Coiling Curiosity

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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As Jello is cleaning his partner's bedroom he happens upon some semi-hidden research material, and the gel lizard is more than eager to help him get some more in-depth learning.

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It was the middle of the day and most of the people were at work or in the bustling city, but that wasn't the case for a gelatinous green alien lizard who laid on the couch. Jello normally waited patiently for his lover but today had been quite restless, opting instead to go through the orange-scaled dragon's apartment to help with the cleaning and other chores. While YongSeop didn't ask him to do such things his energy levels were through the roof and he needed to do something other than sit in the mirror and wait for him to return. He had already gotten through with the kitchen and living room, making sure to keep the blinds closed to prevent the wary eyes of neighbors looking at him, and had just moved on to the dragon's bedroom in order to clean there.

As soon as Jello walked in he could see there wouldn't be much for him to do since the dragon kept his space quite clean. There were still a few things that he could do though and that involved cleaning a few areas that he was sure that YongSeop probably didn't touch in a long time. That involved cleaning out the back shelves of the closet and as he did he noticed that there was a lot of new stuff there that he hadn't noticed before. Since he wasn't with the dragon all the time he didn't even know that these items, and when he sprawled them out on the bed he saw that all the magazines, books, and movies had a particular theme to them.

Nagas... they were quite the exotic creatures, and as he flipped through the magazines he saw that while quite a few of the periodicals were educational in nature there were quite a few that were very racy in nature. One of them even featured a few pages on the mating habits of the snake-like creatures that Jello turned the magazine in order to see the centerfold. "Oh my YongSeop," Jello said as he let out a little whistle. "You've gained quite the interest, I wonder why you haven't decided to share this with me yet... no matter, I think it's time to let the snake out of the bag..."

A few hours later YongSeop arrived home, letting out a small sigh to let out the stress of a particularly long day of work. It was the last day before the weekend and as such it had gotten quite busy with people trying to get things done before they have to wait until Monday. As he pulled his coat off of his muscular frame he was relieved that it was over and that he would get to spend the weekend with his symbiote. Once he had gotten off his tie and shoes as well he looked around and was slightly surprised to find that Jello wasn't there waiting for him like he usually was.

"Hey Jello, I'm home!" YongSeop said as he went into the bathroom in order to see if Jello was in there, only to find the gel lizard wasn't there. "Huh... where did you wander off too..."

Just as he was about to go back into the living room he suddenly heard something come from the direction of his bedroom, a low hissing noise that sounded surprisingly like some sort of snake. The dragon carefully made his way over towards the doorframe before turning the corner and peeking in. At first he didn't see anything but as he continued to look around he finally saw Jello come up from behind his bed. Before he could say anything though YongSeop saw something that was... different about his symbiotic companion, the gel lizard's face framed by a semi-translucent green hood that framed his serpentine face.

"It's about time you got back," Jello said with a grin as he slithered over towards him, YongSeop's jaw dropping when he saw the rest of the gel creature's new form. While his upper body had remained mostly the same the alien lizard had morphed his legs together to form a serpentine lower body, growing out the coils until he had enough to do what he wanted to do. "I see you notice something different for me."

"You could... certainly say that," YongSeop replied as he swallowed hard, shivering slightly when he felt the new goo naga begin to undress him. "What, uh, what prompted this sudden change in form?"

"I think you know exactly where this came from," Jello replied with a sly grin as he leaned in and pressed his hands against the bare scales of the dragon's chest he had revealed. "If you wanted to know all about nagas you should have just told me, I could make your wishes come true. Let's start with something simple for now though, why don't we get you undressed the rest of the way and I can show you what this body can do."

YongSeop found himself nodding as he helped Jello with the removal of his suit, watching Jello's body with equal parts eagerness and curiosity. It was clear the symbiote had found his stash and he was surprised with how the alien creature wanted to take it, and from the grin he saw on the serpentine snout of the other male he was just as interested in testing out this new form. Whatever Jello had planned for him he knew that he was in for a treat as they finished getting him undressed. As he stood there completely naked it was clear that the rubbing of the other creature's hands on his muscular chest had already got him started, the maleness nestled between his legs already twitching as it started to grow aroused.

