The Devil May Care 27

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#32 of The Devil May Care

Seraph and Ornar have a bit of fun following the events of the insanity and court case, and then Dusk starts with fucking some of the orc's people.

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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The Devil May Care

Part 27

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

As the incubi and succubi went out to feed in the world, so too did the denizens of the spire - the Hellspire, as some were calling it - take to their rooms for their own pleasures. Dusk was still sleeping, but though there was the chance for mischief, they were more interested in just having some time together, normalizing things, and getting a better feel for what their new lives would be.

Seraph, one of Dusk's first servants, was no exception. After the stressful night of wondering what in the world was going to happen to them all, not to mention wondering where in the hell their master was, he was more than willing to take some time off. He'd gotten some sleep, finally, but when the next day came, he was more than slightly distracted with what-ifs. So, when Ornar Onsen came to him for some fun, he was more than willing to let his duties slide for the chance to think of something else.

He had been in the middle of getting some pots and pans out to start cooking when the dark-skinned orc approached him from behind, wrapping long, muscular arms around him and pulling him back. Though he felt the throbbing erection against his ass, the fallen angel could only smile.

"I know that's not for me," the bull said, shaking his head.

"It's not, but the other end is."

"That's a generous offer, but I should get this done."

"Lord Dusk will not rise for some time. You have a few moments."

"I know, but it's not right to shirk the work."

"It's not shirking if you're helping to keep an alliance going, is it?"

"Is that your excuse, Lord Onsen?"

"If it gets you to follow me, yes."

Looking down at the pans, Seraph debated, briefly, if he really needed to get this done. Dusk would be sleeping for some time, and the black cat didn't always like being served breakfast in bed. Often enough, he preferred to get it at the table, and when he took a while to wake up, that wasn't always a good thing. Fresh food was better than doing it, preparing it, and then hoping that it stayed tasty.

Then Ornar reached up and tweaked his nipples, and the already-aroused bull groaned at the pressure there, his cheeks burning as little droplets of milk started to flow.

"I just drained those."

"Then let's drain them again."

"Why are you so...eager?"

"Because I haven't had the freedom to do this for far too long. My people are out feeding. Allow me to feed from you."

Despite the slightly submissive tones that some might have gotten from that, Seraph heard the hunger that was underneath the submission there. Though Ornar was definitely an orc that preferred to be on the bottom, the demon was the head of a Brothelic House in the realm of Lust, and that meant that he had the power to completely overwhelm others. He could have taken this and made it happen regardless of Seraph's preferences, but out of deference to their mutual master, he was asking.

And to be honest, Seraph needed the distraction.


"Good. Come with me."

He was already stiff beneath his apron, but the orc's hand dropping down and seizing his dick made it all the harder. The bull allowed himself to be led away from the kitchen, through the living room, and back to his own bedchamber. He had half-expected to be led to Hell, but was grateful that he wasn't. Fallen angel or not, he felt weird down there, and it felt more comfortable in the tower.

As soon as he hit the bed, the orc was straddling him. Ornar's dark skin against his own fur and leathery hide was quite the treat, and the feeling of that muscular ass against his cock even moreso.

"You're pretty well-endowed, for an angel."

"Well, we aren't all chaste creatures."

"A creature of diligence, are you?"

"Charity, actually."

"Well, then...let's see how much 'charity' you have for me..."

The orc rolled his hips backwards, sandwiching the cheeks around the bull's throbbing shaft. When he had been a proper angel, it had been quite large, but Dusk had made it even bigger, twitching, throbbing, constantly hard.

It had made him rather useful during his time down in Hell, for sure. When they were at the onsen as customers, the various incubi there had been more than willing to ride his cock for as long as they could, seeing if it would ever go down. Thanks to the 'blessing' that Dusk had put on it, the thing never would. It had made several members of the staff there rather happy, and now, it seemed, Onsen wished to see if he could do better.

