Dancing With Fire - Chapter 17

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#17 of Dancing With Fire Act 1 - The Kindling Ignites

Blitzø and Harper resumed making out before they'd even gotten through the bedroom door. The imp's lips and tongue worked furiously against the dragon's own. His arms and legs were firmly latched around Harper's torso, and he shamelessly humped against his muscular frame. Occasionally, he'd bring his teeth into play. He had no fear of hurting the Overlord; he knew he couldn't even if he wanted to with that tough hide.

Harper, for his part, was a bit more careful. Whenever Blitzø came up for air, the draconic demon nibbled and nipped at his cheeks and neck, but never hard enough to break the skin. Blitzø found himself wanting Harper to draw a little blood, but that was something he could ask for later.

Once Harper was past the threshold, he kicked the bedroom door closed. Blitzø pulled away from his hungry mouth long enough to survey the room behind him, which he had only caught glimpses of before. Elegant, yet somewhat modest. That bed looked hella comfy though!

Blitzø turned back to Harper with a cheeky grin. "Thank Lucifer you didn't go all out putting fucking candles and rose petals all over the place. Else I'd have to kick your ass."

Harper purred in excitement and arousal. "Oh no, my dear. My tastes may be old-fashioned, but I know better than to take advice from tacky romance novels," he rumbled. "There will be no kicking of behinds tonight..." his large hands slid down Blitzø's back and cupped his lean, boyish rump. The imp gasped and arched his back to press his butt into the dragon's palms. His tail hiked up involuntarily and he groaned softly. "...but I can think of other things yours may experience," Harper finished with a growl.

Yes, yes, holy FUCK yes, Blitzø thought. After years of service topping a slutty, rock-bottom bitch of an owl demon, he was finally gonna experience things from the other side for the first time in longer than he could remember. All it took for him to know how much he missed it was having this big scaly stud carry him over to his bed.

Harper set Blitzø down on the side of the bed, then gave him one more kiss on the forehead. "Now then," he said, "Let's get a little more comfortable, shall we?" He hooked his arms under the simple cotton t-shirt he'd worn up to the roof and shucked it off in one fluid motion.

Blitzø felt his breath catch in his throat as the dragon finally bared himself to him. He'd gotten a glimpse that day Harper came out in his workout clothes, but now he could see everything. Those slabs of meat that made up his pecs and abs twitched slightly with his movements. Beads of sweat dusted the dragon's crimson belly scales, which were slightly brighter in color than the rest of his hide. Dark, almost-black nipples capped each of his bulging pecs, and jutted out like steel bolts. Large scars crisscrossed Harper's upper arms, chest, and belly. When he stretched his wings out, the scars marking them were even more apparent.

Taking this all in was almost too much for the imp, who was now fanning himself. He was all too aware of just how prominently his erection was straining at his shorts. Oh Goddammit, he scolded himself, Blitzø, don't you FUCKING dare cream your pants in front of Harper. You wanna fuck THIS up too?

His mental self-berating helped get him back from the edge. At least, it did until Harper slipped out of his lounge pants and boxer briefs. Blitzø's eyes practically bulged out of his head and his jaw dropped.

It was one thing to feel Harper's cock through his pants, but it was quite another to watch that pulsing manmeat spring out from under his waistband and slap against his abs (Oh Satan, he's got an eight-pack!). The Overlord crawled up onto the bed with Blitzø, who scooted back to give him room. The whole time, Harper's dick pointed accusingly at the imp. Veins bulged from just about every inch of that shaft.

The longer Blitzø stared, the more details stood out. Harper was uncut, for one. From his foreskin peeked a tapered, spade-like tip. A bead of pre already glistened on it. Blitzø had talked about it being as big as his arm, and now that didn't seem like too ridiculous an estimate.

"Now that I've shown you mine," Harper purred, "How about you show me yours, darling?"

Molten hot desire burned in Blitzø's gut and between his legs. He meekly nodded, his eyes still locked onto the monster between Harper's legs. When he felt the Overlord's claws snag the hem of his shirt, he lifted up his arms without protest. Blitzø let out a sigh as he felt the night air on his chest. Then he got thrown for a loop as Harper's hot breath descended on it.

Harper reached out and slowly traced his fingers along a particularly large white spot that stretched from Blitzø's belly up over one side of his chest. Though the imp's muscles were small, they were defined well enough. His practice as a gymnast as well as the parkour skills that came in handy in his line of work kept him slim and fit.

Just feeling Harper's gentle touch made Blitzø shudder. Goosebumps formed up and down his arms. Suddenly, he felt Harper brush over one of his erect nipples. "Ah~" he called out, eyes squeezed shut and tail tapping excitedly on the bedspread.

