The Camping Trip: Day 1

Story by Michelle the smut vixen on SoFurry

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Three collage girls go on a weekend camping trip during their summer break. Caitlin the otter suspects something is going on between her two friends, Abby the cougar and Talia the fox. As the day goes she learns first hand that the three of them could be a lot more than just friends.

This is the first part of a sapphic erotic furry story series I plan on making. I hope those of you who read it, enjoy it, and I'd appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism you may have.

Warning: This is almost 18000 words. If you want to get right to the horny stuff, you should probably skip to the dotted line I left to break up time periods.


The Camping Trip: Day 1

A warm and humid breeze blew through the forested canyon as Abby's 4x4 tore down the old two-lane asphalt road, leading further and further away from civilization. Caitlin, an otter girl, sat in the passenger seat, staring out the side window, propping her head up by her arm. She watched the trees dance as the wind rustled them about, their leaves sparkling different shades of green as they were tossed about. Caitlin had been dragged along by her two friends she had met at college; Abby the cougar and Talia, the fox; the three had a few of the same classes. After forming a small study group, they had all become fast friends.

Abby had the most outdoor experience of the group and enjoyed all manners of outdoor activities. The camping trip was her idea, and with promises of the perfect spot to spend the weekend, Talia had all but agreed. It was in Talia's nature, after all, being the most adventurous of the three and willing to try anything once, it was right up her alley. Caitlin was the one that took the most convincing. She was shy, and while she wished she could be more outgoing and fun, her self-esteem issues prevented her from loosening up and going with the flow of things.

Bored of the long drive and having no significant landmarks to focus on, the otter girl reached for her phone. To her disappointment and anxiety, she saw the small symbol at the top right of her screen indicating she had no service. Caitlin was used to having service everywhere she went, including when her family went camping. The idea of being this far out in the boonies made her somewhat nervous.

"Wow, you never mentioned how far we'd be going out here." She tried passing off her nervousness as curiosity. Abby smirked as she focused on the road.

"Don't worry, Cait, I've been coming up here for years; it's fine." she glanced over at her friend before giving Talia a look.

"What if something happens and we need help? We won't be able to call for help," Caitlin asked, concerned.

"Nothings gonna happen, Cait," Abby responded, giggling. "It's important to leave the rest of the world behind when you go camping, to be one with nature. Experience the now and appreciate what you have. No RVs and no barbeques, right?"

Caitlin looked down at her feet. "I guess so." She knew Abby was pretty experienced when it came to this kind of thing, and she trusted her knowledge. "Maybe you're right; I just need to relax."

Abby smirked and side-eyed Talia. "Yeah! And if we do get into trouble, we can always head to the prison down the road."

"What!?" Caitlin exclaimed. Abby giggled at the sudden and predictable response from her friend. Talia cut in to keep Abby from further traumatizing the otter girl.

"She's just joking, Cait; we passed it long ago. No one's escaping the prison, and if they did, I'm sure they aren't heading in our direction." She lightly elbowed Abby in the ribs. "Stop scaring her; you always do that. It's mean." Talia's nagging tone switched to a giggle before she could finish the sentence as she felt the cougar's paw squeeze her furry leg.

"But it's so fuuuuun." She cooed in the fox's ear, her eyes still on the road. The fox swatted her hand from her lap, the two of them giggling to themselves. Caitlin caught this from the corner of her eye and stole a glance before focusing on the road ahead. She thought the gesture somewhat strange, but then again, so were they. The idea of the prison still lingered in her mind, and she tried to push it out. Talia was right; she shouldn't worry so much; it was a weekend for relaxing. The otter stretched her legs and crossed her arms, sinking into her seat. Relax she would.

Abby's truck made it around another turn before the road opened up to a long stretch where it went straight for what seemed like a whole kilometer.

"OOH! We're almost here, guys!" Abby spoke up, taking a hand off the wheel to point down the road. "It's like, halfway down here. It always tricks me, and I have to turn around." She slowed the truck down, scanning either side of the road. Talia watched the cougar crane her head back and forth to see down the sides of the road while she hummed and bit her lower lip. "There's a clearing on the left side and a logging road across on the-YES!" She cried out, and the truck came to a quick stop, causing the other two girls to grunt as their seatbelts braced them for the immediate shift in inertia. "We're here, girls!" the cougar exclaimed. "Here on the left, like I said."

The two passengers leaned over to gaze out the driver's side window. They could see a couple of boulders blocking the entrance to a clearing surrounded by tall, stocky trees. Between the rocks and the clearing, a trench dug as a second way of keeping vehicles out. The dirt dug out of it was piled on the farther side, packed down by years of rain, becoming a hillock. A large tree trunk lay over the trench as a makeshift bridge. Over the hillock, the two could see nothing but dead leaves and garbage left over by previous campers.

"This is the spot?" Talia asked. She glanced back at Caitlin, sharing a skeptical look, both of their hearts sinking. "Where's the river? You said it was next to the river." Talia added with disappointment.

"Oh, it's further in, like a couple of minutes hike." She looked back at the two girls with an enthusiastic smile. "Trust me. I've been here so many times. Hang on, just let me park." The cougar hastily checked her mirrors and out of the front of her truck for traffic before driving forward a few meters, throwing it in reverse, and backing into the spot before the boulders. She turned the engine off before biting her lower lip again and turning to the others. "Oh my god, guys, this is going to be so much fun!" She lightly clapped her hands together a few times, jingling the keys she was holding. She drastically turned to open the door and hopped out.

Caitlin opened her door and stepped out. The moment she exited the car, she could hear the sound of raging water far off, the noise probably dampened by the trees separating them from it.

"Oh, you're right. I can hear it." Talia said, stepping out of the car herself. Talia and Caitlin, now reassured by the sound, took a minute to bring in their surroundings.

Along with the sound of the river, they could hear the wind blowing through the leaves in the trees and the cheerful chirping of various birds. They could smell the lack of pollutants in the air, and both of them took long breaths while they admired the green pine-covered mountains all around them. Their worries melted away as they took their first steps outside the vehicle and into the vastness of nature, which seemed to flow into their very being. Neither of them had been this far out into the wilderness before. As the wind blew through their fur, they looked back down at each other and knew this would be a magical weekend. Abby interrupted the two girls sharing a moment.

"Yo! Guys! Let's get going, yeah?" The two girls snapped out of it, and Talia smiled at Caitlin before turning to Abby. The smile felt slightly off to Caitlin; the way Talia fluttered her eyes made her blush under her fur. Still, she ignored it and joined the two other girls at the tailgate, which Abby was unlatching.

"So, I figure we can take all our stuff in one trip if we wear our backpacks and carry the larger stuff in our hands." She began pulling stuff out of the truck's bed and carried it across the log and down the Hillock, letting it down in the clearing. "We'll pile it here first, here, hand me some stuff." The three of them formed a train, and one by one, all their equipment lay in a neat pile at the front edge of the clearing.

"Alright, Cait, you take the newspaper and sleeping mat, Talia, take my bow kit and my target, and I'll take the tent and the kindling because I'm the strongest." She giggled at herself while flexing her arms, her thumbs pointing inward at herself. She was the only one of them that looked prepared to camp in her khaki hiking shorts, red flannel outdoorsy blouse, and tall hiking boots. Caitlin had just worn sweatpants and a t-shirt with their university's logo on it, an old pair of runners too. Much better than Talia's choice of clothes, though. The fox had just worn a pair of daisy dukes and a turquoise blouse she had tied up in the middle, exposing her navel. A pair of flats adorned her feet.

"Pff, you wish, hun. I'm the only one who goes to the gym here." She was right; Talia spent a lot of time there. Her body was toned in all the right places; her abdominal muscles could be seen under her pelt with her shirt tied up the way it was. However, her body still held its feminine curves, the perfect athletic blend. She ran track and field after their classes too, and it showed.

Abby never went to the gym, but she was a foot taller than the other two and looked like she burned tons of calories just by existing. She spent a lot of her free time doing all manners of outdoor activities. It was no surprise she could maintain a very average yet enticing form.

Caitlin herself didn't do much in the way of exercise. She didn't eat poorly, but she spent a lot of time on the couch, and as a result, she had put on a few pounds. Caitlin considered herself fortunate; however, the pounds she put on gave her a look that the guys at school would call "thick," so she made it work. Still, jealousy of her friends got to her from time to time, more guys seemed to talk to them at school, but they were also more outgoing than her.

Abby was sticking her flat feline tongue out at Talia, and the fox playfully tried to grab it with her thumb and index finger. Abby turned to Caitlin, who was watching them.

"Hey Cait, you done ogling us? Let's go! I want to get the camp set up before the sun starts to set." Caitlin snapped out of it. She hadn't realized she had been staring at them while they goofed off.

Briefly shaking her head, she hoisted her large backpack on and bent down to pick up the newspaper and sleeping mat. She had some trouble bending down though, the gear was too heavy, and every time she tried to squat or bend down, she found herself losing her balance. Embarrassed, she called one of her friends for help, who had already started across the clearing.

"Could one of you guys give me a hand, please?" she asked shyly

"Sure thing!" Abby retorted, turning and dropping her gear and jogging over with her pack still on. "I got ya, girl." She said, easily bending down and picking the items up. She handed them to her hapless friend with a smile. "You good, hun?" she asked, genuinely concerned. Caitlin looked back up at her friend's smiling face and blushed under her fur. The feeling from earlier came back, from when Talia smiled at her.

"Yes, I am, thanks. Now let's go camping." She answered with a huff, struggling a bit with all the added weight.

"Hell yeah! Let's roll!" She turned and jogged back over to Talia, Caitlin following behind slowly. When she got back to her gear, they waited for Caitlin, whose heavy breathing could be heard over the river in the background.

"Sorry I'm holding you guys up." The otter girl said through breaths.

"Aww, Caitlin, you don't have to be sorry. We're so glad you came. I love showing people this place; there's nowhere like it! Besides, we have plenty of time." Abby reassured her.

"Yeah, girl, it'd be super boring without you here." Talia added, "Well, maybe not super boring." She glanced slyly at the cougar, who giggled at her. Caitlin didn't get what was so funny but smiled at their encouraging words.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you guys to say. You guys are the best."

"The best ever!" Abby announced. She bent down to grab her gear and suddenly stopped. "Wait!" She exclaimed. Bending back up, she pulled the fob for her truck out of her pocket and clicked the lock button two times. The three girl's ears twitched as they heard a very faint *click* of the truck locking, and then the horn echo across the clearing. Back at the road, a car drove past momentarily.

Abby was right about the walk. It was only about two minutes from the clearing. She forgot to mention the first part led down a steep hill to the forest below. There was a gravel path to follow, but it was daunting for a girl like Caitlin with her camping gear. When she got to the bottom, she was already exhausted but refused to hold her friends back any longer. It wasn't that far; she could do it.

