Dragon Storm: Chapter 42: An Unrivaled Match: Light Vs. Dark in Fur Dreams City! Part Two!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#42 of Dragon Storm

Author's Note:

I decided to split my big chapter into two. Here is the second half of the conclusion of the Fur Dreams City Arc. ^.=.^

SoFurry Cast

DS-Rio: http://ds-rio.sofurry.com/

A Soviet Dragon: http://a-soviet-dragon.sofurry.com/

Yun95: http://yun95.sofurry.com/

Eveser: http://eveser.sofurry.com/

Naraku: http://naraku.sofurry.com/

Aresues: http://aresues.sofurry.com/

J_ocelot: [http://j\_ocelot.sofurry.com/](/)

Briswolf: http://briswolf.sofurry.com/

Kai wolfheart: http://kai-wolfheart.sofurry.com/

Serpente: http://serpente.sofurry.com/

Blood-Tail: http://Blood-Tail.sofurry.com/

Steb: http://Steb.sofurry.com/

ASCII Artwork:

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I do not take credit for this artwork.


"I've already used my lightning G.O.N.'s lightning clone and exhausted over half of my Quintessence no thanks to you guys. To be honest, a drawn-out battle against a formidable opponent like him is going to be difficult for me." Falx said firmly while wiping blood from his forehead.

"Stand back... I have no choice..." Samiake said and finally pulled the silver armband off.

He quickly grew dark and his eyes would glow red. He was emitting darkness never before seen. Samiake had done the unthinkable; he had given up on his own power. Now using the powers of darkness, Samiake had hoped he could finally put an end to this. The darkness was now spreading like wildfire, it engulfed everything it touched. Samiake now engulfed them all in a black dome and waited for Dex to make the first move. While Samiake was in this form, he could no longer tell the difference between friend and foe. There is no telling what was about to happen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As they fought off all the robots, they were being rooted for by Melissa who was texting on her cell phone. Kerri was not surprised by Shadow and Sean's work. In fact, she could tell that they were losing this fight slowly. She paced back and forth and wondered when Blood-Tail would return, she had sent him to go get some help, but there was no sign of him yet. However, before she could ponder any further, they all heard the sound of a motorcycle. The sound of tire screeches against pavement and then, nothing. Suddenly, it started again and this time seemingly out of nowhere, the motorcycle was in the sky; Blood-Tail had launched himself into the air off of the Popeyes building.

"Did ya miss me?" Blood-Tail shouted as he was falling down, the wind rushing past his black leather jacket.

"Oh no... you're back." Shadow said and then noticed someone with Blood-Tail. "Master Kazeron!?" Shadow exclaimed while stabbing another robot.

"What the hell? This guy is crazy!" Sean said while smacking another robot with his silver tong.

Just then, Kazeron jumped off of the motorcycle and crushed some of the robots around Shadow with his mighty hammer, leaving giant creators in the ground. He looked up and smiled to Shadow. He was happy to see his student still in one piece. Meanwhile, Blood-Tail landed on the robots in front of Shadow and Sean and destroyed them with his Harley motorcycle, then he quickly reached into his black leather jacket's pocket and pulled out a .44 magnum. He then threw it to Sean.

"Here catch!" Blood-Tail shouted and tossed it to him while zooming past him on his bike.

"Huh?" Sean said as he grabbed it by the handle with his spare hand and let an evil smirk escape his muzzle.

As the battle proceeded, Kazeron and Shaodw both destroyed the surrounding robots with everything they, while Blood-Tail ran them all down with his bike and slicing the rest with his machete. Sean on the other hand, grinned evilly as he held the. 44 magnum in awe and began to fire it like crazy. His very first shot aimed right at Blood-Tail himself.

"Hmph." Blood-Tail muttered as he effortlessly dodged it, letting the bullet only come about an inch away from his face, using his Accelerated Probability G.O.N.

"Oh?" Sean said in confusion, while smirking that he had hit his true target, the two robots behind Blood-Tail giving chase, knowing full while that Blood-Tail would have avoided it.

