The Gate-Way: Chapter 8 – A Warrior Born

Story by Grey Knight on SoFurry

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#8 of The Gate-Way

Another chapter up and ready, finally. I'm sure you are all excited to see where Jake and Matt's adventures take them and what if anything will arise from their little escapade in chapter 7. Hope you all enjoy it and have fun. Thanks for sticking with me and being so patient.

I'd like to that all those who take the time to read it, a special thanks to all those who comment and a very special thanks to my editor Evernight1990, and my editor in chief/ best friend and mate(who does not happen to havea SoFurry account). As always all comments, constructive critisism and suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

*Note: All characters within this story are entirely of my own creation and design, or that of friends who have requested that I include them in my story. None of the characters in this or any of my other stories may be used without my expressed concent and permission

Chapter 8 - A Warrior Born

As the elevator came to a jarring halt Matt looked around. Next to him stood Jake; the grey wolf stared straight ahead at the doors to the elevator. Matt suppressed a shiver as he regarded his friend. While normally sullen, Jake seemed out right menacing with his face stern and unforgiving, his mood accented by the combat fatigues and officer's cap he sported. Behind him stood Ethan also dressed in a military uniform, matte-black in colour save for the two crossed sabres pinned to his collar and the four four half inch stripes on his shoulders, denoting his rank as a colonel.

Just like Jake, Ethan's relaxed and humorous attitude was gone, replaced by a cold hard stare as he waited for the elevator to open. With a hiss of pressurised air the elevator doors opened. The room was dark and Matt could see nothing beyond the rectangle of light shining from the lights within the elevator.

The trio stepped off the elevator, Jake in the lead followed by Matt as Ethan brought up the rear. As they walked large halogen lights began humming on; along the walls a faint glow and hum began. Looking around Matt realized they were in some kind of Command and Control center. The walls were covered in computer monitors showing different read outs and satellite images.

A number of strange monitors showed what looked like a figure standing upright with arms outstretched. As they drew near to the station, Ethan sat down. Taking a closer look Matt realized they were displays for some kind of suit. Indicators and data streamed by for each part of the suit, which to Matt's surprise looked strangely similar to the one he had seen in the door of the library.

"Is it ready?" Jake asked, breaking Matt's concentration on the screen.

"Yes sir, the techs have just finished installing the last system. All we have to do is run it through set up and the preliminary trials, then it will be certified for field testing." said Ethan, his words short and clipped. Donning a head set he turned around. "Whenever you are ready sir, I'll be monitoring things from here."

With a nod of his head Jake walked up to a door set next to the monitors. Motioning for Matt to follow, Jake pushed the door open stepping into the room. The glare from the lights over head blinded Matt momentarily as he stepped through the door. As his eyes adjusted, he realized they were in a long rectangular room. Looking around he saw that every surface and wall had been painted white. Along each of the long walls were strange recesses; within each recess was one of the same mechanical suits Matt had seen before.

Walking along the line behind Jake, Matt noticed many of the suits were either missing or heavily damaged and in different states of repair. Finally they stopped before one of the suits. This one was pristine in condition; not a scratch or dent marred its matte-black finish. Matt slowly ran his paw along the arm of the suit in awe. It was incredible. Smooth to the touch, it looked incredibly heavy yet looked as though the wearer would be capable of incredible feats of agility.

"It's yours." Jake said quietly as he watched Matt admire the suit.

"Are you serious? That's incredible! How...What....Whoa!" said Matt, his maw gapping open in awe. "Can I put it on?"

Jake nodded. Matt smiled from ear to ear. Starting forward he halted. A thought occurred to him suddenly. Blushing, he turned to Jake. "Umm how do I put it on?"

Jake stepped forward as a grin split his solemn look. "Off," Jake said motioning to Matt's clothes.

"What?" said Matt, blushing.

"You need to be naked when you put the suit on otherwise it won't fit right."

Matt was sure his blush could be seen through his fur as he began to strip out of his clothes. When he was totally naked he heard someone whistling over the PA system "Woohoo, yeah that's what I'm talking about"

Turning around suddenly Matt saw a flash of anger cross Jake's eyes causing him to shiver in fright. "ETHAN YOU WILL SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP. TAKE YOUR PAW OUT OF YOUR PANTS AND GET BACK TO YOUR STATION. THAT'S AN ORDER!" Jake bellowed, looking in the direction of a camera that had focused in on them.

