Dancing With Fire - Chapter 13

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#13 of Dancing With Fire Act 1 - The Kindling Ignites

Loona was used to having shit days at work. Most days she worked at I.M.P. would qualify when she had to put up with rude customers, boredom, and the non-stop bickering between her adoptive father and that goofy little fucknut Moxxie. Until today, the worst day she'd ever had on the job had been the day that Harper loomed over her desk and scolded her for being rude to him over the phone. Though she would never admit it, she still had nightmares about that encounter.

Today, however, looked to be a major contender for the title of Shittiest Day Ever. Not only was Harper here, but Stolas had just walked in. Both were here to see Blitzø, and from the looks of it neither were too pleased to see each other. The Hellhound didn't dare say a word. All she could do was cower behind her desk and wait for the inevitable explosion that would gut this entire floor of the building.

To her surprise and relief, neither man moved to attack the other. Stolas's demeanor had grown quiet and stern. Harper was no longer acting like a nervous, lovesick whelp. The dragon had straightened up to his full height, and his wings opened to cast a shadow Loona was disturbingly familiar with. Even from a distance, she could feel the air heat up. It was kind of weird seeing Harper get into his element with a Prince of Hell, when just seconds earlier he was getting his panties in a twist over talking to her Dad. Even so, all she could do was watch the confrontation unfold.

"A pleasant surprise indeed," Harper said, "I trust you and yours have been well?" Friendly though his words were, his upright posture and tensed shoulders were decidedly less so.

Stolas gestured grandly with one spindly arm. "Well enough, thank you," he said, "And I hope the same goes for you as well." His piercing red eyes flicked to the dragon's outstretched wings. "I see your wings have healed nicely since our last, ah, engagement."

Harper glanced down at the raised lines and knots of scar tissue decorating his wings. "I would hope so," he replied with a confident smirk, "It's been a few decades at least. The rest of me's healed up and better than ever too."

"Good! Very good," Stolas hummed. The two demons remained rooted in place. For almost a minute they stared each other down. The tension in the air could be felt just as easily as the growing heat in the room. Loona's grip on the edge of the desk tightened as she waited for one or the other to say something.

"Tell me," Stolas finally continued, "What business do you have with I.M.P.?"

Harper cocked his head. "I came to speak to Mr. Blitzø regarding some opportunities for expansion. Unfortunately, it would seem I just missed him."

"Expansion?" Stolas asked, all four of his eyes widening.

The dragon chuckled and took a few more steps. From where Loona was crouching, it looked like the two men were beginning to circle, though neither seemed to be getting ready to rush the other.

"Don't act so surprised, Your Highness," Harper said, "Surely you must have noticed I.M.P.'s success these past few months? I doubt you wouldn't suspect Mr. Blitzø found an additional investor for his operation."

Stolas's eyes narrowed once more. "I see," he curtly said, "So you are the mystery investor propelling things forward."

Harper smiled warmly and spread his arms. "Guilty as charged!" he said.

The owl demon paced a few steps as he took in this new development. His gaze never left Harper's as he moved. Oh yeah, they were definitely circling. "I'm a bit confused, and perhaps you can help me," he said, "Why does Lord Harper, the Builder Baron and monopolist over every construction firm and raw material interest in Imp City and most of Pentagram City, want to invest in a small assassins' outfit?" Neither dragon nor Hellhound could miss the sharp note of bitterness in Stolas's voice as he described Harper's main line of work.

"It is nothing for you to worry about," Harper coolly replied. "These imps are of great use to me and my associates, and I am simply helping them reach their full potential." There was that smirk again. "Besides, in a free market economy, is it not the right of both me and Mr. Blitzø to engage in a mutually beneficial arrangement?"

There was a crackling sound in the air. It took a moment for Loona to realize just how tightly Stolas was clenching his fists, even as his face feigned disinterest. If Harper noticed, he didn't act like it. "I suppose you are right. There is no law governing who you can and cannot invest in," he admitted.