"Accelerated probability is the ability to see what choice one should make when confronted with a situation, to predict the outcomes of certain situations, and then to accelerate oneself along that path of causality immediately." Blood-Tail explained while heading right for Kazeron.

As Blood-Tail rushed over at Kazeron and he held his free hand out and called out to Kazeron. Kazeron then held his hand out and used the momentum from Blood-Tail's speed and force to spin 180 degrees and smash the rest of the robots, thus destroying them. Kazeron landed dramatically as Blood-Tail held his machete back out and finished off the last robot, but just as he did another robot popped out from behind, it lifted its massive blades into the air and aimed for Blood-Tail's head, but it quickly fell to the ground, destroyed thanks to sure-shot Sean and his. 44 magnum Blood-Tail had tossed him.

"Amazing..." Melissa said out loud.

I have been told that providing you guys with a link to the song would be better, so...

Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtAFkGoT1iE


I realize the screaming pain

Hearing it loud in my brain

But I'm going straight ahead with the scar

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me? (So am I)

It's fine if you forget, it's fine if you can't feel it

I've patched up the scrapes in my heart

It's okay if I'm hurt, because I no longer feel the pain

Even as I drag my feet along

I can no longer see

The self

That made a sound

and then collapsed

If you just notice the sound of the wind...

It told me to follow these scars

Before I'd be crushed by the weight of the world

Can you remember it? The sky of tears...

That pain has given you protection

Because this pain will always protect you

More than the strength of being unhurt, the kindness that cannot hurt

Its voice in some ways, seems sad

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me? (So am I)

I do not own Sign.

Dragon Storm

CHAPTER 42: An Unrivaled Match: Light Vs. Dark in Fur Dreams City! Part Two!

"I wish Rio were here... he would have taken them all out in seconds!" Sean said while brushing the dirt off of him.

"Rio? Yeah... I've heard of him before! I once RP'ed with him online, it was so fun! We made it into a story and RP fought on some bridge. We stayed up all night! You know him?" Shadow asked while smiling.

"Yeah! He is great here around work, and he is super fast!" Sean said, now smiling back.

"Rio? This guy has his own fanclub or something?" Blood-Tail asked.

"No, he just understands us, stupid. Like, we can talk about our problems in life. Mainly, the fact that he's gay means we give each other advice on which guys are the good ones and stuff!" Melissa said while looking at her phone.

"Okay..." Blood-Tail said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Here... we have this photo of all the crew members here at Popeyes, look, he is the goofy red one!" Kerri said and pulled out a photo to show Blood-Tail and pointed to the red dragon in it.

"Oh? He looks painfully happy..." Blood-Tail said sarcastically.

"Yeah, we forced him to get his picture taken." Kerri said while exhaling more smoke.

"It's not his smile... it's his eyes..." Blood-Tail said looking closely.

"Hm?" Kerri said.

However, before they could talk any further, a giant war-mech level 2 appeared from nowhere, chasing two other wolfs. It was Bris and Kai. They ran as fast as they could, but were hit by the missiles that it fired from it's cannons. The explosion caused by this made everyone look up and watch as Bris and Kai were sent skidding into the Lee road shopping center, they finally stopped skidding and could hardly move. There lives were slowly slipping away.

"OH NO!! BRIS!! KAI!!" Shadow yelled, taking a step forward.

"How strong is that thing!? They both couldn't take it on?" Kazeron said, holding Shadow back.

"What do we do?" Sean asked, taking a step back.

"Isn't this the part where you go crazy?" Kerri said, not sounding very surprised.

"Heh, You're right! Tell me... this Rio... is he normally that happy?" Blood-Tail asked, now walking toward the war-mech level 2.

"Hmph. Yeah... he has a dream he likes to believe in and chase after. He says that without it he wouldn't be alive today... it's what keeps him going..." Kerri said and smiled.