The orc's leather jockstrap was pulsing, full of a thick cock that would probably have made a number of different demons and mortals happy, but from what Seraph had heard, it was almost never used. That thing was secondary to Ornar, secondary to the pleasure that the orc could get from his ass.

As he rested his hands on the orc's hips, pulling him closer, Ornar reached down and grabbed him by the nipples again.


"They're quite sensitive, aren't they?"

"Yes...they weren't...before..."

"Lord Dusk is good at finding what we like."

"Or what he wants us to like."

"The same thing, I suppose."

The bull shivered as his nipples were tweaked, arching his back gradually as they were pulled, twisted, rubbed in little circles. The flow of milk started up again with a vengeance, slowly pouring down along the sides of his chest, marking his fur with white and wet. He moaned as they grew stiffer and harder, starting to stand out that much more from all the attention that they were getting.

His cock throbbed, too, oozing pre-cum over the orc's ass, making it feel slimy every time that Ornar shifted position. He could feel the orc's muscular rump squeezing at his cock, sandwiching it, pulling it closer and closer to that pucker.

Seraph gritted his teeth as the orc slid his hips backwards, bending his cock downwards, forcing it to point between his legs. Slow grinding, slow teasing, all contrasted to the rough handling of his nipples.

"Mmmph...are you going...going to tear them off, or something?"

"Not at all. That would ruin your lovely figure."


"No, I just want you good and hard...and these are like little buttons to make that happen."

He groaned under his breath, wishing that the orc was a little less correct about that. It was truer than he wanted to admit, considering that each little tweak, each hard pinch, each rough pull, made his cock that much harder. His cheeks burned a bit as he felt his balls churning in response, too.

Suddenly, Ornar sat up, and his cock jerked upwards in response. The orc pushed down again, sitting right on the tip, using it almost like a decorative, fleshy chair. He blushed, staring up at his partner.

"What...what are you..."

"Just getting situated."

"You're seriously going to..."

"I am a demon of Lust," Ornar said, smiling. "What else would I do with someone so lovely?"

"...I don't know."

"Well, let's see how long you can last, hmm?"

And with that, Ornar dropped. The sudden heat that surrounded his cock almost pushed him over the edge right then and there. The tightness, the slick grip on his shaft, the general feeling of pleasure that came from the orc's experienced hole, was all enough to remind him how good this felt.


He was used to getting fucked, so having someone on his dick was still somewhat new. He groaned, his hands gripping the sheets as the muscular orc demon gradually worked his way down the bull's cock. One inch, two, three, taking it with ease and experience for more than half of it. It was only when Ornar started to reach the bottom third, where the inches were much thicker and the cock was harder and stiffer and reaching the point of being above average, that the orc started slowing down.

"Mmm...that's what I like..."


"Something that doesn't cum too quick."

Well, that wasn't going to be a worry. Much as he dripped, there was no issue with him having a hair trigger. Not even the incubi had been able to get him off down in Hell, and he doubted that Ornar would be that much better. Or at least, that much luckier.

The orc leaned forward, no longer being so brutal to the bull's nipples, but not quite being kind, either. Those rough fingers brushed over them again and again, keeping them stiff and hard as the demon lord leaned forward, adjusting his riding angle for shorter, slower movements. The little tensions, the sudden clenches, the heat around his cock were all wonderful, keeping him stiff and leaking.

And when he looked down, he could see that Ornar was oozing into his jockstrap, as well. The orc's leather jock was starting to darken around his tent, ever so slightly, and for that to happen to leather, he must have been oozing quite a bit down there. It was like looking at a sexy little show just for him, and he groaned under his breath as his cock throbbed all the harder.

Ornar groaned, pressing a hand to his middle, and he chuckled.

"Well, I felt that..."


"You're bigger than you look."

"Angels those in need."

"Well, well...and do fallen angels do the same?"

"I don't know...maybe we should find out?"

"Let's do that."

