Hotdog Challenge

Story by Loko_K_O on SoFurry

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#12 of Quick Fetish Blurbs (series)

They said it couldn't be possible, but as a rumbling belch echoed through the room, the looming figure of an overstuffed pig seemed to prove it. The "100 hotdogs for 10 friends" challenge quickly turned into 283 for one hog. Licking their lips, they prepared to shoot for 300.

The Fat Hat Poem

There once was a man named Matt He owned a beautiful hat But on a night late He ate and he ate Now he's too fat for his hat

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Gaming Seat

You don't remember how long you've been trapped under these cheeks, that musky tailhole bearing down on you with passive demand to be pleased. You hear a muffled shout. "Damnit!" They cry, as the sound of a lost game match rings out. They shift...

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Fit Feeding Fat

Stuffed, heavy, panting; your mouth sore from all the food you've chewed in the past hour alone. You feel the gentle paw of your muscular tiger running over your dangerously stuffed gut. "Come on now, just a few more packs, you're almost...

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