"So... interesting... because that's not the look of being happy... that look in his eyes... that's the look of... determination!" Blood-Tail said as he stopped and began to glow red. " If his dream keeps him determined, why not let him have it? In that case... starting now... my new dream..." Blood-Tail said as he let an evil smirk escape his muzzle.

"Huh?" Melissa asked, tilting her head.

" My new dream... IS TO BE THE CRAZIEST DRAGON ALIVE!!!" Blood-Tail yelled and held out his paws. "The amount of motivation and inspiration from his determination coursing through these paws right now... you have no idea... that look in his eyes...remarkable." Blood-Tail said, his eyes blazing, but not of hatred.

Just then, Blood-Tail stopped glowing red and reached out one paw, an what seemed like in instant, he had summoned wolfs, five on each side of him and all blazing on fire. The blue and red wolves looked at Blood-Tail and nodded before dashing at the giant war-mech level 2. They ran at fast speeds and rushed past all the projectiles it threw at them. Finally the wolves reached it.

"Let's do this... Blood-Tail." Blood-Tail said.

As the wolves made of red and blue flames dashed toward the war-mech level 2 it blasted them all with its Vulcan cannon. However, the wolves appeared back like the flames they were and danced ablaze. Then one of the wolves jumped up into the air and bit the war-mech, soon after, they both exploded. It had to have been the biggest explosion anyone had seen yet. The mushroom-like explosion sent shockwaves in ever direction and the gale force winds were indeed strong. Blood-Tail's black leather jacket flapped in the gust of wind.

"Hmm... there're like flames." Melissa said.

"No, they are not flames, they may look like it, but it is merely Blood-Tail's Quintessence." Kerri said and watched as her hair flew along the wind.

"Wrong!" Blood-Tail said.

"Huh?" Sean asked confusedly.

"There're not Quintessence. Regular Quintessence's don't have the power to mortally wound strong foes like this. I split and rip my soul into pieces and make those pieces follow and obey me like comrades and I use them as weapons. These wolf shaped warheads are my different personalities, they are all Blood-Tail and Red. That is my clan trait power from the soulless clan." Blood-Tail explained.

"Then... what happens to your own soul then?" Sean asked.

"The more I use it... the more I fade away...but the virus inside me should heal it over time." Blood-Tail said.

"Virus?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah... don't ask." Blood-Tail said and pointed at another war-mech that dropped from the sky.

Blood-Tail's soul wolves dashed at it and did the same. Then one after another after another war-mech appeared and Blood-Tail knew he couldn't keep this up for much longer. They were all now completely surrounded by war-mech level 2's. Just as they all closed in on everyone, Bris and Kai began to glow a bright white color, they were now hugging each other and smiling as they closed there eyes.

"NO, DON'T!!!" Kazeron yelled, but it was too late.

Bris and Kai were now solid white. This warm feeling was their own Quintessence's mixing together and spreading fast. It soon engulfed the whole battlefield and shopping center. A move that Kazeron told them never to use. It was one of his forbidden teachings. This move, would make them invincible, but kill them after it's use. The dome they now found themselves in stretched outward and kept going and going. It didn't stop until the entire Fur dreams city was engulfed in a bright blindingly white light.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - (Flashback: Kai and Bris's past) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"BRIS!!" Kai ran as fast as he could toward him, he was standing on the docks watching the sunset, the waters sparkled as the seagulls flew by.

"Yeah..." Bris answered with no emotion.

" Tell me... what is your dream!? Why don't you want to live anymore?" Kai asked, tears flowing down his face having heard the bad news.

" There is too much going on..." Bris said and looked away, the breeze gently flowing their fur and cloths along the light current of the wind.

"Furs that live in Fur Dreams City have a dream that they are meant to fulfill, right? What is yours? My dream is to help you fulfill yours! Just let me help!" Kai explained and grabbed Bris's arm firmly.

"No, if you're with me, then the D.E.O. will-" Bris said, but then was interrupted.

"I will be with you no matter what! We've come too far to give up now." Kai said, tears running down his face, they shined off the sunset.

