Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 7 - Stormfront (Revised Edition)

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#7 of Valkyrie - Book 1 - Fate and Rebirth (Revised and Reedited)

Chapter 7 - Stormfront

Location: Viridian Forest

Lance sat by a small crackling fire that he had built himself, a sense of accomplishment washed over his tired, aching body. Diamond, who had been unconscious since the attack and falling off the mountain in the bridge was now sleeping peacefully by the fire.

Lance had been lucky.

The superstructure of the bridge had protected him from the brunt of the impact as they collided into the forest below. Diamond had seemed to be amazingly uninjured considering that he had been unconsciously thrown off the side of a mountain. Lance was beginning to think that maybe the two of them had guardian angels.

He looked back up to the big black mass that was covered in the darkness of night behind the trees. Everonth mountain was silent, there were no lights, no nothing to indicate that anyone had survived the amazing quake. He had not felt any residual tremors since after he had left the wreckage of the bridge, climbing out of the massive hole in the front of the section.

And now they were sat in front of a slowly crackling fire in the middle of the night, in a lonely and dark forest. He was worried that Diamond could have suffered a serious concussion but from the look of him, he seemed moderately healthy. However that was only a visual observation and he was not a doctor.

He had however remembered some vital words that a first aid programme on the network had once told him. "Remember to keep the patient warm and the legs elevated...". That was exactly what he was doing now, he had used several large stones to elevate Diamond's legs. He had not idea why he was doing this however the programme gave some obscure reason that he could not remember and that was good enough for him.

Lance had graduated from the University of Chentrilla with a top degree in computer sciences but unfortunately that was as far as his skills progressed. He had, however checked over the fallen wreckage of the Valkyrie to see if there was anything he could use. He had been fortunate and found a musty blanket that was large, roughly about the size of a double sheet. He had also found a rather beautiful looking display sword in what had been the captains personal office. Both items would come in handy for the night inside the forest.

Diamond had also been very fortunate to have him as his partner as Lance knew these woods very well from his keen sense of smell. He could sense that there was a settlement less then four miles away, he just had to follow the scent on the wind.

He had decided that the base of the wreckage would make a fantastic shelter to spend the night before the long walk to the settlement tomorrow. It had already been significantly later when he recovered from his own unconscious state after the fall, almost completely unharmed.

He tore off a piece of cloth and dabbed it over his water bottle, allowing it seep through before he started dabbing Diamond's head. Diamond's muzzle wrinkled as the water dripped onto his face, causing him to squint a little. He felt like shit, as if somebody had smacked him round the head with a fire extinguisher.

"Ah... great" smiled Lance as he pulled Diamond's head onto his lap, looking directly down at him. "You're awake!"

Diamond permitted a small smile as he came to, his eyes opening and his pupils dilating to the light from the pleasant crackling fire beside him and looking up at Lance with his powerful emerald eyes. "Wh-what... happened?" he asked, allowing Lance to console him with his paw that was now stroking the underside of his head, sifting through his dishevelled hair.

"We... ugh... I dunno..." mumbled Lance in a little confusion himself, he had been rendered unconscious as well during the fall and was not completely sure about the situation at all. "All I remember was the quake and then... you got hit by this pillar... it must have knocked you out and the next thing I know... we are falling down from the mountain and I woke's all so bloody blurry."

Diamond sat up from the pleasurable serenity of Lance's lap and looked directly at him. He looked like he had been through hell, his clothes that had been so pristine and "science-like" when he met him were dirty and torn. Lance's hair was a complete mess, deviating drastically from the combed back style he had adopted when they first met.

The next thing to examine was the huge hulk of metal that was providing temporary shelter for them until daybreak. It was massive and still in relatively good condition considering it had snapped off and dropped, like a washing machine of a high-rise apartment block from the mountain into the forest. However it had probably been the incredibly strong alloy that had saved them for certain death. It had sort of acted like a roll-cage in a car, absorbing a lot of the shock and impact that would have probably killed everyone inside.

Diamond counted himself as lucky.

"It's alright..." he smiled to Lance. The first real smile he had done all day. He watched Lance's young face light up with enthusiasm, it was a quality that he lacked. "...any idea what happened up there?"

Lance shook his head, his large amber eyes reflected well in the darkness giving him excellent vision. Another natural survival trait for a wolf. He rubbed his hands through his fur as he looked back over at Diamond, trying to still maintain an air of professionalism. "No-o" he spluttered. Oh nice going!? "There was... um... no warning about the quake and I'm... eh.... not really sure what caused it."

