Dancing With Fire - Chapter 10

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#10 of Dancing With Fire Act 1 - The Kindling Ignites

The first thing Blitzø noticed upon waking up was just how warm and cozy he was. When he went to rub the sleep out of his eyes, he found he couldn't move.

The imp yawned and blinked as his eyes adjusted to the morning light filtering into the room. The reason he was so cozy became apparent.

Sometime during the night, Harper had pulled Blitzø into a spoon on the couch they'd shared the night before. His thick arms and solid torso gave off a lot of warmth. It was admittedly quite comfortable. Blitzø was tempted to let himself fall back asleep.

He was thwarted by the next thing he noticed: The dreaded morning wood. His cock jutted straight out underneath his shorts, creating an impossible to hide tent.

If he were alone, or maybe in Moxxie and Millie's bed again, Blitzø would just drop trow and rub one out like he always did in this situation. But an Overlord with close ties to his business was cuddled up with him. As nice as that felt, Blitzø got the feeling he wouldn't appreciate waking up to find his friend masturbating against him. On top of that, hazy memories floated back into focus of Drek warning him not to leave a single stain in the TV room.

Okay Blitzø, he thought, time to use everything you learned sneaking out of Stolas's bed. Just gotta slip out of Harper's arms, get to the nearest bathroom, and-

"Good morning," mumbled the dragon he was pinned to.

"Ah shit," groaned Blitzø, "I mean, good morning! Sleep well?"

The draconic demon grunted and arched his back in a stretch, almost pushing Blitzø off the edge of the couch. "Not as well as I would've in my own bed, that's for sure," he said, "Was also up a bit later. Had some stuff to think about."

As Harper shifted behind him, Blitzø could feel something hot and hard pressing between his buttcheeks. "Hey Harper?" he said, "I think I fell asleep on your tail or something."

"Hmm? Couldn't be," said Harper, "My tail is right here." He waved it in front of the imp for emphasis.

"Ooooookay," Blitzø said, a note of concern creeping into his voice, "Then why is your hand wedged in my asscrack?"

"It's not..." Harper replied, his voice suggesting that realization was dawning in him as he let go of Blitzø to hold up both his hands. "Oh. Oh dear."

Quick as a flash, Blitzø sprang from the couch with a rather unmanly squeal. He tumbled into a somersault across the floor, plowed through a half-empty bowl of popcorn, and landed hard against the ornate entertainment center beneath Harper's massive flatscreen. The imp panted in a combination of exertion and alarm as Harper struggled upright and hastened to cross his legs.

"That...that was your dick?!" Blitzø exclaimed between breaths. "Christ on a stick, it felt bigger than my forearm!" He suddenly felt an eager throb between his legs, and he realized his boner was pointing directly at the Overlord through his shorts. To make matters worse, a dark wet spot had formed at the tip. His face felt like he'd stuck it in an oven as he drew up his legs and curled his tail protectively around himself.

At least Harper had the decency to be embarrassed as well. His already deep red face was darkened further by the intensity of his blush. "My apologies, Blitzø. Yes, that was what you think. As you can guess, a body as large as mine," he waved a hand over himself, "is going to be well-proportioned, in more ways than one. And when that body is practically ageless and filled with power? Well, certain things happen naturally."

Harper stood up, though he kept his tail around his waist for the time being. "I am going to shower and get dressed. There is a full bathroom off the guest bedroom upstairs you are welcome to use. Drek can show you the way. Would you like breakfast before you leave?"

Blitzø shook his head as he scooted over to grab his coat, shirt, and pants heaped on the floor. "That's real kind of you, but I really need to get going. Had lots of fun last night!" He got up and was careful to keep his back to Harper as he pulled his day clothes on over his t-shirt and shorts.

The imp packed up the VHS and everything else he'd brought with him, then turned around. He found that Harper was politely averting his eyes. "Hey," he said, resting a hand on the dragon's arm. "I wouldn't mind spending the night again sometime. We'll just have to be careful not to fall asleep on the couch again." Both men shared a chuckle.