"Ohhhh, these are sensitive, are they?" Harper cooed. When Blitzø nodded, the dragon turned his attention to the other one. A lone, silvery ring piercing ran through it. "Hmm," he rumbled, before using a talon to lift the ring up. "I never would have taken you for getting your nipples pierced. Only one of them at that."

"Heh. Heh. I know right?" Blitzø panted. "I lost a bet a few years back. Just never got around to taking it out."

Harper smiled, which filled the imp with even more warmth than before. "Well I'm glad you did not," said the draconic Overlord, "It's very, what's the word? Ah yes, sophisticated."

Blitzø made as if to wave Harper off. He didn't maintain his composure for long when the dragon demon leaned down and flicked his fiendish forked tongue over the piercing.

"Fuuuuuuuuck," he said through clenched teeth. "Goddammit Harps, you're gonna make me cum right in my pants."

"Perhaps I want that?" Harper retorted with a playful smirk. That look made Blitzø blush and hide his face behind his hands. "You know, you're so adorable when you're flustered," Harper added.

"Shut up," Blitzø grumbled. Before he could say anything else, he felt the dragon's hands move to his legs. "The boots stay on during sex!" he reflexively declared. His resolved faltered when Harper locked eyes with him. "Uh, please?"

Harper chuckled and crawled over Blitzø to nuzzle his face. "As you wish," he said, then punctuated with a kiss to the cheek. The Overlord straightened up onto his knees and stroked his throbbing cock a few times. A hot dollop of precum flung from the tip and onto Blitzo's chest. "Now, take off those shorts and show me what I have to work with."

Blitzø whimpered, a combination of nervousness and eagerness. Normally taking his dick out was just part of daily life for him. That's why there was a three foot platinum cast of it back in his office. But in this moment, it felt really damn special - sacred even.

"H-haaa~" the imp moaned as he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and boxers and slid it down. His moan grew louder as he felt the open air embrace his painfully hard cock, which jutted out almost straight up, twitching impatiently and leaking pre like a faucet. It took all of Blitzø's will power to hold himself back from blowing his load right then and there.

"Nnngh, fuck, Harps," Blitzø panted, "Ya better be careful. I'm so fucking clooooohhhhhhh," his words melted into groans of delight as Harper's hot breath washed over his strained dick. His fingers gripped the bedspread beneath him while the heels of his cowboy boots scrabbled for purchase.

Harper pulled Blitzø's shorts down his legs and off his ankles, then nudged the imp's legs apart. He mercifully only teased Blitzø for a few seconds with his breath. Then, he planted a kiss on the underside of his length. Blitzø gasped and bucked his hips. A wad of precum smacked him right in the forehead. He opened his eyes just long enough to see the mischievous grin on Harper's face.

Before Blitzø could say anything, the dragon had opened his maw and coiled his tongue over and around his cock. "HOLY SHIT," he cried out. His back arched and he thrust forward.

To his surprise, he felt his entire length disappear into Harper's long, slender muzzle, and his balls almost slipped right in too. His member was now cocooned in hot, wet flesh as that binding tongue slithered and squeezed around its girth.

Panting, Blitzø gripped Harper's horns like a pair of handle bars and began to thrust up into that warm, inviting maw. Harper didn't seem to object, and gently bobbed his head to accommodate the imp's fevered pumping. The dexterity of that unholy tongue made it felt like a blowjob and a handjob combined!

It was unsurprising that Blitzø wasn't able to hold out for long. "God, fuck. Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!!!" he yelled. His wiry body tensed, and he hilted himself in Harper's mouth. His cock jerked as it unloaded three full ropes of cum followed by a smattering of smaller ones. Blitzø could feel the soft flesh inside the dragon's maw shift as he swallowed without hesitation. With his grip on Harper's horns lost, Blitzø resorted to grabbing a handful of the Overlord's slick, gelled black hair. Harper'd probably have to comb it again, but who gave a shit right now?

Almost immediately, Blitzø fell limp on the bed. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst out of his chest like that alien thing he saw in that movie one time. Sweat ran off his body to soak into the bedspread below. "Hff...hfff...ha...Harper..." he panted, "Fucking...Christ on a stick. I can't remember the last time I came that hard."

For a moment, Blitzø thought he might pass out from the intensity of the blowjob he'd just gotten. He was able to shake the lead out just as a shadow fell over him. He looked up to find Harper looming over him on all fours. The dragon's massive member came to rest on the imp's tummy.

"While we wait for you to be ready to go again," he said, "Why don't you take the time to get acquainted with this?" He rolled his hips to grind his red hot shaft against Blitzø.