She followed behind the two, keeping pace. She was panting and fatigued, but still, she refused to stop. It felt like the longest two minutes of her life. She focused on the small dirt path in front of her, Talia's bushy tail waving in and out of her field of vision. Caitlin turned her head once and a while to observe her surroundings. The trees were pine and fir, and the forest floor was covered in ferns, fiddleheads, and moss. The fantastic displays of greens and browns reminded her of oil paintings she had seen in their school's art gallery. She would have to come back and appreciate it when she wasn't imitating a pack mule.

The sound of the raging river grew louder and louder as they hiked, and soon all three of them could make out the end of the forest where the river bank began.

"Almost there!" Abby shouted, too excited and too busy pushing on to turn her head. They rounded a corner that headed right and continued parallel to the river. Caitlin could hear Abby speed up ahead of her, jogging now; they must be almost there and couldn't wait any longer. She could barely believe the cougar could be running with all that weight. She was getting jealous the girl could handle so much.

"Oh, woooow! You weren't shitting us when you described this place, Abby!" Talia exclaimed. Hearing this, Cait finally dropped her gear with a relieved sigh. When she looked up, she became astonished at the sight before her.

The path led into a dirt area with a few twigs and leaves strewn about. On the right side of the small clearing was a nook surrounded by tall trees. On the left side, a slight foot and a half high drop off gave way down to the river bank, where the water was much calmer and even formed a shallow lagoon. The dirt path continued on the other side of the clearing, following the river. What indeed took Caitlin aback was the view.

The three girls stood on top of the drop-off, admiring a picturesque view of the mountains on each side of the canyon, covered in fir trees. Two eagles were circling each other high overhead, the sky above them pocked by a few white, fluffy clouds. The river before them rushed past. The booming sound of all that water was a constant presence. In some spots, the river was calm enough, and they could see the rocks underneath. In others, the water flowed faster and rolled over rocks, forming white, cresting rapids. About fifty meters across the river was the other riverbank, which took an immediate steep slope about ten meters up, leading into a grove of birch trees. The whole scene was framed by two large maple trees growing on either side of the drop-off the three stood at the top of.

"This place is perfect, Abby," Talia said, unable to take her eyes off the sight before her.

"It's so beautiful," Caitlin added, lost in her own appreciation.

Abby slung her arms around the two girls and pulled them in by their shoulders, squeezing them tight to the cougar's sides.

"That's right, ladies, and it's all ours for the weekend." An excited smirk stretched across her face, and the two others could hear her purring over the sound of the river. She let go of them and pointed to a circle of rocks beside Talia filled with ashes and the charred remains of some logs. "So that's where the fires gonna be, obviously. It's been here longer than I've been coming here." She pointed back to the nook of trees at the back of the clearing. "And that's..." she paused for semi-dramatic effect. "Where the tents gonna go!" Her excitement was painfully obvious; she was clearly in her element.

It took the three of them about twenty minutes to set up the four-person tent and another fifteen for them to get all of their stuff unpacked. The tent had plenty of room for the three of them, and so did the sleeping mat, which, once unrolled, inflated just enough to keep all three of their bodies cushioned from the hard ground. They set their chairs up in front of the fire pit, and Abby made a wall of rocks in the lagoon for them to put their drinks and perishable foods.

Finally finished with everything, Talia asked if they could go off and explore. Abby was only happy to oblige her, wanting to share everything about the area that she could. Caitlin opted to stay and take a break, promising to roll a few joints for them to enjoy later when the fire was lit. While being shy and reserved, Caitlin was not opposed to getting high and preferred it to drinking, and it helped her deal with the stress of college life quite well. When the three started their study group at the start of the year, she was delighted to find out the other two liked to smoke up as well. Many fun nights and inspirational discussions were had as a result, and their friendships further cemented.

While Caitlin meticulously worked on her delicate task, she noticed some movement of color out of the corner of her eye. When she looked up to see what it was, she saw her friends upstream on a sandbar. Caitlin was unsure how they got out there without getting wet, and she continued to watch them. She kind of wanted to join them but didn't know the way.

When the two began to step out into the water, an anxious feeling started to dwell within her. While the water was shallow and much calmer where they were, there was a slim chance one of them could slip on the rocks and hurt themselves. Suppose they went out too far and got swept away. In that case, she couldn't help them in such quickly running water, even with her professional lifeguard training.

Her worries abided slightly as the two stopped moving out into the water and instead began picking small stones off the bottom, trying to skip them. Caitlin, much less anxious now, sat back and enjoyed watching her friends compete to see who could skip stones better. Of course, Abby was by far better; being an outdoorsy girl, she had probably skipped stones off all sorts of lakes and rivers.

She watched Talia as she picked a stone up out of the river, looked it over, and tossed it with all her might. To Caitlin's surprise and amusement, the stone skipped twice over the calmer water and, by pure luck, struck a cresting wave just right and flew almost to the other side of the river. Caitlin smiled in excitement; the two girls turned to each other and cheered, double high fiving, their fingers interlocking above their heads. Caitlin was shocked when Talia suddenly jumped up on Abby, wrapping her legs around the cougar's hips and embracing her in a hug. They stayed that way momentarily, Abby holding the fox up by her bottom before losing her balance. The two of them spilled out onto the sand behind them.

Caitlin gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as she watched them fall but soon enough, it was made clear that they were just fine as they rolled off of each other laughing. Abby took a step towards the water and playfully scooped a handful at her friend, creating a wide spread of droplets, some of them landing on Talia, who tried bracing herself against the splash. Abby stood in the shallows, smirking at the fox as she untied her blouse, tossing it onto the dryer sand.

Talia, now only sporting her black bra and daisy dukes, stepped back into the river. Abby was already unbuttoning her flannel shirt, pulling it off and tossing it over by Talia's blouse. Talia bent over the water, hands on her knees, a smug grin on her face. She anticipated how she would start her aquatic assault while Abby pulled her white tank top off. Caitlin could swear Talia enjoyed seeing her friend strip in front of her by the way she looked her up and down.

Abby tried to get the top over her head, showing off the camo green Kelvin Klein bralette containing her C-cup-sized breasts. Talia clearly couldn't hold back any longer; going for a cheap shot, she splashed an impressive amount of water at the cougar with both hands. The water landed all over her, causing the cougar to shout in surprised protest, stumbling backward over a hidden rock and falling. She flung the top off at the last second, allowing her to brace herself but dropping it in the water, soaking it. Caitlin stood up from her chair, hands covering her mouth, worried that Abby had gotten hurt.

To the otter's relief, Abby slowly picked herself up out of the water. Talia stood, giggling at her. A hand covering her wicked smile, while the hand on her thigh supported her upper body as she bent over admiring her dirty work. Caitlin couldn't make out the expression on the cougars face from where she stood. The otter sat back down and waited for whatever retaliation the cougar had in store for the fox.

Abby threw her wet tank top onto the sand began walking towards Talia, clearly intent on giving her a taste of her own medicine. Talia screeched and tried to run from her wet friend, picking her legs up to avoid splashing water on herself. Abby, already very wet, just trudged through the water after her. The two chased each other around the sandbar laughing and giggling.

Caitlin's anxiety had almost vanished now. She sat back and watched her friends chase each other around. Part of her wanted to rip her own shirt off and splash around but opted to stay where she was. She could still watch them have fun on their own. As she eyed the two girls, she noticed that strange feeling had returned from earlier. She recognized this feeling, it was like watching a couple guys play soccer out on her campus's field, shirtless and sweaty.

Did she find her friends attractive? No, she couldn't be. She had to admit, though, they were objectively, but she had never found girls attractive before, right? She remembered years ago; she had gotten drunk at a high school grad party and made out with her best friend Chelsea in the bathroom, but that's just something drunk girls did at her age, wasn't it?

She hadn't realized how lost she had gotten in watching them, almost hypnotically so. She snapped back to reality as Abby caught up to Talia. The cougar grabbed her in a bear hug and, using her body weight, threw the vixen into a deeper yet calmer pool near the side of the river. Caitlin couldn't see Talia any longer but figured she was alright, if not soaked, by the satisfied smirk on Abby's face.

Slowly, the vixen came back into view, trudging out of the pool. Talia was completely soaked from head to toe. Her fur clung to her body; the fluff of her tail now hung soggy from the skinny, two-and-a-half foot appendage protruding from the base of her spine. Her arms were crossed, folded under her breasts, and her back was hunched. The water must have been pretty cold. If Abby was right about this river feeding off a mountain glacier, Talia must be freezing.

As Talia stood in front of the cougar, they spoke back and forth to each other. While Caitlin couldn't hear what they were saying, she figured Abby probably started their exchange with some smug comment. Whatever they were talking about, it didn't seem to be going well. Abby's face sunk rather quickly, and her head lowered, looking at the ground rather than at Talia. Abby most likely took things a little too far as she tended to do, and Talia didn't appreciate it. Her posture showed it.

Abby said something back to her and looked back up with concern. She outstretched her arms and took the necessary steps towards Talia before wrapping her arms around the wet girl in a big hug. Talia snuggled into Abby's embrace for warmth. She nuzzled her face into Abby's neck and shoulders. Caitlin could barely read Abby's mouth speaking, "I'm sorry," into the girl's triangular ears. Caitlin couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of Talia; in a way, she almost wanted to take her place being hugged by her tall friend. That funny feeling was returning.

The otter snapped out of it once again as Abby looked up and noticed Caitlin watching them. Caitlin hastily tried to look like she was working on her joints, but it was a futile endeavor as Abby called out to her.

"Hey, Cait!" She waved her right hand to the otter, stepping away for Talia, who looked up in the same direction Abby was. "Enjoying the view?!" Talia turned from her friend's embrace and gave Caitlin a small wave, still soaked and shivering, forcing a grin. Abby's left hand was still parked on the vixen's shoulder. Caitlin waved back shyly, grinning back at the two nervously.

"We'll be back in a minute!" she added. The two turned to head back to wherever they had come from, Abby leading Talia by the small of her back. They disappeared out of Caitlin's view, leaving the otter to her own devices. She decided to go back to what she was doing and finish her joints so she'd look busy when they returned.

A minute passed, and the two emerged from the small trail leading along the top of the embankment; Abby's timing was perfect. They giggled as they entered the camping area, Abby leading Talia by the hand.

"Hey Cait, we're back." She said as if it weren't obvious. "Sorry. We, uh, got a little wet." The two snickered. They held their wet clothes in their hands as they headed for the nylon rope Abby had strung up between two trees for hanging things on. Caitlin watched them as they slung their soaked garments over the bright yellow line. It shook and sagged as it took the weight of their clothes. Caitlin found it hard to look away as the two undid their shorts and slid them down their legs. They picked them up and hung them with the rest of their clothes, leaving the two in their undies.