The orc's hands moved from his chest to his shoulders, and suddenly, Ornar started rising up instead of pushing down. The sudden shift of direction brought a different stimulation with it, making his cock twitch, throb, and bounce all of its own accord. He thrust up, slamming his cock back into the orc's hole, and the black-skinned orc gasped in return, his eyes going wide at the sudden penetration.

"Mmm, so you have a little spark to you, after all."

"It was...a shock."

"Then give me more, Seraph. Let me feel you..."

Taking that as permission, he rolled to the side. He was big enough and strong enough to roll Ornar under him, pushing the orc's legs up and over his shoulders, making them rest against him so that he could take him properly. The sensation of being over another man was definitely different from the way that he had been pushed, in Heaven, to consider himself over a woman. In a way, all the muscle, all the hot scent of need, the grin and throbbing cock below him showing Ornar's made it all the better.

He ground forward, using his full bulk and strength to push his shaft into the orc's hot hole. One good thrust, slow and steady, eventually hilted him completely. He groaned under his breath as he felt the heat around his shaft, savoring the feeling of that tight hole against him, but more than that, he savored the expression on Ornar's face. The orc arched his back, closing his eyes and showing his tusks for a moment as he let out a long groan of pleasure.

"That's what I needed..."

"It's not as good as our master's, but I am happy to be a distraction."

"It's good enough. Now...enough with the charity..."

Ornar pulled his legs together, suddenly clenching his calves around the bull's head. Their eyes met, and a sudden surge of lust ran through him.

"Take what you want...and give me what I need..."

He understood that command quite clearly, and was more than happy to deliver.

He pulled back to the halfway point before slamming in again, feeling the bed shake under him and the orc tighten up against his shaft. It took more muscle than he expected to pull back again, but with his balls churning, his need rising, he was more than happy to put in the effort. He pulled back to the head and rammed in again, feeling that hole parting for him, feeling the need inside.

Each grunt that he managed to force out of Ornar was another badge of honor for him, another reminder that he was pleasing a demon that was used to getting fucked by the best. The fact that Dusk had allowed them to have these relations was a reward in and of itself, and the fact that he was good enough to capture Ornar's interest was a compliment and a half. In, out, in, out, each thrust making that jockstrap a bit darker around the orc's bulge.

He leaned forward, huffing into Ornar's neck, holding him down against the bed and making sure that each thrust kept the orc pinned rather than moving him around. He slammed in, pulled back, and slammed in again, the bed creaking under them with each movement. Ornar stopped speaking, stopped teasing, and the bull knew that they were both focusing on the language of the body more than the language of the tongue.

In, out, in, out, each thrust carrying him forward and grinding their bodies together. His nipples pressed in when they ground on one another, and then they would start oozing with milk as he pressed down more firmly. He could feel them dripping away, just like he could feel his cock oozing and squirting in that hole.

In, out, in, out, his balls heavy as a bull's should be, perhaps even heavier and bigger with the touch of both Dusk and Ornar, at this point. He could feel them swinging forward every time that he slammed in, could feel the way that they ground and bumped against that muscular rump. They were so full, so needy...

Ornar groaned at the next thrust, arching his back against the bull's body. Rough tusks scored against his neck, grinding through the fur, leaving a little red line as they went. Nothing bad, just a reminder of what he was doing, what they were doing.

In, out, in, out, the soft huffs becoming deeper grunts for both of them. He could feel himself rising, could feel his balls slowly pulling up, but Seraph doubted that it would be enough to drag him over the edge. He was so far from climax, would be able to last for as long as he needed to. Even if he did lost control, he would be able to keep going. His cock was all but cursed for that.

Forward, back, forward, back, each motion making the bed shake that little bit more, each motion making them both remember how good this felt. Seraph was slowly losing himself to the lust, on the verge of embracing a more feral state, when Ornar reached up again.

Pinch, squeeze.

This time, the pressure on his nipples was enough to make them squirt. Not just drip, but squirt, a line of white shooting through the air and landing on Ornar's face. The white liquid dripped and thinned along his dark skin, and he smiled.

"My turn to be on top again."