Shaking his head, a look of disgust on his muzzle, Jake walked up to the recess and hit one of the many buttons. With a hydraulic hiss, the upper half of the suit was lifted upwards.

"Climb in," Jake said motioning to Matt.

Carefully he climbed the short ladder that was built into the recess right next to the lower half of the suit. While the suit was only slightly taller than him, the ladder enabled the wearer to quickly climb in and out of the suit.

As Matt dropped down into the lower half of the suit he found it fit him perfectly. Reaching around, he pushed his tail into what was obviously an armoured tail sheath. Once Matt was settled, Jake hit another button. This time the upper half of the suit lowered down onto Matt. Raising his arms up, the sleeves to the suit slipped down on him. With a hiss and a twist the two halves locked in place. Try as he might Matt couldn't raise his arms; the suit was just too heavy.

Shaking his head, Jake slipped the helmet onto Matt's head. With a hiss the suit was sealed to the outside environment. As he watched the interior of the visor lit up. In one corner a small representation of himself stood. It showed the status of every part of the suit flashing lightly. In another corner was what he assumed was a radar system. In the upper left hand corner flashed the words 'No Weapon Selected'.

With a growl, he heard the suit start up and felt power coursing through it. His fur tingled as the suit began to warm then cool as it attempted to match his body temperature. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes. To his amazement it felt as though he was totally naked! The suit blended with him so well it felt like it wasn't there at all.

"Whenever you're ready, take a slow step forward off the platform," said Ethan, his voice crackling through the suit's com system.

Taking a slow step forward Matt was amazed at the feeling of barely controlled power. It was as though the suit wanted to leap across the room, not take a small step. Strangely while the suit felt like a second skin he still felt clumsy in it, as though he was wearing a pair of shoes two sizes too big. It seemed as though there was a pause between his actions and that of the suit.

Flashing Matt a quick smile he motioned for the suit encased fox to follow him. Leading Matt down to the far end of the room, Jake waited before opening yet another door. Matt stumbled as he tried desperately to keep up; it was as though the suit was fighting him. Finally he made it through the door. Before him Jake stood waiting next to a firing range. Large booths, each at least ten feet long by at least half that wide, were set up each separated from its neighbour by thick steel partition. At the far end of the range a series of target dummies stood silently waiting for the next hail of led to fly their way.

Each was roughly the same size as he was in his suit, Matt noted. What was strange was that each and every suit was both armoured and armed. While he had never been to a firing range himself Matt did not see the point of arming practice dummies.

Shaking his head he stepped into the nearest booth were Jake waited. Once Matt was inside the booth, Jake hit a button and a panel in the side of the booth opened up revealing an array of impressive weaponry. A number of oversized pistols lay next to assault rifles of every size and calibre. One that peaked Matt's interest was a long sniper rifle. It looked like two rectangles set on top of one another with the barrel of the gun set between them. It was massive and easily as long as he was tall; the stock alone was at least a foot long. He couldn't see how anyone could fire the thing.

"Ah I see you're admiring our latest creation," said Ethan, his voice crackling on through the suits com system. "Sir, you feel like showing our young trainee here how the AEG works?"

"AEG? What's that?" asked Matt as he stared at the incredible weapon.

"'Anti-Everything Gun'. It's a fur portable Mass Accelerator Cannon, or as Ethan so fondly refers to it: the 'Anti-Everything gun'"

"How does it work?" asked Matt, his maw dropping open as far as the helmet would allow.

With a grunt, Jake picked up the gun and set it on the platform pointing down range. Flicking a switch on the gun, Matt heard a low hum building as the weapon charged. Taking out a clip of shells, each easily twice the size of Matt's fist, Jake slammed the clip home and racked the gun to load a shell into the breach.

"It fires a shell at ten miles a second; each shell is reinforced with depleted uranium and has sensors to detect changes in mass. Once it hits a target, not only do you have the kinetic energy shredding the target but the shell itself explodes."

Looking down the sight, Jake zeroed in on one of the armoured targets down range. As Jake squeezed the trigger, Matt was suddenly blinded by a blue flash of electricity and nearly deafened by a supersonic boom. At almost the same instant, the target down range was completely destroyed.

Matt stood in awe as bits of metal and cloth rained down where the target had stood, now nothing more than a black smear. Matt could hear Ethan cheering over the ringing in his ears.

Suddenly a large panel opened up in the floor and an M1 Bradley rose up from the opening. Taking aim at the Armoured Personnel Carrier, Jake opened fire again. With another flash of light and sonic boom the round took off down range. A hundredth of a second later the Bradley exploded, its turret flying high into the air trailing fire. With a boom it crashed down to the ground.