As Blitzø moved past Harper, the dragon's bony, scorpion-like tail unfurled. It unconsciously caught the imp's tail on the way, and they curled around each other. This brief embrace lasted but a moment before they were pulled apart.

"Until next time, Blitzø," Harper called after him, "Send your employees my warmest regards."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Blitzø half-mumbled as he walked into the foyer. To his surprise, Drek was already standing by the door and ready for his departure.

"The car will be along in just a moment, Mr. Blitzø," the other imp said. If looks could kill, the glare he was giving Blitzø could probably be a threat to Lucifer himself.

Thankfully, Blitzø didn't have to wait too long with the unfriendly valet. As soon as the stately black sedan pulled up to the door, he was out in a flash and in the back seat.

Blitzø breathed a sigh of relief as the car pulled into the drive and away from the house. On the long drive back to I.M.P. headquarters, he glared down at his tented pants. His morning wood wasn't used to being ignored, and it was pestering him for relief. Better wait until he was back in his office. He didn't want to risk Drek's wrath getting jizz stains in one of Harper's company vehicles.

A stray thought popped into his head. It occurred to him that he usually was completely shameless about parading his boner around. He didn't care who saw it, and if somebody wanted to help him take care of it, all the better. Just last night he was inviting Drek to touch it. So why was he so shy around Harper?

Blitzø shook his head. Probably because he's an all-powerful Overlord. A classy one at that. He wouldn't like it. He pointedly ignored the hole in that logic. Stolas could fold him and Harper combined like a fucking lawn chair, and he'd lost track of how many times he regularly insulted and belittled the Prince of Hell to his face.

When he finally reached I.M.P.'s reception room, he had fifteen minutes before they opened for the day. Loona wasn't here yet, and knowing her she wouldn't be in for another hour. Perfect.

Blitzø breezed into his office and locked the door. He unbuttoned his pants before he'd even sat down behind his desk. His red, pulsing cock flopped free as he pulled down his shorts and underwear to let it out.

The imp took a moment to admire his aching rod. It'd been awhile since he'd been this hard. The deep blue vein pulsing on the shaft reminded him of the one that showed up on Moxxie's forehead whenever he was pissed at him. Ah, there was a good place to start. Blitzø spat in his hands and rubbed them together, then got to work.

As he languidly stroked along his length, he thought of Moxxie's cute little bubble butt. That nerd was so meticulous about maintaining modest dress, but those coattails only drew more attention to his ass. Blitzø grit his teeth as he imagined how tight Mox's hole would be around his dick.

That got him thinking about how the difference in size between him and Moxxie measured up to the one between him and Harper. He unconsciously picked up the pace as he wondered if his own hole would be as tight around Harper's girth. Then he thought back to that absolute log wedged between his cheeks when he woke up. Could he ever hope to take something that big? Maybe he could. He'd feel so fucking full if it happened.

Blitzø's fantasy grew more elaborate as he recalled more from the morning. The scent of Harper's cologne from the night before had faded by that morning, and it was letting through just a hint of his heady, masculine scent by the time he'd woken up. The deep, rumbling purrs from the sleeping dragon made him imagine grunts of ecstasy as Harper pounded his little imp rear.

In what had to be a new personal record, Blitzø fell over the edge just minutes after he started. His back arched and he cried out. Three thin but forceful ribbons of cum briefly sparkled in the morning light as they arced over his desk to land on the floor in the middle of the room.

The imp sighed in relief, then checked the clock. Still plenty of time before M&M came in. Blitzø wiped himself off and tucked his member away. He even had time to wipe up the floor too before he unlocked his door. Well, at least the spots he could find. Fuck it, the building had a janitor.

When Millie and Moxxie punched in for the day, Blitzø was surprised to see Loona accompanying them as they filed into his office. "We need to talk," she said in a clipped tone. The two imps flanking her nodded in agreement.

"We need to talk, sir."

Harper looked up from his computer to see Drek standing at the door to his home office. He closed his Voxbook and set it aside. "Certainly," he said, "What needs to be discussed?"