"I don't know. It's just like being asked what you want to do in life when you get older... my dreams... I just don't know..." Bris said and turned away.

"Not if I'm here. I'll protect you, always." Kai said and hugged Bris from behind, slowly embracing his warm form.

"..." Bris remained silent.

"In this city, those who don't fulfill their dreams will be destroyed by the D.E.O. However, those you do will be blessed with the gift of eternity as they die. They wouldn't call it eternity if you died. You'll see... you and me... we'll always be together." Kai explained and leaned in for a kiss.

"Okay, just stay by my side..." Bris said as he also leaned in to meet Kai's warm muzzle.

  • (Flash forward: Fur Dreams City: Lee road shopping center) - - - - -

"My dream... is to be with you, until the end." Bris said as they hugged and would emit a with light.

"As I said... I'll be here for you always, that's my dream." Kai whispered and closed his eyes as the white light engulfed the whole area.

======================= (Elsewhere) ============================

Tanya was running toward where she saw a massive amount of darkness being released before she noticed a bright light slowly engulfing the city. She ran blindly as far as her legs would take her and finally saw Samiake, the source of all the darkness. She instantly felt hurt seeing Samiake like this, her long lost friend was in pain and out of control. The darkness swirled around him endlessly and engulfed the area in a strong darkness. The battle with Dex had raged on and now it was just Dex and Dark Samiake going at it. They took attacks like nothing and exchanged blows more times to start a war. Falx had taken Ant and Tucker somewhere safe to give Samiake room to fight. The last set of darkness and mini-rockets was enough to cause darkness explosions so powerful that the surrounding buildings collapsed down and separated Dex and Dark Samiake for the moment. Dark Samiake fell to the ground in pain and placed his hands on his head, it was too much to bear, it was why he always kept his limiter armband on.

Tanya turns to glare at Samiake "I know you are royally pissed off but THIS IS NOT HELPING, NOW CALM DOWN!!"

Seeing as her words are falling on deaf ears she grits her teeth and decides to use a more direct approach, she quickly approaches Samiake and grabs his head in her hands as a faint aura of golden light appears around her, she starts sending pulses of calming energy into him "If you go after him like this you WILL lose. You need to get a hold of yourself otherwise your not going anywhere" Tanya exclaimed.

"Huh? T-Tanya?" Dark Samiake stuttered.

Tanya growls loudly in annoyance before leaning in and forcing Samiake to look her in the eyes "Look at me" she says as the aura swirling around her starts to darken and her eyes begin showing signs of her anger as little flecks of black are now scattered across her blood-red eyes "LOOK AT ME" she says again trying to get Samiake to lock eyes with her so she can force a direct mental link and rip the anger right out of Samiake and take it into herself to calm him down.

"Tanya... where have you been all this time?" Dark Samiake said as he whined in pain.

She shudders slightly as the link takes hold, both of their bodies tensing momentarily before her eyes widen slightly at the sheer volume of raw anger and hatred that poured into her from Samiake. The aura surrounding her almost immediately changed to a black so deep that it seemed to absorb all the light in the area as it began to swirl faster before erupting into a thundering raging vortex of pure negative energy, she starts to try and break the link as she realizes what is going to happen but can't sever it before with a massive pulse both her and Samiake are blasted in opposite directions as the aura explodes from the sheer volume of negative energy.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - (Flashback: Tanya and Samiake's past) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!" Young Tanya screamed for help.

"That's right, let me hear you scream before I kill you!" Slate shouted as he laughed evily, holding up his one dagger and raised into the air.

Slate was a wolf that liked getting into trouble in Tayuna. He was a strong foe, but not unbeatable. He walked closer to her, ready for his kill of the day when she backed into a tree she screamed again in complete fear, her scales now showing, Slate just smiled as he raised his dagger in the air and widened his eyes at what he saw.

"Leave her alone!" Young Samiake shouted in rage, his shadows slowly engulfing the area.

"Hmph. Get lost." Slate shouted and dashed at Samiake.