Before the dragon could say anything however he suddenly found himself pushed on his back, his body bouncing on the bed before Jello slid himself on top of him. Their muzzles ended up pressed together in a deep kiss and YongSeop shivered as he felt the forked tongue of the naga slide into his own. It tickled the back of his mouth and caused a shiver to go down his spine, but as the two continued to make out his focus started to turn more towards the gooey lower body that had started to coil around him. At first the dragon thought that he was just being adjusted so that the gel naga could be around him easier but as their ministrations became more passionate in nature he could feel the tip of the symbiote's tail slide past the scales of his back.

When the two broke the kiss YongSeop tried to ask what Jello was planning only to get a finger on his muzzle and Jello shushing him as he continued to move. The dragon felt his lower hips and back arch upwards as the serpent body pushed completely under him, only to feel it loop around and slide over his abs. As the gel naga continued to coil his body around him he began to feel a gentle squeezing pressure come from it, and the more he was wrapped around the more intense it got. It was hard to believe that the gel creature could exert himself in such a way but it wasn't long before he felt his arms get pinned to his sides and his legs locked together as Jello hovered over him with a big grin on his face.

Jello managed to stretch himself so that he got quite a few coils over the dragon, YongSeop blushing as he felt most of his body get encased in the gel while the naga continued to smile at him. While it wasn't unusual for the symbiote to completely engulf him, their time together started with him becoming a rubber suit he wore, this was an entirely different sensation all together. He could feel his heart pumping as the naga continued to slither his body around and it wasn't long until he felt something pressing against his own rapidly hardening member. After a bit of maneuvering their cocks were suddenly pressed together and YongSeop let out a moan when he felt both of them slip between the space of two coils.

"How are you enjoying your lesson on nagas?" Jello teased as he could feel the dragon in his clutches shiver as their sensitive members rubbed together. "I'm sure you don't just want to be embraced by one to feel the coil pressure, is there anything that you want to experience with your own personal scaly servant?"

YongSeop took a moment to think about that, though it was hard to keep a thought in his head with the pleasure that was coming from the gel coils that were sliding over their cocks. "I know that you're quite the devious creature," YongSeop said with a grin. "So I'm sure that you have some plans in that head of yours so go ahead and do your worst, I want to experience everything."

The smile on Jello's muzzle increased before he leaned in and gave him a kiss, once more flicking his gooey tongue within while still squeezing their cocks together. YongSeop continued to remain in his position as the naga adjusted his position over the dragon's body. It was hard for YongSeop to keep track of where the symbiote went with everything slithering around him and with the synthetic scales rubbing against his own it caused his body to shudder in pure pleasure. His back arched and he found himself wiggling within in the bindings of the other creature's form as Jello teased and squeezed him.

As the dragon found himself panting the sensations lessoned and he was able to move a little more, and when he looked down he saw that Jello had maneuvered himself from his head to his feet. The symbiote looked up at him with that smirk still plastered on his face as he began to lick that tongue between his scaly toes. At first he thought that he was going to just continue to use the forked appendage to tickle him or something, but to his surprise he began to engulf his clawed toes in his muzzle. Even though he was a gel creature and capable of limitless stretching his serpentine snout still looked almost comical as he felt the inner walls squeeze against his feet.

YongSeop moaned as the gel naga started to move up his legs, binding them together just like his coils had but much more effectively. While the symbiote and dragon had bonded before and he had experienced the gel creature completely enveloping him this was definitely something new. Jello had definitely done his research, and though normally this would be a concerning thing the fact that he was an alien creature meant that this was going to be a pleasurable experience. It was still slightly unnerving to watch the naga slowly start to slide up his legs in order to essentially eat him.

The coils of the goo naga continued to slide from his lower body, which continued to slide around his completely hard member even as it shifted to press against his abs. His arms were still completely pinned to his sides and with his muscular legs stretching out the throat of the creature beneath him all YongSeop could do was wiggle and groan from being stimulated. There was something rather enticing about being regarded as prey; it was something with his strong physique and confident demeanor he didn't find himself in a position in, though Jello had managed to put him in such a place before. By the time the symbiote had gotten past his knees and started slinking up his thighs YongSeop could feel the synthetic muscles of the other man squeeze his calves.