They rolled, this time with the orc taking charge, and the big guy sat down on Seraph's cock. The feeling of pressure, warmth, and clenching tightness kept him more than satisfied as the orc turned to face away, sitting in reverse, that muscular ass facing him rather than the leather pouch holding his cock.

"Go on...get a good look..."

Ornar spread his ass cheeks, and Seraph did just that. The sight was wonderful, seeing how his big cock was spreading that asshole good and wide. It was a sight that would have sent a thrill through any stud, and he was just fallen enough to appreciate it.

Of course, the best part was when the orc leaned back, his fingers resting against the bull's chest. The warmth of someone's hands against his nipples again, the gentle squeezing as those hips rose and fell, were all that he needed to start sliding back down into that happy, horny state. Despite being on the bottom, there was no doubt who was in charge while they were coupling with one another.

Ornar was just that good.

Dusk was slow to wake that morning, but when he heard the thumping going on in the next room, it was hard not to smile, just as it was hard not to imagine the slaves of his going at it as hard as they possibly could.

The collars that he made them wear were usually quite good at pinpointing who was where and doing what. The only time that it had failed was when Mercy was interfering, and he assumed that was because, at the time, she was stronger than him and he hadn't been able to push through her aura. Now, however, he could feel them perfectly.

The black cat uncoiled himself from Andrew, feeling his morning wood throbbing against the stallion's ass. The temptation to just use that rather than going to the next room was there, but weak. He could have Andrew at any time, and he planned to. At the moment, he wanted to leave the stallion to rest for a bit longer, to recover for a time.

He got to his feet, not bothering with clothes, though he felt almost like he was being watched. It was like he had felt a few times while Mercy was still creeping around, though not quite as intrusive as that.

The black cat surreptitiously looked around, wondering if he might spot a spell or an eye somewhere around him, but there was nothing to be seen. He knew that he had felt something, though. Something, or someone, had been checking in on him.

I'm going to have to be more alert from now on...

Putting that worry out of his mind, he walked out of the room and down to the squeaking bed that was in a different chamber. He opened the door slightly, not surprised to see that Ornar was busy, but a little surprised to see that Seraph was in the middle of having some fun, as well. The bull was usually quite assiduous with the morning duties.

Then again, they were all a bit off their game this morning.

He opened the door the rest of the way, shutting it quietly. Neither of them seemed to notice, since Ornar's eyes were closed and Seraph was too busy focusing on the orc's ass to see or hear anything else. He would have chuckled if he hadn't been more than a little turned on from the show before him.

His morning wood throbbed as he approached the far side of the bed, watching the pair of them getting more and more into it. By the time that he stood in a spot where Seraph should have seen him, the bull's eyes were closed, his hips twitching, his mouth hanging open as he panted for breath. There was watery pre-cum oozing out from Ornar's hole, evidence of the pleasure that they had both been enjoying, but nothing to show that Seraph had cum just yet.

He planned to fix that.

Dusk smiled like the cat who got the cream, mischievously reaching down and under the orc. He found a spot just behind Seraph's low-hanging balls, and then jammed his finger up and in. The fallen angel's eyes went wide as he finally opened them, staring upwards and looking around for -

But it was too late. One quick surge of Lust, and the bull was cumming. Hard. The sudden burst of pleasure was more than enough to leave the big guy gasping, thrusting up, filling the orc with everything that he had.

Ornar, to his credit, took it well, and didn't slow down. He just kept riding the spurting shaft, slamming his ass down, filling himself up. It took nearly a minute for him to actually turn and see what was going on. At that point, Dusk had his head cocked to the side and a small smirk on his face.

"Needing a cock in your ass that bad, Ornar?" he asked.

"I...was in need, yes."

"It seemed a little more than a need."

"I suppose it was. We have been stressed, Master."

"Yes. I'll forgive it...this time."

"Thank you, Master."

They slid apart, and the orc's cummy hole started dripping down his legs. Thick bull seed dribbled out with a vengeance, running down and smearing the orc's thighs as it did. Ornar didn't seem at all bothered, and Seraph seemed more embarrassed about not noticing his master than anything else.