Blitzø wasted no time closing his hands around Harper's girth. It was hard, but there was just enough natural give in it to prove it was made of flesh and not iron. The Overlord sat back up on his knees so that the imp could sit up. Panting excitedly, Blitzø began running his hands all over the giant length. It had to be at least over a foot, but not quite two feet. It was a good few inches across too. He watched pre bubble from the tapered tip for a few moments before leaning in to lap at the slit from which it came. This extracted a rumble of approval from the dragon demon, which made Blitzø's heart flutter. Seriously, he should get that checked out. Millie could be wrong, after all.

Even if he wasn't out of practice with sucking dick, there was no way he could hope to fit Harper's full length down his throat, but he slid the head and the first couple inches inside. He'd learned a thing or two with his tongue, and he put it to good use. One hand kept jerking the dragon's shaft, while the other reached down to fondle each of his balls in turn. Like Harper's cock, they were big and heavy. Blitzø couldn't fit more than one at a time in the palm of his hand!

The imp took the head of the dragon's dick out of his mouth and set to licking along his shaft. He worked his way down to join his hands on Harper's scaly nutsack. His lips curled around as much of one as he could. His sharp yellow teeth lightly pricked at the stretchy hide. All the while Harper encouraged him with pleasured grunts and purrs.

It didn't take long before Blitzø was hard and ready to go again. He pulled away from Harper's member to glance down at his own, which was once again throbbing straight up.

The Overlord got Blitzø's attention by sliding his blade-like tailtip under his chin and tipping his head back up to meet his fiery eyes. "Now," said Harper, "shall we continue to the main event?"

"Sure!" panted the imp, "Wait, you got lube, right?"

Harper rolled off the bed to reach for his nightstand. From within the drawer he produced a small plastic bottle. "Right here," he said, "I always keep some in reserve, just in case."

Blitzø had already gotten on all fours on the bed while Harper was fetching the lube. His tail had curled to one side, and his slender rump wagged back and forth. He was blushing so hard his face felt like he'd shoved it into a pile of brimstone.

As Harper returned and began applying a dollop of lube to his fingertips, apprehension bubbled up in Blitzø's gut. "Just a heads-up," he said, "it's been awhile since I've played catcher, and I don't think I've ever taken someone as big as you."

The Overlord tilted his head. "I presumed that would be the case. You don't need to receive if you are not comfortable doing so. Would you prefer to give instead?"

"No! No no no," Blitzø quickly said, "I wanna bottom. It's just been so fucking long since I've done this. Birdbrain only ever wants me to top."

Harper nodded in understanding, then began to slather the clear, viscous substance over his length. Once it was thoroughly coated, he applied more to his fingers and got onto the bed.

Blitzø gripped the bedspread in his claws as his tail hiked back further. He gasped when he felt his lover's cold, lube-covered fingertips slide between his lean asscheeks and trace around his neglected pucker. Breathing through his nose and biting his lip, he reached out to grab one of the pillows and drop his head onto it. "Ohhhh yeah," he groaned as Harper began to probe at his tailhole, "Yeah right there. Haven't felt this since, FUCK!" he suddenly cried out when Harper's fingertip slid inside of him with a wet *pop*.

For a moment, Blitzø could only hear his own excited panting. His cock was throbbing so hard he could see his pulse in it. "Hey Harps? You still there?" he asked.

"Oh good. At first I was worried I may have hurt you," the dragon demon finally said. He slowly pushed his finger in to the first knuckle, then hooked it in search of the imp's prostate.

"Nah you're good, it just - ahhh~ - surprised me a little is all," Blitzø said between groans. He tried to think back to the last time he'd had someone inside of him. Sure, he'd sometimes cram something phallic up there, but he hadn't done that in a few months. Plus, it felt so much different when someone else was doing it.

Harper tested Blitzø's depth for a few more seconds before he was satisfied he could work with it. He slipped his finger out and rather uncouthly wiped his fingers off on his thigh. Then he got into position behind Blitzø. The imp's pulse quickened when he felt the heat and weight of the dragon's dick come to rest on the small of his back.

"Very well," purred Harper, "If you know you are ready, we can begin. I will go nice and slow. If at any point you need me to stop, do not be afraid to tell me."

Blitzø took a deep breath, then nodded resolutely. "I'm ready," he said. With his head on the pillow, he turned to look over his shoulder at Harper as he lined his dick up with his tailhole. It vaguely occurred to him that he probably looked ridiculous with his head down and ass pointed straight up, but somehow that was turning him on even more.

Harper's hands gently cupped Blitzø's asscheeks and spread them, and his glans dug into the imp's hole. Blitzø sucked in a breath of anticipation, and did his best to relax as much as possible.

The Overlord pushed forward firmly, but slowly. The pressure on Blitzø's ass steadily built, until the tapered tip of his cock popped in. Blitzø gasped and moaned in delight. He had to fight the urge to clench down on the intruder at his back door. He was probably tight enough for Harper as it was. Ever so slowly, the dragon shifted forward one inch at a time. All the while, the imp he was slowly splitting keened in pleasure.