A second elevator rose up, this time carrying the unmistakable form of an M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank. Once more, Jake drew a bead on the tank, aiming between its turret and hull. Squeezing the trigger they were both blinded and deafened by the flash of electrical discharge and sonic boom.

Much like the Bradley, the turret of the Abrams flew into the air, the tank ablaze.

"And that," Jake said as he stood back up, gun resting against his shoulder. "Is why we call it the Anti-everything gun." Behind him the turret of the Abrams came down with a crash and shower of sparks.

Over the next several, hours Jake and Ethan carefully began teaching Matt how to correctly load, aim and fire each of the weapons on the table. As the hours went on, Matt became quicker and quicker. He was soon able to fire an entire clip into over a dozen targets (each set of shots in a cluster no larger than an egg), reload and continue firing in a matter of seconds.

Never having handled a weapon before, Matt was both incredibly impressed and amazed with himself...and rather frightened. Standing up as he emptied a final clip, Matt looked around for more targets. He realized there were none. All the targets that had been standing at the far end of the range were now nothing more than piles of bullet riddled armour.

"Good, good," said Jake, a strange smile on his face, clearly impressed with how fast Matt had taken to the guns. "Now let's see how you do when the targets shoot back."

Pressing a button Jake stepped back behind a thick wall of bullet proof glass. Turning around Matt watched as the platform before him lowered as more raised up at random intervals between him and the end of the range. Confused and somewhat frightened, Matt watched, unsure what he was supposed to do. He felt his new found confidence slipping away.

Turning around he was about to ask Jake what he was supposed to do, only to realize he was alone. With a quiet whimper he looked around for Jake. He was alone and sealed within the firing range.

"Ethan! Where's Jake?! What am I supposed to do?! What's going on?!" demanded Matt as he felt his panic rising.

Only static greeted him, suddenly he heard the lifts that had raised the previous targets up, whirling. Turning around he saw that five new dummies were standing at the far end of the range. They looked much like the others, yet as he watched he realized something was different. As he looked he saw that unlike the other targets these had their guns held at the ready. Their helmeted heads looked towards him.

He yelped in fear as they stepped forward as one. He watched as they scanned the room. Suddenly, they spotted him. Like a well drilled team the dummies sprinted forward to the first barrier. Suddenly they opened fire. Matt screamed and dove behind the barrier in front of him as the wall where he had stood not a minute before disintegrated in a shower of concrete.

Matt screamed and curled into a ball as more bullets flew over head as the dummies attempted to keep him suppressed, working their way towards his position.

"Jake...Jake...JAKE!" Matt screamed, tears rolling down his muzzle. "Where are you Jake?! What am I supposed to do?!"

Sobbing he crawled along the barrier slowly. Propping himself against it he leaned slowly around the corner trying to figure out where the dummies, or what he had thought were dummies were.

"Jake isn't here," said a cold metallic voice. "He's left you all alone...helpless...weak."

"No he's here, he has to be," Matt sobbed, as another hail of bullets forced him to duck back behind the barrier.

"Ha! He's left you all alone to die. He doesn't care about you, he's just using you" said the metallic voice.

"No...No, that's not true! He hasn't left me alone! He cares about me, he loves me!"

"Where is he then? I don't see him do you?" the voice said with a snarl. "He doesn't love you! Why would anyone love you? You're a worthless little tail-raiser, why would anyone like Jake even give you a second thought?!"

"SHUT UP!" Matt yelled suddenly. Still sobbing, he felt anger building in his chest as the voice taunted him. "SHUT UP!"

He was angry but part of him started to fear it might be true. Was that all Jake thought of him? A worthless little tail-raiser... no Jake cared about him. Jake didn't care that he was gay...right? Matt thought to himself. Jake had even said he didn't care, that he loved him like a brother.

"Face it you're worthless." The voice said with another peal of laughter.

"Get up," another voice said.

"Wha...What?" Matt whimpered.

"Get up," said the second voice again. "It's ok Matt, it's going to be alright, I'm still here."

"J...Jake? What's going on? Where are you? What am I supposed to do?" Matt sobbed, partially in relief, partially in fear.


"What?" Matt sobbed.

"Get up and fight," Jake said calmly. "Fight Matt, you can do it. I'm right here, don't listen to them Matt. They're trying to beat you, trying to get in your head. You can't let them you have to fight."