"Enjoying the show?" Talia teased the otter, catching her watching them. Caitlin hadn't even noticed herself staring at them as they undressed. She blushed under her fur and turned, going back to work on her joints. She had to admit, the two looked really good in their underwear, Talia standing there in her black satin thong and lacy bra and Abby in her camo green bralette and boyshorts.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I was just...thinking about something." She blushed even harder at her own half-baked excuse.

"Oh yeah? What were you thinking about Cait?" Talia asked in a smug yet playful tone. Her thumb hooked into her thong, letting it snap back against her wet hip fur. Abby gave the girl a playful shove, and the vixen stumbled slightly.

"Hey, don't tease her," Abby said defensively.

"I could tease you instead; I know you like it," Talia replied in a somewhat sultry tone. Caitlin figured the vixen was joking in a flirtatious manner as she tended to do. While the otter had her focus away from the two, she ultimately failed to notice Talia grabbing at Abby's butt. Abby snorted, stifling a giggle as she covered her mouth and softly beat Talia's hands away, urging the vixen to stop before Caitlin turned around again.

"Hey, you wanna try my bow out while we wait for our fur to dry out a bit?" Abby suggested trying to distract the girl from her own hands and wanting to entertain herself in the process. The vixen's triangular ears perked up.

"Ooohh, yes! Can we?" It seemed Abby's tactic had worked. Talia balled her fists up in front of her chest in excitement. Abby put her hands on the vixen's shoulders.

"Alright, just let me grab it from the tent." She gently moved the damp vixen out of her way and bent down to unzip the tent's fly. She crawled into the five-person tent to grab the case containing her recurve bow and arrows. Caitlin looked back to see the cougars behind poking out from the tent's fly, her long tail swishing slowly back and forth behind her. She looked up to see Talia watching the girl's bottom too, although much more intently than the otter, she was biting her lower lip as she stared at it. Caitlin decided to turn the vixen's previous comment on her.

"Enjoying the show?" Caitlin teased the girl, who turned her head to her friend in surprise. Unlike Caitlin, she wasn't shy about being caught; she crossed her arms and smirked mischievously at the girl.

"Pfffft, duh." She uncrossed her arms and shamelessly swatted the cougar across her ass playfully. Caitlin gasped in surprise that her friend would do such a thing, her eyes widening and her hand covering her mouth. Abby's tail straightened at the unsuspected pain.

"Ow! What the hell, Tal?" she complained from inside the tent. The cougar withdrew from the shelter with a black plastic case in hand, its contents rattling within. She stood up and rubbed her bottom, frowning at the vixen.

"That was for dunking me in that freezing river." The vixen snickered. Abby shook her head.

"Yeah, I guess you got me there, but you only get the one." She said sternly, pointing her index finger at her damp friend. She turned away and started toward the path where they had come from when they first arrived. "C'mon, let's go; we have to gather firewood and start dinner after this." Talia skipped after her, sporting a dumb grin. The two disappeared into the woods. Caitlin went back to what she was doing, only to realize she had finished. With that, she placed the joints in a zip-lock baggie and grabbed a book from her backpack.

Caitlin had been reading for about fifteen minutes when she decided to check on her friends. She figured she had been by herself long enough and wanted to see what archery was all about. Caitlin put the book back in her pack. She stood up, groaning as she stretched before casually starting down the same path the others had gone down previously. She could hear one of them mumbling through the trees, and as they came into view through the trees, she was about to say something when what she saw made her stop.

She could see the two, standing there in their underwear, as expected. Talia had the assembled bow in her hands and, from what Caitlin could see, was in the process of nocking an arrow onto the drawstring. Abby was behind her, her hands on the vixen's shoulders. The two were facing away from the otter. It appeared that Abby was lightly massaging the girl's shoulders as the vixen fumbled, trying to get the arrow on properly. Caitlin stopped and watched them; her ears perked as she heard Abby speak softly to Talia over the vixen's shoulder.

"Not so easy, eh?" She giggled a bit and slid her hands down the girl's arms, halfway to her elbows. "There you go, now draw back, let the handle pull into your palm, don't grasp it." Talia drew the bow back, Abby's hands sliding along the vixen's arms, guiding her posture and form. "That's it, don't slouch now, keep yourself straight but bend your arm." Talia followed her guidance, her arms shaking a bit as she tried to hold the string back. "Ok, now bring the notch up under your eye, don't be scared. Just keep your snout out of the way."

Caitlin bit her lower lip as she watched the cougar guide her friend. That strange feeling from earlier crept back to her. The strange jealousy had also returned; in a way, she wanted to have the big cougar girl guide her through something she had never done before. Talia held the bow up, ready to loose the arrow.

"Alright, now aim at where you want it to land, use the tip as a guide. Now pull your drawing arm back and let your fingers roll off the string. Don't open them like a hinge and-" Abby was cut off as Talia let the arrow fly, striking Abby's compressed, foam target with a soft *thud*. The muffled roar of the river was canceled out by the excited cheering of the two girls as they immediately celebrated Talia's success.

Talia leaned the bow on the tree next to them and jumped into the cougar's arms, letting Abby lift her off the ground for a moment as they spun. Caitlin's eyes went wide. The two looked like they were about to embrace one another in a kiss. Abby's hands were on the vixens hips, and Tali's were hanging off Abby's shoulders. But just as before, Abby saw the otter watching them and stopped faster than Talia's arrow had struck its target.

"O-oh, hi Cait...Didn't see ya there." She said, backing away from the Talia. Talia spun around quickly, the two of them blushing beneath their fur.

"H-hey, Cait," Talia added, trying to sound as innocent as she could. She quickly changed the subject. "Did you see my shot Cait? Come look at it!" She exclaimed, displaying her earlier excitement. The vixen pointed to the foam target, and Caitlin decided to humor her, walking over to where they stood. There in the dead center of the target was the arrow loosed by Talia, a bulls-eye.

"Oooh, very nice, Talia." Caitlin praised her friend, trying to dispel the awkward tension.

"I know, right? That was my first shot ever with a bow." She bragged, trying to put what Caitlin had almost caught them doing out of her mind, and hopefully, Caitlin's mind.

"Anyone can get a bulls-eye, Tal." Abby chimed in. "Getting a tight grouping of multiple arrows is the tricky part." Talia's face sunk, feeling like the cougar had diminished her achievement. "Try another one, Tal, complete the set," Abby suggested.

"Alright, but no help this time," Talia replied reluctantly, snatching the bow from its place leaning against the tree. She stood at their designated spot and pulled one of the four remaining arrows out of the ground, and nocked it clumsily. Abby stood back with her arms crossed, watching with a smug grin on her face. She observed the vixen as she struggled to remember the tips Abby had given her.

Abby's eyes flickered back and forth between Talia and Caitlin, watching the otter's body language as she leaned against a tree, intently watching Talia work the bow. Abby was worried that Caitlin might start asking questions that she and Talia might not know how to answer rightly. Her head turned just in time to see the struggling vixen loose her second arrow, and, to her surprise, it hit the target rather than flying off into the woods. Not only that, but it landed an inch from the first arrow, well within the bulls-eye.

Abby and Caitlin's eyes went wide in disbelief. Talia threw her hands in the air in triumph, her left hand still grasping the bow.

"Yes! Lookit that!" Talia exclaimed, turning to face the others. Abby smiled and gave her a high five.

"Nice, Tal! You're a natural at this. We should get you a bow yourself when we get back home." Abby remarked. Caitlin noticed the sudden lack of bodily contact the two shared now that she was present. Talia turned to her.

"Do you wanna try, Cait?" She asked out of politeness. The otter shook her head in response.

"Maybe tomorrow. I like watching Talia; apparently, she's good at it." She complimented the vixen, who turned to Abby, smirking smugly.

"Did ya hear that, Abb? I'm good at it." She stuck her tongue out at the cougar, and Abby playfully reached out to try and grab it between her index finger and her thumb. The vixen pulled her head back before she could reach.

"I just told you you were a natural, now finish your set, silly; you have three more to go. See if you can group them all." She lightheartedly scolded Talia, and the vixen turned back around to face the target, her fluffy tail swishing as she spun. Caitlin watched the girl's tail then looked up to Abby, who was busy staring at the vixen's bottom as it swayed with her tail. Their eyes met, and Abby looked away awkwardly, pretending like she hadn't been.

While they watched Talia finish her set, Caitlin pondered what had transpired between her friends that afternoon. They seemed to be showing a strange affection for each other that was missing from their interactions with herself. What was stranger was the two only seemed to display this extra affection when they thought she wasn't around. Was there something they weren't telling her? Was their bond as friends stronger than theirs was with her? These thoughts of being considered an odd one out in their eyes made her anxious, and her stomach began to churn. Jealousy and worry began to eat away at her. She decided to blame their behavior on the fresh mountain air and isolation from others. As she spent the rest of the afternoon watching the two take turns with the bow in their underwear, that funny feeling from before returned, which she also decided to blame on the air as well.


As the afternoon turned to evening, the two wet girls put their somewhat dry clothes back on and got ready to make dinner. Abby got the three of them to hunt for some dry logs in the woods. Then, while boasting about how strong she was, she proceeded to chop them up with her stainless steel ax. The other two watched from their chairs, poking fun at the way the cougar gnashed her teeth together when she swung it. Eventually, there was more than enough wood for the night, and Abby showed them how to start a fire.

Abby grabbed her cast iron pot from the tent and set it up over the fire she had built. Three conjoined rods suspended the pot by a chain. Talia grabbed some cans of alphagetti and a can of black beans for the cougar. Caitlin watched as the two girls worked in unison. Abby opened the cans with her trusty Swiss army knife and dumped them into the pot while Talia took them to the river to wash them out. She tossed them into a plastic bag for recycling when they were clean.

"Hey, Cait, could you grab the baggy of spices from my backpack? I gotta stir this." Abby asked the otter.

"Sure," Caitlin answered happily. She got up from her chair and headed for the tent. The otter zipped the entrance open, crawling in as not to get dirt inside. She pulled the cougar's large hiking pack toward her and reached into the main pocket where the pot and pan had come from earlier. Her arm searched through the cavern of various clothes. Not feeling any plastic baggie, she dug deeper until her hand touched something strange. She tried to get a better feel of it. It was smooth and long, and...phallic? No way!