"Oh Jello," YongSeop said with a sigh of pleasure, once more arching his back as the symbiote got up to his groin and teased his thighs with his tongue. "I should have let you in on this earlier, didn't think you would be so into it."

Though Jello couldn't respond the dragon was sure that he would respond with something witty like he was about to be in him instead, but all that was pushed to the back of his mind as the forked tongue coiled around his cock. With the naga's lips wrapped around his scaly hips and two of the naga's coils still keeping his arms pinned to his sides all he could do was thrust his hips up into the air. The pleasure was growing more intense by the second and as Jello drew around the dragon's groin it was shifted back and forth against his gooey insides. It caused YongSeop to gasp loudly and he looked down to watch as he saw his waist disappear inside of the naga while still able to see the outline of his member within the other male.

Once Jello had gotten to the other side of his hips it became easier for him to slither up the dragon's body in the mock consumption just like a real naga would. Once he had gotten his mouth past where the wrists had been he no longer needed to keep his arms against his sides, not only to aid in sliding him down but also to keep him bound. He still had the tail end of his serpentine lower body around the neck of the dragon, pulling him gently back to keep him straight as well as keep some manner of coiling around him. By this point the legs of the dragon were already past the midsection and he could feel his throat muscles against his calves.

With his arms still pinned against his sides there was no way that YongSeop could stop the snake creature from continuing to travel up his body. When those soft lips pressed against his pectorals it caused a shiver to go down his spine to see those eyes creeping up on him, feeling his body get lifted up into the air with surprising strength. Even though it wasn't real in the slightest the sensation caused YongSeop's heart to race and once Jello had gotten past his shoulders his muzzle quickly restricted back to almost normal. Despite his mouth being full he still managed to let out a hiss as the naga stretched his body out and the dragon felt his own move with it while he was becoming completely encased.

The pleasure of the rest of his body including his cock sliding against the inner walls of the naga was too much and he orgasmed, Jello absorbing his seed while continuing to slide YongSeop down inside of him. When it was just his head that remained the dragon could feel tendrils shift him around so that he could envelop his muzzle last while heading towards his mirror. YongSeop couldn't do anything but stretch out the body of the gel creature while he was being moved and when he saw their reflection he was surprised. He was almost completely inside of the naga and his body bulged with the additional mass of the dragon inside of him which he could see in the semi-translucent substance, though as YongSeop continued to watch he not only felt himself get drawn downwards into the naga's gullet but Jello's skin start to turn opaque.

"You're not going to get the full experience if you can see through me," Jello said as YongSeop's vision became only the increasingly rubberized maw he was sliding down. "Don't worry, this is all a set-up for the next part, so just go ahead and enjoy yourself. I know I will."

All YongSeop could do was let out a yelp as the mouth of the naga closed, putting him in complete darkness as his body was drawn in even further. As his feet curled around while he was drawn into the stomach of the bigger male he wondered what he could possibly look like stretching out Jello's stomach. He remembered seeing certain pictures where it came to nagas that had eaten particularly large meals and how much their stomachs distended. He imagined his entire body as a dragon shaped outline and it caused him to squirm even more just from the thought of it.

His stint within the stomach of the now rubbery naga wasn't going to be for long though as more tendrils started to shift him around. Instead of being curled up in a ball YongSeop felt his arms get stretched out for the first time since he had started interacting with the naga. At first he thought that perhaps Jello was just going to spit him back out so they could continue their fun, but as he felt his arms continue to stretch he realized they were nearly parallel to his chest after a bit. Since it would have stretched out the symbiote's sides normally he could only imagine one place where they would be going. That idea was confirmed when he could feel his fingers move again, except it wasn't him that moved the digits as the rest of his body was pulled up too.

Instead of going back up through the throat of the symbiote YongSeop felt his muzzle get pushed up into Jello's, the rubber forming a sleeve around him much like when he would wear him like a suit. This had a far different effect though as he could feel his legs slide downwards while still remaining sandwiched together. "You didn't think that I would just let you go that easily," Jello said as YongSeop could see himself through the eyes of the symbiote, his naga form a sleek shiny black with green stomach. "Perhaps the two of use should some time coiled up like this, I'm sure you don't mind hanging around inside of me for a while."