Diamond felt a bruise on his head starting to form as he knew he had forgot to thank Lance for saving his life. That would come later, but for now he wanted to focus on the immediate situation. They were lost in the middle of a huge forest, in the dark and both of them were injured and tired.

"Any idea where we landed? Which way do we go?" he commanded, almost immediately . His tone was oddly condescending as the old animosity towards Lance began to resurface.

"That way..." pointed Lance, he pointed in the general south direction. Diamond almost immediately arched a brow but he accepted that fact that certain species of canine on Terra were very good at geography without the use of a compass or a map.

"I'm pretty sure that.. um... theirs a settlement there... my nose has never really let me down." That last statement brought little comfort to Diamond however he was really in no condition to argue with Lance. He still felt incredibly groggy from the whole experience, his hair was completely messed up and he had just noticed that his clothes were just a dirty.

At that moment, both of them started to feel a drip of water poking through the thick veil of trees that they were immersed in. The water was cold but also strangely refreshing against the warm summer air. As a foul, Diamond had always loved being outside in the rain, he loved to run around in the forest near his home town and hide away from the world... just himself and the rain.

Sometimes he would pretend that the rain was actually a sentient being and would try talking to it, telling it to pour harder or "break the clouds". The other times he had pretended that he could control the rain with his "magical wand", a stick that he had kept from the grand oak tree in his father's garden. But now, it was nothing more but an annoyance... and he had been forced to grow up after... that day.

As if reminding Diamond about his youth was not bad enough, the rain also strangely seemed to mock him by pouring harder. Large droplets were now pouring through the trees and sizzled as they reacted with the fire, the air suddenly grew cold, as if suddenly they were out at sea inside a small boat during a storm.

Well one thing was true... it was a storm.

Lightning flashed across the sky in its usual zig-zag pattern which illuminated both Diamond's and Lance's face better then the fire did. The forest seemed to come alive in the wind, the trees themselves calling out to them as they swayed in the wind. The rustling of the leaves, the pitter-patter of water on the leaves... it was all some complex melody...

Even the thunder seemed to take the place of cymbals in the symphony of the storm.

Lance, quickly helped Diamond to his feet as the two of them scrambled for cover from the harsh rain, being wet would probably give them hypothermia by the morning if they stayed out in it. They slid into, where the bridge piece of the Valkyrie had actually lost a piece of hull plating which was a large enough gash and more importantly stable enough to sit inside.

Both of them quickly climbed in, Lance helping Diamond with the blanket wrapped round him as the rain continued to fall and showed no signs of stopping. Infact, the storm seemed to be getting worse, which was strange this far inland.

Lance removed his back-pack, sitting next to Diamond watching the storm unfold outside. Luckily, this hull breach provided a solid base which was essential when finding cover, the piece seemed to heavy for the powerful winds to move.

There was a few moments of silence while both of them examined the storm, watching the rain fall down onto the ground with an amazing force. Their hair and fur was only slightly soaked from the quick thinking and would dry in about half an hour however it weighed their hair down on both of them.

"So... what do we do?" asked Lance, his voice sounding shrill and almost as if it was looking for reassurance that they would survive past this.

Diamond, who was slowly recovering from his long, dreamless slumber looked out at into the darkness of the forest which had been pitch black since the fire had gone out, the only illumination caused by the moonbeams selectively targeting different areas of the forest. He could still only see about ten metres in front of him, he then looked over to Lance, who was staring directly at him.

"I would assume that we should attempt to get back to Phoenix Grace with this information we retrieved from the projection. They are probably not aware that we are missing yet so we cannot expect rescue yet, we'll have to hike through the forest..."

"Good idea" sighed Lance, not really caring if it was really a good idea or not. He had an idea, grabbing the rucksack that he had been wearing this morning when he met Diamond. The one that carried his laptop, he pulled out a small halogen light and placed it on the metal deck in front of the entrance to the strange metal cave.

The light let out a marvellous, almost godly light that allowed Diamond and Lance to actually see each other. But as much as it lit the small metal cave that they were inside, it did not reach out in the wilderness of the forest.

"I'm glad to see that it was useful bringing you along" smiled Diamond, basking the warm glow of the light which also created a nice amount of heat too. A nice warm aura filled both of them and it made it feel more... "cosy".