Tanya watched as Samiake put up a good fight and defeated the wolf. Since they were in the deep woods no one heard them, but even after Samiake had won he was still cut in a few places.

"Who are you?" Tanya asked, rushing toward him.

"I am Samiake. I heard you scream, I was nearby and was curious." Young Samiake said his darkness still flowing out.

"You are different... like me." Tanya smiled and pointed to her scales.

"I guess so. We'll it was nice knowing you..." Samiake paused to get her name.

"Tanya. And thank you for saving my life. I will return the favor someday, it's a promise." Young Tanya said and smiled back warmly.

  • - - - - -(Flash forward: Fur Dreams City: 1792) - - - - -

She slowly gets back up amidst the debris and races blindly from the area unknowingly heading through the ruins of the crashed building as her body starts to distort and change inside the pulsing writhing darkness surrounding her. As she races through the ruins everything she touches seems to wither and dissolve into a puddle of black sludge slowly dissipating leaving nothing behind but blackened scorch marks on the floors and walls. She crashes through a broken wall and falls to the ground on the other side of the building the last shreds of sanity vanishing as her body is consumed by the darkness engulfing her.

"Oh? What do we have here? A girl? Where did the otter go?" Dex asked sarcastically.

As she collapses to the ground, the swirling darkness surrounding her thickening into a shell of pure darkness as it ripples and pulses from the changes taking place within. Screams of anguish and pain can be heard mixed with the sounds of flesh tearing and bones shattering coming from within the pulsing sphere. The sphere starts to bulge and stretch growing larger and larger as whatever was growing inside became so powerful that her aura began to form OUTSIDE the sphere, the massive vortex of darkness causing the very ground around it to begin disintegrating as it grew stronger and stronger. She let out a blood-curdling roar from within the sphere before an enormous surge of darkness tears the sphere to shreds filling the room with a massive cloud of smoke and darkness completely obscuring the creature within. From within the smoke an evil sinister hiss can be heard, through the smoke glimpses of pitch-black scales and bits of a deep crimson the color of blood can be seen. As the smoke begins to clear a 30 foot serpent can be seen, now appearing to be a massive snake she has lost all remaining traces of having once appeared to be human, her mind is now completely buried under the rage and darkness consuming her, she now has thick armored scales of a jet black so deep it seems to draw in all the light in the room streaked with lines and runes of a deep crimson that seems to pulse with raw untapped power. Her face now that of a serpent glares around with empty soulless eyes that seems to glow faintly with a dark rage. 1 1/2 foot fangs spike her gaping maw, they drip large drops of a sickly black fluid that scorches the floor as it hits and leaves small holes behind as it dissipates.

"Oh boy..." Dex said as he watched in complete shock at the sight.

"Tch! It's that giant serpent from before..." Falx said from afar, watching all of it.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - (Flashback: An earlier event) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ahhhhhhh!!! A Phantom....!" Julie screamed in fear.

" I think you have bigger things to worry about!" Falx said and blasted the serpent with a powerful explosive from the tip of his scythe.

"A scythe gun? Not bad, my fur." Kai said and jumped back.

"Hey you, Bris was it? Isn't your specialty using your brain?" Falx asked.

"Umm... yeah... okay, give me some time to find its weak point!" Bris said.

With that said, the giant serpent spit out what seemed like thousands of acid blobs. They were sent in every direction and melted everything they touched instantly. All the acid blobs flew and hurled toward everyone and everything, had it not been for Kai's protective aura wall, they all would be dead right now. Suddenly, Kai began to charge up what looked to be his most powerful attack. Swirls of mid-night blue aura surrounded him quickly and proceeded to build up. Falx decided to give him some time and dashed out to slice the serpent on the tail, but it was no use. Falx must have sliced at it for what seemed like minutes and all of his attacks from his scythe did no damage. Just then, the giant serpent smacked Falx with his tail, but not before he blocked it with his scythe. This sent Falx skidding into a nearby building, as he was powerless to stop the sheer force of the serpent's tail swipe.