Before Dusk could do more than pull Seraph's mouth over to his cock, getting the fallen angel to nurse on him a little, Ornar spoke up.

"I have a request, however, Lord Dusk."


"There's still our bargain."

"...Right. I suppose there is."

He had been hoping for a little more time with his own people before he was forced to start taking that task on, but he knew that there was little point in putting it off. He'd promised Ornar that he would give the same satisfaction to all the demons of his House as he had to Ornar and the spies, and he needed to deliver on that. After everything that he had done, he wanted nothing more than a day of rest.

But if he didn't take care of this, he was going to be in deep shit later. The deal that gave him power over the realms of Lust depended on him delivering on this satisfaction. He needed them on his side, and more to the point, he needed them safe and sane. Leaving them with that hunger, even though he was feeding it more, would only lead to more disasters in the future.

No, he needed to follow through.

"Did you have anyone in mind for me to start with?" he asked, idly thrusting forward. Seraph almost, but didn't quite, gag at the first thrust. "I'm sure that there are quite a few candidates in your brothel alone."

"There are, but I know who needs to go first."


"They've been splitting food for a while."


"Something along those lines."

Dusk's cock throbbed all the harder. Perhaps it was a sign of the corruption that he had gone through, but that was something that spoke to him. Twins. Incestual brothers wanting to be together with the same lover? Oh, that was something that got him going, and then some. He smirked, already thinking of what he could get them to do together, and all the things that he would enjoy.

"Where are they?"

"One floor down, Lord Dusk."

"I'll be right with them."

" thing?"


"They'll want to spend time tending to your...backside. Will that be acceptable?"

"As long as it is tongue only."

"That will be noted, Lord Dusk."

"As a matter of fact, send the next four down to the same room. I'll want them available for quick succession."

The dark-skinned orc blinked at that. The black cat shrugged.

"I can keep going for a while. I might as well make sure that they're all taken care of at once, rather than asking you to keep sending more down after I finish each one."

"If you're sure, Lord Dusk..."

"Very sure. Now, go on."

He watched Ornar leave the room, shaking his head in mild amusement. As soon as the orc was out of earshot, he pulled his cock free of Seraph's mouth, giving it a few strokes before letting it hang again.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asked.

"I...didn't expect that, Master, but I did."

"Good. Then you can pay me back by making sure all my breakfast is ready by the time that I'm done with them."

"I'll keep an eye out for when you finish."

"Just start cooking now."

"But - you'd want it fresh, and you'll be -"

"I have something else to try, too. If it works, I'll probably be done before you finish cooking."

The bull looked at him like he was half-insane, but he did as he was told, getting to his feet and running back to the kitchen. That was one thing that Dusk liked about Seraph. When he was given an order, he followed it. Yes, there would be questions, but he did as he was told regardless, and that meant that things kept moving smoothly.

In the meantime, Dusk started reaching out for something that he hadn't used as much as the other sins and vices that he had taken command of. Lust had been part of his repertoire for a while, as had Wrath, and even Greed and Gluttony. However, Sloth was still something that was a little new to him, and this spell required a lot of that.

Ever since he had made the deal, he knew that he'd need a lot of time to get through fucking so many of the different demons that Ornar had under his command. Probably more time than he'd ever have in a day, as a matter of fact. He'd need to take them one by one, or two by two, at most, but there were dozens to get through in the Onsen house. Once more of the other demons realized what he could do, the situation was going to get quite a bit worse, and he would need even more time to take care of them.

But...what if time didn't want to move? What if it was too tired?

Dusk walked to the elevator, taking it down as he worked through the spell in his head. He knew how he wanted to cast it, knew how it was going to go, but he didn't know if it was going to work the way he wanted.

The main issue was the dilation effect, and how that would work with a person or three being able to move through time while the rest of the world didn't. He would need to be careful, limit it, do it only so much at a time, or he might start fucking with reality to the point where it would start fucking back. The last thing that he needed was for the world that he'd fought to keep together to start falling apart on him. If that happened...

