Psychosomatic Oestrogenesis

Story by Beige on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions & Extras

From r/dirtywritingpromps: [WP] Write a story in which the main character suddenly finds that their libido, sexual appetite and attraction to people is all increased by ten fold.

Just a quickie in response to a DWP. Hope you all find it at least somewhat enjoyable. I have a few older DWPs as well, so if you like this one, let me know and I can maybe post those as well.

[This story does contain explicit material, so if you're under the age of 18, you probably shouldn't read any further, blah blah blah.]

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" I said, squinting in concentration as I tried to catch the jumble of syllables the doctor had spouted at me.

"Psychosomatic Oestrogenesis." She said it slower, and while now at least the sounds made some semblance of sense, the words did not. Sitting down opposite me in her swivel chair, the doctor placed her tablet full of my medical notes on the desk, flicking it to standby mode as she looked to me for some kind of response.

"Psycho-somatic-extro-genesis..." I sounded each part out, hoping to derive some sort of meaning. I looked to her for help. She was just over six foot and slightly taller than myself, with brown hair done back in a bun. She had scrubs on, which along with everyone else in the medical centre did little to emphasise her figure, except the stethoscope was collapsing the front of it between her cleavage to give her a bit of shape.

"Oestro-genesis. It's a very rare condition, and as such, the medical field hasn't had much of a chance to study it." She sighed, shrugging a little.

"But, what does... I mean... Is that why I want to-"

"Why you have a high libido?" She interrupted, seeing where the sentence was going and heading it off. "In the basest of terms, your mind - for whatever reason - is subjecting you to the same changes that go through an animal entering it's Estrus cycle."

My eyes bugged wide "You're saying I'm in HEAT?" I blurted out. The doctor raced to the door to the consultation room and closed it, glaring at me for my raised voice. As she walked back I could see a sway in her hips, and I felt the accursed rumblings deep inside me.

"You're not in heat, humans don't go through an estrus cycle, much less males. This is purely a psychological issue that-"

"It's not just psychological!" I all but hiss at her, lowering my voice "The only way I can get my erection to 'go away' is to... y'know..." I sighed "I can't stop thinking about sex, my body won't stop reacting to the people around me. It's unbearable!"

The doctor sighed, tapping her tablet awake and looking over the notes again. "Well, if you have a way of relieving the... pressure... then I suggest while it's affecting you, find time to 'take care of business'."

"Yeah," I groaned "I wish it were that simple." I uncrossed my legs, my member bulging impressively down the left inner thigh of my jeans. It was the doctor's turn to go eyes wide as she stared at my members imprint. Crossing my legs again I winced in pain as the fabric pinched tight. "Can't exactly whip it out every few minutes."

"Every few minutes?" The Doctor said, still somewhat hypnotized by the bulge, which was quite obvious now it had been pointed out, even though I'd returned to having my legs crossed.

"During the day? Every half hour. By dinnertime it's maybe every hour or so. The mornings are the worst." I grumble, thinking back to the last few weeks of early morning arousal. "I wake up, dry mouth, head pounding, sheets covered in... emissions..." I tried to keep my language decent, but it was difficult with lewd images of the doctor flickering through my mind. "And a desperate need for release that lasts just long enough to get dressed before it builds up again."

She took a few deep breaths, considering my plight. "Have you considered seeking 'outside' assistance?"

I chuckled at that. I knew what she meant, I just wish that were an option. "I, I haven't had a sexual partner in... a while."

"What about someone more...professional?" She offered. Escorts and Brothels were legal in my city - and it was something I had considered once or twice - but the cost would have been prohibitive as a solution. She could see the inner turmoil at that proposition so thought of something else. "Or perhaps going out on the town?"

"You know what's worse than having to 'take care of business' at home every half hour? Having to do that in a pub toilet every half hour. Less if the ladies there are attractive."

"So a woman's attractiveness directly correlates to your 'excitement'?"

"Yes. 'A woman's attractiveness directly correlates to my excitement'." I snap back, then sigh. "Sorry, I 'relieved' myself just before you called me in here. And, well, yeah."

The Doctor looked a little confused, checking her watch before checking the time on her tablet. "But that was only ten minutes ago."

I shrugged, realising what it looked like. "Well... it's as you said; correlation and stuff." I scratched the back of my neck, quickly wishing I was somewhere else entirely.

The doctor on the other hand went beet red, swallowing several times, attempting to say something before standing and quickly making her way to the door. "You can, uh, take a seat on the table there," She pointed to the padded examination table "Just when you 'finish', could you - y'know - 'finish' in one of, uh, those." She pointed at a small clear jar with a yellow lid on the bench nearby. "For testing." And with that she exited the small room, closing the door behind her.

I was on that bed in a heartbeat, reclining as I released my member from it's tight fabric cage. I thought of the doctor's plump lips descending upon my cock, a gentle tongue flicking it's tip before sliding down my shaft to engulf it in her slick warmth. I could feel the first rumblings of an orgasm build down below, and realised I didn't have that jar in hand.

I reluctantly released the grip I had on myself and reached for one of the jars, hastily unscrewing it before once more mashing my cock. It must have been the dozenth time that day, and I was getting a little sore - another thing to ask the Doc about when she came back - but I knew I had to power through it. My balls were in overdrive thanks to this Estrogenetic psychosoma or whatever it was, miraculously managing to keep up supply for the demand. And in a few short minutes I felt the familiar euphoria take over, flooding my body with endorphins as I flooded the cup with my seed.

Not long after that I felt myself calming down, the beast abated for now. I lay there - cock hanging out - as I forced my breathing to return to normal, trying not to think of anything sexual so I could fit myself back inside my pants again. I'd have worn my tracksuit pants if it weren't for the fact that even after several washes they still look - and smell - cum stained. I rolled my eyes, realising I'd have to get some more clothes if this was going to last much longer.

Realising I was thinking of clothing - something quite un-sexy for me at least - I smiled, and kept it going by considering what sort of pants I'd like. Loose would be nice, but the only really loose pants I could think of were rave pants and the sort of pants you'd expect to find on half the attendees at Burning Man; fine for parties, not for everyday wear. Then it happened. For whatever reason my mind went to the Doctor's scrubs.

And while initially I did agree that they looked comfortable, I unfortunately remembered how perfectly they clung to her arse and thighs as she sat at her desk. Or how well they fit her as she sashayed back to her seat after closing the door. Within seconds I could feel my member straining once more against the fabric. I looked to my watch. It must have only been five minutes since my last release.

"Fucking dammit!" I cursed, pulling it back out. "Gotta be fast, she'll be back any-"

The door swung open, the Doctor closing it behind her as she was lost in her tablet. "I take it you had enough time to-" She looked up at me, eyes fixed on my throbbing member. "I-I-I thought..."

"I'm sorry!" I blurted out "I did, but then my mind went to thoughts of you-" I slapped a hand over my mouth and prayed for a swift death.

She looked stunned at what I'd said, doing a decent impression of my shocked face as her mouth activated before her brain. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Someone must have tainted the water with an overdose of stupid because I couldn't stop myself from responding "Not unless YOU want to take care of business." We looked at each other, too shocked by events occurring in the last twenty seconds or so to say much more. I subconsciously squeezed my shaft, forcing a bead of pre to form at the tip of my cock.

The Doctor glanced at the door, and my heart sank into my stomach. I was probably going to be arrested for this. But when she strode over to her desk and pulled out a condom from the stash they use when talking to teens about safe sex, my heart leapt right the way back through my chest into my throat. She tore the wrapper off on the way to the table and placed the rolled up rubber ring in her mouth.

Then with a speed and grace I'd never before seen, her lips descended upon my cock with gentle force. I was no Ron Jeremy, but I was no pipsqueak either. Inch after inch disappeared into her warm inviting mouth as she sucked me into her; condom and all. As soon as her nose touched my pelvis, her lips pursed, sucking against the base of my shaft hard as her throat gulped against the sensitive head.

Then just as quick as she'd descended, the Doctor pulled away, leaving my prick with a smack of her lips and a whorish moan. "We must be quick, and you're not to mention this to ANYONE. Got it?" She growled the last two words, more a command than a suggestion. I nodded as she climbed up onto the table, her knees straddling my hips. Then, rocking back onto the balls of her feet, she shimmied the bottom half of her scrubs down to her ankles.

I was in awe. Before me were the legs of a goddess. Perfectly toned, slightly tanned and parting just for me. She must have pulled her underwear down at the same time, as the glistening pink folds were revealed as she brought her knees back down to either side of me. She knelt up, aligning her entrance with my latex-coated tool before descending. If her legs were that of a goddess, it made sense that inside she'd feel like heaven. Her passage gripped me just tight enough to feel her heartbeat, but not so tight it caused the condom to pull back against me. It was all I could do not to just explode then and there.