YongSeop tried to respond but like before Jello had taken control of their bodies as he felt Jello slither his way out of the bedroom and back into the living room. The difference in locomotion was astounding and even with him still being able to feel his legs as separate the dragon could also sense how every muscle in the naga's body move. The symbiote decided to let YongSeop rest and marinate in the pleasure that came from his body squeezing around him, keeping his host in a constant state of bliss while also getting a little stimulation for himself. Whenever he felt the one inside of him start to relax a little too much he took his rubbery hand and stroked his cock, which in turned stroked the dragon's that was sheathed within it.

When Jello had finished preparing everything he decided that it was time to let his host go, though all the time that he had the dragon inside of him gave the symbiote an idea. The rubberized naga decided that it was time for YongSeop to fully embrace the serpentine nature he wanted to be a part of. He slithered back over towards the bed and slid onto the covers, than began to concentrate.

Inside the rubbery skin of the naga YongSeop began to feel Jello tightening around him, the rubber shifting about to make it press against his muzzle. He found himself glancing over at the mirror when he had managed to regain control of his head and saw the serpentine snout had started to adopt a few of his features as well. The dragon could feel more control being regained to his head by the second and when he stretched out his jaw he could feel rubber fangs peeking out past his lips. YongSeop panted as the rubber swirled around him and tightened around his muscles even more while the tip of his tail began to swell.

YongSeop turned around behind him and watched as another head began to form out of the rubber, a snake head similar to his own new visage morphing and warping while the dragon saw it look back at him with a smirk. "How are you feeling there big guy?" Jello said as the rubber underneath the neck that had formed swelled and became a pair of shoulders. "Enjoying having control of that new body of yours?"

"Is that what you're planning," YongSeop stated as he saw the green rubber of his underbelly began to turn orange while the neon coloration shifted to form where Jello was gaining a set of pectorals and washboard abs just like his own. "I was wondering what was happening when you started giving me back control. We going to be conjoined like this for very long?"

"Shouldn't take too long," Jello replied as he flexed his new fingers, doubling back in order to wrap his fully-formed arms around the orange and black rubber torso of he transformed dragon. "Wouldn't want our dinner to get cold, plus we have to have you explore that new body of yours."

The sound of their bodies pressing together filled the room as the two nagas continued to remain bound to one another by their shared lower body, the tube of rubbery serpentine flesh still connected even as they started to grow further apart. As YongSeop and Jello continued to rub against each other and began to kiss they felt their form continue to stretch until the middle of their body began to thin out. The two let out a shared gasp as one rubber naga turned to two, breaking apart to form their respective tailtips. The second that they were separated completely YongSeop felt the entirety of his body return back to his control, and though he had been inside of Jello's body for quite some time it was still felt unusual as he got up.

After taking a second for YongSeop to get used to feeling a serpent body instead of his legs Jello helped him slither back towards the kitchen. The food and drink that the symbiote had prepared while keeping the dragon stimulated was quickly consumed, both creatures having worked up an appetite during their time together. "I have to say that this was not what I was expecting when I came home tonight," YongSeop said as they finished up, feeling Jello reach under the table with his snake body since neither of the two were able to use their chairs. "Here I was just content to study up on nagas, you definitely knew how to take it one step further."

"If we had the ability to take steps," Jello replied with a grin. "But I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself, next time you have an interest in something like this you really should tell me. That way we can do something like this more often... and speaking of such things why don't we retire to the living room and have ourselves a little cuddle?"

When they got to the living room YongSeop was about to take a seat when he felt his synthetic serpentine body kink back on itself. It caused the dragon to chuckle sheepishly and the two of them both moved the chair out of the center of the room so that they could coil up against one another. Their orange and green stomachs shifted over one another as well as the black latex scales of their bodies. With the increased flexibility gained by his transformed bodies they were able to wrap their coils around one another many times until they looked more like a rubber cinnamon twist while they enjoyed the feeling of their rubber bodies against one another.