Lance just smiled back as they both just sat there watching the rain. However an odd thing was happening at the same time. The air between them became thick and slightly suffocating and both of them suddenly felt more uncomfortable being that close to one another in the strangely cosy metallic cave which would be their shelter for tonight.

"I..." started Lance but Diamond already had the feeling that he knew what the wolf was going to say. The storm continuing to rage outside with the occasional flash of lightening that brought illumination to the forest temporarily. "We... need to get close together... for heat.... we only have one blanket..."

That was all Diamond needed to know, he protruded a white arm and shuffled the nice big blanket around Lance as they both laid down against the hard metal deck plate. However as they laid down, so close to each other, the feeling of "uncomfortableness" was just getting worse between them.

" better get some sleep." Diamond bit his lip uncomfortably as he said that to Lance who had made a pillow out of his bags and handed Diamond his jacket to do the same.

"Eh... ok" replied Lance, equally uncomfortable as both of them struggled to contain the thoughts that were entering their minds.

They both laid back to back, feeling their tails colliding with each other under the covers. "This is ridiculous!" shouted Diamond in his mind. "What the hell is going on!? The atmosphere just changed dramatically...?"

However he was not alone in his head.

"Its obvious that he wants you... just look at how uncomfortable he is. No use deluding yourself... he wants to FUCK you senseless.."

Diamond chose to ignore the other voice in his head as he attempted to close his eyes, however after almost seven hours of unconscious slumber, he was wide awake.

"I can't really... eh... sleep" sighed Lance, getting out of bed to get on all fours right in front of Diamond's view. From his position he could make out the position of his balls as they lay trapped in his tight underwear. "Oh fuck!" thought Diamond as he tried to resist the reaction going on in his pants. Lance's buttocks were obviously so firm as he could see in his pants, like two grapefruit in a handbag.

"Told you so..."

Diamond could not work out what Lance was doing at first, then he let out a short sigh of relief, he was dimming the halogen light so that they could sleep.

"Eh... maybe not" he sarcastically told the guy in his head that sounded oddly like his first love. His name was Eric and he was a fox from his adoptive home, he was supposed to be his step-brother but a game went a little bit too far...

Ok... a lot too far!

But that was story for another time, Lance dimmed the light down and returned his perfect little buttocks and tail which he had obviously subconsciously (and not deliberately) lifted to the safety of the blanket.

However something was wrong... this time Lance was facing him! Diamond instantly began to panic inside, he tried to hide the panic and just play it cool. It had been such a long time since somebody, boy or otherwise had come this close to him.

A lightening flash from the continuing storm seemed to accentuate Lance's natural beauty as both of them stared at it each for a moment before moving closer and closer. Diamond felt his heartbeat quicken as Lance move closer, he tried to stop himself drooling thinking about Lance's tight little bum and neat sack that hung in-between his legs.

It was Lance that made the final push, like world war one soldiers finally going over the trenches to defeat the Germans he locked muzzles with Diamond, both of them pulled into the powerful magic of the kiss that both of them had anticipated but not completely understood.

Diamond relaxed, the apprehension for the first kiss was almost the most uncomfortable thing about a relationship. He had never personally understood why, but then... he had never truly felt as powerful a pull as this before.

Lance seemed to relax also as they allowed the feeling to wash over them like a tide of water, putting their arms around each other and nestling into each other.

Something else happened...

The two of them looked at each other as if both of them knew what was going to happen between them. Diamond gulped, his tongue was hanging slightly from its mouth as he slid Lance's slightly wet t-shirt over his head revealing the wolves light grey fur and kissing his beautiful torso.

Lance responded with a pleasurable moan as he lay back down, holding Diamond's head in his hands as it moved further and further down. A hand going to the slow developing bulge in his underwear.

He had always to managed to convince himself that he was more attracted to females then males however the whole sensual magic of this situation was too arousing to ignore. He learnt his head back as he felt the warm hand run over his sheath, slipping his underwear off and removing Diamond's until they were both naked on the hard metal floor.

The coldness of the metal really did not matter that much, considering that both of them were so sexually aroused that not even a gunshot would divert their attention. Both of them rubbed up against each other, feeling their fur grind and lock together, creating a powerful sense of pleasure.

The storm outside was still laying waste to the forest, slashing it with the rain however to both of them, it somehow seemed more gentle and less of a problem. They pulled against each other, both of surprisingly equal height as they continued to kiss.