Jake's voice was like a soothing balm on his terror and fear. Taking a deep breath, Matt slowly felt himself calming as he imagined Jake standing before him, his strong arms wrapped tightly around the small arctic fox.

"GET UP!" Jake roared suddenly, the iron back in his voice. "GET UP AND FIGHT! SHOW THAT BASTARD WHO THE WORTHLESS ONE IS!"

Suddenly Matt felt his anger that had been smothered by his fear roar into a blazing fire as he was coaxed and cheered on by Jake. With a feral howl he leapt up gun blazing eager to prove his worth.

Swinging the barrel of his gun up he sent a burst of led flying towards the first target. Not bothering to watch it's torso explode in a shower of sparks, he sent a second and third burst flying towards two more targets. As fast as he could take them out they kept coming, more and more dummies arriving via the lifts.

"Matt you have to stop them." Jake said over the com system.

"How?!" Matt yelled as he took out another target. He felt his despair rising to the fore again. "I can't do it Jake! I can't"

"Yes you can Matt, I believe in you."

Matt sobbed in despair as more targets marched towards him. Suddenly he felt bullets impact his armour sending him sprawling. With a groan he felt himself blacking out; he could taste blood in his mouth. Was he dying? With a wracking sob, Matt looked up to see the barrel of a gun pointed in his face, held by one of the targets. As he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness he heard someone calling his name, not through the com but next to him.


With a groan Matt's eyes fluttered open. He shut them again tightly against the bright light hanging over head. Suddenly he realized he was in someone's arms. He was being rocked gently back and forth, his head resting against someone's chest. Over the sound of someone crying, he though he recognized the heartbeat.

Looking up, he felt a tear drop land between his eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the brightness he realized he was back in his room and Jake was holding him.

"Jake, why are you crying?" Matt asked, gently reaching up to caress Jake's tear soaked muzzle.

"I'm sorry Matt, please forgive me!" Jake sobbed as he rocked them back and forth.

"Sorry for what? What did you do?"

"I pushed you too hard, tried to get you to do too much, too fast! I shouldn't have advanced your training so far!"

"It's ok Jake, I forgive you. I was just so scared out there when you left me alone. I thought you really had left, and when that robot started telling me you didn't care about me...I didn't know what to do anymore."

"That was part of the training; you needed to be able to resist enemy propaganda and temptations. But we pushed you too far too fast; it's just that we need everyone ready to fight when the time comes."

"It's ok, I'll get it next time," Matt said with a weak smile.

He was shocked to see Jake like this; he had never seen the wolf cry like this before. Not since he had revealed the truth about his brother's death. He was amazed to see this side of Jake, to see him let go of his emotions. Burying his head in Jake's chest he inhaled deeply of his friend's scent. Listening to the wolf's heart, he knew he had never been more in love with Jake then he was right then.

Reaching up, he pulled Jake's muzzle down to his, kissing the wolf fiercely. Pulling away Jake had stopped crying, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Jake couldn't understand where these emotions were coming from, why he felt like this. He had refused to let his emotions rise to the surface; he had crushed every last emotion and memory of that night into the deep dark recesses of his consciousness. It had become easier as time went on; especially since he had taken command of the regiment his father had left to him.

Battle after battle he felt a piece of himself break off. With each life he took he felt himself growing colder and more distant. Whether this was a survival mechanism or something else he didn't know, but without emotion life had become easier to handle. Instead of reacting to saddening moments he simply crushed his sorrow and moved on.

With his brother he had always been able to open up and talk, but since his loss it was easier to just forget. Jake shook his head. He didn't understand it. Around Matt he couldn't help himself. After years of suppressing feelings to the point where he could do it without thinking, Matt had come along and found a crack in his shield. He had not allowed himself to care about anyone since his brother's death, not wanting to deal with the pain of loss ever again.

Yet with Matt he couldn't help but feel a connection to the arctic fox. He wanted to care for and protect the fox. He didn't understand it but he felt drawn to Matt. He wanted to be near Matt. With a snarl he shook his head; he didn't want to think about this now.

Lying back on the bed, he pulled Matt so that the arctic fox was lying next to him. Smiling up at Jake, Matt reached up and gently kissed the wolf's muzzle before nestling into the crook of Jake's arm. He sighed contently as he listened to the wolf's strong calming heartbeat. Leaning down, Jake gently kissed the little fox nestled in his arms against him. Matt blushed and felt his sheath tighten as Jake's lips brushed against his own. Reaching up he caressed Jake's muzzle and returned the kiss with more eagerness and passion than Jake expected.