Well, he might as well have let Armageddon happen at that point, wouldn't he?

He reached the right floor, left the elevator, and stepped through into the Hell side of the Hellspire. The orc twins were in the first bedroom on the left, and they were grinning, their tusks showing, their relatively slender bodies on display. He smiled as he watched their cocks throb upwards, both of them rather eager-looking. The feline spotted movement out of the corner of his eye, and he saw others coming, ranging from an elephant to a rabbit to a gorilla that was already starting to pop a tent between his legs.

There would be others, but they would be the first.

Dusk looked at the orcs, stepping into the room and snapping his fingers. The aura of the devil stretched out from him, marking the doors, the walls, everything with red-black stripes, and outside the room, time started to slow. By the time that the rabbit reached the door, time had stopped completely on the other side.

The orcs looked over his shoulder, blinking as they watched the rabbit at the head of the line barely seeming to move, his mouth frozen open and his eyes blinking too slowly to look real. They looked at each other, and then looked back at Dusk. The taller one - by about half an inch - chuckled, shaking his head.

"'re definitely him."

"The second Satan, you mean?" Dusk asked.

"Well, we hope you will be," the other said.

He shook his head. The whole idea of being ruler of Hell still sat ill with him, but he knew better than to say that. They needed a ruler, and if it wasn't him, then he needed to be involved in choosing who it was. There was no way around that, not if he wanted to be left in peace in the slightest.

Dusk stepped closer to the orcs, and they dropped down to their knees, smiling at him. Their cocks were hard, throbbing, in fact, and he could tell that they were more than willing to be of service. His morning wood, still quite stiff from the show that he'd gotten from Seraph and Ornar, was already twitching up for more.

"Alright, me what you can do."

The orcs smiled at him, moving around so that one knelt behind him, and the other in front of him. He felt their tusks caressing things rather gently, fingers digging into his thighs and into his ass cheeks. Forcing himself to remember that the one behind him would only use his tongue and nothing else, Dusk grabbed his cock and slapped it gently against the face of the orc in front of him.

"Do you know how hard Ornar came when I fucked him?" he asked.

"Lord Onsen told us."

"He said that he had never been so satisfied as the day that you fucked him," the orc behind him confirmed.

"And we want to feel it, too."


"So badly," the one nuzzling against his cock said, slowly opening his mouth and pulling the head in.

Dusk sighed in pleasure as he felt his cock slowly sliding down the orc's throat. The wet, hot feeling of someone else slowly sucking on him was just lovely, and despite Seraph's attempt to be good with his mouth, there was really nothing better than an incubus for getting off. He growled in his throat as he felt the soft clenching motions of the orc swallowing around his cock, only to tense slightly as he felt his cheeks getting parted from behind.

"Your ass is lovely, Lord Dusk."

"It's perfect," Dusk said. "Lucifer certainly thought so, but I barely tolerated him fucking me. If you start thinking that you can..."

"Lord, I would do no such thing."

And what followed was the gentlest tongue on his pucker that he had ever felt. He smiled to himself, wiggling his hips slightly to push back against the orc's slow licking. He rolled his hips forward, grinding his cock against the other orc's tongue, and he wasn't too surprised to see the pair of them reach out for each other, holding hands as they sucked and rimmed him at the same time.

Mmmm, a good warm-up...but what else can we do together...

After all, he had all the time in the world, now. He could do whatever he wanted, and they'd go along with it for the satisfaction. Oh, this was going to be good.

The End

Summary: Seraph and Ornar have a bit of fun following the events of the insanity and court case, and then Dusk starts with fucking some of the orc's people.

Tags: M/M, M/M/M, threesome, twins, bull, orc, cat, feline, series, modern fantasy, magic, forced orgasm, cum, orgasm, pre-cum, creampie, jockstrap, leather, anal, lactation, oral, blowjob, riding, fucking, power bottom,