  • - - - - -(Flash forward: Fur Dreams City: 1792) - - - - -

" It's different from back then... its even more powerful." Falx said in fear.

"That's the thing that killed my mother... I remember it all to well." Ant calmly.

"No... it's no monster... that's my friend... Tanya... we have to save her... she absorbed my darkness to save me." Samiake said while limping toward the others.

Suddenly, the giant serpent let out a roar greater then a lion and forced Dex back into a building. It wasn't too long before Dex jetted out and was in the air with amazing speeds and launched all 54 mini-rockets once again. They swarmed through the sky and homed in for the giant serpent. They sounded like firecrackers on the 4th of July, however, the giant serpent just smirked and spit out what seemed like thousands of blobs of acid, destroying and melting each of the mini-rockets and getting all over place and even some on Dex. He cried in agony as the blob of acid hit his arm and began to rapidly eat away at his arm. One of his six arms grabbed the arm that had the acid devouring it slowly and without hesitation, ripped it off completely and threw it too the ground watching as it melted away. Dex then landed on the ground and turned to face the serpent.

"Seems I can't afford to play around with you..." Dex said as he reached for one of his many fins he had on his back.

The serpent let out another massive roar and slithered toward Dex at a speed that made Dex's speed look like a slug. As their battle raged on the darkness from their battle reached out and engulfed the whole city. When the earlier white light had finally reached the now spreading darkness they clashed, forces of light and dark. Neither side gave in and proceeded to push against each other like tug of war.

======================= (Elsewhere) ============================

"Huff... huff.... Damn you..." Rex said now out of breath and bleeding heavily.

"Hm? What's wrong Phantom dragon? Are you not the sixth strongest among Nuker nine entity's?" Jazz said calmly and smiled, knowing he had won.

"I was... then Ori took something from me...tell me where he is!" Rex snapped back in disgust.

"I don't know where Ori is... but when we find the rest of you Phantom dragons rest assured the world will be a better place." Jazz said as he put his I-phone touch away and began to walk toward Rex.

"I want it back... you will just kill him off... I need to find him before you kill him!" Rex said as he fell to one knee in defeat.

"What did he take from you, Phantom?" Jazz asked.

"The Orochi. He took it from me... without it... I am nothing... how do you think he was able to take on the whole crimson craft clan on his own? I don't know what Ori's long-term goal is... but... I know what he took from me." Rex said.

"You fool. You started all this chaos just because of something another Phantom dragon took from you? This is why the D.E.O. exists." Jazz said as he knocked Rex out cold, but didn't kill him.

"Hmph. Time to go home. Finally, this is all over." Jazz said as he picked Rex up and walked out of the room.

======================= (Meanwhile) ============================

Tia and Wade now exited the airport with their hi-jacked airship and smiled knowing they had completed the first half of their mission. Wade was piloting the airship while Tia stood on the outside deck letting the rush of wind soar past her rapidly. She looked down to see the city in ruins and the massive light and darkness forced colliding with each other. She didn't care. The only thing on her mind was her mother and how she was going to save her from Quicksilver's grasp.

"What the hell has happened?" Wade asked to himself while looking out of the cockpit, now flying away from the city and toward the massive ocean.

======================= (Elsewhere) ============================

Suddenly, the giant serpent roared again and sent Dex flying half way across the city, he quickly used his five hands to grab hold of a random building and pulled out one of his many fins on his back. Blood flew everywhere because of how rough he pulled on it, but he had no time, the giant serpent was sending its tail right for him at never before seen speeds. Dex gritted his teeth and pulled out what seemed to be a fin-blade of some kind. He quickly striked the air before him and opened up a portal of some kind and jumped in right before the large tail crashed into that spot. The giant and massive serpent felt more enraged as it looked in every direction before spotting Dex back on the ground. He had fired off three arms worth of mini-rockets and this time when they impacted with the giant serpents scales it froze the scales instantly. Before the serpent could react he jumped back in a portal by slicing the air in front of him again and appeared elsewhere. He was messing with the serpent's sense of direction since he could no longer fight it head on.