Caitlin pulled the object from the bag. Just as she thought, in her hands, she held a pink plastic vibrator as indicated by the toggle switch on the bottom. It must have been 7 inches long! Cailin dropped it in shock, realizing it had most likely been inside her friend's most private spot. She quickly checked over her shoulder to make sure Abby hadn't seen. To her relief, the cougar was still sitting in her chair tending to the pot of food, back to the tent, completely oblivious. She watched her friend take a sip from her beer can and quickly shoved the toy back where she found it. She cleared her throat before calling Abby.

"Which pocket is it in?" she saw the cougars head turn a bit toward the tent to answer.

"Top pocket! In the pouch that holds my sleeping bag on top!" Caitlin knew what she was talking about; her own pack had the same pouch. Upon unzipping it, she immediately found what she was looking for; the spicy smell gave it away. It was a zip lock bag full of smaller bags filled with different colored powders and herbs. The otter snatched up the baggie, zipped up the pouch, and pushed the pack back to its spot, exiting the tent. With a *zip* she closed the entrance and sat back down in her seat, handling the baggie to her friend.

"Thank you, Cait." The cougar said. She opened the baggie up and began sprinkling all sorts of its contents into the pot.

Caitlin just stared into the flames while Abby worked on the food, mauling over what she found. Why would she bring a sex toy camping? Was she 'really' planning on using it? Where would she use it? Would she wait for Talia and herself to go off somewhere? Would she sneak off into the woods during the day? What about at night, if she snuck out of the tent? Did she have the guts to use the tent...while they slept?

"You okay?" Abby asked. The question had startled the otter, who had been lost in her thoughts. "You look like you've seen a ghost, or worse, aliens!" the cougar gave her a wide-eyed smirk at the otter, who faked a giggle.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she answered. "I'm...just tired from all the work today...hungry too." Her eyes avoided the cougars.

"Well, dinners almost ready." She stirred the pot once more before adding, "you know, I've never seen you by campfire light before."

Yeah? I guess not huh?" Caitlin answered shyly, unsure where her friend was going with this.

Yeah, it makes you look really beautiful, yah' know?" she said sweetly. Those words sent a shock through the otter. She looked at her friend, still stirring the pot's contents. The cougar had a warm smile on her face, and her eyes glanced between the wooden spoon and the bashful otter.

"T-thank you." She stammered back. She wasn't sure if she was blushing or if the fire was just getting warmer. Such an affectionate comment; what did she mean by it? They had given each other compliments plenty before but nothing like that. Was she...coming on to her? She didn't take Abby as the kind to be into girls; she had had a boyfriend earlier this year. Maybe she was overthinking things? But why did she kind of like the idea?

Swallowing hard, she turned her head to see Talia joining them once again. The vixen tossed the rest of the cans in the bag and headed for the tent. She returned momentarily with some bowls and spoons from her backpack, handing them out to the girls.

"Thanks, Tal," Abby commented, beginning to fill her bowl. The other two could smell the lovely spicy scent of the mixture, their tummies rumbling in anticipation. They held their bowls out once Abby was finished with hers so she could spoon out their portions.

The three of them sat around the fire, blowing on spoonfuls of alphagetti and bean mix before shoveling them into their mouths, producing "mmmm" noises in satisfaction.

"Oh my god, this is sooo good, Abby." Talia complimented. "You are like, so good at making random stuff taste amazing."

"Mhmm," Abby retorted, swallowing what was in her mouth before answering. "Thanks. Yeah, usually, I don't particularly appreciate cooking. But when it's over a fire, it's so much more fun. Plus, cooking with the cast iron stuff feels real authentic, ya' know?" Talia rolled her eyes at Caitlin; she had heard Abby's cast iron speel too many times before.

The three of them finished their food and went down to the river bank to wash everything off. Once their dishes were washed and dried, Abby grabbed another beer from the cougar-made lagoon and cracked it open. It was time for them to sit back, relax, and get drunk and high. The other two grabbed their drinks, and the party began.

As the hours rolled by and the sun had long gone down, drinks were drunk, and joints were passed around. They talked about everything from movies they had seen to their high school crushes. It was getting late, though, and the fire had died down to glowing embers. The two charred logs remaining in the fire pit only glowed on their undersides where the heat from the other coals kept them going. A few flames lapped at the air, dimly lighting the three girls.

Talia yawned, breaking the silence between the three. Abby sighed in response.

"Yeah, I agree, it's getting late. We should get to bed after these logs are finished." She proclaimed, grabbing her poking stick to push the two logs around. Her pokes gave new life, if scant, to the flames, lighting their faces up again in the dark. "I don't want to be up too late tomorrow; we'll have to build another fire for breakfast." She chucked her empty can next to the bag of other empties.

"Mmmmm," Talia hummed. "Already looking forward to it." the vixen felt pretty tipsy, and it showed in her speech.

"Yeah! Breakfast is like, the only meal I actually like cooking. It's the most important meal of the day!" the cougar was also getting a heavy buzzed. She had a goofy smile on her face.

Talia turned to Caitlin, placing her hand gently on her shoulder. Caitlin looked at the vixen groggily.

"Oh my god, Cait, Abby makes the best breakfast. You're gonna love it. It's gonna be just like the mornings after sleepovers at Abby's!" Talia ended her sentence with a little "oop" noise, drawing her hands back to her face, covering her mouth. Her eyes were a wide as saucers.

Abby's eyes went wide as well at what Talia had just said. She looked intently at the vixen, then worried at the otter as her friend looked to them confused.

"What sleepovers?" Caitlin asked softly. "I don't remember Abby cooking for us at any of our sleepovers." The tone of her voice changed from confusion to hurt. "Did you guys have sleepovers together without me?" The other two girls looked at each other with concern, trying to decide how to answer.

"Uhhh...Ummm." Abby looked back and forth between the two of them, unsure of what to say. Talia's gaze moved to Abby. She cringed at the cougar to let her know she fucked up. They had pushed their luck all day, and neither of them knew what to tell their friend. Talia decided to give her some sort of excuse.

"We've been having 'special sleepovers' yah know? Where we, or, whatever, you know?" she half-drunkenly stumbled to find the right words, wincing as she felt she had done more harm than good.

"You guys were 'bonding' without me? Why wasn't I invited?" The otter looked very upset, and it showed in her tone and expression. She stared into the fire, suddenly feeling very alone. Abby could see the tears pooling in her eyes by the firelight.

"Awww, Talia, we can't just tell her that. She'll think we don't want her around." Talia sighed in response.

"So you wanna tell her?" Talia asked begrudgingly.

"I think we should, Tal, one of us should. I think it's time we were honest" Talia groaned uncomfortably at the suggestion.

"Ok, you tell her then, it's kind of an awkward subject for me." She folded her arms together across her chest.

"Oh, and it's not awkward for me to tell her?" Abby's tone was getting a little heated. Caitlin had had enough and spoke up.

"Tell me what?! What do you mean 'us'? I wanna know!" her tone was inquisitive and angry now. "You know, you guys have been acting really strange recently. You've been real close to each other, affectionate even. What is going on? Do you guys not like me anymore? Am I too boring?" her voice was breaking; the girl was on the verge of tears.

"no-no, no, no-no." The two girls answered over each other, trying to quickly reassure Caitlin that she was, indeed, wanted in their friend group. They both stopped suddenly and looked at each other. Abby decided to let the girl know, looking back over to Caitlin.

"Uhhh." Abby paused, trying to find the right words to use. She was starting to blush under her fur, and she ran a hand through her head-fur nervously. "Well...Talia and I have been kind Tal said before." She grimaced at what she was about to reveal. "You know, like...experimenting." She examined the otter's face, who still looked sad and confused.

"Experimenting?" The otter asked. Sure, Caitlin was a little naive, coming from a conservative upbringing, but she knew what 'experimenting' meant. It brought up specific images that she usually would have never thought about. Images that made her feel the way the girl had several other times throughout that day. Her heart beat faster; she wasn't sure how to process this information. So many emotions stirred inside her. She had come to an obvious conclusion now but wanted to hear it straight from them.

"Like, you know...experimenting...sexually." The cougar finished her confession, further grimacing. She looked to Talia, who stared into the flickering flames before her. The vixen slammed back her cooler and tossed the empty can into the coals, making a sizzling noise as the remains of the drink boiled off.

"Yup," Was all the vixen added. She continued to avoid eye contact with her friends, clearly embarrassed. The cougar's eyes followed hers. Caitlin's, on the other hand, were wide open. She stared at her two friends, her heart beating faster now and blushing heavily beneath her fur. Her mind was clouded with many questions.

"Oh...I had no idea you guys were...together?" she wasn't sure what to assume about the two, whether they were in a relationship or not. At the mention of 'together,' the two girls began stammering over each other again, hastily trying to correct their friend.

"Well, we aren't really in a relationship, Caitlin." Talia began. "At least...not yet? I don't know what to tell ya." She looked to Abby for support, who met her gaze only momentarily. The cougar looked back at Caitlin.

"We're still friends, Cait, or I guess we're...friends with benefits?" she let out a nervous giggle. Her uneasy smile and the way her head shrunk into her shoulders matched this nervousness.

"It's a long story. We've been fooling around together since before exams, so, like, a few months." Talia explained, deciding to take the focus off the embarrassed cougar. She rested her upper body on her legs with her elbows, looking back and forth between the two ladies. Abby sat low in her chair, biting her lower lip nervously.

"Why didn't you guys tell me?" Caitlin asked. Her voice had lost most of its sadness as she was genuinely curious now, in more ways than one.

"Well, we wanted to but, we didn't really know how to. It's kind of an awkward thing to bring up out of the blue." Talia chuckled and turned to face her friend. "Plus, we didn't want you to feel like a third wheel." She smiled at the otter girl, the same warm smile she gave her when they had first stepped out of the truck. She was beginning to feel like there was a deeper meaning behind that friendly smile.

"Aww, you guys know I'd be alright with whatever you guys are up to...or into, right?" she said this, but the truth was she wasn't sure how she'd feel. What if they did get together? They'd probably want to do things together as a couple, and Caitlin would be left out. She wondered if because they weren't officially together, they might wish for join them? The thought roused something in her. The otter fidgeted uncomfortably, blushing even harder under her fur. She was feeling warmer and not just because of the fire in front of her. Her heart beat faster, and her mouth felt dry.

"We thought you'd be alright with it, it's Talia said, kinda awkward, ya know?" the cougar replied. She seemed less embarrassed now and sat back up in her chair, grinning to herself.

"Have you...ever been with another girl before?" Talia asked cautiously; she didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable. The two looked to Caitlin, curiously awaiting her answer. Caitlin looked back to the fire while still fidgeting with her hands.

"Well...a couple of years ago, me and my best friend, Chelsea, went to a party. We had been both crushing hard on these two guys that were there, but as the night went on, it was clear they weren't into us, like...they both left with these other girls." She snorted faintly before continuing, the other two listening intently. "Anyways, she was pretty pissed; I was only disappointed, it happens, ya know?" the others nodded along. "Well, I went to the bathroom with her to try to calm her down, aaaannd, I was rubbing her back at one point, and she just, sort of, turned around and kissed me. I was startled at first, but I kind of liked it, so I kissed her back. We were both pretty drunk at the time, so it didn't take long for us to start making out and, like...touch each other. It was pretty hot, to be honest. I walked her back to her place, but she passed out on her bed when we got to her room, so I just did the same. In the morning, she said she didn't recall."

The other two were clearly enjoying the story. Abby was nibbling on her lower lip. Talia was sitting back in her chair, her elbow nearest Abby on her armrest, using her hand to relax her head on as she listened.

"So if she asked to try that again, you'd do it?" Talia asked inquisitively, a sly tone in her voice gave away her interest.

"I think so. I'm not sure, really. I don't want it to spoil our friendship, though." She looked back at her friends shyly. "I'm sure you guys have done more than we did." She ended her sentence with a nervous smile.

"Oh, we've done practically everything at this point." The vixen giggled; her eyes were half-closed, seductively. Abby was now focused on her newly revealed lover, still biting her lip as she leered at the vixen, taking in her image. "We love to kiss, though; kissing is always fun." Her voice took on a more sultry tone.

"That's right," Abby added, her voice mimicking Talia's. It sounded like the voice she'd use when making sexual innuendoes between the three of them, but Caitlin could tell she was completely genuine this time. Talia swiveled her head in her hand to face the cougar, smiling longingly when her eyes met Abby's. Abby continued, speaking more to Talia than Caitlin. "Cause we know kissing...leads to so much more." Her words flowed like silk. Caitlin watched them in anticipation.

The cougar leaned in towards Talia. When she was close enough to the vixen, she moved her hand up to caress the vixen's muzzle, guiding it towards her own. They both leaned into each other, their lips meeting and their eyes closing. Caitlin's eyes widened, surprised by the sudden show of affection between her friends. Out of shyness, she tried to avert her eyes, but her curiosity won out, and she found herself drawn to them.

The two lovers embraced each other. Abby's hand had moved up to caress the fox's face, stroking her cheek fur with her thumb. Her other hand went to Talia's waist, and Talia's hand rubbed it up and down. Her other hand met the one on her face, holding it there, letting her partner know she enjoyed the soft touch.

Their lips made a sweet, smacking sound that Caitlin could hear over the constant surging of the river and mingled with the crackling of the fire. She watched intently now, focused mainly on their lips as they danced over one another, interlinking and suckling. Abby's hand slid from Talia's face to her neck and further down to her shoulder, massaging it. The other hand moved down to the small of her back. Talia's hands went for her partner's waist, one of them stroking its black nails up and down the cougar's side.

The two girls shifted in their chairs, trying to get closer to one another, at least close enough that their bosoms were almost touching. Their muzzles interlocked as they opened their mouths to accept more of the other. When their mouths would momentarily part, Caitlin could see their tongues intertwined with one another, or one of their tongues was being sucked on. The smacking of their lips was only getting louder, specked with fleeting breaths through their noses and hushed little moans. Abby was purring.

Caitlin watched her two friends practically devour each other in front of her. Her heart was in her throat, and a familiar feeling in her nether region let her know she found the scene before her undeniably arousing. The otter swallowed hard, her hand creeping slowly to the crotch of her pants. She couldn't believe what she was about to do, but considering the show her friends were putting on, she figured it might be at least a little appropriate. Biting her lip, her hand pressed into the fabric, and the shy girl began rubbing herself through her sweatpants.

Abby, amid their heavy make-out session, lazily peeled her eyes open halfway. She continued to kiss the vixen and gazed over at the otter with her hand on her crotch. Embarrassed, Caitlin quickly drew her hand back, blushing hard under her fur, and held her hand to her chest. It was too late though, Abby had seen enough. As she feared, she had been caught and awaited the cougar's reaction with shame.

But Abby didn't react at all the way Caitlin thought she would. She eyed Caitlin seductively, almost telling her to continue with her lusty gaze. Caitlin starred back, her heart pounding in her chest. She bit her lip and cautiously began snaking her hand back down the front of her sweatpants to resume her dirty deed.

Once again, she focused on the two sucking faces while she rubbed herself. Abby glanced back and forth between her partner and the otter, busy touching herself. Caitlin was beyond aroused and thought to give the cougar a bit of a show; her bashfulness was slipping away as the cougar validated her actions. She slipped her hand into the waistband of her sweats now, rubbing herself through her cotton panties. The horny otter sat back in her chair and spread her legs so the cougar could better look at the moving tent in her pants so she could get better access to her dampening mound.

Caitlin couldn't believe this was happening. All those subtle feelings she had for her friends throughout the day were coalescing. She really did find her friends attractive, and she was enjoying watching them, 'really' enjoying it. As she rubbed herself, thoughts of joining in and being kissed it that way emerged. Her eyes connected with Abby's again, and Abby gave the horny otter a seductive wink. Caitlin let a soft moan escape her throat, melting into her chair.

As if reading her mind, the cougar ended the kiss with Talia. As their muzzles pulled apart, their mouths hung partially agape while they caught their breath. The fur around their lips was moist, and a string of saliva still connected the two before thinning enough to break, the majority landing on Abby's chin.

"Darling, I think someone would like to join us. Why don't you give her some tender loving care." She said sweetly, pulling her arms from Talia, their eyes drawn to the others. Caitlin had never heard Abby talk in this manner before. She sounded like both an expert seductress and a doting mother at the same time. This excited the otter even more, further bringing out this new desire for her friend.

"Of course, we wouldn't want our friend to feel left out," Talia said coyly, turning to Caitlin, whose hand was still down her sweatpants. She looked the otter up and down, undressing her with her eyes as Caitlin shyly pulled her hand from its warm nest. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. Talia leaned over towards Caitlin, her arms resting on her armrest. She gave the otter the same seductive gaze Abby had earlier. "So what do ya wanna do, hun? We can start kissing, maybe go from there?" the otter swallowed hard and nodded meekly in response, unable to speak.

"I-I...I'm not sure w-what." That was all she could manage to stammer out before she felt Talia's finger on her lips, hushing her. A spike of excitement ran through Caitlin; she loved when others took control

"Shhh, shhh." The vixen cooed. "Just kissing first, we'll go from there, ok? We can stop at any time. You're ok if Abby 'watches' us, right? Is that ok?" Her inflection of 'watches' implied Abby would be doing more than just watching them. Caitlin didn't mind at all. After all, she had just been 'watching' them a minute ago. At the mention of her friend, she looked to Abby, who had been unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her green bralette and lighter tummy fur. The cougar looked at Caitlin with puppy eyes, pleading to her with her expression. She looked back at the vixen and nodded once again, Talia's finger still on her lips.

"Perfect," Talia replied, her words smooth and sultry. "Such a nice girl, always thinking of her friends." Her finger joined the rest of her digits at Caitlin's chin, coaxing her head towards her own, just as Abby had done. The otter's heart was beating in her ears now. The sounds of the river, fire, and Abby's purrs faded away as she closed her eyes in anticipation. As her eyes closed, she caught a glimpse of Abby in the corner of her vision, undoing her hiking shorts.

The two girl's lips met, starting with simple pecks at first, allowing Caitlin to get accustomed to the feeling of her friend's lips. The smacking noises they made mimicked the ones from earlier if a bit softer. Their lips moved across each other, Talia's occasionally biting and sucking, enticing the otter even more. Both of Talia's hands went to caress Caitlin's face. Caitlin's hands rested on her armrest, supporting her upper body so she could lean into the vixen's embrace.

The smacking noises were getting louder. They opened their mouths so their tongues could dance together. Talia's was longer and slimmer than the otters and easily maneuvered around Caitlin's, exploring her mouth. The two steadily made out now, and Caitlin was in heaven. She could hear their breathing through their noses, and it all brought back memories of her night with Chelsea. Her heart and breath fluttered as she realized she could probably go so much farther this time.

Talia broke the kiss only momentarily to kiss Caitlin's neck, placing her hands on the otter's shoulders. Caitlin opened her eyes, Talia's triangular ears twitching in her vision. She looked over at Abby. The cougar's shorts were peeled open, and her right hand was down her boyshorts, the green cotton fabric tented and moving rhythmically. It was obvious she was playing with herself. Her left hand was at her face, and she was nibbling on one of her claws as she watched with a lusty grin. Their eyes met for a brief moment, sharing looks of arousal before the cougar's eyes glanced back at her foxy friend, busy licking and kissing Caitlin's neck.

"Mmmmmm," Talia murmured. "Would you like me to touch you?" she asked smoothly between kisses.

"Y-yes p-lease," Caitlin answered. She was so excited she couldn't keep her voice from shaking; she couldn't hide her nervous enthusiasm.

"Sure thing, sweetie." She cooed, joining their muzzles together once again. Caitlin, perfectly happy to have the vixen's tongue back in her mouth, obliged her. Talia's right hand traced down Caitlin's neck and collarbones to her D cup breasts, stopping to take one in her hand, massaging it through her clothes. The vixen located the hardened nub of the otter's nipple through the fabric or her shirt and pushed her thumb into it. She circled it, eliciting a soft moan from the girl into their kiss. Her hand continued down over her tummy, the otter shaking and tensing up, her breath shuddering through her nose. She wasn't used to having anyone touch her stomach area, and hence, she was sensitive.

Luckily for her, the hand didn't linger long, merely passing by on its way to its actual destination. Talia's hand continued south, running over the waistband of Caitlin's sweatpants to her crotch. Caitlin's left hand reached for the arm currently at her private area, stroking it, encouraging it to continue. She spread her legs out again to allow Talia better access. In turn, the vixen pressed her hand down into the fabric, running her hand over the flat space between the otter's legs, drawing another soft moan from the girl.

She stroked up and down between her legs, teasing the otter while they made out. It wasn't long before muffled whines began to sprout from the girl. Caitlin's hand slid down Talia's arm, grasping the vixens hand and pulling it from her crotch, only to force it under her sweatpants. Talia knew just what the otter wanted, but she wanted to tease her just a little more.

Talia ran her hand over the otter's panties, feeling her mound. The fabric of her panties was already damp from Caitlin's earlier actions. Talia rubbed her fingers over Caitlin's pussy, feeling the girl's folds through the cotton material. She continued her previous rubbing motions, pressing the fabric into the girl's pussy lips. The otter squirmed and moaned into the vixen's mouth, breaking the kiss only to take a quick breath, letting a short moan slip when she did.

Talia continued her work over the otter's pussy, her panties taking on more moisture as she did. The vixen could feel a tingling in her privates. Everything happening was getting her worked up as much as it was the other two. The drinks she had were working their magic as well. She wouldn't be surprised if her own panties were soaked.

Caitlin broke away from their kiss, placing her hands on the vixens' arms. They looked each other in their lustful eyes, Caitlin giving Talia a desperate look.

"Please, please don't tease me anymore. I want you so bad; I want to feel you inside me." She opened her legs even more and placed her hand over the one in her pants, squeezing it through her sweats.

Talia gave her that warm smile in response before burying her face in the otters' neck, planting kisses, licks, and the occasional bite.

"Absolutely, hun, I want you just as much, and I want to get in you so much more." Her words flowed like honey, and Caitlin couldn't help but let out a sigh in arousal. Talia went back to assaulting her neck with kisses. Caitlin giggled briefly but was cut off by a sharp gasp as Talia's hand pulled her panties to the side and slid her hand through her wet pussy lips. The vixen's fingers stroked up and down through Caitlin's pussy, teasing her hole before going back up to graze her clit. The otter was moaning out loud now, either unafraid or unable to stop from vocalizing her pleasure.

"Oh my god, you guys are so hot together. I've never got to watch before. I love this." Abby finally spoke up after remaining silent for so long, save for her heavy purring. The tone of her voice sounded needy and whorish, very uncharacteristic for the cougar. Still, then again, Caitlin had never heard her friend in the throes of lust before. She was leaning back in the chair. The tent formed in her panties by her hand was moving up and down vigorously, clearly fingering herself. Her other hand was under her bralette, playing with her nipple. She was biting her lip with glazed-over eyes as she masturbated to the show her two friends put on before her.

Caitlin shut her eyes and moaned again as Talia slid her middle and index fingers into her love tunnel. The vixen's slender fingers expertly massaged her insides, every so often curling them to hit her sweet spot. Caitlin bucked her hips involuntarily and gripped the chair. Talia's other hand snaked around her friend's shoulders, bringing it to her face and sliding two of her fingers in the otter's mouth. Caitlin's mouth closed around Talia's digits, and she began sucking on them. Talia felt the otter happily suckling away. She pulled back from Caitlin's neck once again so she could get close to Caitlin's round ear.

"You enjoying yourself, hun?" She whispered sensually into the otter's ear.

"Mhm," Caitlin murmured in response, her mouth full of fox fingers.

"That's wonderful, sweetie. I love to make my friends feel good." She turned her head to Abby, who had her head leaned back, thoroughly enjoying herself. "What about you, kitty? You enjoying yourself over there?" She asked rhetorically.

"Ughhhh" Was all Abby could initially moan out. "Fuck yeah, Tal, this is fucking awesome." Her fingers showed no sign of slowing.

"Well, of course, you are. I can hear my kitty purring form over here." She nuzzled her head into Caitlin's neck, never letting up the assault on her sex. "What a sight it is to see a kitty cat pet her own pussy." Her voice turned wicked, knowing full well the cougar loved being talked to in that manner.

"Oh fuck Talia, you're driving me nuts." Abby was staring down at herself now, watching her hand work itself under her panties. She was practically gnawing her lower lip off. Both her and Caitlin made matching mewling noises, breaking Caitlin's soft moans and Abby's rumbling purrs. She spoke up to her foxy friend with a ragged, lust-filled voice. "Can...w-we please go to the tent now? Please? I'm so fucking horny, I...need to get bad." She was getting desperate.

Talia turned back to face Caitlin, placing her muzzle to the otter's ear. She pulled her fingers from the otter's mouth, grasping her shoulder. Caitlin let a moan free with the absence of the vixen's digits.

"She's right. We should 'get to bed,' it's pretty late after all." She whispered into Caitlin's round ear. Her voice was so sweet and suggestive. The otter couldn't help but get drawn into it. Talia withdrew her hand from the otter's pussy, pulling it from her sweatpants and bringing it to her nose. She took a long sniff of the two damp digits, eliciting a long satisfied hum from the vixen, her tail swishing with jubilation. To Caitlin's surprise, Talia opened her mouth. She coiled her long slender tongue around the two before sliding them into her open maw, sucking them, enjoying the taste of her friend's pussy juices.

"Mmm, very good, but I'd love to sample it straight from the source." She giggled a bit and gave Caitlin a wink. She stood up, holding the otter's hand as she got up. She turned to Abby, who looked up at the fox with need, hand movements in her panties slowing. Talia opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out at the cougar demandingly.

Knowing what her partner wanted of her, Abby pulled her hand from her boyshorts. Her index and middle finger glistened with juices, the fur on them completely damp. She brought her fingers to Talia's maw so Talia could get what she wanted. The vixen licked and suckled the juices off her fingers, just as she did for Caitlin, causing the cougar to chuckle at the sensations.

"Mmmhm." She murmured. "You taste good too, kitty, but I promised Cait I'd drink from her tap tonight. I'm sure we can figure something else out, right?" She baby talked to the cougar girl, who answered with a sigh, trying to calm herself. She looked like she might pounce the fox girl right there.

"Um...yeah, that's cool, Tal, it's Caitlin's first time and guys get started, I've got to put the fire out and hang our food." Her eyes looked around with need. Her flannel shirt and hiking shorts were still wide open, exposing her underwear shamelessly.

"Ok, hun." She turned back to Caitlin. "C'mon Cait; I have so much to show you." She giggled and helped the otter out of her chair, leading her to the tent by hand. Talia zipped open the tent's fly for them and kicked her flip-flops off before stepping in. Time was moving slowly for Caitlin. She was about to let her friend ten months go down on her and do god knows what with her other friend. Although she no longer felt nervous, in fact, she felt ready and eager to experience everything her friends had in store.

Caitlin looked back to Abby before heading into the tent. The cougar was using her poking stick to scatter the embers around the fire pit. She was wiping her fingers off on her shorts absentmindedly as she did. The otter girl turned to the tent, slipping her shoes off and kicking them by Talia's. She stepped into the tent in her socks, crouching down so she could fit; the tent was tall enough to kneel in, yet just shy of standing height for her.

As Caitlin entered, the interior was illuminated by Abby's small LED lamp, hanging from the 'ceiling.' Talia was facing away from her, unbuttoning her blouse. Finishing with the buttons, she pulled the shirt off and threw it onto her backpack, leaving her in her black satin bra and Daisy Dukes. She peered over her shoulder to Caitlin, eyes leering at her.

"Care to unhook me?" She asked, her warm smile returning. Caitlin was only happy to oblige, feeling enthusiastic now at the idea of seeing her naked in place of her previous bashfulness. She would have never thought she'd ever get excited at the possibility of seeing her friends and study buddies nude. Yet, at this moment, it was the only thing she could think about.

"Of course, Tal." Caitlin's voice resembled a softer version of Talia's in sensuality. She hobbled to the vixen on her knees and reached for the bra's latch, her heart pounding in her ears. Her hands fiddled the latches and, as she had done time and time again, unclasped the hooks. It came loose, the faint click of the latches coming undone drowned out by the raging river beyond. Talia adjusted her arms and let the article slide down them, tossing it by her blouse before slowly turning around to face her otter friend.

Caitlin could only stare in wonder at the sight of her friend's bountiful breasts. The vixen's dark nipples and areola stood out among the white and orange fur covering her bosom. Caitlins eyes were wide with anticipation, unsure of where to go next. Talia observed her friend admiring her orange and white globes and giggled.

"You can touch them if you'd like. Go ahead." Talia insisted, pushing her chest out. Caitlin shakily raised her hands in front of the vixen's tits. Taking the plunge, she pushed forward, gently grasping them, feeling them up. Talia took in a breath and closed her eyes, letting a quiet 'mmm' escape her throat while arching her back, letting Caitlin know she was on the right track. The otter began rubbing her thumb over her nipples.

Talia's tits looked and felt different from Caitlin's own. They were perkier and felt firmer than her own, yet still retaining their soft and squishy nature. Caitlin might have felt self-conscious because of this. Those negative feelings had been replaced by feelings of desire for the vixen, whose breasts currently filled her hands. She was losing herself in those tits; they just felt too good not to touch. She messaged them well, giving the nipples a soft pinch or tug once in a while. All of these actions made her foxy friend gasp and moan in response.

"Geez, hun, for someone who's never been with a girl before, you sure seem to know what you're doing." She wasn't wrong. Everything Caitlin was doing, she had picked up from experience with her ex-boyfriend, mimicking what he had done to her that made her feel amazing. Talia leaned in toward Caitlin. The two embraced each other's muzzles in a passionate kiss, exchanging tongues briefly before Caitlin pulled away, but with good reason. She had a sudden urge to experiment further, fully opening up to exploring her sexuality.

The otter took the initiative, bending down to lick the vixen's left nipple before taking the whole thing in her mouth. Talia cooed as the otter suckled her. Soft moans and gasps followed as Caitlin flicked her tongue across Talia's sensitive nub, nibbling on it ever so slightly. She merely did what her ex used to do to her that produced the same responses. She began to write the alphabet out across the sensitive flesh. Talia moaned and caressed Caitlin's head with her hands, stroking the otter girl's ears with her thumbs. Caitlin switched to the other nipple, her hand playing with the previous one.

Talia let out an overly pleased sigh, enjoying the pleasing sensations of her friend's tongue on her body. The otter happily went on making the vixen feel so good, listening to her vocal reactions and using them as a guide for what techniques worked best. Talia suddenly pulled the otter from her breasts, holding the girl's head in her orange, furry hands. Caitlin looked up at her, and they made eye contact.

"That felt amazing sweetie, you're a natural at this, but I'm getting 'real' thirsty, and I think I'd like a drink. Catch my drift?" She winked at the otter, who absolutely 'caught her drift.' Talia patted her arm, motioning her to reposition. Caitlin hobbled back a few steps on her knees, and Talia bent over before her, propping her upper body up with her arms, her hands on the sleeping bag below. Her face was right in front of Caitlin's hips, and she reached up for the waistband of Caitlin's sweatpants. She chuckled softly to herself. "Let's see what we've got here."

Caitlin's heart pounded in her chest as the vixen hooked her fingers into her pants. With one continuous tug, she pulled both the girl's sweatpants and cotton panties down to her knees. Talia's eyes went wide at the sight of Caitlin's pussy. It was still wet from earlier, and the fur around it was still damp and sticky, not to mention her panties themselves.

"Ooooooh. So juicy!" Talia exclaimed enthusiastically. "If it's alright with you, I think I'll dive right in." Caitlin felt the vixen's breath on her moist folds, her flesh desperate for attention. Talia leaned forward and stuck her nose against the otter's silky wet lips, conjuring a quiet gasp from the girl. The vixen took a long sniff of her that ended with a satisfied sigh. "Smells even better from the source." She remarked, her hot breath on her pussy was driving Caitlin nuts.