It was then that he noticed the bouquet of flowers clutched in Harper's tail. For all the heat the dragon was giving off, the flowers remained pristine. Now it was Stolas's turn to smile. "Oh my! What a lovely floral arrangement! You've always had excellent taste in flowers, Mr. Harper. A gift for your business partners, I presume?"

Harper seemed to swell with pride. "Why thank you, Your Highness! They were picked fresh from my garden. I'd been meaning to help freshen up the conference room, and a vase of flowers on a table can work wonders on employee morale."

"That it can, that it can," said Stolas as he folded his hands behind his back and strolled a little closer. His head tilted from one side to the other as he inspected the bouquet and vase. "Hmmmmm, that's strange," he mused, "If you intended to make this a centerpiece for the conference room, you certainly chose an odd message to send."

Harper ever so briefly fidgeted, but was swift to regain his composure. "I'm not sure what you mean?"

"Oh come now, good man. I know a romantic bouquet when I see one," Stolas said with a chuckle, "And this one has a lot to say. Let me see..." He reached out to point at each specimen in the arranged bundle. "Red tulips and white roses together. A confession of love and declaration of worthiness. I see a few daisies in there as well. Mixed with the roses, is that hope for a new beginning?"

Stolas studied the bouquet for a few moments more. Harper was doing his best to remain stoic, but even Loona could tell he was struggling. "And what's this I see under and around the flowers? Is that coriander? It seems to be telling the recipient they have hidden value."

"Alright, that's enough," Harper finally said. "You've caught me in the act. Yes, this is a romantic bouquet, and I stopped by I.M.P. to deliver it personally to the demon of my affections."

To Loona's surprise and growing horror, the dragon turned on his heel and marched right up to her desk. He placed the vase down in front of her and offered her an innocent smile. The flash of flame in his eyes warned her to go along with it. "Miss Loona, you are by far the most beautiful Hellhound I have ever laid eyes upon. It would be an honor if we could get to know each other as more than business associates."

Loona nervously got up, and shot a glance over Harper's shoulder to Stolas. The owl demon had crossed his arms and was watching skeptically. "O-oh!" the Hellhound stammered. "Mr. Harper, that's really, really..." she scrambled for the right word, "...poggers. FUCK!" She slapped her hand across her face as a blush lit up her cheeks. Nice going, genius.

Harper only laughed and reached across the desk to tousle Loona's hair. She growled and batted away his hand. "This is precisely why I'm so fond of you my dear," he said, "So spontaneous!"

"I see," Stolas flatly said. His arms were still folded, and he didn't look the least bit impressed. "Well, if Blitzø is out of the office, I suppose I will have to try his phone again, or drop by at a later date." He turned toward the door, then stopped. "Oh! I almost forgot."

With a wave of his hand, he conjured a thick, leather-bound tome seemingly from thin air. "I am finished using my grimoire for the month. Blitzø may have it back." He stepped around Harper to deliver the book to Loona. He shot a glance to the dragon as he continued, "After all, he cannot reach the Living World without it."

Loona snapped out of her embarrassment and accepted the grimoire from Stolas. "Thanks," she said, "I'll be sure to give this to Blitzø once he's back." Another white lie; he was right in the next room. But a little white lie wasn't going to incinerate her like a pissed-off draconic Overlord would.

"Very well!" Stolas said, before he turned with a flourish of his gaudy cape and strode back towards the exit. He stopped once more and turned around. His eyes seemed to bore right through the dragon. "And Harper," he said, "You would do well to remember that the best business is conducted over short dinners. Of course, I'm sure a man of your caliber hardly needs reminding."

"It is a lesson I've learned well over the past century and a half," Harper affirmed, his head high and chest out.

Stolas slowly nodded, and his gaze remained firm. "Good," he simply said, "In that case, I shall take my leave. Good day to both of you, and my sincerest congratulations." With that, the owl demon breezed through the door, and closed it perhaps a little too hard.

Once she was sure Stolas had gone, Loona released a breath that she didn't realize she was holding. The room was noticeably cooler, too. "You, uh, you think he bought it?" she asked.

Harper sighed and shook his head. "Not a chance. Prince Stolas is many things, but gullible is not one of them. Even if he had, I no doubt have his attention now. Things are going to be interesting moving forward."

A slow creak caused Harper and Loona to look behind them. A single yellow eye peaked out from the crack. "Is he gone?" Blitzø whispered.

A smile - genuine this time - easily came to Harper. "Yes, Blitzø. You can come out now."

"Oh thank fuck!" Blitzø said as he barged out into the lobby. "I always hate it when he drops by. Surprised it took you guys this long to run into each other." He rested his hand on the grimoire on Loona's desk. "Least he also gave the book back while he was at it."

Then the imp returned his attention to Harper. "Listen, uh, thanks for covering for me. And also for not burning the place down. Thought you and Stolas were gonna start kicking each other's asses."

Harper chuckled waved him off. "Perish the thought! His Highness and I know better than to start a vulgar brawl in someone else's workplace, as tempting though it might have been."

Blitzø laughed nervously, then looked over at the bouquet of flowers. "So, uh, you serious about dating Loonie? Because we're gonna have to have a man to man talk if you want to get anywhere near my daughter!"

The Overlord only laughed harder, then reached out to bop the imp on the nose with the tip of his finger. "Oh Blitzø, you never fail to amuse me. These flowers aren't for her." He picked the vase up in his tail again and moved it over to the imp. "These are for you!"

The imp stared wide-eyed at Harper. Occasionally his stare would switch to the flowers in front of him. He gingerly accepted the vase, and a few moments later his face lit up as it finally sank in. "Thanks!" he exclaimed, "You really shouldn't have! I mean, I didn't even get you anything. But I can get back to you on that! You like spiders, right?"

Harper put his hands up to stop Blitzø. "No spiders will be necessary, though I appreciate the offer. What I would like instead is for you to accompany me on a trip out to the countryside next Saturday. I have something special planned, just for you and me. We've done so much together as friends, and, well..." he shuffled nervously, "I would be honored if we could be more than that."

Loona rolled her eyes at the silence that followed. She could practically hear the wheels in Blitzø's head turning. "He's asking you on a date, dumbass," she finally said.

Blitzø jumped and looked between the Hellhound and the Overlord. "Wait, really? That's what this is all about. You want to go on a, a, a date with me?" He pointed to himself for emphasis.

Harper nodded, a hopeful grin on his face. "Precisely," he rumbled.

"Um, wow!" Blitzø murmured, "That...that sounds nice actually. Sure, we can give it a shot. We taking my van or your limo?"

"I will come pick you up at eleven," Harper said.

"Okay cool. Thanks Harper! I'll see you next Saturday."

Harper offered a full, toothy grin. His soft rumbles melted away into purrs. Loona huffed. It made her want to gag.

"I will see you then! For now, I shall let you get back to work." As he turned to leave, his tail curled to catch Blitzø's. They intertwined just as natural as could be before slipping apart. Blitzø held on tight to the vase of flowers as he watched the dragon duck out of the front door.

"Oh. My. God," Blitzø breathed, "OH MY GOD. Loonie did you see that??? I got a date with Harper!" he hopped up onto the desk and hugged the vase to his chest, legs kicking excitedly. "Can't believe he's got a crush on me too!" He stopped, then grinned. "Of course, who doesn't want a piece of this hot stuff?" he asked as he preened.

"Uh huh, that's cool," Loona droned. She had gone back to browsing on the computer with a scowl on her face, and she was pointedly not looking at the imp. She knew what this meant. He'd go off with Harper, and she'd come home to an empty apartment. Again.

The Hellhound barely noticed Millie and Moxxie creep out from their hiding place in the break room. She stewed and seethed even as Millie gushed and Moxxie worried over the news of Blitzø's date. None of it affected her. She didn't care. None of it mattered.

So why was she so upset?