"Fuuuuuuck...Oh God. Yessssss," Blitzø hissed. By the time Harper bottomed out inside of him, he had taken maybe a third of the Overlord's length at most. But he felt so incredibly full. It hurt like a motherfucker, but it was a good kind of pain.

"Are you doing alright?" Harper asked.

"Hfff...hffff...fucking peachy, Harps," Blitzø panted, "Try thrusting a bit. I'm already close again."

The Overlord's lustful growl was low and guttural, and it made Blitzø shiver with anticipation. The imp's tail coiled its way around the dragon's chest in a feeble attempt to pull him closer.

With his hands on Blitzø's hips, Harper gently pulled back until he had almost extracted himself from the imp's tight hole. Then, he rolled his own hips forward. Slow and steady, he slid in and out of that hot, tight little passage.

Blitzø bit down on the pillow and grunted in a mix of pain and pleasure. He was being stretched further than he'd been in a very long time. He'd have to work on that. One day he wanted to feel what it was like to have Harper balls deep inside of him.

With a firm, steady pressure kept on his prostate, Blitzø had no hope of lasting very long. He groaned and huffed with each thrust from behind. His cock twitched and drooled onto the bedspread.

"God, fuckin...Harper...keep going...keep, ahhhhhhn~" the sound he made as he fell over the edge for a second time was downright girly. From the way Harper's cock throbbed inside of him, it felt like the Overlord enjoyed that noise. Blitzø was only vaguely aware of the sound of his cum splattering onto the bed. It was definitely smaller than his first one, but still bigger than the loads he usually shot off by himself.

The imp relished the post-orgasmic hypersensitivity of the next few minutes as Harper worked to finish himself off. He felt the draconic demon pick up the pace, and the room began to heat up. "Oh fuck...yes...more...gimme more!" Blitzø exclaimed. He started to push back into Harper's thrusts. Sharp pain pooled in his belly as his insides protested, but Blitzø wanted to feel all of him.

Harper's grunts became louder and deeper. He was getting close. "Fuck yeah, babe," Blitzø panted, "Cum in me. I wanna feel it!"

The Overlord was all too happy to oblige. His grip tightened and he let out a reptilian hiss as he came. Rope after rope of searing hot dragon cum flooded up Blitzø's ass. The imp sighed as his insides were warmed by the thick seed now filling them.

After several seconds, Harper slowly pulled out. One last streamer of fertile white spunk plastered Blitzø's back. The imp blinked and looked over his shoulder again. Harper's cock didn't show any signs of flagging. But Harper didn't push back in for another round. Instead, he was crawling up to lay down beside Blitzø.

"Hey," Blitzø protested, shaking his rump for emphasis, "You're still hard. C'mon, don't you wanna go again?" When Harper didn't answer, Blitzø huffed in frustration. "C'mon, Harps, let's go again! I want more. Fucking asshole, what's wrong with you? Don't you wanna-?" His voice cracked. Why was it so hard to see all of a sudden?

"Shhhh," Harper soothed. He reached out to cup Blitzø's face. His thumbs brushed away the tears streaming down the imp's cheeks. Oh fuck, when had he started crying?

"Never mind me," said the Overlord, "I believe you've had enough excitement for one night. First times can be overwhelming, a little frightening even."

Blitzø sniffled. "Th-the fuck you talking about?" Goddammit, the waterworks were ramping up and he felt absolutely humiliated for it. So many new feelings were roiling inside of him and he couldn't make heads or tails of any of it.

When Harper pulled Blitzø onto his side and into a tender hug, the dam finally burst. For the next several minutes, the imp sobbed into the dragon's chest. Through it all, the Overlord purred and rumbled, and gently rubbed Blitzø's back as he let it all out. But there was no pain or sadness in his tears, which only frustrated and scared him even more.

Once he had finally calmed down enough to speak, he let out a timid chuckle. "Heh, suppose I should actually start taking my therapist's advice seriously now, huh?"

Harper only smiled and kissed Blitzø on the forehead. "Perhaps, but there's nothing to be ashamed of. I had a wonderful evening with you, and I couldn't be happier."

"Me...me neither," Blitzø agreed. He really wanted to go again, but his eyelids were so heavy, and his body had about as much strength as a bunch of wet noodles.

Suddenly, he felt himself floating. Harper had picked him up and taken him off the bed. "Come along now," he purred, "Let's get ourselves cleaned up. Then we can pull the bedspread off and get under the sheets. Something tells me we are going to sleep very well tonight."

Blitzø barely heard him, as he was already drifting off. As sleep overtook him, he was surrounded by the warmth of his Overlord boyfriend's arms, the smell of sex, and that bright burning sensation in his heart that was so alien to him:
