Snake Milf

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man is having increasingly dangerous encounters with a growing crocodile population approaching his cabin in the bayou, but a near-death encounter leaves him with some magic-tainted gumbo that may just hold the key to turning the tide.

(MtF TF Gorgon, oviposition)

Jeremiah sat on the edge of the old half rotten dock, looking out over the plant-choked waters of the bayou. His pet python Monty slithered around him, always staying close to leech the warmth from his body. It had been a rough week- the crocs have been moving in on his place and they don't die easy. They do make a damn fine gumbo though, along with crawfish. He ate from a pot of gumbo at the moment, enjoying a bit of quiet time to just sit and look out at the bayou. It was brutal hunting the crocs, because a bayou is almost all water, and with so many lily pads and algae in the water it was almost impossible to see the crocs till it was too late. If it was overpopulation of gaters this would be a lot less of a problem. Crocs are to gaters as wasps are to bees. One of them is alright, the other is an asshole. In order to hunt the huge crocs, Jeremiah had to get some help from the witch doctor in the heart of the bayou. He used magic to give himself the edge against the large creatures.

Before Jeremiah could even finish half the pot of gumbo, a huge croc jumped out from the water right at his home's dock! It snapped his small boat in half like a twig and Jeremiah jumped up, pot of gumbo in one hand and spoon in the other and went to dash into his house. Some of the witchdoctor's spells required quite a bit of incantation to use, so he could not start slinging spells out of the blue, he needed prep time. Being much larger than Jeremiah the croc was able to cover more ground much easier. Monty lunged from his shoulders and struck the croc in the side of the head, stunning it a moment to give his master time. Jeremiah turned just in time to see the crocodile whip its head to the side and snap down on the snake's body, puncturing it several times before opening up and lifting its head back to swallow most of the snake whole. Crushed by his friend's death, Jeremiah knew Monty had only bought him a few moments time and he started an incantation. The crocodile turned to Jeremiah and lunged with a rattling growl, but Jeremiah finished a teleportation spell and vanished into thin air- the croc lanced itself in the mouth in several places with splintered bits of the dock while its actual prey got away.

Jeremiah appeared at a huge rock formation, relatively close to the heart of the bayou but farther to the opposite end as his house was. He appeared at the top, where a waterfall cut into the stone cliffs feeding the bayou below. At least up here there wouldn't be any crocodiles- they are not good climbers. Jeremiah mourned the loss of his friend as he ate more of the gumbo as comfort food. He felt strange as he ate and looked out over the swampy lands. His stomach ached a bit and it felt like his insides were trying to shift around. He thought maybe there was something rotten in his gumbo but he would be damned if he let a batch of gumbo go to waste. Since he was not as magically inclined as the witchdoctor he did not realize its a bad idea to bring food through a portal. In order to instantly change your location the teleportation spell actually removed you from the universe for a fraction of a second, using the universe's natural rotation to alter your position before bringing you back. It was so breif you did not notice, but when you bring objects other than the caster through- especially food, you are exposing it to otherworldly elements. The gumbo wasn't rotten- it was corrupted with chaotic magic.

Jeremiah wobbled to his feet after finishing his meal. He felt like he needed to go pee badly, but the feeling expanded into something he was unfamiliar with. It almost felt like someone turned a vacuum on in his body, pointed at his crotch. The feeling in there was not pressure trying to get out, it was a pressure pulling IN. He let out a cry that was embarrassingly high pitch as he grabbed at his crotch with both hands as if trying to shield it from whatever was happening. His balls retreated into his torso and his dick shrank at the unpleasantness. His facial hair started to thin and vanish. The hair on his head started to slowly grow longer. He wobbled on his feet, too caught up trying to figure out what was happening to him to concentrate on keeping his balance. He fell over onto the soft grass and moss clumps at the foot of the trees. The impact resonated with the suction inside of him and it finally broke through- where his scrotum had been the skin was yanked into him and split into a passage that had formed from the inside out- leading down from where his former testicles now are. They were ovaries now- both ovaries and testicles are gonads after all. His penis was starting to shrink, and his groans and moans from the strange feelings were becoming more high pitch. Even aside from the changes in his crotch, the organs in the rest of his torso still felt like they were playing musical chairs with one another, and he kept feeling like the muscles in his back were squirming down. A sudden jolt and loud snap caused him to flop forward onto his hands and knees now. Something cracked in his rib cage. He felt around gingerly with one hand and felt two of his ribs floating around under the skin- they broke off his spine. They were getting smaller though... dissolving and being repurposed in his body. It was the last two ribs- the ones he wouldn't have in the first place if he were born female. Even the adam's apple in his throat smoothed out more, shrinking back.

His penis became tiny, and the foreskin bunched up and some of its mass started to get pulled into the remnants of his scrotum, which was now the soft flexible folds that lined the passage in his groin- a newly born vagina. Gathering himself a bit, Jeremiah sat back up onto his knees and pulled his pants down a bit to see what was happening to himself. As soon as he glanced at his shrinking penis he felt a sudden surge of pressure in his chest and he could feel his nipples harden quickly, like someone had touched an icecube to them. His areola puffed up and darkened a bit. Pain receptors started to die off inside of them. Women have fewer pain receptors in thier nipples then men. Two little hills of fat formed under his button up shirt, projecting it out to block his view of his groin. He leaned farther over and the hills fattened up more, again eclipsing his view. His foreskin regressed into nothing more than a fleshy hoodie for his minuscule penis, which was now almost entire gone. The shaft was virtually non existent and the glans rounded as the urethra closed up- he had already grown a new one in his vulva, so the one that used to be in his glans was redundant. He fell back moaning as his entire body was filled with a pulsing pressure- strong enough to make his body shake with each surge. His skin and muscle groaned softly as it stretched, and every new centimetre his joins would give off soft pops as they shifted and re-set. His entire body was getting bigger, and he was quickly outgrowing his clothing. Because his fat mounds on his chest were also plumping up, the first bit of clothing to give up the ghost was his shirt. The middle button snapped, then the two beside it, opening a diamond shaped window of cleavage. His boobs were now large handfuls and continuing to overflow. The waist of his pants bit into this thighs painful, but when he tried to move to be able to pull them off, shifting his legs snapped the waist and immediately relieved the pressure. His body shifted proportions as it grew, giving him thicker thighs, smoother stomach, and just smoother, more taught skin in general. He started to get up but the movement started to rip his clothing, and when he stood up fully the last few load-baring threats gave out and the clothing just fell off him. Glancing around, Jeremiah guessed he must be at least seven or eight feet tall! When he moved his head around to figure that out though, he finally took notice of his hair, which was to the small of his back now!

"I turned into..." He paused at the sound of his voice. "I'm a woman? Hot damn that is sexy." He looked himself over, running his hands over his softer skin. "Aww shucks though, means it will be harder to attract a ladyfriend." His brows slowly lowered. "Oh who are you kiddin Jeremiah, yer a 31 year ol single livin' in a cabin in the sticks."

Though much, much slower, her breasts did seem to be growing still a bit. She cupped them and hefted them in her palms, feeling them plop back down and wobble like flans on a plate. Doing that though, Jeremiah noticed her nails were quite long and sharp looking. She lifted her hands up to look them over and was overcome with another wave of strange sensations. The new wave passed over her entire body, but seemed to enhance the writhing feeling in his guts that had never gone away. She groaned as her gut started to push out larger. Was she gaining weight now? Stranger still- as her gut grew larger and rounder, her naval smoothed out and vanished entirely. She had no belly button! Her body started to feel heavy as her stomach became a large dome. She sat back down, this time gently and deliberately. The squirming muscles in her back seemed to come to life when she tried to sit, and then a pressure surged in her spine as well. It felt like Jeremiah's spine was trying to grow while the rest of her remained the same size. Too big of a spine for the size of her body. She grunt and rolled onto her side, going red faced as her muscles moved around and contracted on their own. In her aggressive contractions though, something huge moved inside of her, sliding down her slick new vaginal walls quickly and popped out her pussy so quickly it hurt the opening quite a bit. It was built to stretch, but not that suddenly.

Jeremiah's eyes went wide as she looked at the large egg that had fired out of her, leaving a slight trail of vaginal lube back to her crotch. She... laid an egg?! It was big, but a bit more oblong than a normal egg... Jeremiah knew that shape. It's a snake egg! Her body convulsed from the growth in her spine and she quickly rolled onto her hands and belly as a huge tail erupted from her backside! It grew almost three feet long in a single moment, and then resumed growth at a more gradual pase. It was thick too- as thick as her meatier thighs. Jeremiah looked back at it, afraid to move from her current position only to get tossed around by the growth again, or incite another change by accident. That was some gumbo. She winced a bit as her skin felt like it was contracting, becoming tight and itchy. She rolled onto her back so she could use her hands again, but remained laying flat so her tail could do what it wanted. She started to scratch her arms, but underestimated the sharpness of her claws and tore the skin. It did not hurt, or even bleed though. It looked dry and dead already, so she scratched at the holes she ripped and tore more of it away. Under the flesh she seen the new layer of skin under it bulged in stiff rubbery diamond shapes... newly grown scales. She was tearing off a cast-off skin, she is shedding! Her tail was now as long as her legs were, and she started to control its movements more- not that she lacked control, it was just a new limb and her mind had to adapt to knowing how to use it. Jeremiah stood up, stabbing her claws into her collarbone to grip the cast-off skin and like someone ripping their shirt off, she tore it wide open off her chest and squirmed through the large opening, pealing it off the rest of her form. The releif from the itching was immediate. The scales below had not hardened yet in the open air and were rubbery still. So fresh, supple, and new. They were not everywhere though. She noticed her breasts did not have scales- it was just a fresh new layer of normal skin. Same with her stomach and inner thighs. Everywhere else was scaled though. Having the dry outer skin torn off them, her breasts wobbled entirely on their own and started to grow a bit bigger. As the scales started to dry in the open air, they changed color from his normal freckled skin tone to a very dark blue-green.

Jeremiah felt up her body again, feeling extremely smooth in her new skin, but stopped her hands on her large belly. Was... there still something in her? She pressed into her belly with her hands and buckled over immediately as her pussy went wild on its own, rippling and convulsing as another huge snake egg fired down. It blasted out of her pussy so hard she had to quickly catch it on her tail or it would have exploded against the ground. She then plucked it out of her tail though because it was still twitching with growth and wasn't super reliable at the moment. Out of curiosity she held the egg up toward the open sky between the trees, and the light shining through the egg shell revealed the vague silhouette of an embryo within. Yup, these eggs were not duds. Jeremiah looked at her tail a bit worridly- it was too big and heavy for her to hold the entire thing up anymore. It was longer than her legs and almost twice as thick as her legs! Her lower back was starting to project out from her a bit just to give its girthy base room. She did not want to worry, she wished she could just focus on the pleasurable parts of these changes for now. With that thought, her worrying thoughts were forcefully rejected from her. Her hair lifted up in a section, spiralled around itself and fused together reconfiguring itself! In only a few moments, that section of her hair had transformed into a long thin snake! The worrying part of her personality now occupied the smaller snake head! She huffed at the little thing as it looking around confused as to what happened. Her snooty reaction to the discarded personality however became rejected. Her aggression bore a new snake head, reducing the amount of actual hair she had yet again. When she poked at the small snake heads trying to figure out how this worked, her inquisitiveness birthed another head. Then her greed another, then her compassion another, her hunger another, sadness, giddiness, childishness, and lust. All of her hair was gone! In its place a writhing nest of snakes long enough to reach her hips. They were all made from the same mind so ultimately they all shared the same will, but they were all born from different personality traits so they all reacted a bit differently from one another. They all had their own seperate awareness, looking at one another in confusion as they each realized their new roles. Jeremiah also found she could forcefully move them as the primary head- a fact she learned trying to get the hunger snake from trying to eat the sadness snake, who couldn't be bothered to defend itself.