"Oh, Talia, please, do it already. I-I want to feel you." Caitlin whimpered with need.

"So demanding," Talia teased. "Well, since you said please..." She flicked her vulpine tongue out, running along Caitlin's needy pussy, bottom to top. Her long and slender tongue could easily reach the deepest spots of her sensitive flesh with finesse. That single lick forced a sharp and sudden gasp from the girl, who wasn't prepared for it. Talia lapped at her slit again, drawing all the sweet nectar she could from her; soft moans from above letting her know she was doing a good job.

The tent fly behind Caitlin moved, the waterproof fabric making a sudden *swish* noise as a tawny furred arm pushed it out of the way. Abby emerged from outside; her flannel blouse still hung open from before. She licked her lips as she took in the show before her.

"Wow, you two sure got busy quick." She teased. She crouched down as best she could, being 6'1". The cougar let her shirt fall off her back and down her arms, tossing them onto her bag, just as Talia did. She then pulled her hiking shorts off, leaving her in her bralette and matching boyshorts. She had a damp spot on the crotch of her panties from her earlier self-loving as she watched the other two make out around the fire.

Abby left her undies on and kneeled behind Caitlin, who was too distracted by Talia's tongue to notice her entering. The otter gasped in surprise as Abby placed her hands on her hips. Abby sensually sniffed up and down her friend, taking in her scents and musk. Caitlin shuddered under Abby's nose as it explored her body and Talia's tongue explored her nether lips.

"Mmmm, you smell so good, Caitlin," Abby whispered in her ear, her breasts pressing against the otter's shoulders. Her hands reached up from the otter's hips to take hold of the hem of Caitlin's t-shirt. Slowly, she pulled the garment up over the girl's head. Discarding the shirt, Abby took no time at all unclasping Caitlin's bra. The otter let the last bastion of decency slide down her arms, her brown furred breasts bouncing down, proud and free. She threw her bra to the side of the tent and anticipated Abby's next moves.

Abby bent her head down to nuzzle Caitlin's neck, closing her eyes and purring along with the girl's moans. She brought her hands up to the otter's tits. Her broad fingers worked over the otter's soft, furred orbs. Caitlin moaned as the two girls played with their new lover in such an expert manner. Her hands touched Abby's, caressing them as they kneaded her breasts. Caitlin felt so loved being between the two; they made her feel so wanted and cared for.

Abby focused her fingers on Caitlin's nipples, tweaking their nubs and rubbing sweet circles around her areolas. Talia's tongue swished back and forth through her labia, making sure to tease her hole and clit with each pass. All this stimulation to her body was driving her crazy. Never before had she felt like this. Having two partners that knew exactly which buttons to push was incredible. Her moans rivaled and even overpowered the sounds of the surging river; she was getting close to climax, and she knew this one would be one of the best she'd ever had.

"Oh god! Guys! Oh god! I'm getting close. P-please don't stop! I'm gonna cum!" The two girls servicing her increased their efforts at her cries. Abby nibbled at Caitlin's round ears, purring straight into them.

"Why would we stop when you're enjoying this much?" Abby cooed softly into her ear. "Go ahead, darling, cum for us, we only want what's best for you, and I'm sure Talia would love to taste the best you've got for her." Her words sent shivers down Caitlin's spine. She resumed nibbling the girl's ear. Caitlin's moans became cries of ecstasy, every nerve ending on fire and every sensation culminating in one.

In a surprise move, Talia's tongue forced its way up into the otter's love canal, lashing around the smooth tunnel with precision. This new feeling drove Caitlin over the edge, her vaginal walls clamping down on the vixen's tongue. She cried out in pure unadulterated bliss, grinding her crotch into her friend's muzzle.

Talia lapped up all the juices she could from her orgasming partner, savoring the new taste her friend provided. Her senses were being overwhelmed. But with her eyes shut tight, the vixen powered through it all, wanting to send the otter further than she'd ever been before.

Caitlin's gyrations slowed. Biting her lower lip, she hummed a satisfied moan through the ladder half of her orgasm. Still, Talia didn't cease, only slowing enough to let Caitlin grab her bearings. Then, just as before, she continued the same thrusts and lashings as before.

Caitlin, thinking her time was done, let out a couple of surprising yips before moaning out again, the sensations building once more. She tried with all her might to speak to the cougar behind her, still toying with her breasts.

"AH-Abby!" She managed to squeal out.

"Yes, darling?" she answered, her words flowing like sweet cream into her ears.

"Yo-You guys aren-n't s-s-stooopping! I-I'm gonna c-c-cum again...oh god!" Her voice shook as another climax was just around the corner, her body still reeling from the last. She was struggling to breathe and had to force her lungs to take in new air. Abby giggled softly in her ear at the otter's reaction and responded coyly.

"I guess we're going for another one then." Her purring voice reverberated in Caitlin's ear. "Just enjoy it, hun, ride the wave." Caitlin cried out once more in ecstasy. Abby was rolling the girl's nipple nubs between her fingers while Talia plumbed her depths, her nose stroking her clit.

"Ooooohhh gaaaawwwwwd!" Caitlin cried out as her second orgasm hit her, and she was losing the ability to vocalize cohesive words. Her legs shook. It took all of her strength and determination not to buckle and fall on top of her friend. Abby assisted Caitlin by pulling the girl's body with her palms. At the same time, her skillful, broad fingers continued playing with the girl's nipples.

Caitlin rode out the rest of her orgasm; it so much longer than the last, the other two knowing just what techniques to do to draw it out for what seemed like an eternity. For Caitlin, it went on and on, her body convulsing and twitching, her eyes closed and her mouth open, desperately sucking in mouthfuls of air. She was in heaven. No, this was beyond heaven.

Slowly but surely, Caitlin came down from her orgasmic high. The other two slowed what they were doing, Talia withdrawing her tongue and Abby tracing her hands down to Caitlin's ribs. The cougar kissed and licked her neck sensually. She let Caitlin's exhausted, panting form slide down slowly on top of Talia. The otter's upper body came to a rest on the vixen's back, who was still on her hands and knees.

"Heeeyy, I'm not a mattress, silly," Talia complained playfully. She rocked her body back and forth until the tired otter slid off onto the bed of sleeping bags, pillows, and foam mats below. The otter lay there panting and cooing to herself, pants and panties still around her ankles. Her tongue lolled from her open mouth, and she stared up and the tent ceiling with a look of pure satisfaction on her face.

Talia sat back up in front of Abby, crossing her legs and placing her hands on her knees. "Well, I'm pretty worked up. I'm surprised I haven't soaked through my shorts yet. Wanna fuck? Kitten?" she winked at the cougar, who giggled at her 'kitten' comment. Abby let out a ponderous hum as she took off her bralette, letting her C-cups free.

"We'll see. I kinda wanna see if I can coax some more from our otter friend first." She gestured to the exhausted otter with her arm. "I do, however, have something to sate your appetite if you don't wanna wait." Talia gave her a look of aroused curiosity in response. "Check my bag. You'll know when you find it." She turned to the spent otter and bent down to get closer to her. The cougar stroked Caitlin's face tenderly with her hand. "Hey, Cait, you still there?" She asked with a doting tone. Caitlin turned her head to the cougar.

"Mhm." was all the otter could muster. She stared back at Abby in adoration.

"Do you'd maybe have the energy to...maybe...try eating me out?" the cougar squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth in uncertainty. She was unsure if the otter would want to try such a thing so soon. Having gone this far with another woman only tonight, the last thing she wanted was to overwhelm her. That or make her do something she wasn't comfortable doing. Abby wondered if the otter would be physically able to in her current condition. She watched the girl as Caitlin turned her eyes and looked into Abby's lovingly.

"Sure, Abby." She said, her words coming out as more of a content sigh than anything else. Caitlin had already experienced so much in one night. She figured one more thing couldn't hurt. "I don't have to move, do I?" She asked playfully, yet her question was kind of serious. She didn't think she'd be able to move again till morning. Abby still had some concerns.

"Really? You look pretty burnt out. Me and Tal-"

"No, it's fine, I can do it...I think. What do I do?" She asked, feeling a little unsure but a lot more adventurous. Abby chuckled softly at her dazed friend.

"I'll talk you through it, hun, you just lay there, and you'll barely have to move, ok?" Her hand left Caitlin's face so she could pull down her boyshorts. She shifted from one leg to the other to pull them all the way off. Caitlin watched her friend get naked and decided to push off her own clothes with her legs finally.

The two admired each other's bodies. Abby appraised Caitlin's curvy form while the otter looked up lovingly at the tall cougar. Even as Abby sat on her legs next to Caitlin, she towered over the girl. Caitlin liked her tall stature. It made her feel so submissive at that moment, especially with the knowledge of what they were about to do.

Abby lifted one of her long furry legs over Caitlin's upper body so she could straddle her. Her vulva came into the otter's view as she inched further up Caitlin's form, getting closer and closer to her face. Her pubic fur was longer than Caitlin's was, unsurprising for a nature-loving girl like Abby. Caitlin's mother had taught her from the age of thirteen the importance of keeping trimmed and lady-like. Abby's was damp from her previous activities outside, and Caitlin could smell her musk as she got ever closer to her face.

Meanwhile, Talia, who had been digging through the bag, found the treasure within. She gasped in joy as her hand touched the vibrator, knowing what it was the second she recognized its phallic shape. She pulled it from the backpack with glee and looked it over, an excited smile on her face.

"Whoa, Abby! Nice toy! This is big. You don't mess around, eh? And pink too, that's a surprising choice for you." She commented, knowing Abby to be the least girly of the three. She ran her hand down its silicone length, admiring it while imagining what it will feel like once she had it inside her.

"Hey, I'm allowed a few girly things," Abby responded, giggling. "Glad you like it, though." Her pussy was right in front of Caitlin's muzzle now, her damp pubic fur bristling against the otter's whiskers. The cougar felt Caitlin's quivering breath against her wet nether lips. Both girls were silent, both waiting in anticipation. Abby decided to get the ball rolling.

"When you're ready, hun, just stick out your tongue and give it a lick. She won't bite." Abby's doting tone made Caitlin giggle. Abby shivered as her every breath teased her pussy. Caitlin looked up at the cougar's needy face and decided to take the plunge, no longer afraid, eager to explore and please her sweet friend.

Caitlin stuck her tongue out and ran it through Abby's wet pussy lips, bottom to top, just as Talia had. Abby softly gasped at the sudden sensation; the same feeling she had gotten from Talia many times before yet always caught her off-guard. The strange taste of her pussy on Caitlin's tongue caught the otter off-guard too. She found the musky flavor weird but not terrible, so she continued.

"Yeah, just like that." Abby cooed, encouraging her friend. She brought her hand down to stroke her friend's head fur in approval. Caitlin hummed in response to the gentle touches on her head and gave the cougar's pussy another long lick. The two girls ears twitched, hearing a *click* and a continuous *vrrrrrrrrr* as Talia flicked on the vibrator, giggling with excitement as it rumbled in her hand.

"Oooooh. This is gonna be fun." Talia said slyly. The vixen rolled onto her back beside Caitlin, pulling her short shorts down her legs along with her thong, tossing them aside.

"Yeah, it's AH-lot of fun." Abby's response ended with a pleased sigh, brought on by the otter's further exploring. Caitlin had increased the pace of her licks, and Abby started rocking her hips in time with the girl. "Hah, yeah, hun, just like that, you're doing great." The cougar had already forgotten about her foxy friend next to her. Talia was busy rubbing the vibrator between her legs, which made her hum in contentment. "Oh yeah, babe, yeah, just like that, don't forget the cli-it! Yes, good girl." Abby sighed breathily. Both her hands were on Caitlin's ears, massaging them and scritching behind them. She had to stop herself from grinding her crotch violently against the otter's face. Beside them, Talia was busy greasing up the play toy with her own juices, getting it nice and slick for the main course.

Talia positioned the phallic toy at her entrance, sliding it down her pussy lips one more excellent time before slowly pushing the rounded tip into herself. She took in a heavy gasp as it entered her, then shuddered out a deep moan. The toy stretched her as it slid further inside, buzzing every nerve ending with its ecstatic vibrations until it filled her. She lay in bliss next to the others as Caitlin serviced her friend, Abby guiding the girl.

"Don't be AH-fraid to get in th-ere hun. Y-yeah, get deep in there. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, hun, you know what you're doing now!" Abby cried out as Caitlin was most definitely getting the hang of it. The otter probed every nook and cranny of Abby's folds, flicking and circling her clit with her tongue and teasing her hole. Abby allowed herself to get a little wilder. She ground her pussy into Caitlin's tongue, rocking her hips above the girl's face and using her ears like handles. The cougar let out a girly moan, really feeling the otter's quickly learned techniques.

"S-sounds like s-she's Ah! A natural, hun." Talia commented from the floor, in rapture, as the pink vibrator worked its magic within her. She started thrusting it in and out of herself, the blend of sensations it produced making her moan louder and louder. She watched the other two as she played with herself, enjoying the show. "I've never Gah-otten to watch before, Ah-nd you were right Abby, it's p-pretty h-hot." She struggled to speak as the vibrations wracking her body got more and more intense.

"YEE-ah, ie-I know r-right?" Abby was having troubles of her own. The sensations she felt were slowly building to a climax, but, to her disappointment, they suddenly stopped. Abby looked down to see the otter breathing with her mouth open, blowing hot puffs of air on her privates. Abby's eyebrows rose. "Am I suffocating you?" She asked in genuine concern.

"Nahh," Caitlin answered. "Mah tongue isth getting thired." Her slurred speech backed up her claim, and Abby chuckled at her. The cougar let go of the girl's ears and brought her left hand up to play with her own nipples while the other rubbed her clit. She moaned at her touches and closed her eyes. Caitlin felt terrible about leaving her friend unfulfilled. "Thowy Abby." She tried to apologize, but Abby would have none of it.

"Don't apologize, hun, it's alright, you just need a break. You've been doing great so far. Just hop back in when you're ready." The cougar continued playing with herself while the otter let her tongue rest. Talia chimed in from beside them.

"Mmmmmm...s-sounds like she just has to eat more pussy." The vixen had her eyes closed while she enjoyed Abby's toy. Her toes curled in time with the vibrator's thrusts. Caitlin let her head rest on the padded ground beneath her. She looked up at Abby, who was too focused on herself to respond to the vixen's comment. The cougar took slow, deep breaths as Caitlin watched her, her eyes closed as well.

Caitlin admired Abby as the girl touched herself above her. She had never seen her like this before. It was strange, but pleasantly so. The cougar looked so beautiful to her in that moment, so vulnerable. Even as she towered over her with her pussy in her face. Caitlin had always seen her friend in such a different light. But she liked how she saw her friend now, not just as a friend but as a lover, sharing their affections and pleasures alike. She wanted to make her feel good, just like Talia had done to her earlier.

Caitlin leaned forward with rejuvenated stamina and determination. The otter stuck her tongue out, running it through Abby's folds. Caitlin was reunited with that odd, musky taste and new, satisfied groans from the cougar.

"Ooohh, yeah, Caitlin." Abby began rocking her hips as her hands kept up their own business. Caitlin's tongue hastily got back up to speed, leaving Abby's clitoris to herself. She worked her tongue harder and faster, guided by the chorus of moans coming from the girl above. Whenever her tongue got to Abby's entrance, she'd slip it in for a moment before heading back upwards, probing it the best she could given her lack of experience.

Abby was getting close, and so was Talia. The two girls moaned together as they got closer and closer to climax. Abby leaned over and grabbed Talia's free hand, the two interlocking their fingers and grasping tight.

"Oh...shit, Caitlin, please don't stop. I'm so close." She pleaded, rocking her hips.

"M-me too...hah...Abby" Talia had her legs pulled up to her chest to get a better angle.

"C-cum together, yeah?" Abby suggested; the pitch of her voice was high, and she was on the verge of climaxing.

"To-together..." Talia's eyes were clamped shut, and her back was arched. Caitlin redoubled her efforts as Abby's labored words validated her hard work. Her tongue was sore as hell, but she was determined to finish what she started. Abby's moans increased in pitch. Talia opened her eyes and turned her head to the otter so she could speak into Caitlin's ear. The vixen huffed, and her eyelids struggled to stay open.

"Uh-uh, oh, Caitlin...I-I should let...y-you know." But this is all the vixen could get out as she came, taking her breath away. Her legs shook above her, and her eyes rolled up into her head. She held the vibrator inside her, bucking her hips in short jerking motions.

Caitlin was too busy to concern herself with whatever Talia had attempted to tell her about and soldiered on. Abby panted and mewled above her; Caitlin had no idea Abby's voice could go that high. The otter found it kind of amusing.

"Oh.....Cait." the cougar managed to whimper out as she was pushed over the edge. The two climaxing girls squeezed each other's hands as they came. Abby's cries reached a crescendo; then, suddenly, she went quiet. Air was heard sucking in through the cougar's nose as she took a deep breath before she tilted her head back and let out a roar. Beneath Abby, Caitlin continued to lap away with determination, oblivious to what was about to happen.

Caitlin's eyes blew wide open as a stream of musty fluid sprayed forth from Abby's pussy. The fluid coated the otter's muzzle and got in her open mouth. The sudden smell and taste shocked Caitlin; she withdrew her tongue and coughed, blowing air through her nose and her clenched lips in an attempt to clear the sticky substance. Abby panted and ran the hand that had been previously rubbing her clit through her own head fur. She lowered herself from Caitlin's face and rested her bottom on the otter's chest. She sighed and looked down at her friend and new lover with satisfaction.

"Woah, that was good, Cait, so good. Thank you." The cougar noticed the fluid all over the end of the otter's face. Abby couldn't help but snicker at Caitlin's expression, frozen in a shocked state, her eyes still wide open. "Sorry about that." Her hand went to her mouth so she could nibble a claw in slight embarrassment. "That tends to happen when I cum."

"I tried to tell you, Cait," Talia added, her words coming out as more of an exasperated sigh. "But this toy is too a-may-zing." She ended her sentence with a long satisfied sigh. She had her legs splayed out now in a more relaxed position. The hand that had been holding Abby's now supported her head while the other still held the vibrator, still on, its surface gleamed with a sheen of her wetness.

"That's fine," Caitlin said plainly. Her wet, sticky mouth curled into a tired, shy smile. "I'm just glad I could make you feel so good." She blinked a couple of times, and Abby reached down to stroke her face with care.

"Aww, you're so sweet, Cait. Here, lemme help you." Abby reached behind her and grabbed her blouse from the ground. She brought it to Caitlin's snout and gently wiped off as much girl cum as she could off her face, tossing the shirt away when she was finished. "There we go, hun. We'll wash it off in the river tomorrow." Abby let out a long yawn and stretched her arms above her head, her hands and elbows bumping the tent's walls and ceiling. "I'm pretty beat. We should get to bed."

Talia was way ahead of them already. Her eyes were closed, and her chest rose and fell steadily. The two girls giggled at their sleeping friend. Abby pushed herself off the otter, rolling onto her back on the other side of the girl, leaving Caitlin in the middle.

"Scooch, scooch," Abby said playfully, suggesting the otter move over so Abby wasn't too close to the wall. Caitlin scooched herself over by her butt and her back, pressing against Talia's side. She reached over the vixen and pulled the vibrator from her limp hand, turning it off and throwing it somewhere near Abby's backpack. Abby groaned a bit as she reached up to shut the little LED lamp off that was clipped to the ceiling. With a *click-click* darkness enveloped the inside of the tent.

Caitlin felt Abby moving about next to her and heard the swishing of dense fabric, followed by the sound of a zipper being undone. Suddenly, Caitlin felt what must have been a sleeping bag, wholly unzipped, being draped over her and Talia like a bedsheet.

"There we go, nice and cozy," Abby murmured as she lay back down next to Caitlin, turning on her side to spoon the otter. Her arm wrapped over Caitlin, and Caitlin shuffled closer into Abby's embrace. She felt the cougar nuzzle her neck, humming contently. She felt movement come from in front of her as Talia turned in her sleep, the vixen subconsciously nestling into Caitlin as little spoon, sighing to herself.

Caitlin settled into her place between her friends, feeling warm, cozy, and accepted. The surging river filled her ears, lolling her off to sleep.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Abby asked, quietly murmuring in the otter's ear. Caitlin sleepily answered back.

"Yeah, I did. Tonight was...amazing, Abby. Thank you guys so much. I'm glad I did this with you guys. It felt a lot more...comfortable. I think I'd be so shy in any other setting."

"Yeah, no problem hun, I'm glad we could include you. And hey, we've got the whole weekend together." The cougar's words drifted off as she herself drifted off to sleep.

Caitlin *mhmm*d in response, her own consciousness slipping away to dreamland. The thoughts of what she had done with her friends replaying in her head.

The three girls slept the night away, embracing each other's musky bodies affectionately, basking in each other's warmth. Abby was right, they had the rest of the weekend together, and it would be a weekend like none of them had ever had.