Pulling back, Matt blushed looking into Jake's eyes. Seeing the look of unease and confusion, Matt reached up and caressed Jake's muzzle. "What's wrong Jake?"

"I...I'm just not sure about all this...I don't understand why it feels good...why I'm doing this..." Jake said, shaking his head he sighed.

It was all so confusing. Nothing made sense anymore. Here he was in bed with his best friend who he had just kissed and it had felt great. The whole idea scared him and he wasn't sure if he should continue and do what he wanted to do and knew Matt wanted as well. Should he ignore his friend in exchange for his sanity?

"It's ok Jake," Matt said sadly, concerned for his best friend's wellbeing. "We don't have to continue if you don't want."

"That's the problem...I do want to continue but I don't know why. I shouldn' doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense if it feels good, does it?" Matt said with an innocent smile, trying to cheer the confused wolf up.

"I...I guess...not," Jake said, swallowing his nerves.

Kissing Jake tenderly, Matt slowly began caressing the wolf's chest. He grinned as Jake murred, "So, would you like me to help you feel good?" he asked innocently as his paw traced circles down Jake's well muscled chest.

"Yes," Jake said with a shudder, as Matt continued to trace his paws up and down his chest.

Kissing Jake lightly, Matt slowly began kissing his way down the wolf's chest, grinning as he felt Jake shudder. The fox breathed deep of Jake's intoxicating scent, shuddering as his sheath tightened in anticipation of what was to come. Jake moaned as he felt Matts talented tongue swirling around his sensitive nipple. Grinning up at the wolf, Matts paws slowly danced lower and lower.

Jake murred, shuddering as Matt teased him, the fox`s paws kneading and caressing his thick legs right next to his swollen cock. Matt loved to tease, sometimes he had done it so much that his partner had grown frustrated and would take matters into their own hands. Jake was different. While he desperately wanted to do something that would stop the teasing, he was unsure of himself. He still didn't understand how he could be enjoying this. He shouldn't be, he thought to himself. This isn't right; this isn't my thing. What is wrong with me?

Jake was shaken out of his thought as he felt Matt run his soft tongue up his shaft. Jake couldn't help but moan as Matt's tongue swirled around his sensitive head. Kissing the tip, Matt slowly pressed his muzzle down on Jake's shaft, swirling his tongue around it as his paws gently played with Jake's balls and shaft. Inch after inch of the massive tool disappeared into his maw.

Gently he withdrew the shaft from his mouth, making sure to coat it with an amble amount of saliva. Kissing the tip he pressed forward again, faster this time, bobbing his head up and down on the thick shaft. Jake moaned and shuddered as Matt's warm maw enveloped his sensitive shaft.

Finally sure Jake's cock was sufficiently coated, he reluctantly allowed Jake to slip from his muzzle. Licking his lips, savouring Jake's flavour he crawled up the wolf, whose eyes were still closed. Whispering in Jake's ear Matt said "You ready to fuck me now wolfie?"

"Yes," Jake said with a grin, he was still nervous and unsure of himself, but he was so horny at this point that he didn't care. All he knew was he wanted to pound Matt's tight little tail hole.

"Good," the fox responded seductively. Laying down on his back he grabbed his legs and held them up and out of Jake's way so the wolf could have full access to his tail hole.

What Jake did next surprised Matt. Lowering his head down, Jake swiped his tongue across his friend's hole. Pausing a moment, Jake noted it wasn't so bad; Matt had a strange almost sweet musky taste to him. With a grin he began lapping at Matt's sensitive hole. Swirling his tongue around, he gently, yet firmly pressed his tongue against the tight entrance.

Matt cried out, moaning as he felt Jake's tongue pierce him. He shuddered as Jake slowly began fucking his tight hole with his tongue. It felt so good, he had done it for others but never had it done to himself.

With one final swipe of his tongue Jake looked up, licking his lips. Slowly he crawled up kissing the fox fiercely. Grabbing his cock he lined it up with Matt's tail hole, as the fox placed his legs on the wolf's shoulders.

Looking at Matt, Jake received a nod to begin. Slowly he pressed his cock forward, murring as Matt's ass accepted his cock. Matt moaned as he felt himself being split open, shuddering as inch after inch of Jake's thick cock spread him wide. Matt panted as he felt Jake's hips against his own. All eight inches of the wolf's massive cock were now buried within him.