Drek shuffled into the room and sat down at one of the chairs across from Harper. His efforts to keep eye contact were passable at best.

"Well?" asked Harper after a long silence.

Drek took a deep breath. "You've been seeing Mr. Blitzø on a fairly regular basis," he began. "The butler and just about everyone else in the household is speculating on just how close you and he have become. I was content to just think that you had become good friends. But after seeing both of you curled up together on the couch, I'm beginning to have my own doubts."

Harper folded his hands and rested his chin on his knuckles. "I see," he rumbled, "You question just how platonic our relationship is?"

The valet tensed, then silently nodded.

The dragon Overlord slowly got up. He appeared thoughtful. "Truth be told, Drek, I have been asking myself that same question. That night you left us in the entertainment room, I did not sleep well in the least. And this is the reason why."

He walked over to his fireplace and gazed into it, even though it was turned off. Drek stood up to stand beside him.

"I'm afraid for you, sir," Drek murmured. "I want you to be happy, and it's clear Blitzø has brought joy to your life. My own feelings about his character are irrelevant. What I am concerned about is his connection with Stolas."

The Overlord nodded solemnly. "And there lies the rub. I have already been working to subvert Stolas's control on I.M.P. Taking his lover from him would be an even greater blow." Harper turned and crouched down to eye level with his faithful servant. "It would be one thing if I was doing so to advance my business interests, but this is purely a personal pursuit. And every aspiring entrepreneur is warned against mixing business with pleasure."

Harper lowered his head while Drek tilted his. "So what will you do then, sir? You have feelings for Mr. Blitzø, right?" When Harper nodded he continued, "And you would like for him to be more than a friend?"

Suddenly, Harper's head snapped back up to lock eyes with Drek. "What would you do if you were in my position?"

Drek took a step back in alarm. "S-sir?"

"Think back to your own lovely wife. You've been together, what, thirty years now? If when you were first dating her you ran the risk of crossing someone more powerful than you, would you do it?"

The valet seemed to take offense to this. "Why of course!" he asserted, "I would stand up to Lucifer himself if it meant being able to see her again! She is of utmost importance to me."

Harper chuckled softly, then pulled the surprised imp into a soft hug. "Thank you, Drek," he said, "It is comforting to know that I have you to talk to when I need the courage."

He straightened back up and squared his shoulders. "Now, clear some time for me later this evening. I need to familiarize myself once again with the art of courtship. It is time that Blitzø and I make things official."

"O-of course, sir!" stammered Drek, "I will reschedule your five o'clock. Though I doubt Mr. Blitzø is fancy enough to require 'courtship' in the formal sense. I mean, given what he did last night-"

"What did he do?" Harper cut in, his head inclined.

Drek sighed. "Never mind. It doesn't matter. Let me know if you need anything."

Harper smiled, then moved to escort Drek out of his office. "I will. Now, to get back to my work." He paused, then turned back to the imp. "We are warned not to mix business with pleasure, but has that stopped me before?" he smirked playfully, then pushed the door closed.

"I have no clue what the fuck you losers are talking about!" Blitzø declared, before he flopped back into his seat. He and his most faithful employees were gathered in the conference room. Blitzø was seated with his arms crossed, while Millie, Moxxie, and Loona stood around him.

Moxxie pinched the bridge of his nose before trying again. "Okay, sir," he growled, "Let's go over it again, slowly this time." He thrust a claw at his boss. "You have been spending almost every day for the past two months with Lord Harper, and you won't tell us why. He not only turns up at the office from time to time, you regularly visit his estate."

"Well no shit, Sherlock," Blitzø retorted, "Harper works from home. That's where his office is! And the bastard has such a full schedule, he can't come over here whenever he needs to meet with me."

"But that's just it, sir!" Moxxie continued, "What does he need to meet with you so regularly for that can't be resolved over the phone?"

"Not to mention how you act when you come back from Harper's place," Millie added. "You're always so cheerful and relaxed."

"Oh, so good communication at work is a bad thing now?" Blitzø snapped, "And when did Lucifer decree that it was illegal to have a good day for once in my miserable life???"