YongSeop was able to use the body Jello gave him in order to squeeze the symbiote this time, using his coils to massage the other naga. He was in pure heaven; not only from the new form that he had been secretly studying for so long but also because of the added rubber component that came with it. Jello knew exactly how to make him enjoy their time together while giving new aspects to his hobbies. Ever since that day that he had met the gel lizard in his mirror his life had definitely been for the better and decided it was time to return the favor of showing him such a good time.

Jello let out a quick yelp of surprise when YongSeop curled back around and once more kissed him, using the forked tongue that he had in order to tease the inside of the symbiote's mouth. With his own naga form he began to do the same things that the symbiote had done to him, including taking Jello's cock and pressing it against his own. With their bodies so limber YongSeop was able to wrap himself around and lick against the bright green latex member that caused him to shudder. He could feel the muscles of the other naga tense in pleasure which caused the coils to tighten around them.

As he started to take his serpentine snout and put it against the tip of the member YongSeop's eyes widened slightly as he felt a similar sensation happening around his own orange rubber cock. He tilted his head to the side and could see that Jello was not one to be outdone as he twisted himself around to nuzzle against the sensitive flesh. With the two of them able to coil around one another their arms were able to wrap around the bodies of one another while pleasuring one another. YongSeop slid his own mouth down while Jello did the same with his.

Soon the two of them were sucking one another off and YongSeop could only imagine what their bodies looked like undulating around one another while they pleasured one another. With the green and orange being the only thing that distinguished them from one another it probably looked like a shiny pile of tubes that were wiggling on the floor, though all he could think about was the pleasure that was coming from his own groin. His coils were shifting upwards and had practically gotten the entirety of his cock down the symbiote's throat, feeling the latex gullet squeeze around the thick shaft while he did the same. This was something that he had only heard in passing when it came to his research and YongSeop was more then happy to experience the mating habit firsthand.

There was also one more aspect of nagas that YongSeop was keen to experience, which was the fact that when such creatures did copulate they often did so in a slow and patient manner. While they weren't actually nagas, the symbiote mimicking both their bodies to be such, it seemed that such instincts came with the body as they continued to suck on one another for quite some time. Since it was the start of the weekend there was nothing that YongSeop needed to do except continue to enjoy the embrace of his symbiote and the body given to him. Eventually though the two of them had to stop what they were doing and take a break, which was after the two had reached orgasm several times.

YongSeop huffed loudly through his nostrils as Jello pulled off of his latex cock with a loud pop. "Now that was a lot of fun," Jello said with a smirk as YongSeop let go of the one in his maw as well, though he still gave it a flick of his forked tongue before he did. "But all good things must come to an end."

It wasn't quite clear to YongSeop what Jello meant by this, at least until he felt the rubber of his body start to melt off of him. The symbiote was also starting to look less glossy by the second as the green coloration of his body seeped into the black latex. The dragon began to stand himself up as he saw his legs reemerge from the deflating serpentine body that had encompassed his legs, feeling the goo slide off and reveal the orange scales underneath. It wasn't long before he was laying naked on his back in the middle of his living room with the goo lizard right next to him.

"Sorry about running out of power like that," Jello said as he slowly got up to his feet. "Looks like transforming two creatures into nagas is something that I'm going to have to get used to in the future. Unless of course you've found that your desire to study nagas has been satiated by our little lesson."

YongSeop chuckled slightly as he went over to where the chair had been pushed hastily aside and began to move it back towards the center of the room before sitting in it. "There is still so much that I would like to learn," YongSeop said. "So if you're willing to keep on practicing I'm more than willing to find out more on nagas."

Jello nodded in approval and smiled as he settled into the lap of the dragon, his own body back to normal as well. Even though both creatures had turned back to their old forms the feeling of being nagas continued to the point where they flicked their tongues into one another's muzzles. As they settled in for the night YongSeop turned on the television and looked through the channels until he found a documentary on nagas that caused him to stop. It was something that both of them were suddenly very interested in watching, especially Jello. The symbiote needed to take notes after all if he was going to improve his form for next time...

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