Squeezing Jake tightly, Matt nodded for him to continue. Withdrawing slowly until only the head was left inside, Jake thrust forward once more, this time faster and deeper than before. Matt moaned as he felt Jake's cock brush his prostate, his own cock twitching in response.

Placing his paws on either side of Matt, Jake began thrusting faster, each time withdrawing all but the head before slamming back into his friend. Matt cried out in pleasure and pain, his hole still not used to being stretched out so far. He could feel every inch of Jake's cock as it throbbed and twitched inside him.

Jake began picking up speed, thrusting harder and faster into the fox beneath him. With every thrust a spurt of pre would dribble from Matt's cock, creating a small pool of it on his furry chest. Both their knots were beginning to swell. With every thrust Jake's partially formed knot would pop in and out of Matt's tight hole.

Matt felt his orgasm nearing. With each thrust Jake's cock would rub against his prostate. Jake's orgasm was nearing as well, his thrusts becoming harder and more erratic as Matt gripped his cock.

With a final thrust Jake slammed his hips forward burying his cock in Matt's tail hole. His knot exploded in size. This was all Matt needed. As Jake continued to thrust, limited by his knot, Matt's cock exploded. A torrent of cum rushed from his cock, spraying all across his and Jake's chest. Spurt after spurt he continued to cum as Jake jack hammered into him. With one final thrust he cried out, burying his cock as deep as he could. Howling his cock exploded, turning Matt's insides as white as his fur.

Panting hard, Jake collapsed on his friend, rolling onto his back so that Matt could rest his head against his chest as they waited for Jakes knot to shrink down. Matt murred as he rested his head against Jakes chest, listening to his heart beat as they panted in the afterglow of their orgasm.

Wrapping an arm around the fox, Jake slowly ran his other paw through Matt`s head fur. As his mind began to clear of sexual fog and lust he realized what they had just done...again! He moaned softly, what the hell was wrong with him? Why had he just done that? He wasn't supposed to, shouldn't have... Jake snarled, none of this made sense.

Matt murred softly. He continued to listen to Jake's heart beat, the sound very calming in its strength and power. Suddenly Jake's heart began to beat faster. He frowned as he heard the wolf snarl. Something was bothering him, but what? Matt wondered. He sighed as he realized what was troubling the wolf. He doesn't know what's going on anymore. Am I being selfish? I want to be with him so bad but all I'm doing is confusing him, Matt thought to himself.

Maybe he's realizing he's bi or maybe even gay! He thought, with anxious excitement. The prospect of being able to date Jake, someone he had loved and wanted to mate with for so long sounded so good. Too good he realized sadly. _Jake is just lonely, he's not gay...not bi...just lonely. He has no one else and I happened to catch him while he's horny..._Matt felt his lip quiver as he realized he would never be with Jake as his mate.

He shuddered as he tried to hold back his tears as his dreams slowly fell apart. It would never happen, they would never be together. Jake is confused and lonely, nothing more. Matt realized he didn't care, so long as I get to be close to Jake then nothing else matters, he thought with finality. Wiping the tears from his muzzle he nestled deeper in Jake's fur.

Jake was too lost in his own internal turmoil to notice the tears trickling from Matt's eyes. None of this made any sense, how could he have done what he had just done? He was just lonely...that had to be it he thought to himself. I'm just lonely that's it nothing more, I was horny and wasn't thinking. What else could it be? It's not like I'm bi...or gay!!! NO THERE IS NO WAY..._He shook his head violently. _I'm straight and that's it! This...this...this was just..._He snarled again. _I'm just going to go to sleep and forget all of this ever happened...forget how good it it was to close to Matt...What is wrong with me?! Jake cried out in his mind.

He sighed and shook his head in frustration. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm down. Slowly, after a few minutes he was able to clear his mind, ignoring the questions and fears that demanded his attention. Finally he felt himself slip into his dreams, free from the confusion and pain of the world. His fears and confusion forgotten, he relaxed. His dreams happy ones, ones where he did not question his sexuality, was not afraid of what was going on, what he had done.

Matt couldn't help but watch the wolf as he slept; he was just so cute, so innocent and peaceful. It was as though his dreams were the only place he felt safe to remove his mask and relax. Nuzzling Jake's chest, Matt felt his own eyes grow heavy as he too gave into sleep and drifted into his own dream world. Knowing he would be safe in the arms of the wolf he loved he felt no fear as sleep over took him.