"Sir," Moxxie said as he put his hands up, "We really think that there might be something going on here that falls outside the bounds of an appropriate work relationship."

"Not that you'd know what that even looked like," Loona snarked, not even looking up from her phone. That earned her a glare from Moxxie.

"Okay, okay, soooo we may have kinda sorta become friends," Blitzø finally admitted, "There. Ya happy? Can we take our first client yet?"

Loona suddenly slammed her hands down on the table and growled, making the three imps recoil. "Bullshit," she snarled, "I know you're a dumbass, but even you don't disappear for a whole night without telling me where you are. I didn't know if you'd even be here when I showed up!"

Blitzø waved his hands placatingly. "N-now Loonie, that was an honest mistake. I'm safe and in one piece. Nothing bad happened. I was just over at Harper's-"

"Of course you were!" exclaimed Moxxie. "You're how old again? Grown adults do not have sleepovers!"

Millie turned to her husband with a confused expression. "We don't?" she asked.

"Not helping, Millie!" said Moxxie through clenched teeth.

"Besides, you think you assholes are alone when Harper comes and visits the office?" Loona continued. "I'm watching when you see him out every time. You guys play tailsies with each other more than these freaks do!" she waved over at Millie and Moxxie, who quickly and self-consciously untangled their tails.

Even so, Millie's expression brightened. "Awwwww, that's so cute! Now that Loona mentions it, there was that one time last week when Harper was visiting. Saw you both going down the hall, tails coiled the whole way. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I do it all the time with Mox. Should've been obvious."

Moxxie loudly cleared his throat and gestured once more to Blitzø. "Sir," he said, "far be it from me to judge who you choose to get intimate with, but a FUCKING OVERLORD? Who is enemies with the PRINCE OF HELL BACKING OUR BUSINESS?!!"

"Everybody shut up!" hollered Blitzø. "Shut up! Just shut up. Shut up." He didn't seem to notice that the room had gone quiet for several seconds. "Thank you. Now, I am telling you this is a load of crap. I don't 'fall in love' with people, alright? So what if me and my buddy Harper get our tails tangled up sometimes? So what if I spend lots of time over at his place? And who cares if most of that time is spent walking with him in his gardens or watching movies? That's what friends do, right? I admit to that much!"

His golden eyes darted to each of his employees with a pleading expression. "Okay sure, so he held me during that one scene in Spirit. You know the one, right? And yeah, we did fall asleep together on the couch, and...and..." His expression turned blank. "And I jerked off to him this morning." He tapped his claws on the table in front of him. "That could be a problem."

Loona scoffed loudly. "Okay first of all, ew," she snapped, "Second of all, it's real fucking obvious to everybody but you that you're into Harper."

Millie squealed in delight. "You two are gonna be the prettiest pair!" she exclaimed, sparkles in her eyes. Beside her, Moxxie had his head buried in his hands.

"We're so fucked," groaned the neurotic imp, "We're absolutely, positively fucked if Stolas ever finds out."

Blitzø slammed his fists on the table. "Alright, here's the deal," he barked, "I'll admit it. I do have something of a teensy, itty-bitty little crush on our investor." He pinched his fingers together for emphasis as he glared to each of his employees in turn. "But not a word of this to anybody outside this office, got it? And especially not to Stolas. If the sole reason any of us can get to the Living World finds out I'm hanging out with - and interested in - his arch-nemesis, Moxxie's right (much as I hate to say that). We'll all be fucked, and not in the fun way!"

He then checked his watch. "The extra demons Harper sent over to help with accounting and legal will be here any minute. Let's get back to work and not talk about this again if we can help it." With his usual flourish, he stood up and swept out of the room.

Millie elbowed Moxxie in the ribs. "Isn't it exciting, Mox? Our boss is in love with someone other than us for a change!"

Moxxie only cast a dismayed expression over to his wife. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd really have preferred to have found him in bed with us again than this."

"That can be arranged!" called a voice from down the hall.

"SIR, I WAS NOT TALKING TO YOU!" screamed Moxxie.