"Its no use... if this keeps up...huh? My Quintessence readings are saying that the Phantom Dragon is no longer here!? Well, then... time for me to go... I guess the D.E.O. won... this time..." Dex thought to himself before getting crushed by the giant serpent's tail, but when she lifted her tail back up, Dex was gone. Maybe, she never even hit him at all.

With Dex now vanished and the giant serpent on the loose that no one dared get near, they sat back and watched as it burned off all that access dark energy until the light broke through the darkness and shone down on them all. It was an intense warm feeling and made them all feel calmer. The giant serpent then reverted back to normal, a human girl. Everyone rushed to her aid.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The ending of the Fur Dreams City Arc Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8qtteb9FBY

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The D.E.O. it held our fate... and our future..."

"Tanya!! Are you okay!?" Samiake limped to her and kneeled down by her.

"Another one of your friends, mate?" Tucker said while being carried by Falx.

"I think she should be fine." Falx said reassuringly.

"Yeah." Samiake said as he nodded and looked at her begin to wake up.

"S-Samiake? Oh no... don't tell me... it happened again, huh? I hate it when that happens." Tanya said weakly as she tried to get up.

"Just rest... the battle is finally over..." Samiake hugged her for saving his life. Then, he felt her place his silver armband back on him.

"Oh... thanks." Samiake said, smiling.

"Hm? Ant? Is everything okay? Listen... I'm really sor-" Falx said, but was interrupted.

"Don't be... I was blind. It was all one mistake after another. One misunderstanding lead to another and I couldn't see that. If anything... I am sorry." Ant said and smiled.

======================= (Elsewhere) ============================

"BRIS!!! KAI!!! COME BACK!!!!" Shadow screamed at the top of his lungs, but only on deaf ears. It was no use, they had passed away.

"Shadow..." Kazeron placed his paw on his shoulder and shook his head slowly.

"Don't worry... they moved on to a better place, I'm sure of it." Blood-Tail said, shooting his fist in the air.

"Yeah..." Shadow said, trying to hide his tears, then recalling something.

  • - - - - - - - - - - (Flashback: An earlier event) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Argh...enough already... you two are annoying!" Shade said covering his ears.

"I am not! Your just a cheater!" Shayde said.

"Whatever! However... I know for a fact that you will never be able to get a G.O.N." Shadow said.

"Oh? Do tell! I must have forgotten to stay awake in class!" Shayde barked back.

"You have to be born with it! That is the only way to get one! If you don't have one, then you just don't have one... and you want to know something else... YOU NEVER WILL!" Shadow said.

" AHHHH!!!!! I have had enough of your trash talking!" Sahdye said and began to choke Shadow.

" Oh my Nuker! Kazeron they are fighting again!!" Shade said

  • - - - - -(Flash forward: Fur Dreams City: Lee road shopping center) - - - - -

"My dream... to beat my rival, Shadye!" Shadow said and balled up his fist to vent.

"So now what?" Sean asked.

"What else...? We close shop! Let's go home!" Kerri said and watched as the D.E.O. left and took all their robots with them.

"Hey look!" Melissa said and pointed at Kai and Bris's dead bodies as they floated up.

"Wishes can come true, but not if you just wait for miracles."

"Miracles are things we make for ourselves. Here and now."

======================= (Meanwhile) ============================

"They did it. They saved the city." Tia said and smiled softly, looking at the light engulfs the whole city and heals everything back to its normal form.

"Wake up."

"No, they gave us a new one. Their journey may be over, but ours is only just beginning, Tia." Wade said and stood beside her watching the city repair itself due to the light and felt the wind rush past his fur and cloths.

"This is as much as we can do. The rest is up to you, my furs."

"Yeah... you're right. Now... to Dragon Talon Island!" Tia said and pointed to the island in the far distance.

"Don't worry. We make a kick ass team, Tia. We will rock their world AND get your mother back!" Wade said and peered out into the vast seas from atop the airship.

" Whatever you want to believe. "

======================= (Elsewhere) ============================

"This is the captain of squad six, take us to the D.E.O. H.Q we have the phantom!" Jazz said as he walked into his air war-mech while carrying the Phantom Dragon Rex and talking on his I-phone to his boss.

"Ori... I will find you... and when I do..." Rex whispered.

"It's easy to lose sight of things in a world as big as this one, but if you keep going, you're sure to find what you're looking for-sooner or later."

======================= (Elsewhere) ============================

"Alright! Free food! I'm starving!" Blood-Tail shouted eating some chicken Kerri was giving out for them defending the store.

"You can eat, huh? Maybe there're are some things that can surprise me after all." Kerri said and handed out more chicken to everyone inside the lobby.

"Mmmm, chicken tenders... so good. Oh? Another text message." Melissa giggled and looked at her phone.

"You shouldn't eat so fast." Sean said as he smiled, eating his meal.

"They're gone, aren't they?" Shadow asked.

"Shadow..." Kazeron said.

"I guess they meant for this to be good-bye. Then again, we've changed our fates before." Shadow said.

"You are right." Kazeron said and patted Shadow on the head.

======================= (Meanwhile) ============================

"Thank you so much!" Samiake said, now helping Tanya up.

"I told you I would return the favor, didn't I? It was a promise and I meant it! That's my dream after all, to fulfill my promises I make to my friends!" Tanya said weakly and smiled.

" I swear to you... I will make you all happy being my friends!" Samiake said proudly.

"I believe you. I know you will." Falx said and smiled back warmly.

"When prayers turn to promises, not even fate can stand in their way."

"You wanna be friends, Tucker?" Ant asked shyly.

"Sure thing, mate! Put er here buddy!" Tucker said and shook Ant's hand.

"We held the light of hope in our hearts, and achieved the impossible, my furs." Deceased Kai said.

"Now we live on, to greet a new dawn." Deceased Bris said.

================= (Meanwhile: Dragon Talon Island) ========================

Rio and his group sat inside of a large room and looked at one another. They had come this far and lost allot, but it was finally time to confront Rock Lizard. If they walked outside the large doors in front of them the path would take them right to him. They gathered what peace they could before the final storm rose. Rio closed his eyes.

"Rio..." Lazz said weakly.

"He is tired of it all, Lazz." Necro said, wounded badly from, their last battle.

"Just remember the gloves that he gave you... they are Rock Lizards weakness, Rio." Shayde said encouragingly.

"May, Carl Kurotsuchi, Amy, Kilala, Tiger Wanghu... I am so sorry..." Rio whispered as he stared at his gloves and produced lightning from them and then stood up and grabbed his gun blade, watching as it unfolded into a sharp black blade and stood in front of the large door.

"It's time... we only have two hours left before you know what happens..." Lazz said and stood up in pain. Even though his arm and tail had been cut off he was willing to end this.

"Just remember everything we've had to endure, if we work together... there's nothing we can't do!" Shayde said.

"We know Rock Lizards weakness, but we do not know his powers all to well, let's be careful." Necro said as they all walked through the large door.

To be continued..........

Author's suspenseful questions:

Now that Fur Dreams City is safe, will our heroes have what it takes to do the same on the island?



Dragon Storm: Chapter 43: Dragon Talon Island Chapter, Restart!

Author's Note: Hey there, Fur balls! For those of you keeping up with the very SLOW series work I am doing, then this chapter will most likely bore you to death EXCEPT the ending. This...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 41: An Unrivaled Match: Light Vs. Dark in Fur Dreams City!

Author's Note: Well, here we go again, right? Another source of amusement, another chapter. Sorry it has taken so long to get back around to doing this, but I've been through allot. That...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 40: The Moment of Collision, Falx Vs. Samiake in Fur Dreams City!

Author's Note: Hey, it's been awhile, huh? Sorry about all the delay, I've had other things to tend to, but now I am back ( I don't know how long ) and I have also worked on this next...

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