Lance put his paw down to take grasp of a reasonably sized pole that was now standing , almost fully erect from Diamond. He started on his mission towards it. Licking and probing his tongue down through Diamond's torso fur, his mouth suddenly found the object that he was looking for. He opened his mouth and allowed Diamond's pole to fill it, it was a long black, sleek looking penis with a flared cock-head that was usually associated with the equine race.

Diamond moaned as Lance gave him the sensual blow-job, his whole body seemed to pulse to the slow, sensual rhythm that Lance had set up. He had not had this sort of the physical contact in years and somehow, the humidity from the storm seemed to make it all the better.

He pulled Lance, by the tail over him so that Lance was on all fours over him, his mouth still firmly wrapped around his cock. He looked up, admiring the amazing site that had befallen him.

Lance lifted his long, bushy grey tail to reveal the patch of white fur, just inside his bum cheeks and a small pink orifice that looked both beautiful and tight at the same time. There was a slight bulge just down from that which led, like a road to heaven to his cute small dangling balls which seemed to be hugging close to his body for the moment.

Diamond could not contain himself as he pushed his muzzle up against Lance's tight and perfect ass. He allowed his tongue to droop out of his mouth as he tasted his hole, it was a beautifully musty smell which shared an odd similarity with the pheromones that female dogs secreted when they were on heat.

An instant shock-wave of increasingly powerful pleasure shot through Lance's body, he grabbed hold of the wall of the cave and stretched, giving Diamond much better access into his tight arse, his mouth still deeply wrapped around Diamond's meat that leaked a little sweet pre-cum into his mouth almost as an attempt to lube him up in so fashion.

The time had come...

Lance got up, out of his pleasured state and turned around to look at Diamond that was laying sprawled out on the deck plate. "It's... my first..." he began, slightly nervously. He was half afraid that Diamond was just going to discard him as he never down it with a guy before.

Diamond interrupted him and Lance anticipated his response. "He's going to laugh at you!" the voice of self-doubt inside his head gleefully chanted.

"Don't worry..." smiled Diamond, there was an unusual compassion in his voice as he spoke which Lance had never seen until now. "It will be alright...I'll be gentle..."

Lance seemed reassured by Diamond's compassionate statement as he slowly lowered his bum onto Diamond's raging pole. Despite, never doing this with a man before, he was able to know what to do like a professional. It was almost instinct.

The first sensation was the most curious, it was somehow more painful then he expected as he felt Diamond's large, flared cock-head enter his buttocks. However after a few seconds of holding it there, another sensation began to kick in, pure pleasure.

He looked down at Diamond, who's face gasped when he felt the inside of this wolf's butt being forced open for the first time. The pleasure was almost enough to make him orgasm, it was amazingly strong, he could not help but release some pre-cum from his penis right in the wolf's arse.

Lance suddenly felt bolder, allow Diamond's whole length to slip inside him, stretching his bum. It was incredibly pleasurable, he gasped as the bulge or "knot" around his canine cock bulged, he felt amazing.

Slowly but surely, he rocked himself on Diamond's cock, bouncing his little furry ass up and down alongside the large pole. He leaned forward as Diamond allowed his hands to slide up and down along his ass as he made love to him.

There was sudden feeling of warmth as he bounced faster, the feeling would not dissipate, the shock of pleasure for the first time was more powerful then he expected. As if by magic his ass began to loosing and tighten, hugging Diamond's length.

This feeling was becoming too much for the young wolf to bare, he felt his penis straighten and harden up until it was like a brick. He revealed in the pleasure as he tilted his head back moaning... finally he could not take it anymore.

"Oh... please... more... Ugh... Ugh.... UGHHHHH!" he screamed as a stream of hot white seamen shot from his penis all the way onto Diamond's face. Diamond smiled and licked it off with a made lust in his eyes. The kid came incredibly quickly but hard!

Diamond felt the same wave of pleasure building as he squirmed, the feeling of Lance's orgasming around his cock was almost too much for him to bare.

"Ooooh... fuck... yeah..." he shouted as Lance suddenly felt a strong stream of cum shooting up inside him. It was a very warm and very pleasurable feeling.

Lance stayed on his cock for a little while before rolling off to find Diamond watching him carefully. There was a suddenly realisation and almost shame for what he had done. He had given into pleasure and the realisation had hit him like a ton of bricks.

Both him and Diamond did not say anything to each other for the rest of the night.