for the time being."

"...Yea, this is gonna end _so_well," Eagle Eye remarked. "Dibs on _not_being the guy that has to escort him whenever he wants to roam the streets."

"He won't be," returned Volcan. "Until Luke comes back I'd rather keep him outside the town. But in the meantime," Volcan leaned closer to Katsu, and gestured Hank over. "The first people that should know he's back is his family. Do you guys know how to contact Nido and his brother? Luna, right?"

At that, all three of them looked to each other with concern, Hank even hissing slightly in discomfort before he looked back to Volcan. "...Best to leave his old man outta this," he cautioned Volcan. "If he got wind his rampaging kid came back, he might just chuck him out again."

"As for dear Luna." Katsu remarked. "On one hand, he might be enthralled to hear his brother has returned. But on the other hand, Sol will not feel the same compassion. For reasons even Luna doesn't know, Sol despises him with a burning passion."

"Emphasis on the burning part." Eagle Eye remarked.

"I know that," Volcan assured. "But consider this, what would turn out worse? Letting Nido know ourselves that Sol is back and on parole, or risk him simply stumbling across Sol while out for a walk while none of us are present to explain the situation. How do you think that would turn out?"

Again, the three looked at one another for a moment as they considered the options presented to them. "He raises a valid point." Katsu concurred. "With us informing them of Sol's presence and giving our assurance he will not run rampant again, that might put their minds at ease..."

"Yea, but this is Sol's _DAD_we're talkin about. Where the hell do you think he got that hot temper from?" Hank remarked.

"...His mom? I mean, she's a Typhlosion too, and they're known for their hot tempers." Eagle Eye squawked.

"Be that as it may, it seems to be the best solution for now. Though, I worry greatly for Luna's state of mind once we tell him..." Katsu said as he lowered his gaze.

"Yea same..." Hank returned somberly. "I'll let the kid know myself. Better he hears it from me than anyone else. No offense, but I've known Luna a lot longer than you guys, so I know how to keep him calm."

"Very well then." Katsu remarked. "I shall take on the responsibility of informing his father."

"Alright... Eagle Eye, that leaves you to pass word on to Rigel and Mikhail - I want to make sure they have a heads-up on it too. Luminara is probably with Nido, so they'll find out together. With that, everyone will be up to speed." Volcan pulled back and lifted his hand to cover a yawn. "Ah, excuse me." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yea, I hear ya. Gettin kinda tired I bet." Hank remarked. "I think it's about time we all turn in fer the night and start fresh tomorrow."

I shall do so after I catch up with my fair lady." Katsu returned, looking past Volcan to Serena, who was conversing with Caulin.

"HA! Called it!" Eagle Eye squawked. "You two ARE hooking up!"

"I see no shame in admitting I possess feelings for her. Neither did Hank when he announced his marriage to us all those years ago, or Luke and Volcan when they returned from the West." Katsu calmly replied.

Volcan chuckled. "Got you there, double E," he said, and then gave Katsu a pat on the shoulder. "Go get 'er, buddy." He said encouragingly.

With his approval, he smiled and nodded back to the Blaziken before he departed from the group, practically beelining straight for the Vaporeon and greeting her with a warm embrace. Volcan followed after him, waiting until Katsu and Serena shared their greetings, before he announced his plan to go home and rest, and promising to catch up with them later.

With that, Volcan left the others, letting them catch up together and head on their own way as he started making his way to his house outside of town. In his exhausted state, the walk felt much longer than normal, leaving him feeling agitated until the house finally came in view, bringing some more spring into his step as he approached the door. Producing his key from the pouch on his harness, he unlocked the door, stepping into the house and breathing in the familiar scent. "Home," he muttered as he closed the door behind him, taking off his harness and throwing it over a hook on the wall before trudging over to the couch and collapsing onto it.

He shifted on the cushions for a moment as he made himself comfortable, and breathed the stress out through his beak, shut his eyes, and began to drift off...


Volcan's fatigue vanished in an instant at the sound. He shot up on the couch, turning toward the door as he tried to get up, but was barely halfway off the couch before a hulking figure charged at him. His legs caught on the upper rim of the sofa as the figure barrelled into it, carrying them across the room, trampling over the coffee table before proceeding to slam the Blaziken against the wall, sandwiched between the wood and the sofa.

Volcan brought up his legs and managed to get them between himself and the couch, pushing it away along with his assailant. He fell to the floor, gasping for breath and hurrying to his feet as the giant charged him again. His response was sluggish, swinging a leg out for a high kick only to have his leg caught by a huge hand, with three hard fingers enclosing around his calf.

"Time to repay your debt, Volcan," a familiar voice spoke to him.

Now that Volcan had time to take in his attacker's appearance, his eyes widened with the shock of realization as he recognized the brute's features. "Grom?!" He demanded.

Then, Grom pulled him, yanking Volcan off his foot and throwing him behind him. The Blaziken managed to catch himself on the support beam in the center of the house, but ducked as Grom moved to attack again, his fist slamming into the beam and smashing it in two. He chased after Volcan throughout the room, blocking him from getting to the entrance and leaving him no time to orient himself as the walls took one mighty blow after another.

Finally, Grom caught Volcan with his punch, slamming the Blaziken into the wall and stunning him long enough for a second punch to send him into blackness. Grom took a second to catch his breath, before he heard the house, particularly the roof, creaking ominously above him. Acting quickly, he hoisted Volcan over his shoulder, and made a beeline for the door, running out of the house and making tracks for the woods as the house started to collapse, the dirt mount caving in on itself as the ceiling that held it hip gave way, burying the inside under a ton of wood and soil.

Grom did not look back, knowing he would not have long before he was discovered. He kept running across the clearing until he made it to the trees, and disappeared into the deep woods...

Chaos Chapter 12: Kidnapped

_Port Azure, the following morning._ After a much-needed night's sleep, Minato was on his way to Volcan and Luke's shared home outside the borders of Azure. He had been to check the boat, making sure it was properly up to code in maintenance before he...

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Chaos Chapter 10: Sol

_One hour earlier..._ "Keep your heads low, guys!" Volcan instructed his team through the scarf around his face as the smoke grew thicker, leading then around the trees and waving his hand in a vain effort to clear the smoke. Trees reduced to husks...

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Chaos Chapter 9: Final Hunt

The doors to the abandoned boarding house opened slowly as Sandjaw stepped in, alerting his henchmen in the living room that he had returned. They rushed out to meet him - three Krokorok, all members of his old gang from the West Continent, brought at...

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