Jeremiah once again looked down to her tail as her legs kept getting forced farther apart. Her tail was gigantic now, and so tremendously thick it was trying to occupy all space between her legs! Her butthole was pushed up by the tail base swelling forward, pushing her anus and vagina together forming a cloaka instead. Jeremiah was about to reach down to examine the new cloaka but paused when she noticed her gut was swelling up a bit again. Oh no, another egg on the way. Her cloaka blushed and drooled a bit, swelling a bit as well as it actually tried to prepare for the load this time. She tried to pull her tail back to get it out of the way of her legs but it felt like it was jammed, she could not get it out! She bent over and pushed her hands in between trying to wedge it out, but realized it was not a cleft it was an indentation. The tail and legs were no longer two separate things! Her tail was so huge it was starting to absorb her legs into it! So startled by that, she tried to step back with one leg to get a better look momentarily forgetting that would no longer be possible if its all fused together, and toppled herself back to the ground again. She accidentally landed on one of her snake heads- unfortunately the anger one. In retaliation as soon as she shuffled around to let it back out from under her, it whipped around and bit her left tit! It let go quickly as it came to the realization they shared the same body still- so it felt everything she did, and hurt itself. All of the heads watched the red bite marks puff up a bit and then the entire breast start to swell up bigger! She can't die from her own venom- so by injecting its venom into her boob it instead just causes it to swell up! Seeing this, the lust head immediately came from the right side and bit into the other breast to make them match. Now knowing they all shared the same sensations, two more heads looped around from below and latched onto the nipples to suck, causing them all to moan. Or... the main head moans, the rest hissed softly. Only the primary head could speak, the rest had only the voices of snakes. The pleasure caused the growth of the tail to again surge, absorbing more of the legs. Her legs felt extremely weak, and even the feeling in them was numbing as the nerves were repurposed for the tail. The length of the tail had to at least be three times that of her torso by now. The strong surges of growth almost felt like they were backfiring into her body before her hips rapidly exploded with several loud pops and expanded greatly! This gave her lower gut more room as well, and she could feel it growing more as its contents shifted... she could sense it... there was more than one egg now.

"C-come on now, this is gettin' silly!" She looked at her monolithic tail lashing around, snapping trees and shrubs like toothpicks. "I am twice the size I wuz, and this dang tail 'ere's gotta be four times the size of that! I can't even fit in my cabin!"

The last traces of her legs vanished into the massive, thick tail. The tail could be both very soft and squishy, or hard as rock depending on if she flexed the muscles or not- it was almost entirely muscle. Jeremiah moaned and rolled onto her side, reaching down to part her pussy lips as another egg worked its way down, even as she felt still more growing in her. She glanced up at the broken shell of her first egg, only now noticing it had somehow already hatched. The snake that emerged looked oddly already developed... and almost.. familiar?

"Monty?" The snake immediately looked at her, recognizing its name.

A smile crossed Jeremiah's face as her pupils narrowed to slits and her iris ignited a glowing yellow. She could sense them... the souls of all the snakes the growing crocodile population has been devouring. And she invited them all into her womb.

"Howsabout all y'all come back 'round. We can hunt together'n I don't know 'bout y'all... but I feel like some more crocodile gumbo."

She could feel all the snake souls converging in her and grinned with her mouth full of narrow fangs. Jeremiah will return to the bayou to resume the hunt soon enough. But this time... the crocs are the prey.

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