Except that was the point, right? She was doing this to help me out? Instead of trying to hold my climax back, I let it go, my body jerking beneath her as I came. She looked down at me a little surprised, and somewhat disappointed. But I just shook my head and held a finger up. I could feel what had happened. I'd held back just enough to stop myself from cumming, but allowed the sensation of my orgasm rock through me. And sure enough, my member did not deflate, almost seeming to grow slightly as it readied for a much stronger orgasm.

After a moment, the Doc realised I'd not fully released and was still quite erect. She ground forward against me and sighed. I began to moan at the blissful sensation but she was quick to slap a hand across my mouth, a very serious 'Do Not' look plastered across her flushed face. I nodded, biting my lower lip as I tried to make as little noise as possible. She began grinding again and the amount of effort needed to stay silent suddenly skyrocketed.

Every bone in my body wanted to just grab her hips, smash them onto mine and roar lustfully into the small medical office. I tried placing my hands on her hips, but she slapped them off. Which is when I realised that, yeah; if she was doing this as a professional courtesy, I should also be treating it as such. No hands. Got it Doc. I closed my eyes and tried to keep it as simple an interaction as possible under the circumstances.

After a minute of her riding me wildly I opened my eyes. It was then I noticed that one of her hands had slid up underneath her scrubs to grope her breast. I blinked, and looking to her blushing face - mouth open and breathing sharply with tiny whimpers - I realised she was getting off on this just as much as I was. My heart racing I took a risk.

Reaching my own hand up, I slid it under her shirt and over her other - unoccupied - breast. She froze, eyes darting down to me in panic. I felt like I had overstepped a massive boundary as she slowly wrapped her fingers around my wrist and pulled my hand away. My head raced with all the possibilities as to what would happen next, but I was shocked when she guided my hand between her legs before placing my thumb against her clit and pressing hard.

I could scarcely believe it. After a series of eyebrow raises from me asking for confirmation - and a subtle nod in response as she bit her bottom lip - I began rubbing the sensitive nub. The Doctor emitted a deep growling grunt at my movements before squinting her eyes shut in an effort to stop vocalising her lust. A moment later she began grinding on top of me like before, except slower and with longer strokes.

The sensations running through my body were causing fireworks in my eyes, bursts of colour and light exploding through my senses with each slide and grind along my shaft. I felt the same sexual energy building up as before, and redoubled my efforts massaging the Doctors clitoris. She grunted again, mouth open and breathing heavily as both her hands found their way to her breasts, the outline of her fingers showing her pinching nipples in synch with her pelvic rhythm.

The Doctor's hips spasmed, her passage clamping down on me as she climaxed. I could hear a groan quickly build in her chest and in a flash of perverted inspiration I shot my hand up to cover her mouth. Unfortunately I undershot, my palm landing on her jaw as my thumb pressed against her lips. I considered shifting my hand, but the overall objective of my action was successful regardless. Staring me straight in the eyes she tilted her head in such a way that my thumb slid into her mouth and bit down lightly. I stifled a moan as her tongue pressed hard against it, suckling on my digit as she jerkily rode me.

I clenched my teeth and thrust upwards, my body having reached a crescendo of pleasure as volley after volley of my hot seed poured into the prophylactic. Feeling me pulse inside her as she contracted around me drove both of us wild, every ounce of willpower going into silencing ourselves. She sat atop me, my cock wedged deep inside her, muscles wringing it of every last drop until we released our pent-up breaths, exhausted. She placed shaking hands on my chest, catching her breath before dismounting.

In less than a minute we were both dressed, though still panting. "Thank you." I said, sighing contentedly.

"Don't mention it." The Doctor replied, smiling slight. "Seriously. Do. Not. Mention. It." She tapped away at her tablet, the nearby printer whirring to life. We stood in silence as the paper slowly emerged, then she folded it and handed it to me. "This is for something that might help deal with the symptoms." She then pulled a business card from a small bone-shaped holder on her desk and scrawled something on the back "And this is in case they don't work." I flipped the card over, gulping as I took in the sight of a mobile number hastily written in red pen. "Doctors orders."

"Doctors orders." I repeated as she ushered me out of her room. I waved goodbye as she closed the door, smiling seductively. "Yes Ma'am."